Herbert hoover, president wilson, coolidge, and eisenhower. It is 45 minutes long. Welcome back. For the second half of our conference, starting off this afternoon is a paper by dr. Lisa ssian, was a professor of history at the Des Moines Area Community college. She received her masters degree in womens studies from Eastern Michigan University and a doctorate from iowa state university, and agricultural history and rural eddies. She is an author of three books. Now directed her Research Interests in exploring hoovers postwar food relief efforts. She serves on the board of war and culture, and is the editor of a fourth coming a forthcoming volume. Her talk today is entitled a kind and understanding heart, the politics and friendship between harry truman and Herbert Hoover. Ssian. Welcome lisa o [applause] i changed my title a little bit. I have slides, and i hope that all of you did not eat too much. The warm weather and all of that. It uality should call the president possessed, a reporter asked Eleanor Roosevelt in the spring of 1946. She quickly responded, a kind and understanding heart. Perhaps this was a quality that Herbert Hoover and coolidge and harry truman possessed during their friendship to getting in 1945, a little bit over 72 years ago. Hoover and truman were on paper and on the surface, very different men. Was was a republican, he the depressionera resident, an engineer. President , anera engineer. Truman was a democrat, a postworld war ii president , a politician and a captain in the First World War. But as the joint project of the hoover and libraries eloquently deduction to the documentary on our president ial friendship, it is easy to overlook the fact that they both had roots in forming communities, they had known Economic Hardship that selfreliance, and were transformed by the confederation of world war i, and they lived in the shadow of fdr. I would also add that men were in many ways quite similar. Both were ethical man, in their respective religions. Hoover was a quaker and truman was a baptist. Both were practical leaders who developed strong camaraderie and loyalty from their men, men who worked with both hoover and truman were loyal to the forever. Husbands both loving who stayed absolutely true to their first and only wives, falling in love once and that was it. I think truman had a respect for hoover being a recent widower when his wife had died in 1944. D were also committed fathers who protected and nurtured their sons and daughters, and also their grandchildren. April 12, 1945, this will be the first communication between the 31st and the 33rd resident. A telegramver sent offering condolences and assistance after the death of fdr. All americans will need your strength for your gigantic task, you have the right to call for any service in aid of the country. Side, Herbert Hoover. Kind, uld respond sig, Herbert Hooverned. Hoover would risk on very sincerely yours,. Harry truman. Kiewit right in his hand written notice i feel free to call upon you, thanks for the offer. From 1wood say to his staff later on in april, that he would do something that they would not like. That he was going to invite Herbert Hoover to the white house. So, between hand letters, communication between there a ides, phone calls, the two president s would arrange their very first meeting. I will quote a lot from these two, because to me if you look at the relationship between friends, words matter. Words matter. The words that they use with each other were often very carefully chosen and very well mannered, and that would give them a very strong basis for their friendship to react so on the morning of may 28, 1945 this would end Herbert Hoovers 12 year isolation from the white house. A meeting in the oval office would last 55 minutes but would create a friendship that would last until hoovers death and a 1964. He was asked to write, and he loved to write memorandums as you heard from the other previous speakers. This was just a couple of sentences from the several pages. I saw president truman this morning and he asked me to tell him what a thought about the food situation. I replied the situation was degenerating all over the world, partly due to the war and partly due to mismanagement. He had to take it as it is and there was no time to bother with recrimination as to what might have been. Hunger,bsistence, and and hunger meant communism. Does work over slides. Proffessor ossian trimmer with always be brief. He had a two line memoranda versus four pages and he would write near hoover, thank you for the memorandum, it will be very useful to me. He added ps i appreciate you coming to him see me you coming to see me. And gave me a list. From them would write i had a pleasant and concert of conversation that i had a pleasant and constructive conversation with him and we discussed our prima donnas and what makes them. Some of the boys who came with me are having trouble with their dignity and prerogatives. It as hell when a man gets into a Close Association with the president. I noticed that hoover elects to use the word hell a lot in his writings. Truman recorded the spirit of the occasion. The call, the respect, the urgency, the drama and even the humor, as he noted that hoover remembered the way to the oval office. Would be their second meeting, things were getting complex at the end of may, 1945. Neededthe decisions that to be made, the war in the pacific, the fall, and all of that. That two would not meet again until march 1, 1946. Hoover was interrupted at a fishing trip, and this is how seriously he took it. He dropped the fishing trip in florida and came immediately to the white house and agreed to serve as an honorary chairman of the committee. Henrythat afternoon, wallace who was his secretary of commerce undersecretary of agriculture would join them. I told the group that i thought this was the most important meeting we had held in the white house since i had become president. That is quite something, considering all of the major decisions that truman had to make following that. Hoover would also write about the event, the inevitable aftermath of war is famine and with famine, civilization itself jeopardize. The last great reservoir for which civilization can be planted is the United States and he talked about the responsibility being thrust upon the American People and he would take very dramatically, we cannot fail. And a couple of days, the entire trip would be planned. Hoover was back. If you will notice in this picture, he is smiling, you could also see that he is skipping out of the white house. As we havehrilled, noticed, one, to be called back to the white house but also to , be of use again, to be working for a cause he was really good at. So he would make two radio addresses to the American Public on march 14 and 16th, before the departure of this global famine survey. He would note that 800 Million People were at threat of starvation. More people are dying after world war ii and during it. This is the crisis situation. Truman knew nobody knew more about food and about saving lives than hoover. And he needed him. So as hoover would say at the end of the radio addresses him a radio addresses i know that heart of American People would risk on with kindliness to suffering. Will you not take to your table an invisible guest . So this is the the famine survey that truman asked hoover to make. They need information. Theres only four countries in the world that have enough food the United States, canada, australia and argentina. And theres only a few countries that are at subsistence level. The rest are in dire, dire straits. You will see in this, they get a plane, c54 which is nicknamed the faithful cow as it makes a funny noise when it lands. They go to 22 countries, circling the globe, thousands of miles. They note that there is there is sunshine throughout the trip, except for one day in assets where they were having a drought. One day in athens. They were never late. They were welcomed, this is a fantastic travelogue. Hoover was getting much better with pr. The photographs taken of him and all the articles being written and that. If you will notice on this one, this little boy has a knife to tucked into his belt. [laughter] that is not the security we live in. But this was a very cherished photo of hoovers work and his care for children and that. Originally, the trip was only supposed to go through europe and back. Hoover really felt the need that it should go on to india, to china, to korea and japan. The Asian Countries were at greater starvation levels and greater risk for communism as well and that. So hoover and truman will have the less than threeminute phone call in cairo, egypt. Hoover received a telegram that he was supposed to cut the trip short and come home and talk to the American Public. Truman wanted hoover to return and promote the cause for food conservation. He was also personally a little worried about hoovers stamina. He was, after all, a 71yearold man and this was a brutal schedule in that. But hoover wanted to continue the trip through asia. So they talked for a little over a minute and a half. In that time, hoover persuaded truman to let him continue the trip. One of his colleagues noted the phone rang shortly after hoover hung up, and it was operators saying that he had paid for threeminute longdistance phone call, and would they like to finish it . And hoover said, no, they were done. [laughter] so hoover and truman were very practical men, even when it came to longdistance phone calls. On may 7, 1946, a day before the anniversary of dday, truman would write to hoover, that he greatly appreciated his most recent letter and he would praise him for the work that was being done. Hoovers mission was now in honolulu, they had circled the globe and they were just about ready to come home, and they would spend the day at the site of pearl harbor. Truman would tell hoover i recognize the sacrifice and risk you are taking with such a hazardous journey. But the excellent results you have obtained will be of inestimable value to this country. So the day after they get back is the meeting. The big meeting, on may 13, 1946. It is in the oval office at trumans desk again. If you are at the truman library, there are hundreds of photos of people seated by truman at his desk. He loved that pose. Its funny, too. You can only tell the time differences because the photos in the background will change. I dont know somebody is dusting and they would rearrange the family photos. But this would be hoovers report. At the end, and he would say to him dear mr. President , we have , completed your instructions. We have traveled some 35,000 miles, visited 22 countries, which have a deficiency of food, and informed ourselves the situation and several others. That the situation in several others. So this would be the letter that was attached to the final report. Trim would respond in kind. I know the people of this country will do their part as you have done yours. We have never failed and we will not fail now. But that wasnt enough. [laughter] so truman needed hoover to go to south america. So they would meet again for their fourth time on may 16, 1946, to discuss the russians and their obstinate spirit, as hoover would say. Truman would ask hoover to go to south america. So the following day, hoover would address and make a radio announcement along the 35,000 miles we have traveled, i have seen with my own eyes the grimmest specter of famine in all of the world. I was asked by the president to undertake this work in a purely advisory capacity. And with our journey now to latin america, my service will then end. So former president hoover would travel on may 25 until june and would visit 11 countries in south america in those 25 days. He returns on june 19, meets immediately with the president the following day, and discuss argentina, im particular, because it does have some food resources, and what to do about wheat shipments. Only six months later would hoover admit to a friend of his how exhausted he really was. And he would tell him in a letter every molecule in my body yells at me that it is tired. At the end of the year in 1946, a few weeks before christmas, truman would send hoover the following note, and it must have been such a wonderful gift of hoover to finally be recognized for all of his hard work. To hoover. As you heard from before, that is all hoover wanted to do, was to work and to serve. And truman would write you dont know how greatly i appreciated your letter of the third and i think your suggestions are sound with regard to americas participation in the distribution of food. I am more than happy to have your views on any subject which you would care to write me about. And truman with state again i , want to say that i think you did a magnificent job last year for the welfare of the world. Truman would state again, i want to say that i think you did a magnificent job last year for the welfare of the world. And those are the words that everyone loves to hear, no matter the age or experience. But we seldom see them out loud or put them to paper. I am proud of you, thank you. So this would be where their relationship deepened and solidified, due to their common interest, respect, and trust. As we would say in contemporary circles, they had bonded. So truman meets hoover again the following year. It is the germanyaustria trip in 1947. Or it is at the end of february. Theres more and more things going on in germany. What are we going to do in the postwar era . We have got the four zones and they are not cooperating well. There was a lot of question about what to do with the british zone, and a lot of hunger. A lot of people saying, should we feed these nazis . They are just going to be acted again. Going to be at it again. Hoover would respond that we must, it would be the humane thing to do. But he was also concerned about the Economic Strategy as well. Germany is the heart of europe. If germany went down, everybody else would go down as well. Hoover very much knew that. He would write about this trip to germany and austria. But entirely aside from any humanitarian feelings for this mass of people, if we want peace, if we want to preserve the safety and health of our army of occupation, if we want to save the expense of even larger military forces to preserve order, if we want to reduce the size and expense of our army of occupation, i can see no other course but to meet the burdens i have outlined. Our determination is to establish such a regime in germany as will present forever again the rise and aggression within these people. Those who believe in vengeance and the punishment of the great mass of germans not concerned in be nazi conspiracy have no misgivings for all of them. They need food and warmth and shelter. They have been sunk to the lowest level known in western history. If western civilization is to survive in europe, it must also survive in germany. So this would be the beginning of what initially is called the hoover plan in march and april of 1947. We now know it as the Marshall Plan. What hoover was recommending is that we actually spend more money than the Marshall Plan would, and that we spend this money not only in europe, but in asia as well. If we truly wanted to fight communism and save the taxpayers money, we needed to do this. This is hoovers argument. Both hoover and truman knew that their names could not be attached to anything. There was a Republican Congress in 1946 who was listening to hoover but not to truman. So general marshall had the status that could carry this through. These matters going on. Then we are going to have a little bit of a time that is difficult in their relationship. Other matters and issues are going to come about. The Republican Congress in the fall of 1946 has been very difficult for truman. He needs hoover for appropriation bills. But some would argue, did he manipulate hoovers trust at this time . And other things. So there was a lot of contentiousness about the formation of the Marshall Plan, and the role that hoover played. So their friendship had really peaked for a while and then it would plummet and then it would start to go back up. So we would see throughout the years this building again. Truman asks hoover to come and kind of reformulate the government and make it much more efficient. Thats another aspect of that. There is different social calls they make upon each other. When truman is no longer president in 1953, this is where the two men can really be as it really be as equals with each other. So this is where their relationship can really deepen into more of a friendship. So we are going to fastforward a little bit to the dedication of the Hoover Library in august 10 of 1962. There are all kinds of stories about truman coming here and getting caught in the crowds and it was such an exciting day. Truman decided to not be too prepared, so these were extemporaneous remarks that he made to the crowd. My good friend, president hoover, who did a job for me as president of the United States that nobody else could do, and for which i am and always will be grateful to him. I feel that i am one of his closest friends and he is one of my closest friends. And that is the reason i am here. I wanted to give you a little perspective of time. This is me in early 1963. As i have to remind my millennial students, it really isnt that long ago. And those are my two grandfathers. It is so nice to see hoovers grandson here. There is just a special relationship. And though my grandfathers were very different men, i think hoover was one of the few things they agreed on politically. So on december 19, 1962, just eight days before my own birth, hoover would write from the waldorf astoria towers in new york, where he lived in a penthouse he would write to truman about the book that truman had written, his memoirs. For hoover,so this is a little bit more of a personal letter. It wasnt one of his sort of engineering formulas or some of that pessimism he has been known for. He really kind of opened up. You can tell he is toward the end of his life, so he can do that. He writes to truman, this is an occasion when i should like to add something more. Because yours has been a friendship which has reached deeper into my life than you know. I gave up a successful profession in 1914 to enter Public Service. I served through the First World War and after for a total of 18 years. When you came to the white house, within a month, you to thethe door to me only profession i knew, Public Service, and you ended some disgraceful action that had been taken in the prior years. For all of this and for your friendship, i am deeply grateful. Yours safely, Herbert Hoover. Truman would write from independence, missouri on a few weeks later on january 2, 1963. He still called hoover dear mr. President. You will never know how much i appreciated your letter of december 19, 1962. In fact, i was overcome because you state the situation much better than i could. So i will quote you for your friendship, i am deeply grateful. Most sincerely, harry truman. Herbert hoover would die shortly before noon on october 20, 1964. Harry truman would telegraph hoovers sons that day, expressing his deep sadness and how he wasnt able to come to the funeral due to a recent injury. Later, in june of 1965, truman would publish this eulogy as a preface to Herbert Hoovers last book. his life to america and words. And this is what truman would say of their friendship. My warmth and close friendship with Herbert Hoover dates back to the day he visited washington shortly after i succeeded to the presidency. I was moved to invite him back into Public Service in the hope that he might resume the task of again feeding the hungry in the wake of the frightful devastation visited on so many human beings in many parts of the world. I wanted to help restore, as quickly as possible, friend and foe alike, to their normal lives and to their peaceful pursuits. President hoover did not hesitate, nor did he weigh the matter of personal convenience or even hardship. He accepted at once. The meeting between him and me at the white house is now history. His work in feeding the hungry expressed the care and generosity of all americans, regardless of political differences. President hoover and i have visited each other frequently. And whenever either one of us happened in the neighborhood of the other, we felt free to just drop in. President hoover helped in the dedication in the library in independence, missouri, and i was glad to take part in the dedication of his library in west branch, iowa. Briefly put, he was my friend and i was his. In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, hoover and truman both certainly held the most important attributes for both a friendship and a president. They both had a kind and understanding heart. Thank you. [applause] lisa i think i went a little fast after lunch. [laughter] questions . Interested in your comments about food shortage in south america. Certainly aware of it in europe and the middle east. I was never aware that south america suffered after the war. Lisa with south america, it was more of an exploration of what food they might have. Im kind of going through some of that quickly. But argentina was one of the food surplus countries. But then as we now know, it has kind of a shaky history, too. Nazis are fleeing and things like that. T part gets obligated obligated complicated. In his engineering mind, he was trying to find out who had what. Its the same today. We have enough food in the world. But its the politics and the logistics and the economics of who sends what where. That is where hoovers engineering mind he was a very cosmopolitan man. He had contacts everywhere. He could talk with people that nobody else could. Truman certainly recognized that in him. He could go places. Truman had no experience. And get things done. So that was part of the south american trip, which i have not quite fleshed out as much as the european and asian trip, extreme the complicated. Extremely obligated. No matter how tired i get in my own troubles, you know [laughter] i just think of hoover and how he just shows up at the white house the next day. Thank you for your very nice contribution. One of the impressions i had, while hoover and roosevelt had a developing friendship, there was considerable opposition to that among trumans advisers, as you mentioned in your speech. I wonder if you could tell us a little bit more of that, particularly how truman faced that down. And secondly, you said that after peaking at a certain period, the relationship dipped. I wonder whether you could elaborate a little bit more on that and how it revived. Lisa truman had that wonderful attribute. I tell my teenager this. He was able to dance between difficult friends. Ok . [laughter] the same month he is meeting with truman to initiate this famine survey, march of 1946, is also the same month Winston Churchill is coming to fulton, missouri. Hoover and churchill hated each other for all sorts of very good reasons they each felt. And truman could go between them. Neither one felt threatened by that or felt that he was doing something else. Truman had some interesting diplomatic skills with that. Then the second part of your question is . [inaudible] lisa oh, the dip. So truman makes the famine survey, comes back with extraordinary information. They are starting to free up things. He is also working with the u. N. , which is a new organization. From his famine survey, this will be the beginning of unicef. So that is directly hoovers idea and initiation. Pate, his men, maurice who had worked with him in the crv and postworld war ii, would be the executive director of that. So that would be an extraordinary contribution, and that one would be pretty straightforward. The other, and this is when truman asked him to go to germany and austria to assess conditions they are that is going to be more difficult. So what do we do . , in a charityding sort of mode, starving people, creating a dependence and anger, possible threats to communism . Hoover did not want that. He was also conscious about paying taxpayers money. So truman really needs him to persuade this rather cantankerous Republican Congress to make these further appropriations, and they will listen to hoover. So he is going to these very Contentious Senate meetings and other hearings and making this pitch. But then it becomes rather partisan. This is the part that people dont know about. There is a Democratic Committee that wants the Marshall Plan to through, and they wanted they want to claim it, they wanted as a democrats accomplishment. They dont want hoovers name on it. Even the former secretary of war, Robert Patterson hoover, one of the saddest letters i have ever seen, where he thinks patterson has criticized the work that he did. Patterson says, i did not do that, i got caught up in a committee with its own agenda. I have nothing but the utmost respect for your previous work. A lot things going on with this creation of the Marshall Plan. In many ways this is where you can see with truman, he is a politician. At times, you feel like he is kind of using hoover to get what he wants, to get the Republican Senate to listen to this need for aid. Himyet, is he throwing under the bus, so to speak, at times . It is very difficult, kind of who said what and all of that, so its hard to piece together. But hoover really maintains the high road on this. In public, he is always seen as wanting what is best for americans and four, as he would say, for starving children. These are children. We cant get caught up so much in politics that little kids are dying. So its difficult. I dont have any quite clear answers. Procedure would use when he would land in a country [indiscernible] traveling tone him that many countries every six days. [indiscernible] lisa it is extraordinary. First of all, theyve got this great plane and an armie crew, crew, and an army they are just topnotch. So theyve got the logistics. Hoover knows. He has got really good men that go with him. He does make a deliberate decision that no women come on this trip. I know his secretary, named bunny, was upset. Bunny was the mastermind. Lets face it. But the men who would go with him had worked with him before. They had been in famine relief and new people in a place they were going. Perrin galpin was making all of the arrangements. Every time they would land, they would have a routine. They would land, they would be met at the airport, they would he escorted, they would stay. This is postworld war ii. Things are just devastated. When they are going through worse off, it is 90 something rubble. But they would go, get settled, have several very long meetings with dignitaries. Everybody met with them. They would have the secretary of agriculture, secretary of food, the army, other people meeting with them, giving them the reports. So that would be done. There would be some dinners and some receptions. Hoover was always good at i dont want a seven course meal when we are on a famine survey. It looks bad. People were so honored to meet him. He would send restate out he would send maurice pate out the needs country to make a report on the status of children. Somebody would be visiting orphanages and schools and hospitals and things like that. They would get maybe six hours of sleep, get on the plane the next morning, never had a late start. [laughter] go to the next country, and do it all over again. One of his men, frank mason, kind of joked that we have not seen more of the world on this trip, because everything was so busy and so highly coordinated. They took great records of everything. And then that is what they come back with, this report on what should be done about the world. So its an extraordinary trip. Thomas lisa, would you talk a little bit about the topics i am over here. [laughter] lisa there you are. Its a disembodied voice. The light is hitting me. Thomas the issues that are unrelated to food relief. For example, the campaign of 1948. Did any of your research drift into that, where truman was it is cutting in and out truman was using hoover as a political foil during the campaign, and did that affect the friendship . Lisa a little bit. Mostly im looking at the years of 1946 and 1947 intently. But truman would say some things at times and then sort of write it off, oh, i was just being a politician. There was still a lot that democrats could get by blaming hoover for the depression. That is certainly what roosevelt had been able to do and that. But hoover is getting much more of a perspective at that time. Well, this is politics and you probably shouldnt have said that, but you know, so be it. It kind of lulls for a little bit, but hoover himself is being asked by the republicans to speak at the convention. And his status is going up as more so it is a little bit equal, in ways. They both realize they are kind of caught in scenarios. That they cant be their best at. See if i can turn this on. In my readings, i have come across the name hugh gibson. Did he accompany hoover on the round the world trip . By any chance . Lisa he did. I did not get to make one of my best jokes. I will show you. Thats hugh gibson right there. And he had served with hoover in belgium. He was an ambassador. You have to laugh when you are looking back at the photos. Hugh gibson is the biggest photobomb are there is. Hoover meets with hitlers in 1938, there is hugh gibson. He meets with the pope, there is hugh gibson. [laughter] every single they are very different men. But hugh gibson had some of the language, he could speak french, he had a lot of the connections. They truly adored each other. Though they seemed really different. That is really something with hoover, is that the men who served with him have this loyalty to him until they die, you know. We have often said in the archives, when we are talking if you think of hoover, think of the radiant out. Maurice pate and unicef, hugh gibson, frank mason starting the records at the hoover institution. It goes on and on, this influence that hoover would have. He and truman were always extremely loyal to their men. They were very conscious of people who worked for them. They were very kind to people who didnt have money. So that matters to people. So they were always willing to do anything for him. Hugh has a really good diary of this trip. It is a bit sarcastic at points. I havent been able to read all of it. It is nice. I have got like five different competing diaries of the trip. It is the secretary who is making all of the arrangements, who doesnt have any time to do anything. But they are madly typing away on the plane before the next city, and talking about that. Can you talk a little bit about the cairo speech . And then, also, how involved was truman in getting the boulder dam renamed for him . Lisa [laughter] i should have the cairo speech memorized. That is matts favorite. I dont. In cairo, this is where he makes several really good speeches. I dont know that one as much off and as i should. But hoover becomes much better shorteradio, making speeches, giving kind of interesting allusions that people can think of. So he is much better than he was as president with that. But thats only one of many. I think that one sort of stands out because they were afraid that the trip was going to be cut short. Hoover really wanted to go on to asia, to know what was going on in india. Then you see indias independence shortly after, going into china and we see what happens to china in 1949. He was also very attuned to korea and what was going to happen there. This is all 1948, 1949, 1950. And then going into japan and he meets with macarthur, and it was interesting macarthur also calls in chief. They had the utmost respect for each other. That part, too, in china and japan, it is the one part where he gets a little wistful about lou. But that is the only part. And i think, too, he took this trip partly out of his grief. Lou had died in 1944. This simply was a way to keep. Usy, the most ultimate [indiscernible] lisa oh, the boulder dam. Im not sure exactly how that got renamed. But it was just a horrible insult, to go from and i have a postcard that has hoover dam and in parentheses, boulder. There is a wonderful little memo that hoover writes to his friend. He says they should go visit the hoover dam, now that it is renamed, and throw rocks over it. [laughter] i dont know if they ever did that or not, but it is a wonderful image. Petty slight. A it was very public to do that to him. Anyway, i hope he threw rocks over it. [laughter] rocks rocks over boulder dam, you get the pun. [laughter] it is interesting, hoover has a pretty good sense of humor. It is just kind of understated. It is between friends. Thomas just a quick note on the boulder dam controversy. It started out as legislation by a california congressman. Congressman named jack anderson. Then it went through omb, which approved it. It was signed off on by harry truman to change it back to the hoover dam. By fred allen, the great radio comedian, got on the air after the name changed and announced, this would not have been a problem if the former president had been willing to change his name to herbert c. Boulder. [laughter] lisa thats a good one. Thomas lets thank lisa for her talk. [applause] announcer American History tv on cspan3 is in prime time next week starting at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. Monday night from the National Constitution center in philadelphia, discussions on Landmark Supreme Court cases, including korematsu the. United states and brown v. Board of education. Andday night, the life influence of william buffalo bill cody on the 100th anniversary of his death. The 60th night, anniversary of the Little Rock Central High School integration with former president bill clinton. Thursday night, a discussion on the lead up and response to the 1957 forced desegregation of Little Rock Central High School. Friday night, from American History tv is oral history series, interviews with prominent photojournalists who documented major events throughout American History. Watch American History tv, next week in prime time on cspan3. That mycame clear impression of breitbart as having an outside influence on the 2016 election was an understatement in the extreme. In fact, according to research, breitbart was the driving force on the right side of the political spectrum. Announcer sunday night on q a , New York Times magazine contributor writer talks about his feature story down the breitbart whole. This is what gets to the disparity between what i always heard people talk about and continue to hear people talk about breitbart as this hysterical machine for creating offense. In much more anodyne, quotidian reality of a News Organization as it functions on a daytoday basis. Announcer sunday night at 8 00 eastern on cspans q a. Announcer up next on real america, it is everybodys business, a 20 minute animated film from 1954 funded by the u. S. Chamber of commerce, presenting a brief history of the American Economic system beginning with the colonial. Colonial period. It argues that Free Enterprise is embedded in the bill of rights and criticizes excessive taxes and regulation of the 1950s. It is part of the library of Congress Collection and is made possible by the National FilmPreservation Foundation and the internet archive