Hampshire state of flags. The building first began building on september 24, 1816. Our first cornerstone was laid and made out of granite by 1819. The statehouse opened its doors in this room during this time was a historic hall. The only thing in the room were large wooden columns. As time went on it was a cooling , area for it legislators to come downstairs. It was a place where people would come and together and meet when they were coming to the statehouse for business. Then came the civil war. 1861, New Hampshire men answered the call to arms. They left their homes and many came to this building. They enlisted. They were given brand new flags and what they hoped would be a short conflict. The flags that are in the case here are the flags that were brought back by our men. 1865, when the war ended, what was left of the flags came back here to this building. We have 88 civil battle were civil war battle flags. The flags have been in these cases for well over 100 years. Every one of these flags has a story and history behind it. There is never enough time to tell the story of each and every flag. There is a flight i love to talk the story of because it is unique. This 13th regiment flag was actually the flag that flew over the capital of richmond, virginia. The story is that a young man named Richard Forrester took the flag after it was tossed out after the richmond government decided to secede from the union. He took the flag and put it under his cot and cap it there and kept it there until the New Hampshire 13th regiment came marching into richmond, virginia. He took the flag and put it up the pole. The men it the flag going up and they went and met him. He was a free africanamerican who was working in the Virginia Legislature at the time. He left with the 13th regiment and came back to new england. He finished out the rest of his life here in new england. The flag he brought back state stayed with the 13th regiment flags and ultimately ended up in our case. Along with the fact that our men were off to war during the civil war, New Hampshire legislature in our government was still Going Forward at this very dark time. The building had not had any renovations. During the civil war, our legislature in our governor began discussing enlarging the building and adding a third floor and putting on embellishments. In 1864, construction began. Most of the men are at war and here we are dismembering the back of the building to make it larger. The portico that you see today was added on during the civil war. The dome was designed after a special hospital that is in paris. That dome was added on during the civil war in 1864. Part of the reason we made the building wider was because we were adding on such a large dome and removing a silo on the top of our building. We are in the members only anteroom. It is the best place to enter the house of representatives because it allows you to see the full affect of the large chamber. New hampshires house of representatives has the oldest continuously use legislative chambers in america. Here is the room where the largest state legislature in the United States works and meets. New hampshire elects 400 each 400 state representatives every two years. They have unique seats for sitting. They are sitting in the same chairs that they have been sitting in since the 1960s. The seats are all assigned seats. We have seat numbers on every seats. A bit of a quirk is that there is no seat 13 in the New Hampshire house of representatives. No representative has to sit in that traditional bad luck seat. The members will come in who were here yesterday until near the end of the day in a room where legislators have been working and meeting since 1819. We have had a few changes in this room. We went from candlelight to gasoline and now today we have in electric lights. The light fixtures that you see are the same light fixtures that were put in during the 1910 renovation. New hampshires early government wanted to have a house that would be representative of the people. They put into the constitution that there would be representation to represent as many people as possible. We are the best represented people in the nation. Each of the 400 representatives represents approximately 3400 citizens. It is a citizen legislature. This is a legislature that is close to the people they represent. I will point out that the 400 state representatives are volunteers because in 1889, we established a salary cap for our legislators. New hampshires state representatives receive 200 per term. New Hampshire House of representatives has a five wonderful portraits on the walls. The centerpiece is george washington. I will confess it is a copy of the Gilbert Stuart painting that hangs in rhode island. We are unique in that we has a portrait of Franklin Pierce, the only president from the great state of New Hampshire and and who is to left of george washington. He was 26 years old and was New Hampshires speaker of the house who went on to be the 14th president of the United States. To the left of Franklin Pierce is Daniel Webster. Webster was a great statesman. He was the defender of the constitution. New hampshire has a long looked up to Daniel Webster and so has the rest of the United States. To George Washingtons right is a portrait of Abraham Lincoln that was painted in the 1920s. It was a project of schoolchildren who felt that lincoln should have his portrait on the walls of the statehouse. They did a fund raising and raised enough money to have Alexander James painted this wonderful painting. On the far right is john parker hale. One of my favorite on the wall and yet many have not heard of senator john parker hale. Like Franklin Pierce, he served as speaker of the house in this chamber. He was a lawyer and even ran for president at the same time Franklin Pierce ran for president. John parker hale ran on a platform that he wanted to end slavery. He was an abolitionist far before it was a popular thing to do. John hale has the distinction of having been the first senator to speak out against slavery. We bring guests from other legislators from all over the world and other states and often they will make comparisons to austere chambers that you are in to all of their artwork and embellishments in their chambers. Part of the reason this room is so plain is because this is how it has looked for well over 100 years. 200 years ago, it actually had more paintings on the walls. When they added hallways, we took some portraits out. There used to be paintings on the top of the columns up there. Today, it is a very austere room. It is the only space in the the only states in the United States that does not have income tax, sales tax. We do not like to spend a lot of money on embellishments and things that are not needed for the people. At this point, we will leave the House Chamber and take a very short walk to the room next door, which is where our senate meets. We are probably the only state that our house and senate share a wall. It allows for quick messages being brought back and forth between the house and senate. This is the New Hampshire state senate. It is a huge contrast to the austere and giant size of the New Hampshire house. This small room seats only 24 state senators. We have elected 24 senators since the 1870s. Originally, there were only 12 senators sitting in this chamber. 1942 was a Pivotal Moment in the Senate Chamber. The four beautiful murals that you see behind me were placed on the walls. They were painted by barry faulkner. Each of the murals depict something important to New Hampshire. The first one shows New Hampshires first college. It is to show New Hampshire values education. One of the hopes is to educate indians in the north country. Daniel webster is the next one. He was born and raised here. He is shown with the constitution laid out in front of him. The mural over here highlights New Hampshires great contribution to the arts and natural science. Barry faulkner painted himself within the mural. He is the gentleman in the brown suit who looks like the youngest man in the portrait. It was found later he was in his 60s and that is his friends in the painting. On the far left with his legs crossed was daniel french. He was one of the greatest sculpturers of all time. This one has birds on his lap. He highlighted New Hampshires contribution to the arts and science. The final mural is New Hampshires famous leader during the revolutionary war and john stark wrote the famous motto of New Hampshire. Live free or die, for death is not the greatest of evils. 1945, tables and chairs the New Hampshire legislator voted to make that the model. The motto. Today, you see live free or die on our license plates even. This chamber, like the House Chamber, is one of the oldest continuously used legislative chambers in america. History has been made in this room many times over. One of the highlights in most recent history was in 2008 when New Hampshire voted to elect more women to our senate than men. That made us the first legislative body in america to have a female majority. We could not leave this chamber without visiting this historic piece of furniture. This desk is from the 1819 Senate Chamber and it is a historic piece that is used to register our president ial candidates. Every four years, we put this desk on a dolly and put it to the secretary of States Office where the candidates all come forward and sign in. We are leaving the original part of the statehouse and we are in the 1910 edition. This addition houses the hall of governors, all of the portraits you see on the wall are former governors of New Hampshire that we look at on our way to the executive Council Chamber and governors office. You are entering into our office of the governor. This first area is the governors reception area with the most recent portrait, including the newest governor that is norman, and while yet, governor craig benson. Prior to that, the most recent portrait was our first elected female governor. As time goes on and new governors are elected, we add to the wall and remove governors into this hall of governors. Behind us is the New Hampshire executive Council Chamber. This room is where our governor holds his governor and council meetings. New hampshires unique form of government is our executive council. Like other states we elect our legislatures from our governor, New Hampshire also elects executive councils. Each of the five councils represents 1 5 of our states population. They have checks and balances in the governors office. The paintings in the walls show the earliest governors of New Hampshire, including royal governors. Back in the day, a world a royal governor was able to appoint their friends to the judiciary and the friends would get the contracts to do the work. The executive council now takes that away. Our governor nominates the judiciary appointments, but the executive council approves. Our governor can nominate commissioners, he can extend contracts for any item over 25,000, and the council will gather and meet and vote on that. They typically meet every other week, and beat meetings are open and the meetings are open to the public. We bring in folding chairs for the visitors for the people who want to visit and see what is happening in our government. The wooden chairs on the side are where the commissioners come and sit. At this table, the same table since 1910, is where the governor and executive council hold their meetings. The governor presides at the head of the table, and our council sits in order of where they serve. District one, 2, 3, 4, and five. The additional seat at the table is for the secretary of state who handles all of the agenda and minutes of the meeting. They still do things the oldfashioned way. Just this week when they came, each had a stack of papers so high that they could not see each other across from the table. It is the end of the fiscal year so all of the things that hadnt been voted on needed to be voted on. This is New Hampshires state how visitor center. This is a room where tourists and guests can come and legislators will stop. Every four years, this becomes a very special and unique. When New Hampshire has its first in the nation president ial primary, all of the candidates who are running for president come to our statehouse. Years ago, i started a small display of some buttons and bumper stickers to encourage some of the candidates to come into the visitor center. Over the last few elections, all of the candidates have been it visiting. This is just a bit and peace of some of those candidates who visited our state capital, including when barack obama visited and had his photo taken and donald trump, hillary clinton, john mccain, chris c, Chris Christie bernie , sanders, all of the candidates for those who are extremely well known to those who only a New Hampshire person would know. We embraced the president ial primary and we enjoyed the excitement. It is a unique opportunity to get up close and meet candidates. We invite them into this room along with our president ial primary display and we like to highlight that not only are we the first to vote for president , but we are a state of many firsts. We were the first state to declare independence from the british, we were the first state to create a state constitution. We were the first state to have a female majority in our legislative body in the senate. Prior to that, we were the first state to have a female instate leadership majority. We had a woman speaker and a woman Senate President and a woman governor. We went on to have the first state to have an all federal female delegation and even today, all of New Hampshires federal debt federal delegation are women. New hampshire is a state that does not have a professional sports team, but what we do have is politics. We watched our politics and embrace our politics. From the largest state legislature to our president ial process. This is a place where politics is a pastime. Our cities to our staff cap to concord, New Hampshire to learn about its rich history. Learn more about concord and other stops on our tour at cspan. Org cities to tour. You are watching American History tv, all weekend, every weekend, on cspan3. No one is going to denied to deny that the doctor gave the senator trips on his jet or that the Campaign Contributions were made. No one will deny that senator menendez did lobby with various people the whole thing is why did he do and why did it happen . Is because of a corrupt relationship that they had. The senator is claiming it is because the doctor is my friend. Tonight on q a, we talk about the ongoing trial of new jerseys senator bob menendez. Tonight at 8 00 eastern on cspans q a. American history tv is on cspan every weekend. Programs on the presidency, civil war, and more. Here is a clip from a recent program. Washingtonpened in was that there was a lot of resentment emerging from former. Oldiers they were doing things like panhandling in their uniforms in the streets of washington dc. Bottom and around downtown. This to them was unacceptable. When whitegan military individuals heard a rumor that the wife of one of the members had been assaulted. They got angry and began going to the street, attacking African Americans, whoever they saw, no matter what. For four days. It resulted in the death of more than 30 people. After the second or third day, africanamerican veterans decided they were not going to accept it any longer. When they were shot at, a shot back. This forced the government to step in. And get the writing under control. Riot andnew about this the red fervor of 1919, it was for the first time we had African Americans responding back. Were not going to accept it any longer. You see a shift in how the relationships are beginning to change in different parts of the country. If we look at these changes taking place, this influx of individuals into the citys north and south, the question becomes why did this change take place at this time . Until a quarter of the way into the 20th century to make the choice to move thisncer you can watch and other programs on american tv. Ory announcer cspan, or history unfolds daily. In 1979, cspan was created as a Public Service by americas Cable Companies and is brought to you today by your satellite provider. In about 10 minutes, we will air an oral history interview with photojournalist Frank Johnson who worked with United Press International during the 1960s. We will hear about his career covering the vietnam war, Jonestown Massacre and event following president kennedys assassination. His photographs were archived. Learn more about this collection from the Center Executive director. On the phone is dr. Carleton. To create amportant sort of journalism section . Alsows and photography