Winner of the general election, richard nixon. The following Political Program sponsored by citis for reagan committee. Put your left hand upon the bible and raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of california against all enemies, foreign or domestic. I do. That you will bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of the you the and the constitution of the state of california. I do. If you take this obligation this is the night Ronald Reagan became governor of california. January 2nd, 1967. Governor reagan was born and raised in illinois. I do. I now declare you to be duly installed as governor of the state of california another Illinois Republican said some time back, government should be of the people, by the people, for the people. [ applause ] that kind of government, of the people, by the people, for the people, arrived that night in california. I am here with those i love the most in all the world. And with friends who are have come to share this moment. And i am fully cognizant of the importance of this and what it means to so many people. Someone back in our history if i wasnt too good a student but i think it was Benjamin Franklin said if ever someone could take Public Office and bring the Public Office the teachings and the precepts of the prince of peace, he would revolutionize the world and men would be remembering him for a thousand years. I dont think anyone could ever take office and be so presumptuous to believe he could do that or that he could follow those precepts completely. I can tell you this. Ill try very hard. I think it is needed in todays world. How did govern reagan get to be governor . How did he do it . The hard way. By beating the unbeatable pat brown. Pat brown, like lyndon johnson, was an organizer of power. The willing tool of those who believed in tax and taxed, spend and spend, elect and elect. And electing was something pat brown was an richard nixon. And brown defeated him by almost a quarter of a million votes. I congratulate Governor Brown as her b has indicated for his victory. But the Republican Party under new leadership in california needs a a new birth of spirit, a new birth of unity. Bill noland, dick nixon, what republican was left . The more they thought about it, the more republicans remembered Ronald Reagan. And they remembered that speech he made during the 1964 president ial election. Somewhere a perversion has taken place. Our natural unalienable rights are a dispensation of government and freedom has never been so fragile, so close to slipping from our grasp as it is at this moment. Winston churchill said the destiny of man is not measured by material computations, when great forces move around in the world we learn were spirits, not nomineanimals and it spells. You and i have a rendezvous with destiny. Well sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness. We will keep in mind but was there more to Ronald Reagan than one Campaign Speech . Yes, a lot more. 1964 wasnt the start of Ronald Reagans interest in Public Affairs and public issues. Public affairs are something Ronald Reagan has been active in for over 20 years. In 1945 Ronald Reagan shed his army officer uniform and returned to hollywood. He became extremely active in labor union affairs. Ronald reagan was elected six times to be president of the screen actors guild. The afl cio of those who work in motion pictures. He led his union in contract negotiations, in strikes against the hollywood studios. Ronald reagan is the only Labor Union President ever to be elected governor of any state in the country. In 1947, Ronald Reagan travelled to washington to testify at House American Activities Committee hearings. I will will be frank with you, that as a citizen i would hesitate or not like to see any Political Party outlawed on the basis of is political ideology because weve spent 170 years in this country on the basis that democracy is Strong Enough to stand up an fight for itself against the end roads of any ideology, no matter how much we disagree with it then in 1954, Ronald Reagan became host of the General Electric theater and his Cross Country speaking engagements with the people of america began. Were aware, of course, that ron reagan was a strong union man and that he was a strong democrat. We never noticed, though, that he was speaking from a critical or labor partisan view point. I recall at one point he said that he thought the party, the Democratic Party that he had been associated with, had left him. And then i think in the early 60s he registered as a republican. For over 20 years he had been speaking out on public issues. But never as a political candidate. Perhaps his time had come. For several years and through the 1964 election the Republican Party in california was badly divided. What the party needed, desperately needed was a man who could unite the party behind him. Someone who could end party feuds and heal party wounds. Someone who could carry the Republican Party to the victory at the polls. That someone turned out to be Ronald Reagan. But Ronald Reagan was not an easy man to convince. In 1948 the democrats had asked him to run for congress. He refused. In 1962 republicans approached him about running either for the senate or the state house. He refused. But this time too many californians wanted him. He couldnt refuse. Ive come to a decision that even a short time ago i would have thought impossible for me to make. And yet i make it with no lingering doubt or hesitation. As of now, i am a candidate seeking the republican nomination for governor. Did the people respond . They loved it. The next governor of the state of california, ronnie reagan. [ cheering and applause ] he gave the voters the facts. The administration of californias welfare is in such a snarl of red tape that its becoming difficult for this program to fulfill its purpose. Each new applicant for welfare must be greed by the filling out of 15 separate forms. This is followed then by a constant reevaluation and the submission of these reports to where counties have protested the famous average sending to sacramento from each county of office welfare 180 reports a month. Other forms must be filled out every time the recipient has a special need and this could range from a doctors bill to a bus ride and the county welfare officials have charged that for special claims totaling as little as 1 to the welfare recipient, the paperwork comes to 10 in the budget. They may explain why an 18 increase in our population has been met with a 49 increase in the number of people on welfare and a 100 increase in the cost of welfare. Perhaps the time has come for institutions of Higher Learning to assert themselves as positive forces in the battle for mens minds and this could mean they might insist upon mature responsible conduct and respect of the individual from their faculty members and might even call on them to be proponents of the standards demanded by the great majority in our society. He gave the voters the fact. The voters gave him their votes. In california, where democrats outnumber republicans 3 to 2, Ronald Reagan won by 1 million votes. [ crowd chanting ] lets remember also that we didnt achieve any narrow partisan victory this time. But we had many good friends from the other party and the independents but almost immediately the new governor met his first crisis. Education. Governor reagan had had made a reasonable statement about tuition. Higher education, we have been providing a premium service, an education superior to the most and equal to the best. Were spending nearly 3,000 a year to educate each student at the University Level and half that much for those enrolled in the State College system. So far those receiving this education have not been required to share in the cost. Which makes us unique among the states. We suggested that if these economies threatened other quality or numbers we might assess a reasonable tuition, a little more than 10 of the cost. At the same time students for whom this would be a hardship would have access to scholarships and loans payable after graduation. When i say we suggested tuition, i mean just that. The governor cannot impose tuition. Only the regents could make this decision for the university and the legislature for the colleges. But i say to you, if the colleges and the universities can cut their budgets and maintain quality without tuition, this certainly will meet with my approval. I have no intention of they took this reasonable statement as a declaration of war. [ crowd chanting ] ladies and gentlemen, the governor has come to see us. We owe him a courtesy. I heard you. Courteously let us show respect for the office. I do not believe it constitutes political interference for the people of the state to submit to the university or the Academic Community telling the people of the state how much money they must put up for the support of their schools and the people submissively giving in without having any voice with regard to the amount. But californias governor had more important work to do. He had inherited a state with too much debt, too much crime, too big of a bureaucracy. As the governor had said, what is needed is not more government, but better government. His first move, replace the political hacks. Turn Government Back to the people. Get talented young citizens to work for the people. But i found id inherited a Government Spending more than a Million Dollars a day over and above the state revenues. A governor spending like he was practicing to be president. We put a freeze on the ordering of new cars an the anguish screams would curdle your blood and yet funny enough in a few months we were told that for the first time in the history of mans memory there was a surplus of automobiles available in the state motor pools. I discovered there was a streak of tourists in all of the state employees. They were all over the place. So we put a freeze on out of state travel. We didnt tell them they couldnt go. We just said they had to come in and tell us where they were going and why. And that reduced the budget for out of state travel 78 . [ applause ] for eight years the number of state employees have been increasing at a rate of 4 to 5 each year. We put a freeze on hiring replacements for those who quit or retired or left the service. And now a year later i could tell you that we did bring that annual increase to a halt and did a little better. There are tonight 2. 5 fewer employees in the state of california than there were one year ago. Not all of the savings were in the area of millions of dollars. In my office i discovered a stack of stationery with another fellas name on it. Now custom decrees it should be burned but i didnt want to add to the smog in california. Ive got some with my name on it for formal correspondence but i figured there must be in the family stuff to make use of and now the girls just x out that other name and type mine in and you know i get a certain amount of pleasure out of that. But we turned and this is the most exciting thing, we turned to the people as we said we would. We turned first to a Blue Ribbon Citizens Committee from all over state. Not to screen the applicants for jobs, but to go out and recruit employees. To go to Major Business concerns and twist the arms of employers until they would give us for a period of time bright Young Executives to take the appointed positions in government. But then we gathered in one room several hundred of the leading people in our state, the most successful business and professional people and we told this group we wanted blood. Their blood. We wanted them to give up their businesses and their occupations for four to six months on a voluntarily basis. They were chosen on the basis of expertise and particular skills and knowledge. They were formed into task forces under the guidance of a Business Management firm and they raised the money to hire the Business Management firm. And 274 of our most successful citizens have just completed six months full time going into every agency and department of our State Government and trimming back with 1,800 specific recommendations as ho how modern Business Practices could be put to work to make government more efficient. I believe that all over this great nation of ours there are citizens who believe that government is their business and theyre waiting to be asked, theyll serve if someone will give them a chance. If someone is government for a change will have a faith in the peoples ability to run their own affairs. Governor reagans accomplishments in california were the kinds of things people all over the country asked him to come talk about. And then the inevitable happened. Wherever he went, all over the country, people ask him where he stood on the national issues. This is where he stands. Not too many days ago our country was on fire because of an assassins bullet took one mans life. Whatever you may think of Martin Luther king, whether you approved or disapproved, i think something of america was killed also. And i think the murder of that man and the death of america began with the first acceptance of compromise with the law. Tolerance of those who would apply the law une unequally because of race and breaking laws in which they are in disagreement and it includes those in government. And unless and until they have the courage to say that the law will be enforced equally to all and at all times with no exceptions. Ive learned how our economy is not extended, it is bounty to all of our citizens. Ive listened to their hope and hopelessness and ive heard they are plea and curiously enough it is not for more welfare. It is for jobs. And its for good schooling and discipline in the schools their children attend, not busing across town to some other school. And i have to ask myself why, why in all of these recent years have we as republicans let this whole humanitarian field be preempted by the opposition when their record in the entire field of welfare in their entire field of human relations is one of colossal and almost complete failure. Their ole Big Government approach has institutionalized poverty perpetuating the degradation until welfare becomes a way of life under the third and Second Generation of the recipient families. Theyve tried raising of people by mass movements. Well our philosophy is based on a belief in the individual, in his freedom and in his rights and in this area of human relations were dealing with individuals. Each one of these people unique, each one crying out in the soul for his rightful heritage of dignity and the right to shape his own destiny. But we have a chance to prove as republicans, to prove that were more than just negative critics. We have a chance to prove that ours, ours is the wave of the future. Lets tell them that well employ whatever measures are necessary to start saving human beings but were going to stop destroying them. Now, the president s commission has accused our people of a sickness. Well, many of us are sick. But not with hatred and the bigotry that they talk about. I think were sick, were sick of a socalled leadership at home that has left the ship of state adrift without rutter or compass. One who will now treat with an enemy and those who would replace him would not wait this long to give the enemy across the table the victory that he couldnt win on the field of battle. And what of the young men bleeding their lives in the rice pattys and jungle trails of the far away land. If their sacrifice was in vain, if it was not in our National Interest for them to be there in the first place, who put them there and why. And if it is in our National Interest for them to be there, why is it suddenly no longer so and why why have they been denied the victory they are so capable of winning. You and i owe those young men a question. We should keep asking these questions. Ask if the enemy truly desires peace, then let him prove it by agreeing to a mutual ceasefire so when the talking starts the dying stops. Robert macnamary the secretary of defense has extended his military ineptitude and other are falling away as the palace guard struggles for power. He began with the bay of pigs and closing with the theft of a ship and the kidnapping of 83 Young Americans and the last as in the first there was a foundering of purpose and loss of nerve and as has become fashionable as of late clever men who preside over our military congratulate themselves in avoiding action. The official explanation given for the inability for our air forces in the far east to move out in support of the pueblo is that all of the fighters on alert in korea are equipped only for nuclear retaliation. But hasnt that been the most persistent claim of this administration . Hasnt there claim been that we have moved at a cost of 500 billion over the last few years. From a unusual footing to one that would avoid the threat of the bomb and give us a flexible response and now in the response is needed weve had no response at all. Our ship has been stolen, our young men kidnapped and our government assures us it is upset, strong letter follows. A governments only excuse for being is to guarantee the collective strength of all of us in defense of even one among us whenever, and wherever the rights of that one are threatening. Were despised abroad and divided at home. Our creditors hold acclaim to our gold and our coins are no longer silver. In truth we no longer control the very currency of this nation and were faced with a fiscal crisis of a greater proportion than anything known since the dark friday of october 1929. Those in power lack the courage to take the steps called for lest they prove politically unpopular. The people want a leadership willing to face the moment of truth to remind people of the heritage and greatness and to give them back their courage. And our responsibility is to preserve the values that made this nation great. That American Dream that we should reinstitute is not that every man will be level with every other man. But that every man will have the freedom to be whatever god intended him to be. But government exists to preserve the rights of ae of even the least among us and wherever in the world that individual may be but governments function is to protect society from the lawbreaker and not the other way around. I think this country wants a leadership, wants a government inity nations capitol that will offer the hand of friendship to every other nation. But not out of fear. Peace is our purpose. But we want a nation that will say, we shall always at whatever cost preserve the strength to keep that peace. And well have the courage to tell the people the truth. With a faith in their courage and willingness to support us in the hard decisions that must be made. And i think, above all, the people of this country want a nation that once again will stop trying to buy the worlds affection and start earning its respect. Let us as republicans have the courage to lift such a banner. One that asked the best of all of us instead of promising what seems to be the best for only so many of us. We could lift that kind of banner in this election year. And thought a banner made you willi expediency and the past made by opposition, appealing to every voter block regardless of how much it divides country, turning american against american. Let us instead appeal to another kind of voting block. A voting block that crosses all of the racial and religious and ethnic and political lines in this country. A voting block made up of the men and women of america who go to work, support their communities, support their churches and their charities, send their kids to school, and to ask only that they be allowed to live their own lives, to make their own decisions with regard to their own destiny. The time has come for americans once again to prove their greatness. I think the republicans have an opportunity as well as a challenge. To be more than just a Political Party. This now is a time for a crusade. This is a time for someone to offer this leadership. Ronald reagan, governor of the most powerful state in the union. Where does he go from here . The people in our land want something better. And i believe they will follow our party if we have the courage to stand for principle. Is there anyone among us, do we know anyone who doesnt nurture down in a corner of his heart a desire and belief that government could be something deserving of our respect and worthy of our pride. But we can have government of and by as well as for the people. Government reflecting our faith in god as the author of our freedom, i want that for our children. Im sure that you want it for yours. Where does governor reagan go from here . In a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, that is up to you to decide. Political Program Sponsored by citizens for reagan committee. Were featuring American History tv programs this week as a preview of what is available every weekend on cspan 3. Tonight a look at the modern presidency. 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A lecture in history now from Iowa State University professor carmen bain who taught a class on womens work on family farms during the 20th century and the difference between societal expectations and the realities of shared farm labor. Okay. Well, good morning, everyone. Todays lecture is on invisible farmers. And what were going to do today is take a historical overview to look at women and

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