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Out on the Campaign Manager ahead of the president s remarks. Until, then we will take a look at remarks by Vice President mike pence from earlier today. He talked about the u. S. Mexico canada trade agreement and tonight impeachment vote. This gentleman, Michigan Republican party chair, laura cox. Good, morning everyone, and thank you for being here. Good morning, everyone. Its great to be up inside now with all these familiar faces and i am so thrilled to welcome back Vice President pence for the fourth time this year, mister Vice President , you are always welcome here, and i think you now realize that you have plenty of friends in michigan. Teri is a man of many talents. He is my cochair the mission Republican Party but he also served as the National Work of the trump coalition. Theres no stronger voice for American Workers than terri bowman. He does double duty working fulltime for Coordinator Company and fulltime for republicans. Lets get my good friend harry bowman a runnerup was. I when i ran for the missing Republican Party i said every day i would take the fight to the democrats. I made a commitment when i ran for Michigan Party opposite party chair that every day i would take the fight to the democrats. applause . In 2016, all of us here today decided that we had had enough when we elected donald trump and mike pence. It took our country. Now here, we are in 2020, and thanks to our president and the man youre about to hear from, republicans on the offense with an unbelievable record of successes to carry our candidates through november, democrats know the michigan was extremely close in 2016 and theyve been plotting every day, folks, every day, figure out how they can take back michigan. Are we go to let that happen . No. Guess who else knows how critical michigan is to keep America Great. Thats right, mike pence. Hes back in the great lakes state because this Administration Knows that the battle for our country will be waged here and we need all of you and we need to shocked the world again for 2020. Are you in . Democrats fully support a socialist agenda, making a mistake, 2020 will be a fight between freedom or a heavy handed government it will be a fight against socialism person capitalism. What do you wanted . Capitalism. We will win that argument every time, but its gonna take a lot of work. President trump Vice President pence promised to stand up for American Workers during the 2016 campaign. I am so proud of the leadership in the white house to govern our, country keeping our promises, working tirelessly for the americans that felt left behind under the democrats. The Trump Campaign is benefiting all americans, growing, wages shrinking unemployment. I love my job as a Party Chairman for so many reasons. I love spending time with folks across our state, reading people, talking about great republican policies. And you know what . I really cherish the opportunity to make new friends and their friends that will join me in the trenches next year, and im here to tell you that one of those new friends here today. We are joined today by one of our greatest lawyers, our champion, he is a friend, mike pence. He, as i said earlier, he visited our state four times this calendar year. Even enjoyed the beauty of makan island together. Weve towards west michigan. We prayed with faith leaders. Weve met with countless grassroots activists and Community Leaders like you out here today. Im so grateful for the time i spent around the time ive spent in our state by Vice President mike pence. He is a god fearing advocate for the American Worker and a fearless defender of our american values. With a lifetime of Public Service and midwesterner self, Vice President pence knows exactly what our friends and neighbors michigan are focused on it is not impeachment. So now it is my great honor privilege to give a warm, michigan welcome to our 48 Vice President mike pence. Well, hello, michigan john. Merry christmas. And merry christmas. My friend laura cox, give another round of applause for laura cox, what a special leader, and terry bowman who was leading on behalf of American Workers all across this nation, thank, you terry, thank you for your great leadership. It is great to be here in the wolverines state with one of the most important coalitions of the 2020 campaign. It is great to be with workers for trump, so, thank you all for coming out today. On a blustery michigan day. On a day when there is a lot of bluster in washington, d. C. As well. Ive got to tell you, im here for one reason and one reason only, and that is because michigan in america need four more years of President Donald Trump in the white house. For more years for more years like all of, you i am here because i stand with President Donald Trump. Thank you. When this president stands up for american jobs in American Workers, i stand with President Donald Trump. When this president stands up for faith in freedom and Law Enforcement and our armed forces, i stand with President Donald Trump. First storm to know and when this president stands up to the do nothing democrats, their analysts investigations and their partisan impeachment, we stand with President Donald Trump. You know, it is great to be with so many friends today and be out of washington, d. C. Truthfully, friends, what is happening on capitol hill today is a disgrace. From the first day of this administration, democrats in washington have tried to overturn the results of the last election, theyre back at it again today, and you know, the truth is, they are trying to impeach this president because they know they cannot defeat this president. ,. , they know they cannot stop you from giving President Trump for more years in the white house. They know it, you know it. What began four years ago has grown into a movement. I movement of everyday americans. Here in michigan, he believes we could be strong again. You believed we could be prosperous again. We could get michigan working against. Michigan said yes to President Donald Trump in 2016, and he and i both know michigan is going to say yes than President Donald Trump in 2020. You know, when you think at the last three years, i think there is only one way you can describe it. It has been three years of action, through it has been three years of results. It has been three years of promises made, promises kept, but we are just getting started, michigan, that is why we need four more years of President Donald Trump in the white house. I mean, think about it, this president rebuild our military. Restored the arsenal of our democracy, we are once again giving our soldiers, and sailors, air, marines, and coast the resources and support they need to accomplish their mission and defend this nation. This president expanded veterans choice to every veteran in america and brought accountability to the va. So he has actually confirmed more than 170 conservative judges, and get this, in eight years of the obama administration, president obama saw 55 court of appeals judges confirmed. Well, we are right on track and our first three years have this president a 0. 50 principled conservatives to our courts of appeals around america. And i can tell you roll stroll, they are all strong conservatives who will hold all the god given liberties in stride in our constitution like the freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. This president orders promised to secure our borders and in the crisis of illegal immigration, and i am proud to report to you said apprehensions on our southern border in the last six months already down by more than 70 and weve already started to build that wall on the southern border of the United States. So it brings us here today is that for all this president has accomplished, against unprecedented opposition, every day of our administration, what is most remarkable is what this president has done for the American Worker. President donald trump loves hardworking americans. First im from the first day of this administration, President Trump has been fighting for more jobs, better jobs and better wages for working americans. I have seen it firsthand. Right out of the gate in our first year, we work to cut taxes on working families and businesses large and small. We rolled back federal red tape at a historic level. We unleashed american energy, and this president has fought every day for free and fair trade that puts american jobs and American Workers first. And i dont have to tell you here in michigan, thanks to a leadership of this president , and our allies in the congress, the American Economy is booming. Storm so the stock market is soaring, pouring pensions and 401 k s are going off the charts. President told me just the other day he said, he got unafraid elevator nagasaki hand out and said mister president , i just want to shake your hand and i want to thank you, because my wife thinks im investment genius since he became president of the United States. Im telling, you you watch that stockmarkets, it has grown by more than 50 in the last three years. That is a more certain retirement for working americans across the land. I mean, the truth is, the truth is for all that we have accomplished, this actually is the best economy for our hardworking men and women in my lifetime. Over the last three years, think about, it businesses large and small across michigan, across america, have created 7 million new jobs, 75,000 jobs right here in michigan, unemployment is at a 50 year low and the Unemployment Rate for African Americans and hispanic americans is the lowest level ever recorded. I mean, the truth is, the American Dream is working again for every american. So here at work or for trump,s were celebrating more jobs but it is also about better jobs. We will see this in the papers, as well, and i know youre feeling youre pocketbooks. Since President Trump was elected and we moved our gender forward, the agenda the people of michigan endorsed three years ago, the average American Household has seen your disposable income go up by more than 5000 dollars a year. That is after inflation, and that is after taxes. I mean, we set records just the other day on black friday and cyber monday, it is because people have more money in their pockets. People have more take home pay, and is because wages are rising at the fastest pace in more than ten years, and i know what means most to the president and me is that when you look at wages finally rising across the board, they are actually rising most rapidly for hardworking blue collar americans, the forgotten men and women of america are forgotten no more. I mean, what a difference what a difference three years makes. In the last president in the oval office saw our country lose 200 manufacturing jobs. And laura just mentioned, i come from just south here, the state of indiana, i say just like this one where we do two things, particularly well, make things that you grow things, right . And i remember i was governor of the state of indiana at the time, we actually had a president in the oval office who was basically saying that manufacturing was never coming back, that we had lost 200,000 jobs, and remember what he said in december 2016 . The last president actually said, when he was asked, how do you want to bring back manufacturing jobs he said quote, what magic one do you have . But we did not need a magic wand, we just needed President Donald Trump in the white house. Its true. Not, i could not be more proud to say under President Trumps leadership, we have not lost 200,000 manufacturing jobs. In three years, businesses of created 500,000 manufacturing jobs, including 40,000 automotive jobs. In fact, i just heard getting off the plane, ford announces new jobs into new factories just here in michigan that are going to create 3000 more jobs. Roll this economy is rolling, it is rolling on everything that is always made america strong and prosperous, and centered on that manufacturing economy, a strong and vibrant heartland, and i dont have to roll off the statistics. I can tell from your face as you all know. Workers for trump all know what is happening in this economy, karen and i had slipped away for a couple of days of spring break, well, it was more like a day and a half. True story, we were sitting on the beach, we had the ball caps on the sunglasses, and we were down there, you know, the president goes to palm beach. We gotta fort myers, okay . So, we were founder sitting on the beach, and true story, these two big guys came walking by wearing budweiser shirts and one guy had seen a paper apparently that i was there to stop and he said hey, your pens. And i said yes i am. And he said to me, just listen, weve got to tell the president to keep doing what hes doing because i made twice as much money last year as i made the year before and i told him i would, i told him i would tell the president word for word and i did and he said i appreciate it he, started walking with his daughter and turn back around and looked at me and he said, i dont know what you do, but keep doing what youre doing to. And i told him i would. We right forward while the great hardworking americans got here today, and all the people that will be with us tonight. The president arrives back in michigan this evening and i think you all know president and donald trump, news becomes and it is because he loves people who. He loves people who work hard. I see it every day. As we travel around the country, and maybe it comes from growing up in a Small Business family. Maybe it comes from being out on job sites over the years, he just has tremendous respect for men and women who work hard and take pride in their work and people sense that. They know that. But for all we have achieved on this president so far i am here to tell you, the best is yet to come for American Workers under President Donald Trump. I mean, think about it, since the president signed that tax cut into law, companies have literally brought back into our country more than a trillion dollars from overseas to invest in property, plant equipment and more and more and more american jobs. And last year, the president launched what we call the pledge to American Workers to encourage businesses in every field to expand opportunities to train American Workers through internships. Now, when we launch the pledge to American Workers i am proud to report to you, for the first year ago is at 500,000 training opportunities and apprentice chefs establish across the country, but ill be honest with you, we did not hit that number. As i stand before you today, one year in, the pledge to American Workers has secured 15 million training and apprenticeship opportunities in 370 companies. President trump i mean, President Trump and i believe that all honesty workers honorable and we dont mention the punishable tuning up to the scene there for everybody, wherever you called, us where we want to make a living, this president has also been fighting betrayed agreements put american jobs in American Workers first. President trump, after years of enormous trade deficits and intellectual property theft, President Trump put china on notice that the era of economic a surrender is over. Was ooze war we just secured a phase one trade deal with china, the next is a big win for agriculture across this country. It is the beginning of a step in the direction of real leveling the Playing Field with china. We also kept hundreds of billions of dollars of tariffs in place, and make sure china knows we mean business, and we are going to stand up for American Workers. We are working on a new trade deal with japan. We are in discussions with the eu. I see you pay gets down with the brexit thing, we will have a trade deal with then. It is all going to put american jobs in American Workers first. I think all of you know closer to home, right at the gate real scare the president said we can do better in our trading relationship with canada and mexico, and he took Decisive Action of renegotiating the nafta agreement. And after two years of negotiation in one year of delays on capitol hill, this week, the house of representatives will vote to approve the usmca, the largest trade deal in american history. It is a win for michigan. It is a win for american jobs in American Workers, i dont have to tell all of you here in the heartland about the experience we all had in the wake of nafta. Back in indiana, we literally saw not just factories but entire communities shuddered over the last 30 years, because the structure of nafta essentially intentional or unintentional created an incentive for companies to move jobs south of the border, one under President Donald Trump, those days are over. The usmca puts american jobs and American Workers first. Im telling, you the usmca, they tell us, could actually create more than half 1 million new jobs across this country, including more than 50,000 manufacturing jobs and the people of michigan deserve to know, the that includes a projection of 28,000 automotive jobs. That is because under the usmca, if you have not heard about this, yet you are not too far from motor city, 75 of auto parts in duty free cars have to be made in north america, and 40 have to be made by north america by workers essentially earning what is the average wage here in the United States. The president drove a hard bargain to end naftas old incentives to move factories to the south and now businesses just like forwards announcement today are creating an opening new jobs and factories right here in the United States. And after they get down with todays activities at the house, i am told they will bring out the usmca, and i expect there will be a lot of people take credit for this thing, and ive got to tell, you i was there every step of the way, through talk negotiations with mexico and canada, and make no mistake about, it michigan, when it comes to the usmca, President Donald Trump got it done flew so, the president has delivered for American Workers, because he knows americas workers are the best in the world, and when we level the Playing Field, President Trump and i know americans can compete and win against workers anywhere in the world, and thanks to the president s leadership and this prong support of michigan leaders in congress, the truth is that in three short years we have made America Great again. But to keep america, great youve got to decide right here in right now that michigan is going to vote for four more years of President Donald Trump in the white house. For more years, for more years, for more years. I mean, think about, it for more years means more jobs, for more years it means more judges, for more years means more support for our troops and its going to take at least four more years to drain that swathe. Rodgers you know, the choice in this election in this election could not be clear on the safe could not be higher. Today our president loves this country, who stand by our military and our workers, line force men, and freedom, and he never quit and never backed down. He believes in you and i see it every day. He fights for you every single day. You know, like many of, you i actually started in politics as a young man, as a democrat. My grandfather, my grandfather was actually a proud member of the Transportation Union in chicago for 40 years, and ive got to tell you from my heart, my grandfather would not recognize todays Democratic Party. Todays Democratic Party has been taken over by radical leftist who want higher taxes, open borders, late term abortion and socialist policies that would actually crush the American Economy and we are still tonight, after a sham investigation, do nothing democrats are actually going to vote on a partisan impeachment seeking to overturn the will of the American People and i have said it before, i will say it again, todays vote house of representatives is a disgrace and sets a dangerous precedent for our country. I mean, i remember when nancy pelosi said months ago she would never bring impeachment unless it was overwhelming, compelling and bipartisan. And it is already unfolding on capitol hill today, the only bipartisan vote will be a vote against the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump. Dont you know, i know people here in michigan get it. I read an article just yesterday, the group that was interviewed here brought together a group of people who would actually voted for President Trump and voted for president obama, and every single one of them said they were opposed to this sham investigation and partisan impeachment, every single one of your neighbors here inside now. There was a man in michael who was quoted, he said it, well and he said, and i quote, set of working on policies and things that will help the people, the democrats are just working to preserve their own position and they really dont care about you and me. And michael is right. They think they know better than you. They think michigan made the wrong choice in 2016 and they are afraid youre going to make the same choice again in 2020, but just remember, michigan, the choice is yours, not there is an if you doubt that this was all about politics, you, know one democratic congressman even said, and i quote, i am concerned if we do not impeach the president , he is going to get reelected. Now, let me tell all of you here, michigan, neighbors and friends, enough is enough. The American People deserve better. It is time for democrats in washington to put partisan politics aside, and this partisan impeachment, and get back to work on the issues that matter most to the American People. But i will make you a promise of democracy. Whatever democrats in Congress Want to spend their time on, President Trump will keep on fighting for you. We are going to keep on fighting our agenda of Strong National defense, secure, borders conservatives on our courts and we are never going to stop fighting for jobs, jobs, jobs, in michigan and all across america. Were going to keep america working, because this president stays focused, stays focused where you elected him to stay focused, and that is on hardworking americans all across the state, you and your families. I promise, you working americans are never far from our hearts in our minds, people across this country who makes things, to grow, things to spend their days building more than a facebook page, people that read the saginaw news and not the new york times, people who put on uniforms i wear them courageously, im talking with people who put faith and family and freedom first, that is how we fight for every day you get. You love this country. Just like this president , and you know what a blessing it is to be in the greatest nation in history of the world. You are the people we are fighting for. Every american, regardless of race or creed or color who wants to work hard and live the American Dream, that is who we are fighting for every single day, i promise you and we are never going to stop fighting until that American Dream is a reality, because it really comes from the president s heart and mine, you, know some people think the president and i are kind of different. The truth i mean, the truth is, weve got a lot in common. I mean, when we first met, we were talking a lot about families. His grandfather immigrated to this country. My grandfather amateur into this country. His dad built a Small Business, a small Family Business off into a Great Success in new york city, i dont have a gas station business in Southern Indiana that he built up. He followed work across the Manhattan Island and built buildings all over the country and all over the world. I followed a career in the Public Service, and that was the calling of my life. You know, i tell people that other than a whole lot of zeroes, President Trump and i have a whole lot in common. A lot of, belief and it is a belief in the American Dream because because it is not a Bumper Sticker for us. It is our lives. I mean, i see the pictures on the credential behind his desk in the oval office. They are just a family, of his mom and his dad and his kids. I hear the way he talked in hushed tones about his mother and his father, and about his family, and i feel the same way. That is what we are fighting for every day. We are fighting to make sure that dream is available for everybody in america and with the results that weve been able to deliver together over the last three years, we are making the American Dream a reality for more americans than ever before. I mean, the truth is, thanks to all of you and the companies you placed in this president 2016, hardworking blue collar americans are winning again like never before trump, and workers for trump, let me tell you, were going to keep fighting for each one of you every single day. Because you have a president that fights for you, and before i leave, let me challenge you. As he is fighting for every single day, against unprecedented opposition, now is your term to fight for him. I deliver a great, great victory in 2024 michigan in for america. Because make no mistake about it, the other side is coming and they want nothing more than to undo all of the progress weve made, all that we have achieved, all that we have achieved together could be lost in one bad day in november, and michigan is going to play an outsized role making that decision. You know, i think the choice facing this country next year has never been clearer. On the stakes have never been higher. We made incredible progress in the last few years, and now it is time to redouble those efforts. Contrasting our agenda has created millions of jobs that businesses large and small, stressed in the conservative principles underpinning our core, Constitutional Foundation of this country, standing up for our ideals for family and freedom, strengthening our military, you look at the agenda and democrats, medicare for all, green new deal,s advancing socialist politics, the choice has never been clearer. So, men and women of michigan, i know youve got a Great Holiday season coming up, and i want you to enjoy that time with their family some friends but come january, first it is time to go to work. Weve got to be ready to turn out and vote. Im told with recent reforms it happened to paul ballots, its never been easier to be able to vote in michigan. Youre going to have an opportunity to vote early for the world with a friend and go to work, and go to work, through this after you vote we need to get involved. After youve made arrangements to be out there and actively talking your neighbors and friends, weve got to tell our story, maybe as never before. I mean, the truth is we have an incredible story to tell. In 2016, i heard the vision that our president our circulated and i saw the energy of his personality and his unique connections to the American People so it is a whole different thing when youre telling your neighbors and friends what someone is going to do versus what they have done. Weve got a great story to tell michigan about President Donald Trump and we need to go out and tell it. Workers and workers for trump, youve got to tell them, youve got to tell them what this president has done, that he is actually done more for hardworking the blue collar americans than any president has done in my lifetime and finally, as we go into the special season of the year i will begin to enter an election year, i would encourage you to have faith. Have faith in this president or. Why marvel at every day, i talk to him this morning. I told him i would beat him to michigan, and i can tell you who is excited to be here. He is excited to be with many of you tonight, and is going to be a tremendous rally, but i just marvel at his resilience, at his strength, and his ability to just keep going forward. Sometimes people tell me, to grab me on a rope line and they say tell the president just to keep going, and i tell him, you know, that is something you never have to tell President Donald Trumps. As we say in the whos your state, all the reverses script out of that pick up truck, it only goes forward, so have faith in this president , his energy, his vision, is determination to keep the promises he made to you, and as we go out and tell our neighbors and friends, have faith in the American People. Have faith that when we tell our story, front and show how we put the principles that have always made America Great in the past, and they have made America Great again in the practice, that it all still works and if we hold the banner of strong, unapologetic American Leadership on the world stage, if we hold the banner of freedom high, our neighbors and friends will rally to our cause, just as they did in 2016, so have faith in your neighbors and friends when you go to. And then finally, the special time of year, i would encourage you to take time to renew that other kind of face, the faith that has always been the well spring and the strength of the people of this nation is true. I just truly believe, i truly do believe or special that christmas is the special time of the year. There are many traditions that we have, many traditions that we celebrate, our jewish friends who celebrate hanukkah, the president said and i had a great hanukkah celebration at the white house just a few days ago, but for me in my house, christmas is not about presents under the tree. It is not about stockings hung by the chimney with care. It is not even about another heavyset white haired guy, so it is about something much deeper, and karen and i will slip away when our work is done and we will take time to reflect on that, but it was a few years ago that we had a special moment, but actually, when i was governor of indiana, we made our way to israel over the holy lanes to the holy land up the christmas season, and Christmas Eve we went to bethlehem, and we stood in a place called shepherds field which is still there to this day and it is marked by grottos, one after, another and as you walk up the hill, you can hear silent night being some in every different language you can imagine, and we stood on the very top of the hill and we thought of those words, where shepherds were watching their flocks by night, and an angel of the lord appear to them in the glory of the lord surrounded them and brought them good news and tidings of great joy, and then in the city of david was one of the mercedes crisis the lord and as we resort this versus on the starry night, we could literally see the church of the nativity five miles away, well lit on that Christmas Eve and i, turn to my kids and i said a little strange, a little has changed in 2000 years from that same story night . The same hills, the same sky, and for our family, the same faithful promise kept in a major. So i said take the time the season to renew your faith if you share that, distracted by that, and be encouraged by a former and know that as long as we keep our faith, in him who is always kept this promises, to the people of this great nation, and the people around the, world the best days of america are yet to come, so thank you all for me and thanks for coming out today, i leave you with renewed confidence, you all came out on a blustery day to be with so many good friends to be out of washington d. C. Today for, the president i are so grateful for just support, and we continues important efforts, between now and election day, 2020, with renewed Republican Leadership at every level, with a new republican with the majority in the United States has representatives, with jon james in the United States Senate President , with President Donald Trump in the white house. And with gods help, we will keep america working, we will keep america prospering, and we will keep America Great. Thank you very much. God bless you, god bless america, and merry christmas, michigan. They have a u. S. View the trump rally in those comments from Vice President mike pence earlier today, he is also expected to be here in battle creek, michigan, lived introduce President Trump who is set to arrive shortly here on a cspan 3. It is about 7 45 pm eastern time in washington, d. C. And in just a few minutes on capitol hill, the house is expected to vote on two articles of impeachment against President Trump,s one for abuse of power, and the other on obstruction of congress. We watched the vote on the house floor live over on cspan. Also, earlier today, a chair of the Senate Judiciary committee, lindsey, graham held a News Conference on the articles of impeachment against the president and the origins of the fbis russian glory. We will show his remarks what we were the president s arrival live in michigan. Rana do this once today, okay, sorry about that, okay, thank you all for coming, i thought i would kindsh

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