Floridas Unemployment Rate is near a historic low. We have a aaa credit rating. Floridas Public University system is ranked number one in the nation. We are ranked one of the top states in the nation for fiscal help. We have no state income tax. [ applause ] now it says the only thing certain in life were debts and taxes. No, i am nwe can say with certa that we wont have an income tax here in the state of florida. [ applause [ applause ] or a debt tax for that matter. Last session was productive on a number of front. I want to thank speaker jose for their strong and dedicated leadership. I would also like to recognize our Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nunes who led on key issues ranging from healthcare to aerospace, thank you for your leadership jeanette. And as the president indicated, we are joined here today by a great first lady for the state of florida, my wife casey. Casey spear headed her hope for healing initiatives facing floridians in the area of Mental Health and substance abuse. Shes making a difference and shes only getting started. We are looking forward to big things in 2020 including a new baby daughter arriving a couple weeks after the session ends. Thatll make it three kids, ages three years or under running around the governors mansion. Chaos will rank supreme in our house household. I cant tell you how that chaos will affect the vetoes i laid issue but stay tuned. In 2019, we took bold steps to expand our Educational Opportunities and reform healthcare and invest infrastructure, all while reducing taxes and maintaining healthy bum healthy budget reserve. While we look at bold beginnings, we have much more to do. For everything there is a season at the start of this new decade, this is florida season of opportunity. We have the chance to build on a strong foundation, a chance to face the challenges before us and the chance to lead our legacy of success to benefit our people now and in the future. We can ensure that florida works for our fellow citizens. This will require a lot of sweat. You cant rest on past accomplishments, our only easy days was yesterday. Now florida must remained steadfast in its commitment and low taxes and with fiscal responsibility. We live in an increasingly mobile and interconnected time. States cant tax regulated impunity and have significance consequences. Taxpayers flee. Economic based narrow in the state hemorrhages money, rinse and repeat. According to the irs figure, florida led the nation for six consecutive years in the amount of tens of billions of dollars being brought to our state due to internal migration. People are voting with their feet, bad economic finist for the greener economic path of our sunshine state. Financial services and healthcare and manufacture. To realize this potential florida needs to tax lightly, spend wisely and regulate reasonably. Maintaining Fiscal Health will provide the type of Durable Foundation required for the expansion of our economic base which means more opportunity for citizens of florida. [ applause ] when i took office last year, i brought a bold approach protecting our Natural Resources including Water Quality destroying the everglades. I believe that our Natural Resources is key to our economic wellbeing. Our water are our foundation in our foundation tourer industry. It enhances our property value. This vision requires a commitment from the legislature and i want to say you deliver, more than 625 million to support Water Resources and everglades restoration projects. And because [ applause ] florida shows it had skin in the game, we were able to get support from the Trump Administration for another 200 million for everglades restoration. Getting support for raising the trail. Now key water projects are proceeding a pace including the eea reservoir which many of you worked on. So many floridians are impacted. We are on offense against the epidemic of pythons that have ravaged the wildlife in the everglad everglades. We have two folks here, theyre successful bankers but they doub doubled the python. Where are you guys at . Take a bow. [ applause ] now they and others including more than over 500 people who are registered now for our ongoing python ball, hoping to protect floridas native wildlife by removing these predators from the everglades. Florida is realizing a vision with respect to our environment and Natural Resources thats widely desired but stubbornly allusive. We can keep it going by addressing three major areas. First, we should fund Water Resources project at 345 million level and reoccurring bases the next three years. This will provide needed security for key initiatives and help us leverage even more support. The legislation should pass the Water Quality legislation that i proposed. The bill represents the recommendations of our blue green algaae task force. Too many municipalities have failed to invest and needed upgrade for their Water Infrastructure parks. This is unacceptable and it needs to change. Now we at the state level viewing our infrastructure. Over the coming months our division or emergency and management and department of Economic Opportunity will be distributing more than a billion dollars in mitigation funds through areas impacted by the hurricane over the last several years. The bottom line is we have a chance to take bold action to make a lasting positive impact on floridas environment. Lets feed this opportunity. [ applause ] now over the past year, my administration focused on education and for good reason. Low taxes and a Healthy Business climate are important. Our ability to produce top flight talent. Through our colleges and universities and work force and Educational Opportunities and through a strong k through 12 schools. Florida has the top ranked Public University system in the nation and three universities now in the top 50. University of florida is in the top 10 and heading for the top 5. Florida state is in the top 20 [ applause ] Florida State and the top 20 heading for the top 15. [ applause ] and uscef is heading into the top 50 and heading into top 25. After watching the game last night, i hope that we have a florida team playing in the National Championship again. [ applause ] so there is no question that florida is cultivating ourhoriz keep it going and doing better. It is not even the best way. Thanks to the leadership of our commissioner Richard Cochran and making the nations leader and education for the year 2030. Thanks to your support, we are off to a great start. The legislation is making a come back for our high schools. Students in districts of miamidade can graduate high school with industry certifications and fields like electric electrical. Either Benjamin Franklin or our philosopher once said, is not able to figure out which one said this. The thought is good. Tell me and i forget and teach me and i will remember. Involve me and i will learn. Once floridians acquire skills, it is important for them to employ those skills without unnecessary barriers placed in their way by governor. Florida occupational licensing regime hinder mobility and oftentimes for low income workers because so much of the regime is based not on the legitimate goal of protecting Public Health and safety but keeping people out, creating a skill that is benefit insiders and many times moderate income professions ranging from hair dressing to interior design. Our citizens should not need a permission slip in government in order to earn a living. [ applause ] we have a good reform bill pending before the legislature made it to the one yard line last year, lets punch it into the end zone in 2020. [ applause ] our low income workers should not have their wages depressed by cheap foreign labor. Assuring a Legal Work Force through everify will be good for the rule of law and protect taxpayers and place an upward pressure on the way of floridians who work in blue collar jobs. We are a state that has an economy and not the other way around. We need to make sure our florida citizens from all walk of life comes first. Our approach through k through 12 education rests on three remaining components. Number one, recruiting Great Teachers in the classroom, promoting educational choice so parents particularly, low income parents can place their child in a good school and three, measuring results through accountability. Now i am recommending we take to set up public schoolteachers at 47,500. Thatll bring florida from the bottom half of state to number two in the nation. [ applause ] this will make it easier for us to get College Graduates entering the profession and help us retain many of the good teachers we have now. My plan will lead to a substantial pay increase for over 100,000 per teacher throughout the state. We have two of those teachers here in the team with us today. Lindsey baem a sixth grade math teacher and melissa pathis who works with autistic students. Both are highly effective, Award Winning teachers wholl see salary increases between 5,010,000 under my planment thank you for your service. [ applause ] wu we are replacing a new Bonus Program thatll be generous so we can reward our strong teachers and principals. My propose with bonuses available up to 7,500 per teachers and up to 10,000 for principals. These initiatives will build on the successes that we enjoy in 2019. Last year we faced the prospect of thousands of florida families who were on the waiting list for various Scholarship Programs that we supported throughout the state and standing here last year, i ask you to ask in the legislature. Joining me are whitney and jeremy wilson. They have a son with a unique ability whos on the wait list for the Scholarship Program. Stand up and be recognized, there they are. [ applause ] now thanks to our work in 2019, last years wait list was clear and the wilsons were able to get josiah on the scholarship so his Education Needs can be met. Thanks to the enactment scholarship, these families have been liberated from that waiting list. Mrs. Edwards, there is her kids right there. A mother of seven who lives right here. [ applause ] because of your efforts, three of her children with her today are now using this new Scholarship Program. Thank you for stepping up for other mothers like her around the state. All florida parents living in the zip code to have the ability to use the best schools for their children. [ applause ] now this choice should not be limited to Scholarship Program but also includes School Choice among public schools, florida has 658 public Charter Schools serving 314,000 students, nearly 70 are hispanics and africanamericans and over 50 are from low income families. What are the results . Based off the 2019 national assessment, our Education Department calculated that if floridas Charter School population was its own state, it would rank number two in the nation for fourth grade reading, it would tie number two in the nation for fourth grade math and eighth grade reading and would tie for number five in the nation in eighth grade math. Showing that when we increase educational choice, providing innovative learning opportunities, we can help students reaching their full potential. [ applause ] results matter and accountability is needed but the framework of common core was seriously flawed. Even parents with advanced degrees cannot understand their kids math homework. We have a problem to address. Commissioner cochran has spent the past year working with stkee holders to develop a superior approach thatll focus on strong standards and high quality curriculu curriculum and streamline testing. Well be unveiling that all new approach in the coming days. I would like to say one thing of one of the keys of replacement of common core, it will be assisting them on american civics and understanding the u. S. Constitution. [ applause ] this means understanding the source of our right and understanding the theory of the declaration of independence. Understanding the structure of the constitution as well as key amendments such as a bill of rights, the 19th amendment. Also means developing and appreciation for how these enduring principles animated key points in American History, such as the fight for independence more than 240 years ago, such as the leadership of president lincoln during the civil war. Such as the activism of the jets, Voting Rights for women and anniversary we celebrate this year. The defeat of kn world war ii. The struggle against and eventually defeat the tyranny represented by soviet communism. The final state of Union Address for president washington. He says a primary object should be the education of our youths and the science of government and a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important. What duty more pressing than communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of the country. Which i respond amen. [ applause ] speaking of the constitution when i became governor, i would start with filling three vaca y vacancies on our Supreme Court here in the state of florida. Our system of government, courts play an important role. It is a role that must remained judicial. I was mindful of choosing justices who understood the proper roles the courts adhere to. I am pleased to report that the appointments were well received, so much so that two of the three already been promoted to u. S. Court of appeals for the 11th circuit. [ applause [ applause ] theyre both their with us today. Where are our judges at . There they are. [ applause ] on behalf of the state of florida, i want to congratulate you both on your new post. I want to wish you continued success and clearly theyre going to be doing great things for the people of florida on the 11th circuit and our remaining justices, dont worry, reenforcement are coming soon. With the speaker and president leading the way, the 2019 legislation witnessed major reform reforms in the area of healthcare to repealing regulations. Our one major initiatinichiniti mentioned was to provide access to cheaper prescription drugs by bringing in safe and name brand drugs to canada. The exact same drugs but much lower price. I am happy to report the Trump Administration is moving forward with the regulation. There is still a long way to go but the fact that we are discussing this is a Major Development in this area and florida has been the one to lead the way. [ applause ] i am happy to report the work of the legislature in bringing transparency to healthcare is starting to go through. The concept enacted last year was based on the idea of reducing healthcare cost is one and waiting for patients to use that information actually saved money. We have implemented a savings plan for its employees and realizing millions of dollars. If we can make it available throughout the state, we can see many millions of dollars and savings for patients and we need to proceed and get it done. Now building a call through life requires us to champion adoption and florida is doing much better in this regard. Thanks to the hard work of secretary at the debt of children and families who made a concerted efforts, ecf were able to reduce the number by 32 making more than 1,100 children who were able to find a forever home. This was done [ applause ] this was done using the existing resources but by identifying efficiency engaging in collaboration with partners and state staholders and working as best as we can to get best resources. We are working hard to find every child a loving home. I hope the legislature will send me this session of the parental consent bill that was debated last year passed boo i ty the h but not passed by the senate. One other update on last sessions good work. The legislation addressing fraud and abuse and assignment of benefits already producing ruin results. Resulting in nearly 44,000 additional policyholders receiving rate decreases. Over 500 in june of last year only 148 in december. Early indications are that similar effects are b. Eing observed the across the private market. Our legal system is supposed to be used for regressing concrete interests. Reform such as aob improving our climate here in florida. Hurricane recovery have been a priority of my administration. I asked director jared moskowitz, the agency distributed more than 1. 4 billion for the community thats impacted by michael, irma and matthew and herme. The legislation approved 25 million for Hurricane Michael Grant Recovery Program because that was a major storm and deserved a major response. We have a couple of folks from northwest florida here today that we have been willing to enable to help because of your efforts. We have sharri fr sheriff mors young from gaffney county. We have brian hughes from the mexicos fire department. [ applause ] now we were able to use this program to help Gaston County a major budget shortfalls and support of the Mexico Beach Fire Department arguably saved it from going out of existence. This was a major storm. Great progress has been made but a storm of that magnitude is a longterm effort. I ask that you read up this program for another year. [ applause ] we came close with another major storm, hurricane dorian. I was headed to florida, the Emergency Managers throughout the state from the county level and our federal partners sprain into action. We were hoping for the best, we were prepared for the worst. I want to thank everyone involved in the preparation for their efforts. The storm made a 90 degrees turn to the north, less than 100 miles from our coast. I have never seen anything like that. I am glad that i did make that trip to israel in may where i was able to pray. And so i would be remissed if i did not thank the big man upstairs for any considerations he may have had for us during that close call. [ applause ] when Christopher Columbus set sail in 1492, his ship santa maria carried the flag of isabella. Nothing further. At that time spain was considered the furthest point west in the entire world. Columbus returned and reported his discoveries he made of america to the queen, he ordered the flag be changed. The new flag red plus ultra meaning for out there. There is no reason why we cant see this moment and deliver in the people of florida. Each night this week we are featuring American History tv program as a preview of whats available on cspan. Be sure to watch starting at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. Tonight President Trump holds a campaign rally. Live coverage starts at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan, or you can listen live on our cspan radio app. Campaign 2020 is in nevada live at 3 00 p. M. Eastern as President Trump speeaks at las vegas. Watch on demand at cspan. Org and listen on the go with our free cspan radio app. We brought you your unfiltered view of government everyday since 1979. This year we are bringing you unfiltered event. In other words, your future. Make up your own mind. With cspan 2020. Brought to you by your television provider. The state address, she laid out

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