Ten,. 1962. This gentleman in a few minutes, you will see the documentary movie of the development of Communistic Movement. So a world the majority of this audience is too young to remember that this communistic began in 1917, during the first war in my country in russia. I in this time leader of this provisional government of russia when you look at this film keeping your mind that russian people was the first victim of the communistic tyranny. I think that is now is time to study the Communistic Movement and to understand did not by different legend created during long years but by that documentary sources as for instance this film. Most of the pictures in this documentary were photographed by communist cameramen was the actual events were taking place. Communist narrators. Some of the scenes the words of the communist leaders are their own. Hello. In the traditional picture story, the villains are usually defeated. The ending is a happy one. I can make no such promise for the picture. Youre about to watch. The story isnt over you and the audience are part of the conflict how we meet the communist challenge depends on you what has happened so far and what is happening now is far from encouraging. Less than 50 years after the communists power in russia, almost billion people are under their control. Four out of every ten of the worlds population is an oppressed and conspiracy. That is communism is stronger, more determined than ever, growing in the image its leaders there. Nikita khrushchev says in this world today there is a fierce struggle of two ideologies. The communist and the capitalist and. In this struggle, there can be no neutrals, whether you like it or not. History is on our side. We will bury you. I would say. Tung says coexistence, with capitalism is impossible warfare with these forces is inevitable. They, fidel castro says socialism, communism is a world reality today. There is no halfway between communism and capitalism. Their target is us, our institutions, our religions, our families, our children karl marx, who developed the basic theories. Communism was a sick man. Most his life sick in body spirit. He once said the capitalists will for my carbuncle. So we have karl marx believe that capitalism, as he saw it in the 19th century, was stagnating, beginning to decay, and that communism was predestined to replace it, starting with the highly industrialized nations like germany. That was just one of his many mistakes actually. It took the misery. The disillusionment and the slaughter of world war one to bring the first communist regime into power. Not in germany, but where marx least expected russia. In 1917. Europe is entering fourth year of war. Karl has been dead for 34 years, but one of his most fanatic disciples, the bolshevik, vladimir lenin, is in exile in switzerland with 13 devoted followers on the eastern between germany and russia, within the once proud tsarist armies corruption, hunger and enormous casualties have taken their toll. Rioting flares in petrograd, where the people demand bread. Imperial dies as czar. Nicholas abdicated in march. His future soviet bullets and an unmarked grave in germany grasping for victory. The east field marshal, paul von hindenburg spirits of lenin across germany in, a sealed freight car, lenin arrives in petrograd in april and prays. And the poverty, ignorance and desperation of the people he promises them land and peace, independence for nonrussian peoples and a red heaven on earth. In july he leads an uprising against the provisional Coalition Government which fails Alexander Kerensky becomes, the new premier on seventh october 25th by the old russian calendar troops of the demoralized army and under number two, bolshevik, leon trotsky seize the Winter Palace and destroy Coalition Government. Kerensky lenin controls, russia, the bolsheviks change, their name to communists, all is ruthlessly suppressed. It is immediately apparent that the dictatorship of the proletariat, the working people which lenin had promised, is a myth. The dictatorship is that of the communist party under its chairman, lenin makes a humiliating peace with to gain time to establish regime. First he creates a terrible weapon against counterrevolution in secret police and then builds a new war machine under the guidance of commissar of war. Leon trotsky and and lenin makes clear that his brand of communism requires an absolute dictatorship. Chief of the petrograd soviet grigory, soon to become the first president of the common turn, the communist international, predicts the future developments of the World Revolution will proceed at the same pace as the march of our red army. Lenin prophesies. Communism side by side with capitalism for a long as unthinkable. One or the other must triumph. In the end, and before that, in comes a series of frightful collisions soviet union and capitalist states will be inevitable. By the summer of 1922, lenin suffered a stroke in russia a catastrophe with property abolished. Factories are idle, communications chaotic, farmland, fallow. Bolshevik hopes are dying in squalor misery when under the direction of Herbert Hoover on the left, 60 million worth of food from the United States arrives to feed the starving peasants. This and lenins return to limited Free Enterprise saves the soviet state, exercising over the ailing lenin zinoviev lev kamenev forefront on the podium in the background, the shadowy new secretary of the communist party, josef stalin, still relatively unknown. January 24, 1924. Vladimir lenin, who vowed to destroy the free world dead and a sordid struggle for power begins scheming, destroy the image of trotsky as lenins successor to the triumvirate Zinoviev Kamenev and stalin telegraph trotsky his way to suit him, a health resort. The funeral takes place saturday. You will not be able to on time the politburo that because of the state of your health you must proceed to soak in a funeral. Actually takes place on sunday. Trotsky proceeds to show him stalin proceeds to power using his of Party Secretary to staff key positions with his henchmen. He rids himself of opposition. Trotsky, who is exiled to turkistan, then with family to turkey, and finally to mexico. His son saito is later to be poisoned by the soviets. Secret police. It is again apparent that communism requires an absolute to survive the dictator Joseph Stalin and he builds a cult of personality probably unrivaled in history by anyone. Adolf hitler. Stalin creates an image of himself as a demigod. A of the people, the source of all goodness, all wisdom, all love watching. The proceedings are stalins underlings gregorio or johnny. The anastas mikoyan, Vyacheslav Molotov and lizarraga garbage. Stalin is pictured as closest disciple. The revolutions greatest. Communisms most profound thinker, the great educator, the communist narrator says writers, lorry drivers hydrant recognizes and others are studying the economic laws discovered and substantiated by Joseph Stalin. The guardian of and home, a hero for children to worship. Stalin is very much aware of one of communisms primary objectives to capture the minds and hearts of the young and. Now he gives great attention. The komsomol, the young communist league, whose aim is to link every step in the training and education of youth to the class struggle. The victory over the noncommunist people of the earth. Now the world to learn the truth about communism. Family ties are discouraged. The state is supreme and translation religion is the opiate of the people. Religious satires are staged. The soviet union, atheist continues to be the official state. Communism its people never forget the clergy are the greatest enemies of the soviet state. If you are not a convinced atheist, you cannot be a good communist and soviet citizen atheism is inseparable both from communism, both of these ideals form the foundation of soviet power. Teachers find that 40 of their course is made up of indoctrination or studies. Indoctrination are guided by lenins instruction, children be taught to hate their parents. If these are not communists. Four sons of the new class military training begins early communism believes that its struggle to win the world will be a violent one. But. In 1928, stalin puts trotskys five year industrialization plan into effect as his own initiates a series of socalled judicial trials that will last for ten years, providing scapegoats for his many failures. And he begins the forced collective of agriculture. Stalin declares the gulag, the independent farmer, an enemy of the state. The whole villages are uprooted. 6 million farmers are liquidated. 25 million farms erased. The most social upheaval in history. A stalin forces the peasant population into huge collectives. Food production and once again, as in lenins starvation is the diet. Communism. Freight cars are used for housing. Stalin makes slavery an essential part of the communist economy here, digging the volga down canal are farmers, religious leaders and inconvenient minorities. Stalin establishes his own police force and slave labor camps are set up all over the soviet union union. 125 camps, 10 million slaves on the backs of slaves stalin bills in industrial russia geared for conflict with the west west. 1934. Stalin plots to liquidate his opposition within party. He confides to friends to choose the victim to prepare the blow with care to satisfy an implacable and then go to bed. There is nothing sweeter in the world. On the right is sergei kirov. Stalin uses the assassination of kirov as, the excuse for the great purges which claimed of lives. The first to go. Lenins closest associates zinoviev executed kamenev. Executed. Radic executed executed. He attack of executed leon trotsky comments. Mexico there are no crime in history more terrible intention or execution than the moscow trials of Zinoviev Kamenev and radical petkoff. That is not my Principal Task to reveal the truth, to show and to demonstrate, illustrate that the true criminals hide under the cloak of accusers, but will be the next step inches that action. The creation of an american and european in subsequent and also an International Commission of inquiry composed of people who in incontestably enjoy authority in Public Confidence trotskys future assassination in the kremlin. The planned murders, the cream of the officer condemned without witnesses or defense and shot within 48 hours. Literary maxim gorky dies under mysterious circumstances, one of those benefiting most from the purges is nikita khrushchev, now first secretary of the moscow party organization. He proclaims they the wormy trash, the trotskyites. They raised their criminal hands against stalin, hailed the greatest genius mankind who leads us victoriously toward communism, our own apparently on kirov reform project, the stalin constitution of 1936 provides for universal suffrage and direct election to the supreme soviet. In theory, the legislative branch of the soviet government. In practice, it is actually a rubber stamp cheering section for stalin. As for the election, theres one set of candidates those nominated by the communist party. Voting with premier stalin, our minister of state security secret police. Nikolai yes, of minister of war. Kliment voroshilov and minister of Foreign Affairs vyacheslav. Molotov. By himself. Nikita khrushchev. Everyone everywhere is to vote. The penalties for failure to vote are severe. They involve the loss, work, loss of social position or imprisonment in a slave labor camp. Supposedly 19 9 of the people cast their ballots for the one party ticket. Stalin announces. That socialism has been attained. The ussr actual. The government has become everyones boss and. Workers are forbidden to strike. Agric. Culture is finally collectivized and. By 1939, through the tactic of united and popular fronts, the communist conspiracy is truly worldwide. In the united, a wellfinanced communist apparatus insinuates its way into American Life life through the communist based in moscow, stalin controls the activities. Communists everywhere. He establishes a network of spies to steal for communist misuse the fruit produced under the system. Free men in paris communists maneuver their way into the french government, posing as enemies of fascism. The reds are able to gain many. In vienna and china mao zedong is firmly in the north and awaits his opportunity to take over the whole country country. In moscow instead of the withering of the state promised by karl marx, the state has become a monster wholly dependent for its power on the red army secret police. Despite 20 odd years of soviet brutality, the objective of the marxist communist manifesto the World Revolution has not occurred and stalins waits for the chance to spill communism over the borders of the soviet union is opportune. It comes with the rise of a rival tyranny in nazi germany. In early 1939, the british and negotiate in moscow for a mutual defense pact against hitler. Stalin instructs his subordinates words have no relation to action. Otherwise what kind of diplomacy is it . Words are one thing. Actions and other words are a mask, concealment of bad deeds, sincere is no more possible than dry water or wooden iron. Even as the fruitless talks continue nazi foreign joachim von ribbentrop arrives in moscow to discuss with commissar of Foreign Affairs maxime lepani a nonaggression pact between hitler stalin. On august 23rd, 1939, the tyrants united hitler is free to strike. So is stalin. Except him. First, germany attacks poland. Two days later, britain and france declare war but are powerless to help the gallup polls. They comes quickly, but not before the red army has invaded the hapless country from the east. Communism has at last advanced outside the soviet union and quickly provides the world with sample of its tactics in occupied tens, thousands of prisoners are deported to slavery in soviet siberia, as the polish people suffer the red Propaganda Machine goes to work. All it does is the leak we want. We really hope it cant be german army up when im at oberon. Nilo was shot when i to give up of getting up. My family was killed in our due date or alignment with live on ashes. Then you put on nearly the new secretary of the ukrainian communist party, khrushchev and symon timoshenko take meanwhile soviet firing squads are busy in the canteen forest. Some 10,000 polish officers and intellectual leaders are slaughtered by the communists and buried in mass graves. The atrocities in our film are not pleasant, but the world must be reminded again and again the inhumanity to man that is communism and was nazi ism. After of vicious attacks on hitler as the scourge of mankind, stalin now declares it cannot be denied that it was. And britain, who attacked germany, thus assuming responsibility for the present war. Molotov is a frequent visitor to berlin, appeasing hitler with food and supplies, declaring it is criminal to wage a war against hitlerism camouflaged a fight for democracy, taking advantage of a pact with Hitler Russia begins a series of systematic on its tiny neighbors. Finland is invaded on november 30 of 1939. At first, the heroic finns repulse the army, weakened by stalins purge. Its top officers. Later greatly outnumbered finnish forces. The Karelian Isthmus to the soviet union for a hundred thousand refugees unwilling to be liberated, flee their homes, moving their possessions by every means. Having. Their necks. The Baltic States nonaggression pact notwithstanding a russian ultimatum to latvia opens, the border to red troops. And hordes of socalled technicians in reality trained moscow agents from. Moscow comes and revision ski to a puppet government with august curtains in as Prime Minister. Banners and signs prepared by subversives demand admittance of latvia into the soviet union. Yohannes spray the Latvian Communist Party makes the formal there no opposing votes to the kremlin goes. Premier koch and stein petitioning for admission into the soviet union. With stalin, khrushchev, molotov, mikoyan and cogan attack back in latvia behind the parades and banners, oppression the communists, a technique for subversion outlined for every nation, for every class, every type of political situation. Here is a blueprint for communist conquest. First, the Propaganda Machine into action. Businesses nationalized and all assets become the property of the state. Down to the last 19 bolt. This woman worked a to save 4000 latvian dollars 3000 of it is now the property of the party party. And so as a month pay from every worker time taken out to sign the pledges. Farmers must collectives in order to survive. The. Jails are opened allegedly political prisoners. But convicted felons. The new police force translation criminal album and a. K. A. 11 sentences for felonies released prison june 21st becomes inspector of police janez brzezinskis professional thief, serving three years and six months is made chief of the red guard cpa good man is a felon, serving three years and six months moves up to prefect. The Second Police district. August kalmans burglars serving two years and one month was promoted to chief of police of dog appeal. Matisse britannicus thiefs serving two years and one month is the new chief of police of la appia. The new constitution moscow guarantees freedom from arrest previous. Respected citizens now labeled enemies of the people, herded into trains and deported slave labor camps while parents are persecuted had great care and attention is immediately focused on the children. A red scarf of communism is supposed to give the character representing the spirit of childhood control the world a true meaning of the red scarf of communism, as evidenced this list of 78 latvians from all walks of life. In the says politically unreliable shoot them to death. There are no trials, appeals, a mass grave. The courtyard of the riga city jail, more than 15,000 men, women and children educators, doctors, ministers, students laborers are executed. Its the same sad story. Estonia and lithuania. Molotov says the nonsensical talk about the ization of the baltic countries is only to the interest of our common enemies. Words are one thing, actions another, communist imperialism marches on in eastern khrushchev and commissar of defense. Timoshenko supervise the red takeover. From may 1st, 1941 in red square. Marshal timoshenko entertains officers of the axis powers. It begins to look as if stalin, hitler will divide the world on june 22nd. Frustrated by akzonobel ready to conquer england and not trusting stalin, hitler turns his forces on the soviet union. Because stalin had to provoke the germans. He ignored of a nazi build up along its border, caught completely by surprise, led and lacking the will to fight, the soviet army suggested suggested, conveniently ignoring his own treacherous acts. Stalin appeals to the west for eight weeks later, he justifies is packed with hitler to the russian people. In this way they get easily. Establishing a society so great, especially national national. But an area where this industrial environmental paper should extent my route first scampering after obstacle over the thermal. And a well to me yes so usually will stay that i get. Especially speaking with. You in a little bit. It a little better you say it to see whether it. But in these early days of the war Many Russians are confused to exactly who the fiends and cannibals are. In village after village, the germans are welcomed as liberators, freeing the russians from the communist yoke. But then comes the incredible barbarism of the nazi occupation. Some people have difficulty drawing a parallel between the brutality of nazi ism and the brutality of communism. The victims have no such difficulty. These atrocities and stalins appeal to nationalism rather than to communism gives the soviets a reason to resist it. Aided by some 11 billion worth of material from the United States. They. Stalin signed treaties to gain strength. First with the polish government in exile by general sikorski. And then with the czechoslovakia in government, in exile, in the presence of his president , benesch. These are just two of the more than 200 treaties. And international agreements, communist signed and break general with the duke of windsor representing britain watching take charge of the poles on russian soil. General svoboda assumes command of the czechoslovak as the war continues stalin becomes uncle joe the faithful ally with a straight he signs a summit agreement which we look to the day all peoples may live free lives untouched by tyranny and according to their desires and their own. But in moscow, he has already established a Lublin Committee dedicated to a communist poland. After the war, soviet diplomacy. Words are one thing actions, other. While the russian soldier battles hitler, his communist leaders fight against freedom. In 1944, they unaccountably halt the advance a few miles from where polish resistance have risen in rebellion against the nazi occupation. Help us or we die, begged the patriots over the warsaw radio. But the red army stands by waiting for the future leaders of a free poland to hundred thousand of them to be massacred. And only then do the reds move in. Stalin takes advantage of the change in the tide of war to satisfy his vengeance on seven of his minority nations was members may have been disloyal to him. He directs a mass genocide in over 11 million victims. For example, these 10 to 12 indians, a proud and ancient people completely their very existence by the soviet union and. When the war ends, the communists occupy all of Eastern Europe and one third of germany, stalin, to hold his gains. All red occupied territories are ruthlessly plundered. The example of nuked in manchuria, where after six months of red liberation, 5000 factories are stripped of machinery for removal. Russia the truth behind khrushchev statement we categorically refuse all that rests on loot, violence and occupation. Stalin signs treaties. This one with chiang kai shek, Chinese Nationalist representative. As this scene is being enacted, stalin is secretly supporting communist leader mao tsetung soviet diplomacy. Meanwhile, United States ambassador George C Marshall attempts to restore peace in china and negotiate a truce between the nationalist Government Forces represented by general chiang chun and, the communist guerrillas represented by general lai paper promises and the reds gain valuable time to strengthen their forces when leaves, they resume the war on a vastly larger scale by. The end of 1949, china falls to the rebels. Another 700 Million People under communist control control. Lenin once said, we shall reach paris by way of peking during this time 1945 to 49, stalin has been beating the propaganda drums for disarmament. But his true policy is revealed in instructions given by the communist international apparatus. The disarmament policy of the soviet government must utilized to support the only toward abolition of war. Arming the communists, overthrowing the capitalists, and establishing the communist stalins policy of a protracted conflict. The cold war is becoming evident with about 5 million Red Army Troops and, 2 million internal Security Police in east europe. No one punishes stalin as. He consolidates his control by tearing up previous treaties and signing ones with his puppets. Romanias dr. Groza. And dacian east germanys gregoire. And and pete. Yugoslavias tito. Albanias hussar. In must communist parades and rallies. Its not unusual for the dove of peace to go hand in hand with the reality war. Bulgarias dimitrov, formerly head of the communist international polands beirut beirut. Hungarys rakosi, who speaks of soviet generosity without the unremitting kinds support of the soviet union. The hungary in popular democracy. And i may all other popular democracies would never have been created. Chicos slovakias gottwald. The czechoslovakia in story. A good example. Subversion in action. The great liberals statesman eduard bensch. After seven years of wartime exiled, is unanimously elected president. The second czechoslovak republic by the constituent assembly. But communists, a militant handful, the formation of a Coalition Government and proceed to split and then wreck opposition to emerge the leading party in the cabinet under premier gottwald a meeting of the communist dominated federation of labor is taking place the reds infiltrate the army and the trade unions and gottwald, the anticommunist members of his. Zappa, touts key chairmen of the general confederation of labor demands a general strike. The delegates vote to committee, have the courage to abstain. Which stops. Czechoslovakia paralyzed freedom as spanish is forced to accept the resignation of the last anticommunist in the cabinet. And then he too resigns. Foreign minister jan, a great patriot, still has illusions that to us the socalled people and i personally claim membership in that great mass of thinking and working can their own business join us . Let us criticize together. Let us make suggestions together. Lets insist on being heard and actions are bound. Follow who shall come to give it half a chance. Apec two weeks after the takeover of czechoslovakia, masaryk is dead, allegedly suicide. Benes, who also thought he could do business with the communists, dies soon afterwards to divert attention from his next move. Stalin orders violence in south america and in bogota, colombia. Dr. George gayton, columbias most popular leader, is murdered. Communist handbills printed in advance blamed the murder on the government within 24 hours, 1000 dead, 136 major buildings destroyed. The result of the communist incited. And expectedly stalin blocks allied access routes to berlin. The flood of refugees from communism embarrasses him. Stalin conveniently puts his solemn promise during world two for free access the city. This time, the United States stands firm, thousands of tons of food and supplies are flown into berlin every day. Stalin is made aware that interference means war. He backs down, the roads are reopened reopened. Now its done. Arrives in moscow to participate. Stalins 70th birthday celebrations. Second 1949. A new and peking axis poses an more ominous threat to the free world. The communist narrator the most vital tasks at the present time are to fight the strengthen good relations between the two great states. China, the soviet union. And thanks particularly to the correct antonov tional policy of generalissimo stella stella. And in the presidium, our leaders of the party and government represent lives of the various soviet republics and of the communist and workers parties abroad. Khrushchev proclaims stalin genius, leader, teacher, father of the nationalities, great industry or great collectivize or creator of soviet culture. Careful guarding, tenderly rearing the human beings in his charge. Nikolai verney makes the introductory speech. It was left to georgie marika, first secretary of the central committee, and lavrentiy beria, stalins minister of interior and state security. Next to start outside tony walter, deputy Prime Minister of east, and in a place of prominence nikita khrushchev. In preparation for his next move, stalin steps up the clamor for peace throughout world. A rash of peace demonstrations breaks out. This is one of them. The communist narrator says on berlins march square. The german youth demonstrate in defense of peace against the militarization of western germany. The german youth, greeted by the delegates to the world festival, representing hundred and one countries. Among those marching are 35,000 young peace champions from western who managed to get throughout to now a Police Cordon to million persons take part in the procession. In the evening theres a youth meeting the square. The special greeting made by valter albrecht, deputy Prime Minister of the german republic. Youth everywhere are brainwashed communism. Three just Living Private people adorned in a football, an usher field, a young woman whos got to follow children that everybody is killed to do. Who immediately is not the nazi. See yet being appear is the communist narrators. The artists various provocateurs in aspirations to mayakovskys verse is america. They lay bare the real nature of present day america with its false democracy, ensuring for profits and the brutalities committed by the militarists. These illustrations from the artists, the practice. The finances, a gay and noisy carnival, the streets until the early hours of morning, and the people condemned, the warmongers, enemies of democracy in communist north korea. A nightmare of national brainwashing is taking place. These the work of a group of writers translating the classics of russian and books on the soviet union. Among the first books are human for publication and the korean language is inspired of generalissimo stalin. And in moscow, north leaders absorbed soviet techniques. The Korean People are unimpressed tens of thousands flee to the democrat south korea becomes germany of the east. Stalin decides to do what he didnt to do in germany. Take of the divided country by force. June 25th, 1950, the north koreans launch a surprise attack. Their advances, spearheaded by russian. But once again, United States stands firm. Stalin miscalculated. The cold war becomes a hot war. American troops supported by forces from the united nations. Old and then wrote the north koreans. Mao zedong pours a million chinese socalled volunteer into the fight. After three years of conflict. The negotiations agreement is reached and Lieutenant General, the second signs for north korea. American Lieutenant General j. Harrison signs for the united nations. A cost to the United States for stopping the red aggression. 135,000 casualties. And 20 billion. These are american. Some of the 10,000 prisoners of war senselessly by barbara listed communism. And these are south korean soldiers. And the reds retain control of 15 million north koreans. The kremlin, stalins hot or cold, is stymied. He need scapegoats, his failures. On august 12th, 1952, 400 jewish artists, actors and writers are murdered. Next, leading jewish doctors are accused of a plot to poison the soviet leadership and working for foreign intelligence. Stalin tells ignazio that then minister of state security, if you do not obtain confessions from, the doctors, we will shorten you a head. Stalin instructs, be beat. And once again. Caught in the frenzy of his purge. Stalin now plans to liquidate his entire inner circle. Malenkov beria mikoyan and thousands more are threatened. But before the murders can begin. Stalin dies of a stroke. The end of a tyrant at. The beer. The beginnings of a struggle for power reminiscent of the death of lenin. Again a triumvirate the heirs apparent are molotov. Beria and malenkov, who now becomes premier. Khrushchev is in the background, waiting within the new rulers are shaken by the Popular Uprising against dictatorship. East berlin, june 17, 1953. The signs says we want freedom. It starts with workers demonstrating against intolerable conditions and spreads rapidly until people of all classes are demanding and an end to the communist regime. Part of the iron curtain is torn up. And. The red flag is hauled down over the brandenburg. And. The red army intervenes and. Sticks and stones prove useless against soviet tanks for east berlin. After 30 years of nazi ism and eight years of communism, one glorious day of freedom a red flag goes up for secret police. Beria berlin sounds a death knell. Khrushchev finally sees the to split the triumvirate and take over barriers police power among charges barriers accused of treason. His failure to foresee the uprising and is arrested. Khrushchev says it has now been established that. This villain had climbed up the government over an untold number of corpses. Beria is executed now as secretary general. The Party Khrushchev follows in the footsteps of his predecessors the opposition premier malenkov on khrushchevs right is disgraced and forced to resign is successor nikolai boogeyman here with Marshal Zhukov as a khrushchev puppet, and khrushchev soon succeeds him molotov, has banished khrushchev staffs key posts, but his own followers then in a maneuver that astounds the world. Apparently in order to conceal the truth of his connection with the shameful past. Khrushchev turns his attention to the overpowering image of stalin. This is the 20th Party Congress where khrushchev delivers. His secret destalinization speech. Comrades, the cult of the individual will acquired such monstrous size because stalin himself supported glorification of his own person. Was it without his knowledge that stalin were erected throughout the country. These memorials to the living . Was it without stalins knowledge that many of the Largest Enterprises named after him. That many of the largest towns were after him . The communists narrator continues. The inhabitants of ghana, now known as stalins voice, their warm affection and loyalty to the great stalin and the soviet union. Khrushchev continues. And when stalin asserts that he himself wrote the short of the history of the all Union Communist party, the work created by our group into a book written by stalin. This calls at least four amazement. His short biography is an expression of the most dissolute flattery. We need not give here examples of the loathsome adulation filling this book. They were all approved and edited by stalin personally. Khrushchev continues. Stalin knew the country and agriculture only from films that dressed up and beautified existing situation and pictured collective farm life at the tables were bending from the weight of and geese evidently stalin believed it was so the power in the hands of stalin led to serious consequences during the war to his leadership were dedicated Literary Works and paintings full fantasy. When we look at many of our novels, films and historical scientific, they make us feel sick. Khrushchev continuing all the more monstrous are the acts whose initiator was stalin. We to the mass deportation of whole nations. The colonic autonomous republic, the karachi, the in english, the avoided meeting this fate only because there were too many of them, and there was no place to which to deport them. Thus spoke khrushchev. He avoids mentioning the in whose persecution he himself is deeply involved and budapest is still become october 1956. Budapest hungary. The hungarian writers is attacking the communist government for freedom, distorting the truth, exploiting labor and abusing the farmers students by tens of thousands denounce the soviet occupation. They ripped the hammer and sickle their flank. They demand democracy, freedom of opinion and expression. Freedom. The press and radio general elections with a secret ballot. And a a march to the budapest Radio Station to make their program known to the world. The student leaders are arrested. The crowd demands their freedom. Now, the avio, the communist police opens fire. The first blood is drawn. The world has a new set of heroes the Freedom Fighters who rally during the night and win the support of the hungarian and the local police. Within 48 hours, soviet troops enter budapest. The hungarians have a message for. Them russians go home. Molotov cocktails, a homemade explosive emphasized is the message. Eventually, soviets are forced to lift the siege, the kilian barracks, where a hastily organized defense under colonel paul militarys withstood a violent assault and. The avio. The secret were barricaded themselves in the communist Party Building or taken prisoners. Political prisoners are freed. One of them, cardinal, said he has been a captive for eight years. Russians go home. Radio moscow broadcasts. The soviet government is prepared to revise its policy of troops in poland, hungary and romania. The red forces. Soviet officials and their families start to evacuate the city. For the moment, hungary is free. For the moment. The stalin statue, the symbol tyranny is brought down. In and reads freedom. Garry and radio. The free press. Soldiers and Freedom Fighters. Janos havel, one of the citizen heroes to emerge from the revolution. Militar now the hungarian commander in budapest, and kildee, the minister of state, are invited to soviet headquarters to discuss the final withdrawal of soviet troops. It is a trap mao letter never. On the morning of november, soviet bombers attacked the city, a signal for an all out assault by red army. Says khrushchev. You think the communist system can be maintained only with the help of our armed forces . Would not fight for such a system. The communist system must be based the will of the people. And if the people not wish this system, let them the way of life they think best. But in hungary, as elsewhere words are one thing. Actions another as the devastation continues, the hungarian radio pleads. People of the world listen. And come to our aid. Not with declarations, but with. Your turn will. Come also if we perish. Listen to our cry and act. Extend us your fraternal aid. May god be with you then. Silence. The aftermath. Death and. And again. The inevitable refugees from communist tyranny. Premier janos kadar arrives in moscow for instructions from premier bulgarian khrushchev states. Comrade janos qadar is truly, above all, a revolution nery who is thoroughly dedicated to his cause. He is a loyal communist who stands international marxist, leninist positions, who does not shun questions of struggle. It is again that communism requires a dictator ship to survive with the blood scarcely off the budapest streets. Khrushchev begins to build his own image. He is a man of the people. A smiling, good natured peasant peasant. He is a man of the world. Interested people and problems everywhere. He meets with sukarno of indonesia, with mao tung, and with castro. Khrushchev, a peaceful man who sponsors peace throughout the world. The communist narrator. The International Stalin prize for the promotion of peace among nations is presented to the human power at. The corners gilliatt and khrushchev organizes movements for the abolition of atomic weapons. The truth. Something else. The world that khrushchevs brand of communism no different than lenins or stalins. He breaks a solemn for no further testing and some 40 nuclear explosions, detonating a multiple Megaton Hydrogen bomb. The most awesome manmade explosion in history, apparently to frighten the world preaching disarmament on his own. He maintains the Largest Standing Army on earth, a constant threat to, peace, an ever present instrument of blackmail, says his minister of, war rodion malinowski. Glory to the communist party of the soviet union, which has inspired and, organized all our victories working for world peace. The soviet state shows. Its ceaseless concern for the army, which has been called upon to stand over the games of the revolution. A peaceful man is dutifully following lenins advice. Every Peace Program is a deception of the people and a hypocrisy. Unless its principal object is to support, aid and develop the revolutionary struggle. A good natured peasant admonishes. If anyone believes that our smiles, abandonment of the teachings of, marx, engels and lenin, it seems himself fully. Those who wait for, that must wait until the shrimp learns to. The man of the restores. The league of militant gardeners and pounds to universal of ap ism. He points out communism has not changed its attitude toward religion in this church, 14 year olds are forced to replace their communion with a youth of which swears allegiance to the communist state. And these third grade students are being sworn into the communist young pioneer organization. The children take the oath and to the question, are you prepared to give us your entire strength to work toward the noble goal of communism. Khrushchev the Youth Program important it on a worldwide basis. Identifying communism with the future this world youth. Just another instrument of communist is taking place in vienna. The theme is always peace. A communist. Propaganda is big business for the soviet union. Khrushchevs excuse our enemies spend vast sums subversive activities against socialist. The truth is the soviet union is paying. 2 billion a year for their propaganda employ. About 500,000 people. Moscow approximately 2 per free man to be subject to as against 0. 02 per person allocated to world propaganda by the free countries combined. The soviet effort is roughly hundred times as great as that of all the rest of the world. The money to pay for this fantastic Propaganda Machine comes from the masses under the communist yoke who work for absurdly low wages to enable their masters not only to dominate them. The better, but to also deceive successfully the masses in free countries. The importance of propaganda to the success of communism was emphasized by lenin when he instructed every must be made the greatest, must be overcome, in order to carry on agitation and propaganda systematically. Persevere knowingly. Persistently and patiently. While believes he can win the world, his policy of peaceful coexistence in china, where the communist tyranny is the same, the communist objective the same. The destruction of, the dignity of man, the same. Mao che tungs conception of achieving communist goal is different again. And again, he says. War with the west is inevitable. It is desire trouble. Meanwhile, in china as everywhere else communism produces, waste, squalor, misery and death. Thousands. Challenge the terror of the secret police to flee into british hong kong. For. From the day mao takes power. Countries along the chinese frontier are scenes of constant warfare. Communism feeds on its neighbors. In French Indochina into their native desire for freedom is perverted into a war of communist imperialism imperialism. Geneva, 1954 read chinas cho enlai and french premier mendez, france sign an armistice that surrenders the northern of vietnam. 12 Million People to a long time. Ho chi minh, like germany and indochina, is now half slave, half free. The french hanoi, according to the armistice terms. And with go the inevitable refugees, 1 million of them fleeing to the south, where a Constitutional Government is being. The communists over North Vietnam and red guerillas continue the war against the south, demonstrating once again that with communists everywhere. Words are one thing. Actions in other red chinese invade and subjugate tibet. At the first opportunity, the dalai lama, the spiritual leader of tibet to india, where bloody riots are incited by communists as red troops assert constant pressure along the India Chinese frontiers. Meanwhile, the red chinese pose as friends and protectors of new such as nepal. And old nations such as albania. And, seek to extend communist influence. Latin america. Here in peking, communist delegates from different latin american countries meet their hosts. Mao tse tung and cho in line. Their most important success occurs in cuba, only 90 miles from the United States, a brutal dictatorship under fidel has imposed the yoke of marxism on the cubans. Another 7 Million People are trapped behind the curtain and in moscow yuri gagarin, soviet cosmonaut speaks of the peaceful Foreign Policy the soviet government hands off revolutionary cuba, the nationalist congress of socialist youth, chooses havana as its meeting place. Delegates are from the United States. China. Canada and russia. And the following year, castro announces, i am a marxistleninist and will be until the day i die. Castro wins the lenin peace prize in british guiana. Chetty, jagan and wife had a strong communist party everywhere in latin. Communism feeding on poverty ignorance and despair, seethes and prepares to explode. Student demonstrations and riots. One of the favorite techniques to prepare the way communist takeover are ordered from moscow in montevideo, uruguay. Communist protests. The visit of president eisenhower of the United States. In caracas, venezuela. President nixon is mobbed and is cast owned by communists. And. Red riots. Shake japan to forestall the visit of president eisenhower on the signing of the american japanese peace treaty. Throughout, the noncommunist world. Again and again. Orders from moscow violence interrupts to an effort in the middle east. And in europe. In supposed neutral yugoslavia. In france. But in the communist world, the demonstration are quite different. Despite the infamous berlin wall, a constant stream refugees proves to the world that communism has never been the free choice of people anywhere. And. This is a grim tug of war. East German Police try to pull this woman back to captivity. She finds freedom. Others find death death. Khrushchev insists the soviet state, has not ruled and does not intend to rule anyone. Impose our way of life upon. Well, khrushchev best for lenin. Stalin mao zedong and castro. And as it must be for all communists. Words are one thing. Actions another communists. Conspiracy is a deliberate and predictable plan of action to subvert the world. A startling story from lenin in 1914 with 13 followers to the present, with 1 billion people under the control of a comparative handful of communists in the soviet union itself, only 5 of the people are members of the party. A communist philosophy that end justifies the means has caused pain out of all proportion to the pitiful social progress communism has achieved, and yet it has spread at a fantastic speed and demonstrated a frightening vitality by two primary reasons. I think. First, it has duped wellmeaning people everywhere into thinking that it provided an answer to the economic and social problems of the world. Second, it has not hesitated use force wherever possible to impose on unwilling people and to hold them in abject subjugation. What can we do in face of this communist threat . Well, for one thing, we can, by example let the people of the world know that the way free men provides a sure, happier answer for their problems and the outdated coercive doctrines. Karl marx. That freedom and not communism is doctrine of the future. We must remain strong so that we can never be blackmailed by men like khrushchev and mao, and so that we can uphold the hopes of the captive people. If, as the communists say, over and over again, war is inevitable, then it is sheer folly for us not to make every conceivable political, economic, military and cycle logical preparation to win. No one knows what the end of the story be. Thats up to you