Montpelier and outlined his legislative agenda focusing on Public Safety, the economy and disaster recovery. He was reelected to a fourth term winning the majority in every city and town in the state. His address is about 45 minutes. Mr. President , madam speaker, mr. Chief justice, members of the general assembly, fellow vermont. The second inaugural address talks about recovering in the flood of 1927. He said the common watched birds were progress and rehabilitation noting the true spirit of vermont at the time of the diversity and the faith and dollar its opportunity, progress, rehabilitation, catastrophe and opportunity. From the first struggle in the pandemic to the rising waters in july and december, a once in a century opportunity to revitalize the communities, the indomitable courage is as strong as ever. This session lets honor the resilience and strength, kindness and generosity not only in the recovery but working to address specific problems like demographics, housing, affordability and recent increases in violence and crimes. At this moment they are going to have tois prioritize and set ase good things and rise above the toxic polarization of the Political Parties and focus on work directly on these fundamental issues. If we do, we will turn catastrophe into opportunity once more. [applause] president clintons advisor famously said comedy stupid. Im not calling anyone stupid but i think you will get my point that in vermont we could insert demographics in place of economy. I get asked all the time even by some of you where did all the workers go. So let me share three numbers that tell you everything you need to know. 14,000, 28,048,000. As of 2022, we had 14,000 fewer kids under the age of 18 than we did in 2010. During that same period we had 28,000 fewer adults in 40 to 54 which is the core of the workforce and 48,000 more over the age of 65. This is all within just 12 years but itsud nothing new. Its been happening for decades. Let that sink in for just a moment. As the gf o points out p this could mean higher cost, decline in income and sales tax revenue, and increased demand for serviceske like healthcare. They conclude if nothing changes, vermonts ratio of working age people will continue toil rise placing a greater burn on workers to support both young and old. If this sounds familiar its because you heard it from me in 2017 when i said to the biggest obstacle between Economic Sustainability and shrinking workforce. Demographic trends are shifting the tax burden onto fewer people and again the demographic crisis is without question the greatest challenge we face as a state. Unfortunately, it hasnt gotten any better. It continues to be an issue that we mustg solve today and make every investment needed for the future and to have any chance of reversing the demographic trend [applause] for as long as i can remember, the communities and the peace of mind helping have been integral. Atthe crime rising into many places i fear many see the vermont they know slipping away. A growing number of headlines, drug related shootings, Small Businesses struggle with increasing vandalism and theft. Heres the thing. Its not just of the headlines. According to reports from the Council State government in 2017, vermont and the Second Lowest property and Second Lowest Violent Crime rate in the nation. In 2022 we dropped in eighth. In the last ten years, increased 56 . Aggravated assault of 65 . Sexual assault up homicide by 166 . We cannot deny these trends. When those who victimize others are put back on the streets hours after being apprehended onlye to reoffend again and again, vermont questions law enforcement, prosecutors, courts and the wisdom of the work done here. Now i want to give credit where credit is due. We have made progress and treating addiction it is. But when spiking crime rates make it clear not all the changes have been affected, we have the responsibility to take a step back and consider other strategies. We must make a real effort this session to solidify is the safest in the country and reversed the increase both for the people we serve and for the victims of these crimes. [applause] we must also acknowledge the crisis of affordability is makingll it difficult to address Public Safety and other areas like education, healthcare and high cost of everyday life in vermont with the tools we put in place to keep and attract working families. In three weeks i will present my budget for fiscal year 25 and it will be a much different picture than previously. With onetime federalli aid endg to increase the pension obligation last years spending decision catching up to us back to where we were several years ago with a difficult decisions. For many of you, this will be the first time you work on a budget with hundreds of millions of dollars surplus. Once again choosing between many good things and maintaining the discipline to focus on what vermont needs. I continue to believe we need to keep the spending with full transparency we can expect the budget will increase byn about 3 . I know from experience many of you view 3 growth as an approach. Its important to know with this increase after meeting our obligations, theres very little left. So if you go higher its spending more than we are taking in and adding to the burdens. Im sure you are aware of the increase to social security. But seniors expected to manage that it seems as though we should do the same. [applause] now, i am a realist. I know we have a super majority. Youve proven the growing burden is within your hands so what i can do is to make my case which is the same case ive made since i first ran for governor. I hear from people every day is that they cant afford to pay more. So this year lets do what is best for them. [applause] unfortunately, prek through 12 education is beyond the means of many. As you know if nothing changes, its an estimated 18. 5 increase for statewide property tax bills. And thats after he was a 37 million education to fund the surplus and in total, this would be a quarter billion dollar tax increase. A family with a 250,000 home they build people up and with a 400,000dollar home an additional thousand dollars. Before we brush this off because of income sensitivities, remember the vast majority will still see an increase and dont typically pay the taxes directly. Its a thousand dollar increase and im pretty sure we pass on those. Thinkk about those folks that ae just barely getting by living paycheck to paycheck deciding what bills to pay for the rdworking parents who need every extra penny for their kids to go to summer camp and a Small Business owner rebuilding after the flood. They are all going to struggle not to mention inflation still making everything more expensive. The payroll tax we passed last year would take effect in july and the 20 increase in the feesthat began three days ago ad with some of your objections. Concerned about taxes, fees and increased cost is a concerner about people. I appreciate the optimism. I have heard from some of you. Is that getting it down to 2 e r lower and to be clear, that would cost 225 million from an average persons perspective it doesnt matter which pocket the money comes from whether its the property tax, income tax or some other agreedupon combination it is still going to hurt. Keep in mind the Education Fund is now more than 2 billion with fewer than 83,000 prek through 12 students are spending about 25,000 a year per student. Among the highest in the country. And that might be okay if we are leading in student performance according to the u. S. Department of education, please note this is not a critique of our teachers or our students its the result of an educationar infrastructure with two large of a number it serves but not enough money is making it for the kids. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix to this but we could discuss additional consolidation of classroom size, healthcare retirement costs, moving to be statewide teacher contract and property tax and sure you have ideas on how to contain the spending as well. I believe all want better education outcomes for our kids and seniors, families and Young Workers can afford address the issues we can control the size of the working class so theres more people to pay taxes and more kids in the schools. [applause] to do that we can Jumpstart Housing in the areas needed most because this crisis is not only when it comes to filling jobs in our schools, its vermont here right now. Due to the lack of housing and attacks on the regulatory policies and purchase prices are for too high and that is what we are getting. Why it costs so much, over all we are saying about 2200 residential units permitted each year. About one third of these, around 700 areof statefunded. Census data and vacancy ratesat show to meet current demands create a Healthy America that puts pressure on vices we need 6800 units right now. Most of our funding goes to homes that cost on average 460,000 per unit to develop. 450,000 so that is 3 billion in public and private funding just to fill the gap we have today. When these costs in mind most of us would c agree something has t to change. Last year i said that one bill that makes the most of this opportunity with the decadesold regulations holding us back. We took some steps i know many of you know we need to do a lot more. The fact is it did exactly it was intended to do slow down growth and in some case stop it altogether. It was a massive time going way too fast. Today we face a different reality. More families and desperately desperately needhomes communitid reinvestment. The expression if nothing changes then nothing will really change. In that case it means if nothing changes that things will continue to get worse. We have committed the funds and laid the groundwork if we do not truly address that we wont solve or how the housing crisis. Every single one of you and the people you represent need a voice in this debate. This issue is too important to consequential for two committees and a couple of special Interest Groups to control the outcome. If we make a commonsense improvements we can give young families the decent Affordable House they need. Weakened seniors a chance to enjoy retirement and the not the burden of a large home they cannot afford we can put puhomeless into a real homes on overpriced hotel rooms we cant afford. [applause] like a jumpstarting housing for working families we can revitalize communities make our neighborhoods more inviting. We can help solve the c challens we face in healthcare and education, Climate Change, it infrastructure and so much more. Housing is key there is something we can do right now, so lets Work Together to get more families and homes the faster at a cost they can afford. [applause] [applause] my friends, i spent about 20 minutes talk about significant challenges wemi face. There is no doubt we have a lot of hard work ahead of us. But theres also a lot of good things happening. Like the opening a Beta Technology new facility leading a revolution and electric aviation added to the great economy. The opportunity we have with the federal chips act to build it in the vadym tech hub and. The work of a Refugee Resettlement office along with many partners has helped 500 refugees get settled. A tribute to our communities, our workforce, and our economy while pursuing the american dream. [applause] [applause] how about our businesses the Fastest Growing companies oklahoma Infrastructure Project will boost the economy throughout the region. We should also be very proud of our Work Together to help their employers ethan allen and the northeast kingdom and hundreds of smallnd businesses so they cn reopen, stay open, grow and thrive. And this weekend 93mile an hour will be fully opened. [applause] [applause] the crews worked quickly to repair the damage caused by the storms. Even these are some of the many reasons we feel incredibly optimistic about our future. Another reason is a seat at the path or we can reverse the downward trend if we prioritize these urgent crises. That is why weve shared many of our proposals in these areas. I know it these are not the only challenges we face there are many others like addiction, healthcare costs, Climate Change but we need to and will continue our work. Public safety, affordability, and housing are the issues that demand our immediate attention. Because scene, living them every single day critical to reversing her demographic trends. All of that lobbyists and advocates will have their agendas and being an electionyear Political Parties and partisans will have theirs as well. We owe it to put all that aside make Real Progress on Public Safety, affordability and Housing Needs because these issues do not discriminate on your base and your party affiliation. [applause] we have already laid the foundation literally in many cases to help revitalize communities across the state. With 1 billion we have invested over 500 initiatives and wonders 60 towns and cities all over the state and 14 counties. From big capitol projects to small renovations what they all have in common is an investment in the basic tools of Community Needs to keep them from falling behind. Spark momentum. So following through on each of our federally funded investments including will be allocated for some of the most important access we can take. In new federal dollars that come with it to help restore their vitality and expand economic security. And to turn catastrophe into opportunity. Imagine what neighborhoods in our communities could look like the old rundown houses renovated and houses decorated for the holidays the neighborhood buzzing with the chatter of kids sledding for those of you who are confused. [applause] i may be the most controversial thing a settled day at. [laughter]al imagine seeing those empty classrooms full of children your families shopping in town getting app car, a lawnmower, b, chainsaw source at the local shop in the Small Business is going on to support their community by sponsoring local events and youth programs. More workers to lessen the burden of property taxes and healthcare costs. Good jobs and opportunity they help defeat despair and reduce addiction we can get there. But we must follow through on what we started. We have to learn the lessons of the last few years and be focused on what is working and be honest about what is not. If we do we will turn the tide all communities in our states. O[applause] most importantly, im optimistic about our future is the people of vermont. The morning of july 11 a damage Grocery Store in Windsor County was filled with neighbors mucking out. They did not stop there. With it locals acting quickly to service those in need. Donating coolers in time help hundreds of their neighbors by delivering food and more. Even that a jump on an atv to get over a creek and washed out roads. A few days later at the Hardware Store with damage shells and destroyed inventory wanted his neighbors to have with fate needed to clean upp their homes and businesses. 30 miles away, eight and 10yearold andy and allie started their own business. A lemonade stand. Giving every single penny of the 700 they made to help the people. A week later in johnson at Highland Heights Mobile Home Park were several residents lost everything you could see a community reos and support one another. Those who spent weeks trying to find help for longtime neighboring crisis to owners can and Martha Harvey who moved damaged homes, cleaned up lots and filled out fema paperwork. They could tell you what every single homeowner was who kept tabs on them to help as needed. This is vermont strong its found in our extensive community. And its not just during floods. Sean and carol behalf of helping hand. As the owner of a downtown restaurant he began taping seats for free meals in his window to claim. As he put it, no questions asked. Patrons at the restaurant saw this as her chipping in adding more meals to the window. And for those who might otherwise not be able to afford it. That is what community it looks like. No one asked him to do this. He saw a way to use his skills to help his neighbor. After learning the School Playground was not safe they didnt sit back and wait for some mouse to fix the problem. And it rallied support to help finish the job. With every minute pulling in the same direction and a matter of weeks from the week before. But sometimes its the Little Things thate make the biggest difference. A few years ago the residents were looking for a way to strengthen their town. With businesss expanding, they kept coming back to the simple idea. They could to celebrate who they are. With the food trucks and fireworks, music and dancing. Most importantly its a day set aside to be together. And a reminder it takes effort to build community. Also want to reconnect. And decide to refresh an old idea. After the civil war became part of civic life across the country. All over the u. S. They work to bring this Historic Community spice rack to life. These days you can see bustling the students full of people for thanksgiving dinner. Blazing money for neighbor and me. Is time it brings so much of our interaction like texts, emails, social media or zoom. Just being in the same place at the same time and seeing people facetoface can help make the world a better place. Over a century there is a local gathering spot, summer to get a coffee or a sandwich to get your news and maybe a little gossip as well. So theyre about too lose it thy purchase a building to keep it alive. And five years later through pandemic and floods reopen the stores in october. Many of these projects have benefited from government funding. Thats an Important Role we can play. But the reality is no grant or earmark in the government many build community. People do. [applause] [applause] [applause] a number of those i just mentioned are here today. If they could please rise if able so we can give them a proper thank you. [applause] [applause] [applause] and i know they step up to their community each and every day. And by the way if you want their lemonade and meet some of these folks stop by the office after words will have some there for you. President biden has said good communities are built by small acts of decency. To me our decency to one another we as americans find our greatest strengths i have seen this my entire life i thought my dad, my mom and the people in my hometown when they passed away ive seen in teachers and classmates coworkers, friends, neighbors, colleagues of the in thelegislature and dedicatede employees. S. Like many of you i had to pass it on to my kids. Vermonters are pioneers who serve others. That is the vermont i know. Those are the people i know. Basic human decency. Giving a helping hand to others even of those we dont agree who wedont even like that much. This is the foundation the bedrock of our community. With traditions and values meet pass along to the next generation. Woke up before dawn for decades to water 200 flowerpots. No one asked them to do it. Because he started 3 00 a. M. In the morning not many knew he did. And took this for granted. He was in his 70s he was looking to hang up his watering can. The question is whos going to water the flowers . Across the state from everywhere else in between, there are things large and small that build community and give these in places character and identity. So im going to talk directly to them. Is that the flowers during the holidays . Is it the Senior Center or playground youth sports or the local theater,ie food pantry the good work done by the rotary, elks, vfw and american legion. Whatever it is if it matters to you its time to step s up get involved make sure it for years to come 35 year state employee tomorrow is her 70th birthday she is not asking for it to be about her. She has planned a full day of shopping, eating, andnd entertainment and downtown montpelier. [applause] all she wants is for people to support the local businesses who were devastated by the floods. By the way, you are all invited. [laughter] remember no gifts, and just jusg your credit card. [laughter] it is clear that many people during this good work cannot do it on their own. It takes all of us. So it is up to you to find something. Plant a tree volunteer for your local Fire Department and rescue squad. Or you can sign up for the national guard. [applause] [applause] the guard has been essential to the state of emergency for national security. They need more of you. Im sure it will be hearing more about that. Because reality is that tradition mean something to you wont last no one cares at all dedication not destiny. Not a coincidence of o history. And all who aspire to it as the work of a more perfect union. This is a great gamble of our republic. Every day americans and every day vermonters will show up, do the work and carry out the small acts of decency. That is the most important work of all. It is the antidote, the cure to poison and partisanship. Us versus them. The constant conflict was sealed social media on cable news. Strengthening our communities. Investing with our neighbors. Doing our part. Its that would truly it is a better way. [applause] [applause] as i have shared today resetting an example. Have these who are republicans or democrats that help them get back on their feet. Helping asking what policies you support before you get your meal. It doesnt matter who you voted for. So, lets choose to follow their example be here for the people who serve. Show up, do therk work, it makes it so special. Focus on the things that strengthen our communities. To all parts of our state can build upon their character to fill their potential. And together, all of us in this room across the state will meet this moment and all that comes with it. [applause] [applause] [applause] [applause] [applause] [applause] mort state of the state address is coming out. We will hear first from kansas Governor Laura Kelly followed by speeches of north dakota governor doug burnham utah governor spencer cox. On saturday at former pridt donald trump to speak to voters in greensboro, North Carolina ahe o next week super tuesday contests. Well have liv coverage at 0p. Ma cspan now our free mobile video p and online at cspan. Org. Democracy faces grace threats and civil war today though bruised our democracy remains unknown about an unbroken. [applause] thursday march the seventh President Biden delivers annual state of the Union Address during the joint session of congress to outline his priorities for the country. Watch our live coverage 8 00 p. M. Eastern with a Preview Program followed by President Bidens state of the union speech republican response and we will get your reaction by taking your phone calls, texts and social media comments. Watch the state of the Union Address live thursday march 7 at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan, cspan now our free mobile video app or online at cspan. Org. Cspan is your unfiltered view of government. Funded by these Television Companies and more including charter communications. Charter is proud to be recognize some of the best internet providers and we are just getting started. Tilting over 100,000 miles of new infrasture to reach those who need it most. Charter Communications Support cspan as a Public Service along with these other television providers. Giving you a front row seat to democracy. Democrat laura kelly has been the governor of kansas is 2019 after serving as a state senator in the 14 years prior she talked about education, unemployment and job Creation Investments in Rural Communities during her state of the state address in topeka. This is about 45 minutes. [applause]

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