Good morning. You have heard from the leader of the free world. The Senate Majority leader marco rubio. Ted cruz. Congressman mark meadows. One of the heroes of our movement. We are just getting started. You are going to hear from former members of the cabinet. Heroes of our calls. Senators and congressmen. It is my great privilege to kick off the morning with a man who was truly one of the most articulate and one of the most courageous defenders of faith and freedom in america today. Is a dear friend of this organization. His personal story i think is one of the most inspiring of our time. A man who grew up in poverty. A man who many statistically would have consigned to a life of hopelessness. And deprivation. Instead, he rose to a point where he graduated from the university. University of michigan law school. We are glad you are a doctor. I can say that as the son of a medical doctor. For nearly 30 years, he was the director of pediatric neurosurgery. They were joined at the had. He is the bestselling author of nine books. He has been involved in christian and faithbased charity. And activities. Long before he was known nationally. For many of us, the moment when god really raised him up. To be such an influential leader in our society was in 2013 when he get that incredible speech. Have you seen this . I do not know what i enjoyed more. The substance of his remarks or the look on Barack Obamas face as he was delivering them. I think the last thing i had that much fun was when Mother Teresa talked about the issue of life when bill clinton was at that same process. Today he is the secretary of housing and urban development. I believe im correct in saying that he was the first one of the candidates out of the field to endorse donald trump in 2016. Right before the florida primary. Even more than that he is our brother in the lord and our friend. Please welcome doctor ben carson. Thank you so much. It is wonderful being here with you again. I just wanted to talk a little bit this morning about courage. It is really what helped establish this country. Has so much to do with so many things that have been in my life. I remember specifically one particular case. People developed these tumors. Throughout their nervous system. The young man who developed one right in the middle of his princeton. Was in our area. None of the adults wanted to operate on him. It turns out unfortunately for me that his wife was a pediatric nurse. We cannot escape her. She kept saying you have to operate on my husband. Said im a pediatric nurse. She said he acts like a child. She wore me down. I said i will talk to him. I said you know, if operate on this tumor, there is at least a 50 chance that you will die on the table. He said, if you do not operate, there is a 100 percent chance that i will die. Said that sounds pretty mature. I took him to the operating room. We got down to the brainstem area. Is full of abnormal blood vessels. I opened the very time the whole in the side. In the area dry, figure the tumor was just a centimeter in from there. Then used the small print. Something felt a little different in consistency. Put in my little instrument. Started pulling it out and trying to deliver. The brainstem was like a cable. Everything was essential. As we were delivering the tumor, the potatoes man fly. That is like the ekg for the brand. The anesthesiologist said you may as well stop. You killed him. Hes dad. The anesthesiologist was against the operation. We just continue. With close to my. He went back to the icu on life support. When i came in the next morning, he had been excavated. He was sitting up in the bed telling jokes. It took a lot of courage to do the operation. That happened to me a lot of times during the course of my career. It was not because i was all that great. It was because i was asked god for guidance. That is where real courage confront. It does not come from within me. It comes from god and knowing who has all the power. That guided me in life. From medicine to politics. Does not maybe i became a politician. I hope to god and never become one. After that, was saying you should run for president. That is the last thing in the world i want to do. Everyplace i want there were people that run. They had over 500,000. I could barely get my foot in there. Finally said, this is not something that particularly appeals to me. To recognize the people who run for president , they have it organization. To have a rolodex of all of the names. Big campaign chest. I do not have any investor. Nor do i intend to develop it. If you want me to do this, you have to supply all of the staff. Listing i knew i had it organization. Raising more money a month. It was ridiculous. As i enter that field, where the courage came in. I knew what it would mean. In our society, for some people on the other side, the only thing worse than satan is a black conservative. Blacks are supposed to think a certain way. If you do not think that way, your uncle tom. To me, know that sounds like . Racism. I knew i would be attacked. I will go from being a hero to the goat. I knew i would take a big cut in income. All of these things would happen. I started thinking, what of all the other people who preceded me helped make this into a great country had taken that attitude. Where we would be . Some of us does have to go out there and we have to just ask god, what would you have me do. As for the wisdom to do it. Not worry about the consequences. God will take care of the consequences. What we have is a country where we do not guarantee people anything. We advocate for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all people. When we have strayed from those things, that is what we have gotten in trouble. When it comes to liberty, we as a nation made a huge mistake with slavery. There is no question about it. What the wise people do . They learn from their mistakes. There are a lot of things we can learn from. One of the things i learned from it, people who were slave owners thought that they owned the slaves. It was their property. They could do anything they wanted to them. Beat them, rape them, or children. It was okay. Because it belonged to them. There were others who said, that is abominable. There is no way i can participate in that. Then there were those. The abolitionist. This is not only cannot participate in it, i have to stand up for those who are being killed. Being in slave. I wish to be prochoice. I said i do not believe in abortion. We are not going to stop anybody else doing what they wanted to. Where we would be the abolitionist felt that way. Those lives of the slaves were imported. The loss of our little babies are important. Is a pediatric surgeon, operating on lots of babies. They were premature. 28 weeks. I asked the aclu. I said, would you advocate for babies that are still in the mothers womb . He said to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. This cannot speak for themselves. That said i cannot do that. I said what about the ones who are premature. 27 weeks. There in incubator. No problem. Said, the one that is in the safest place they can possibly be, you cannot advocate for. Is that i know it does not make much sense. I believe a woman can kill that baby until the moment it is borne. I said would you say that in public he said no. Now, they will actually say in public. This is where our society has gone. This is where the values have gone. Human life that is viable. Outside of the wound. They make it into the issue of womens rights. It has nothing to do with womens rights. It has to do with dignity of human rights. We have a creator who was wise enough to recognize that there is no more sacred bond. Between that and mother and a child. They have perverted that bond into something that becomes evil. This is something that is horrible. Something i have the right to kill. How did we as a society get to that point . We have to be willing to talk about these things. To stand up for people. That have resulted in this becoming the nation that it has become. A lot of people criticize our nation. The rich are ruining everything. This group is ruining everything. If we are so horrible, why do people try to get here . Think about that. We are compassionate people. What is compassion . Compassion is being fit to everybody. Not picking one specific group. Saying their rights trump everybody else. Everybody gets equal rights but nobody gets extra rights. That is something that characterizes a fair nation. When it comes to the pursuit of happiness, is about creating opportunities for people. It is not about guaranteeing people anything. Free this and free that. Newsflash. It is not free. Somebody has to pay for. This whole thing. You may remember. I said is the fairest individual in the universe. Gods. What did he say . He said i want to tithe. He did not say give me a triple time. He did not say you owe me anything. 10 percent. You make 1 billion. You pay 100 million. Me 10 to pay one. How is that complex . It is only when people start ejecting their own opinions that it becomes complex. We make all these things complex. Being fair to our children. To our grandchildren. Not giving them untold debt to have to pay all. That will severely compromise the quality of their lives. We have to be thinking about that. Helping others. That is what we do. People of faith. There were people who restart it me. They realized what our financial situation was. I remember some of the teachers who were concerned about my welfare. After i had gotten over being a dummy and i was at the top of the class, i was in the band. Played baritone. I was really good if i do say so myself. I was offered a scholarship to interlock. Those to know how significant that is. The first person in my hospital to have her do that. He said, do not accept that scholarship. Is is because youre going to be a great doctor. He was concerned about me. I remember ms. Miller. The english teacher. I started getting off track. All those things help me. Giving people opportunity. That is what people affected. They say all manner of things against us. If we do the same thing, if everybody gets in the mud pit, all you end up with is a bunch of dirty people. That is not going to be helpful to us as a country. Someone has to be the adult. We realize that we are not each others enemies. Some people act that way and try to divide us. Lets not allow that to happen. Most importantly, lets not allow anybody to suppress our faith in god. When i came into government, people said to me, you need to stop talking about god so much. I said that is not happening. That is a very important part of who i am. People who say stuff like that, they realize that our founding doctrine talks about certain alienable rights given to us by our creator. The pledge of allegiance to our flag says we are one nation under god. The many courtrooms on the wall says in god we trust. Every point in our pocket says in god we trust. It is in our pledge and our courts and on the money we are not supposed to talk about it. What is that . Schizophrenia. What we need to realize is that our country is based on Judeo Christian principles. We must be willing to stand up for those principles. The only way we can be the land of the free is if we are the home of the brave. Thank you very much. Good to see you. The morning. What an honor to be here with great americans. I am so honored to get to be here with you. Concerned women for america is the nations largest Public Policy organization for women. We are prolife. And a second and talk about last night . What is up with the Democratic Party . 20 people running that are extremist. I do not understand. They are leading with the idea of free stuff by forcing hard working americans. They have done everything right. They go to work every day. Theyre going to have to take away their money from their paycheck to reward people who are not even legal citizens . I do not understand. That does not sound like a winning proposition to me. I understand how hard people work. How important the money is to them. How they work so hard for the opportunity for their children. How much they love their country. The issue of abortion. 20 extremist that have basically said, abortion should be legal at any time for any reason. All paid for by you. Birthday abortion is just fine with them. That is what they have said to us. That is not in touch with what they believed. It is not in touch with the vast majority of American People. Let me just back up and say. I want to give one little piece of unsolicited advice. When are you going to throw planned parenthood overboard. They are dragging you down. Every bit of what youre hearing comes from the planned parenthoods playbook. Half 1 billion being spent of our money for planned parenthood , we are seeing it come back to us. We are seeing it come back to us through the word of these politicians. I want to talk to you today and introduce to you a politician who want to think about her, they were courageous comes to mind. She is the antipathies of which is on this stage last night. In november 2014, he was elected as the first woman to serve in federal office from the great state of iowa. She also became the first female combat veteran elected to serve in the United States senate. She has her undergraduate degree from iowa state. She served in the army reserve. In 2003, she served as a Company Commander in kuwait and iraq leading 150 National Guardsmen during Operation Iraqi freedom. She retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in the National Guard having served 23 years. When i think about courage, it is not just effect. She is a woman warrior. She has continued to be a warrior on behalf of the issue of life. She told how strong she was. I will never forget it. Is a brandnew freshman senator, first year, she led on the funding planned parenthood. Usually people who want to take on a Firm Position want to take on the abortion. They are not movies. I called her and said, i am so grateful. I am so impressed you are so courageous as a brandnew senator that youre willing to lean on this issue. She said to me was so telling. She said, how could i not . I cannot stand up to the least of these. This is why i was elected. I was not elected to sit on the sideline. I was elected to lead and represent my constituents and protect life. She has never wavered from that position for one moment. We prayed together and decimated our relationship. She not only serves on the Armed Services committee but she also serves on the Senate Judiciary committee. It means that she will be in all those hearings coming forward on judicial nominees. On the court. Perhaps even another Supreme Court nominee sunday. We need her there. This is what i wanted to know. She is a woman of faith. She is a woman who sits on behalf of life. She is a courageous warrior. There you go. This tells you all you need to know. I want to welcome to the stage, my friend, senator from the great state of iowa. A big thank you of course. Thank you so much for your love and your friendship these many years. A big thank you to faith and Freedom Coalition for putting this great conference together. When im looking out across this room, i see so many faces. It is a little dark out there. I can see some of your faces. I know those faces are the faces of passionate men and women who are fighting hard to defend our freedom. Our values and basically put our way of life. You are the voice for religious liberty. For conservatism. For love of country. For the most vulnerable. Is pretty much in. In our society. You understand and live by the truth that we are one nation under god. Someone who grew up in small town iowa. With the importance of faith was the bedrock of our community. I am concerned about the radicalized agenda that we see from the people on the far left. Continues to make its way in our communities. Our homes and our families. Not the least of which is the attack on our unborn. Of the past year, we have witnessed the hideous truth about the farreaching grasp of the abortion industry. Its increasingly ugly. Political agenda. Politicians have not only defended aborting the child while a woman is in labor, they have gone so far as to support the termination of a child after its birth. Earlier this year, on the floor of the senate, we considered a bill. One that i proudly supported. That will put a end to it. Guess what happened . What do you think happened . The Senate Democrats blocked it. They brought the bill that would end infanticide. Rationality. Decency and basic human compassion have fallen by the wayside. We have moved beyond all, since. When our most body, the United States senate can no longer unanimously condemn murder. This assault on Human Dignity cannot stand. At the federal level, we are working hard to stop any taxpayer dollars from going to planned parenthood. Taxpayers should not be forced to foot the bill of half 1 billion annually for an organization that exhibits such disrespect and absolute disregard for human life. This year we also held a pro life hearing in the judiciary committee. Follow that with the Committee Votes on the unborn Child Protection act. That would prevent a child from being aborted after five months of development. The time when these precious babies can feel pain in the womb. Does last year, we asked the Trump Administration to issue new title x rules and restore Family Planning regulation. Almost immediately, the Trump Administration issued a new proposal to redirect funding from abortion providers to clinics that serve mothers and babies. That is because this administration is prolife. Like me, President Trump is not just caring for life in the world. Is with us in congress to make sure our new babies and adopted children are taken care of by making paid parental leave a party. Right now, the economy is booming. We can see that. This booming economy means that more people are also getting out into our work. This means that more moms and dads are trying to balance the realities of caring for a new child while also putting food on the table. I so often hear this from our parents and our Small Business owners simply cannot afford to provide the option of paid parental leave. I think it is past time that hardworking parents and employees have this option. Folks, our approach to paid leave must be conservative. We do not need to create some massive government mandate or add a new payroll tax for our businesses. We need a approach that his family focused and budget neutral and gets parents flexibility to spend time with their newborn or newly adopted child in the first few precious weeks. That is exactly what my proposal with senator of utah would do. We want to give responsible parents across the country the ability to raise a family in the caring and nurturing way that they desire. Let me tell you, we have a strong advocate for paid parental leave in the presence daughter. Just like me, she is a mother. She gets her. She understands that this is it is you. That we need to address. There are many issues we need to focus on. Our families. Adopted parents. Our seniors making sure we have conservative ways of moving forward. To stand up for those that want to care for elderly parent or disabled child. That is why i have worked in a bipartisan way. Yes we still can do that in certain situations. To support a credit for caring act. To help support those hard working families that are caring for their loved ones who need the care home. I would be remiss if i did not take a moment to recognize those in the audience today who have served our country in military uniform. Those that i care so deeply about. I know that we do probably have some veterans among us. If you can wave your hand. Let us all recognize you. God bless you for stepping up. God bless you from one veteran to another. You fought for our freedom. In our places of worship. You have defended our values here and at home. For all of this and so much more, you deserve our respect and honor. The best possible care. In the senate, we will look forward to supporting you in so many different ways for all the times you have supported us. In closing, i want us to live at this truth in my. God created mankind in his own image and the image of god. He created them. Every person in the one or out is made in the image of our creative. They deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. As we depart this conference, we have to remember this very basic truth. We must continue fighting for life and for freedom. We must continue promoting Strong Family values. All across this country. May god bless you in your efforts. May god bless the great state of iowa. Whatever state you come from. Of course may god bless this great United States of america. Thank you all very much. Thank you so much center. You know you have become a institution in conservative america when the university actually gets named after you. Especially when it is the online university. Over 1 billion visits per year. 65 percent of those visits come from people under the age of 35. They are one of the most brilliant innovations in fathering conversation on culture and Public Policy in the last handful of years. We are thrilled today to be joined by dennis prager. Also, a syndicated radio. He is not producing movies. We are excited to be able to prescreen. s upcoming documentary. Tonight, join us over there to watch his new movie. This morning we are pleased and honored to be joined by dennis prager. Thank you. Whenever i introduce. Thank you so much for the kind words. Whenever i am introduced and there is a standing ovation, i remember my field of study. On it is therefore five people who do not stay. If i was stalling, there would be out of here. It is very dark and foolish view. That is how your vine works. My friends, i want to tell you. I have been here for 35 years. I think about when i began radio. Not only what i never lied, lying is the evil. I would even try to never exaggerate. Overtime, under this is a very young man. You lose credibility. It happens. What im about to tell you is keeping with that val of never to overstate or exaggerate. Here it is. Freedom is under resolved in america. At a greater level than any time in American History. This we have never witnessed. We have witnessed americans disagreeing. Vigorously with one another. We have never witnessed a assault on freedom like we are now from the university and politics to the media. There is a suppression of freedom and free speech that has never happened before in American History. Of course i can tell you from my own personal experience. As you have heard, i have been the founder of prager university. There mostly young people. We put out a video every single week. Five minutes. For primal ministers have given video. Liberals. They have given video. Professors from all over the country. Of the 400 videos, any of them have been placed by google. For youtube which is owned by google on a restricted list. If a family has a filter to block demography and violence, they cannot see our video. And library can never seen one of these videos. They come out each week. I want to give you examples of what is left with pornography on youtube. For example, only give 10 percent of the courses. I have given a course. Writing a very big bible. By the way it is available in cosco. When a bible commentary sold in cosco, you have done something right. Anyway, a number of my videos are on the 10 commandments. It is on the restricted list. Liberal and democrat. Hillary clinton supporter gives a five minute course on the legal founding of israel. It is on the cannot be restricted list. You can see. Look what the restricted videos. I tried to find some commonality. I can tell you this. If it defends america, is probably on the restricted list. It is probably on the restricted list. If it advocates anything about god, it is probably on the restricted list. Give a five minute course on the korean war. It was on the restricted list. This is what they do. This is a assault at the university. When conservative speakers come. He went to berkeley. 600,000 on security. 30 somethingyearold do it gets 600,000 security detail at american university. Nobody would have believed this 10 years ago. Do you understand what is happening . This is why you heard about the film. You will see it tonight. Even though he is an atheist. God bless him. I believe god blesses good atheist. That is my theology. He has under. s extraordinary human being. We have collaborated making this about liberty in america. This is critical for everyone of you to know. This is been so effective in my life. We must attempt to distinguish between liberals and left us. This is incredibly important. It is both intellectually honest and effective. If you have a relative and it is very hard to imagine anyone who does not have a relative who is on the other side of the political spectrum. I do not want families to be divided over politics. There is something that is very effective. Not in a confrontational matter. Just curious. Are you a liberal or a leftist. We probably say, what do you mean. It is a fair response. Here are a few examples of what you man. Raise. I was raised. On my birth certificate says democrat. I just want you to understand that. By the way that is considered immutable. Sex may change but party cannot. Anyway, that is how i was raised. I understand this well. One of the basic liberal doctrines. Was racial integration. Racial segregation. It was generally regarded. University regarded as evil. Racial segregation was something for bigots. That is correct. It is returned. Leftist support racial segregation as much as they did in the deep south in the 1950s. Harvard has it all black. Harvard has it all black graduation exercise. All black graduations take place throughout this country. All black dormitories. If you are against a black dormitory, your consider races. The university of california has sent out was on the internet. I wrote a column on it. They have a list of racist micro aggressions. That is what their car. Here is an example of one. If you said there was only one race, the human race, that is considered racist. It is so incredible that im telling you that if youre skeptical, i totally get it. You should be. Look it up. I cannot come to another speech if i just me that Something Like that. You understand. If you said there is only one race, that is exactly what everyone in this room police. I believe that on religious grounds. God created adam. It was not black or white. Adam was nonhispanic. We are all descendents for me not as big a risk descriptive human being. All of us. There was another one. For isr. Harry truman went against the entire state department when he recognized israels independence when it was declared in 1948. Liberal john f. Kennedy, Henry Jackson liberals were in the forefront of support for israel. The left hates israel. The left enall of left wing history ive studied it my whole life. Thats my field. Leftism unlike liberalism has always been antisemitic. And it is today. Thats another distinction. Israel, the United States, capitalism. The liberals were always procapitalists. The left hates capitalism because capitalism enables freedom. Freedom is under assault so let me end with this. This is very critical thing. I just said this last week at the European Parliament where unbelievably i was invited to speak. Freedom is a value not a human instinct. The notion that all people want to be free is not true. Freed freedom slash liberty is value. People yearn to be taken care of, not to be free. That is so if you understand that, you understand why so often we lose to the left. The left does not give a damn about freedom. But it does promise that you will be taken care of. Thats the great difference. Liberals believed in freedom and conservatives believe in freedom. But the left believes in taking care of you or at least thats the rhetoric. By the way, i got this as i did to the extent that i have wisdom, i got it all from the bible. The israelites leave slavery and what is the first thing they do after theyre liberated from slavery and they see the sea splits and ten plagues and see gods . The first thing they do is complain. Thats what they do. You ever hear of the book of numbers . Its the fourth book of the beebl. People ask me why is it called numbers, i say the number of complaints, the israelites. And you know what they complained . It was better in egypt because we had meat to eat. People dont want to be free. Better to be a slave whos given food than to be free and work for your food. Thats why the left wins. It appeals to human nature. We appeal to higher values. Thats the battle. Thank you very much. [ applause ] isnt this great . We got three cabinet officers back there in the greenroom and they cant wait to see you, and im going to welcome the first of them right now. Alex acosta is a son of cuban refugees, a native of miami. The first to go to college. He grad kwted from both undergrad and law school. He clerked for samuel aleto. He was a attorney and an assistant attorney general for civil rights under george w. Bush. Hes been somebody in the legal arena and in the area of reaching out to our hispanic brothers and sisters who share our values has been a conservative leader for decades. He is no recent arrival to the ranks of our movement. As President Trumps secretary of labor he has led the way on job training, on ensuring that those exoffenders who are released under the first step act, the historic criminal justice ror ereform this organization helped pass, get the job training and assistance they need to get a Second Chance at life, and he has been at the president s side in ensuring that the current 7 million job openings that there are right now, the most in American History that we give a path to a job and a better opportunity to every american, please welcome alex acosta to the stage. Well, thank you. Thank you for those words and thank you to all of you for being here. It is wonderful to join you to see so many individuals of faith, people of faith. To the Young Americans in the audience in particular, thank you for being here and for taking time from your summer. You know, the Trump Administration is an administration that is deeply committed to faith and to freedom. And you see that in so many ways. As secretary of labor im charged with an important task. My job is to work with the greatest work force in the world. The American People. To find opportunities so that they can do something very important so that a neighbor can offer a neighbor a wonderful gift, the pride of a paycheck. And i want to dig deeper into what that means, and i want to dig deeper into some stories that you may not hear in the media, stories of heart, stories of success, stories of what this administration is doing. Lets begin with the economy. This economy is not only strong, it is the strongest in our lifetimes. Since january 2017 this economy has added 5. 4 million additional jobs. Unemployment rate is lower than its been in 50 years. Wages wages matter. It is great to see wages finally growing. And theyve been growing by more than 3 for ten straight months in a row. And you dont hear much about this, but the lowest wage levels are growing the fastest. The bottom 10 of wage levels are growing at more than 6 . You dont hear about that in the media. Record lows for africanamerican unemployment, alltime record lows for hispanic unemployment, for asian unemployment, for employment with american disabilities, for veterans. We can go through it category by category. Heres the message. All americans are doing well. And lets talk about growth. Two years ago in may 2017 the president submitted his budget, and the budget said were going to have 3 growth. And all these critics came out and said thats impossible. President obamas former Economic Advisor say you can believe in 3 growth when you believe in the tooth fairy. Well, we need to tooth fairy here because we have had 3 growth and its been achieved. Now, some want you to think this just happens, that this is the natural state of the economy, that it was trending this way. Thats not what they said two years ago. This doesnt just happen. It is the result of vision, and its the result of leadership and the result of hardwork. And heres where it started. It started with tax cuts. And if you hear from the president he will say they came to me and said lets have a tax reform act, and the president says, no, i did not want tax reform. I wanted tax cuts. And he said i wanted a tax cut cut cut cut act. He tells a great story about that. But tax cuts matter because it means more freedom. It means that those that earn a paycheck can keep more of their paycheck. It means that those Small Business owners can keep more dollars to reinvest and grow their businesses and provide more skills to their employees. And when you grow a business and you provide more skills to employees what happens . The employee takes more money home and spends that money and grows the economy further. So it began with tax cuts, a promise made and a promise kept by President Trump. But he didnt stop there. He said i want deregulation. And he told all the cabinet look at all those regulations on the books and get rid of the ones that arent needed. And we talk about deregulation a lot in washington, but what does it really mean . It means restoring freedom to the American People and heres why. If a regulation isnt needed, why should the government be imposing that rule on the American People . Deregulation is all about returning freedom to the men and women of america. And so the president said i want to remove two regulations for every new one. Thats not what we did. We far exceeded that goal. The department of labor last fiscal year removed 18 major regulations. But our ratio is really hard to measure because we had zero new regulations. Our ratio is 18 to 0. We removed 3. 3 billion in regulatory costs from the economy. The second most deregulatory agency in government. You know, in washington i have found that people throw around billions like its natural. Its kind of hard to understand what 3. 2 billion means. If you measure in the amount of time people took, that means we removed 40 million compliance hours from the economy. 40 million fewer hours that Small Business men and women had to spend complying with government. Now, i want to talk a little bit about some issues that were working on proactively that are oh, so important, and i want to talk a bit about opioid abuse. The department of labor in many ways is at the forefront of this battle. This is an issue its urban, rural, suburban, wealthy, middle class, underprivileged, every race, every creed, its awful. In 2018 we saw 43 fewer workplace fatalities. You know, the media says were not enforcing the law, were not doing enough inspections. Heres the bottom line, there are 43 fewer dects in the workplace, 45,000 fewer injuries. That is good news. But if you dig deeper you see that the biggest increase in workplace fatalities came not from actions an employer took but from deaths in the workplace because of drug overdosing. A survey of individuals not in the work force found that more than 40 took a painkiller not last month or last week but yesterday. And that 30 of men not in the work force took a prescription painkiller not last week or last month but yesterday. And that is a national crisis. President trump has been very clear on this. He ordered all of us to take action. And heres what we did at the department of labor. We supervised the Workers Compensation programs for the largest employer in the United States, the federal government. And we put restrictions on prescriptions. We put medical professionals on the doctors that prescribe. We cite 55 decline in the opioid prescriptions lasting more than 30 days. A 55 decline in claimants that were prescribed a dose of 500 or more. When you are seeing in one year a 53 decline that tells you, one, the old system was broken. And two, solutions can be found. This is a disease of the body that seeps into the soul. The president s well aware of this. He is focused on this, and this is something we need to address. I want to talk about a second issue thats also an issue of compassion, and that is how do we work with individuals that were imprisoned for wrongs, no apology, what they did was wrong. But when they leave prison they need to reenter the work force . And this is another issue that the president is well aware of and very focused on and leading an effort on. And i want to tell you a story of an individual that i met as an example of a group were working with. His name is john ponder and he was a bank robber. And then in prison he found faith, and he left prison and went to the agent that worked the case that put him in jail for years and years and years. And he said lets change other lives. And so if he started hope for prisoners, he worked with this agent. And they are helping individuals reenter society. And i love what he says. He says we are trying to deliver to an employer an asset and not a liability. We are trying to make it so that individuals can be reformed and active members in our society. And heres how i met him. We put together a day where folks from all over the nation, faith based groups, nonprofits, came into the department of labor to learn about grant opportunities, to learn about how they could participate in our efforts. And heres why i did that because so many small groups around the nation dont know how to access those opportunities available in the federal government. And that is particularly the case of groups of faith. So something that is important and critical that were working on is how do groups of faith access federal grants and federal funding . Because they those groups of faith need to have equal access to all those federal opportunities, something they havent had in the past. Let me conclude by saying this. Yesterday i was in alabama and i went to alabama to announce a new partnership. A partnership between businesses and Community Colleges, and they all came together to offer young men and women 5,000 work opportunities, 5,000 what we call apprenticeships, alternatives to college. You know, folks are told college is the only path. There are so many paths to success in life and college september the only one. So were talking about apprenticeships in the administration. When i was in alabama and businesses came together with the Community College to offer 5,000 earn and learn experiences apprenticeships. And the students were excited by the prospects of learning skills and advanced manufacturing. They were looking at jobs that were paying more than 60,000 a year upon completion. In alabama that goes really far. Theyre excitement, though, struck a chord in me, and it reminded me that people want a job. People want a job. This is how were made. The lord god took man and put him in the garden of eden and didnt stay idle. He said work it and keep it and take care of it. We are made to want to work. We are made to be stewards, to be active participants in our life, our upkeep and our world. And this needs to inform and shape our government policies. To see dignity in a days work, not dignities in taking opioids. These are fundamental truths upon which not just our faith but our nation was built. We hold these truths to be selfevident that all men are created equal, that theyre endowed by their creator, our creator with certain inalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness which means the pursuit of a living. We owe the same dignity to all americans the opportunity to work whether it be the individual who builds a hospital or an individual that works in the hospital. The individual who goes for an Apprenticeship Program or the individual that goes to college. Whether the person be a carpenter or whether the person be a physician. And this is something the president understands. We have a president who respects life. We have a president whose deregulatory efforts are returning liberty to the American People. And we have a president who presides over an economy with more open jobs than we have individuals looking for jobs. And this means and this means we have a greater opportunity than weve ever had for life, for liberty and for the pursuit of happiness. We have an economy that makesepe of our lives individually a little little bit better and collectively our nation under our president much, much greater. Thank you very much. Thank you, secretary acosta. And now i am really privileged to welcome to the stage for an onstage interview the secretary of education betsey devos. Yes, she is a dear friend of our organization, dear friend of mine. Shes been involved in education virtually her entire life. For 15 years shes served as an inschool mentor for at risk students in the grand Rapids School system. She cheered the windcrest group, an Investment Management firm. I was privileged to serve on had speakers Advisory Board with her when Newt Gingrich was speaker of the house. Shes literally one of the leading advocates of education reform and Educational Opportunity for every child in america in the country. And because she shares your values and because she is such a solid conservative she was confirmed on a 5050 vote in the u. S. Senate and mike pence had to break the tie. Thats the first time it has ever happened for a cabinet officer. Lets give her a warm welcome, the secretary of education betsey devos. Well, betsey, its great to have you here. Thanks, ralph. Its great to be here. We so much appreciate what youre doing for americas children to give them an opportunity. We believe as an organization that one of the best ways to do that is to give students and their parents an opportunity to choose the best school for that child. Whether its public, private or religious or a home school. I know you support that. Could you talk a little bit about what youre doing as secretary of education to advance that . Id love to. Indeed, we believe that every child deserves the opportunity to develop fully to their fullest extent. And we know today that there are too many kids that are stuck in schools to which theyre assigned for which theres no other option. We have a initiative that President Trump and this administration is advancing. Its a federal tax credit called the education freedom scholarships program. It would establish a Tax Credit Fund at the federal level to which individuals and companies could voluntarily contribute to 501c3 scholarship granting organizations. States would elect to participate or they could choose not to, but the states that would participate could develop programs to either enhance choice programs they already have in their state or to develop new programs. So weve talked about thinking very broadly about what choices and what education freedom can mean. And we believe that we should think about opportunities like career and technical education, the notion that there are multiple pathways to a successful adult life. And we need to give students every opportunity to explore those. So career and technical education, dual enrollment in high school, charter schools, private schools, faith based schools, home schools. Any kind of education environment that is going to work for individual kids we think is worthy of support and worthy of the opportunity for parents and students to choose. Very good. We appreciate it very much. Another issue thats real important to our constituency is freedom of speech and the ability to express their faith. I dont need to tell you this is serious issue on the College Campuses. Weve had episodes, madam secretary, where for example a young person who was working at a Registration Table at a college in california was told to remove her cross from around her neck because it might be offensive and might make others feel uncomfortable. We have chapters of ministries such as young life or campus crusade for christ who have been told they cant have a chapter on a College Campus because they dont agree with some code. I know the president s issued an executive order on this. Could you talk about that executive order and what youre doing to allow people of faith, students of faith and conservatives to not be discriminated against . Well, this is indeed a very huge issue, and it is not isolated to campuses on either coast. It is really happening across the country and its an issue which ive spoken about regularly including at the National Constitution center last year. The president issued the executive order to ensure that free speech is honored across the country. Now, how this actually manifests itself is its a lot in our hands and in our power to continue to insist that all ideas need to be worthy of are worthy of exploration and that we are honed and shaped by the exchange of ideas. There are too many campuses today that if you express an idea that is contrary to the accepted one on that particular campus you are shutdown immediately. And too many student organizations that are shutout as well simply because of who they are, so there are a number of things that the administration will continue to advance around the free speech executive order, but we will continue to talk speak out very freely and openly about the need to insist that everywhere students attend, ideas need to be explored. And the exchange of ideas is what makes us better. Too often, i believe, campuses and really society at large has abandoned the notion of truth. And when you dont have the pursuit of truth and the foundation of truth, then we get sucked off into corners that we dont want to be in and we dont want to go. So this, the executive order on free speech will continue to be center point to all of of our efforts to ensure that campuses are allowing for the Free Exchange of ideas. But ive often cited the university of chicago, the chicago principles which they have long embraced and which now other institutions are beginning to signon to. Its not a code per se, but its a very clear articulation of how students and faculty are expected to conduct themselves on that campus. And it allows for an exchange of ideas and competing notions to be shared in an environment that is civil and that respects one anothers viewpoints no matter how far off they might be, but that allows for that exchange of ideas and the pursuit of truth to happen in an environment that is civilized and that will engage everyone in the discussion. I mean given the fact that the federal government is providing directly and indirectly billions of dollars to these colleges, how can they even get away with this . Well, they cant, and the reality is that there are an increasing number of lawsuits that i think are going to ultimately result in more clear articulation around the protection of speech, but we hope that institutions will voluntarily come to the point of acknowledging that all ideas need to be welcome on their campuses and that the ability to express ones faith, ones perspectives are to be respected and to be allowed for. How great is it to have a secretary of education taking a position like that . Another Higher Education question. Theres currently approximately 1. 7 trillion in outstanding student loan debt. It threatens to turn into a debt bubble not quite on the scale of the mortgage crisis, but its serious. A lot of millennials have gone deeply into debt. Theres 44 million borrowers. The average debt is 37,000. Ive worked my way through, work waited tables and newspapers. I dont know why theres so much debt, but its become such a burden to so many people particularly when they try to buy their first home or establish credit, that some are now proposing that the whole thing basically be assumed by the federal government. What are you doing . Meaning its assume by all the taxpayers to other free individuals who havent taken out Student Loans who would be paying for and underwriting the one third that have. Its a crazy idea. Yeah. Whats the answer . Whats the policy of this administration, and what are you doing to fix this problem . Well, this is multifaceted issue, right . So i think rightfully so more and more individuals are questioning the value of a fouryear degree. What its actually bringing, what its actually gaining them. And i saw a study the other day that suggested that two out of three College Graduates upon reflection say their degree was not worth what they invested both in terms of time and resources. So we start sort of with that overlay. But what we are what this administration and what the president has been intent on doing is afirming the fact that there are multiple pathways to success as an adult. And we have too long looked down upon or considered as a second class option many Viable Options to a good career and good earning potential. Today we have over 8 million jobs going unfilled, and of those 8 million jobs many of them dont require a college degree. In fact, the biggest percentage they require some Education Beyond High School but not a college degree. So what can we do as a federal government to embrace and support all of those options and pathways for young people today and to introduce them to them at a much earlier age . I would argue in junior high, middle school i guess it is, that middle school you should be starting to consider what your what your possible options are and what you might be interested in. But what we are doing today with the federal student aid framework is going to be very helpful for students that are taking out loans. We are going to have a lot more information at their fingertips. Weve already put the federal student aid form on a smart phone. You can complete that today, you couldnt a year ago. And within the next few months youll be able to have at your fingertips what your student loan balance is if youre going to take out draw draw down more on your loan what the implications are for longterm and what your pay backs will be. And we are going to really help students with a lot more Financial Literacy tools to help them make better decisions about what they take on in terms of what program they pursue. Another piece of it is the College Scorecard is going to have by institution at the Program Level the cost for pursuing that particular program and what your likely earnings potential is based on those who have graduated out of those programs before, what youre likely to make. So we believe its going to do two things. Its going to make more informed decisions on the part of students, and its going to also force institutions to take a serious look at programs theyre currently offering that may not be very relevant for anyone today. Okay, very good. Last question. Theyre giving me the stop sign, but i really dont want to let you go without at least having you briefly address i know youre a woman of faith. Youre somebody for whom your faith is very important to you, and id like for you to tell folks how that informs your Public Service and how it gives you strength in the face of what has been a lot of opposition as secretary. Well, it really informs everything i do and everything about me. Theres theres not a day or hour that goes by that i dont im not reminded of i think of a worship song that an acquaintance of mine wrote many years ago but its called the audience of one. And i remind myself that i only have an audience of one. And im here to serve students because i believe and i know as all of you do that every Single Person is endowed by our creator. And created for something unique and special. And so i i believe that my role is to help provide pathways for students and for young people of all ages to pursue what their meant to do and meant to be. And so that keeps me pretty well focused. Great. Madam secretary, on behalf of millions of people across the country, thank you for your service to our country, to our young people, and we want you to know you have our full total support. Thank you very much. God bless you. Thank you. Secretary devos. Okay, you exit right, i go back here. Thank you, betsey devos. And now the hits just keep coming. Another great champion of our shared values. She arrived in this country as an immigrant at 8 years of age speaking no english, and she was inspired as a result of her own experience growing up and transitioning to a new culture and a new country to devoted her life to ensuring that others had the same opportunity that she had to build a brighter future. Today she serves as u. S. Secretary of transportation under donald trump. Previously elaine chou was u. S. Secretary of labor under bush, and in that capacity she was the first asianamerican woman in American History to ever serve in a president s cabinet. She is widely known as a consequential and principled conservative who doesnt just talk but actually takes action and gets things done. In fact, as secretary of labor she became the first cabinet secretary ever to successfully use the Congressional Review Act to repeal a Clinton Administration regulation. She also yes, you can applaud that. She also implemented regulations requiring labor unions to have greater financial transparency and responsiveness to her members. And as secretary of transportation she has been one of the leaders in the president s initiative on regulatory roll back. Im going to let her talk about those principles and values. But i will just tell you as someone who has known her for decades and has seen her serve in the public and the private sector that there is no greater champion for our shared conservative values than elaine chou. Please welcome her back. Thank you so much for being here and thank you for inviting me to sell prate the values we cherish. Faith, family, freedom and opportunity. Looking out over this audience it is so deeply encouraging to see so many leaders committed to making a real difference for our country by living these touchstone values. Every word, every action in service of these timeless principles create a Ripple Effect throughout our society and our country. And it strengthens the foundation of who we are as americans. So thank you so much for all that you do to promote and fight for the values that we cherish. This morning let me share some thoughts on how government leaders and policy makers can put these principles into action. You know, one of the most important things that governments can do for families is to create the environment, the climate for growth so that the economy can expand and create more jobs. And that means letting families keep more of their hard earned dollars and reducing unnecessary burdens that hamper investment and job creation. You might know that Small Businesses employ 60 of all workers in our country. And theyre more likely to be family owned. It is so much harder for them, Small Businesses, to cope with government paperwork burdens than large corporations, you know, which can afford to hire a lot of lawyers and accountants to comply. And that is why from the very first day this administration has made cutting taxes and reducing red tape its top priorities. And the results have been spectacular. The month of mays unemployment report shows that we have historically the lowest Unemployment Rate ever at 3. 6 . This is well, go ahead. [ applause ] its so good im going to repeat it again. So our Monthly Employment numbers show that in the month of may the Unemployment Rate was 3. 6 . This is the lowest rate in over 50 years and now we can clap. This also marks the 15th consecutive month for the Unemployment Rate has been at or below 4 . And even better, the number of job openings exceeded the number of unemployed americans by the largest margin on record. And remember i used to be the secretary of labor, so i know these numbers. And youll be pleased to know at the department of transportation we are doing our part to free the economy of unnecessary burdens. Weve taken a careful look and found that safety, our number one priority, can be protected and enhanced by ensuring that funds, Government Funds are spent making things safer not generating needless paperwork. And the results speak for themselves. The department has gone from imposing approximately 3 billion in new regulatory costs every year. Now, this is happening throughout the whole executive branch. No wonder the economy was bogged down. Under this administration we have gone onto eliminate more than a billion dollars in net u regulatory costs every year. And thats why the economys doing so well. And in fact the department of transportation is rated number one in the cabinet for reducing the number of regulatory burdens. The department is also working to ensure that our country remains a Global Leader in the new technologies that are transforming our world. For example, six years ago the United States was third behind russia and china in commercial space launches. Can you imagine . Today the United States is number one. And this is an effort spearheaded by the president , the Vice President , and also led by the private sector whom we now support rather than oppose. And and at the department were working to keep it that way by overhauling outdated duplicative cumbersome commercial space licenses and launch procedures. The global space economys value is approaching 400 billion annually and is expected to increase significantly. So its really important that americas space sector be positioned to compete in that market. And then were talking now about drones and autonomous vehicles. They are two other emerging technologies that have the potential to increase safety, save lives and create new services and markets. There are now nearly 1. 4 million registered drones in the country of which more than 372,000 are registered for commercial use. And there are now more than 134 certified 134,000 certified drone pilots, operators. Nearly tripled the number in 2017, and this is job category that didnt even exist when i was secretary of labor. So the department is engaging with all these new technologies to address concerns about safety, security and privacy without hampering innovation, which is a core strength of our country. And let me just remind everyone this core strength is a direct result of the freedom our country provides. It is a magnet for people worldwide, my family among them. Faith, family, freedom and opportunity are not mere words to me. They are defining values in my familys life journey. You heard that thank you. You heard from ralph that i came legally. You heard ralph say that i came as an 8yearold, and when i arrived in new york harbor on a cargo ship after a 37day ocean journey my first view was the statue of liberty. That momentous journey was made possible because of my parents strong faith which was integral in our progress in america. Thats why i cant talk about my journey without mentioning my parents and the values they cherish. And i hope youll let me share a bit of my family story this morning because first of all my parents are americans. Theyre americans of chinese heritage. Their faith in the lord, their love for one another and family are the foundations of their life together. They grew up in 21st century china, an era buftfeted by upheaval, Foreign Invasion and wars one after the other including the civil war. My mother was born in china. Wars and conflicts drove her family from their ancestral home in search of safety and security. And in the winter of 1948 she met my father while she was attending his Old High School in a Little County outside of shanghai. Their akwandance was brief because her family relocated to taiwan at the climax of the chinese civil war. My father was born in a small farming village of ten families. His father was an elementary schoolteacher. It was only through scholarships that my father was able to obtain an education and obtain one of the attend one of the best colleges in china to pursue a maritime career. And in 1949 again at the height of the chinese civil war, he boarded the ship to finish his last requirement for graduation, a seagoing apprenticeship. His father came all the way from the village to see him off, and little did they know it would be the last time they would ever see other. A few days later while the ship was at sea the government changed and my fathers ship set sail for taiwan. There he searched for the beautiful young woman that he met in china. He eventually found her and they married. And in taiwan my father became one of the youngest sea captains of his day at the age of 29. But the life of a merchant mariner was very difficult. He was often away at sea for months at a time, and so hoping to build a better life for his family he took the national examinations. Not only did he score number one, but he broke all previous records which gave him a chance to study abroad. And where did you think he wanted to come . America. So despite the fact that my mother was three months pregnant with their third child and they didnt know when theyd be reunited, she very bravely encouraged my father to seek better opportunities in america. My mother, my sister and i stayed behind and it took my father three years before he was able to bring us to america. And even so the only passage as youve heard that he could afford was on a cargo ship. Our initial years in america were very, very difficult. We didnt speem english or understand the culture. There were no family members or friends. We didnt have any friends we were new to offer support. But we were very lucky to have our church and the friendship of christian missionaries to help our father understand this country, who taught us english and helped us build a new life here. My thank you. My sisters and i always felt secure and loved even, though, now in retrospect we were very poor because my parents never lost their hope, their optimism, their faith in god and also faith in americas promise of opportunity. And they encouraged [ applause ] they encouraged us to contribute to society and to bring honor to our family and country. Today my 91yearold father is teaching his daughters how to grow old gracefully. [ applause ] he has a kinds, generous and grateful heart. He lives his faith in god every day, and my mother who returned home to the lord in 2007 is still the love of his life. While we were growing up my parents never missed a single important event in their childrens lives even as my father held down three jobs. My parents and i came to America Armed only with deep faith in the basic goodness and kindness of this country and the opportunities and freedom that it offers. My family are patriotic americans who have led purposedriven lives and contributed much to this country. They embody the american dream. And my parents inspired all their daughters to give back to this country. So thank you so much, again, for fighting for the values that we cherish which makes america great. And thank you for building a Better Future for our country. God bless you and god bless america. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. [ applause ] good morning. So it is the most awesome thing when you have a friend that youre fellow Party Chairman with in adjoining counties whos a great guy, a family man, a businessman, loves the lord and then he goes into the political world and he remains the same. You know, its just a great feeling. And so the next person im about to introduce is that guy. He ran for the Georgia House and won back in 2004, in the Georgia Senate in 2010 and now since 2014 he is our congressman from the 11th district of georgia. Thank you. Man, what a pleasure to be back here again. Its just its unbelievable. I get the opportunity to come and speak with so many friends and fellow warriors in the fight for freedom. And i want to thank you for what youre doing because in reality theres very little we can do in washington, d. C. To change the course our nation has been on. Theres very little we can do because what we face in this nation is not a political crisis. Its a cultural crisis. Some of you may have been here last year. I spoke over at the bible museum about some incidents that my family and i had been through. In fact, just a couple of weeks ago i was at a congressional baseball practice when the Capitol Police came and awarded medals of merit to me and several of our colleagues for the actions on a baseball field a little over two years ago when a man crazed by politics thank you. A man who was crazed by politics walked on the field with the intention of killing republicans. Why . Because we were going to repeal obamacare. The media hasnt presented that in the reporting. Shortly after that my wife and i were driving back to washington, d. C. When someone driving 110 miles an hour ran into the back of our car on the interstate, sent it sideways and we were flipping down the interstate. As we were recovering from that accident we were driving back home and my wife heard something hit the back of the car. Of course im one of these guys if she hears something in the middle of the night its the wind. I dont care if its someone banging on the front door, its the wind. I said it was just a rock, she said rocks dont hit the back of the car. When we stopped, we found an ar round embedded in the back of the car. The fbi ruled it was an assassination attempt. Bad things happen in threes, right . A few weeks after that we were on a train with fellow republicans going to a convention when a garbage truck pulled in front of the train and partially derailed it. I wondered, god, why are you putting me through this . Each one of these are life changing events. These are incidents that most people would never, ever go through. Obviously i saw the hand of providence on our lives, but what is the purpose . And once it dawned on me, there is nothing me as a politician could do to change the outcome of any one of those. When i was pinned down on the ground trying to save the life of one of my fellow colleagues who was bleeding to death on the baseball field never, never once did i think wait until i get back to the capitol, im going to pass a bill. You know why . He was already violating dozens of federal and state laws. Theres not a single law in the world i could have passed that could have stopped that act of evil. I never thought, boy, you wait until i pass a bill. Because speeding and distracted driving is already against the law. Theres nothing i could do to change it. Its already against the law to shoot at people on the highway. And its also against the law to drive around those barricades of railroad tracks. Theres only one thing there is country objective will. That is the change the hearts and minds of those who perpetuate those. That is only jesus. My job as a politician is to protect the rights of worship. Friends we have in this nation to change the hearts and minds of those people. The battle we are facing for freedom. Is all for battlefront. The spiritual. Cultural, political. And sometimes physical. If we do the first three, we do not have to do the fourth. At all times, we as conservatives and christians, we as believers we get those inverted. We look to washington dc to fix the problems we face. Orifice is more fixable by those of us in the community. I hate politics. I have been involved in it for a long time. People asked why it involved . This one theres a reason i hate politics. My dad tell me something when i was young. He said that there something in life you dont like, you have two choices. Decided to change the situation or accept the status quo. Complaining never accomplishes anything. We are winning. When the businessmen of new york city wants guitar winning, that was a warning. People ask how you can say that. Is quite simple. I was one of those that was honored to be part of the official delegation that traveled to france for the commemoration of the day. The 75th anniversary. My dad was one of those that were there. It was quite an honor to be there. I remember my dad tell me something a long time ago. Is a one of the ways she tell your women is how intense the battle is when youre fighting. The enemy does not fight back until you start taking the ground. Next week, we will celebrate. As he said, the greatest epic in americas history. That was a stickler in our independence from england. I just want to share with you something she wrote to abigail. He said, i want to believe that this day, they will be celebrated by succeeding generations of the great anniversary festival and should be commemorated is the day of deliverance. He goes on to say that to be solemnized with pomp and parade. And illuminations from one end of this continent to the other from this time forward. We do that. He said it be commemorated the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to almighty god. Freedom is not free. He address that in the second paragraph. Is that i am well aware of the blood and treasure that will cost us to maintain this declaration. Support and defend the states. Yet, draw the gloom, i can see rays of ravishing light and. To see the end is worth all the means and the posterity will triumph in the days. What he said, i know it is going to be tough. We will face tremendous battles dislike those brave pages did on the shores of normandy. What makes the difference. You look at the circumstances that surround you . Are you keeping your eye upon your calls which is freedom. That is ravishing rays of light and glory that our founders talked about. I wanted to think about that and what you have seen here. The number of cabinet secretaries that have been had to speak with us. They have done a tremendous job. How many cabinet secretaries will come to a conservative faithbased organization to talk about the future of america. That is because we are women. Im excited about where we are right now. We can win this if we keep our eyes upon our call. Understand gods providence did not end in 1776. It is still here today. We can win. I am not tired of winning. God bless you and god bless america. Hello everybody. Thank you. It is terrific to be with all of you today. I was up late. They asked them all to raise their hand. Raise your hands if you want to lose the election. They all raised their hands. I cannot remember what they wanted to giveaway. Was in healthcare or free education. Healthcare to foreign nationals that broke the law to come in our country. He cannot remember where he stands on each issue because the state for absolutely nothing. I watched the democrat debate. Even what was missing from those 2 debates . Service. The flag was also missing. Got a mighty. It was very interesting. You is that did not mention the mueller report. For two years, we heard that it was common. All these indictments. All these horrible things. We had to hear about impeachment. I will tell you right now. Actually believed there was means to impeach him, they will be mentioning nonstop. They have nothing on this president. For two years, we spent 40 million. We ruin peoples lives. This horrible thing. Is corrupt angry democrats went after anyone who did anything to help donald trump. Or what . The proven negative. They say it did not do it. You cannot prove a negative. It is metaphysically impossible to prevent negative. They are speaking spanish the first. Joe biden was going to go right into mandarin. I really thought he was going to go straight into cantonese or mandarin. That is the constituency that matters to him memos. We hear about this horrible thing for 2 years. The president says he does not exert executive privilege ones. He allows a roman prosecutor. The investigation should have never been approved in the first is. It was nothing more than a tactic to get nancy pelosi to be speaker of the house. The fair marker to suburban voters. To try to have this big mystery that something was coming. I think it destroyed her career. They were trying to bring her back last night. It really hit me last night. The contrast between what the president has delivered for our country. Is Patriotic Movement that we have. We want what is best for america. A look at these 10 democrats on stage. I think to myself, they want what is best for america. They want what is best for them. All they want is power. No matter what it takes. You see bernie sanders. Is no longer the vulture. When i ran against hillary this was so much easier. Have come all harris. Thought she did fine. Joe biden is so beyond corrupt he does not know what he stands for. She crossexamined. Joe biden will not be the nominee. He was horrible last night. He had no charisma or no message. That is just the beginning. Kemal harris is the very beginning. Is a redness record on race. If a republican did 100 of what he did, describing the 711s saying you cannot walk into a 7 eleven without a slight indian accent. If a republican said that they would be run out of politics in general. He is going to be totally done. What causes all this . What causes the radicalism in the Democratic Party. This is what i do every single day. It is the nations longest conservative study for free market and american exceptionalism. What drives us every single day whatever happens on College Campus will soon happen in the hall of congress. College campuses set the entire town of a conversation. The entire political tone of the country. Many years ago i spoke it is very gathering. I made a bold prediction. Assistant, there will be someone coming into congress who was clueless. Young that does not merit done yet. Who was committed to the construction of our country. Who was to giveaway everything. Who believes everything before her. Everything before that individual was a mistake. Everything in the future will be better if you give that person on the power. All these people. Were to the come from . The company College Campuses. The come from universities. We have allowed these radical us. You look at bernie sanders. Is the typical college professor. That is who is teaching your children. That is who is teaching your grandchildren. For all of you out there, stop giving your money to your alma mater. Stop giving your money to bernie sanders. They do not need your money. They do not deserve your money. It is polluting the mind of the nextgeneration. That does not materially happen. You watch this debate. You feel as if were in the middle of the great depression. There is misery. We have the lowest ever unemployment. The lowest level ever asian unemployment. 500,000 manufacturing jobs. The largest ever middleclass taxcut. The best economy in u. S. History. Defines of all of the projections. What it is people on stage act like . Act as if we are in the midst of the great depression. Never before in American History have you have people tried to sell misery in a time of prosperity. There trying to convince those things are miserable. Jobs are being created. They are going to look at this 50 years now. They said this mustve happened in the middle of a financial crisis. They go around. I will send this to kemal harris. She is being called the winter. She said the biggest threat to our country is not china. Isis or not iran. She says it is donald trump in this is a sitting United States senator who said the number 1 threat to our country is the greatest president of this generation who has turned our country around. We are doing with symptoms. This is all symptoms. Elizabeth worn. Robert francis of work. He is more hispanic elizabeth worn his native american. I do have to say that. Will pretend there is something there. She present she is native american. Bernie sanders flies around in private jets. Can we just have this conversation once and for all the english should be the official language of the United States . The over pandering to the hispanic community. Legal hispanics supported law. They support the rule of law. They support this president. It is so horrible what is going on. Of course the hours from el paso trustee over pandering. My time is spent so i will say this. We have to deal with root causes. Or else our country will be taken over by these radicals. I believe donald trump will win reelection. I truly believe that. Want you to think for a second. What is going to happen after donald trump. Do you think america will be a more or less socialist. This is a very important question. You have to look at root causes. The root cause of our entire country is how we lost education. How we have lost the universities. These are root causes. This is what im dedicating my time to. I will do everything i possibly can to get the president reelected. We must fight for the future of our country. If we do not bring the fight to the radicalism, 15 years from now will be having this gathering. We will have a country that is unrecognizable. There calling for total gun conversation. Calling for things that we would not even have a conversation of. The deterioration of all of our borders. For this country to continue to be the greatest country ever, we must smash the socialist on the College Campuses. Every single day. Thank you guys so much. It has been a pleasure. Ladies and gentlemen. We are winning. After the last two days, of allowing the democrats to be themselves, to share their inner thoughts with the American People. The 2020 election is looking more and more cheerful. They were kind of a match. Wheres the moderate. Every one of them who was advertising themselves that way. To the left. There when it is a combination. It does not matter which one you pick now. George mcgovern. In 1972 picked up every left wing idea you can think of at the time. He said im all of these things. He took away. To work, Richard Nixon swept the nation. Then 12 years later, he ran. He thought it was a good idea to open his camping looking at the American People and saying im going to raise your taxes. He carried one state. The democrats are dragging that they want to undo the republican taxcut. The problem for the democrats. Both clinton and our different. Its a member the one or two percent. You may want to step out of the room. That is just as guys. They ran promising not to raise taxes. Nine percent of the American People. The raise taxes on everybody was there were in power. Only to get a couple of guys. Not you. What happened was, this time the democrats are saying to that 90 percent of American People, im going to repeal the republican taxcut. If you go to your tax returns in 2019 and compare them to 2018, contact with how much money i will put past you mixture and every year for the rest your life. Average income. In the United States with two kids will pay more than 2000 every year in higher taxes. 2000 years. Every year. A single mother making 41,000. Bread with 1300 thousand dollars. Were talking about a quantifiable cost. There is not a dimes worth of difference. There will be able to calculate exactly how many tens of thousands of dollars a democrat vote will cause them. How did we get to the situation with the clarity between the two parties this incomplete. We used to have two parties. There were little 80s in mississippi agree with Ronald Reagan on everything and voting for george mcgovern. During the lifetime of president reagan, we sorted things out. There is one part of that was to leave you alone. There was one party that wants to tell you what kind of straws you are allowed to use. They have invented a series of rules about how you will eat this stuff. These are the guys who invented and mandated the toilets that are too small to flush completely. Convince you you have,. Then on the sabbath, had to separate the green glass from the white glass for all the recycling trees. They have a list of things you have to do and a list of things you cannot do that is slightly more longer than leviticus. Try and keep track of all the things youre not allowed to do that were far less week. The kind of rights regular republican or conservative. Normal people. People who want to model business. Raise a family. Is a collection of groups or individuals of people who on the moving issue, what they want is to be left alone. If you go around the table, homeschoolers are there. Let me educate all children. Homeschoolers do not knock on the door and tell you to homeschool. They do not appreciate on homeschool appreciation days. The simply wish to be left alone to raise their own children. The Second Amendment community. 80 million americans. Maybe 20 million hunters. They simply want to be left alone to defend themselves and protect their families and have the Second Amendment rights respected. Taxpayers do not raise my taxes. Businessmen and women do not regulate. I want the opportunities the previous generations they have. Just leave me alone. Not asking for subsidies. Asking to have the government recovered the competitors. The simply wish to be left alone. All the communities of faith. Where people wish to be left alone to practice the faith and transmitted to the children. I simply wish to be left alone. That ms. Religious liberty for everybody. Even if the guy over there completely misunderstands scripture. We all have to have religious liberty so we can defendant and protected. This is what our team can work well together as opposed to the other. Run our table, no one wants anything at the expense of anything else. The person who wants to make money all day and across the table it was go to church all day. They both look over the guy who want to sit on his. It is not important. How we spend our liberty. It is important that we agree to vote for candidates that will leave each of us alone. They are the taking coalition. The view the proper role of taking things from one person. All enough that is usually money. The bigcity political machine. The two wings of the dependency women. People who make 100,000 managing the dependency of other people. Making sure none of them get jobs and become republicans. Dancing get along as long as we are foolish enough to raise taxes and throw money in the center of the table. Then they can look at each other the weather do in the movies after the bank robbery. Make a commitment to the American People in writing. Dated. Opposing vote against any tax increase. About 90 percent cut that place. Give you some idea of how powerful it is. The 60 years before the present. Since the pledge clicked in. We have had it for two thirds. Of the 24 year sentence. It pays to be the party that will not raise taxes. Therefore will focus on governing so it cost less. Until you take taxes off the table, there was never any discussion about reforming government. If we do our job properly and say no to new taxes and maintenance, then the politesse in the center table begins to dwindle. They began to look at each other like the kennedy kids. One sixpack in the middle of the table. There is not enough cash there. Instead of being cheerful, they began to look at each other like the Second Blessing in those lightbulb movies. Our job is to stop all tax increases so as the power goes down the other team begins to nibble on the legs of the people next to them. The few of them are shorter. The modern Democratic Party is not made up of friends and allies as the conservative free market. The left coalition. The Democratic Coalition is a collection of competing parasites. If we do not let them leave taxpayers, they will chime in and other. We are holding on texas. Of that you will have a cheerful news in the next few months. This administration i believe will soon say when you sell a house. You have on for 50 years, you do not pay taxes on the difference. You paid only down. That would be the final nail in the coffin. We delivered prosperity and more jobs. When he format more years to get this project going. Thank you very much for having me here. It is good to see you. We are still winning. I just was similar to come out of his shell just a little bit. Kind of really hear what he really thinks. I really enjoyed hearing all these outstanding Public Servants who stand for the values that we stand for. Who endure the slings and arrows of the media and the lab. They did not apologize. Make no mistake about it, as you leave her to go back home, dismember elections have consequences. The other thing that is important is the leadership starts at the top. That does not mean that they do. Someone who is a different. She is mercedes. She is a Deputy Director of strategic communications. She hopes to divide the messaging strategy and the education strategy of this present. Mercedes from the white house. I have all of these prepared questions. You how to submit questions and events this is a unconventional president. Unconventional political figure. To build the infrastructure and strategy is the Communications Director what is the business you go to twitter. You exactly what he is thinking. For sure. He is transparent in the progress. People who love our state. People who want to practice our faith and teach our children values. There is the church on the left is intolerant of people like us. Now, lets unpack that distillery. Found that that was the way they communicate directly to. Twitter those close to 7 million not only is it just social media. As you mentioned the numbers rationale. It is also the original media. It is very it. Is new york and washington dc. You work with local reporters. Its also to the present. What is the present accomplishing. Being in a room with the Vice President , the a very well oriented present. Would you say to those of faith who have an issue with some of the tweets. What do you say to that . The president is the present. I will fight back and. I have been here for too long. Servitudes and in people face. The do not want to stand out. Easy to clear to this club. The bankers came out and said it was the trump raises club. In having to do with. God bless him and his organization for doing that. I am telling you. This goes into hospital. My daughter was going to a catholic school. I do not know how to impact change . I was saying. You is with this . God. If we are truly safe, how can you not away with this freedom. I can certainly tell you that our members and activists are glad after decades of conservative and republican candidate demanding answers by the liberal media. Demanded they were called in the events of the world things. When it comes to the corrupt media, the judge of caricature of money. I will ask you to refill the. The Daily Briefing is virtually nonexistent. Yet dont in any way, this this is the most was virgil president will overhead was at in the process . I am completely sad that she is living. I love daily. What they have done to her, with that, if in her walking out the door she was depressed. We have roosted so far away from the objective very down on journalism. The this. That is not media make in the white house. Not even pretending anymore. Is it because no one really shares those conservative. Were they wrong about that . He was born our reason. Although we have the report of the. 400 pages. We have to focus on america. Showing every american is uplifted. That we will protect our democracy. It is a dangerous path for america. My father who was a political prisoner country be destroyed because of government control. That was not the solution to everything. This is where the democrats are moving so far love. They want government to be everything in our lives. That is not what we are built on. There is democrats believe it is socialism or socialism road. Last question. You and your husband. Different is very important to. You also prolife to record. Always have been. I was sharing with our delegates that there has never been the white house for administration that had this many social conservatives and people of faith around the present. Is somebody who has been there in the room when the decision was made. We know he has done a lot of lifestyle. Share with them what its like to work for him in terms of this issue and how true to his prolife beliefs he has been. While i am a devout catholic, i pray with my presbyterian minister. That go to confession with my priest. I sometimes think i made evangelical catholic. I love the evangelical community. That have been so important in my faith journey. Office is called the west wing chapel. Would do prayer lot in my office. A lot of the ministers have come by. I feel very much that the only way to survive these battles is to make sure faith is in the center of everything you do everyday. With the president , when you have had these discussions with him on these issues are pro life, what i love about it, be sitting in the room. Six or seven of us. Then all the sudden, sick, what do you thing. Then you have to speak up with the truth. On this is your prolife, we have been able to guide them. Hasnt always on the right side of this issue. On protecting the sanctity of life. Im so proud of him. We grope being prolife fighters. We understand it is about protecting the most innocent and protecting the unborn. He was outraged. Is that we have to stop executing these babies. That came from him. I think it is why we all have to be committed to ensuring that extras a successful year for this present. He has been the leader in asserting that we move forward on protecting life and our religious liberty. That is the beauty of america. We know what the other side has to offer. It would take this country into a dark place. We want to be full of life and light and full of god. When we bring that, we want our children and grandchildren to know that america is the greatest place on earth. We are a blessed nation. We want to share our blessings with the world. That is why he said we have to make america strong within. We have to make sure our country is growing. Those of us can practice our faith and have faith in this country. With thank you very much for coming today. Please when you go back, first of all, tell sarah how much we love her. Tell him we will be praying for her in her new adventure. I this from the heart. I know i speak not only for the folks in this room. The tens of millions of people out there who are part of our movement see you on television. They see that the president side. I wanted to know that we pray for you and we pray for your family. We are very grateful that you were there. It encourages us to know that you were there and if we have anything to say about it, you will be there for a lot longer. Thank you a lot and god bless you. Please help me welcome from the american alliance, rabbi daniel. Hello everybody. Three months short of 25 years ago, not even one mile from the splitting. He still looks exactly the same. He told me something. 25 years. They have not found any closer in my mind. I have reinforced what he told me is absolutely correct. What he told me is that when it comes to politics, when it comes to changing cards and minds, we need crusaders. Crusaders like you. It is not about numbers. It is about to leave. I was accountants. If your earlystage entrepreneur, please make sure you have a great accountant. What is more, lavished upon him or her love and affection. Founders stock. Do not forget your accountant is not in charge of marketing. It is not a brand ambassador. Your accountant is about the numbers. When it comes to changing the hearts and minds of people, we need crusaders. Crusaders still in belay. Not in numbers. Belief trumps numbers every time. Crusaders trump accountants. Do not make those decisions on the list. When it comes to changing peoples hearts and minds. Changing their behavior. Change the way they vote. We need crusaders and when the police. This look really quickly of the three middle legs of western civilization. It is western civilization that depends for its survival on religious conservatives like us in this room today. Rest of three foundational lakes. The third is energy. Marriage money and energy. If i was an accountant, i will stop telling you about the condition of marriage in the United States. I would say how many children are born outside of a marriage. I will tell you what those numbers were in the year 1919. I would show you trends. I might even put up a few graphs. That is if i was a county. I am a crusader. For that, we need to understand that we separates western civilization from the 5000 different cultures that have populated the earth, what distinguishes western civilization is the stability of the family. They are animals. Their animals that mate for life. Love that has anything to do with marriage. Is a system of shared belief. That is what marriage is. Marriage creates the kind of children to become citizens upon which a vibrant and Healthy Society utterly depends. Trying to build a durable tranquil society with children or adults grope as children without a mother and a father dedicated to one another is a futile exercise. It is not going to work. Marriage is for us. A sanctifying of something very basic that god built in the civil world. I am here and i have aunts and uncles. I have cousins and nieces and nephews. All because grandpa and grandma flooding into one anothers eyes and found ecstasy in one of his arms. That is the whole reason i am part of a loving family. It was not just sex. Something much more profound. It was a marriage which was replicated in every generation since then. Not surprisingly, secular liberalism hates marriage. The hate the mel fema construct that makes me responsible. They do not accept that. There is only one reason. Did not think they are not crusaders as well. They are. That is why they use the language. That is the language they speak. They do not let us have numbers. They lose on the numbers anyway. They have their belief system. Anything that is rooted in that majestic thomas volume must be extirpated. Male and female, not if we have anything to say about it. Male and female, no serene. We have a whole range. Marriage and family that men and women should be dedicated. Absolutely not. It has tried ballistic. Theyre going to hated because it is rooted in the bible. They are crusaders against just as much as we are crusaders for. And we revert to become accountants, they win. Crusaders always beats accountant. Money is something that we find particularly in the hebrew scripture actually fall. What is the point of giving charity if he did not have any money. They should find tranquility not sitting under a fig tree but under his victory. People should build around the flat roofs of houses Government Housing . On your own house. Ownership of property and having money is what grows are independent of government. Money is a foundation of western civilization. Of the 5000 cultures around the world, those that had zero connection with the peoples of the bible took a very long time to arrive at money. The idea of an abstract set of values to indicate human efforts and to be certificates of performance where every single dollar bill proves that i placed another one of gods children. That is why my boss client or customer gave it to me. Was not at the point of a gun. It was not extracted as texas. It was someone who put it in my hands. The beginning of genesis. Whatever god created was good. Seven times. Was the eighth. It means god is the metal of monetization. Gold is good. Secular liberalism hates money. Other than in the hands of government. The idea that citizens should be independent of government. That is an idea then loathed. Because it is biblical in origin. It is not an accident that in god we trust is not written on the walls of churches. In god we trust is written on the currency of the country that has been the worlds greatest engine of prosperity ever. Finally, the third leg of western civilization, energy. We are the only species on earth has an external source of energy. If they want to get anywhere, they want. It is only their internal firm is. Fueled by food. Human beings. Quite different. The secular liberalism hates the use of energy. It is so strange. They have to. Energy as part of gods gift to humanity. Jerusalem. Greek mythology. That is a place to go if you want to find secular liberalism foundations philosophies. In greek mythology. There is a story the fire belongs only to the gods. He was allowed to fly charter flights . Only the leaders and zookeepers. We must not use energy. Must be regulated. It is not your business. Im happy to pay my fees. Still, we still have to cut your use of energy. Because energy belongs only to the gods. Along came a brave human being. Prometheus. Said human beings need this thing caught fire. Tried to still the fire for the human beings. A torture sent internally for his evil sin of thinking energy is a blessing from god usable by everybody. That is the secular level view of energy. Exit jerusalem says adam wept as he was being thrown out of the garden of eden. Is that what will i eat. Everything seemed hostile. What am i going to do to save myself from predators . God sat down and said im going to give you a fantastic gift. Is set a little pile and the two stones and rub them together. All the sudden it burst into flames. God said this is energy. Is going to change your life and that of your children. It is my gift so you will ultimately be able to scrape drudgery energy. We do not have to look. We can get on the plane. It is wonderful. If i could jump in an eight cylinder car and save myself some time, how beautiful. Even better. It is wonderful. These are blessings from god. Predicted by people of university professors. We will stated by the year 2000. We will all be bash living without any energy at all. Not quite worked out that way at all. Marriage, money, and energy. The left secular liberalism hates the mall. Each one is rooted in gods plan for human interaction. Marriage and connect. Families. Money. Find independence from the forces of the tower of babel. Find her on monday. In seeking your money, the only way you are attending it is by serving my other children. Energy. Use it. You will eventually reach the peak of Nuclear Power where a concrete factory humming quietly to himself reduces enough power to free an entire spate from drudgery. Use it. Secular liberalism. The crusaders are on the opposite side of the fence from us. Secular liberals hate the family. They hate people having money. It makes them independent of government. They hate using energy. The three great gifts of god that has made western civilization what it is. It has made this country the peak of western development. How wonderful is that . All of this depends going forward. On us all. Retaining our mission. Of being not accountants. But crusaders. By virtue of you being here today, and by the sacrifices you make and the concerns you have and the way you take care of marriage, and family, and money. Even energy. Through all of that, and the influence you have on all those around you, you are all crusaders. 25 years ago he was right

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