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Doctor . This is saturday afternoon and the hospital wont accept them without the doctors okay. And we wont be in until monday morning. Its a hell of a long time between now and monday. American history tv continues in prime time tuesday with a look at the style and approaches of modern first ladies. From Florence Harding to michelle obama. Thats tuesday night at 8 00 eastern on cspan3. Follow the cspan cities tour as we travel outside the washington beltway to communities across america. The idea behind the cities tour is to take the programming for htv, or American History television and book tv out on the road beyond the beltway to produce pieces that are more visual, that provide a window into these cities that viewers would normally go to that also have really rich histories and a rich literary scene, as well. A lot of people have already kind of heard the history of the big cities, like new york and l. A. , chicago. But what about the smaller ones like albany, new york. Whats the history of that . Theyve been to over 75 cities. We will have hit 95 cities in april of 2016. Most of our cspan is event coverage. These are not event coverage type of pieces. Theyre shorter. They take you some place. They take you to a home, a historic site. We partner with our cable affiliate to explore the history and literary culture of various cities. The key entry into the city is the cable operator who contacts the city. In essence, its the cable industry bringing us there. Theyre really looking for great characters. You really want your viewers to be able to identify with these people that were talking about. Its an experiential type of program where were taking people on the road to places where they can touch things, see things, and learn about not just the local history, because a lot of local history plays into the national story. If somebody is watching this, it should be enticing enough that they can get the idea of the story. But also this is just in our backyard. Lets go and see it. We want viewers to get a sense that, oh, yeah, i know that place just from watching one of our pieces. Mission as we do with all of our coverage, leads into what we do out of the road. Youve got to be able to communicate the message about this network in order to do this job. So its done the one thing that we wanted it to do, which is build relationships with the city and our Cable Partners and gather some great programming for American History tv and book tv. Watch the cities coming up on the next washington journal, a discussion on education reform. Our guest is campbell brown, editor of the 75, a website dedicated to education issues. Then Aaron Brockovich on the epas role and response to the mine waste water spill in colorado. Washington journal is live every morning at 7 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan and you can join the conversation with your calls and comments on facebook and twitter. Our road to the white house coverage of the president ial candidates continues live from the iowa state fair on cspan, cspan radio and cspan. Org as the candidates walk the fairgrounds and speak at the candidate soap box. Tuesday morning, republicans, senator marco rubio at 11 30 and Governor John Kasich at 5 00. On wednesday, rick perry will speak at 11 00. On friday morning at 11 00 a. M. Eastern, its senator ted cruz and on saturday, republican governors, Chris Christie at noon and bobby jindal at 1 00. Join the twitter conversation. Cspans campaign 2016. Taking you on the road to the white house. Each week, American History tvs reel america brings you ar kooifl films that help tell the story of the 20th century. I am the chief of police of an average American City and am proud to be connected with the honorable profession of law enforcement. A day doesnt pass without one of my officers savinging some childs life. It is truly an honorable profession. Police departments use modern science to protect you, such as teletype, photographry, twoway radio. Expert Firearms Training by the fbi national academy. Accident prevention insulations and other up to the minute methods. I know many chief of police and i assure you, they are average just like you. They are interested in protecting their homes and yours while endeavoring to make your community a better place to live in. Lets follow this rookie patrolman in his daily duties and see the many ways he serves you and yours. These are the few of his services that are overlooked. His job is not merely working. Its observing and serving you. But are you allowing him to serve you . If not, you will be amazed at his ability to answer your every question, lend assistance in every problem or locate for you the information desired. Besides this, never forget he protectses your home, your family, your life. He helps make your community a safer and better place to live in. Learn to depend upon him, since his experience is your gain, he was assigned to your neighborhood as your servant. Bags all packed. Mill m man notified. Cat put out. Doors and windows locked. Not forgetting anything, are you . Ah, now, thats it. Give your Police Department the information on the length of your absence from home and officers will check the premesis frequently. Place your mail and newspapers out of sight, check the doors and windows and do Everything Possible to safe dward the hogue home in your absence f. You will leave your address with the police, they will immediately notify you of a condition requiring your attention. This is to elim fate worries and concern as make your vacation more enjoyable. Whether youre home or away, your Police Department protects your property. Call upon them so they may serve you day or night. Home alone. A strange noise. A face at the window. Sudden fear. Your Police Department is as near as your telephone. Radio dispatch Police Arrive quickly determineded to search for and apprehend those who are dangerous. But do we really appreciate the risks they take . They never know what might fall in the path of their spotlight. Still, they are there, protecting you. Every day, brave policemen take great risks, Public Servants. Theirs being a hazardous occupation, but bring them in sudden contact with dangerous criminals at any time. Why . Merely to safeguard you and your home. Teenage is a difficult age, but it need not be a problem age for those who seek the assistance of their Police Department, which has professionally trained child specialists entirely versed in correct proceeds. There are numerous cases where with understanding and kindness, skilled counciling has been given to youths in need and their families were made happy. This is one of your Police Departments contributions towards a happier home and a t better community. Dont hesitate to call upon your police in situations such as this and the problem will be one of prevention, rather than of correction. Here comes your guardian policeman. A Public Servant if there ever was one, dedicated to the work of protecting your health, welfare and safety and in many cases, your left. No demand on him to serve you is too small or great, yes, he gives his all or life if necessary to protect you. He is the unsung hero of the road and paift. Protecting and serving you night or day. Behind the badge is a big heart and even bigger purposes. Every minute of the day, he is thinking of your protection. Lets realize a policeman is your governments greatest contribution to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Hes too busy to complain or grumble, but never too busy to protect or serve a citizen. Hes a friend of old and young, motorist or pedestrian and serves any race, color or creed. This is your policeman. Here on cspan 3 tuesday, a series of programs on text message and innovation. Well take a look at the latest in transportation technology. Chaney. Book tv on cspan 2. Television for serious readers. In 1968 following the assassination of Martin Luther king jr. And subsequent riot yots that devastated parts of washington, d. C. , the office of Economic Opportunity which administered many of Lyndon Johnsons war or poverty programs created a project as a model to help improve poor relations between the police and community. According to the national c archives, they commissioned a series of documentary and training films to record the implementation of the project, hoping they could be shown and used as a model for other cities. Despite investing almost 200,000, they were never released, but were september to a warehouse in maryland. Up next on reel america, three short pilot District Training films that are recently rediscovered and digitized by the national archives. The project, the development of community control, is a 15minute film featuring 32yearold activist marion berry, who later became mayor of the district of columbia. Old people, young people, poor people, all of whom live in the Third District and is not fair for these scitizens to be left out of the picture. Down in our basement, people be hitting people in the head. I dont think any other people in the america could take this kind of stuff. Drive anybody to be a ref aleutian nair. What do you think about the poe liss . They aint nothing but pigs, man. Like they picked me up just because i wasnt in school and like that. So, i said, what youll going to do with me. Going to take you to the pig pen. I said, no, you aint. You going to take me to my aunt. So, he said, all right. All right. I said, so he took down my name. I said, man, yall aint nothing but pigs, yall know that . Told it right to their face. The question always comes when you live in a community thats repressed and people are living like we have to live in a black community, how are you going to handle all these problems. If you solve them by trying to create citizens awareness of a need for graphic change. Washingtons third police district. There is contrast here. From embassy road to devastated 14th street. Violence in the spring rye rots of 1968. An average week in this district will bring 40 robbery, 16 aggravated all thes and a high incidence of rape and arson. 18 addict this is year will die from overdose. By fall of 1968, a committee had chosen this sight for a new idea with high hope and more than a million dollars, the plan was this. Erode suspicious and fear among police and the people. Find ways of helping the police force to be part of the community again. But there were those in the Third District whom the experiment was dangerously flawed. Revisions were unclear. They feared the trick bag. Another signal that the black community could not be held responsible for change. Among the leaders who fashioned war against the project was one man who would see ilt through. Marian berry. 32 years old, former teacher of college chemistry, director of a black corporation called pride, marian berry had a strategy for community control. Told him i could see him in about two minutes. I got a message. Where . In his office . This is the other part of the Third District. I mean, you can see the difference. The streets. Cleaner. This is the more affluent side of the Third District. Again, in most urban cities, youve got that twosided situation. Youve got where we live, 14th street, other parts of the black community and then you got this part of the community. These are the people who are not oppressed. They dont live in the kind of skau lehr that we do. These are the people crying for more protection, more dogs, more guns, more policemen, more jails. Harsher sentences because theyre the ones whose homes are being burglarized and they dont have to do the things we have to do. They dont have to go to meetings and disrupt them. They dont have to break up meetings, kick down the doors, protest the way we do. Now, the question is how do you revolve these two conflicts and points of view, where this part of the Community Wants more policemen, more repressiveness and the other part wants less policemen. Physical presence. They want more humane treatment. More reha bil tbilitative kind programs and thats what i think we have to deal with and since this is where the problem is not as such, i think we have to act on where the problem is. I would like us to take up the business at hand and the business at hand is to choose a preset. We need to be talking about how were going to do this. I cannot longer serve on a committee which cannot possibly make changes if it functions only in an advisory capacity. To people out there, theyre not sophisticated as you people in here and theyre going to be in the trick bag. Im going to be with them. Im not saying im resigning, but any kind of understanding, send me a letter, come back here and get together on this thing, please. Previous question. We are here to select a precept, but whether we realize it or not, we have more power in this room and watching on one committee in a long time and when you break it down in the precinct level, thats how it is. Thats why im having to really push it here. You dont get that power. Control. And selfdetermination by just talking about it because those who have it are not willingly going to give it up and therefore, you have to find various ways of seizing it, really. Taking it or convincing them they ought to give it to them. And unfortunately, only thing we have and i will command is our bodies. And our voices. The only kind of thing that the system seems to understand is when you organize that kind of a con tronation politics. Thats what we did in the 1960s and thats the way the country operates. This country got started on using disruptive kind of tactics that was a revolution, so i learned that from america. Anything i do. This meeting was called to discuss the freed yurs and to take action on the procedures on the election of the board. Mr. Berry to come in. Go right in. How are you . Who made him chairman any way . Mister, im the host. You cant make yourself chairman. What kind of meeting you got going on in here . A meeting with bunch of you folks supposed to be protecting the this is my invitation. Sir we can conduct it in the Third District and i live and work in the Third District, dig it . And i deserve the right to be here, they going to come in here as long as im here. That is all planned. The issue raised on the inside would be why these people ought to come in. Which makes them think wli they in the meeting, those that plan the meeting and those that didnt. The crowd. Im not afraid after of him. The issue is whether people outside can come in. We want the people outside inside. Thats all. I aint going to harm you. I wont touch you if you dont touch me. Believe that. See that . Thats down to the wire, everybody. There is no way that anybody can come in to the Third District, see the gunman and have a meeting against our will. It just wont happen. We told that they was on their own, come into our community and do what they want to do. Thats the issue, so my idea, lets keep pushing and keep fighting until they get control of it. Its very simple. Going on. At some point, i dont think we can do and another thing, for those of you that are new, it has taken us 15 months to go t. O. Get this far sork a lot what you might be thinking, a lot of questions you might have, just rest assured that we are working from experience and were going to do everything we can to protect the interest of

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