Protecting the nations Transportation Systems. This morning we reflect on a somber day in american history. It was exactly 18 years ago that terrorists turned civilian aircraft into weapons, killing nearly 3000 americans and injuring thousands more. Today, we honor the memories of those who perished, and those First Responders who ran into harms way to help their fellow citizens. The tragedy of 9 11 led to the creation of the Transportation Security Administration. Tsa. Within the new department of Homeland Security. Tsa is charged with protecting our nations Transportation Systems from attacks and ensuring freedom of movement of people in commerce. Acting deputy administration, administrator, Patricia Cogswell is here to update the committee on tsas prime achieving these goals. Americas air, land, and marine Transportation Systems are designed for accessibility and efficiency. Challenged to deter and respond to terrorist attacks without unduly burdening travel , the economy, and civil liberties. Tsas workforce includes transportation security inspectors, federal air marshals and visible intermodal prevention and response teams, among other security professionals. Congress has worked to support this dedicated workforce bypassing the first ever tsa reauthorization bill. The tsa modernization act in last years faa reauthorization legislation. The modernization act includes to streamline. Support the Screening Partnership program, mandate more rigorous background checks of airport workers. Strengthen airport access controls, and enhance security in public areas of airports. As far so far, tsa has done an admirable job of responding to the myriad requirements of the bill. However, i remain concerned about the pace of tsas deployment of new screening technology. The rate of the precheck expansion, the seeming lack of urgency for implementing Screening Partnership programs reforms, in the absence of a comprehensive plan the registered Traveler Program with credentialed authentication technology. Systems. I hope i witnessed today will address the agencys progress toward implementing the modernization act. In addition to this act, implementation, the committee will also exercise oversight on reforms to existing security. Programs. Notably, the passenger screening teams. In february, administrator cossey perkowski briefed the committee on disturbing testing results. Of the iga and promised to revamp canine training. Tsa has also committed to making the federal air Marshals Program or intelligence based. Proving todays Frontline Security programs is important. Tsa must adapt to changing trends and technologies. Committees interested in emerging technology, including biometrics, perhaps we will hear about that today. We understand that tsa has roadmap. But, we certainly need to read this in light of concerns involving privacy, data protection, and civil liberties. So, i look forward to robust discussion today. On the vital role that tsa plays. Madam Ranking Member. You are now recognized for opening remarks. Thank you mr. Chapman. Let me also welcome acting deputy administrator cogswell for joining us this morning. And thank you for all the work that tsa does in keeping us safe every day. On this somber day, we remember the tragic and devastating events of 18 years ago. An adversary motivated by nothing short of an evil attack of our nation and the horrifying grief and loss of life was unimaginable. Establishing the Transportation Security Administration was among several steps that Congress Took to help ensure the attack would never be repeated. In the lab, Congresses Committee worked hard to complete the work on the faa reauthorization act of 2018, also including the First Comprehensive reauthorization of tsa since the agency was created shortly after september 11 attacks. Our focus today is on the oversight of the agency as it continues its Critical Mission and seeks to implement the mandates included in last years tsa authorization, formerly known as the tsa modernization night. You know, last years tsa modernization act focus on the proving security in issues such as security underplaying canines for screening of passengers and cargo. Reinforcing efforts to intercept Insider Threats and expediting testing and deployment of new screening technologies in various organizations to ensure the effective leadership at the agency. I also want to note here, i appreciate the good work of the Pacific Northwest laboratories in richland, washington, who at airports the tsa millimeterwave scan has worked through security and developing we call it the tsa salute. But, nonetheless, this overhead has given quite a security yesterday had the chance to talk with acting director cost while cogswell about the next generation of technology will be deploying at airports. Both at airports with individual travelers and our cargo containers, this Pacific Northwest laboratory continues to stay ahead on cuttingedge technology, and we appreciate the work of our r d labs and helping us maintain security. I also, appreciate your candor regarding a recent diversion of tsa resources to the southern border. I spoke to you about a letter that was sent by my colleague, senator wicker and i about the diversion of those resources. My guess is we will have a chance to ask you and this mornings hearing about that. Reports indicated at the time that there could be an additional 800 fams who would be deployed with ultimate goal of sending 175 to support the cbp operations. So, look forward to asking you about those questions this morning. So, as my colleague said, we are here to review what we can do to make sure that the tsa remains a strong and viable force. I remain very interested in the canine units success. On the for the deployment of that as one of the Fastest Growing airports is not the Fastest Growing airport in the nation, seatac. The challenges of moving people and making sure we are all secure is a very, very important , daily task. Thank you for being here to address these issues. Thank you senator cantwell. Members and guests should note that senators on the floor will be observing a moment of silence at 11 00 this morning. And, in connection with that, this committee will also be observing that moment of silence. At the stroke of 11 00. Just before fouts began. So, be mindful of that. And, miss cogswell, we are delighted to have you and we are interested in hearing your opening statement. Thank you for being here. Good morning chairman wicker, Ranking Member cantwell and distinguished members of the committee. Thank you for inviting me to testify about the work the Transportation Security Administration does to keep our nation Transportation Systems secure. We appreciate the continued support of congress and are grateful for the protective relationship we have this committee. As well as the authorities provided in the tsa modernization act of 2018, the first reauthorization of us as an agency. On september 11, 2001, nearly 3000 people died of as a result of the worst act of terrorism ever committed on american soil. From this tragedy, we renewed our dedication to the ideal and freedoms that define our nation. 9 11 changed assault. With the goal to never again see such attack, congress created the tsa just two months afterwards. 18 years have passed since the tragic events of september 11. And many americans, including some of tsas current employees are too young to have any recollections of that day. Aviation and other modes of transportation remain highly sought after targets. By terrorists. Methods of attack remain more decentralized and opportunistic than ever before. Tsa must meet the challenge of pervasive and constantly evolving threats in both physical and cyber rooms. Tsa most important asset in the fight is its people. I am extremely proud of the 63,000 dedicated professionals who make up tsas workforce. Everyday they demonstrate our core values of integrity, respect and commitment to mission. Earlier this year, significant portion of the workforce, including transportation security officers, federal air officers, inspectors, k9 handlers, intelligence personnel and support staff worked without pay for 35 days during the partial government shutdown. That is incredibly trying period, our employees dedicated to professionalism and commitment to the mission, despite suffering significant financial and personal challenges. We are grateful that members of congress continue to look for ways to protect our workforce in the event of a future lapse in appropriations. And stand ready to work with you to advance his effort. Tsa was a very important year for the direction of tsa. Not only did Congress Pass and the president signed the tsa modernization act. But tsa also developed a strategy to 2026, and its administrator intent to guide the execution. During 2019, we have focused on implementation. Tsa has completed more than 46 of the 180 requirements mandated in the act and 53 of those with specific deadlines. Completed requirements rave range from a global aviation review. Establishing a surface Transportation Service Advisory Committee. When mr. Perkowski testified before this Committee Last september, he described the efforts tsa was taking to rapidly advance tsas acquisition of computed tomography screening systems and credential authentication technology. Allowed tsa to more easily identify potential threats and more automated ways, enhancing both the effectiveness of our screening processes and the passenger experience. Thanks to the support of congress, tsa awarded a contract for 300 ct machines and 500 count machines and beginning deployments. Additionally, consistent with the tsa modernization act requirement for precheck, and 2019, we successfully conducted pilots into airports. Demonstrating tsa can see significantly higher through what for precheck only lanes. We are also encouraged by early results of a new option that we are testing. That will enable passengers to enroll via a mobile tablet at the airport. Near the checkpoint. We know the importance of accepting risk as we carry out our mission. Consistent with the modernization act requirement on federal air marshals integrated riskbased intelligent driven rural information into the concept of operations throughout Mission Deployment strategies focused on high risk travelers and revised International Risk assessment models. Similarly, tsa has taken a number of strategic actions to address the risk associated with Insider Threats. Including the establishment of the subcommittee on Insider Threat. And accepting options to improve airport working controls. Tsa plans to produce a roadmap to prescribe the way forward to mitigate insider risk. Tsa also recognizes strategic success depends on our workforce. The commission a Blueribbon Panel comprised of public and private sector leaders with Human Capital expertise Capital Service policy and delivery at tsa. We reviewed the results of that effort as well as input received through the establishment of a National Advisory council, developed a number of initiatives including twotier performance system and the tso career progression program. Tsas name in recognition of the 18th anniversary of the september 11 attack is honoring the memory, protecting the nation. We are confident through vigilance, collaboration with domestic and International Partners and the continued support of congress, we will meet our mutual goals of, not on our watch. Chairman wicker, members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to testify before you today. I look forward to your questions. Thank you very much for your testimony. Let me start by asking about something i dont think we saw in your printed testimony. Thats a Screening Partnership program. The modernization act, including included a number of provisions to enhance this Screening Partnership program. Such as allowing Airport Operators to participate in the evaluation of proposals. When will tsa finish developing this process . And, are you currently briefing these assessments for every airport director . Thank you very much for the question. So, as you noted, a number of requirements related to the Security Partner program, which enabled individual airports to choose to use contracted private entities for Screening Services while still matching the quality and type of screening provided by similar to tsa. We have already brought on for the majority of those requirements, specifically and probably the largest one being ensuring use of the full Cost Recovery that the federal government uses to evaluate the bids by the individual performance entities. At this point, we have already awarded 3 new contract this year under the new requirements , with the fourth one expected before the end of september. And we have several more scheduled for completion in early 2020. Are you briefing every airport director about this . Every airport director is very closely tied into the process by which we solicit the requirements and proceed through the actual analysis and results. Okay. Now, on real id, its our understanding that tsa will begin turning away travelers that dont have real id compliant id cards on october 1 of next year. How is that going . And you have some contingency plans for obviously, the people who are going to be caught by surprise . As you correctly noted, october 1, 2020 as the final implementation date for the real id act as implemented through regulation. Critically important to recall that the rationale and reason for the actor the first place is one of the recommendations coming from the 9 11 commission. Noting in fact, that that was one of the methods used by the perpetrators of the attack. At this stage, we are incredibly close coordination through dhs and with ch tsa directly. In every location around the country. We are working to get signs out. We have recently started as every individual travels, they will be notified of the document they are presenting at the time they come to our travel document checker, whether or not their identity document will meet the requirements post next year. We want to make sure everyone has the maximum amount of time they can in order to obtain either a real id compliant document or other acceptable form of identification, such as a passport or military identification. , mississippi drivers license here. Are all the states compliant now with the drivers licenses that are being issued as of this date . 50 and 56 issuing jurisdictions are currently compliant. The 6 remaining are scheduled to be complete in the next year. Some of those are states. Very good. It just seems to me that, once those 56 jurisdictions comply, thats going to take care of almost everybody. Sure hope so. Does tsa precheck helping to make the lines shorter for everybody else . Thank you very much for the question. In fact, we see a profound change in airports where significant population are pre checked. Members. In terms of the overall individual airports. As of right now, we have about 20 million individuals who are in the program, having their own travel number. That includes 9 million who are directly involved with reporter , another 9 million who are in the entry program. Another additional of the population such as yourself through the process we used to bring in other additional populations who are screened through very highly controlled processes. At this point, we see nationwide, about 20 of all travelers each day are precheck. 20 . Quite a good number. We want to continue to grow. Does that help the other 80 . It does. There is a requirement, none reporter passengers will must remove the liquids. If you precheck, you this is relaxed. Tell us about that, and what is the status of tsas deployment of computed tomography screening machines. And what is your anticipated time on allowing all passengers, not just pre check, to keep liquids and laptops in their bags during screening . As you noted, one of the primary differences between the most visible differences between s greeting and screening is the ability to leave your laptop in your bank. You can also leave your shoes on and my jackets. You dont have to take off clothing in order to go through the screening equipment. Great. As you have noted, one of the pieces we see that will help us get to the next stage is that commuter tomography or ct machine. Those machines, because of their much greater ability to gather additional sensor data, provide a significantly enhanced ability to see within that check, that carryon baggage, to look for items that might be threats. Meaning, we have to have less to bed stitcher, less passengers have to pull out from the bank. Lap tops are the easiest ones to proceed with first. We are also working very carefully with the makers of the equipment to look for what algorithms we can do, put in place to enhance beyond that that will get us to liquid, so we can i am intruding on senator cantwells time. What your time on there . We are working on the algorithm to truly tell what kind of liquid it is. Ai. Thank you. Senator cantwell. Thank you mr. Chairman. And again, administer cogswell, i mentioned seatac and its rapid growth. Think we are at 135,000 people a day. And almost 50 Million People per year. I noticed that the site for seatac says it was built in 1949 to accommodate 1 Million People. The fact that we are accommodating annually 50 Million People shows the stress and strain on the system. And as we discussed yesterday, moving cargo is what we do in the northwest as well. So, this security measures are of utmost important importance to us in continuing to do a job good job at the security layer as well as moving in a Cost Effective fashion. So, wanted to ask you about the new rules for developing the k 9 units, and for thirdparty explosive when will we see those . In what other initiatives are we pursuing to have fully trained teams available for deployment . And also, wanted to ask you about the diversion to the southern border, how many tsa people were diverted and what were the impacts on lines at airports across the country . So, the program you are noting is, we refer to it as thirdparty k9. We published the regulations last december and immediately began training teams. At this point in time, we have more than 171 teams and 30 entities already performing screenings. Those private screenings requirements at those private screening entities already operating today. We expect to see continued growth in volume in that space. We have had a lot of interest in it. As to your question about southwest border on the k9 point. Tsa pursuing other initiatives . Or do you think you are going to be more aggressive in just pursuing this thirdparty stream . In addition to the aspect around the thirdparty k9, we are also looking at the next round, next review, next enhancement of technology that could be available for use in screening of cargo. More to the same types of equipment that we used in checked bags, today, and are moving to the checkbook, we think there is much greater capability for pallet size. Much larger size and that cargo screening environment. So, safe to say that seatac will be seeing aggressive use of canines and that tsa will be continuing its own efforts as well of whatever seatac does on its own . Absolutely. This is an area that we think is absolutely right for continued evolution, and we are very pleased that all the partnership we have that is dedicated to that mission. Now, southern border. Onto the southern border. We have been detailing personnel to support cbp since early in the summer. The high water point of the total number of people that we had down at the southern border at any given time was about 350. Today, we are down to around 180 postcongress approval of the supplemental, as well as the decrease we have seen in the number of migrants appearing at the border. The individuals we send are all volunteers. They chose to support that mission. We are incredibly grateful for their choice to perform and serve in that function. Types of activities they perform include providing transportation from potential to hospitals. Will there at the hospital making sure theres a security layer then returning them to detention facilities. Other areas include upping provide supplies, inventorying personal belongings when someone arrives. Other aspects on that front. As we continue to go forward, we made very clear decisions as we were going to the setup of that program, that we were not in danger transportation security. Or, greatly disadvantage anyone location. So, we specifically designed the volumes of people and locations to have minimal impacts. So, usa minimal impact . A no impact . I know you said to me you exempted all the highvolume airports from being impacted. So, you took, or volunteers from places where you are saying they basically had little or no impact. Is that what youre saying . Yes, with talking about people who work at our checkpoints, we specifically designed for those locations, where we could do so, recognizing what the volumes were at that location. The other places that we look to of course our federal air marshals. So, we selected individuals recognizing that we would see in the near term, some decrease in the number of, for example, viper missions that were run at very surface locations, or a decrease in our lower priority flights. But we have been able to manage and maintain that amount to minimize impact. Thank you mr. Chairman. Thank you. Senator fisher. Thank you mr. Chairman. Deputy administrator, as you noted in your testimony, i am glad to see that the tsa has established the surface transportation security Advisory Committee. I was proud to work on the legislation that established a. Now that it is established, what processes are in place to ensure the tsa seriously considers and implements the recommendations provided by those Advisory Committee members . We are incredibly fortunate that we have had a long and productive relationship with many members of the surface transportation sphere. This legislation was a very significant benefit to us because it let us formalize that process and create an avenue that allows us to take normal recommendations. Similar to how we have operated the Aviation Security Advisory Committee we believe there is enormous value in having a venue such as that we can ask specific questions, ask for specific advice in areas, and receive it formally through that mechanism. So, thank you very much for your support. Thank you. Also, the tsa modernization act requires that you conduct a search transportation security assessment and implement a risk based strategy based on that assessment. You then have to obviously develop a budget, resource allocations that are really going to look at that risk based strategy that comes about earlier this year the administrator spoke at a House Committee meeting on that and said that the assessment was going to be completed probably by tober of this year. Do you think youre going to meet that deadline . And, can you provide this committee right now with any kind of insight on what maybe we can expect to see in that assessment . We are working very hard to complete that requirement. We believe we will be in time to meet the deadline. Overall, i think the important piece of the assessment is ensuring that we have correctly and adequately looked across all of the threats, all the vulnerabilities on the consequential risk associated coming out of any particular vector at the security environment for surface transportation. At this time, i think the most important part from our perspective is the ability to call much greater attention to surface transportation. This is an area where very good people have worked for a long time to improve surface transportation security. I cant tell you the number of people i have met, just dedicated to this mission. The ability to call attention to their great work, see how far they have come, see where they need help to go farther. Its a great place to be. There may be a classified section to the this assessment that the committee will have access to . At this time, i dont know that we are planning a classified attachment. However, we are happy to provide a classified briefing to you or your team, should you wanted. As well as the regular briefings that we do against all the different threat. I think it would be very, very helpful and also very important that this committee be able to have those classified briefings. But i also think it would be really helpful if you would have a written attachment that we would be able to review and a classified setting. So that we have a, i think a fuller understanding of the risks that are out there, and what is needed, and what would be a responsibility of this committee to try and meet those needs in the future. Thank you very much for that. I will take a back. We will look forward to meeting your requirements. Okay. Thank you very much. Also, you know, in december 2018, the gao issued a report on pipeline security program. And made 10 recommendations, all of which dhs has concurred with. Can you provide an up date on where tsa is at in implementing those gao recommendations on pipelines . We are making strong progress against all of the gao recommendations. I think most important from our perspective looking at how we are reenergizing and revitalizing the competencies and knowledge of our workforce in this space. Through our recent changes. And again, thank you for the tsa monitoring station act requirement. We now have a dedicated section slowly to surface transportation. In that, we have combined the way to pull together our compliance staff, our inspectors. We are further developing a core cadre squad specialized, having much greater expertise in pipelines. As well as we are pursuing additional expertise and fibers. This stage we have completed the first 24 going through that additional training. And are looking to expand from there. Are you seeing a good working relationship with the other agencies involved . We are. In particular, simpson the and fark have both been very solid partners working with us. The department of energy in particular, we do dedicated briefings with, to the various members of industry. I cant say enough about the great relationships we have with the members of industry. They are extremely laser focused on security aspects and needs. Thank you. Thank you mr. Chairman. Thank you senator fisher. Senator blumenthal. Thank you mr. Chairman. Thank you for your service. What is the statutory authorization for diverting tsa employees to the border . I believe, sir, and the actual, original creation language for the department of Homeland Security, there is a secondary provision within tsas legislation directly that allows us to authorize use of personnel in support of overarching missions. As other examples of when we do this today, as we support hurricane or other Natural Disaster responses, as well as the july 4 activities here on the mall. Currently, tsa employees diverted to the hurricane response effort . We had 120 ready on standby to go, based on where it occurred in the united states. We were able to absorb it locally and did not have to detail anyone. Let me ask you, will you commit to provide us with some kind of notice in the event that additional tsa employees are diverted, beyond the 180 that are now there. We will. I want to ask you, about the september 11 security fee. We recalled, at this hearing and will be recalling on the floor very shortly, that horrific tragedy that spur the creation of the tsa, and led to vast improvements in our nations Airport Security, and paying for this improvement that you know, congress established a user fee that passengers pay. On their tickets. Its known as a september 11 security fee. The fee was initially intended to go only to improving our nations Aviation Transportation system security. In 2013, Congress Passed a measure to reduce the deficit. And as part of a major budget compromise, the september 11 security fee was raised from 5 to 5 60. But congress required one third of the revenue collected from those fees to go toward reducing the deficit. In my view, this measure was nonsensical. Senator markey and i have f4 72, the funny for aviation screeners and threat elimination restoration act, known as faster. This legislation would eliminate the diversion of funds to pay for totally unrelated government spending, and ensure that the passenger security fees go only to Aviation Security and prevent congress from, again, raiding these funds in the future. My question to you is, would you support giving tsa access to these funds . Should congress return the full amount of revenue generated by the september 11 security fund. To its purpose of securing our nations Transportation System thank you very much for that question. Will there is no official Administration Position on the administration, i share your interest in ensuring a continual consistent Funding Source to the agency dedicated to District Technology and paying for our personnel. There can be no consistent source of funding if congress is going to divert those fees that are charged to travelers for Aviation Security. And in fact do a bait and switch to divert them elsewhere, correct . It is more difficult, yes. More difficult, and eventually, it will detract from your efforts to secure our nations airports and other transportation facilities, correct . So far, what a potential leveling off of our Funding Sources. Well, then, would you commit to provide this agency with a position on this legislation. Hopefully supported. We will start to work closely with the process through the administrations the administrations positions. On another topic as you know, on july 17th 2019 the mechanics for American Airlines allegedly tampered with a key aircraft Computer System at Miami International airport. It indicated a vulnerability to Insider Threats. How vulnerable is our nations Aviation System to Insider Threat. Insider threats is one of the significant threat streams that we regularly look at and Something Like we are actively looking at our International Partners as well as our tuesday. Including government and industry. This is an area that we believe has a multifactor, multifaceted approach to capture. Not only do we rely on background checks, access control, but we also look to ensure a culture across the board. Were individuals that they see something that doesnt look right, quickly reported so it can be attended to. While he won all those. It takes everyone of us every day to have that first line. Thank you very much. Thank you mr. Chairman according to committee procedures, senator is next followed by senator lee. Thank you mr. Chairman. Today, as we remember the tragic events of september 11, 18 years ago, out of that tragedy came the 9 11 commission and its report examined what happened that made a number of recommendations to remedy the failures that led up to that tragic event. One of the last 9 11 Commission Recommendations that of not been adopted, most all of them have been adopted, was the necessity to streamline congressional oversight, which i know continues to be a challenge for the department. The department of Homeland Security is beholden to over 90 congressional committees in the house and senate. So, my question to you is, how would you evaluate congressional oversight of tsa and tsas ability to be responsive to over 90 congressional committees in the house and senate. Thank you very much for the question. As you highlighted, compared to some other agencies, we have some additional requirements and a larger number of committees to whom he respond. Tsa is extremely fortunate that i think we have pretty good relationships with almost every oversight entity that we work with. We have tried very hard to look for ways to consolidate interest in a way that helps overall drives, efficiency on our end and responsiveness toward overall congressional oversight. With consolidated oversight be helpful . I think the Administration Position as pretty very much in line with what you are suggesting that there are some interest areas. I think we are willing to work with congress on how to make sure that the resulting actions, whatever they may be, best fit the needs for congressional oversight as well as helping streamline our requirements. I continue to hear from some of my constituents in very diverse areas in michigan about some very lengthy, very intrusive screenings that they get every single time they travel. They are pulled aside. Certainly maintaining a safe and secure Aviation Environment is paramount. We have to keep us all safe. But, you also have to protect civil rights of lawabiding travelers. Its a very delicate balance Department Homeland security always has to balance the rights of individuals of also keeping a safe. But to that end, i think its important for us to be conscious of what is happening and what is happening. I want to acknowledge first, i know it is difficult to track information related to wait times prior to screenings, the length of screenings, the demographics of passengers that are being pulled aside, as well as secondary screaming complete screening complaint data. My question is, do you believe that there is room for expanding the collection of data and sharing it with appropriate congressional committees and Civil Society groups so we get a better handle as to what is exactly happening at these inspection sites . One of the requirements of the tsa is, you, i believe know, is in order for us to be able to report wait times across all locations. So, we are actively working along with airports to reach that goal. In many locations, we are already in positions where we are demonstrating some of that process today. As to some of your other questions, i would say we are incredibly welcoming of input feedback across communities. We have a coalition that looks at multicultural issues, disability issues, others who need assistance and may have difficulty other checkpoints. We regularly meet with them, including, we have a meeting later this month here in washington, as well as around the country. So, we would be happy to come if you would like, to your district to meet with any of your local contest ruins constituents as well. I community has providing us invaluable information. Their individual stories, pieces of information they have been able to pass, has enabled us to do some explanation and behind why we do certain things. But it is also enabled us to change our processes and methodologies. How we teach our officers to conduct certain checks in recognition of what people have experienced. That information is invaluable to us. What are the processes that you have to address people who are experiencing difficulties is a dhs process, as you know, i saw here for my constituents, they are very dissatisfied with the process. Would like to have your assessment as to possible ways that we can expand or strengthen the trip to make it more user friendly and make it one that actually works as intended. We continue to look to change the language of the letters that are responded to, to be as informative as possible. Quite often what we find is that the number 1 issue people write in about is the belief that they are on a watchlist. Quite often, that is not the reason that they received additional screening. Sometimes, that explanation can be convoluted, and i think we can continue to improve on how we try to explain the different factors that can result in someone having additional screening. This is something that is not intuitive to a large portion of the traveling public and we recognize that. An example of how we try to address that is we actually have videos up on our web page, to tell people this is what you should expect when you come for screening. We have also tried as many possible ways to find how we can interact with individuals in addition to formal letters. To get to the root cause, what they might be seeing, what they are perceiving. There are instances where we can link up that person with a passenger screening specialist as a come to the airport, that will provide them additional assistant, explanation the process. Thank you. Thank you. Senator lee . Thank you mr. Chairman. Thank you for being here today to answer questions. Since 2014, the department of Homeland Security and in particular, the office of Inspector General at the department of Homeland Security has been covertly auditing and inspecting the security related aspects of tsa and has done so as far as im aware, about 4 times. The igs findings have received some very alarming rates of failure. Failure, due to both human and technologybased failures. Most recently, in february of this year, the ig conducted covert testing on procedures to safeguard the socalled secure areas of airports. Finding both humanbased and technologybased vulnerabilities at various points. And the ig made a series of 6 recommendations in response to the perception of those failures. As of num two months ago, each of the 6 recommendations made by the ag, are still open. Looking tells about the current status of the igs recommendation. When can we expect those will be closed . We have concurred with all of the recommendations of the recommendations that are actively working to address them. A member of these recommendations are ones highlighting some areas that we also believe could play into the larger discussion we are having around Insider Threat and we need to do more in Insider Threat. So, not only looking at what this tells us and how it informs wider recognition. We would be happy to provide additional discussion and de perhaps a different setting. Thank you. Overall, we have seen this several times in the last two years. What you feel about the overall trajectory of how it is going overall, we believe it is critically important not only the Inspector General but we ourselves do continue covert testing our own programs. We look at not only how are we performing against the standards we set ourselves originally, you know, how we were set up to make threats. Very meeting the threats we are set up for. But also as the threats of change, harley positioned against new threats . Was we were not designed to originally meet. Thank you, i encourage you to do that. You can imagine. A significant deprivation of a persons, you know, privacy and liberty when a person is stopped along the way. You know, most of the time with these things work, the ruling majority of people stopping, inconveniencing, and, people whose privacy is being violated our innocent people. So, in order to do that, we need to make sure whatever we are doing is working and is done in the most really invasive means possible. The tsa recently has been collaborating with u. S. Customs and Border Protection or the testing of facial Recognition Technology. Can you tell me a little bit about what the tsa is for the Widespread Adoption of facial Recognition Technology and i would also like to note, what city tsa does when it collects information. Does of collective for any purpose other than as a verification for the purpose of the id, does it now or will it in the future be keeping the data any longer than is necessary to perform the task at hand . Or how long to keep it . We are conducting two types of violence, the first is you know is the custom and Border Protection, the way the process works is based on, people, we think will be flying individuals based on who the carriers tell us have purchased tickets, helps reposition a gallery of of voters. Other officials and passports already on file. They approach a checkpoint where theyre able to do a match against a small number of parties, we are not widely screened against data, we are looking for you to match you. The second type of house we are doing just started recently at the airport in las vegas. That one, using a credential of technology looks at mashing you to the facial image on your drivers license or other documents. Under both circumstances, we retain long enough to do the match, the initial auditing and storage. In that sense, what happened in vegas stays in vegas . Yes. Until 2016, the new tso completed training retirements at or near the airport. It is my understanding that the tso now receives training any centralized tsa academy located at the federal Law Enforcement Training Center in georgia. This has happened as tsa had any budget savings as a result of that . So, as you correctly note, we change the process and change it again is last year, what we have done is, as the new tso comes on board, they first start of the home airport for a period of time, about six and then they go up to the federal Law Enforcement Training Center. This is what lets us go through the initial process and procedure to bring him on board, continue to ensure that they are a good fit for the position that we are tracking them for, prior to undergoing the training in glencoe, but we have seen coming out of the training is not as much of a budgetary savings per se as a consistency of training and, robbery of spirit of people maintaining relationships. As well as with the home airport is. Thank you very much. Thank you center, figure mr. Chairman and thank you very much for your testimony and service. I was in congress when they created the tsa after the 9 11 attacks that killed nearly 3000 americans. Al qaeda and another terrorist Group Continues to threaten the Aviation System. 18 years later, along with several cantwell and blumenthal, im concerned employees are being pulled off the job for political purposes to address a manufactured crisis on the southern border. You mentioned a response letter to congress in june that the tsa plans to increase the number of fulltime equivalent allocated to the airports by more than 2000 personnel and authorized a 20 increase in overtime, how much did this relocation of personnel to the southern border cost tsa . Center, we have deployed at this moment in time about 180 individuals across multiple job types. Federal air marshals, transportation security officers, counsel, lawyers, and support staff to, too, to help our Sister Agency cbp, highest mark we have throughout the period is about 350, we are saying immediately decrease and continue to see a decrease to a settlement provided by commerce as well as the decreasing of transcripts can give me an estimate on 880 seven cost and also the 350 . We will get that back to. You cant do that now . But it at the moment there okay, thank you. Two weeks ago we learned tsa funds were being reprogrammed to immigration customers enforcement to pay for migrant detention beds and transportation costs, these funds are being diverted from the edition security and operation and support accounts on others. Do you believe tsa operations will be negatively impacted by this reprogramming and the Immediate Impact the tsa operations from the program . We carefully selected areas of reprogramming to ensure it would not have any permanent effect on the agency. It is delaying certain types of security we may have done in the Fourth Quarter but we are looking to minimize, also, we are looking at next year. Funding for that. Many of these funds go towards training and supplies, are you preparing for longterm disruption to these programs . Very carefully monitoring it to know we believe we would not undergo the impact of the new fiscal year. It is shifting to facial recognition. Very few rules of the road for facial recognition right now. The drive for efficiency would lead with expensive collection of expensive data from government agencies. Can we be sure the promise of slightly faster lines they were the expense of accurate security screening or of her own citizens privacy. Today we set up our program today with biometrics, we have not only attempted privacy Impact Assessment, also noticing the material to try to describe to people what were electing, however click it and how long we will hold. The way we are conducting the pilots today, we collect an image for only as long as we need to to conduct a match. A photo already on file with cvp such as a transport photo or your presenting that at that moment in time that we are not retaining evidence. You are serving in the acting capacity, is that correct . Is. Then your boss is in an acting capacity, double acting, is that correct . That is correct do you believe that person congressional accountability with this kind of pattern across the government . I will say we all recommend the importance of having the Senate Confirmed positions in all of the Important Roles they perform within dhs and tsa. I will say is a secondary note, a secondary situation, having me strong leaders and acting deputy in those roles, a long history of career clearance has been very vital, theres no question in my mind something occurs they know exactly how to immediately respond my worry is that with these acting and without senate confirmation, we get ourselves in a situation where in our democracy, the rule being sent from the top is you know, you are there and you can be gone the next day and that is a very dangerous role for democracy. I would hope to see you in a confirmed capacity sunday. Thank you. Thank you mr. Chairman. Thank you very much, senator blackburn is next. At the end of her questioning, we will observe a moment of silence in memory of the victims of 9 11. Senator blackman. Thank you mr. Chairman, thank you so much for being here, i will tell you, be inconsistency that is happening with the vetting that takes place at the airport, we look at the southern border and we have thousands of people on a weekly basis who are not known, we dont know or what theyre bringing into in a country, many times it is drugs, many times theyre bringing in human beings, trafficking women and children. We would never allow that passing through airport. But yet, it happens every day at the southern border, so i think it is completely appropriate that the dhs and tsa agents are there on the southern border to help provide some control and appropriate vetting. Let me stay with the vetting process and senator lee touched on this. In recent years, he mentioned both the gao and the ig identified various security vulnerabilities which exist with the screeners. I use the term screeners because that is their legislative and statutory oh name. And, there job and description. You have had some true flaws in here. And i think the ranked team test that were failed with weapons getting past your screeners. 95 of the time. And by the red team showing a lack of attention and focus on the job, i also know, when we started looking at the issue back in 2012, when the tsa was having massive problems with screeners violating passengers personal privacy, invasive pat downs, sneaking drugs through the airports and a whole host of other criminal behavior ranking from theft to bribery to child pornography. Within the ranks of those tsa members, screeners, not officers and agents, but screeners. And i understand that you all have taken some steps to try to address these issues. You have worked with the fbi to identify criminal behavior. So, i would like for you to talk a little bit more about what you are doing at a granular level to be certain you are not hiring individuals, at one point you are advertising on pizza boxes for people to work for the tsa, talk about how that has changed or if you are still employing such activity. How many total hours of training are you now giving to the screeners . At one point they were getting a 40 hours of training and were then being put into a uniform that would allow people to leave they were an officer when there not an officer. Then, how many hours of training are being even to the canines . Yes maam. I will endeavor to recall all of your questions. So, probably will start with the incredibly Important Role of all the effort to take to mitigate Insider Threats. That means insiders from the perspective of a tsa employee as well as the airport workers or other workers in the innovation committee, we work in close activity with the fbi to identify what we believe criminal activity occurring or removing drugs or materials or we believe sunday might be at risk of just not having the right level of Security Culture preparedness and how they approach what they do. The scenario we both strongly participate on the investigation side but also in terms of the culture and trained. As you highlighted, this is an area with extreme, extensive focus. As we look at how we are recruiting, we want to make sure we are getting into visuals not only that can meet rigorous security requirements but also that understand what the job is, why it is important and are dedicated to the mission. Critical for us to help them understand what the job is. And ensure they know what they are signing up for. Seven who perhaps does not want to spend a lot of time with people on a regular basis will not enjoy working at a checkpoint with hundreds of thousands of people coming through every single day. We want to ensure we are getting individuals who have a strong character we need and also are best suited for that kind of interaction. We also have changed up and created a tso career progression model, the initial training when they start aboard, there wearing a uniform at that point, so they are distinguished from others, they then go to the federal Law Enforcement Training Center in glencoe, georgia for a two week intensive period, they then calling hours of training. Two full weeks of any hours. 80 hours . Yes, they continue to meet requirements for training ongoing for the next several years as they progress. This includes not only training on current knowledge to make sure they are still able to readily identify that image of a weapon on an xray as they were the day they left the academy, but also to help them continue to grow their own skills, including coaching and mentoring new employees at the come unto me checkpoint. Your last point about the ability to identify prohibited items as they are coming to the checkpoint. This is job number one for us, this is the most important thing we do. We look at it twofold. The training of the staff but the second is ensuring we have the best Technology Available to support them and they know how to use it effectively. This is one of the reasons we are very focused on the new machines for passenger carrying materials. When you look at a densely cluttered bad, and youre looking at a number of them in short order, it is more difficult and the Current Technology that will be with me new machines, the ct machines will give us greater ability to rotate and use automated target recognition, algorithms that look for not just a gun, but pieces of a gun. So we could identify it even if it does not look exactly right. Critically important for us as we go farther. You. Thank you senator blackburn. Ladies and gentlemen, at this point, in memory of the 3000 souls that were lost on 9 11, and in honor and recognition of people to step forward, we are going to observe a moment of silence, im going to ask that members and staff stand for this moment of silence and guests are invited to stand with us for this moment of silence. Thank you very much, you may be seen. Some of us will be going to vote and coming back. We will continue to stagger our questions and accommodate members and are distinguished witness. Thank you mr. Chairman, last year, thanks to the hard work of this committee we have the act of 2018 including the tsa modernization act we authorize with the agency First Time Since 2001 when it was founded in response to the tragic attacks occurring 18 years ago on this day. The bill included several provisions aimed at the point more advanced screening technologies, increase protections for unsecured portions of the airport, and minimizing security line wait times, all to benefit the experience of the traveling public while keeping the airports and skies safe from harm. Building on improvements made by the faa extension of safety in 2016, the bill also required tsa to increase the accessibility of the precheck program. This included a Provision Requiring agency to enter into an agreement with private sector entities to expand pre check options such as start to finish secure Online Mobile enrollment capabilities, increasing options is important and states like south dakota where it is currently limited to two physical locations. Miss cause well can you speak to the agency of limitation quitting when you expect such an agreement to be finalized and operational . But thank you very much, we appreciate the Critical Role you played in getting the tca act completed. I would like you to know are already testing a mobile environment enrollment methodology. Is at the checkpoints where an individual who, if they go to the airport for the readily scheduled flights, at that time, they are able to throw a tablet, received the enrollment, critical for us is to try out this environment because it provides us true flexibility to match that equipment to where the people are at the time theyre actually traveling, making it a journey and process rather than something they have to do in addition to a regularly scheduled trip. We are also working hard as this is required under the act to bring aboard a second vendor to help increase the number of sites of enrollment. How complicated is the mobile online app in terms of filling that out . Right now, the way the tablet works you have a person helping people get through the process, so, if they are not understanding how to do the image of the document, there is something right there to help them, take their finger prints, etc. I have got. Right there at the airport. Yes. Okay. Again, there are a lot of folks very far away from airports and, places like south dakota. Any previous action, let me ask you this first, i think through me, i want to followup on the previous question, senator peterson introduced the secure traveling at early this year which expedites precheck enrollment for lawenforcement officers and federal employees holding the active security clearance that already have undergone substantial background checks. Reported out of the committee on july 24. Have any previous actions been taken by tsa to expedite pre check and roman for populations that have already undergone screening by another federal agency . Yes, sir, they have come in fact a significant number of individuals who are part of an unknown Traveler Program, they received the number, are individuals who clearance as we are able to directly verify because there held for example with another federal agency who entered into an agreement with us. Critical for us is that ability to manage the relationship so we know as an individual, you are terminated and heavy positions no longer eligible for the program. We can provide to you a list of all of the different entities, we do this today as well as approximate members as you wish. Tsa modernization act expanding Law Enforcement officer reimbursement programs which help smaller airports comply with federal records to keep local Law Enforcement officers at the airport. This program is greatly benefiting Airport Security in south dakota where resources are smaller and airports are often strained, could you speak to how the Program Continues to improve Airport Security across the country . Particular smaller airports . Yes, sir. We are actually a fortunate to have really good relationships with state and local counterparts across the board as well as Law Enforcement specifically dedicated to individual rotation areas. What we find especially in smaller committees as those areas are quite often limited in the number of Law Enforcement officers they might have to cover a very large geographic area. So, this ability, for us to reimburse them for their time, enables them to spend more dedicated time, perhaps hiring additional people to be able to focus on transportation security. Last question quickly. The expansion also requires tsa to review regulations and compliance policies and if necessary, reducing and measuring of burnout airports. At the tsa made revisions of current policies as a result of this requirement . We have conducted a review of nonprofit and what we consider deregulatory provisions to release the burden. Thank you. Madam chair . Yes. Acting chair, you can identify with that senator but thank you met them share, we appreciate you a lot. I go back to the previous question. Real id montana is one of the states that is not compliant. I would be happy to provide you a full list after the session. Great. You do not know you do not want to tell me . But i cannot recall at this time. Wants to make sure the state is done mutually what we need to do. Are you fully staffed at the tsa we have been able to hire, especially for the airports, the level that we need to, and are expected to. Okay, one of the things that i would just say, that, if, if, you are able to transfer 200 million, if youre able to transfer, people to go in different directions, then we are over funding you. I would just say that. And maybe we are over funding a lot of different agencies. So, we need to be cognizant of that in the legislative branch owing forward. One of the previous questions, one of the ig reports that were done , they point out the turnover at smaller airports is a problem, turnover of personnel. You had said any previous question you agreed with the ig . Although i think the ig requested the action plan, correct me if im wrong. This is still an open recommendation, is that correct . But we have a recommendation i believe the current status as we initial material and they requested additional material they responded to but it is still open. So, but, the first, the first solution was rejected, is that correct but i believe they are requesting additional material. Okay. Theyre still on the first recordation. You been able to get the the additional material . But i cannot recall at this moment in time if that was a specific provision. I would love to know that because i happen to come from the previous question or that has a lot of small airports, they are all small airports. And, i happen to use those airports twice a week, so, i am intimately familiar with, this definitely does a great job, they really do an incredible job in the ground. Theyre incredibly accommodating and professional. The problem is, and in the smaller airports, i do not know how you can hire any of them. I do not know what the wage is, but it is around 15 or 16. And, a lot of these airports that come in, they are there several hours, they come home, they come back for several more hours, what is being done for the pay . I mean, i have to tell you, this, i mean, we are paying as much as we do with teachers and we pay greatly, okay . So, how are we solving the problem . So, first mediation say, i think it is a play issue. Why hasnt pay been bumped up next to recruit more people . Sir, first i just want to say, thank you so much for your care and concern for our workforce, i sure completely and appreciate how much you have done to call attention. No probable we have a problem. So, the current authorities, we have a lot of ability to set pay. Right now its all airports for example, we pay a significant Retention Bonus differential to increase their pay to the level of prevailing wage or two in sure things at the airport, similarly to your point, what ships, we are able to actually pay additional beyond what we would be allowed. Youre able to but are you . We do. Those we both fun. Okay, why is the ig issue even an issue . But i think the larger question consideration is as we go forward and look at what should be a process on a scale goes to a larger question, we want to be in a position where we are recognizing Incredible Knowledge and skills officials have and we want to ensure as they stay with us over a number of years, they continue to see increases in pay. That is where we had traditionally 90 Authority Issue but a budget issue. Okay. If it is a budget issue and you do not have enough money, why are you not screaming from the rafters about transferring 230 million which by the way the last i checked, is more money than i can imagine. From this budget to the southern border, i do not agree with the previous question that the southern order deserves, yeah, we need a secure southern border but it is a different budget. So, one of the problems i have got here is that you are head of the agency and is a budget problem, you should be screaming. And i know your boss says we have to have this wall which is a really bad idea by the way. Most the people in this room know this. But, theyre afraid to speak up about it. Why are you not screaming . I would say the same thing to the department of defense we are over funding these folks come over funding you if you do not scream about the full 200 million. Sir, we recognize and appreciate the strong support were having for the workforce, what we are trying to do right now is together a series of options on what additional pain would look like and that you propose going next thats right, i would just say and i have to quit because im way past time, exit lanes are another issue, we can put people in exit lanes, and put them in small airports, then we should be letting the president allocate 200 billion for this republican policy at law in the southern border. Thank you. Thank you for being here today and for your great answers to the questions and your depth of knowledge, we appreciate it. Certainly i do not think it is lost on any of us today that 9 11 we are talking about something that was created because of 9 11 and so, we are in great admiration for what you and all of your organizations do for the safety and security of our Transportation System. I am the chairman of the Homeland Security appropriations subcommittee and the senator is the Ranking Member on the committee so we are both familiar with the budget issues. I want to talk about the ct because i understand there was a protest on the determinant of cts awarded to smith detection it was funded in 2019, and your statement you mentioned 300 have been produced yet, but you let the contract go . How much of this contest delayed the limitation and what title line are we on for the 300 ct scanners . Where externally fortunate and shorter the process was resolved so i only lost about 90 days as a result, the award has been completed and we already identified where the machines are scheduled and will begin deployment in the fall. This fall you will deployment . How are you making the determinations of where they should be deployed we look at airports through a wide variety of lenses, some of the risk relations but also to let us try it out and a lot of different environment so we have big airports, small airports covered. To ensure we recognize how they operate across the board. To anticipate the next round of cts will prompt improved technology with even more micro Detection Capabilities . Is that what you are looking for yes maam, in fact, we are looking to the next algorithm is part of the next acquisition as well as what we call the integrated machine with the automated screening lien, the roller process that brings in bags to the machine and has the auto diverter on the back when something is identified as problematic. This one as increased airport ability to have money flexing so more than one passenger can put the materials at the same time as well as bag returns so we do not have to have officers moving bins back and forth. Was at an airport i dont remember where i was where it might have been in europe where they have the automatic been recovering at refills. Let me ask you this. Staffing issues, as the chair of the appropriation committee. And fy 2019, we really to get funding for 1144 new tsa personnel. In response to the question, earlier, it sounds as though you were able to hire that many within that fiscal year . Is that correct . Correct. Throw the different recruitment mechanisms. Yes, we go through a process. As you know, throughout the year that assesses when we need to have certain positions out to match peak volume, peak season, at any airport. We closely track the amount of passengers projected, not only at large and the airport down to an individual terminal to ensure their hiring well enough advanced to have the step what kind of turnover do you have . So, across the board, if you look at the average were at about 70 which is relatively commensurate with what the department of labor says is consistent for federal agencies hiring at this level. We still want to look to bring that down. Some of what we are doing in this method is aimed at ensuring we are addressing some of the areas people find hardest about the job. Part of it is looking at the paint system but also looking at training you towards a career. So you see where you are going. To pay Retention Bonuses . We have the ability to use retention notices. The predominant place to use it is those places where we are competitive in terms of entry level salary in particular. So you know, a place with minimum wage has gone up, an area with extremely low employment rates, these are some of the places we look to the retention change. To pay recruitment bonus . We do not. To have an agency to your recruiting we do. Just one . We have a contract out that has us helps with recruiting as well as the processing of the various a Homeland Security contractor just tsa . They but does it recruit a border agent and others . It does not recruit border agents, just for tsa. Okay, because that is an issue with border patrol, trying to get the recruit. Last question, is kind of a comment i will make and we talked about this,, i saw the numbers the numbers, through the holidays just record numbers. I think just observationally for me, youre moving a lot of people there. I think you worked hard to work out the kinks i have one of those larger ipads. Sometimes, it is in my purse, sometimes it has to go into the little thing that goes through. What is inconsistency there . So, what we look at is how cluttered the bag would be. What we ask is officers to consider how best to ensure output while maximizing a way to detect prohibited items in a bad. That might mean any given checkpoint, theyre looking to ensure enough pieces come out to get the good xray image. Okay, okay, that makes sense. I want to had over the battery. But i will follow up in writing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you mr. Chairman very much. I just want to begin by emphasizing an issue my friend senator blumenthal raise that is critical on the anniversary of 9 11 that Congress Passed the faster acting we still have all of the tsa security funding. I think that is absolutely imperative. Customs and Border Protection is using facial Recognition Technology at 22 airports. Just last month, tsa began using facial recognition tools on travelers at a Las Vegas International Airport Security checkpoint. Yet, there are currently no enforceable rules from tsa governing facial recognition. Passengers today have no enforceable right to say no to sharing their biometric information, the tsa has no allegation to secure the biometric data it collects and there is no rule requiring tsa to prevent any racial bias in the use of technology. Deputy administrator cause well, it is essential tsa put in place rules and safeguards on facial recognition before the agency further deploys the technology. Will you commit to pausing tsa is yes official Recognition Technology and enacting these roles while the traveling public further expands the use of facial recognition wax sir, i could go through your pieces for just one moment. There are a series of requirements for any u. S. Government program requiring us to clearly demonstrate and explain how information is being looked at, how does being used, whether people have a permission to opt out, on the can correct the record, how the information is retained. That is governed under the privacy act week comply with the privacy Impact Assessment and other materials. To have a formal rules in place to protect travelers piracy . We do. So, i would appreciate if you could present to the committee all those roles. Can you confirm the tsa has no plans to compel american citizens to share metric information and american participation in the facial Recognition Program will always take place, typically on a voluntary basis . We do. Excellent, can you commit that tsa will take the necessary steps to secure biometric data nuclear we will. To mix the tsa Biometric Technology will not disproportionally burning and misidentify people of color we will. Unfortunately, the report tsa listening to commerce as a result of senator lee and my amendment to the faa reauthorization does little to reassure us you will use the technology in a responsible fashion, i am concerned where in the wild west when comes to facial recognition, tsa. In my opinion it should stop employing these invasive tools until we are sure everything is in place and or to satisfy the need to protect information which is, in fact, being gathered about american citizens. Mr. Chairman. The, the, the, the, rollcall is on the second floor. I wish i could stay and ask one more set of questions, but i just, in the best interest of making sure make the rollcall, on the second floor i will yield back to balance my time, thank you. Thank you center. And, it may be that members will vote and come back, but, i think we pretty much finished. We had an exchange, madam director about the real id and i was feeling pretty good about the fact that 48 states are in compliance. With drivers licenses. And then i remembered that sometimes, you can renew your drivers license for several years, for example, in the city, you can renew your is licensed for eight years. So, it occurs to me that there will be a lot of people with drivers licenses from compliance states and jurisdictions. Who will have older drivers licenses. There still might be quite a disruption why 2k type description october 1, 2020. What are we going to do about that . We very much share your concern but that is not the place he wants to be. We are doing everything we can to get the word out, youre exactly right. Licenses are still valid, also individuals who are issuing both real id and not real id compliant licenses today. Theyre not understanding that theyre getting a not real id compliance license. Help me understand why a state would do that. Flexible in terms of what some of the requirements are. They may believe the population in particular is looking to have an option where they dont have to produce some of the same level of documentation. United states citizenship for example. Okay, so, i am still not feeling good about these disruptions. In october of next year. We very much are working statebystate locality by locality to get the word out. I will also say in addition to a drivers license, you have options for other types of forms of id. Altering identification if you are a current member from as well as u. S. Passports also an option, even if you are in a state where you are concerned about your ability to get through you may still obtain one of these other forms of degradation and use that to fly. I think we need to heighten awareness about this. Most do not have a passport. And most people are in the military were veterans. So, is going to be that drivers license. Nine times out of 10. I think we will want to visit with you on the record, if you do not mind giving us a very thorough answer. About how we can comply with this, it seems to me, citizens are going to be caught by surprise. And outreach. Just about a year from now. If suddenly they cannot board a plane. They purchased a ticket and had gotten there and suddenly, that item that has been building for years and years miller gets you on the plane. Lets work on them. Thank you, i think i need to read some words. To make this official. We, the record will remain open for two weeks during the time signatures. To submit questions for the record upon receipt, or witnesses requesting to submit written answers to the community as soon as possible. I bet you can comply with. Thank you very much, you are a great and articulate witness and you have done a great job today. Here he is now. Adjourned with the committee. Thank you. Live every day, news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up thursday morning, Pennsylvania Democratic congressman susan wild discusses her push for Mental Health care legislation in the wake of her partner suicide earlier this year. Also, ted halstead, ceo of the Climate Action council, a group backed by major oil and Power Companies talks about his Organization Support of a carbon tax. Watch the washington journal of cspan live 7 00 sunday morning, join in the discussion. Heres a look at live coverage thursday on cspan, the house returned to 9 00 and to consider a bill that would prohibit oil and gas expiration in Alaskas Arctic National Wildlife refuge. In the afternoon, House Minority leader Kevin Mccarthy holds a News Conference in baltimore where House Republicans are meeting for the annual policy retreat. Later in the day, President Trump be speaking at the gop gathering live at 7 00 eastern come on cspan 2, beckett debating and voting on executive nations, on cspan three, the House Judiciary Committee meet to consider seniors for future hearings on possible articles of impeachment against President Trump. Saturday and book tv at 11 00 p. M. Eastern, Supreme Court associate Justice Neil Gorsuch discusses his book, republic if you can keep. Then sunday, at 9 00 eastern, in his latest book, sentinel inc. , a journalist reports on how labs in china manufacture a drug, he is interviewed by the New Hampshire credit congresswoman and mclean custer, about the Bipartisan Opioid Task force. All day, fewer scientists at the university, publishing a paper and went into some, you know, your city library. It is hard to define. At the internet age, all these papers were published online. And publicly available around the world . Absolutely. Then we began looking for the file specifically for these papers to go through them and appropriate the chemical formulas to learn how to make these new drugs. At 10 00 this, the oregon democratic leader murphy writes the first and accounts of migrant families at the u. S. As a member, in his book, america is better than this. They said hundreds of boys separated from the event were being warehoused in a walmart, i went to find out about it. And, they decided they did not want me to see what was going on. And they then called the police and the video went viral and suddenly all america was hearing about changes in secret warehousing of migrant children. Watch book tv every weekend on cspan 2. Go shopping and see what is now available at the cspan online store, including the all new campaign 2020 teacher. Sweatshirts and hats, go to the cspan website and browse all of our products and cspan. Org. A local security priority with chief Information Security officers from several government agencies. This event from the independent Media Organization billington cybersecurity also included remarks from adam the cybersecurity and structure security agency, and a top official from the uk and israel. Welcome back everybody, did you get a good stretch, the home stretch of the program today. Again, there will be three panels coming up, followed by two towards them, as i talked about before, very special guest will receiv

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