Presenter at the festival the author of americas great storm leading to Hurricane Katrina and 63rd g governor of the state of mississippi the honorable haley barbour. [applause] [applause] [applause] thank you very much jordan bring thank youou into all of te sponsors and cosponsors and guests who are here you know being here brings back fond memories about this great beautiful old state capitol. I have never held but one elected Public Office in my career. And it was governor. And i look back today and i see legislative tours who i worked thwith and people on the staff. Democrats, republicans, there are so many fond memories and one memory im glad i dont have,or i do not have have a memory of the legislature ever over too turk mike overshooting one of my vetoes. [laughter] its about politics. This is about books. You will love this book because it is a book about an incredibly interesting time in American History. My purpose today is to introduce to you and honorable christian gentlemen whom i am proud to know. Proud to have worked with. Former Vice President mike a pencil. [applause] [applause] mike pence has served our country well because he takes it seriously that is his job. The oath of office to him is what is in his heart and its what is in his work. We have a Vice President who when he was Vice President he had a son on active duty in the United States marines. And a soninlaw on active duty in the United States navy. That is taking your oath seriously. And we are proud of those boys. He is a conservative with a big heart. I remember because i was governor of mississippi when he was in the house and katrina hit our states. Pence it was a chairman of the Republican Study Committee and the house if you are familiar with the structure of the republicans in the house, that is one of the very conservative groups. And mike pence lived that conservative group. But when it came time to look at special necessary untaken under average law he stood up for mississippi. He stood up for mississippi and our whole program past the house is to prove he was a conservative he came back and made sure they actually got done. [laughter] we need more of that. [applause] as indiana governor he was an outstanding economic leader. He brought record job growth to indiana while he was governor. Along the way he passed the largest tax cut in the history of the state of indiana. He produced record employment work for more jobs for more hoosiers. Hes not just a good Christian Conservative party understands how to get the toothpaste out of the tube. [laughter] a republican whose policies and actions as governor and while he was in federal office will remind you of a president reagan. And to me that is about the highest compliment we can give. During the Vice President on the great friend of all ofs. Us former mississippi third districtct congressman harper. [applause] welcome to the promised land. [laughter] welcome to the promised land. [laughter] [inaudible] we are so honored you are here. We are very excited which you please give her a hand . [applause] mr. Vice president we want to welcome you and we are so glad to have you but we hope you will come back when it is cooler. [laughter] it would not take much. Welcomed mr. Vice president glad youre here for. Thank you. How about another round of applause for congressman greg harper. [applause] this is an enthusiastic group. There glad to have you here. Weve got a lot of media. Well be on cspan eating popcorn and watching that. You have been through so much. In the book, so help me god alluded you come up with that name mr. Vice president . What made you decide on that . At first ipp want to get youa round of applause there is no when i served with who is a more than a man of integrity, lived his faith everyday than congressman greg harper and sydney the very special to karen and me. I see another former choleric chip must be with what assists nonetheless semisolid son he was about that big. Ee [laughter] cooks from the road behind me. Very good very good. Thank you. We appreciate family. When i went home great fresh new republican governor in indiana. The Gold Standard for governors in america wasnt governor barber and i want to thank you for setting. [inaudible] [applause] setting the standard. Very humbled. The title of the book really came from make it came out of a reflection what its been thee driving influence of my life since at a date called asbury university. In 1978 sitting on a hillside in a christian music festival. I was losing to contemporary christian bands listening to preaching in between sets. I remember it was t like i heard for the first time that god so loved the world he sent his only begotten son whoever it might believe in him might not perish but have everlasting life. I stood up that night the light rain coming down i walked out and found a youth pastor and made a decision to put my faith in jesus christ as my lord and savior. My faith has been my aspiration. I consider myself a growing christian. Not grown. If you wonder about that parent contact you shortly after the program. [laughter] but also the inspiration from the book came from the oath of office that you took, that i took both as a member of congress both as a governor. When i have a great privilege by putting my left hand on the bible Ronald Reagans bible in january 20, 2017. I raised my right hand and took an oath to support and defend the w constitution. Its a promise made to all of you and the American People it also ends with a prayer which history and tradition record with those fouras words. It wasnt in the original oath but our very first president added it when he took the very first oath of office in every president since hasnt finished it and has had members of congress and elected officials my son the marine the governor mentioned told me it one momentous time in our familys life a few years back is a dead you took the same oath i took. Nothing else matters. That is where it said so help me god came from and i hope people per ruse this book they will sense the importance of family and most especially faith in our life and in our journey. Tshould go to the book the first thing you are hit with is every chapter begins with a verse from the bible the very first one is jeremiah 29 eleven i made plans declares led plans to prosper you but not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future predigital make that decision to start each chapter with a verse that meant something to you . I do not know about the other authors and how about a round of applause to the book festival teams . One of the other authors said that was not our intention to begin. We got about halfway through the kbook and found as we describe lessons throughout our life it was invariably am sure is true for you almost invariably a verse that was particularly meaningful in that time and our life it showed uphe in the chapters too. I had the idea of putting it at the top of each chapter and all readers would have the fun of it looking for that chapter. It really of all that wavered that verse is particularly special. Took three times to get elected to congress to took more than you and sheppard 10 years later i tried it again. After a lot of Lessons Learned and my wife it presented me with the parchment that hung over our home during our years in congress. Hung over the mantle to governors residence hung over the mantle and it had the verse from jeremiah 29 eleven we dedicate the book to that. You have a family verse that discloses it gets. Was so much about your service and your faith in your family. Ive got to ask this question before we get into some more serious stuff. How is that you met karen and failed to get her phone number the first time you met . Tell us how you tractor down. Thats preinternet. That iss fair. I think i did track her down. I wrote about in the book. My first year of law school a little bit of an intense time. By stopping into a church where i was renting a room that he saw a beautiful brunette playing her guitar up front. Some friends from our hometown were there they interrupted me i did not get chance to meet her. I went back a few weeks later and she was not there. About a month before my finals i was back and there she was again. I made a beeline straight to the front of the church for the same people tried to interrupt me. I gave them the heisman. I fell out the back of the church. She was holding her guitar case with her left hand which was a strategic challenge. I told her i was interested in playing the guitar. [laughter] as you play the guitar . I strum a little bit. I could affected foes pressed into it. My wife often said first thing ever said to her was a lie. That is the truth. She was real quick about it. I said hi i want to play that guitar group she pointed to a guy who was about three to pounds with a beard and she said he rubs it. I dropped the pretense stuck my hand out and said im mike pence but i did not get her number to your point. I went into the Registrars Office the one thing i learned a short conversation was at her sister was going to the same law schools going too. This is the same law School FormerVice President danko had attended the register att the lw school had held back the National Media it when the wheng to get dan quayles great to member all that from a long time ago . I walked in i said to her hey i need the phone number of a thirdyear student she said we do not give out personal information on any student under any circumstances. Oath dejected turned and began to walk other my children said look, heres the deal i met her sister, shouldd knock your socks off i just want to call. It. [laughter] Development Without even moving an eyelash just stared at me blankly she pulled the felt cabin open and said whats the name again . [laughter] you gave me the number i said thank you so much and she said just invite me to the wedding. And we did. [laughter] thirtyeight years the love of my life sitting right there. [applause] one of the things i was so interesting when you are talking about that or your talk about your political career and decisions are tried to do that is you called it you said as our political careery unfolded you did not say as my political career unfolded. That was a big statement but. Very much from the time we were dating i tried to be open with her. I had always been interested in public service. The heroes of my youth or president john f kain the reverend doctor Martin Luther jr. I got active in democratic demot politics when i was a teenager but then it when i went off to the college and heard the voice the 40th president everything changed for me and i joined the reagan revolution and never look back. But for us it was always about what it would have to be us we entered on a new journey. In fact i thought today was going to be a debate. Its easy on this. Thank you. But for us we have always very much felt like when you are in public life it is a family commitment. And she has always been there for me and always had excessively high opinion of my abilities. But it has always been osprey. Thats great and a great thing to hear. You cant help the book and so many places the importance of your family just stands out. And ofhe course i had the privilege to be at your sons winging ceremony in 2018. You have got another book coming out inda november with your daughter c charlotte. Family it says the name of the book is go home for dinner. Advice on how faith makes it a family infield makeste a life. Tell us about that decision to do another book . Thanks for mentioning our son got his wings at Naval Air Station meridian mississippi we are also proud of him. [applause] my son surprised us. His Graduation Ceremony from flag school. Its not a large group of people but were sitting the Little Chapel there now to my son had finished first in his class. I was very proud of him. We got back to his apartment and i said did you know you finish first . Hey sis yes it dad i worked my tail off. [laughter] i was really proud of him but you read the book youll see my late father to couple of sayings momus climb your own mountain. My son essentially said dad with my last name i got the aircraft i was hoping for and i did finish first. So what you think . So i was really proud of him. But our daughter charlottes is a terrific author shes on her fourth book he helped her down with a new book. Before we get to my book karen pence has a book coming out in just a couple of weeks entitled when it is your turn to serve experiencing in the calling in your life. [applause] very proud of it. The go home to dinner i think is the same year i met him in Congress People would often come up to me as soon as you start showing up on cspan a little bit or on cable tv. In washington d. C. People come up and flatter you a little bit. They sit where do you see yourself in five years . Where do you see yourself as if everyone has a grander plan. I would always answer the same way at home for dinner. Because i have never had just like you and others in the room i have never had to motivate myself to work hard. I love to work hard. But all of the blessings in our life have come from putting in the practice common sense and frankly biblical principles and putting our family first seen at the end of the o day shutting oo the computer putting putting the phone in the edition sitting there with the family listen to the kids and spending family time together. For all of the things we have accomplished in our life the things we have made it yet opportunity sees to do my family is my greatest source of pride and satisfaction. Not just our three kids, their incredible spouses cant make two unworthy soninlaws. [laughter] the last two and half years we becamef grandparents the three most beautiful granddaughters board in the history of thean world. We aream incredibly blessed brickwork citizen amazing. You think about that because thats the foundation of waved at a public service. Thats what gives you your relationship with christ. Your Strong Family from your parents, your wife and kids. Just meeting so much. We allll have people we look upo and admire. And just so you know my first two terms or your last two terms and you were my bell cow that firstt term progress i like the term cow. [laughter] i understand. Ifnd i had voted that first year end i wasnt sure if i voted the right way. I would look up on the board by voted the same way as mike pence i knew i was okay. There was l a trust level. You point out what one person in your book. Someone you and buyer. Im so glad you pension people dont talk about it anymore insulate jack cap. Just a minute about your admiration of that man former nfl quarterback star and what he means it may be for the future of the republican part of the things he taught. Those who didea not note jack kampes worth learning about. As an nfl quarterback, goes to the congress of the United States becomes incredible champion of an optimistic conservatism. Also in inclusive conservativism. Jack kampe had a passion for israel. He also had a passion the way he would put it was to win back the africanamerican vote to the Republican Party. And he ran for president in 1988 we were going to be the secretary of housing and urban development. But he had been the conference chair which was a role i played in the congress. I write about in the book. He had p encouraged me too seek that position as well. When he passed away to an aggressive cancer, ii rememberi was the Florida Congress and i onsaid debt this nation owns two jet cap can only be repaid by a relentless example an optimistic forwardlooking view of america that sees a boundless potential of every american. That is my Republican Party and it was his. That is great too. [applause] quickly drifted tell you a great line go home for dinner. Meits a very general book is nt meant to be preachy my daughter wrote the book with me insisted i write that sometimes i drop the ball as a dad i try to be humble about it. I love what Ronald Reagan said all great change in america begins at the dinner table. I hope in these challenging times in which we live that book karens inspirational book would turn peoples hearts back toward home turn the vector toward permanent things thats always bring the wellspring of our strength in this country. Youve been in the forefront of so muchil history we are familir with mr. Vice president you are serving at 911 the aftermath about the anthrax scare so manyn the house and senate had to endure. Most recently january 6 what you had to go through on that such an emotional thing we look at january 6 and 4 years before that one of the only house houserepublican led to a telly k vote for it years later and not in office but i was indices so blocked off the afternoon to go over there and watch. And i dont know whats going on i go to the tunnel system through ray byrd in the capitol and house chamber. Then all of a sudden it gets really crazy and i had no idea that was going on for the Capitol Police came and bolted all the doors. This was probably somewhere aroundbu take us through that dy when did you first so theres a problem in the capitol when you were going through that process your decision the emotion and of course what an unbelievable experience people scaling and going to the windows and a good countless interviews something everybody here has lived through. Thank you. Itshm interesting you mentioned 911 i was a freshman member of congress when it happened. What are the best things members of congress did that day it was with the pentagon still on fire the remains of an aircraft in pennsylvania on the towers of falling and new york city, congress reconvened on the steps of the capitol. And at the end of the press conference to take in the west worst terrorist attack on american soil in the history of the company. We were still there. Some at the end of the press conference started singing god bless america. Someone just reminded me of that the other day one of the sweetest stories that came from thatt as a farm family loomed t in Randolph County had five daughters mom and dad were far away from the farm in 911 they were racing to get back they were very concerned the girls to be frightened and they were. But i will never forget they told us they pulled up to the farm the girls came bounding off the front porch saying everything is okay we just saw congressman pence on television. And he was singing. [laughter] its a moment of gods grace. The reason i reflect on that is because i could tell you i was always there for dont jump i believe those role the bicyclist i did have a higher loyalty that was to the constitution and the promises i made to god. I had hoped all along the way the president would come around on sea i had no authority to overturn the election note vicee president in American History is ever served that or should. The presidency belongs to the American People and the American People alone. But to see it unfolding that day was saddening to me is truly a tragic day. My wife at karen and my daughter to come to c the capitol to witness me engaged in some of my final legislative ceremonial duties. And as soon things began to happen and i was escorted off the floor of the senates Law Enforcement personnel told me we need to get you out of the building. But i had deep conviction that i needed to stay at my poster. And we did. I wife it karen was encouraged to go home she had a separate vehicle. My daughter basically said if you are staying i am saying. My wife it was at my side until 4 00 a. M. Of the more than actually finished outor work wih the constitution of United States and the laws of this country. [applause] at. [cheering] [cheering] i think you realize how that decision resignations with this audience and we thank you mr. Vicece president. It would have been easier to have left whatt events . But you refuse to do that for even e though you were under an enormous pressure to exit the capitol and not state. They exited me off i write about this in the book ii dont if i mentioned i wrote a book. [laughter] and i believe they are for sale. [laughter] quickly took me off the senate for my secret service lead who did his job so we need to get the building and i said im not leaving. I had full confidence Capitol Police would have the situation wellin hand. Iveve been at the capitol years earlier when a gunman came into the Majority Leaders Office the Capitol Police is in the best men Law Enforcement. Eventually they informed us we cannot j stay in the small offie off the senate chamber. Id reiterate im not leaving ts etiquette go to the parking garage and we went down there. And as i was walking up to where the vehicle support the doors were open they started to walk me toward the car. I saw the lead local police car starting to move a little bit up the ramp i looked to my secret Service Agent and i said im not getting in the car. They said no or just going to hold here we are not going anywhere. I said to him, phenomenal secret Service Agent i said to him, yon are a man of integrity and i believe what youre telling me is true. But you are not driving that car. I have been and motorcades for a while as a governor and Vice President. I f figured somebody will tell somebody in the earpiece once was 200pound doors close to hit the gas and i i was determined o stay in by gods grace we did. My wife spoke to abc news for the first time about this a week ago really gave god the glory and the whole thing. We had a piece throughout that time ive often told mike its the safest place in the world is to be in the center of gods world. D. [applause] and honestly in that moment we had peace in the sense of resolving gods grace. We knew where we were supposed to do andsu what we are supposed to be doing. And i must tell you i have been so blessed. I have my detractors in this regard including my old running mate who still holds a different view of that day and my duties. He and i will continue to have that out. Ive been deeply humbled how Many Americans have come up from in the past two years and expressed gratitude for what we did that day. I honestly believe this is a country that understand what unites us in thisit country is n agreement the ideals and that liberties enshrined in the constitution are really what unite us all. It is a pathway towards uniting our country again i really believe it. That is great iat think there are some flaws there. Thank you. On that day i know leading up to january 60 had had discussions with President Trump you were certainly under a lot of pressure from the president. On january 6 did you talk to him that morning before this happened . And tell us little bit about that. I did. I mean look, and may come as a surprise to people President Trump that i i had a very Good Relationship for four years. Some people think we are a little bit different. [laughter] but it was a great working relationship. To the people here in mississippi i thank you for your support im incredibly proud of the record of the Trump Pence Administration we delivered for america stronger military, growing economy and secured border and we put three conservatives on the Supreme Court of the nine states of america that gives new beginning for the right to life. I will always be proud of that record. [applause] the president and i had difference of opinions ive kept it to myself. Until we were alone. I have a very maybes because as a governor and had lieutenant governor. I really believe the relationship between the president and the Vice President is unique in our system of government. It was always very important that if i had a different view i shared with him in private. He would then make a decision would walk out and iec would support the decision you do not have copresident s in america you have one president. I would say all i along the ways very clear that i believe the constitution permit article two of the constitution simply says that one states have certified election states conduct elections. You never want to give that up. You never want to let washington d. C. Nationalize a president ial election. The founders rejecteds nd that happily a couple of years ago republicans in washington rejected an effort to do the same. But under article two once mississippi certifies your election once the court cases are brought, the challenges theres a process for objections on house floor. Democrats brought objections three ofti the last four electis will republicans won. Nothing wrong with that you can have it out your our elected representatives of the people but the notion any one person could decides which votes to cp which not to countless empathetic goal the very essence of the constitutional framework. I made that clear all along the way. But frankly it was not until the last few days that it became clear to me the president was going to grip the group of outside lawyers that told him what his itching ears want to do here. I will never forget it was the monday tonight before january 6 i made a point to watch a rally he had on monday night. I had done a rally in the morning. I saw the president he opened it saying our great Vice President scott to come through for us. And everybody cheered. He said if he doesnt i wont like him so much. But then he caught himself he caught himself and said no, no, one think you know about mike pence he alwaysig plays it straight. Im watching on Television Stream i would and saw karen as i think he might be coming around. I would like to tell you there more than a few occasions the president said we need you all of this than we started to have private conversations it ended up closer to here, right . That was the leadership style of his. I thought we might be on that path but sadly it was not to be when the violence and the rioting and assaulting Police Officers unfurled it was a tragic day outside the cures of that day with the men and women of the Capitol Hill Police who secured the capitol just a few hoursr and made it possible for us to reconvene the very same day. They were the heroes. [applause] clicks you talk to the president that morning. The final conversation for him to make his argument about what you should do contrary to your constitutional duty would have been. Did you talk to him again that day . No we did not talk again that day. When we finished our work the next morning the president said all the right things. He condemned the rioters. He said the people had ransacked the capitol perpetrated violence because Law Enforcement and i believed his lien on National Television as theyd will pay he committed a peaceful transfer of power in the wake of that tragic day. But to be honest with you as not in a hurry to talk to him again. I really wasnt. I felt like i had said my piece it would be about five days later his daughter and ussoninlaw who worked at the white house in good friends are still friends to this day came to my offices of the president was wondering if you would be willing to come down and sit down with him . I sit if he has something to say to me ill come down and hear him out. I came and i tried to write very openly talked and he was very contrite about what had happened. In fact i thought was very saddened about what had occurred he told me hed only recently learnedrl karen and charlotte he been with me the whole time. And was troubled about that. We a spent about an hour and a half talking through everything. It clear to him the stand i had taken it continued to be my deep conviction. And he started to talk again about the election issues i told him youve got to let that go. Weve got to finish the next several weeks. His voice trailed off. We met a few more times after that it may surprise people we parted amicably. Our last meeting sitting oval dining room just off the oval office i had gone down to talk to about a couple of official inaugurationhe approached. She and i remember i stood up and told him i said thank you for the privilegees mr. Presidet he said it was one with you. I stopped in the doorjamb and turned and looked at him and said i guess theres two things we are never going to a grant i told him i was praying for them g is going to keep praying for him. And i have. You know my faith demands forgiveness. I have tried to forgive all of those involved in that day from my heart. Without giving people a pass on the political consequences or otherwise of what took place. What i said to him im praying for you and i was leaving he said dont bother. That is when i said this probably two things we areer ner going to agree on. I alluded to his view of my duties on january 6 and then i looked at him and said i am never going to stop praying for you. He looked up from seated at the end of the table he said thats right dont ever change. We left the white house with a handshake he spoke kindly to my family at Andrews Air Force base up we have wheels talked from time to time. But when he returned talking about the last election, talking about my duties it was important we go our separate ways. But i really do believe that strength ill always be proud of what we did together and i will always be grateful for the opportunity to have been your Vice President. Its the greatest honor of my life. So thank you all. [applause] you brought us to that point you are down in the garage. He refused to get in the car with the head of your secret service detail. Then you had to wait it out. Somebody just asked said what gave you the courage to Reconvene Congress . What were you thinking about during that time . Ask gods grace in that moment. As i have said wait love that verse that came to mind on september 11. The lord surrounds in Perfect Peace and trust in him. We were there, we had peace. So i credit gods grace in that moment. I truly do. The other was the experience of 911. I remember you got legislative leaders here with us today im honored you take time on a saturday afternoon to be with us. You got a great state legislature and a great majority here in mississippi. You can give them a round of applause if you would like but doing a great job. [applause] but i knew while i was the presiding officer in the constitution of a joint session of congress and had some responsibility relative to conduct of the process that day i got all four of the latest republican democrat leaders of the Senate Republican leaders of the house together on a Conference Call and just brought them together and said what are youwa hearing . There is a measure of frustration thats been widely reported they were not getting good information when more help was going to come when things were going to be dealt with. That is when i asked them i thought was appropriate because of my subordinate position to congress the moment i said jointly to get and they said yes. And i did say to them oni the call i said well, i remember 911 i set up thehe best thing we did that day was a moment reconvene the very same day in a statement to the wider world. What ever happen in america the hands of terrorists in new york and at shanksville and at the pentagon we were still standing. I was heartened by the fact all of the leaders of four of the leaders immediately agreed with that enthusiastically yes we have to reconvene today. Theyre being told early on and might be three days before that capitol could be swept may have been a legitimate projection by Capitol Hill Police being careful with public officials. So we went to work. I then began to make calls and reach out to people at the pentagon people at the Justice Department to make sure he got reinforcements and support we needed. And again i will tell you all of my heroes wear uniforms. The men andnd women in Law Enforcement that date the people who rallied around not only held back the violence but also secured the capitol and made it possible but 8 00 p. M. At night for us to reconvene and finish work. It was ac tragic day. There was a loss of life there is ransacking of the capitol. I will always believe at its core on that day a day of tragedy gave way to a day of inspiration. Because as the world watch in the wake of that mayhem on january 6 they saw the resilience of our institutions as the men and women both Political Parties stayed at their posts and reconvene to finish the peoples work of the constitution of United States and i was a proud to been a small part of it. [applause] these softball questions are losing people. [laughter]r] ive got the hook that our time is up. It is so great to hear about your family, your experiencee there and i know weve got to wrap it up. But before we do that i think that impersonation i talked to you about. I know it great friends joris former president george w. Bush and indianapolis recently you did your george w. Bush. Back perks mostly in the shoulders. Look, i want to thank you all for coming out. Karen and i are really touched you would make time. Audit mississippi book festival made way for us. And a one of things a couple months ago believing answer plan to seek one more office in our life. We have been encouraged by the support of people around the country. I have come to the conclusion i amel well known but not known well. What i tell all of you is if you remember us in your prayers we would be grateful. If you would like to get a better idea who the penances are, what our values are what are Lessons Learned along the weight the privileges we have had to serve id love it if you took a look at our book and karens new book i think youll have a betteru idea. Let me just say we do not of the future holds but we know who holds the future and i promise to come back to mississippi soon. I may god bless. [applause] [applause] if you are enjoying book tv center for our newsletter is the qr code on the screen to receive the schedule of upcoming programs, author discussions book festivals and more. Tv every sunday on cspan2 or anytime online apple tv. Org. Television for serious readers. Cspan student camp documentary competition is back celebrating 20 years with this years theme looking forward while considering the past we are asking middle and High School Students to create a fivo addressing one of these questions in the next 20 years what is the most important change you would like to see it america . Or, over the past 20 years what has been the most important change in america . 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