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Pure sunt to a resolution duelly adapted in each of the houses of legislature, the senate and the assembly of the stitt of new york are met in joint session for the purpose of receiving the annual message to the legislature from the governor of the state of new york. Ladies and gentlemen, i am proud and honored to present the 57th governor to the state of new york, kathy hochul. [applause] ■a ul [applause] gov. hochul thank you and good afternoon. Its an honor to be back in this Hallowed Chamber a place since 1879, civicmind new yorkers have wrestled from everything to the great deinteresting to world wars to the every day issues that matter most to the millions of people who call new york our home. Generations are past lead verse shared the so william responsibility of representing their citizens and im honored to be joined by the leaders of today. First, let me thank our Lieutenant Governor antonio delgado, hes done an amazing job. So proud to have him at my side i want to thank Senior Pastor for the invocation and i look forward to seeing you perhaps in church. Save me a see state comptrollers, tom denaply, state attorney general tish james, Assembly Speaker you can applaud any one of if you want. [cheers and applause] im going back to the majority leader, Andrea Stewart cozens. [cheers and applause] were going to have to look after women. Speaking of, majority leaders crystal people stokes. The Senate Minority leader, will barkley, the esteemed judges of the new york court of appeals. [applause] new york city mayor eric adams. Mayors and county executives from■ all across the state and were also joined yes, you can applaud, former governors David Patterson and george pataki. [applause] also many representatives from labor, distinguished guest and clergy leaders including dr. A. R. Ber who is our president of the interfaith counsel. Members of my cabinet and council liz fein. And special tribute to the visionary behind many of our ideas, michael asher. [applause] but today is not about us. Its about the 20 million hard working new yorkers we are privileged■urepresent. And what we can deliver for them in the year ahead. Ive listened as new yorkers have told me about the challenges they face and the dreams they hold. And with them in mind i proudly share my vision for 2024. [applause] the state of new york is strong. Stronger today than when i became governor two years ago. Its healthier, safer, more. Weve traversed some rocky terrain. And theres still some switchbacks before we reach the summit. Across our and our state people worry that a safe and affordable life is somehoweach d murders have declined by double digits, safety at the grocery store, the synagogue or the bway is always top of mind. And ive always made great stride to take guns off the re are still fearful as their children get on the bus each morning and too often troubled individuals are discharged from t htal without receiving the care they need and go on to commit violent acts. The potential of a crime no matter how serious is causing anxiety for our residents. And on top of that, theyre also the right cost of living rising cost of living. Inflation is down 9. 1 to 3. 1 e. Paychecks are finally growing, and yet, our neighbors are struggling to make a dollar go further. And sadly, no matter how hard they work, they fear theyll never be as successful or get as far as their own parents did. These are the reasons that i fight every day to give new yorkers a better shot at a better life. And since take office, ive worked with this legislature to create more than 600,000 jobs and reduce unemployment from 7. 4 to 4 . And we dead that while holding the line across taxes across inin fact, we cut them for the middleclass. We boosted k12 education by 5 5. 3 billion an extraordinary 18 increase. And we fully funded Foundation Aid for the very first time in history. [applause] we increased healthcare funding by 20 to more than 112 billion. And we gave 1. 3 billion in raises that are hard working Home Healthcare for healthcare workers because they deserved it. And just the morning as a result of our hard work with President Biden and his administration, well be able to invest over 6 billion in federal funds into our Healthcare System over the next three years. [applause]■1■ this funding will help support our safety net hospitals, address Healthcare Workforce shortages, strengthen access to primary and behavorial healthcare, all important primaries all of us. And on top of that over the last two years, we invested over 7 billion in childcare. [applause] at the the m. T. A. From a looming fiscal cliff that threatened an economy of an region while requiredship grew by 435 million new riders. [applause] and no administration and no legislature ever before has invested more money faster into our roads and bridges and Public Infrastructure to rebuild our state. And im grateful grateful for your continued partnership majow stewart cozens and our speaker. [appla you. Thank you. Now, weve worked hard to restore integrity and trust in government. And heres wt i know, youll always see more head liens and a happenedful of things we disagree. T but the truth is, we are united. United in our commitment to the people of this state. And together weve achieved so much. But standing here and reciting accomplishments is not what people want from their leaders. We will continue to fight the right fights on their behalf and relentlessly pursue common sense ideas that lift up the people of this great state. Joining us today is quinton colon roosevelt. Quentin is the great, great, great grandson of Teddy Roosevelt who took the oath of office exactly 125 years ago in a place called buffalo. At just 19 years old, quentin is the youngest elected official in our nations capitol. Quentin, stand up. Thank you. [applause] a great future. Public service runs in his veins and we expect even more. But like quinn turns i too was inspired by the 33rd governor of new york. In fact, i promise to always strive valiantly on behalf of new yorkers and be the woman in the arena. And done. [applause] thats why im willing to take on the stubborn persistent crime like retail theft and crimes. We have to restructure our Mental Health so people get help they need. And well be protecting your hardearned money from bad actors and predatory lenders. At the same time, well continue to build new york to a place that welcomes businesses, new and existing, small and large, familyowned and publically traded. Well keep driving the long delayed Public Transit projects like the Second Avenue subway extension, the enter borrow express, the kensington expressway, creating thousands of union paying jobs so our works can support their families, and well fight for minimum wage workers because no one should labor 40 hours a week and still live below the poverty line. [applause] well fight for our s represent thissed by extreme weather and work force shortages. Well fight for seniors trying to make fixed income. Well fight for women in motherhood and their careers. Wellhildren beginning in their life. And in so doing biel pursue the common good with common sense by seeking common ground. [applause] as we uphold these commitments, understand this, we cannot spend money we do not have. Pandemic funds from washington have dried up. Inflation didnt just hit families, it hit State Government operations as well. So its up to all of us to make the hard yet necessary decisions and use taxpayer dollars creatively and responsibly. Ill discuss how ill tackle some of the toughest fiscal issues like caring for migrants and a structural deficit in next weeks budget speech. But right now, lets talk about how we provide a better life for new yorkers. Starting the initiatives we already announced since the new year. Last year, infant deaths were up for the first time in 20 years. And black and brown women remain three to four times more likely to die in childbirth. I wont let this continuen my watch. We must insure moms have healthy pregnancies. I want to make new york the first state in the nation to offer prenatal leave. We must protect women from unnecessary surgery that is put them at risk. And were also giving children the resources they need to live full, healthy, successful lives. And that starts with teaching them how to read. I say its time to get rid of debunked curriculums and get back to basics using phonics and proven technique that is work. Were also promoting physical health and wellbeing by building pools in underserved areas and teaching people to swim. [applause] and im proud that lieutenant government antonio a newly created office of service in civic engagement, he and his team will connect new yorkers who want to give back especially young people to Service Opportunities all across the state. This is just the start of our comprehensive agenda for new york in 2024. Well protect the environment by planting 25 million trees, fund resiliency efforts and expand solar access and make sure our state meets our bolder mission targets. [applause] well pro mode jobs in agra culture an familyowned farms. Well continue new yorkers to clear opportunities and Fund Research i■nto Rare Diseases lie a. L. S. That robs millions like my own mother of their vitality while we address countless challenges with 204, yes, 204 policy initiatives in our 2024 stay of the state book, which im sure will find your ways to your night stands this evening few key items from our agenda fighting crime, fix our Mental Health system, and protecting new yorkers hardearned money. Lets talk [applause] about crime. If government can keep their citizens safe, then nothing else matters. Last year, we reduced gun violence bringing shootings down by a third all across the statement murders are down 21 in new york city. 38 upstate. We made key revisions to make new york safer. We enacted gun control legislation thats a model for the rest of the nation. But certain types of crime have been stubbornly high. New yorkers see it every day. Graffiti scrawled outside a synagogue, baby formula locked behind plastic panels, a couples argument turns violent and punctuated by gun shots. And on the subway, people suffering a mental breakdown or an overdose. Episodes like these can cause an atmosphere of anxiety in our communities. But our success in driving downa gun violence proves that targeted strategies do work and that changing trends is indeed ssible. So today, were unveiling a series of crimefighting tactics alongside an error defining Mental Health initiative so new yorkers can live free from chaos and disorder and focus on the things in life that matter most. First, we must insure everyone is safe at home by protecting them from Domestic Violence. Now, the random attacks get tall press coverage but new yorkers are much more likely to be hea and 1 3 of assaults the attacker and the victim have a prior relationship. Ouors. In new york city alone 84 of Domestic Violence arrests end with dismissals. Think about that. Before last year too many abusers had access to guns so we wo the law. And now but now, the Supreme Court is poised to possibly overturn a law that keeps guns away from the abusers. So we need to strengthen protections and its more urgent now than ever before. You may have heard me talk about my mother group in a home where Domestic Violence was routine. She dedicated her life to survivors to break the cycle of trauma. Know that prosecuting violent abusers is the best way to protect surviv the story of h beavhard who is here with us today. Elizabeth, please stand. [applause] elizabeth was right across the not long ago she was trapped in an abusive relationship. She and her pet suffered regular abuse at the hands of her exboyfriend. Tense. Maimed another and then one day unity house. Nged. A nonprofit that helps survivors of Domestic Violence. Eventually met russ clement. Detective clement . [applause] thank you. Thank you. He helped elizabeth find strength to pursue justice and file charges. He assisted with police reportses and reports and stood by her side at the garage jury. Elizabeth hass fled her abuser and is rebelled her life. Lets give her a right now of applause. [applause] i want to hear mor hopeful stories like this. And thats why were dedicating 2 to million so district dont gather evidence to prosecute abusers and take their guns away. [applause] and were committing more funding so police can protect those who are at risk of abuse and clamp down on repeat offenders. Because every survivor can break the chain of violence and build a new life. Across our nation and our state retail theft has surged creating fear among the customers and the thieves braisingly pear items off the shelves and menace employees. Owners go broke replace broken windows and stolen goods driving many out of business. These attacks are nothing more than a breakdown of the social order. I say no more. The chaos must end. [applause] for the very first time were getting a joint operation along with a brandnew state police unit to crack down on organized retail them use this approach with illegal guns. And im also proposing to help those owners with a tax credit to help them cover the additional security cost. And ill work with the legislature to strengthen penalties for assaulting a retail worker or fostering the sale of stolen goods online. Lets get it done. [applause] lets back our businesses. Back our business and the workers with the full force of the law and punish those who think they can break the rules impunity. And this extends to the Illegal Cannabis vendor who is flagrantly broke our laws prosecute those who sell to mine ors and padlock their drs faster. [applause] finally, regarding crime i want to talk about hate crimes. Particularly the rising tide of antisemitism and islamophobia. Since this horrific attacks by hamas against israel on october 7th, theres been roughly a 95 increase in hate crimes against jewish residents of new york city. a surge of anticipate muslim hate crimes as well. Our neighbors are being target on playgrounds and synagogues and mox and on college campuses. And i will not rest until every jewish and muslim child feels safe going school or entering a house of worship. So we propose to make more than two dozen additional offenses from gang assault and graffiti, eligible for prosecution as hate crimes. This means enhanced liability sentences and ultimately, it means were standing up for whats right. Well protect the people of this state. Well carry this fight until every new yorker feels safe at home, at prayer and at work. No matter how much we spend on Law Enforcement or expand their powers, new yorkers will not be able to let their guard down until we fix our Mental Health system. [applause] because heres the truth. From brooklyn to buffalo many new yorkers are suffering. Mental illness doesnt discriminate. It touches the rich and the poor. Reaches into schools and Senior Citizens with the Senior Centers with the same severity. Even our First Responders are suffering. Theyre experiences on the job expose them to horrific circumstances. And the suicide rates among Law Enforcement are about 60 higher than the rest of the population. And too often the people involved in violent incidence on victims of a system that file provide them the treatment they need. Highquality care must be wildly available accessible and affordable. [applause] yet for decades, the Mental Health system deprioritized and defunded. Over the 10 years before i tookl health grew only by 2 . Not etch keeping up with inflation. The result too few beds and syse this with pandemic isolation, opioid addiction and the toxic algorithms that govern social media. Its no wonder why we have such a serious problem on our hands. Make no mistake, this is the defining challenge of our time. And thats why my Administration Work in partnership with this legislature has already made unprecedented investments and Mental Healthcare, a 33 increase just over the last two years. And we boosted funding by 1 now, heres what this allows us to do. Target hundreds of millions of dollars toward outpatient based services, create more than 3500 Housing Units for people suffering from mental illness. Increase inpatient psychiatric beds by 1,000 and increase measures to help our children including millions of suicide prevention, eating disorder care and school based Mental Health disorder clinics. Focus on our kids is everything. Its critical because their our most Precious Resource and investing in Mental Health services for the young means they wont be relegated to a lifetime of needing care later on. When schools close during the pandemic kids turn to social media to stay connected with friends and family. Bua darkness lives on those platforms. Content often promotes themes of sadness, alienation and even suicide. Rq; the algorithms that make social media so addictive push that darkness on to young areas. Im thinking about new yorkers like alex expense who grew up on long island. She joined instagram when she was only 11 years old. And immediately the algorithm started suggesting images and videos about eating disorder and themes promoting the time she wg alex was spiraling. She was losing weight. She didnt sleep. Her life wasnt hers any more. It belonged to the algorithm. After her parents intervened and after two weeks at a psychiatric facility she emerge add changed person able to assert herself n. Today, she advocates for other people at risk and dreams of the day of testifying before about f social media. [applause] believe it or not alex is one of the lucky ones. And her mother catheline is here with us today. Cathine, please stand. [applause] thank you. Thank you. Heres what catheline says. Social media is a silent killer of our childrens generation. According to the c. D. C. One has doubled the figure just a decade ago. For teenage numbers are one in three. Thats why were going t that hs harmed so many young minds. Attorney general james the two of us together will demand accountability from social medit companies well advance legislation to protect childrens privacy and regulate the algorithms that target them on social media feeds. [applause] well expand here to support program so kids can share safe spaces with other kids with the same challenges. Meantime, we have to help the kids who are hurrying right now. Well start with historic investments to make Mental Health Services Available to every Single School age child. [applause] and every school that juan as Mental Health clinic will that wants a Mental Health clinic will get one. [applause] im proud to be joined by another brave new york. Brianna braverman. Brianna worked tirelessly. Shes worked for a program called youth act for children with Mental Health problems. Thank you, brianna. Thank you for all youre doing. Building on the progress she already made. Everyone could agree that a healthy children are more likely to grow into healthy adults. But too many grow without the support they need and pose a danger to themselves and why ig comprehensive reforms to our Behavioral Health system. Starting in 2024,require hospitn patients with Mental Health conditions for risks like suicide, violence, abuse and other complex needs. We will also require that followup Psychiatric Care be coordinated before patients can leave the hospital. Its common sense but it hasnt been happening. And letsigal health court whice proven to reduce recidivism. [applause] empower court based Mental Health special list our most vulnerable get Health Rather than to cycle in and out of the Justice System and as we know the most extreme case involve people committing Violent Crimes often lacking the capacity to live safely on their own. Just two weeks ago at Grand Central stakes one of those individuals pull add knife and stabbed two young touristses. Thankfully the■ . Bcnjur injuries are not lifethreatening but they take a vast psychological toll on our. And just as that act of violence was absolutely apor meant and inexcusable sofailures that alle perpetrator to slip through the cracks. Diagnosed with numerous Health Conditions including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. He had a history of terrorizing those who he loved and falling into make episodes. He should have received help long ago. We can no longer wait for someone to lash out a before wen because by then, its already too late. And a relatively small number of people need the most intensive care. So well fund specialized housing to provide services for these individuals with the history of criminal jusce involvement. We often know that also know that new yorkers are discharged back into our community not because theyve recovered but because theres no more room at our hospitals. And thats why were creating 200 best in class patient beds for those with the most serious needs. A Mental Healthcare is not just for those in crisis. Whether its anxious tickets depression, grief, addition, weve all needed support at one time or another to get through the struggles of lime but seeing a therapist can be expensive. And some people cant afford outofpocket payment. And for too long Many Insurance Companies have refused to adequately pay for Mental Health support that changes now. I want to i want to increase reimbursement rates for all state licensed Mental Health services and the new regulations will require insurers to provide out of Network Coverage when timely appointments are not available in network. So well give the department of Public Services more staff, mort the new rules. Soy recommend you dont. This matters because we know when people dont get help, their struggle has only become more intense. Addiction is the same. Weve all seen lives in every corner of the state sat by alcohol dependence. My own family has been touched by this pain. And still mourn the life of my nephew and needless lives cut short. And thats why were going to set aside money to support our workforce for Addiction Treatment professionals to grow our outreach street efforts and millions more life saving test strips. Were leading the nation in dispersement of these funds and spending them quicker than any other statement i envision a future will no parent ever again has to find their child lifeless and glassyeyed othe floor. Wherever new yorker can feel safe walking the streets or taking the subway and where our children has ever resource to become the best version of ourselves. Protecting Financial Health for new yorkers has to be a top priority for us as well. Weve worked hard together the legislature and our administration to make new york more affordable. Since i took office, raised the minimum wage and tie it to inflation. Ivered tax relief and utility savings to millions to low and middleclass know, and we included World Class Companies bringing their highpaying jobs to new york. Last week i detailed a series of actions to protect new yorkers from cheats and scammers. Right now, im proposing the first significant change to our Consumer Protection laws in over 40 years. Were going to prohibit unfair abusive practices like student loan servicers pushing borrowers towards the most expensive repayment option and debt collectors encouraging seniors to not protect their income. And luring customers to spend beyond their needs. And were take on medical debt and dramatically decreasing paid disability leave because [applause] believe it or not disability leave has not been raised a penny in 35 whats the point of paying for this benefit your whole life if it only gives you a fraction of what you need to recover . We have to right this wrong and and increase this benefit from a paltry 170 a week which is what people get right now■ to bring t up what it would have been adjusted for inflation as much as 1250. Thats seven times what it has been. And i say its about time. Because we all know any of us could be struck with an illness or a weightlifting mishap at the gym. It could happen at any moment. Its getting s better. You know, riding the ambulance for minor surgery could lead to peoples financial ruin. Youve seen it. Ive already signed some of your bills. And thank you scrubbing medical debt from credit reports banning providers from garnishing wages. And now, im proposing that we protect low income new yorkers from being sued by the medical debtt they cannot pay. [applause] and cap Monthly Payments and interest and assistance program. You know, the cost of lifesaving medicine weighs down know, of the 1. 6 million new yorkers diagnosed with die beets m cant afford the insulin. Em is heather whit knies needed insulin to survive for the last 32 years. Heather joins us today. Heather, please stand up. [applause] means her life manage her own disease while fighting on behalf of others so students dont have to ration their insulin. ■÷ seniors dont have to skip entire dose and diabetic parents dont have to go without insulin to make sure their own sick child has what it needs. So tha your advocatey on behalf of our staff. Want a banr insulin on anyone and a state regular late insurance plan. Because no one asked asked to become a diabetic and they deserve our care and compassion now, lets get to the most important issue when it comes to affordability. You ready . Ok. The obscenely high cost of rents and mortgages caused by the shortage of housing in new york. [applause] you know, its one of the forces driving people out of every corner of our state. And migration is a problem we need to talk about. For 50 years, weve been mem rajing families no longer can raise their children in the same communities where they were born. And this decline no sign of stopping. But heres whats so interesting. People arent necessarily moving to warmer water or lower tax. Many are moving next door. Of the top five states that new yorkers are moving to, three of them share our borders and have similar taxes. People are earning in new york but living in new jersey, pennsylvania and connecticut. Were losing population relative to other states. What does that mean . The loss of influence. We went from 43 members of congress when i was girl to just 26 today. But for decades, no elected official in new york had the political courage to even start a conversation about building more housing. Now, big cities around the nation including our neighbors showed ambition that dwarfed our own. From 2011 to 2020, washington, d. C. Developed 72 new Housing Units per 1,000 residents. Boston developed 47. New york city, thriving metropolis, a place you want to be, only 27. People want to be here. So until we address our housing shortage many of our neighbors will continue to struggle financially. One year ago i pushed what the New York Times described as the most ambitious housing plan since the Rockefeller Administration in the 1960s. Unfortunately, many made it clear they would not sup patriot support it. I knew we were unlikely to win this fight in one year. Dire sid immediate action and i didnt want to wait around for the next legislative session. We found Innovative Solutions using executive orders freeing 5500 unit that is had been la limbo. We offered financials incentive that is people asked for. Financial incentives for Pro Housing Community that demonstrate a willingness to build. Today, im announcing a plan to expand on their efforts by developing on sight that is are owned by state agencies including foreman correctional estimate, areas near Commuter Rail stations and properties. This initiative alone could create more than 15,000 new Housing Units. I know its a good start. But its not enough to fix our affordability crisis. So lets be honest with new yorkers. The only thing that will solve this problem is building hundreds and hundreds of thousands of homes. [applause] new york already spends more than any other state in our nation on housing. Our capital plan is the most ambitious in history deploying state and private dollars adding to 25 billion in funding. What does that get us . Sounds like a lot of money, right . Results in 100,000 new ad preserved units, very important. But still a fraction of what we need. Heres what i know. Spending more money or insisting on new regulation will not get us out of the deep hole dug by decades of inaction orvercome the lack of courage doing simply what is required. Already new york has vastly more Housing Stock than any other state. But it still hasnt made more homes for people. Thats where the status quo has failed. Its a bandaid while we need reconstructive surgery. Where does that leave us . We need a;5 statewide approach o encourage new construction. But in the meantime, there are aggressive actions we can and must take now. I remember last year, maybe the loudest voices in opposition said they believed in local control. Ok. Lets put that to the test. The city of new york, which is a local government, wants to buil. I agree, let them build. Our plan for new york city our plan for new york city include four commons in of what i offered last year. Restore tax incentives, eliminating outdated restrictions on residential density that prevents the city from building more. Supporting nobrainer ideas but the conversion of underutilized commercial property into homes. That cant be hard. [applause] and legalizing basement apartment where is new yorkers already live. Again, we saw in every othery is required. So what are we waiting for . Lets unleash new yorks city potential to getting this session. Do you agree with that, mayor all right. So now, is the time to act. New yorkers are tired of weight. Im tired of waiting. And i know we can do takes poli. It takes collaboration. It takes a commitment to deliver what new yorkers desperately want. And we, my friends, are up to the task because police firefighters, nurse and teachers should be able to live in the communities they serve. [applause] and our children and grandchildren should bailed life in the towns and industry they grew up. And cities where they group. And wild building new hopes is sensual, its sensual that we have longterm paying good jobs so people can support their families. There was a time when our greatest export was our children. Im glad to report those weekdays days are finally over. But as a governor i know its hard to include new businesses, but if were intentional, target, invest in our infrastructure and our education is, we can beat all the others, all the other states and land incredible companies. I know question do it because thats how we attract micron with 150,000 jobs and millions in investment. [applause] at the same time we have to keep supporting our Homegrown Companies and countless others. Its not just about jobs in tech. Its the rim effect when they come. Thenozq local construction jobst are created. The restaurants, the Small Businesses that flourish as a result. Now, since office, i have been laserfocused on industries of the future like across the state. But now, we have a unique and fleeting opportunity to catapult new york ahead of its competition. I propose nothing short of making new york the Global Leader in a. I. Research and development, the leader for the nation, the leader for the world. E] our representation across the globe has always been synonymous with boldness so where else but new york should this be happening . A. I. Is already the single most consequencetial technological commercial advancement since the invention of the internet global a. I. Has been valued at 1100 billion since last year. Appear its brand in its projected to reach 1. 3 trillion by 2030. Now, other states want it too. Not to mention foreign powers like china. But whoever dominates the a. I. Industry will dominate the next era of human history. Thats what we can do here in new york. Those next supercomputers, theyll power a. I. But theyre currently in the hands just a handful of private companies. Google, metta, microsoft, open a. I. Im proud to announce that new york will be the first place in the world to put the type of that type of Computing Power directly in the hands of leading academic institutions who stepped up to participate. Colonel, n. Y. U. , klum by yr. P. A. And our entire suny and puny system. We have geniuses at these schools just ready and poised to innovate and launch and now, theyll have the power to change the world. Now, in order to win this race, we need this specific hardware. Thats why im proposing the empire a. I. Consortium to purchase compute power right here in new york. And weve already secured more than drs. 125 million from philanthropic and partners and over the next decade the state will commit 275 million to the consortium. Sos; you for new yorkers . Well, just like Silicon Valley exploded in the 1980s, we we will be the birthplace of countless new startups, spinoffs and the Technological Advancement that is benefit everyone. Just imagine the possibilities. A. I. Can help diagnose cancer an cure diseases. It can predict dangerous storms our communities have advanced flood warnings or uncover solutions for racial and economic dispar miss our communities. Thats something holiday simms a senior who is with us today at the university of buffalo is working on. Mr. Holiday . [applause] let me tell you what holiday is doing. Shes kicked research on how a. I. Could improve the Child Welfare system and shes passiote about increasing black womens participation in computer science. Holiday [applause] stand up again. [applause] thank you. Holiday and scholars like her at our universities will help build this industry of the future. And with this new consortium, we will drive ethical a. I. Development and do it in a way that protects our workers and make it a force for good in the world. Biel the very first. [applause] well be the very first. Academia and government to harness this and share power and make it available for holiday who are innovating for the good of society. Thats how we change the world. Together we can insure that children grew up in a globally competitive a. I. Driven economy created right here in new york. This is my final message direct to new yorkers. Youve heard promises before. And its hard not to be cynical or feel overwhelmed by the swirl of chaos in our news feeds, the war on israel in gaza and attack us on our Grocery Stores unforgetted theft at the local drugstore and the stack of bills on the kitchen counter that never seems gognew yorkers looks , wondering pay their rent or for the insulin for their child to survive. Those nights of worry can be so long, so dark. I know in those moments i can understand why people feel the sun is setting on the empire state. But i dont despair because i see light on the horizon. We are a state where resiliency runs in our veins. No mountain is too high for us to summit. Our strength is forged in the diversity and the industry of our people. We succeed because of our contrast and amazing differences because we know we are more powerful together than on our own. R great state is home of the worlds leading financial institutions, but also supports the tiny mom and pop shops, the main streets of our tiniest villages. New living, breathing body, with all of its flaws and imperfections, it still an extraordinary and magnificent being. Its the Creative Minds that bring song and dance to broadway and action to our screens. The strong backs of our proud manufacturing workers who make products all around the world. The hands of the most gifted surgeons fighting cancer and saving lives. The strong soldiers of our shoulders of our hardworking farmers, cul fields and feeding our people. Its the nurturing spirit of our childcare providers and our teachers who care for our children. The concerned eyes of our Health Care Workers striving to heal the sick and comfort the dying. Having the welcoming smile of bodega owners making a bacon, egg, and cheese in the morning. ■f[applause] quoting the philosopher taylor swift. She reminds us that everybody here was somebody else before. Although, people might live fundamentally different lives, they still stand sidebyside on the subway platform or sit at the counter at a diner upstate. United is new yorkers. We all want our great state to succeed. It also means lending a helping hand to those in need. Another one of my predecessors, fdr, said, our progress is not whether we add to the abundance of those who have much, its whether we provide enough for those who have too little. [applause] thats why, thats why we must lift more people into■v5 the mie class and give them the same opportunities that my own immigrant grandparents had, many of your parents had, even you. ■swe dont want a new york thats a huge gap between the rich and the poor, we want to build a bridge between the middle class and beyond. Today i told you how we will build that bridge in 2024. We are enacting a vision of new york. Where veterans can embark on incredible careers fighting Climate Crisis in green energy, offshore wind. Where unions are strong and our infrastructure is resilient to withstand those 100 year storms. Where all children learn to read and swim. Her children with disabilities have pathways to pursue their dreams. Where our lgbtq neighbors are free to be their true selves without discrimination. Where we honor and support our First Nations communities. And where women know i will always fiercely protect the right to an abortion as well as fair wages, free from Domestic Violence, sexual assault, and harassment. [applause] thank you. My friends, we will never compromise our progressive values as new yorkers. Because our new york is as powerful as niagara falls. It shines as brightly as the montauk white house. Our new york stands as resolute as lady liberty. Our compassion runsrved seneca. In our state, we stand with new yorkers, even on their darkest days, and we support all people to live their lives with optimism and hope. We as leaders fulfill our commitments and our promises, then this is the dawning of a new day. Welcome to our new york. Welcome to our future. Thank you. [applause] ■u welcome to new york its been waiting for you welcome to new york you can want who you want boys and boysxn

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