Was possibly taken. In the film which are about to see just a brief glimpse of her and her her name in the film is sally smith. Can you explain . She was bought by a man called washington smith and he gave her his name. It appears that the survivors were fought by him and took his name basically. Its diminutive its a name that you give to a child or to animals its a way of a dehumanizing. What was the killed . The detail that was the last station in 1860 and for many years thank you all adjust actually discovered it and let less than two months ago. Many of the survivors in the community were known as african town. Yes and they still did their best of the day. When you heard that discovery in alabama, what was your initial thought . What can we learn about these artifacts . Its so important, it validates the experience of clatilda and the stories in the seventies and it was a Poor Community and a community in which she lived throughout her life where in a poor hes, community and was about the passages an experience and give attention to africa tell and the nations and it is well. If you could take it one step further, where in africa what she born and where did she end up on the ship . How old was she and what did you do after the civil war came to the conclusion and where she lived in her remaining years until she passed away 1938 . The archival information is very limited. Certainly it was a fragment that was probably from a town in west africa. They were kidnapped the army and the senseless data and the assertions contradict one another in the sense and in one sense who is the reporters being alabama born and its very difficult to trust me and given that she died in the 1930s. Its likely to think she was kidnapped. Is she was mentioned in the majority of they were basically solds police for the percent throughout her life, she lived was in a town called inaudible and obviously she was there for about five years in this with the civil war her husband was also a survivor and it worked in the crops for the rest of her life and throughout her time in the u. S. Those decisions had an economic man the broader and to the descendants. Based on your research which by the way is been described as painstaking. To cheer husband have any descendants . Can you trace the lineage to those alive today . Yes, certainly more work needs to be done. But she had one surviving child who in turn her married name was hunter and also had children and to know how many children she had. But the person i was a leading figure claimed that she had many grandchildren and it became teachers working in a church and farmers as well. There could be many and it could be a handful of descendants. Two final points. First, for you personally. Why did you spend so much time resurging and why is it so important for audience to understand who she was . Well, basically i was doing a project and ive learned from other people and colleagues just how there is almost no almost no firsthand accounts of the real assets. So when i just happened to find a name i knew that she existed. Why happened upon her name i knew i had to try and see if i could find anything about her that its more than i expected to. Its important that we can never imagine being taken across the atlantic. But i think its important to reflect and hear the voice who injured it it. And just a moment were, going to show the 24 minute film thats tied titled the needle farmer which is in 1938 and tell us about this film and how it goes into your own research. There is almost no film or photographs with him of the survivors in the atlantic slave trade. The film and the cultural film those made with the intention of a paternalistic way is to educate and help African American servants who are injuring in the great depression. Its an intention in that sense but what theyre trying to do it trying to persuade them at a time worth a great migration and i want black people to stay in their place. So its very paternalistic and it features to suggest that we look at how youve helped this black woman. But of course, as weve done more research by showing her what theyre doing is unintentionally suggesting that she has thrived well before as any governmental aid. The way her own argument could. Doctor Hannah Durkin and researching the life of redoshi which is featured in this film. Thank you very much for joining us via skype and we appreciate your time on seaspan three. Thank you. From 1938 and two the film in his entirety is just over 20 minutes courtesy of the department of agriculture. There are about 9 million need rosen a Southern State and while many of these farmers went through prosperity its how they actually make a living. For all southern farmers that have their roots in farming and and crop farming. Over the years agriculture as labor to inoculate those measles. By the late dr. Seam in a dollop. Its the status of work oman negros and theres over 225 agriculture nations and demonstration with better farming and better living. Who was born in africa and when she died in 1937, was endured by her generation and was bettered by this campaign of negros. In the nature of things, they were among the poor farmers and theyre on small farms unproductive soil thus, the problem of the negro and the proverbial problem by her own boot straps. Dead literal or nor cash in them and for these folks the how underdog is a useful farm animal. Its necessary means for providing such conditions that the problem is making the most of small resources. For example, its in cotton country. Three acres of land. The household mind you all sleep together in the cabin. 12 persons in the home with this household with this installed farm which exemplifies the condition of their work. Live at home as the word of the Extension Program and the first objective. Otherwise the proper standing in a physical wellbeing. Here is a home garden brought to supply the needs of a big family. Another garden is a garden staple. The product list for groups of vegetables and for family living. And the growing district, they based their living fallout from the sale of vegetables. They were largely to the growing of eggplant and it may be expanding to the income on the farm. In any event, it remains a major figure. Crop improvement work was a demonstration by the Counter Agency and demonstrating for this collection of the Lessons Learned of the demonstrations of the a county agents and a group and the seed corns like you see. You think of coffee devalue of the cornfield as such as this. On this field, corn and soybeans are the growth of the crops. Tobacco on the land on the farm was in cooperation with the agents to improve the methods of handling this crop. This farmer gave his children a share of the crops and these little girls were working for the family but also for themselves. Their personal pride back of this dexterity. With the health of extension specialist, farmers in the region were given more and more consideration to these crops. In certain districts, the workers of per purchase the production of law and poor grow and of the counter agriculture agent. A group of boys are delivering his bail to the white house. Each of these boys has a good effect on the farming of his neighborhood. These bills are silent witnesses for the cause of this agriculture. Soil conservation was an Extension Program in the urge to plow and follow other approved sanctions. But it was under the direction and note that the job was an expensive equipment. The practice is becoming common among farmers and for these prop such a soybean, and austrian when a piece and the cloak of the farmer who grew this. They farm as a major importance to its own program. These rocks provide well as needed to balancing the household as well as the sale of trade. This flock of rhode island red was a former for h club member. They were demonstrations were both boys and girls. It was the main enterprise if they political program. This for h club boy with the proceeds of the bail of hay was in the institution of if you have what it takes. And many communities, its a profitable source of cash and occasionally, its a demand of poultry and a traditional way. Livestock improvement is done largely through the boys and girls club. Some boys are given pointers on how to judge a dairy cow. Here is the business and of another 4h interpreters. They have a high record for the production and particularly in alabama, local veterinarians are in cooperation with the county agents and have farmers to help stand up these farmers in the community that are economically under this plan. Theyre raised by a 4h club boy and oren real web a swine. They were bred on finding already sales on the local market fully made by the four age club as a demonstration agent and a prime objective of the cooperation with their communities and improvements and sanitation. In communities where these are the rules, steps have been taken to break in the regime under which polygraph has resigned. In such neighborhoods, pure Dairy Products are available for all, three times a day and a supply of dairy and poultry products are in the home garden which guards the Family Health and home butter and homey cheese is in the market when the surplus a family need to produce. It takes to dairy in a big way which furnishes a great a milk. In the southern coastal plains, the scrub cattle is tiny woods breach and the workers there have the campaign thats meet with pure bowls. Its the Angus Community balls. Here, kettle from the need of cows has been an increased view to improve the quality of beef from these herds. A demonstration of the obscuring point and in curing of this cash and nothing is needed for bringing home the bacon and other smoking methods. A cookout is a necessity on a southern farm without a ham. Its a modern concrete with tens of relatively inexpensive farms and stick could just as close as to those from what counts. The institution of longstanding plays an important part of any campaign. The product of this manufacturing plant goes far to reducing the supply that has its place in the balance desire. Furthermore, such a meal is for sale. It delivers home program a dividends which is always in savings and sometimes in cash. The Food Products is a feature on the program and a fancy which is the assurance against sickness and a food supply for a family of five worth several hundred dollars and money saved is when he made. The little girl with activities as this has Family Income and safeguards the Family Health. A well constructed smoke how such as this, makes a good Storage Place for products that are no danger from freezing these shells show the energetic life or providing the living. The demonstration of the county home demonstration agent. They women of the community are having their work in common while the agent supervise and give instructions in the food method when necessary. Theres a Simple Community where the equipment is available. A neighborhood agent directs the work in the Group Activity and an exception of well organized. Once each week during the season the people gather to have their products cooperatively. If vegetables pertaining and cuts the wood who keeps the fire going and has a heavy Pressure Cooker and everyone has a grand time. It takes unity picnic that pays dividends and food for winter. Shuttered windows and no screen are the usual thing for farmers and the shutters are kept close. Stores are saw them screened thus, the First Step Towards providing better housing which cleans out some malaria and this is a common title to have easy access. The approve type is not expensive but provides adequate protection. After sanitation, comes more Home Improvement and many like this ring of simple style in the region that have a home to be proud of by the adaptation of the wash that cost nothing and the planning of such improvements take the labor with little or no or cash as a result are sometimes striking. Now we have an attractive farm home with greens, whitewash and landscape in such improvements have some pride in the homeplace. Indeed, beautification of the yard has a significant looks to not be made in dollars and sense. It takes pride and keeping a lawn attractive and may reasonably conclude that its well managed. Theres a tower garden these crops are likely to be good to. In the south, the outdoor bathroom is a possibility. With the pipe under the pump and its directly into the bathtub. This is in line with the policy with regular means. They modern pressure tank and many farmers have standard plumbing. This girl, is the 4h state champion and dressmaking. All the garments in here are her own handiwork. Its the skill that these girls acquire and a direct bearing on their welfare. A successful inaudible activities such as this has the development of the whole movement. These markets are quite profitable. A cotton gin its cooperatively with the farmers under the supervision and the building itself is not much to look at but it in good shape and it does the work. The crowd gathering has become an annual event. The fares have education and has a rule theyre well attended. They give extension workers the opportunity to assess current farm problems in those communities and the council with their local leaders will give the girls for each club an opportunity to turn on its side with visitors. This is a rather nifty outfit anyway it seems to suit us. The Community Activities sometimes are conducted on a neighborhood scale with. This modest exhibit is slate in a Country School where the exhibit exaggerated interest any competition in production. The extension purpose is part of the summer camps where causes destruction agriculture. These camps are held in the season with boys and girls from all parts and meeting such a camp. They expected small and an opportunity for study and here there in the fine points and for example, the agent drives on the point to be discovered. Meanwhile, the girls construction will see a nurse giving instruction to a class of girls for first aid. Of course after the hours there was plenty of fun as well as study was stopped by. Last but not least by these activities by those in highlighted jointly in the institute of maybe its hygiene. The school nurse was a preventive. No real like dr. Booker tee washington was in pursuit of his race in america and tries to help negros and their efforts that he so widely lay down long ago. They must begin at the bottom and louis he sure foundation the not be endured by any temptation to be part of that foundation or by any other member where its contemporary and superficial. Both of our people already have a foundation of agriculture and theyre living in the country and the agricultural pursuit. And again he said, there in proportion as we learn to signify and glorify labor and put the skill and to the occupation of life

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