I dont think it is ugly at all. They looks beautiful. It looks beautiful. I dont like cities. It is a city with the widest range of people you can imagine. Playing] [chanting] it is a competitive city. Radio stations are competitive. Newspapers are competitive. I think it is one of the best places in the united states. I think it is a very bad newspaper. As editor, i know well that the day we get no complaints is the day we put out a dull newspaper. Put asent you are being too liberal, the next day you conservative. Are liberal. S, we and others we are conservative. There is an effort to give to our best ability, both sides of the question. Give our readers a balanced diet to which they can select their own opinion. The editor has arrived. It is the start of a typical workday at the detroit news, and time to produce an allnew afternoon newspaper. Some of the staff have already been here for hours, helping to prepare the First Edition. A few have been around all night. An afternoon paper must keep going 24 hours a day, seven days a week if it is going to report all the news that happens. The detroit news has been doing it for a century which makes it , one of the oldest newspapers in america. It is also one of the biggest afternoon papers anywhere with a circulation over 600,000. The sunday edition tops 800,000. Almost all of the circulation is in the seven countries counties of detroit. It is a tough beat, but hardly a dull one. The First Edition will be followed by three more. Throughout all three, the news will be reedited, added to, and repositioned as more facts come in. By the time the final is out in the late afternoon, it will be a most of brandnew paper. [inaudible conversations] the editors first order of business will be to check over the First Edition, to reevaluate reevaluate the treatment of news. The discussion makes democracy work. One of the great things about an american newspaper is that if you read only that, you are going to get a good view of what is going on. Number two man on the news side, the managing editor, responsible for the daytoday reporting and writing of hard news. Politics, fires, are all in his special columns. And metropolitan newspaper is little more than a local newspaper. They expect more of it. They have a right to expect more of it. We have access to every major wire service. Like all newspapers, we maintain a Boston Bureau to cover the capital itself in addition to our services. We also send people to places we think we can get something that we are not getting through the wire services. A point of view, insight, unique detroit look, or maybe something we just dont think we have gotten a good picture on. We send somebody there and take a look. Take command we know and trust and send people to south america, europe, asia, anyplace that is interesting or important. That is why we are different. If you do not know what is going on, and you find it through the papers. By believing what you wish to believe from each one, you find a balanced viewpoint. The second edition is put together. Remaking the front page, the news editor gives stories and rework headlines as they change in importance. The idea is to keep the reader right up to the minute on news, a job that sometimes goes unappreciated. Any newspaper or magazine, you have to take it with a grain of salt. There is not an article that is written that is not planted. The articles that i have read, i have found most of them to be factual. I dont feel we get both sides of the question, any question. I can take this paper and put a story and here to make any point i want about any given thing. Theres no question about it. The idea is a simple idea, you go out and you learn everything you can about both sides of any issue. The keyword timmy is fairness. To me is fairness. You have to be fair. If we are not, who is going to be . Television has abandoned this completely. This is the only place that is still even trying. The desire to report takes a lot. It takes a lot of knowhow, too. What the real me does not matter, it is what the story is. You know the people who talk to, and after you have been in this business long enough, you know how to talk to the different people. You talk to hippies one way and you talk to police quite another way. Is this because just because somebody tells you something doesnt mean that is necessarily so. If you talk to enough people in any place, you can pretty well synthesize a straight down the middle version of what happened, even though you will vary in details here or there, you can come up with an honest story. Narrator sometimes, getting close to the facts is not easy. The papers sport columnist interviewed a boxer using a 10 euro boy 10yearold boy as a interpreter. What is his first name . How old is he . 25 years old. Narrator staying objective is a problem for a political reporter as well. I dont lead somebody by the hand or the nose to a truth. I just try to give them the elements so they can decide what is the truth. Considering the effects on this country politically. Reporting it straight is an interesting problem. I have to work on both sides of the fence. If i get opinionated about, i hate all democrats, all democrats feel this way or that or if ir write never write anything harsh about republicans. I tried to find out the why of the story. I would not blame them. Narrator being impartial, getting the facts, telling a good story, these are the everyday ingredients of any assignment. Something else helps, too, a deep sense of committal to the job of reporting news. X the idea that what you write, what you find out about, as it happens today, may influence people or show their thinking. Its important. If people are uninformed, how can they make reasonable decisions . Its as simple as that. And you work saturday can you work saturday . [indiscernible] i think there is a confrontation between the hardhats and antiwork cases. How do you want to cover this . I have to make sure we dont overemphasize any violence that may occur. We get criticized for that. Violence always makes news, but lets make sure it is kept in perspective. Unless we have real trouble. [crowd chanting] narrator on the face of it, it is just another piece march, but it cant be just another story. A reporter must find an approach that makes it come alive and have meaning for the reader. An approach that gets to both sides of the question. In this case, there was an obvious way to do it. They were two stories. I followed both. First i asked the people who were there why they were there. In their own words. Then i talked to the people along the parade route and ask them what they thought of the demonstration. With those two together, we have a contrast. I think it is disgusting. I think the way they are going about the protest is all wrong. What kind of a protest is that . It is nothing. Everybody has a right to protest if they know what they are talking about and know what is right and wrong. You dont think they know what they are doing . I dont think any of them know what they are doing. They want to be protesting to be protesting. Anything that comes up, they want to protest about. Narrator a detroit news photographer, on many assignments, pictures are as important as words. Im here because i feel strongly about the war. Narrator difference of opinion always makes for a great story. But a reporter must document it, not aggravated. The risk is he may aggravate it without meaning to just because he is there. [chanting] narrator taking no chances, he leaves the parade early to phone in his story. Memorial day parade. What i write goes in the way i write it. They will back me up on it. They will be editing it for style, for clarity. Some papers do that, they try to i can make it my own newspaper. , if it is fair and inaccurate, goes in the way i write it. This is important for newspapers. Andator variety of People Variety of opinion. That is detroit. It holds true at the news as well. Men and women of all ages and races Work Together in all departments, reflecting a personal policy that judges employees by performance only. It makes for a more responsive paper, closely attuned to the city it serves. There is kind of an excitement about working here at a newspaper, even though the work is routine, the averment in the environment and the atmosphere, i love the people here. Some of them are weird. It makes the day funny. You need it. You need to live in the place up. Liven the place up. As far as our staff is concerned, we try to have as representatives, a diverse staff as we can. We 25 years ago we had no black reporters. We now do. Narrator some woman had up whole departments. Head of the whole departments. Recently, it was incorporated into the news department. Recognition of the growing significance of news events that interest women. Women have also invented the traditional male section of the editorial board. This is the place where the management of the news speaks out on current issues. Probably no other section of the paper draws such a strong reaction. Some of that couple mentoring, some of it highly critical from readers who disagree with its opinions. The purpose is to be opinionated. Otherwise they are not worth reading. It must be restricted to the editorial page. The reason it must be preserved as we have to give people the reasonable expectation to look at a news story and know that this is an account of what happened. It is our job to express our news point, which should be accepted for what it is our , opinion and nobody elses. We dont try to make ourselves popular. We try to stay true to belief. You are not always right yourself, you know. There are things that i have said that have been proved wrong. I wish i had not said them, but nobody has a crystal ball. You are bound to be wrong in this business. Do you think the paper should admit when it is wrong . I think its a sound principle in repaving confidence of your supporters if you say, well, i was wrong on that. And then go on with because you cannot anticipate all the trends. When you come of when you come to look at it, 10 years ago. Ook at the state of the world it has changed so much. [shouting] narrator one thing no one foresaw was the rebellion of a number of young people today against the establishment, and established represented by their elders as well as institutions like the news. Anyone working for the detroit news is inside the establishment and trying to write and relate to people that are entirely outside of the establishment. They cant do that. Narrator to reach across the gap, the news has been angling its stories. The editor of the future department makes a point. If we dont get the Young Readers to have respect for us, then we stand a chance of not getting along in years. It seems to me that in this world, which today is so big and complex and exciting that the role of a future department, i think has its greatest challenge than it ever has. Features used to be those that you found in the back of a newspaper. Today, features are the extras of the newspaper. Newspapers role with tv and the latest communication, it has more to do and a great responsibility than just to present last nights news. We try to have a magazine that is viable. When we printed this story, there was a great discussion among the editors of where we should crop this picture. We expected a large reaction from this. We got one phone call from an elderly lady, and she said she liked the article, but did we have to print those pictures . We say, this is life. This is where it is at. We say most people want to know , what their kids are doing. We do not take sides in the matter. We merrily presented it. Wouldnt you like to know what is in the movie . She had to agree. She would like to know. It appears in the news. It shouldnt have a cloak over it anymore and a Television Set should have a shade on it. When certain things come across that you may not want to see, but it may be vital to your understanding of life in this world. Narrator another unforeseen event, the rise in street crimes in the inner city. Unfortunately, the black community reacted to a News Campaign to cut down on the crime as criticism of blacks. It led to a short boycott of the paper. Today, black opinion has approved improved. I am writing this column for the detroit news, and i want to know what my friends are thinking about the detroit news. Me personally . I want to know what you personally think. I just take it on sundays. Remember this article in the paper . They would have about 20 blacks and to whites. The crime in the streets. Yeah, the crime in the streets. I didnt like that. I feel like that was phony. That was my personal opinion about it. In my customers too, they say, are you taken the news . Well stop. What did the news do to make you buy it again . Tell it like it is. Narrator one way they are telling it like it is, is by recognizing black achievement. Here, it is sponsoring an award. I would like to thank the detroit news for making this award possible. This is an award in recognition of outstanding contribution to the reverend. We have thousands of good, substantial, decent, wellestablished negro citizens. Who are trying to make it a good town. They are going to do it. When you get down to it, blacks, white, you are basically the same thing. Blacks want to be treated like human beings like everyone else, just like an american. No more, no less. One is going toy support the black community. That is why im working for. He detroit news you have a good personnel policy. This is the paper that has given all of us the time. I am intimately involved with the news. The news has been in my home since i learned to read. When you get a paper like that, the paper becomes a part of you when you get a paper like that. When a paper does something to hurt you, editorial, it is almost as though someone you love has been untrue. It hurts you so very deeply. Even when i get mad at the news, the news still has to come. I was reading about it the other day. She says she gets mad at the news, but she reads it because it is the only way you are going to know what is going on. The main plan is going to be setting back narrator members discussed the new building of a printing plant. It is part of a general expansion of facilities planned to take care of the expected growth of the paper in the years ahead. There are other things ahead, too, like increasing computerization. The news plans to go on adding advanced equipment to streamline production. As the paper expands, it will also mean more Job Opportunities for everyone. Like any newspaper, the news depends on its advertising, especially its classified ads. Its tremendous polling power has helped forge success in the past. A growing leadership will help its polling power even more. I think that first ad ran 20 mere 20 years ago. Today, we are spending approximately half 1 million a year on the results are spectacular. Narrator the news is determined to go on improving its editorial department. It will extend coverage of local and national affairs. More than ever to the needs of tough, hard to please parties, the average detroit. I think the news is typically as womensas far equal rights are concerned. Its a very good paper. I love it. I wouldnt have it changed for the world. It could be a lot more liberal. The day the newspaper comes out and everybody reads it and nobody is mad, you are almost certain that that is a bad newspaper. Our current government involves an informed populace. We are part of that information process. The better we do it, the Better Newspaper we are. Im not a politician. I just read the detroit news. It is the gospel truth because she read in the newspaper. I think they have a tremendous influence, if not directly, at least indirectly. The attitudes of people, how they look at the city and how they look at life in general. From the date this paper started it was dedicated to this community, to covering the news of this community, to being as much as it can be in light and dark places in the community, to suggest how things might be improved. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] announcer interested in American History tv . Visit our website, cspan. Org history. You can view our tv schedule, preview programs, and watch college lectures, museum tours, films, and more. Atrican history tv cspan. Org history. Cspans washington journal, live every day with the news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up monday morning, thomas will join us to talk about the state of Homeland Security since 9 11. In Georgetown University tim frazier from the federal government management of disaster relief, the latest of Hurricane Irma and harvey. Washingtonwatch journal, join the discussion. Monday night, on the communicators. Mark jamieson, a visiting scholar at aei on Net Neutrality. He is interviewed by providers telecom reporter, david shepherdson. Take, for example, what we call fifthgeneration wireless. It is a technology that will be rolling out next year. It will be in place for about a decade or so. It is it specifically has built into it. Each can be customized with a particular service or customer or a particular hedge provider. Whatever it might be. It is designed to do that. That violates that idea of same treatment. That it that throws Net Neutrality out. Watch Net Neutrality is on cspan2. Next, from the Buffalo Bills center in wyoming. Historians discuss buffalo bill and his wild west show in europe. Debuted at anhow american exhibition in london. The performance attracted tens of thousands of spectators, including european royalty. We hear about how the show influenced u. S. U. K. Relationships, about Buffalo Bills popularity with celebrities, and the experience Lakota Indian performer black elk who stayed in europe after the london show closed in 1887. This is about 90 minutes. It is a pleasure to introduce the chair of the next session. Buffalo bills wild west abroad. Many of you know bob riddell from Montana State university of bozeman. He wrote a book called hello bill and begonia buffalo bill in begonia. We still so that in the gift shop. People loved that because Buffalo Bills name was on the cover there. Please join me in welcoming bob riddell. [applause] thank you all very much. I will be brief

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