Two white, one negro. Beaten and shot to death. Among those indicted with a for this triple slaying were six men identified as members of the ku klux klan. None has been brought to trial. In this automobile, a reserve lieutenant was cut by a shotgun blast while writing through georgia. Riding through georgia. Arrested for the crime were four knights of the ku klux klan. Two of them were tried and acquitted. In a few short months 13 alleged , members of the ku klux klan said to be involved in these killings. When such an order of this takes over the police power, you all are completely at their mercy. And their atrocities and their violence can be visited on anybody that disagrees with them in any given situation. Narrator what started as a joke 100 years ago when a group of men donned bedsheets for a romp has over the years attracted to it persons charged with acts of harassment, intimidation, and violence throughout the south. Even though the nation has been outraged for many years, the ku klux klan persists with its bizarre ritual and trappings. But 100 years is a long time for a joke. Narrator cbs reports presents the ku klux klan the invisible empire. Here is cbs news correspondent charles kurault. Good evening. The ku klux klan is a Great Organization which provide hundred years has been allowed to exist in this country. Virtually every president in the last century has said they have little regard for constitutional authority. President johnson, following the murder of the woman in alabama defined the ku klux klan as the , hooded society of bigots and warned klansman to get out of the society and return to Decent Society before it is too late. After this morning the house , American Activities Committee started a fullscale investigation and open hearings are planned next month. They will hear victims and witnesses. However the committee will not attempt to show the ku klux klan in action. For the next hour, we will take a close look at the ku klux klan from the inside out, examine its leadership, its ritual, its secret initiations, its a record of violence. Its record of violence. First, let us look at klansmen without robes. It is sunday, the morning after a ku klux klan meeting in durham, North Carolina. These members are men of the united knights of the ku klux klan, one of the most exclusive organizations in america. It excludes many protestants, catholics, jews, negroes, spanishamerican, and anyone else who according to the ku pureklan, is not 100 american. I dont hate niggers, but i dont associate with common white trash or jews or catholics if i can help it. Charles this is j. Robert jones. Former sailor, brick layer, he now reportedly rules over more than 50 clapboards or chapters, and their 7000 members. I think the nigger has rights. He should have equal but separate rights. It worked 100 years in the south, and i think it will work now. If Lyndon Johnson told me i had to associate with you, i would tell Lyndon Johnson to go straight to hell. I would not associate with him. Charles this is matt murphy, until his death, he was the chief Legal Counsel of the united klans. His favorite targets were the jews, Federal Reserve system and international bankers. I had made speeches before the united klans of america. And they were the only organization that ever went on record after i had talked for two solid hours, on the viciousness of the Federal Reserve corporation and how it has built the taxpayers and american citizens out of their money, and that Great Britain has removed the bank from international bankers. In their bank is back under the crown. Charles this is a nighthawk of the united klans. A nighthawk is responsible for the security of a clavern. Why did you join . Well, i have got a wife and five kids. I think that is enough reason. I want them to be, to have a country to be raised up in like i was. I was not forced to go to school with niggers. I wasnt forced to eat with them. I want them to have the rights i had. Charles this is mr. Outlaw. Wherever jones goes, mr. Outlaw is at his side. In the group are the defendants three indicted for the killing of the woman in alabama. These men had little to say. They preferred listening to their counsel, matt murphy junior. I wrote in my history books, there is a nigger, the race is an inferior race. And that was the history that was taught me when i was in school. That was not too long ago. They always have been, they always will be. Where do you think the money is coming from behind the Civil Rights Movement . From the communist party, from the zionist christ killing jews. They have not been affluent since they killed christ, and they can be traced in the streets today. What about the role of the catholics . The reason the catholics cannot get in this organization, his first allegiance is not to the United States, his first allegiance is to the pope. They believe that the church should rule the government with the pope at the head. And if they are right, there is a bunch in this country who are wrong. Weve never had a drop of blood spilled between a white man and a black man in any city in North Carolina when we had the clan organized. We are doing our best. Everybody in this country is organized with the white protestant gentile. The niggers have the naacp. And the sorry white trash. People, theish knights of columbus which is a secret fraternal order. But the only salvation in this United States today is the united klan of the corporate union. We will have to do it again. Charles one important ku klux klan official was not at the meeting, the klan klud, for the chaplain. But there was a chaplain in action the night before. You got a bunch of people standing up here with their cameras and they dont have enough backbone to give him a job and go to work. [applause] there might be some children in the crowd. [applause] i wont tell you fellows, i am just telling that fellow over again, they will tell the truth [indiscernible] it will die and go to hell without god. [applause] [indiscernible] investigate them. [indiscernible] i am not ashamed. Amen. [applause] kludes this is the klan in action, the evangelist, the preacher, the rabblerouser. He maintains comedy and christianity. But above all, he preaches racial hatred. Do you think children is brought up to mix the white and black together a report do you mix a dog with fox . New hogs . [indiscernible] listen friends, we need to turn to god. We need to raise up with god. We had forefathers died to give us freedom. They want barefoot in the snow and died to give us freedom. And now here we set back because we got a dictator in the white house, and you are setting your money down we need to stand up and be counted. It takes a man to be a man. Anybody going down and into nigger town and commit adultery with a nigger. You raise hogs, they have little pigs. She will try to protect them. Pups,gs when they have they will die to protect them. And you say you will get children running around in your yard, you will stand back to a bunch of niggers. Dont be a hypocrite, dont be onesided. Do what god wants you to do. Nigger town and forget about it. [applause] charles the klan was born 100 years ago in polaski tennessee , as a sixmember social club. Then they had half a million members a few years later. The burning cross became a symbol of the violence it used to keep the newly freed negroes in their place. In 1915, dw griffith produced and directed what has been called the first great featurelength picture, the birth of a nation, whose subject was the ku klux klan. Today this film made 50 years ago is still shown to klansmen of what other generations did to protect southerners. These are some scenes. A chance witnessing of two white children under a bed sheet scaring a group of negro children as depicted as the birth of the idea of the klan. The idea is successful. They are able to fight the negroes. In a fight, the negroes sought for scaring a white girl and scaring her to fall to her death, the negro kills a white man. Captured, the killer is taken to the woods and put on trial. The klan passes judgment. The culprit is killed, and his body deposited at the door of the lieutenant governor. In the same year that the birth of a nation was released, a new leader rose to head the klan william simmons. ,onetime salesman, he leads his followers of Stone Mountain in georgia for the first initiation ceremony of the reincarnated klan. Simmons added something new to the klan uniforms a stylized , facemask which he alone could wear. He also insisted the klan operate in total secrecy. The klans sinister power grew. The clandestine activities increased. In the first 14 months after world war i, 70 negroes were lynched, 14 burned. In 1922, imperial wizard simmons could not overcome intraklan difficulties. He was replaced by a dentist from dallas who inherited the title of imperial wizard. In 1923, evans established headquarters in washington to be closer to congress, the klans next target. They were so powerful in oregon in 1923 that they were able to elect the president of the state senate and the speaker of the house. In ohio, their candidates became mayors of toledo and accra and other cities. At the National Democratic convention in new york in 1924, it is estimated at least 350 delegates were klansmen. And they were responsible for the defeat of alfred smith as the democratic nominee. By 1925 the ku klux klan was big business. Almost six millions belonged, and the organization was grossing 75 million year. Some 40,000 klansmen and women paraded down pennsylvania avenue. Help the command colors the colors, a flag was used to catch money thrown by spectators. In the 1920s, the imperial was indicted on charges of assault and battery, rape mayhem, kidnapping and murder and found guilty. This scandal caused a sharp drop in klan membership. In 1940, there was a mild flirtation between the bund, therican believers of the master race, and the ku klux klan, the believers of the supremacy of the white race. They joined up in a rally in new jersey. 25 years later, there is evidence that klannazi friendship is being revived. This year in houston, texas, a man claiming membership in the nights of the ku klux klan was interviewed by a Radio Station and paid by check for his appearance. When the canceled check was returned to the navy Radio Station, it had been endorsed by the head of the American Nazi Party with a swastika stamped beneath his signature. In 1944, imperial wizard colts got received a bill from the Internal Revenue service for 685,000 for the klans back taxes. Unable to pay, the doctor disbanded the klan. But four years later, his partner, samuel green reactivated the klan. ,many new converts were initiated, any wanting to keep the negro in his place. At a rally in macon georgia, the , imperial wizard defended the new klan. We dont hate the negro. God made him black, and he made us white. And you will find this layout in the 11th chapter of genesis, in which he segregated the races. And we know a that for 5000 years, the white man has been the supreme race. We the nights of the people of the klan intend to keep it the white race. Charles today, the Organization First from the past, in that klansmen are willing to appear in their robes and floods in hoods in daylight. They have become more militant. Some groups have paramilitary units such as this one in North Carolina. Grand jargon dragon security guards are trained to take care of anything that might happen at rallies. The klan also sponsors softball teams. Since softball cannot be played in robes, kkk appears on the uniform to remind the spectators that this team is made up of 100 fewer White American pure White American ballplayers. Sometimes klansmen engage in more bizarre sport. The letters kkk were carved with a knife on the chest and stomach of this man in houston, texas, after he had been hanged from his knees from our tree and flaunt. Flogged. The attorney general of alabama, who is currently investigating the kkk in his state, told us the klan to me is a group primarily of thugs that would use the civil rights issue to foster an organization or a or a clan,n, as they are and will take the , law into their own hands. They have become their own police power. They are a police group within themselves dedicated to defiance of law, violence. They are, as i have expressed before, they are a hooded bunch of killers and night riders and floggers. That this nation and this state has no use for whatsoever. Charles the strength of the ku klux klan is difficult to estimate. Among its many secrets is the actual membership total. Students of klan affairs say there are 30,000 to 50,000 active members. There are probably as many as a million americans sympathetic to the aims of the klan and who, if pushed to a decision, when joined the plan. When a 100 pure White American citizen applies for membership, his application is vetted. If accepted he can become leave the alien world and become a member of the invisible empire. For the first time in history, cbs cameras filmed part of a secret initiation ceremony in georgia. Filming had to be done with available light, and the only parts of the ritual we cannot fill were the secret handshake, film were the secret handshake, the password by which klansmen identify each other, and the secret oath of allegiance to the Imperial Authority of the klan. This is the ceremony we filmed. [chanting] and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Charles five initiates appear before an exalted cyclops and other leaders corresponding to a , president , lecturer, chaplin and secretary. The men were presented by the one guy and they were checked out by the investigating committee. On a makeshift altar before an electrified cross are placed a sword representing ancestral courage and a flag, the emblem of pure patriotism. An open bible is laid on the flag. A glass of water, which is used to consecrate the initiates, completes the symbolic array. Charles the inner guard sits at the door. On the other side is an outer guard. The guard and two assistants report to the cyclops. [indiscernible] [indiscernible] we have, your honor. Follow me. Halt. [indiscernible] god give us men. [indiscernible] god give us men. Right face. Halt. Left face. Left face. Charles this is the eyes of scrutiny part of the initiation ceremony. Klan members pass by the initiates for one last, searching look. You may [indiscernible] right face. Forward march. Left face. Charles in this room, the initiates swear allegiance to the klan above all things. The secrecy and ritual of these meetings, which seemed almost laughable to an outsider, have a grimley serious purpose. Because of its secrecy, they can hold sway over a community. When men are initiated into klandom, such as this one, their neighbors will not known they are klansmen. If some are sheriff deputies, their fellow officers will not know. If they are jurors, fellow jurors will not know. Under the cloak of this secrecy, the klan to take over positions of influence and power. I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of god, that you present your body as a living sacrifice, may you be renewing ofby the your mind that can prove what is good and acceptable in the perfect will of god. We recognize our relationship to the government of United States of america, the supremacy of the constitution, the union and constitutional laws. [indiscernible] are you a nativeborn, White Gentile american citizen . , yes. Do you believe in the sanctity of the christian religion . Yes. [indiscernible] political or in the whole world . Yes. Amen. One and all, let us pray. You may now rise. [indiscernible] now on behalf of all klan members, we welcome you to citizenship and the invisible empire, the knights of the ku klux klan. Charles the new klansmen are five no longer part of the alien world. Now they are members of the invisible empire, entitled to wear the robe and proud possessors of the secret handshake and the secret password. And now they can attend klavern meetings and rallies such as this one in donn, North Carolina. [cheering] charles a klan rally has many elements of a carnival. There is an outing for the family. Children start attending these rallies at an early age. Robes for the youngsters follow the pattern of adult rose. Robes. Rallies have entertainers, and they are tailored for an audience. This entertainer recites a poem. [indiscernible] on her wedding down. Gown. Iny will wrap themselves pantyhose. Three nights and days [indiscernible] soul let out [indiscernible] grace, i know nothing can take away mans place. [applause] charles the featured speaker is usually a wellknown personality. At this rally it was the late matt murphy junior, Imperial Council or chief Legal Counsel of the united clans. Klans. Sel of the united c i will tell you this, i will tie you want to do, theyre about to pay the bill of sale that striking a civil rights worker is a federal offense. When i say cut your hair off, i mean it is a federal penitentiary. That is the way they are doing it. We are going to say, get some guns and do it, or get somebody who will face such a bill hazmat. As that. Charles the extra added attraction, the three men indicted for the murder of the civil rights worker. [applause] mr. Eugene thomas. Stood, keio lee roy wilkins. [cheers and applause] charles and befitting the occasion of a ku klux klan rally the three men were besieged by , autograph hunters. And they willingly obliged. Klan members accused of crimes must be defended. Their councils or attorneys must be paid. In addition money is needed for operating expenses. Salaries run as high as 15,000 a month. The invisible empire needs of treasury. But where the money comes from and how much is a secret. What is known is that initiation fees are between 10 and 25, and yearly dues for assessments range from three dollars to 10. The conservative estimate is that the klan is a 1 million a year enterprise. Money comes from dues, robes, individual contributions, and what can be raised by a plan klud at a rally. Prosser, and you can prosperous and you can afford to give 1000. That would be a businessman there. There might be someone who could write a check here for one man years salary. Throughout North Carolina whatever you have, 10, one , dollar. Walked down. We can do that. You know we ought to be able tonight, we ought tonight to up on the come way ladder. [applause] [whistling] the men and women in robes receive torches and parade around the circle. The old rugged cross [indiscernible] and i love that old home [indiscernible] charles what you are watching, 700 robed and hooded men marching around a burning cross, took place in the United States in 1965. Oss to the old rugged cr i will ever be true [indiscernible] charles klan leaders are sensitive about the reputation the klan as for imitative intimidation and violence. They have adopted a new policy which in effect says look at us. We are a fraternal organization. We have nothing to hide. Imperial wizards and grand dragons no longer avoid the press. Klan leaders sport crew cuts, buttoned down collars and well tailored suits. The most publicized and best organized klan leader is imperial leader Robert Shelton of the united clans knights of kkk. Sheldon spends much of his time office,labama constantly listening to recordings of dr. Martin luther king jr. Those he can identify are circled and filed. He explains why. We have an Organization Called the kbi the klan bureau , of investigation. Charles the klan says it does not advocate intimidation or violence, that it is a peaceful organization. Let us take a look at some proven plan activities. Klan activities. In the Small Community of gray, georgia, the only Movie Theater in town permitted negroes to sit in the balcony. The klan decided this was not a good thing. And every friday night 50 car loads of klansmen circled the theater. Today the movie house is closed. Further examples of klan intimidation were uncovered in a lawsuit in new orleans. The hearing revealed that in louisiana, sometimes called called klantown usa in of the citys 19,000 klan members were city policemen. The City Attorney was himself identified as a klansman. The powerful klan moved this year against Radio Station wbox, who invited former arkansas ongressman to make a speech race relations. Amid hundreds of calls. They made hundreds of calls. The effect was immediate. 75 of the commercials were canceled. Wbox is still broadcasting, but at a loss. Although the klan says it has respect for law and order, there are records of countless crimes which some klansmen performed for reasons they deemed proper. Judge daniel do who has bought the klan for 25 years in georgia showed how the klan demonstrated its own kind of justice. They would have the klokann committee or the committee that administered the floggings. One get on one side of this man who was doubled up with his wrists handcuffed to his ankles, who had been taken from his home. He thought by a legal warrant, and who had unknown to him been reported by someone to be a labor organizer, and they equated that to communism, and then they equated that to race mixing. And they would usually equate that to say some jewish person was back of it. And the multiplicity of things, anything that appealed to hate , prejudice they took this man and they beat him on mercifully. Unmercifully. Charles the klan does not stop at floggings. At years ago inbirmingham, alabama, the klansmen conducted a crime short of murder. They abducted this man and castrated him. They hit me in the back of the head, grabbed me, and stretch me out. One stood on this arm and one stood on this one. One caught my legs and spread them apart. Then he got help from the other one, and they spread my legs apart. The boss ordered him to do your way, and they went to cutting on me. When they got through cutting me, they put turpentine on me and said i wasnt hollering, put turpentine on me to make it hurt more. I dont believe they are human. Charles but not only individuals suffer at the hands of the klan. Sometimes whole cities are victims. In one large city there is evidence that klaninspired violence touched off one of the most vicious racial riots in recent history. The place was st. Augustine, florida. This klansman was responsible for what happened. Reverend ronnie lynch is the most effective rabblerouser that the klan has to offer. Most people would kill if you put a jersey bullet in a white girl. But i have to fight to protect the white man. They said it was going to be settled in the bedroom. I got news for them. There may sub be some bedroom cases all right, but when the , smoke clears away, there wont be no bedroom caseles. Charles little rock, birmingham, bogalusa, connie lynch was there. And when racial violence was predicted for Saint Augustine florida, connie lynch went there , too. Negroes were trying to integrate the bathing beaches, and the Florida Advisory Committee to the u. S. Civil Rights Commission warned that the city was becoming a racial super bomb with a short fuse. When the police stand up on the corners and hit the black fellas standing on the corner, [indiscernible] that is hate. [shouting] charles the temple of violence increased rapidly. The klan paraded in the streets, unmindful of the raid. And i will say this to the stooges that want to take us back to the enemy and all of their cohorts, we white people are going to rise to 40 million strong. [cheers and applause] charles on the night of june 25, 1964, the fuse burned down, and the racial bomb exploded. St. Augustine was the scene of a frightening riot. Scores of people were injured, 19 hospitalized. Connie lynch had done his work. I spoke for the white people. The while people rallied behind it, and we kicked the living hell out of them, accept them back to their hometowns. They all then, the niggers of Saint Augustine went quiet and went back over where they belonged. Charles these examples of Klu Klux Klan activity are not unusual. For the past 100 years, the invisible empire, the selfproclaimed Second National government, has reserved to itself Police Authority and the right to correct what it considers wrong. Although some klansmen have been apprehended and tried for the ir crimes the fact remains that , the perpetrators of more than 225 bombings and 1000 acts of racial acts of violence, reprisal and intimidation have not been arrested. The problem is that Law Enforcement itself is often in the hands of authorities who either belong to or sympathize with the ku klux klan. The publisher of the atlanta constitution, ralph mcgill, explains why citizens are powerless to protest in such situations. In the Small Community, you too often find that the sheriff is a member, or that the deputies are members, and the poor white man, or more particularly the poor negro in a Small Community, he well knows that the law isnt going to help him because the law is more often than not in the klan or sympathetic with it in a small southern community. Charles the klan is not a single, strongly organized group. It is composed of splinter groups fighting each other for new members and new territory. On memorial day weekend, Robert Sheltons chief rival james venable, head of the nationals knights of the kkk, took his klan north to a side 25 miles from cincinnati, ohio. Both venable and shelton believed the whites in the north worried about negro civil rights demands in their own communities, are really to embrace the klan. This was the first open klan rally in ohio in more than 30 years. The fact that the klan is getting bolder was demonstrated by the site which was select the, right alongside super highway 75. Klan robes, many of which had been stored away for years, were put out for an airing. Since the building of a cross for the klan ritual requires skill, volunteers hammered the burlapieces, wrapped the carefully, and then soaked their handiwork with gasoline and motor oil. Five pounds of oil for every foot of the cross. [indiscernible] charles the klan added a new touch to attract crowds. A skydiving show with parachute jumpers releasing klan flags and then landing on klanblessed land. The northern most penetration of the klan took place last month near cleveland, ohio. All cars headed for the rally were searched for weapons. Highpoweredcated rifles, shotguns, and pistols. At a nearby restaurant, men lined up to get applications for membership in imperial wizard venables knights of the ku klux klan. That night, 20 menand women at a 20 men and women at a safe distance pictured the meeting. The burning of the cross was the high point of this rally. Only 21 miles from cleveland. Does the invisible empire have a right to continue its activities either in the north or the south . In our democracy, freedom of speech must be accorded this organization. Klansmen have a right to meet and wear uniforms. If the klan is a fraternal order, it should enjoy the privileges of other orders. The truth is among all organizations, only the klan has a history of violence. Lawmakers have not ignored the klan. 22 states have passed laws prohibiting the wearing of masks in public, and 52 southern communities have outlawed masks and cross burnings. But even these laws have been ineffective. Klansmen can still legally wear masks and burn crosses on property. They still intimidate and harass citizens. Now the attorney general is working on new antiklan legislation. He was asked what form the legislation might take. Well, i think it could take a number of forms. One would be to follow the analogy with respect to the communist party, and to seek full disclosure of their membership and a listing of the klan and its members and its officers as a glare of publicity. Another approach, perhaps a better approach, would be to follow the pattern of the existing laws, but to expand their scope of federal jurisdiction under them and to increase the penalties under them so that the federal government could get a more deep involvement. Charles we have put up with the klan for 100 years in this country. How long is it going to take for us to see the end of the klan . I dont know when we will see the end of the klan. I think the end of the klan of as any kind of an Effective Organization of any sort at all is within sight. I doubt that the klan is going to be a very effective force anywhere 10 years from now. Charles earlier in this program we showed reverend roy woodahl, a klan klud in action. A few days ago would all woodahl quit. We asked him why. Well, if people would just check the record and see who is leading the klan, what are they, and what do they stand for . That would be a logical question. So take take any individual, if he be in the klan or out, check the leadership. Say for example we have people was painter contractors. As far as i know, failures. We have people who was insurance agency. Far as i know failures. ,we know people with concrete business, as far as i know. Failures. And such as that. Just failed out and flunked out , could not promote leadership and lost out everything they had. When they couldnt find nothing else to do, they made him a klan leader. Charles after every klan meeting they go around and collect money. What happens to that money . Where does it go . As far as we know, it all finds its way into the pockets of leaders now. Myself as an individual, i just could not tell you now. We know that they do take up money every rally. Now we know that. The news knows it. Everybody there knows it. They pass their buckets around and they do take up money. But as far as we know, that is the end of it. We dont have no record or nothing else as far as i know now. Somebody else may know something i dont know. All we know is people ride around, lives in their motels, drives their cadillac, eats the ribeye steak, and laughs at the poor people as they go bad. Charles whatever happens to the Klu Klux Klan will not finally happen in washington. It will happen in those small towns of the south, whose natural spirit of justice and generosity has been damped. If the klan prospers, it will draw its strength from such communities. If the klan falls, it will be because one man and then another in such places have made up their own minds that a free society cannot coexist with an invisible empire. This is charles curalt, good night. Narrator the Klu Klux Klan, the invisible empire. Was filmed and edited by the staff of cbs report under the supervision and control of cbs news. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] announcer 2 interested in . Erican history tv visit our website. You can preview upcoming programs and watch lectures and see archival films and more. American history tv at cspan. Org history. Is oncan history tv cspan3 every weekend featuring museum tours, archival film, and programs on the presidency, the civil war, and more. Here is a clip from a recent program. , just four days before the election, coolidge, ever a party regular, finally came forward with extraordinary proof uses public endorsement from a radio program. Hoover had shown his fitness to be president. Hoover said coolidge was able, experienced, trustworthy and safe. Hoover was grateful. Republican leaders were jubilant and relieved. In ahen hoover won landslide, coolidge hailed as a result as an endorsement of his own administration and announced he could retire from office in content. The president s term still have four months to run, and he was known to be very touchy about his prerogatives. No doubt with these sensitivities in mind, hoover officialhe take a semi tour latin america after the election. Coolidge agreed. Earlyovember 19 1928 to january 1929, hoover not only stayed out of washington. Better still, he stayed out of the country. Fulfilling an29, ambition that had touched his soul for a decade or longer, Herbert Hoover became president of the United States. He had done so without ever elective public office. For an hour and a half, he and Calvin Coolidge stood, sat and walked sidebyside without saying a word to each other. In his inaugural address, hoover paid tribute to his right predecessor. Is when the ceremony was over, they said goodbye, and the expresident went home to new england. Announcer 2 you can watch this and other American History programs on our website where the video is archived. That is cspan. Org history. This year marks the 100th anniversary of Buffalo Bills death at the buffalo and the Buffalo Bills Center Hosted a symposium. Western historian paul hutton delivered the keynote address. He described how william cody, best known as buffalo bill became a symbol of the frontier , and the american perception of western culture. This is just over an hour. Welcome, everyone, to the final event of what has been a terrific three days. You know when you start to plan these things, and you think we will have this person and that person and do all this stuff. There was this moment when we started to put the program on

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