Of 1995, from april these words by president bill clinton. His first comments about the bombing. [video clip] citye bombing in oklahoma was an attack on innocent children and defenseless citizens. Andas an act of cowardice it was evil. States will not tolerate it. I will not allow the people of this country to be intimidated by evil cowards. With our team, which we assembled to deal with this bombing, and i have determined to take the following steps to ensure the strongest response to this situation. First, i have deployed a Crisis Management team under the leadership of the fbi working with the department of justice, the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms, military and local authorities. We are sending the finest to solve these murders. Second, i have declared an emergency in Oklahoma City and at my direction, the director of the federal Emergency Management agency, is now on his way there to make sure we do everything we can to help the people of oklahoma deal the tragedy. Third, we are taking every precaution to reassure and protect people who work in, or live near, other federal facilities. Let there be no room for doubt the people who did this. Justice will be certain and severe. These people are killers and must be treated like killers. Finally, i ask all americans tonight to praise. Pray. Pray for the people who have lost their lives. Pray for the families of the wounded. Pray for the people of Oklahoma City. May gods grace be with them. Meanwhile, we will be about our really dating back to 1992 with ruby ridge and the siege in waco. Just over an hour later, he was Florence Rogers was the ceo of a Credit Union House inside the building. Here is what she remembers. [video clip] i turned around in my chair and reared back with him ready to discuss the next item i mentioned when the bomb went off. It was it had to be longer, but it was just like second. All the girls in the office with thoughtpeared and i they had left me alone. Where arehollering you guys, where are you guys . The realization set in somewhat and i realized i dont know where they are. They have gone. When they, i found out bomb went up and everything started coming down, there were federal floors up above us that bombing he pulled over Timothy Mcveigh for Traffic Violation only to arrest him. Here he tells the story. [video clip] he was headed to Oklahoma City based on highway dispatcher call for all available troopers. It got discontinued. He was 62 miles north of Oklahoma City and he turned around in the media in the median. As he started to head back north he is passed by this yellow mercury marquis that is missing its rear license plate. So he polls that car over and the driver gets out of the car and they order him to stay by the door of his car. Theso he gets out, tells guy to back up toward him and as mcveigh is acting toward him, he notices mcveigh has a bulge under his left jacket and he reaches out. He grabs it. They said, its a gun and is loaded and he has his gun to his head and says, so is mine. He relieved mcveigh of his gun, which was loaded with those rounds that can shoot through an armored rest. Andso, once he had that gun a knife that mcveigh had hidden on his person, he took him into custody and took him to the noble county jail in perry, oklahoma. And so our investigator asked what happened to him . And he said, i dont know. He may still be in custody, he may not. So one of our investigators contacted sheriff jerry cook and talk to him and he said, mcveigh is in custody, but hes got to be released within probably an hour. So, we put a federal hold on him and at that point, myself and several other agents got into a mcveigh about an hour after the bombing and oh city. Peopleth toll, 119 including children. 86 vehicles were burned or destroyed. Days afteron was in fact, four the bombing he traveled to Oklahoma City and have these remarks. [video clip] president clinton yesterday, hillary and i had the privilege of speaking of children of other children likeees, those who were lost and one little girl said something we will never forget. She said, we should all plant a tree in memory of the children. So, this morning, before we got on the plane to come here at the white house, we planted that tree in honor of the children of oklahoma. [applause] it was a dogwood, with its wonderful spring flower and its deep, enduring group. It embodies the lesson of the psalms, to provide for a good person is like a tree whose leaf has not withered. My fellow americans, a tree takes a long time to grow and wounds take a long time to heal, but we must begin. Those who are lost now belong to god. Them. Y we will be with until that happens, there legacy must be our lives. Thank you all. God bless you. [applause] book of how we got to where we are today and where we go next. This 20 for the anniversary of the bombing that took place in that