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Congress, Jewish Community leaders invited Administration Officials this event was hosted by the conference of president s of major American Jewish organizations. It runs an hour and 45 minutes. [background noises] good morning. I am harriet and i have the honor of being conference of the president of jewish organizations. We gather in the nations capitol in sadness and morning. October 7 was the darkest day and modern israeli history. As news reports last week turned to unimaginable numbers 1300 dead. 4000 wounded. Almost 200 kidnapped. Our shock turned to fear, anger, disbelief and utter devastation. We mourn the loss of precious life. We pray for the healing of wounds that will never fully mentioned and today, we wear these blue ribbons and initiative started in the hope the safe return of our brothers and sisters now held hostage in gaza. Our savior teachers that we should not be daunted by the enormity of the world to grief. Instead we are commanded always to act. Always a way to shape our world. Not merely be shaped by it. And today we gather together is the sages instruct to do justly, to love mercy to walk humbly and to face grief with action. We gather in washington to say to the world we stand with israel. We stand with israel not merely with our words but with our deeds. With action. I am joined today by the heads of our 50 National Organizations and dozens of local Jewish Federations from across the country representing a broad and Diverse Coalition of American Jewish life. And we are eternally grateful for our elected leaders who were here this morning to share their own words of support. Our presence together in this historic synagogue in our nations capitol gives us comfort and strength. Only by working together can we ensure that israel will have a what it needs in its war with hamas. Only by acting together can we have a safer, stronger, and better tomorrow. That belief in a better day, that hope has carried our people for thousands of years. May it carry us through these dark days together. And now it is my honor to welcome to lead us in the singing of Americas National anthem and israels National Anthem of hope. Oh say can you see by the dons Early Alliance what so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight oer the ramparts we watched for so gallantly streaming and the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there oh say does that starspangled banner yet wave oer the land of the free and the home of the brave my name isnt julie i serve as a chair of the board of trustees at the Jewish Federations of north america represented the 146 Jewish Federations to the United States and canada and hundreds of smaller networked communities. I am joined today in this sanctuary by representatives of dozens of federations who have flown in from around the country to participate in this important gathering. For more than a century the Jewish Federation system has participated in the great cause of creating, building, growing, protecting the state of israel our jewish homeland. There israels greatest triumph and her greatest challenges we have organized, we have mobilized, we have raised the funds and have embraced israel with love and solidarity paid today and israels darkest hour we are determined to work even harder and love even more deeply to help her heal and rebuild. Following last weeks horrific act of terrorism bipartisan support for the u. S. Israel relationship has never been more important. That is why i am especially honored to introduce our next speaker the Senate Republican leader and a longtime advocate for his Party Support of the u. S. israel relationship senator Mitch Mcconnell purred from a service on the Appropriations Committee where he was a leader on the programs most important to israel. To his more than 16 years as a Republican Senate leader making him the longestserving party leader in senate history. Better Mitch Mcconnell has been deeply involved in critical proisrael issues in the aftermath of the recent attacks that have once again tested the strength of israels people in the Jewish Community across the globe we are proud to be joined by a leader who for decades has a demonstrated unwavering support for israel during its most challenging times. Please join me and welcoming ing Senate Republican leader Mitch Mcconnell. [applause] [applause] [applause] good morning. Thank you very much for coming to washington. Like everyone here i am deeply saddened by the circumstances surrounding this. I stand with the people of israel and their grief and their pain as they face down existential evil. And i stand with you and with the jewish communities around the world as you face alarming new varieties of the insidious ageold scourge of antisemitism. My message to you today is about how the United States and the entire civilized world needs to respond. We are facing a moment that demands moral clarity. This is a time for choosing and the choice is Crystal Clear. We must stand with americas closest ally in the middle east, with the people of israel. With those held hostage by terrorists and with their families. And we must condemn barbaric terrorists their evil sponsors and the legacy of hatred towards jews has sustained World History for millennia. [applause] todays gathering and our mission in the coming days as a powerful reminder the burden of standing against terror, defending sovereignty, deterring authoritarian aggression and condemning hate is not israel alone to bear. Israels fight is the fight of the entire civilized world. [applause] this is americas cause to and it demands leadership. People with a platform need to start by establishing loud and clear who are the victims and who are the aggressors. [applause] we need to push back against the false both side near tube you are hearing in the media. We need to denounce antisemite hate wherever it occurs. And we need to show the rest of the world by our words and our actions there simply is no moral equivalence between terrorism and selfdefense. [applause] our country needs to lead by calling on countries with relations with hamas to push immediately and forcefully release the hostages. [applause] we need to lead countries with influence in the region to deny safe haven to those who paid in a bed terrorism and violence. And we need to make it clear america, israel, and our allies will be watching closely how to answer the call. America needs to reestablish credible deterrence against iran. We need to show the regime that states is existence on pursuing the extension of israel planned United States that our resolve is rocksolid. That means giving maximum support for israels Counterterrorism Operations for as long as it takes. [applause] it also means getting back to investing in this sort of american strength that can protect our people, equip our allies and lead the coalition to destroy the terrorist to threaten the entire civilized world. This is what i will be fighting for in the coming weeks at the Senate Considers the resources we put into our defense and the additional assistance we need for israel and other democracies facing authoritarian aggression from europe to the pacific. So, as you embark on an essential mission i want to thank you all for your leadership. May god bless you and keep you safe and may god bless israel and the United States of america. [applause] [applause] good morning i am Jonathan Green black ceo National Director of the Antidefamation League i would just think leader mcconnell for his clear and unequivocal bull in support of the state of israel. [applause] at a time when moral clarity seems to be in short supply at many universities, many newsrooms and many boardrooms, lets be thankful for speaker mcconnell. Lets be thankful for the other members of congress who are here today. For the leadership the administration, their presence today it reminds us that america and israel are rocksolid together. And it is bipartisan. [applause] and they are rocksolid together because hamas is a hate group a Terror Organization that is a product of the Islamic Republic of iran. And as we think about the 1400 people who were murdered, who were mutilated and women raped, the children brutalized. Some children executed in front of their parents. Some parents executed in front of their children. These are barbaric atrocities. And they were committed not just against our israelis although that would be more than enough but also against americans. This is not just israels fight. This is americas fight this is the fight of the free world against terror is what this is actually about two. [applause] and i would just say to those who have any doubt, i hope this will finally put to bed what we all know is true anti zion is in antisemitism it should not be tolerated anywhere under any circumstances. [applause] now again i want to thank the extraordinary unwavering leadership in congress from both sides of the aisle who joined with us today. We are fortunate to have them in their unflinching support. I hope they will consider as they contemplate what they can do in this moment to support our ally, israel. I hope it will include support for a new hundred Million Dollar life saving Nonprofit Grant Program requests that can help secure the american Jewish Community against the title wave of antisemitism that is coming. And let me tell you it is not just coming, it is here. Since the attack since the massacre since the slaughter the abl attracted more than 40 increase in antijewish acts. I am talking harassment, vandalism and violence. That is just in the first week. We know this will intensify. Our counterparts in london report a 580 increase in antisemitic attacks across the uk. Our counterparts in france report nearly 200 incidents in the past week alone. Sixtyfive arrests. Somethings not coming, it is already here. My friends from capitol hill you help protect against the attacks against the Jewish Community prethank you for what you will do. [applause] now our next guests has had exemplary career in service to the people of israel they veteran diplomat and peace negotiator he was extensively involved in the development of Abraham Accords and today he serves as israels ambassador to the United States. Today he is pinchhitting for our dear friend ambassador michael who would have been here were it not for the fact President Biden is preparing to depart for israel and so ambassador needed to be there in advance. In this moment of crisis in this hour of need his voice is absolutely critical. Mr. Deputy ambassador, each of us here today want to express our profound shared grief with the people of israel. All of us, all of us have family, friends, colleagues, loved ones, who have been directly affected by this grotesque crime. All of our hearts are scarred and broken. But equally important, as much as we are hurting we are resolved and we want to share with you the nation you represent a message of strength and solidarity from the american Jewish Community to the people. We the combined a leadership led here together with you and so with all of our brothers and sisters of israel and as you fight to protect the jewish state we will stand with you every step of the way. So friends, please join me in welcoming deputy ambassador his excellency. [applause] [applause] thank you jonathan for those warm welcoming words. Thank you, senator. Thank you members of congress. Thank you dear friends and colleagues. Brothers and sisters. I would like to thank those organizing this gathering together with our partners of the leading judicial organizations in the United States from across the country and more than over 100 representatives in the Jewish Federation from across the country. As jonathan said investors on as on his way to israel as we speak to join President Bidens visit he wishes he could have been here and since his heart full gratitude to all of you for your ongoing support. Ten days ago on the morning of october 720232023 hamas initiated a war against the state of israel. This aggression marred what should have been a festive and joyful for the jewish people instead we are confronted with the devastating reality of hamas unprovoked actions over 1400 lives lost to date. More than 3500 wounded about 200 kidnapped we still do not know the final number. Thousands of families and lives forever changed. The victims are not just statistics. They were individuals with hopes, with dreams, and aspirations. Taken from us in the most cruel way imaginable. Reports on images from that many communities are in the gaza strip are horrifying. Victims were tortured and executed in the most gruesome ways at the hands of inhuman terrorists. Bodies mutilated, hands tied behind the victims backs, heads decapitated. Blood soaked bedsheets. And about 200 hostages we still do not know the exact number and at this moment i would like to call everyone in this room and everyone who can hear to do your utmost to demand and bring about the Immediate Release of those kidnapped. [applause] like most israelis we have all been personally impacted by this. My own brother lives in kibbutz adjacent to the others crossing for 12 hours he sheltered in his safe room with his wife and his four Young Children without contact with the outside world. And he survived. Hamas is a barbaric terrorist organization worse than isis that incites violence, tax innocent civilians in texas all people hostage. Since saturday october 7 hamas is continuing to fire over 6900 rockets as of this morning into israel targeting homes, hospitals and cities all across the country. Hamas fires from densely Populated Areas including from within schools, hospitals and mosques. Putting innocent civilians and children at risk. Israel continues to offer evacuation routes and consistent warnings to civilians about incoming rocket attacks. Israel is working hard to get innocent people out of harms way while hamas is working hard to put people in harms way. Gingers actively preventing its population from leaving portions of the gaza strip. Indeed hamas is using its own population as human shields. Lets be clear Hamas Terrorists are not Freedom Fighters who represent the aspirations and ambitions of Palestinian People. Their fundamental goal is to annihilate the state of israel get every jewish man woman and child my friends israel is at war. Israel did not choose to start this were a bit israel will end it. As we respond one of the world moral militaries will act in accordance with ethics. Like every other nation below israel has the right doocy to defend its citizens against the brutality of terrorism. We will ensure is eliminated and to do that we will not and we shall not apologize. [applause] this is a message we are sending also to ending possible soul out there President Biden stated as a message in one word dont right now thousands of israelis who lived in communities around the gaza strip took decades have been displaced from their homes and cannot go back. This reality we are seeing to the north. In a way there are refugees in their own land sadly my brother family and friends have experienced for too many years. Ive demonstrated the strength and resilience of israel of the israelite people in these difficult times our unity prevails. We have each others backs. [applause] [applause] much like the people of israel the Jewish Community here in america remains united. It does not matter whether we are reformed conservative religious or secular or saudi this unity is a testament to the strength and the resilience of the people who have overcome adversity throughout history and are determined to prevail. Yes there are rising concerns of the security and safety of jewish communities also here in america. We are in close dialogue with the administration here and i know you all are as well i like to take this opportunity to thank secretary and your team and all the Law Enforcement agencies across the country doing their utmost for the safety and security of the jewish communities around the country. As we look ahead in the coming days and weeks that medias betrayal will and actually already is shifting. There will be images and reports that come to change the narrative we already see demonstrations including here in washington d. C. It is of paramount the United States continue to support and stand shoulder to shoulder with israel are two countries were founded on the bedrock of free democracy with a shared commitment tomorrow personal estates present should come to israel during a time of war and asense of very Crystal Clear message of deterrence and support and solidarity to the people of israel. [applause] this show of solidarity with myself and the people of israel. I would like to take this opportunity to think of hers unequivocal bowl at lifelong lig support to the country into the state of israel. I also like to thank all of you for being involved in caring deeply about our states. Please continue carrying our narrative throughout government and congress. This war is good versus evil and as a nonpartisan issue. [applause] since our independent 75 years ago and even before jews have been forced to live by our swords. We do inspire the prop. [inaudible] can be realized. Cannot lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn any more. Until that day we must remember to stay at united as we face fae challenges that come tomorrow. In the face of adversity we do stand strong. Hamas underestimated us. Israel is irresolute, at united and will prevail. We will emerge victorious from this war. We are one people. [applause] [applause] thank you very much deputy ambassador. I am michael president of aipac American Israel Public Affairs committee. For much of our history the jewish people was powerless to access the halls of power we had no place in government. Not even the ability to reach out as we celebrate people like esther who had access and use it. Today we are fortunately not in that position. In fact the leader of the senate is one of us. A jew. [applause] for senator schumer this is indeed personal. He has often told me of his name schumer, the guardian, the guardian of the jewish people. And this week the senator has shown why he is guardian of the jewish people paid not only speaking out forcefully for what happened the need to dismantle hamas and they need to do so. Seeking a bipartisan delegation to israel in the midst of a war to show support from the u. S. Israel relationship and the United States will always stand with israel. [applause] please join me and no formal welcome for the Senate Majority leader chuck schumer. [applause] thank you everybody. Thank you so much. Thanks for being here. Thank you for the honor of addressing you during these terribly difficult times. I come before you and share with you a heart of grief. A hole that will never be filled. Something you will think of every day for the rest of our lives. I come shaken by anger, by fear, but with a resolve to acts. The people israel lives. I will not be defeated. [applause] as it wasnt mentioned i returned just yesterday after leaving a bipartisan delegation to israel senators kellyanne rosen. Senator romney and cassidy, we traveled to israel, went into a war zone to develop a simple unmistakable message. To israel we said we have your back. [applause] we share your pain. We ache, but we have your back. In the coming weeks under my leadership was a good support of senator mcconnell who you heard from a few moments ago the United States senate will do Everything Possible to help israel when and totally eliminate the threat hamas presents it. [applause] [applause] this is a trip as i mentioned, i will remember for the rest of my life. A visit to the only jewish facing the darkest hour of it 75 your history. We held a lot of productive meetings, we met with israels most senior leadership. Both the most memorable meeting was with with 12 families of hostages. Nothing prepared us for the grief we felt talking to the families. There was not a dry eye in the room on the senate side or on their side. Looking at the videos 12yearold boy being led away, as 60yearold elderly woman being taken and watching their families look at them as one of them said every second is a year they see with the agony wondering whats happening to happened totheir loved ones. Hamas is brutal. Hamas is butte brutal. Being with the hostages broke our hearts. Today unfortunately that number of hostages keeps growing 200 including americans. It is of utmost importance we bring every single one of these hostages to safety. [applause] and the reason im rushing now is in a few minutes the five of us who travel are getting on the phone with the president bided before he goes to israel and talking about what we learned and what we believe and he believes need to be done to bring the hostages home safely. There are no words for the horror that happened on october 7. It has shaken me as its shaking you comment to my core. The most jews killed in a single day since the holocaust. More jews died on the seventh, reminding us of the darker days. As the days go on the stories of the viciousness and brutality become only more heartwrenching. I was told about the kibbutz where hamas herded everyone over 100 members into a wreck room over 100 people set up in their 80s, some little babies and theyd machinegunned every one of them down. It reminded me of my family. We all have stories my greatgrandmother was a famous rabbi in a town in the western ukraine. They told all of the jews in short to gather in the town square my greatgrandmother was well known because her late husband was well known was told to gather her entire family on their porch. About 35 people from 88 years old just three months in the nazi said youre coming with us. Just like the story on the kibbutz and she said no and they machinegunned everyone down. So we jews know of this type of horror and that is why we are so resolute to make sure it does not happen again. Today, people move on fast in this new world but supporters of israel we cannot move past the horrific atrocities committed by hamas the world cannot move on and say that was yesterday. Because it is a threat hamas has if it is not eliminated it will come back again. Let us not forget i reminded when i met with xi jinping the chinese a week ago i was in china when all this happened. I got the chinese to somewhat improve their original statement. He said we believe in a two state solution. And i said yes but hamas doesnt. Hamas does not believe there should be any jews anywhere from the mediterranean, to the jordan. If hamas had its way it would do to all of the rest of the jews in israel what they did to the jews along the gaza strip. Their covenant calls for it. We must not allow it. So america will stand with its ally, israel and i will lead the effort in the United States senates to provide israel with the support needed to fully defend itself from this monstrous attack. We sat down with israeli leaders, they asked us to pick out a list of what they needed so many things more help for iron dome carb we saw the effects of iron dome you may have seen this in the news were having lunch at a hotel in tel aviv went we were rushed into a shelter. Because rockets that hamas had launched from gaza were nearby. Praise god we were all okay. We got to be there once it happened twice and israelis live at this every day. They need that help. I spoke with the president yesterday and there will be a significant amount of humanitarian aid, that is a good thing to help innocent victims who have nothing to do with hamas israelis and palestinians. But we have to make sure its very important that none of that aid ever reaches any part of hamas. [applause] during this difficult time, israel will have america supports. We will not just talk i am not waiting for the house. We are going to move the aid through the senate as quickly as possible and i do believe we get a strong bipartisan vote in the senates it will force the house in whatever way they decide to act. Such a difficult task israel had. Eliminate the threat, rescue the hostages because we are a democracy, believe in the rule of war and the rule of law and try to avoid unnecessary loss of human life including innocent civilians whether they are palestinian or israeli that is such a difficult task it so hard to do. But i have great faith that the israelis if anyone can accomplish this, it is they. [applause] one more note our ambassador brought up this is the secretary here i am deeply concerned about the spread of antisemitism at this time. Some of the reactions to the terrorist attack on israel have been appalling, shameful, antisemitic. I have been assured by President Biden by secretary and others as well as local Law Enforcement in my home state of new york that the entire government site fede, state, local levels are focused on protecting Jewish Americans for antisemitic attacks i am looking at a program i authored the security Grant Program to help our institutions, our religious institutions or synagogues, our jccs for safety i have tripled this program over the last few years ill be fighting in the upcoming budget to increase it by even more. [applause] my friends, october 7 is a day that will live in infamy. My prayers are with all of those killed and taken hostage for their families, the thousands injured. May the memories of the dead be a blessing, a source of strength to all of us as we navigate the road ahead with the spirit in solidarity and purpose we know one thing that says it and every generation have risen to equip us. But we know one more thing whether it is in america or the nation of israel lives. [applause] [applause] thank you leader schumer. For your powerful words. Good morning my name is ted deutch chief executive officer of the American Jewish committee and i am in it immense honor to be as all of you jewish leaders from every part of the country. Before i introduce our next speaker what to acknowledge there are also members of congress from every part of the country who are committed to their jewish communities who are committed to israel who devote so much of their time to fighting these battles on behalf of the state of israel in the u. S. House are here with us i would ask them to stand so we could acknowledge the presence. [applause] [applause] [applause] i also i should not do this because there are others who probably deserve to be introduced. As we have witnessed antisemitism in america and as we are now facing staggering and tight summonses and in america and the world, how blessed are we in the american Jewish Community to have it leading the battle against antisemitism our special envoy to combat ambassador deborah. [applause] [applause] now it is my honor to introduce a congressman who not only leads the legislative agenda of his party but who is a true advocate for israel. On its brightest days and in its darkest hours is top democrat house of representatives and for more than a decade pro Israel Movement has been fortunate to count on Hakeem Jeffries leadership. Hakim and i served sidebyside for 10 years. He never wavered in his support for israel. He stood strong always for the Jewish Community. Traveled to israel with hakim and i saw him express his commitment and the way he showed his just for the state of israel and its leaders but for the civilians we met with the idf soldiers we met with. Every opportunity that hakim had to interact he interacted with his emotions and his leadership for israel on his sleeve. He understands that israel even in the wake of tragedy unseen since the days of a holocaust will only grow more resilient israel is facing its most perilous day hakim wrote and i quote we will do everything necessary to support israels effort to defeat the Hamas Terrorists in their barbarity and as i call him up i would make this note i did this job for seven terms of congress my friend accepted an invitation to come to charge a Group Visiting washington you come to give a speech. This is not an invitation by a group of political activist to a leading member of congress to talk about their issues. This is a moment when a Group Representing a tiny minority of United States population comes to washington because our ancestral homeland of israel and the people of israel are under attack by Hamas Terrorists sworn to its destruction. Terrorists to our todays isis. That group of proud americans this group here once its closest friends in congress to know how deeply, how deeply grateful we are for their support. Leader jeffries, i no longer serve beside you in congress. Today i served alongside this Remarkable Group of jewish leaders and across america and i join them and welcome you as a staunch ally of our community. Our powerful voice for israels right to defend itself and our good friend. Ladies and gentlemen please join me in welcoming my dear personal friends the democratic leader of the house of representatives Hakeem Jeffries. [applause] [applause] good morning. Thank you to make good friend and former colleague ted deutch for very kind and generous words of introduction. For his leadership i work closely with ted for 10 years on the Judiciary Committee but i am thankful we have such a tremendous leader in ted for such a moment as difficult as this one. All of my colleagues in the house of representatives who Senate Majority leader chuck schumer, minority leader mcconnell, ambassador herzog to majority leader scalias comment to harriet, william, noaa who survived the horrible Music Festival attack and to all of the incredible leaders assembled. I wish we were meeting under better circumstances. But it is an honor to stand with you in solidarity today. [applause] ten days ago we watched in horror and heartbreak calculated and barbaric attack against the state of israel and the jewish people. Hamas terrorists intentionally targeted slaughtered israelis in their homes fired thousands of rockets at civilian areas, decimated entire communities including neighborhoods. I have personally visited kidnapped women and children young people and seniors were now being held in gaza in harrowing conditions. Let me reiterate without hesitation that hamas must be decisively defeated for the good of israel, for the good of the Palestinian People for the good and for the good of this world. [applause] [applause] 2013 as many of you know have the opportunity to represent the eighth Congressional District in brooklyn one of the most diverse districts in america. As some of you know as ted knows historically as the ninth most africanamerican district in the country and the 16th most jewish. My good friend leung goldenberg says me often hakim you got the best of both worlds. [laughter] [applause] the best of both worlds. Now at home and brooklyn i have the privilege of representing entire landscapes of jewish diaspora. I represent the jewish. The reform Jewish Community the conservative Jewish Community. The orthodox Jewish Community, the modern orthodox Jewish Community. [laughter] the ultra and more russian speaking jewish immigrants in the former soviet union vent any other member of congress in the country. [applause] King Jeffries who knew only in america. But i want to make it clear that i stand in support of the Jewish Community that i represent in brooklyn. I stand in support of the Jewish Community in north america. I stand in support of the Jewish Community in israel. I stand in support of the Jewish Community all across this world. [applause] all across this world. [applause] now this weeks portion, and it god says to noaa the earth was filled with lawlessness. Now the only righteous man in the world consumed by violence, corruption and evil. This land was described in hebrew as hamas. Hamas. Noaa had to step in to rid the land of evil and saved the good that was left. Consequences would come to wrongdoers. The torah portion ends with a flood that eradicates evil and a hawk that saves noaa from it. These verses remind us of the role israel must now play in eradicating evil. The International Laws of all robust perspective Palestinian Civilians have been callously put in harms way by a regime and gaza should and will be respected. However this is a moment for accountability and hamas will be washed away. Back hamas will be washed away. [applause] israel has the unequivocal ball right to defend itself against hamas and all of her enemies. Israel has the sovereign responsibility to respond to the brutality and respond to the atrocity committed against his people. Hamas attacked israel because hamas wants to wipe israel off the face of the earth. So let me be clear israel has a right to exist as a jewish and democratic states. Our commitment to israels security is ironclad the special relationship between the United States and israel is unbreakable. Unbreakable. [applause] as we move forward during a challenging moment as israel successfully prosecutes the war against hamas i reiterate my commitment to the aspirational goal of one day achieving lasting peace between israel and the Palestinian People. [applause] you could never abandon that aspiration it can serve as a lamp post. Even in the midst of the tyranny of uncertainty peace will not be possible until hamas is decisively defeated and permanently eliminated from the landscape. Over the last few days have spoken with many friends and Community Leaders the Jewish Community at home throughout america. I know that the pain is real. There is an understandable visceral feeling of intense vulnerability. But i want the Jewish Community to know that you are not alone. You have friends in the Africanamerican Community all throughout the country. Too numerous to mention who are standing with you. The African American mayor of new york city the largest city in america stands with you. [applause] the only africanamerican governor in the nation from a neighboring state of maryland it stands with you. [applause] the African American secretary of state who recently visited israel and the show of solidarity stands with you. [applause] asked ranking africanamerican ever to serve in the United States congress and the history of this great country stands with you and israel today. You have friends in the Africanamerican Community we will stand with you and stand with israel the road ahead, as i close, will not be easy. But the state of israel is strong and the jewish people are resilient. The jewish people have been resilient for thousands of years. Of pain, persecution of the holocaust. Uniquely horrific crime against humanity. The jewish people were resilient during the war of independence in 1948. The jewish people were resilient during the square conflict in 1956 for the jewish people were resilient they were in a six day war in 1967 for the jewish people were resilient during the war and 1973. The jewish people were resilient they were resilient right knee Second Period the jewish people have been resilient during multiple rounds of conflict with hamas since 2006 the resilience of the jewish people will ensure israel will stand today. Israel will stand tomorrow. Israel will stand always and forever. God bless israel and god bless United States of america. [applause] [applause] good morning. Steve while ceo friends of idf. As we sit here 21 agricultural communities along the south have all been evacuated. Over 25 communities in the northern and galilee along the lebanese border have been evacuated. None of us in our wildest nightmare would have ever used the term to our precious homeland. That is what has become of israel. Today instead of young men and young women sitting in the halls of universities, engaged in hightech acting as therapist, as nurses, doctors, these young men and young women have been called up literally in the course of 30 hours the idf tripled in size the largest call up in the history of israel to date we are speaking about a situation that is so critical theyre more active soldiers in israel than all of the United States armed forces as we speak. We are in a state of crisis. An existential state of crisis. We welcome congressman steve salihs he has been incredible friend of israel from day one. He is not just a friend he has been a leader. He is thoughtful he is substantive he is a man who is engaged. Is an lsu tiger eye when i see an lsu tiger he has a tiger for ethics, for morals, and for justice. Congressman scalise is no stranger to tear which he was an the hospital the first world leader that reached out to him was netanyahu and on that phone call they compared and contrasted their wounds because beebe himself as a famous raid on the hijacked airplane was shot as well. It is an honor for us to have a friend, a leader and a man that we as jews give the highest compliment we give anyone on earth. Amongst the righteous of the nations are lsu tiger steve scalise. [applause] [applause] correct thank you so much for that introduction. And for all of you welcoming me, for what you are doing to come together. Jewish leaders, people who understand what is at stake. When i was in the hospital back in 2017 and beebe called just to show the love between our two nations it wasnt just about the personal connection. The love between the United States and israel that is inseparable and he shared the story about losing his brother but also mentioned he was shot himself and we shared some other stories to always had a strong bond. But you know what is at stake right now. We know that as we look at what you represent incredibly diverse range of religious and ideological viewpoints todays events is an impressive signal to the world that we must all stand united face against terrorism. [applause] let me say this clearly. Israel is at war in america will stand united with israel in allow them to defend themselves against these barbaric attacks. We have seen the numbers of 1400 people barbaric lee murdered. Thousands more injured. Hostages being held in gaza. Americans included in those numbers i fed so my own colleagues going over too israel just last week to help get people out. We all know people who are trying to help evacuate people. We have seen over 6000 rockets fired at israel. This wart will not be easy. Iran back terrorists who committed these atrocities but not just weeks but probably years planning this attack. They were at deliberately update most of all the people at a Music Festival, elderly people. Children, reports of beheadings, disabled, israel holds itself to a higher standard. There can be no equivalence between the pure evil of hamas and israels effort to defend itself against terror. [applause] these terrorists must be eradicated and their iranian backed backers must be punished as well. Clearly in the house we are working to get the house back open. As the majority leader i have been working with leaders in the house for over a week now and a bipartisan way. Chairman mccaul Ranking Member meeks have worked together on a legislative package that will make it the house back open the first order of business will be a strong legislative action with over 400 cosponsors a bipartisan expressing our strong support of israel and its right to defend themselves in this wart. [applause] [applause] unequivocally condemn hamas and the iranian backers we currently have 423 out of 434 members of congress signed on an amazing bipartisan show of support. A piece of legislation we will pass this week and show the world where we stand for we also work with Israeli Government and this bite administration to prepare military assistance so we can replenish the iron dome and other Critical Military needs. We will be there for israel as we always have to make sure they have the tools they need to defend themselves as these attacks continue and as they continue to fight this war. [applause] worked with other Committee Chairman to auteur drafting legislation to target hamas pal cynic of Islamic Jihad and for other who threaten israel. We will crackdown on iran and its support for terrorism by blocking the relief of the 6 billiondollar ransom payment that is frozen right now. [applause] [applause] we are also preparing legislation to impose stronger sanctions against irans oil revenue that has brought tens of billions of dollars to help finance terrorist organizations. We have to cut off their source of funding because we know iran has been partnering with terrorist organizations for way too long and it has been well documented what they have been doing behind the scenes and even in front of the scenes. We have to continue to be aggressive against iran as well. As we look to support israel and confront our shared enemies we must also look inward. The gleeful celebration of hamas murder of israelis and open antisemitism displayed in the citys most elite universities should be a wakeup call. We must confront antisemitism wherever it is found. The leaders of major american institutions must also stand up to defend the values they support supposedly claimed to cherish. Antisemitism lurks its head wherever it is a lot we cannot allow antisemitism to emerge. [applause] [applause] since israels founding, america has probably been not just the first nation to recognize israel, but we have always stood by the promise of a jewish state. As israel takes the fight to these bloodthirsty terrorists we must continue to stand with her yet again and israel will prevail. Thank you all. God bless the United States and god bless israel. [applause] [applause] may the one who blessed Abraham Isaac and jacob Sarah Rebecca rachel bless, watch and guard those soldiers and citizens missing and held captive. May the holy one of blessings protect and grant mercy upon them, take them out from darkness and bring them back safely to their families and let us say amen. I am the president of the central conference of american rabbis. A prayer for israel. [speaking in native tongue] s offering of all the world to shield israel. May all the inhabitants of israel no physical safety. May they find the comfort of community as they grieved together. May they experience a renewed love for their country and its people. Guided the leaders that they may ask with determination and deliberation. In plant within israels people, compassion and resolve. May they be nourished by our love and support. We pray for shalom in the land of love. Im Samantha Brody from Brandeis University and the cochair of the student cabinet joined by my cochair. A prayer for our country. Guardian of life and liberty may our nation always merited your protection. Tea just to give thanks by sharing it with those in need. Keep our eyes open to the wonders of creation and alert to the care of the earth. May we never be lazy and the work of peace and honor those who have died in defense of our ideals. May they govern with justice and compassion. Help us to appreciate one another and respect the many ways we may serve you. May we say amen. Executive Vice President the orthodox union. I have the privilege to close this prayer session by offering a prayer for the pure and virtuous army of the Israeli Defense forces and i will ask you to please rise for that prayer. [speaking in native tongue] [speaking in native tongue] he will bless our forefathers, may he bless the fighters of the Israel Defense forces. Precious and ethical soldiers have dedicated their lives to defend and protect the innocent and stand guard over our land of the cities from the borders of lebanon to the desert of egypt, from the great to see unto the approach on the land come in the air and on the sea, the enemies of humanity itself will rise up against us to be struck down before them. May the holy one be preserved and rescue our fighters from every trouble and distress, from every plague and illness, from the morally confused world riddled with antisemitism that attaches to them and may he send a blessing and a success on their every endeavor and humble our enemies beneath them and grant salvation, crowned them with victory, may the battle and see for once and for all the true colors of the ruthless and heartless enemy. May they be fulfilled for them the verse for the lord your god for you to save you. Good morning. Im from Cleveland Ohio and the National Campaign chair. We are in the midst of a 500 milliondollar humanitarian aid relief raise right now. This last saturday ten days ago i received a phone call from my good friend whos here today that her cousin was at the Music Festival. Noah has been a good friend of our family. She worked at camp and was my daughters who is here today close friend when she was in israel. We didnt know at that time with the whereabouts were. Weve invited noah here today. Noah is 25yearsold. She is an Industrial Engineering student. She works in the hightech industry, and i think its incredibly important that noah share her story. Shes accompanied also by her mother, her brother whos going to provide some support on stage, and her brother whos currently serving. Its important that we hear her story and that you share her story. Noah, please come up and i will do an interview process just to help with the story. [applause] so, if you could start by sharing with us, take us back to ten days ago in the desert at 6 30 a. M. It was around 6 30 a. M. I was in a tent resting in the festival that we were waiting for so long. We started hearing what we thought was fireworks at the Music Festival. When i opened the tent i realized chaos was in front of me. Hundreds of people were running towards me. When i looked up in the sky, i saw hundreds of rockets above me. Thats when i started panicking. All our friends, we had a ten tn friends, we gathered up and right next to the tent we split into cars to run out of there. When we got to the main road, security told us to go only to the right. We started driving and thats when we realized if we continued, theres a terrorist attack. We found a shelter, which was a small cement box with no doors on the ground with 30 or 40 people inside. We had five friends inside including my best friend, her sister, her boyfriend and my other friend and their cousin. When we were there, we didnt even know that they were coming towards our shelter but my friend texted me they are coming, get out of there. Thats when i met another girl called michelle. She was having a panic attack, so i helped her breathe and asked her name. She said michelle and i said lets sit down. Theres more air. So as we sat down and the next thing i heard was they are coming. Thats when 30 people fell on top of me. Everyone wanted to save their life and get to the back of the shelter. I dont remember much after that but i remember waking up and losing contact with my friend, only wanting to hear their voice. I was laying, my head was laying on the chest of someone and they were breathing. Thats when i asked her whats her name and she said michelle. I said hi, its me. I helped you five minutes ago. Next thing i know they are throwing grenades inside. Body parts are flying around, and all i hear around me is people suffocating, people on top of another. Thats when i realized a huge te body was on top of me and his head is on my throat and fire is starting in the entrance. It only came to my knowledge yesterday that the fire was actually the bodies they burned in the entrance of the shelter. I inhaled that smoke and fought for my life for three and a half hours. I thought about my family and i had one question and it was why do i deserve to suffocate until i die. The shots didnt stop and i lost contact with my friends and realized i wouldnt hear from them anymore. Thats when i got rescued after three hours. Voices said id rather go outside and take a bullet then suffocate. Once there was a little quiet, we heard them going out and then we heard shots and realized they didnt survive. Once i got rescued, i reunited with michelle in the hospital realizing only after that she had a bullet in her back the entire time and she didnt even know. My best friend and her sister [inaudible] lived in la for nine years and loved america. It was four days that we hadnt heard from them and either meanr meant that they were hostage were murdered. In what world should a mother wonder if their child is a hostage and alive or murdered . I came here for the memory of my best friends and all the people that were murdered and everyone that is being held hostage and everyone that survived and for the soldiers and every presenter and that even though on the outside i dont look like i have scars i might have only a fracture in my elbow, but the biggest scar that i have is in my soul. My best friends, her boyfriend and my dear friend and her sister arent here anymore. And just like my soul is aching, all of israel is aching and their hearts are breaking. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your story. [applause] the Jewish Community of america is with you. The American Community is with you. My friends and every generation, we are called upon for action. May her words today call our generation to action. Thank you very much. [applause] its definitely hard to follow those words but i can tell you that as the daughter of two Holocaust Survivors who went through the campus and lost their entire families, i think my parents shared those stories from the minute i could make eye contact with them. And so they didnt have israel at the time. They arrived in this country, the land of hope, june 7, 1947. And when israel took birth, that was one of the most talked about subjects in my household. They were proud american citizens but they were proud that israel took birth. So now it is my honor again to introduce the next speaker, secretary of Homeland Security, sec. Working closely with his counterparts on key policy issues like cybersecurity and most recently, leading the effort to admit israel into the visa waiver program. Hes also been at the forefront of efforts to fight antisemitism and violent extremism, efforts that have never been more vital in the wake of the attack on israel and the violent threats that have been made against jews in the days since. Sec. Mayorkas, President Bidens words in the aftermath of the october 7th attack on israel and his Upcoming Trip tomorrow demonstrates americas strong commitment to israel, and we do not take that for granted. The actions that he and a you and so many of your colleagues in the administration have undertaken have been both a source of strength and comfort. So many of us who are deeply concerned about the safety and security of israel. On behalf of the conference of president s, we thank you and President Biden for your resolute and unwavering support for israel and for your vigilance in the face of the threat facing our communities across the country. Please join me in welcoming the secretary of Homeland Security, sec. Mayorkas. [applause] thank you very much for the invitation to join our community this morning. Thank you for the courage of coming here and sharing your experience with us. The images of the children, the young women, the elderly has made me think yet again about my mother and her experience fleeing the nazis and the Lasting Impact of her suffering seeing children leave home never to return, impacting how she parented and kept me close. Just as the experiences of the parents and grandparents, ancestors and have on the successive generations, so with the savagery inflicted on israel and its people for decades to come. Acts of hate are not limited by geography nor by time. Rabbi from whom we heard a moving prayer of the union and i have spoken about the fact that there are no such things as a small act of faith, a swastika, graffiti on an elevator wall impacts so many more than just those who step in or off that elevator. Here in the United States in the last week. Last weekends chant of gas the jews were heard in sydney australia. British media reported more than 300 increase in antisemitic incidents in the uk alone since the attack on israel. This against the backdrop of an already increasing wave of antisemitism and other streams of hate before the terror of the attacks october 7. Yesterday the fbi released its statistical report on hate crimes. Antisemitic hate rose 25 from 2021 to 2022. Antisemitism accounted for over half of all reported religion based hate crimes. Today we gather together in a highly charged environment and i am here to implore alertness, vigilance and preparedness. We in the department of Homeland Security will provide flexibility in the use of the more than 156 million weve distributed to over 1,040 entities that serve the Jewish Community as part of the nonprofit security Grant Program to meet the current needs. We have our protecting places of worship and our protected Security Advisors in every state to guide and advise the community on how to most effectively secure the facilities with the resource you have. Since last saturday we helped more than 60 engagements to share information, to distribute materials and learn of your needs so that we can best meet them. Weve reached more than 65,000 members of our community. At the day after the attacks on october 7, jonathan and the Antidefamation League held a gathering more than 700 people participated. Jonathan and i participated in an intimate discussion of what we need to do to protect our Community Just this past sunday. We in the department of Homeland Security along with the fbi and all of our partners are constantly evaluating the Threat Landscape we remain very concerned about the lone wolf, the individual incited to violence by an ideology of hate use the resources, please i implore you to use the resources weve made available to you and importantly, work with one another. Whether it is to scan the Security Network or other organizations and resources that are there for you. I not only implore alertness and vigilance, i implore strength. The strength to live our jewish lives and not allow fear to prevail. We will continue to execute this firstever strategy to combat antisemitism. We will continue to fight against hate. The extraordinary suffering that we share with our families and our friends in israel. The grief wouldnt subside soon. The hurt will pass from generation to generation, so too will the resolve. Our faith come the practice of it and the values that we have and that bind us together. This department of Homeland Security is here for you and we are here with you forever. Thank you. [applause] thank you very much. Im the ceo of the conference president s of major American Jewish organizations. It is an honor to bring this remarkable solidarity to a close. For those of you watching at home live on cspan, you notice many of us are wearing these blue ribbons that were mentioned before. Theres a project of the Jewish Federations is a global unity symbol in solidarity with of the hostages and their families i encourage you to go to blue ribbons for israel. Org. The ribbons for israel. Org to order your own. For those of you in the room today, we have these cards on your seats. Send love to israel, which we will hand deliver to our israeli brothers and sisters in the show of support. Please fill them out and leave them on your seat. I want to thank all the organizations that helped coordinate this event and thank the dedicated staff that worked tirelessly over the past few days to put it together on such short notice. [applause] i want to show gratitude to our elected officials who joined to demonstrate the support for israel is a bipartisan consensus issue. We are all uplifted by the show of support for the entire american Jewish Community and for the people of israel. Thank you. [applause] thank you, senator schumer and mcconnell, all the other elected officials that have joined us for your leadership. Thank you, sec. , for championing the protection and security of American Jews during these troubled times and throughout your career. Your efforts to combat antisemitism, hatred into violent extremism are an inspiration to us all. [applause] as we pass along our thanks to President Biden for standing so solidly with israel during this time. [applause] i must thank noel for your bravery in the face of true evil. Your bravery to travel from israel to stand with us today and show the world the strength and resilience of the israeli people. Thank god youre here with us. [applause] and finally i would be remiss if i didnt think all of you for joining us here today. We begin this morning with a reminder we gather not only to express our solidarity that also to take action. This evening a delegation of 50 president s, leaders need to Jewish Federation leaders will travel from washington, d. C. To israel to meet with the families of victims, Wounded Soldiers and officials. We are flying straight from our United States capital to the indivisible capital of israel ii of the jewish people, jerusalem. [applause] to emphasize that our countries are bound by a common purpose and a common destiny. Our mission is vital, yet straightforward. We are going to show the people of israel that they are not alone. Jews everywhere share in their pain and stand with them. We will deliver to israel the message of solidarity and support from our leaders that you heard today. We will ensure both of the leaders and the people of israel understand that america stands behind them. All of america stands with them. We are all united and in israels darkest hour, america has never been more vital. The israeli fights to rescue its citizens and eliminate the terrorist threat posed by the Hamas Terrorist Army will not be easy. It will not be quick and the coming weeks and months the critics denounced the obligation to defend its people in the wake of one of the most monstrous attacks in history, the worlds one and only jewish state will call on its ally america for support. We will bring our experience into stories that we hear in israel back here to washington at the foundation of our advocacy in the weeks and months ahead. America must provide the necessary support and leadership needed to protect the people of israel and the world from the barbarity of the Hamas Terrorist Army. The United States must continue to provide iron dome and military assistance and help coordinate the safe return of all hostages including of course our fellow americans. At the same time, we must protect our Jewish Community here in the United States and ensure security in the face of antisemitism. It is the most urgent challenge that many of us have faced in our lifetimes, but we will do it because we stand together. As a people, we are stronger when we are one. We are stronger when we are unified. That is how we get through dark times. Together arm in arm, feeling our way through one step at a time. The conference of president s in this very room represent the spectrum of political and religious views. But today we stand here together as one. The jewish people have always been the most resilient people because in times of crisis, we managed to keep an eye on the horizon to a time in the future when it will be bright again. And so as i concludes today i ask you to remember with me the jewish people at the people of israel together will heal and grow it emerge from these dark times Even Stronger and even more united than ever before. Thank you very much. God bless america. God bless the state of israel and now please i welcome geoffrey who will lead us all in singing. [applause] may god bless you all and protect us and the people of israel. Thank you for being here. You think this is just a Community Center . Know, its more than that. Partnering with a thousand Community Centers to create wifi lift zones so students from low income families get the tools they need to be ready for anytng. Comcast supports cspan as a Public Service along with other Television Providers giving you a front row seat to democracy. Senate minority leader Mitch Mcconnell about his Party Support for israel following deadly attacks by hamas in the southern part of the country. He also sends republicans will be examining the supplemental request that will include funding for israel and ukraine. Thank you for coming. Obviously much has happened since we were last together. I remember, and you may well remember this bob gates said after the berlin wall came down we had a holiday with history and if you

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