Bull moose engraved on the side plate of this gun. Watch the tour of springfield, missouri on American History tv. A 1962 u. S. Army film presented with a failed revolution up to the construction of the berlin wall. It was nominated for a short subject documentary academy award. Some are so young they must be carried, or so old. Of the millions who take this road highway thaep it is for land for the landless. Some protest openly. It doesnt matter. Some were born on the road. Many will die along the way. Cuba, 1959 this road leads to this wall. This road. This wall. He maintains through a system can the worker avoid starvation and exploitation. We declare that our ends can only be attained by the force of an overthrow of all existing social conditions, thus the road begins. This is a oneway street. The signs do not describe the two destinations and nearly everyone who sets foot on this road goes all the way to the end where there are few exits, only dangerous escapes. This man is a resident of east berlin. His right is guaranteed by internation naal agreement. This has been set aside to cross into west berlin. He swam the canal. On reaching the western bank he is shot down by rifle fire he was shot down. We must look at the road. We must go back along it many miles and many years. Back from berlin, 1961 to havana. St. Petersburg, russia, sunday, january 22nd, 1905. They have come to presented a petition. We the working men come to to seek defense. We have become beggars. My a tok ri will remain unchanged. We no longer long live the fight for freedom. It will never be a success. He doesnt even look the part and he is busy with ceremonials that no longer interest hungry people. Busy with his family including his son who is kept alive by a holy man. He says so himself. No glamour, rifles without bullets. The russian casualties exceed those of the germans. Starvation and pofrerty a demonstration starts over a simple demapd. It gets out of hand, includes a new demand. A revolution belongs to the people. I pro30ez to defend it whether from the left or from the right. He arrests them and announces that free elections ought to be held. The war is unpopular. When he needs to continue it the jer plan general ranges for the return in a sealed railroad car. Summer 1917 he becomes head of the government and pro claims russia a republic. Freedom of speech and press. Equal rights for women. They called the soviet called for the destruction of the public. They imagine they are decided by voting. As a matter of fact they are decided by class war. They seized the electric lines and government offices and declared themselves in business. The interesting thing is that it never happened. It was pointed out that the building was in easy range of a cruiser. Still, it makes a nice picture. The real violence comes later. On november 25th the election he called under the control who lost it. The assembly meets urpd the guns of the red army, refuses to turn overa power for the soviet but leaves the building in disorder. The following day a few thousand citizens gather outside the building to protect against the dismissal and are shot down by fire by the red army. Not since december 1917 has more than one name for office appeared on the ballot. The Assembly Never reconvenes. From there to the council where the power is abseptembthere. Power that is unrestricted by any law resting directly, keep this well in mind. He makes peace with the germans and now genuine civil war breaks out. White russians rebel against the reds. They executed. Arrested without charge, disappearance without explanation all become routine but he complains. There is still too little ruthlessness not because we look determination but because we do not know how to capture enough properties, capitalists. However many they capture they miss one. On august 30th takes a shot. Her motives are unknown. He is only slightly wounded. That night 500 are executed on suspicion. The sign post reads east freedom. Because they understood it could be theirs only when peace was obtained. Now on march 7th 1921 they are asking for freedom. Finally at 6 45 in the evening kma commander of the red army gives the only explanation. It was necessary. The old gpu or Political Police and to check on the old gpu there are workers and pes t pesanpesant peasants inspection he could make you a judge or send you to siberia. Now with the civil war won he eases the demands for bell tightening. The new economic policy. Emphasis is placed on production of consumer goods. The state maintains control of heavy industry. Two new words, american aid, enter the russian vocabulary. By march, 1922 the administration is feeding 10 million russians. But in march, 1923 he suffers a stroke. The following january he is dead. He turns and ends the new economic policy. In its place comes three successive fiveyear plans. It is especially power house. It means well work and less an less living space per family. If you dont work hard enough or if you complain there are plenty to siberia where many dams are being built. On the other hand if you work hard you might become all you have to do is break the production record 23r yofor you machine. Its better than a quick trip to the reindeer country. Well over half and thousands of lesser officials vanish as do most of the army officers. Some are remarkable. In actual fact in 1936 the hotel was no longer in business. Near mexico city paying hers urpd the mountain climber another decay to ship arose complete with secret police and cattle cars that carried people to their graves or worse. The popular front is clahanging. On october 5th poland disappeared. The scum of the earth i believe, the bloody assassins i presume. Jeregermany gets more. Germans are given a naval base and vast amounts of more material. Invading the territory. The turning point comes which were then called. [ speaking Foreign Language ] eastern poland, east russia, pending final peace treaties. The russians have the right to maintain in poland, hungry and romania. How did we get from here to there to the present situation. What is the world of the post war expansion . What methods do they use . The answer is they used them all. Occupying troops remain it is continuing influence and control in north korea. Economic aid and trade agreements helps spread in the middle east. Force is avoided where ever possible. When it is needed it is used. The expulsion complete with tanks, infantry, operations, casualties and refugees. It is an important technique of communist conquest. Suddenly conservative elements and they poupd ond our desks ane communists take over the police. On february 25th informed that the alternative was civil war and unmistakable threats he accepts a communist cabinet. But he will not go along an remains in the power in office. Two weeks later his dead body is discovered. Three months later adopted by parliment. He refuses to sign it and is forced from office. Before the year is over it is dead. Eastern europe, in the words of Winston Church hill an iron curtain descended across the continent. Behind the iron curtain is dangerous not to. But human freedom dies hard. Falling to 1956 local police augmented by russian soldiers. Loud laughter is not recommended. You might disturb your neighbor and he might be the law. October 1956 these demonstrators are not anti communists. They feel they have the right to determine how communism is to be administer administered. Local party forces decide enough is enough. In the interest of law and order to fire into the crowd. The crowd does not melt away even when groups join the police. Faced by an overwhelming mob they make a strategic withdraw. In november he was a communist speaking as prime minister. The russians hesitate, hungarians celebrate. They rarely owned the land they worked so hard to fill. Filth and disease flourished. They suffered almost as if they were unaware there was another way to live. When they seek to offer peace they are there to listen. Many believe the revolution is a success. At first he acknowledges many of the traditional rights of citizens and the established constitutions of government. The elections never take place and the government quickly welcomes an instrument of coercion. The takeover is a success. Why have the russians built this wall . West berlin was a base for intrig intrigue. On east berlin and east germany they have a chance to enjoy the finer things in life. He was going to other way, east to west and so has every other casualty at the wall. No one can be sure of the real reason but prior to the erection of the wall almost anyone could reach west berlin and many did. Once in west berlin you were outside the iron curtain. The wall is a solid fact. And the wall remains. It stands in berlin today. It stands and will stand where ever the road of communism leads. Some day it will include the universe. Their objective is clear and so is ours. They intend to put the world on their road. We intend that the world shall be free, each man and each country to suchoose the road th suits him best. We need above all to understand each new threat must be met. Certain military action with military aid, exploitation with economic aid and cooperation that has helped keep western europe independent. The choice is not red or dead. The choice lies between wisdom and ignorance, bravery, freedom and slavery. American history tv. Tonight u. S. Army special forces detachment stationed in Berlin Germany during the cold war. Two teams would remain in the city just to give the russians a hard time. Destroying targets like radio stations and the others would cross over the walls. Wednesday flight black voter suppressi suppression. During the congressional debate he said what a travesty. We are sending by the multiplied thousands to the firing line to die and fight for freedom while telling them they should have no parcel in freedom at home. Thursday night Andrew Jacksons political struggle to cripple the powerful bank of the united states. Jackson was writing that the only thing that can prevent our liberties to be crushed by the bank and its influence would be to kill the bank ititself. An interview on the impact on his life and the country. I dont hold a grudge against the north vietnamese. I dont like them. There is some i would never want to see again. At the same time, i was part of a conflict, okay . I thought they were some of the meanest people i had ever met in my life and i never want to see again. There were several that were good people and that were kind to me. So thats why it was much easier for me to support along with president clinton and others the normalization of relations with our two countries, to heal the wou wou wounds of war. This week in prime time own c cspan 3. In 1979 cspan was created by americas Cable Television companies. It is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. Next a u. S. Army film that tells the story of refugees. When an estimated

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