The full motion is printed on the order paper. To move the motion, i call and ask you enthusiastically to welcome from the northeast of england, Abigail Charlton [ cheers and applause ] thank you, mr. Speaker healthy relationships are just basic knowledge. Finance, well, thats 21yearold mes problem. And politics . Isnt that for old people . Well, these are just some of the statements ive heard from our friends in year 11. But credit where its due, my friend is now aware that brown is the Prime Minister. So i guess were making progress. In all seriousness, these are the most basic foundations for our lives. And i think youll agree with me when i say they arent taught to us and when they are, they are hidden in assemblies where the bare minimum is seen as enough. Im sorry, but if i put minimal effort into my schoolwork, i would have did etentions every night of the week. But its fine the other way around, right . 88 of young people and 97 of teachers believe life skills teaching is as important if not more important than academic qualifications. Is it really that outlandish to invest in these causes . A curriculum for wilife. A way to give us to give us the tools to build ourselves up. The Education System, to put it kindly, is in organized chaos. But, amongst all this uncertainty, one thing has remained constant. Our persistence as young people. The young people who were here last year and the year before that and the year before that voted for a curriculum for life. These young people are shouting with all their might, and you know what . We have the duty to listen and act, because theyre right. We deserve access to life skills, just as much as we do to shakespeare sonnets or pieing that rift theorems. We deserve a curriculum for life. But i hear what youre all thinking, right . Whats six months more going to achieve . Whats one more year going to achieve . Well, as my dad says, a battle isnt won overnight. And a curriculum for life wont be either. But as this years top voted make your mark priority, we have a duty to make more progress. So i stand here today at this dispatch box, a simple jordy girl, asking you all to vote with me, the 100,000 young people, our constituents, and my maid who now knows who the Prime Minister is, to take a stand, lets make 2018 the year we achieve, an accessible, comprehensive, equal and complete curriculum for life. [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] abigail, thank you. That was a fantastic opening speech. To oppose the motion, please welcome from the southwest, eliza abdulramen. [ applause ] thank you, mr. Speaker. I must say, thats the most unique pronunciation of my name ive heard so far. Sorry. Apologies. Its okay. Education is my weapon. To make a change. Words are my shield. Life is my mentor to make the right decision tonight. A great man once said, education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom. But a girl standing before you tonight asks this. Is the key with us or with power . It is power that has cut 2. 8 billion pounds from School Budgets in this country. It is power that denies our schools of the resources they need. So is power really on our side . As i dwell on this question, my mind wrestles with the notion of an Education System taking on so much, but gradually deflating, due to a lack of funding. For four years, we have campaigned for a curriculum for life. For four years, we have demanded the statutory status of pshe in this country. But the small steps that have been taken are just not enough. Only this year, the government has decided to make sex and relationships education statutory on the curriculum for 2019. Financial education is also compulsory in schools. And yet, this makes me question why the implementation of all of this is perpetually invisible to many of us. Standing in one of the greatest chambers of change in the world, i ask, change is not making amendments to the statute book. Change is witnessed. So are we truly witnessing change here . You see, this is why we must open our eyes to the gargantuan scale of the project we demand. How can we demand schools to begin the evolutionary process towards a curriculum for life when they have been crippled by cuts that threaten the curriculum that is already in place . How can we demand that teachers deliver an effective sex and relationships education when we all know that that is the job of School Nurses . Nonexistent School Nurses, that is, because there are hardly any left. The dream for a curriculum for life that is strong, effective and delivered to the standard we all deserve is a dream i share with you. But the reality is this. We cannot allow for a curriculum for life that is halfhearted, acting as an additional strain on our Education System. So i plead with you to vote against this motion tonight. Because that is where power is on our side. And the key to unlocking the golden door of freedom will one day be with us. Thank you. [ applause ] eliza, thank you. Yet another incredibly powerful and thoughtprovoking speech, which is a tribute to you and respected by all who heard you. I think we should now hear from somebody from london. Well hear from somebody from london. The excitement is just uncontrollable. I think the person i was going to call before and didnt quite but was there, your good self. Yes, you. So you should have your chance. Please. Thank you, mr. Speaker. My name is eunice, and i represent the london bar. The ancient definition of education is to learn a lot from school or university. And having a good level of knowledge. I feel like that definition is misled and outdated. A great man once said, education is not preparation for life, education is life itself. So if we want to be truly prepared for itself, we need to be educated. The government says that our generation is prepared for life, now more than ever. But i disagree. How many of us know basic Financial Management . I mean, how to pay taxes . What mortgages are . Understanding credit and student loans. Understanding the power of negotiation . Understanding the art of failing and the list goes on and on and on. I bet even people that have been elected here still dont know what that means. And the government says our Education Systems prepare us now more than ever. But i bet if i ask you about a quote from the christmas story from charles dickens, you can write essays about that. Abraham lincoln said if you give me six hours to chop down a tree, i will spend four hours sharpening the axe. He thought it was better spent than walking in ill prepared. In other words, lets prepare for life today so we dont go into life ill prepared. And just in the famous words of oliver twist, please, myps, we want a curriculum to prepare us for life. So lets make it our National Campaign. [ cheers and applause ] now thank you if youre still waiting to be called, do persist. I encourage people to persist. They may or may not be successful. But keep trying. Id like to hear somebody, i think, at this point from the east midlands. Who have we got from the east midlands . Yeah. The young woman here. Yeah. You. Just here with the maroon yeah. Thank you. Hi. Im the member of Youth Parliament for this year. Even the most highperforming schools lack the teaching of core life skills that will aid us in life, beyond our education. Life skills like taxes, budgeting and paying off a mortgage. All key Financial Education things that could not only just have a positive impact on our economy, but also smooth the bridge between childhood and adulthood. We have been working with our Healthy Schools coordinator to help implement curriculum for life in the majority of our county schools. We think that all local authorities should follow our example and be motivated and supported to do the same by making this our campaign. Thank you. Thank you [ applause ] now, at this point im looking for preferably a male speaker. Im always keen on balance across the country. And gender balance, as well. Im really looking for a male speaker from the northwest of england. Yes, the gentleman with the blonde hair was trying to catch my eye some hours ago and was unsuccessful. But your moment has arrived, sir. Lets hear from you. What do you call preparation for a pop quiz . The national curriculum. [ laughter ] [ applause ] very good start indeed. But can we just know your name . In my constituency of wiggin, one in five children live in poverty. So they dont need an Education System that sums up upper middle class, where apparently we learn every detail about sedimentary rock is absolutely vital for your existence. I mean, i cant remember a single thing i did in gtse maths. I cant even remember the names of most of the stuff. And that is because i didnt need it. Somewhere in this country currently there is a great musician sitting at a geography paper, th paper, there is a next amazing scientist writing a view from a bridge. Its not even that good a book. [ laughter ] but we need to step in. We have already started doing some good work. And i know everyone in this room has started putting some good work in, and we all need to finish it. We all need to complete that good work. Because we cant let this system that just perpetuates all the things that are wrong with our society. We cannot let that system continue the way it is. We need to keep pushing, keep going for it, because we cant just set it aside now after all weve done. Thank you. Thank you [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] now thank you very much. Can we hear a voice, please, from scotland . Who have we got from scotland . This is so difficult, its ridiculous. I cant call everybody. Listen to you. Lets hear you. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Im myp for south scotland. When i first became involved with the scottish Youth Parliament for my constituency, i helped with the manifesto, lead the way. In this 79 of young people in scotland who are consulted agreed that all pupils should have access to up to date and effective pshe classes. From primary age until they leave the educational sector. Which simply backs up that this should be our campaign. Being the deputy convener for the educational Lifelong Learning committee within the scottish Youth Parliament, having a curriculum that expands life skills is at the forefront of our current work and will not only benefit those within skills, but teaching valuable lessons which should stay with our young people for many years to come, which is why myps today, i urge you to support this motion. Thank you. Thank you [ applause ] well, i was just looking to see whether anybody was trying to contribute from Northern Ireland. Northern ireland. Yes. [ applause ] thank you, mr. Speaker. James salvage from Northern Ireland. Id like to take this opportunity to thank you, for your continued commitment to the Youth Parliament. It doesnt go unnoticed by the members here in this chamber. But it does go unnoticed by the many people across the country who dont know what the position of the speaker is. Never mind who is the speaker. People across this country are not taught what they need to be taught in politics. They dont know how taxes work. They dont even now how to use a cooker. There are vital life skills that go on top of our skills. And i heard in this chamber just last week, many members of Parliament Say that young people do not have the maturity, dont have the political knowledge, they dont have the life skills needed to vote. At the age of 16. But mr. Speaker, i have been saying to those mps, if those people dont have the maturity, if they dont have the political knowledge, its up to the department of education to give them that knowledge. Its up to them to teach them. Its up to them to prepare them for life in a manner they can vote, in a way they know how to go forward, 000 ghow to get a j and how to be members of our society. This topic is a particularly important one in Northern Ireland. Because we are a post conflict society, as you know. We have had many years of racial and sectarian discrimination. People across the country still feel bitterness and hatred towards others. And that is because in a diverse society, people dont know about other peoples races. They dont know about their culture. They dont know about the people that live next door to them. They think theyre different, and they have many problems with other people, all across their community. But we need to move forward from that bigotry and the hatred, and we need to move forward in gathering everyone together. Everyone should know about each others cultures. They should know about the different ways of other people all across this country. I feel, mr. Speaker, that we need a curriculum for life. I think it is a goal we can accomplish. As a Youth Parliament. And i think its one you should support. [ applause ] well, colleagues, i thought that was a wonderfully statesmanlike speech, delivered with great skill and composure. And in terms both striking and reasonable. So well done to you, sir. Im delighted that we heard from you. We are now, i hope, going to hear a contributor from yorkshire and hamberside, wow. This is really very difficult. There is somebody waving something at me in a mildly eccentric manner and i think its this person here. I dont know what it is being waved. But anyway, lets hear from you. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Benjamin wardby, kingston, uk city of culture, 2017. [ cheers and applause ] colleagues, we have heard about the importance of making life choices from deciding who to vote for in 16 or which Work Experience we should apply for. But friends, we can only make these choices with education. And we all know young people in the north receive less pay for education, and im sure we can all agree, life exists outside the m25. [ cheers and applause ] young people everywhere in london dairy, in cardiff, in hampton, if theyre in a working class constituency, everyone deserves the same chances. But the question is, does it meet the needs of the 21st century . That answer is no. We need better finance education. We need better relationships education. And as people have previously mentioned, we need better sex education. Not just for heterosexual young people for homosexual young people and for people of minority sexual orientations. Places for meaningful, Lifelong Learning. Because talent is universal. So i urge you to support this motion. Thank you. Thank you [ cheers and applause ] now id like to hear a contributor from the West Midlands. Who have we got from the West Midlands . Yeah. Im going to call the young woman in the third row back. In the middle of the three people. Yeah. Lets hear from thank you, mr. Speaker. Im milli from west hampton, and i really believe that curriculum for life is crucial for all young people across the United Kingdom. I believe this, because by the time we leave school, well all know what factoring numbers is, some of us even what algebra is. But we dont know about domestic relationships. We dont know how to get a mortgage. Some of us wont even know what tax is. Thats crazy. Thats something that as an Education System, that should be looked at and that should be frowned upon. Countries that describe how people should be treated and how you should treat other people have the best Education Systems in this world. I dont think that as we go out the four walls of education we should be expected to know how to treat other people and know how to express ourselves in job roles if were not taught that in school. How is that fair . Thank you. [ cheers and applause ] thank you thank you. Well, i think we should at this point hear somebody from the southeast of england. Yeah, the southeast of england. This woman here. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I represent laughton kings. So what is our purpose as members of the Youth Parliament . Is it to sit around and drink tea, or take selfies in our beautiful suits and dresses . Im sure its otherwise. Im not naming names, dont worry. So fear of failure, lack of understanding about taxes, housing, politics, that was a general theme in the feedback from my constituents concerning preparation for life. We are a democracy. This topic was voted as the most topical issue by young people. Is it not clear that we need to continue to represent them and not enough is being done . Sure, small steps have been taken. We have sex and Relationship Education as a statutory part of our national curriculum. But we need to do more. Thats the whole point. We make more steps. We dont wake up and suddenly we have a curriculum that is so beautiful and vibrant and is done in every school. We have to do it step by step. So how can it be possible for an 18yearold to leave education without a single lesson on how their country is ruled and their future determined and yet still get the vote . It is outrageous . No wonder the voting turnout among young people is generally considered so low. This is a campaign that affects us all, and links in some way to all of the other campaigns. That is why we as a Youth Parliament must continue to support this campaign so that the voices of all other constituents can be heard. And so that young people have the power and the confidence to make informed decisions on their future. Thank you. Thank you. [ applause ] now i think we should hear from the east of england. The east of england. And i think we should hear from you. Yeah. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Im harry dignam. We spend 14 years in education in which we are supposed to learn key things to prepare us for life. But do we . Yes, we learn how to do maps, english and science, but not all of us have the opportunity to learn about the key aspects of life, such as paying the bills and learning about finance. It is brilliant that sexual education has become compulsory in schools, and is merely the First Step Towards a Better Future for young people. A future with a curriculum for life. I also believe that as the Youth Parliament, we can tackle this issue and make a difference to the lives of young people we represent, which is why i urge that you support this motion. Thank you. [ applause ] thank you now, what about wales . Who have we got from wales . Gosh. Its very difficult. What about the young woman second from the end in the yeah. Your good self. Thank you. Say who you are. Thank you, mr. Speaker. My name is yushanka and my constituency is morgan. Last year, over 142,000 young people voted they need to have a curriculum for life, as the most important issue for them. What does this mean . It means that young people are screaming out that the Education System needs to be changed for the second time in a row. We have been voted as myps by these young people. Therefore, it is our obligation to make their voice heard. To make a change and challenge the corrupt system which fails the youth of this country every day, by limiting their success and understanding of the real world. While students may be 20 of the population, they are 100 of our future. So lets attend to their needs and theres no telling what we can achieve, i believe. We as the future have an obligation to fight against the injustice of this system, which tampers with our very futures. With such changes to society, we must be able to adapt the Education System in order for our country to keep growing and bring back the passion into the system which has been outlasted not only for our generation, but the ones that follow after us. If we can customize health care, cars and facebook pages, then it is our duty to do the same for education, to change it, upgrade it. Instead, lets reach the core of every heart and every class to finally understand how to use what they learn in class every day. Our society is changing. We as a country are going through dramatic changes. That will inevitably shake our futures and yet i havent had a single lesson on brexit, injustices or even the refugee crisis. The Education System is over the political system. So like citizens, my peers will be expected to vote at age of 18 to a system they have never, ever been presented with. They wont know how to vote, because they have never been taught how to vote. Instead people devoted that time to defining isotopes. Or perhaps a basic lesson on aid, a lesson that could practically save thousands. But its fine, because now we know there are a number of unnecessary deaths caused by that choice was pride. Why is it that if we could teach future generations moral teachings, as well as relevant topics, in my opinion we would have a thriving country that would have a sense of togetherness for the world. But this system does come with a price. It needs time. It needs effort and it needs organization. But is it not worth it . We are too afraid to make changes due to our fear of failing. To not accomplishing our aims. As Nelson Mandela once said, the brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Thank you. Thank you [ applause ] the northeast. The northeast of england. Yes, well take the gentleman here. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Im ben car. I represent middlesburg. Im one of the lucky few. In my school, i was taught how to choose my politics. How to vote. And im also doing a qualification in finance. Now, the feeling i get from that is one of confidence and preparedness. And thats something great. And i think thats something that should be available to all. Its like looking into the abyss and seeing opportunity and hope. So please, support this motion. Give it all your support. Because we need to enable young people to vote, to go on and things like curriculum for life, its in comparison, overall, ill summarize, sorry i know i ramble. Overall, i think this is a great opportunity. And i know we failed one year well, not failed, but we could have done better. You know. Overall, i think curriculum for life is the most important thing, because if we dont know what to do when we get to that point, what are we going to do . [ applause ] thank you london . London . Yes, you were trying earlier and didnt get in. Lets hear from you. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Speaker. My name is esther, and im from the london borough of camden. I feel that its quite upsetting to hear a large number of young people dont understand how to take out a mortgage, how to pay their bills, or even what a credit limit is. I myself is sadly part of that large number of people. I mean, what is a credit limit, and why is it so important . So please, can someone explain this to me . How are we as young people meant to feel comfortable, confident and prepared about moving out and starting a new life for ourselves . Thank you. [ applause ] now, what about the southwest . Who have with he got from the southwest. The chap at the back who let yes, youre waving your hand in the air, and wearing what looks like a green tie, i think. Yeah. Anyway whatever color it is. Were delighted to hear from you. Im matt simpson. Myp for bring totstol and the southwest. Can i have a quick show of hands in the chamber. Who feels we could leave home now and live independently . That is not all of us. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] that number should be all of us. And that is why we need to support curriculum for life next year. So, yeah, curriculum for life needs to be expanded for more topics so every young person is ready. Parents can make their children opt out. Young people should not be able to opt out, because it is essential for their future and it is unfair if they do not get the same level of education as someone else on the other he said end of the country. Furthermore, those victims of cse will most likely be opted out without any opinion of their own. So what other part of pshe do i feel need to be covered . Employability skills. Careers change so easily these days. Mental health, minds. One in four people will experience a Mental Health problem each year. Young people need to be taught about healthy relationships, dealing with stress and how to protect their mental wellbeing. Finance. I dont know how to take out a mortgage. I dont know how to buy a house. I dont know how to pay a tax. I need to know this. And so does every other young person in this chamber, and in this country. And this is all without mentioning politics. First aid, drugs and the list that continually goes on. So i urge those here to support curriculum for life as our campaign for next year so we can continue our push for oall youn people to be able to live independently. I urge all myps to continue their fight to make sure our schools are appropriately funded to make sure they are able to deliver the High Standard of education we need in this country for every single young person. And i urge the government to increase the ptse education, as it is simply unfair if all young people do not get the same standard of education and is a disgrace that some young people are leaving school unable and feeling not ready to take the next step in their life. Thank you [ cheers and applause ] colleagues, inevitably, thank you very much indeed. I were not far from the end of our proceedings. I do have to have some regard to the sheer size of some delegations. The number of delegations that are very large and from which i would like to get a couple more speakers, if possible. From the northwest, yes. The young woman there with the red jacket. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Speaker. There are two places where young people develop into adults they become. Home and school. In our lives, the daytime split is pretty equal. We cant control what we learn at home, or what influences we are under. Every negative or miseducation can actually lead to that development. But if we can influence a Young Persons life within school, this can create a platform where theyre educated in life, and they can change as a person and also a whole society. A curriculum for life would prepare every individual in the country for the challenges ahead, which school doesnt do right now. The focus on it is on prep, which is in itself and no one is successful by chance but if you dont have those people in your life, then whos going to teach you those things . Its not just me, im a product of so many peoples hard work, my teachers, my parents, my family, my friends and groups ive been part of. But i dont believe thats the case for everyone here. Its taken a lot of time and effort for people behind us. So i feel every young person should get that same opportunity. It really takes an entire village to raise a child. So its up to us to make sure every young person is given the skills and the time needed to be successful and theyll be happy with themselves and if done properly this could happen for an entire generation for the country. So i urge you to support this motion. Thank you. Thank you. [ applause ] the northwest was one of the largest regions if not enlargest represented. The southeast was also very big and a final speaker from the southeast. A young gentleman in the back who looked disappointed earlier but showing great fortitude, patience. Sir, your moment has arrived. Come on. Welcome him. You flatter me, mr. Speaker. Im not winston churchill. Im from win chester and hampsure and i would like to say that i would urge you to support a curriculum for a life or as i like to doll a functioning Education System. [ applause ] my school and staff room the teachers have a swear jar and the g word means you have to put five pounds in. That word is michael gove. Now that gentleman is not solely responsible for all of the problems because the Education System hasnt fundamentally changed its contents since the victorian era. We learn hundreds of hours what can be done instantaneously on our telephones and 70 of jobs will be gone in 30 years time. What are we doing . But dont take it from me, take it from statistics because the head of the oecd has said education is the biggest priority and we have fewer people getting a levels than the exsoviet nation such as astonia. But if the facts arent enough for you, then we are all here elected as representatives of the young people and a curr curriculum to prepare us for life had more votes than any other motion. The facts are simple. Your choice is simple. If you want a future, if you want a britain that can survive, then you must vote for a curr curriculum to prepare us for life. [ applause ] thank you. Thank you. Now to conclude the debate from wales, to conclude the fifth and final debate, please welcome david abdear. [ applause ] thank you, mr. Speaker and now to finish this debate. I want to make some facts clear. I want to present this to you and my peers. One, the world outside the classroom is different than 100 years ago and two, 130,000 young people voted for change to status quo. In many respects the Education System has failed us. How many young people can tell you what i mean by Budget Surplus . How about the basics of the world of finance like taking out a loan . Something you would want to know if you plan on one day living in a home. How are we ever going to learn to thrive in a world of social media when all we learn in school are the facts around academia. People like yourself, mr. Speaker, when you say pliltical ideology, id love to tell you what you mean but all i learn in school is physics, chemistry and biology. How can we expect them to bloom in the curricialer constrained to the four rooms of the classroom. Were going to need act. But the question is should we . Some months ago, march 2017 the government made amendments. The psat movement has been years in the making with orlginiganiz providing guidance, research and training. Point being time is precious. But lets not make that stop us from being ambitious. I know its a rather common thing to say but rome was not all built in a day and neither was it all built in the same way. Issues like this one and transport require loads of funding. So our chances might seem limited because of cuts to public spending. But consider this back home we realize first aid as an important life tool. So we teamed up with st. John and the red cross the teach it in the local school. Money is not the be all end all. Why dont we team up with charities to teach of the dangers of drugs and alcohol . The decision lies today in our hands. How will we represent those from wales, england, Northern Ireland and scottland . Will we leave them with an education to make them feel deprived or will we equip them with a curriculum to prepare them for the rest of their lives . Thank you. [ applause ] david, thank you. And thanks to all of those who have spoken. I know that exceptionally this year, as you will be aware, there are some further speeches to come in commemoration of the passage of the sexual offenses act and the 50th anniversary thereof, however as of the five debates theyre over. And im genuinely sorry for those people who didnt get called. Its one of the most difficult features of this otherwise wonderful occasion that of course most people who are here want to speak and time simply doesnt allow the chair to call everyone. So if you lost out, i am had very, very, very sorry. There was no agenda to exclude some people rather than other people. I would like to call more but we can only do that frankly if we sat for longer. But thank you because its been of exceptional quality and spirit. The Youth Parliament will vote on which of the five subjects will select as its two National Campaign issues for 2018. In the lobby you will be given two ballot papers, one white paper for the two reserved. That is uk wide subjects and one green paper for the three devolved for todays purposes england only subjects. You should place an x across in the box next to the subject you would like the vote for on each ballot paper. And hand the completed ballot papers to the door keepers in the lobbies. Afterwards please return to your places in the chamber. Those of you on my right should leave the chamber by the door behind me and turn left into the eye lobby ebehind you. Those on my left should leave by the doors on the far end and turn left into the no lobby behind you. Members of the house of commons staff will be on hand to assist you. Members of the united Youth Parliament, the United Kingdom Youth Parliament, i can tell you the Division Lobbies are now open. [ applause ] hi, im

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