American history offer. His word john adams, john republicanism an obstacle to stand before us was published by a Massachusetts Historical Society in 2014. His his book length study on the general james long straight performances battle of gettysburg was public this year but Macfarlane Press currently he lives in marilyn with his wife and children without any further introduction, i would like you to present you to mr. Cory pfarr thank you very much. Thanks to the Gettysburg Heritage Center for having me here. We will get right into it just after janes longstreet nine new york we will begin regarded by future generations it asserted quote that we dont think that history will sustain conventions of mr. Janes longstreet critics he will be seen as an ablest who fought on the the reason we can look back today the reason this bolton is because it was written after a group of ex confederate officers, including John B Gordon and others had wade had seen fit waging a post war camping of allegations against longstreet conduct particularly his performance at harrisburg. Beginning in 18 71 million a year after leads death and not before, there was a chance that lee might come to the defense of his senior lieutenant with whom he had a close relationship before and you are this group of officers saw fit to do to defend his record to the almost extensively that most Critical Engagement of the war that confederacy high tide was at that if the battle of Northern Virginia the saudi very well might have won the war. With his belief firmly in mind they realized these action and decision that gettysburg were most vulnerable to criticism these men simply could never allow lead to be blamed for what he considered to be the confederate most consequential loss. With his goal in mind, they set out to find someone else to carry the burden of the defeat in pennsylvania. It will not take long to find that person enter janes longstreet the second in command in gettysburg. Who after the war became a southern republican while urging of reconciliation with the north and question leads judgment in interviews for the book the campaigns of the army of the potomac. For these reasons he turned out to be the post war ex confederate groups perfect candidate, lowhanging proverbial fruit on whom they could hoist the blame for a while the south lost the battle of gettysburg. Essentially, long streets decision to become a post war republican created a virtual environment for criticism because of his unpopular political decision, accusations leveled against him could more easily be fabricated as truth. As the grooves general narrative when, it long street was a trader to the south after the war, he might have been wondering it and especially a gettysburg. The groups first salvo against him and his actions i gettysburg was that that lee had ordered a long streak to execute an attack against the federal left at sunrise july 2nd. This was the bunk as early as the main 1870s, largely is the result of several actor ex confederate officers writing letters and say they had never heard of a sunset sunrise attack plan whatsoever. The group began to form more accusations against long street performance. The major one was that his alleged natural snow slowness let this late arrival on the ball battlefield, preventing lead from launching an attack on senator hill in the evening hours. He dragged his feet during morning a july 2nd because lee did not adopt his tactical decisions, delaying singlehandedly delaying the confederate attack into the afternoon hours. He ignored leads alleged orders during the overnight hours to resume the attack against the federal federal says he plans poorly and limited the execution limiting chances of success against the federal center. Much of what ive described so far about the post war accusations leveled against demonstrated gettysburg performances probably well known to most of you what. Fall is probably much well less well known but the consequences significance to todays understanding of the gettysburg battle. Indeed while the new york tribune and several other post death tribute along street exuded confidence that future histories would expose the post war agenda driven accusations against the generals action at jet gettysburg for the falsehoods and lies and the overwhelmingly, were their predictions have largely gone unfulfilled over the decades. To the contrary, most historians from 1904 to the present they have inadvertently or deliberately perpetuated the post war the group the emotional agenda. As will be shown, a number of historians have regularly engaged in the following lapses of historical integrity in addressing long streets gettysburg performance specifically. Jerry primary source material that supported their argument while ignoring primary source material that discounted. Neglected to cross reference time or resources to make an accurate in the form documents to the merits and reliability of each source used. Misrepresented sources entirely. And often stretch the bounds a historical interpretation in advance late in the supposition collectively, all of these areas over the decades of misconstrued long streets actions at gettysburg and because of this by the publication the hundreds of books on gettysburg, fashioned an incomplete history of the confederate side of the battle. The first major error of historical matt another stop it, has been many historians cherry pick primary sources that support their argument while being a unaware of the ignoring sources that contradict or claim. There has been no better example of his strength and handling of his march and counter march on the afternoon of july 2nd. To briefly bring this topic, sometime between 12 and 1 pm, his two divisions set out for the confederate. Lee directed they should advance via around conceal from the federal armys view. Given his this directive, wants long Street League division under hood, under the reach Black Horse Tavern they had to halt or be seen by Little Round Top messages were sent to long street who proceeded to the head of the column and consulted with mike laws who suggested a counter march based on a reckoning sauce he had personally conducted in the Morning Hours. Over the decades many historians have solely relied on a select post war statement made by samuel johnston, one of leaves engineers who had led a faulty Early Morning recon on july 2nd that produce the mistaken impression that there was no federal troop activity south of senator hill setting in motion the confederates misconceived assault plan to attack up the emits bergh road, he proceeded to carry a additional reconciles missions one intended to find a concealed marching rogue the roads would have to move and of quote. Despite johnston clear affirmation he investigated roads to the right historians have neglected to draw attention to it. To the contrary, most historians typically typically only mentioned johnstons Early Morning reconnaissance effort likely to allow the dubious followup assertion that he would he never ordered johnston to gothic or concede route to the road. He was merely there with and was merely there to record to support with knowledge of roads in the area. The fight may clause post for assertion provided vital corroborating evidence historians have been hesitant asylum narratives on the topic. Even though modern historian and long long streak critic has admitted that on this topic and several other topics, the resulting lay key testimony is left out. The fact of the matter is make law has confirmed johnston claim that he conducted a Reconnaissance Mission specifically to examine the roads to the run, contending quote generally then remarked he had ordered a reconnaissance for the purpose of finding out a way to go into position without being seen by the enemy, and i must hold myself in readiness to move, unquote. Make laws also confirmed long street after battle report and post war claim that johnston was hand selected by lead to drive, to guide the first Court Division to the right. Quote at length, my recollection is that it was 1 pm. Captain johnston of general lee staff came to me and said he was ordered to conduct me on march. My command was not once but in motion, captain johnston in myself riding some distance ahead. While ignoring that testimony entirely 20th century historians like clifford out a, modern historians like robert crick have based their claim that lee never intended for johnston they got long streets column solely another common johnston made in post war years about having quote no idea i had a great confidence of the great lead to set, the two greatly to such an extent that he would give me an army corps without move when moving within two miles of the enemy line. A some now believe that the officer hooley attached to examine the roads to the right to to discover a concealed route for a long history collar, indeed the officer who wouldve presents the most knowledge of these roads would never have been ordered by lead to guy the divisions blur attack. Furthermore, there is some just the musthave leave that although it has been well documented that during the beginning of the march lee illustrated they rolled together towards a middle of the call and a commanding generals of us im a simultaneously convinced last year will be leaning the column and decided to say nothing about hit about it to his subordinate. Students of the world to completely discount long streets accounts along with johnstons reconnaissance statement while being cognizant at large streets after about a report claim that engineers sent by the commanding general and myself was ready to provide a commanding general himself just after the. Battle historians have also selectively but their faith in johnson supposed to our comments when it comes to another controversial topic namely long streets decision not to use a notorious path across fields near Black Horse Tavern that alexander is gone have used to get a position earlier in the day. Historians from Douglas Freeman to jeffrey worth have alleged johnson but quote when we reached the men of the road i call the general launch streets attention to the hill over which you would have to pass in full view of the enemy into a rude across the field shorter than the road and completely hidden from the enemies observation. In cherrypicking the recollections historians have been unaware of or ignored critical details on the accounts of my, clause alexander, along street while overlooking the obvious inaccuracy of johnson statement. It is well documented in long streets after battle report that he was not in the head of the column when it reached back was tavern. Additionally, if some are inclined to not believe long street, nicholas clearly stated in his account he was with johnston at the head of the column, and at one point even riding with him 200 yards ahead of it. The claws never mention law streets present the head of the call and during the march, they never eluded anything about johnson suggesting a path across fields. Further more, in a pr League Sanders multiple accounts of the black horse to iran seen, he writes of arriving there the head of the call in and learning that long street had been sent for with several messages. Naturally, if messages are being sent to an officer, that means he was not near the head of the column where the divisions halted. In short though many historians have tried to convince students of the war the johnston to launch about a path across feel it is clear law street was nowhere near johnston at the time the captain alleged he spoke with the first court commander. To address yet another blatant example of many historians tendency to selectively apply sources and only support allegations a long long sleeves we need to shift to the overnight hours of july 2nd. Increasingly over the decades, along street critics and historians have expanded on this topic in allege a long streak undoubtedly received orders firmly during the overnight hours to attack in the morning of july 3rd. The claim is based on a little more than alexandras post war accounts, fighting for the confederacy. In this account alexander alleges that over 90 visited first Corps Headquarters modern historians have solely applied this one account from alexander to try to convince students along street undoubtedly received attack orders during the overnight hours when they voted forgot to include in their narrative on epa alexander himself and to other post war accounts either contradicted the details or outright stated lost or did not receive orders. Most notably in his other major was in memoirs Alexander Rob johnson had been ordered under the impression that long streak would attack at the same our. In fact, long street received no order during the nine so naturally students of the war will likely ask why ringing the such a difference between these accounts. Especially when historians have usually heralded alexander as one of the most consistent riders. The difference can be explained where alexander was fighting with the confederacy while nicaragua in 1897. He was going entirely and memory while he wrote entirely and memory memoirs at the confederate when he returned to the United States and revised this recollections for publication in 1907. Even greater important is when examining the claims on this issue do not measure up what is known alexander solely mentions and then the first plan for july 3rd which was in other words he intended lee intended to use make law to supported not spearheaded alexander also mentions leads fighting for the federal crown account to the left of the Peach Orchard, from the confederate perspective, which does also does not size up what is known about lease initial plan for july 3rd, which was to be directed to the right of the Peach Orchard from the confederate perspective. Indeed, perhaps it has not been sufficiently pointed out that leaves initial plan for july 3rd was essentially a repeat performance at what had already been attempted a second, ill be it against them even more solidified and rainforest federal line. It was not until lean met with a long streak on Seminary Ridge that the first come first Corps Commander pointed out that wouldnt clause were the right flying that lead changed his lantern on a dime to the multi core petty grew tremble venture against lastly for certainly if anyone had been warned by the attack to the left center it wouldve been one of the law Streets Division commanders tasked with executing the assault. Then because collapsed corroborate . No. In fact he had no knowledge of Early Morning attack, writing quote what the next move was to be was unknown to me. I was not notify that it wasnt contemplation to make any further attack by hoods or my division, nor was not informed it was an intention to solve the enemy center with tickets division, with the assistance of true some other core. And of quote. The second laps when addressing along streams guesswork was formed has been neglecting the cross reference primary sources to determine the reliability of each source. Resulting in the extend first example of this particular type of error involves his historians of frequently employed in 1905 account from james power smith who served as an aging the battle, to support the longstanding allegation that long street was a slow, mover especially specifically a gettysburg took longer to reach the battlefield than expected. Smith claimed in his account that he was presently on the evening there of july 1st when the commanding general was considering following his success on the outskirts of gettysburg by attacking the federals at senator hill. Apparently smith informed lee that senator hill could be taken off supported by hills core lee had the divisions of johnson, early, tender and anderson in the immediate vicinity to precipitates attack. Smith contended that lee immediately turned his attention to live streamed and asked whether his men had arrived at the field. Long street reported that his divisions were a few miles away, but offered to push up his leading brigades and all possible haste if necessary. So this recollection of leaves reply had been voted by critics along who over the years historians have claimed this was a valid rebuke of long stream, and have used it to further claims that leads old warhorse was obstinate and slow. What is often not discussed by these historians is that it was a very simple reason for why law street had been delayed on that day which is discoverable in post war memoirs memoirs of alexander the least battle reported to name a few examples. Given confusion as to whether the army was that sandal the wagon trains travel much further west the necessary and a morning of july 1st that it in greenwood. Lee in long street were together at that moment, at the former instructed the latter to allow the second core unit the past first, further delaying the advance of law street score. Therefore, any statement lost been made to leave that evening about his court ability would have been patently obviously. Despite minister can advised agenda, it is clear the whereabouts of law streets core nothing to do on july 1st with a name slowness on the part of the first Corps Commander. Simply much more to do with the bottleneck state of the chambers bird hike. Another source used without cross checking against other references as one post war recollection from long street a gilbert modestly sorrel. He wrote as a general common significantly non energy lie second section we could discovered along street did not want to fight of the on the ground not to be made willing lee refused to change but not just a former failed to conceal some anger it was apparent apathy in his movements. They like the fire and point of his usual bearing on the battlefield on a quote. It is only later and this chapter that surround describes what he believes long streets movement were apathetic. He wrote quote we were too late and of quote an attack powerful at 4 pm was different than the expectation of one in the four noon and of course. Therefore, we can deduce thats that he limited this claim to the Morning Hours and not to the execution of the attack in the afternoon hours which he describes is done unquote in smashing style with long street personally leading the attack with splendid effect in short he thought morning delay was a critical error and that lee had intended an attack be made at that time, now the. Afternoon the commercial made by several ex confederates riding opposed to years and so many confederates sense of the issue with so reliance around recollection the large streets dragging his feet stopped attack in the Morning Hours is that sources are never meant to be treated as though they are written in the background of cross referencing after battle reports in the post war ridings of alexander, nix laws, long street and others, his assertion has little credibility based on the assumption that lee was prepared to attack and only long streets alleged petulance was holding the army you know actuality there, were many factors precluded confederate attack in the morning on july 2nd. Firstly, spent most of the overnight hours and well into the morning not delving into tactical mnuchin but making fundamental decisions as to where they cannot or its making decisions as to where the confederate sunni should initiate the attack as late as 10 am. Secondly deciding if youd should attack from left to right secondly further complicating the first, factor lease and multiple Staff Officers including Charles Marshall venable, to meet with you will to ascertain fuels men should be moved from the position to either support an attack from there are to redeployed the army for the south with large streets tactical suggestion. Lastly, there was a potpourri of other ongoing actions that were not completed as late as the noon hour, including multiple ongoing Reconnaissance Missions the moving in the position of andersons division an 80 hills core, to serve as a substitute for pickets division and lost trees request awaited division before moving, which lee expressly permitted. As events turned out like street would sorely neither brigade, since even though anderson had been ordered to continue long street assault as the attack only three of the divisions five degrades ultimately advanced in support. Likewise, even though youll score had garden was urged to make to preclude the need to shift from his left is right to meet long story, they did little then exchange cant fire the federal until the first court tact it appears so well advanced is a session without demonstrating and knowledge of a confederate attack on july 2nd the attack on emits bergh road based on johnstons report. Its been alleged illustrates opposed petulance and slowness squandered what could have been golden moments for the conspiracy on july 2nd. To the contrary, negative implications for the confederate attacking up the emits brick row during the late Morning Hours have not been pointed out clearly or frequently enough over the decades. As previously stated, there was no art of no federal activity south of senator hill during the Morning Hours of july 2nd and between 9 and 10 pm the federal senator securely in place just north of little round to. An attack of the arab spring road anytime before him walk you wouldve been confusing in perilous for the confederate since realistically several not only have many shown predilection toward cherrypicking and neglecting to cross reference sources when addressing law streets action at gettysburg, they have misrepresented sources the. Most blatant laps in historical method concerns the topic of le and long street may 1863 discussions about the intended tactical approach for a general battle in the upcoming campaign. In every one of long streets both from his 1853 letter to his uncle aghast this written days after the battle to his 1855 neymar, the general he only agreed the offensive in strategy but defensive in tactics a number of primary sources confirmed long streets forced to our contention is about a guiding tactical principle for the campaign the historians of either overlooked or deliberately chosen not to use them. And his after battle report, written january 1864, quote it had not been intended to deliver a general batter, battle so far from our base on this attack and quote. Historians have been low to draw attention to the last two words in league sentence. Unless attacked. Likewise ap alexander, in both his post war accounts, underscore the use of defensive tactics. Ivan taylor, walter taylor, war wartime Staff Officers often critical of these old warhorse leaves war housing post war years corroborated long streets claims when scientists saw the assertion was quote to select a favorable time and place in which to receive the attack, which is adversary would be compelled to make on him and of quote instead of using these from resources to lend credence the law streets claims, historians have ignored them while misrepresenting to specific sources in an attempt to disprove them. Both ed went calling ten and jeffrey ward and brought up a letter what a politician general informed a politician about the armys plan to move north across potomac river. One claims it because theyre not did not address understanding values the defending tactics in the letter proves that never came to that understanding this is not a credible claim long street was in no way obliged to go into tactical particulars with the senators. He was riding in guided terms he had discussed of this deciding not to confide some of these miners anywhere dont go beyond anywhere beyond generally in myself and of. Quote some use that letter to the inflamed along strenuously strategy contrary to his later public assertion since law street always agree it is uncertain what is meant by the statement, since long street all was agreed to Strategic Offensive campaign. The controversy has always been about tactics, not strategy. And when cotton also employed the whip fall letter in a tent about campaign tactics. Citing the letter, coming to an believed that lee in long street never came to understanding about what kind of tactics should be used during the campaign. And last that long street concocted this story after the battle. Cutting to surmise that the morally thought of this possibility, the more likely had suggested defending defensive tactics when he had in fact not done. So not only was coming to an advancing plate and conjecture based on no primary source evidence, but also presumed to no longer streets thoughts, feelings, and motors at any given time. The second source historians have frequently misrepresented former early staffer william allen, in a letter when he asked if he had promised long streak if we had promised long street not a fighter general battle he had certainly never made such promise. A close reading of the source show that the willing rather estate previously asserted to come to an understanding that the guiding approach for a general batter battle was tactical defensive or in other words, offensive the strategy defensive in tactics. Multiple historians have used these resupply as false prove he never agreed to the tactical defenses a guiding principle for a general battle, when in fact the question had nothing to do with a specific topic it was much broader in scope. Popular historian Stephen Sears cometary about this interview is characteristic of how historians have misused the source over the years, when he writes misleading lee that long street imply that lee promised he would finally a defensive battle in pennsylvania. That of course was nonsense. The set is much when asked about it after the war. You had never made any such promise and i never thought of doing any such thing, was reply. And of course of course, beautifully and long streak suggested that expected their army would fight a general battle during the campaign. That is beyond dispute. Rather the question has been about the tactics employed in the general. Battle the last major laughs and historical integrity many scholars has been collapsing to conjecture while the mistreating and in canada displaying an uncanny ability to know lee and locks trees thoughts and feelings one example when they argue that lee was most bothered and irritated by long street on july 2nd. They alleged that he had lost confidence in his old war horses ability to carry out whatever attack that he had in mind, and was deterred ideas and he was deterred from moving the army to the left. To this view work arlington alleged to know that on july 2nd, lee was thinking about stonewall, jacksons death, stewards absence and george meads intention but for most of his mine realistically counting ten would only have been able to answer to these assertions with actual evidence, there there is absolutely no proof that other than conjunction to suggest the wasnt well that morning it wasnt easy. Yet cotton continued in this vein speculation month, lease plans which the historian believes quote must have come as a shocking surprise and of quote to the commanding general. Counting ten claims to know that lee was disturbed by long streets violent objections but quote nevertheless kept his temper and of quote. The misleading residue of the post war anti long streak group of riders is easily recognizable and cotton spurious narrative on this topic. Similar to conduct and his use of inflated language, robert crick uses the word turbulent to describe interactions until i second a word that suggests chaos and confusion, although despite the fact that most historians admit that the confederate armys attack readiness on july 2nd was complex and protracted to the Morning Hours. Quick believes law street only had to move to the right an attack. He then visualizes along street as quote accepting that responsibility in the poorest possible grace and of course. It is curious that it he employs the term responsibility instead of order. It will not have been long streets responsibility to move to the right until the or did it so, which was not done until after 11 am on july 2nd. He said it is reasonable to support all the claims into december 1861 a description of long street. When the historian amazingly contents that quote when something has not does not sue him he, merely looks grim and of quote this proves like street was acting in such a man on july 2nd 1863 and supposed graham this was foremost to blame for any if not all delay leading up to the confederate. Attack making habit of embracing blatant supposition about law stream crick has also shamelessly plan that in the hours leading to july 2nd, the first courtroom and it was playing it quote playing unlikely game and a quote with lee and the lives of his men, while remarkably maintaining he was also disloyal to leave a 30 years after his death. A second example of many historians conjecture involves the 20th century historian clifford out is commentary in the First Quarter specifically is open speculation along streets thoughts and feelings he pronounced that long streak quo usually a mobile face was reflecting torments of his frustration and outrage. You had been rejected as another jackson and council. You had been dismissed with a bruce quarter. His native stubbornness given the capacity to turn himself into Something Like an automated and of course. According to doubt is leads old war hospice war horse preceded dolly and renouncing all initiative while, admitting that all his speculation wouldve gone totally unnoticed to those around on the second since the general apparently gave know him that is bad humor reflected a disturbance so profoundly would be reduced the state of incompetence the command. Nobody knew dowdy seem to take it upon himself to fill blanks the extent an example to the extent of which extreme conjecture has been a vast one covering long streets action gettysburg. The final illustration of blatant supposition involves several claims made by moderate i academic historic earl has about long streets performance on july 3rd he wades into the murky walkers of telling readers what long stretch of down on the third he contends that long street shouldve planted Vance Richard andersons division on both legs of the picket petty grow tremble attacking column shortly after it began its events in. Addressing this and similar opinions it is impossible to underscore the importance to grant all opinions and prime resource evidence, and as much as possible let the record speak for itself. Indeed, there is no such evidence that suggest it was that the the historians plan was ever considered by lee, long street or hill. The only designated efforts were advanced main artillery support behind or on the flying infantry support volley it was there was some observable success. Engaging in what defense should of dialog on a historic study to inform us not to practice scholars shouldnt analyst practice scholarship engage and. And is ultimately not helpful for students. Likewise its been speculated for even more egregiously when attempting to address the topic among streets bridge ally third attack dialog with alexander, his artillery officer. Almost conversational contended that long street i actively tried to shift the responsibility for the salt alexander apparently did not suggest an in person meeting because did not want to provide more detailed instructions. And of course first of all these claims are unsubstantiated with no evidence to support the allegation that long street were somehow scheming to make alexander responsible for carrying out assault. Additionally if, lost it was looking for reasons to call off the attack, and the reason, alexander actually provided him with multiple opportunities during the minutes leading up to the infantry attack, to include telling long streak that the large amount of smoke on the field with precludeds ability to accurately judge the art artillery barges effect on the federal center, suggesting all other alternative options should be carefully considered beforehand, and quote even if this is entirely successful it can only be so a very bloody cost and of quote. And lastly just after pick it began is advanced, informing long streak that there would be no advanced artillery support, and that the artillery reserve disastrously dissent too far to the rear to be of any use. Corresponding by note was likely chosen less nefarious lee and more because it was long streets typical modest up around i to give trusted subordinates discretion when carrying out orders the. Content of law streets notes to alexander and subsequent post war ridings suggest the can become the first Corps Commander wanted to avoid micromanaging alexander and sought to lean on the young artillery mans trained eye without breathing down his neck. It is unknown what the historian means when he suggested long street did not want to provide alexander with more detailed instructions. Law street did provide a note alexander and the young officers expressed no confusion as to what was expected of him which was namely to judge the artillery barrage effect on the federal central, to suggest the best time to bring advanced infantry, for picket fact, and to be prepared to advance artillery on behalf of the column. And concluding james loss streak declared late in life that he was not worried about high future histories wood covers actions that gettysburg and perhaps the most quoted statement of his life, he believed confidently that quote time sets all things. Right every lives but today, truth is eternal. Unquote unfortunately belong street, since his death in 1904 the verdict of history and most of stores treatment of his actions and gettysburg have been stated by academic post war agenda pervasive Academic Group thing and a lack of historical integrity in many cases. It is well be on time for a true, truthful objective analysis of long streets performance gettysburg and for this to be reflected in wider accounts of the battle. Thank you applause i will take some questions,. Yes how did you get interested in inaudible i started studying civil war in a very young age. I probably look young now but much younger. Over the decades i was seeing the continued scholarship that was coming out along streets action at gettysburg, and various books on gettysburg. I was frequently seeing the same thing. And at the same time i was also reading many of the primary source documentation that i mentioned in my speech. And i was not quite seeing the same thing. I wasnt seeing many historians interpretations being validated in the primary source record. Eventually, this is a fiveyear project, i was able to finally get around to taking on the project and that is how i got into. It after the war, did long street try to defend himself in a significant way . He did. At first, he tried to ignore it. First to try to ignore it. Through the early part of the 18 seventies, i would say. But i think youve got to the point where he could ignore no longer, by the minute 18 seventies and 18 eighties and so forth. She wrote multiple accounts in the post war years. Several newspaper articles, and obviously his 1895 memoirs from monastic bottlenecks and which he tried to defend his actions there. One of the interesting things i think to take away and to sort of thing about is how much, how much many of the other ex confederate post war riders try to discount law streets writings in the post war years. They tried to say you cannot you cannot trust long straight the. Reason that it did that was because they did not want scholars of the future to be able to lose young streets often consistent, ive read all of long streets writings that i could i can final gettysburg and it is often inconsistent, and mostly factual. There are some areas like any post war accounts made by any post war camp. But he tried to discount his ridings so that future historians could not use his ridings credibly in their eyes. Sir . You mentioned a lane being present when long street or in his proximity on day two when the attack plan was altered. Very few other major historians talk about even that possibility, let alone probability. I mean could it could you elaborate a little more . Ive only read a few authors that think that this was likely. Many are absolutely silent, and just assume that lee was nowhere around and that the decision was all on a long streak. Yes. During the time period you are specifically talking about, when the first core gets into position in the early to mid afternoon hours on july 2nd, and then notice that there is indeed a large a large union force south of cemetery hill, in fact it was out of the Peach Orchard at that point in time. Lee in law street were together and that is verified by two sources didnt again, not often talk about. I havent seen many cases of them being talked about at all but there are specific statements made by his men that long streak was present that it was present widely at the time. They altered the plant together. It was not just long straight. Many other histories over the historians over the decades have tried to say that long street was by himself at that, time and that was not the case. , sir . Yes arthur free mantles ridings about his time in gettysburg with a street, where was he . He writes a finding a tree on both the second and third day. Where was that . In the middle of the confederate line. Arthur free mantle is very important to the second day because we learned from arthur free mantle that lee spent most of the july 2nd attack with a pea hill, at the center of the confederate line. So as the attack progresses northward from birds to lawsuit andersons division, you have to ask yourself the battle is taking place right in front of robert e. Lee and ap hill. Why would andersons division with partly engage . Only three brigade brigades out of the five total brigades in andersons division engaged on july 2nd to support long streets attack. Anderson was supposed to be the replacement for picket division that is widely gave long streak andersons division, because picket was not in the field yet. So free mental account on the second day where he talks about where lee was located on the second day, with hill and the third core confederate third court is extremely important, to allow us to question why didnt Anderson Division full engage until i second . Why didnt lee, hill or anderson put forth all five brigades of just instead of just three . A gettysburg headlong street ever ever been question as far as obeying orders or his integrity or anything like, that in any previous battles . Not during the war itself. Not during the war itself. Other issues came up in the post war years. Second mass comes to mind when some post war writers alleged that long street held off too long in coming to the aid stonewall jackson. But no, not during the war no. None of his actions really came up. Subsequent to gettysburg, there was a controversy over the east tennessee campaign, and some disputes between lock street and lafayette my clause and some of his other subordinates but that was after gettysburg. Yeah . All right. applause a little bit about our presented today doctor mark snell he is a retired military officers on a retired history professor. He is currently serving as a chief historian of th