Picky speaking of Economic Club of washington, d. C. So much fun to be with you. [applause] one of the things people do get started for the volga such a privilege to be here. I just want to say to everybody if anybody in this room has a midlife crisis, run for office. Its awesome, its awesome. Okay. Anybody think of running for anything . By the time with that we would get one convert here. Solve our midlife crisis, what office should one run for. With governor of virginia is a good one because i cant run again. What about another job . There might be other ones. So okay. By the way, the governor of virginia cannot run for reelection consecutively. Its the only state in america where we restricted to one, for your term. But you could change the constitution biggie favor this purpose i will let the next governor worry about that. I view this as a great opportunity to be in hurry. I have clock behind my desk that the day i was inaugurated i said so help me god, we went to work, and the fedex package showed up. I tore it open on a saturday. In it was a clock and it was set for four years in taking backwards. There was a note from jeb bush insight and is a Governor Kemp get moving, time is a taking to i put the clock to my desk never did i look at at at know how many days we have left. Okay. So how many days have you had so far . I think where about 860 left. Wow okay. I would people an introduction to you for a minute if i could then we will go through it, questions but glenn was born in richmond and grew up in norfolk, is that right . Virginia beach. Went to high school there, Norfolk Academy and was a High School Basketball star, recruited by coach k to plant duke or at least be on the duke team. Maybe not to play. Maybe not to play. [laughing] there as i recall he was told by coach k we have a really guy name danny ferry coming in and he is going to be the kind of like instant practice is that right . Maybe i i get to carry his shoes. So glenn decided not to go to duke. He went to rise when he became the cocaptain of the basketball team, and didnt play that much either. Didnt play much there either. But i did meet my wife so it was worth it. Who is now married for 30 years almost. 30 years okay. And he is then went to Harvard Business school and graduated in the top 5 of his class. In between college at rice where he got two degrees, he worked at first boston in houston. Then went to Harvard Business school makers, then went to mckinsey in washington, d. C. And after about you that was recruited to work at carlisle and was there for 25 years and rose up to be our coceo. I did that he was our president and chief operating officer, and at that time i remember telling glenn he had no chance of ever going into politics and getting elected. Something like that probably not schriver asked. [laughing] so okay. So glenn have four children and wife suzanne is some of you met at college i met her right after school. Suzanne went to Southern Methodist in dallas, and we met through a mutual friend. Xi really did want of anything to do with me because xi did know what to do with his crazy virginian. Who would believe that today xi is a first lady of the commonwealth of virginia . So shes happy xi made the decision. I hope so. Glenn, lets start by not ask you something relating to the presidency. Well get to that. Are you happy as governor of virginia . Do you enjoy the job more than a higher calling of private equity . David i know its going to break out the short answer is yes. Its amazing. I went into this because i was worried about virginia and i was frustrated with what the Republican Party was in virginia. And carlyle was in really good shape i do remember when i called you on saturday to tell you i was resigning. I said david, this is Glenn Youngkin and use of wired calling me . Youre quitting. And i said well yeah. He said what he going to do . I said im going to run for office. He said that thats crazy. Im going call your wife, call you back together and talk you out of this nonsense. Yes. What we found david was this is one of these moments that being an outsider was amazing because i brought a different perspective to it and when we were hired by virginians and you virginians, thank you for hiring me, we went to work right away. All of the things that we learned in business are fully transferable into government. You just have to work at it. Lets talk about the campaign. During the campaign you had these baths and people said it was your signature. Was that purpose or you had the leftover and georges wearing them . I got a little cold during the fall and adult like jackets and the heat sweaters. So i started wearing a vast andd i thought i will wear a red once and an republican. Then i started showing up at campaigns anybody else started wearing fast and i thought maybe we stumbled onto something. Read this. And you saw people around the country starting to wear red vest. If you stock any, that makes breadbasket it was a good thing. When you started you had to get the republican nomination which is done at a convention, not any kind of primary. Did you really think an outsider with a private equity background really good when . Well, i wouldnt have done it otherwise but it was real uphill battle. Our first poll came out. We did internally before relaunched. I i had a 2 name id as a whole had a 3 margin of error. I was trying to cling to my wife that it really was a good thing because it was real upside. So you got the nomination but then judgment against a former Governor Terry mcauliffe or you dont really come you did not appetizer i didnt really know terry. He had invested with carla over the years which may be you pointed out at one point or something. Summit mightve pointed it out. He trusted enough to manage his money. Maybe he thought i could be a good governor. When did you think that a good chance of winning that, the night of the lecture did you think is you going for a chance of beating a former Virginia Governor . First of all, basic truth to a campaign, which is the job is to get more votes than the other guy. We felt we had a real chance if we could do three things. One is lose Northern Virginia less bad because republicans have lost Northern Virginia by a lot. And second of all, when Hampton Roads which is right from the never really strong turnout in our traditional republican counties and that was our strategy. And it worked not just because it was a good strategy but it worked really because at the time the issues the one everybodys mind, taxes and Economic Growth, because of was going, going on come out of defendant and jobs being really shut out because virginia was shot, education and the challenges that parents were seen in the education system, a Public Safety was a real challenge. Virginia was that at a 20 r rate. These basic Kitchen Table issues really spread across the commonwealth as the most important issues, not republicans versus democrats, but for virginians. So i do feel like we found ourselves at a moment in time with the things that i believe deeply in Economic Growth and Public Safety and excellent education and making to work better really resonated with virginians. During the campaign does a debate you had with Terry Mcauliffe and so people would say you want at the debate because you pointed out you wanted parents involved an education process. Terry mcauliffe said he did want parents involved. Was at a position you thought through before and you think that was really what made the difference that one statement . We had identified very early on that education was going to be the primary issue in the election in addition to jobs and economic recovery. And as i traveled around the commonwealth i kept hearing over and over and over again from parents that we feel pushed out of our childrens lives and the School System. So we had launched our Parents Matter Initiative long before the debate, and then when mcauliffe basically admitted what i firmly believe is his political philosophy that, in fact, parents shouldnt be involved in deciding what is being taught in schools, it ws a real moment a difference between what i was speaking about and what he believed. And again it wasnt a republican versus democrats moment. It was a parents moment and that really did provide a lot of tailwind. Suppose you had not won. One. What would you be doing today where would you be . Ive equity in your own ovet would you be doing . I didnt have a plan b. Really didnt. When you get elected who called you . That famous people call you to tell you they knew youre going to win all along and they always are supporting you secretly . You called me the day after i think. [laughing] okay. And so a lot of people more famous than me certainly call you and to tell you the thought you had a good chance of winning all along what . We had great support on what we were doing but there was a real uphill battle. Virginia had really become very much controlled by the Democratic Party and we remind yourself that come come looking to into, or, at attorney general were held by democrats. Both senators in washington democrats. Seven out of 11 congressional representative for democrats. The house and senate were controlled by democrats over republicans when was an uphill battle. Down the stretch everybody started to see the momentum that come our way and it was really encouraging because so many folks came out of the woodwork and said hey we are for you and we can help you get it done. So to take a cab that a lot of contacts you would know to virginia for many, many years who were kind of cabinet quality i guess. How did you figure koubek was did you go ask search from to help you, how did you get that cabinet together . We did the exact same thing we didnt carla, looking for a management team. I search firms. We wrote Job Description and set them out on a national search. I got a little bit of heat because it was pretty late in the cabinet building or transition process and we have not named a lot of folks yet because we were waiting for the right people. The very first person at a nominate to our cabinet was a new position, a chief transformation officer because we are one in every business at carlyle. At least for because i called a friend of mine and his head and looking for chief Information Officer to opus transform government. He said the very best person is a guy that the chief Information Officer at mckinsey but theres no way youll ever get it out. His life is really good, living in the small town in virginia called richmond. Eric miller became our chief transmission officer and was our first cabinet nominates. Okay. So what about your staff people, what did you get them . Mostly camping people are people of virginia government experience or your staff . All of the about their we found folks would been in business. Many of you probably worked with Steve Cummings who ran both hollowell and was a senior guy at wachovia and ran ubs. He is virginias secretary of finance. When i called in the first time and he said glenn, i really think about government and it dont live in virginia. I said perfect. Move here. And hes been awesome. Our secretary of education came from minnesota and yet we were still able to recruit folks from an virginia are secretary of the commerce is one name k and xi just stepped down after first 20 much. Xi promised me xi would stay for your and half and xi stayed for 20 months. We just had a great people come to the administration. Do you enjoy the job as much as you appear to be enjoying it . I do. Say dont miss private equity . Not at all. Okay. So today we would use it if you look back today what would you say youre most proud of having achieved in your 20 months or so . David there are two things. First is that when we started in this just tremendous privilege to go to work every day for 8. 7 point people. And had to say from a lot of them everyday, we saw virginia that was really challenged. We were bottom third in job growth, 20 yearmurder rate, our education scores have really dropped. And more virginians were moving away to other states then were moving to virginia for nine years straight. We were a a net exporter of families. Whats been most encouraging is that all of the things we know in business actually can work in government here and so we lowered taxes. We streamlined regulations and guess what, business comic. They create jobs and today virginia is third in the nation in job growth. We reestablish High Expectations in schools and we Just Launched as usually important intensive tutoring program across the entire commonwealth and brooklyn make sure our kids can read and do math. We hired in new Law Enforcement fs 400 million of increased salaries and raises and guess what i was in new york last minute walking down the street and a guy on the nuke waste of our becomes a to b and uses are you Governor Youngkin . I said yeah. He said i just put them a application to come were in the Virginia State police, im coming, im coming. So we can move the needle quickly. In 20 months ive watched it happen quickly, and the ultimate test is where our people choosing to live . I know all of you review data like i do. Its important to read but in 2021 virginia was 31st in the nation in one way you haul trips. One year later we are fifth in the nation and one white uhaul trips right there with florida and texas north carolina, south, and i would be clear ahead of georgia and tennessee and ai called the governors and told them so. So we can, in fact, move the needle quickly im incredibly, incredibly proud of the work weve done. Lets talk about things related to race because thats but a big issue, part of the confederacy. When there is a Confederate Monument, what is your decision, what you been doing and taking down Confederate Monument or repositioning them . I think those one at Virginia Military academy. Arlington cemetery. The decisions on most of the monuments have made and i think that our history needs to be preserved for people to understand and see pics of those monument should be on battlefields or in museums. We have just gone to work on this particular monument which is in arlington cemetery. It was unveiled by Woodrow Wilson as a unification monument. President although it up to barack obama and late recent bitter but the decision was made to move it. And so weve been working across the aisle. Ive had some support from our two senators as well and we can move this to a battlefield in virginia pixel it will be part of our history so people can understand it. I think this is part of the moment that we are in, which is often times there is this distinction is drawn in politics. It is either this or that. And depending on where you come down as what team youre on and i think theres a real moment for both. We can, in fact, recognize the decision was made, but lets have a moment and put the statues summer work history conceivably can understand the history of virginia. Theres a road i think i must have been renewed Jefferson Davis highway in Northern Virginia that is been renamed. Is it Glenn Youngkin highway . I dont know. No. But this process is one that think has been very challenging for people. Its why when i first came in i sit folks i want is to redo our history standards in virginia. Because our history standards should be the best in the nation. And they know the folks may be from maryland or from massachusetts or from pennsylvania and think that those states had a major role in forming our country. But it really started in virginia. Thats a joke. [laughing] the reality of course is that we have to teach all of our history, the good and the bad, and we can teach both, age appropriately. We can have a robust curriculum that introduces to all of our children this very complex history that yes, acknowledges the horrific history of slavery, and yet the great moments of Civil Rights Movement so much of it happened in virginia. So we able to get new history standards passed just recently in the spring. I think they will be the best history standards in the nation. They are already receiving accolades and im looking for to virginia to understand our complete and complex history. When you rant and became governor you are very much against the teaching of Critical Race Theory socalled in virginia schools. It wasnt being taught as i understand it. Why were you so upset about it . It was a really being taught. David dont fall for that trick. Because its not a class. Its actually a philosophy of teaching, and, unfortunately, it was embedded in our School System and we had privilege bingo in fairfax county. We, in fact, had professional Development Classes where they were teaching faculty and administrators the difference between privilege class and oppressed class. The reality is we should not teach our children to judge one another. We shouldnt teach our children that theyre responsible for the sins of the past. We should teach our children that hard work is of value that should be respected and encouraged. And we can do all this and teach as acip earlier a very complex history. We dont have to have or moment but we also need to make sure that our School System is fully respecting the individuality of our students and parents engagement in their childs education. We have made huge progress. Very pleased. The still a lot of work to do and again this is an and moment not an or moment. Some people would say commit, of a privileged background. Your went to Duke University where he was the rebound champion preintegration, and so he was famous basketball player, a graduate of duke. Did you grow up in a fairly privilege and private . I grew up in a normal virginia or american home. As you said i was born in richmond. My mom was a nurse, and my dad was kind of a bookkeeper accounting type. When i was in seventh grade my dad lost his job. It happens in families. My mom did what so many moms do. My mom was my hero. Xi grabbed by dead by his ear and grabbed him and said were starting all over again and move down to Virginia Beach and thats what we started again. Theres a moment where we have to step back and recognize basic values important us to pass on. There is dignity and working working hard. An important part of your life has been your Christian Faith, you come to that as a bornagain christian or early years as a boy . I didnt grow up in a faith filled environment at all. Suzanne didnt either when i asked her to marry me, she said yes but i need you to recognize collective state has to be at the center of our marriage and i didnt fully understand what she was talking about but i wanted to get married. [laughter] so i said sure. She put me on a path where i had a chance to fully understand the Christian Faith changed my life in an extraordinary way. I have a moment of quiet to start prayer. Its an amazing privilege to go to work everyday so i first thanked the lord who put me here and i asked for help, theres a lot of topics we deal with well beyond my understanding and we get working and we are doing a good job. They didnt build their own church, you build your own church, i went the other churches good enough that were around . It was a church we started and we had so many friends that want to go to church but didnt have a church to go to so we just started a basic one on sunday and there were 50 people in our basement and we started to move to other peoples basements. Then there were 100 people so we thought we better get a building and the thing we know theres church, its been going since 2010 if anyone wants to know. Some corner of 495. Very often when childrens parents say they want to run for office, the children rolled her eyes. When you said you were running for governor, what do they say. Are kids and me are such a blessing and we do everything we can to protect them. Its a tough thing for kids and hours are 26 street and and when we started three years will it was disruptive thing in your life in the are supportive of what we do, we do everything we can to let them live their life and we regularly renew and so far, so good. You said an area of focus is the Virginia Legislature into a fully republican legislature. The house is controlled by republicans in the senate will is a chance of picking our lives is. In 2021, were able too because we will we dont know, our attorney general, first hispanic american electorate in the mirror. Elected as lieutenant governor, the first black woman and immigrant elected to state office, both extraordinary teammates and we were able to the house, 45, 55 against republicans and now 52 48 majority. Now this year the entire house and senator, 22, 18, democratcontrolled majority and i think its a great chance to put a record of the table, we have great candidates and asked for virginians to elect majority Republican Senate to move even faster. What you want to get done but you cant now . If i want to get something done, the senate is controlled by democrats try to block us on it and that is politics in many sense yet we were able to get a fair amount because we have a few settlers and other and their primaries, everybody who worked in a constructive way are either retired, we find ourselves in 2000 junior we need to limit our senate and with great candidates we are in the middle of early voting so those of you from virginia who havent, go vote earlier and in those exciting and, im eager to push her record of achievement is under orders weve grown jobs and work hard be in schools and Law Enforcement, her enormously Behavior Health program to transform behavior, one of the largest most important objectives we have is you amazingly, the same reaction i had, we had monthly and antisocial we know we have been fingering informants, 1. 2 billion didnt need to be spending and turning to they are really wondering if you can do this and im happy to put that in front of the boat. Voyagers owners public and senate for is an abortion or limit, virginia is the only state that does not have the legislation is abortion so your business on abortion is, we have you come to 15 weeks versus 19 or 12 and do you think you can pass that . Let me back up a moment, i was in a Conference Room in d. C. Last summer, summer before last with the Editorial Board having a fun conversation, a Great Exchange of views on the Supreme Court ruling came out and i immediately went back to virginia in the press release was clear which was, i would like for virginians to come together around a bill to protect life when a baby can feel pain at 15 weeks and this is what i got the legislatures to work on. We didnt get it done in the last legislation, i think we can, its a place where virginians can come together to see what the Progressive Left has been doing in our senate and across legislature trying to make abortion available and its a tough topic for folks. Three years ago the former governor came out and said to keep a child comfortable, whether the child lived or died, thats an extreme position and didnt set well with virginians so i felt we can come together around moment to protect lives at 15 weeks when a baby can feel pain and thats when scientifically it shows children can feel pain. Viability 15 to 22 weeks and i think its a place we can come together and why i advocate was all candidates to support this position and have all said yes. I hope virginia can lead again. Virginia can show the toughest issues in america can find a place to come together and make and demonstrate. The legislature agreed to a six week pan or up to six weeks, you dont support that . Fifteen is your number . Unclear, i support the 15 week bill. Lets talk about the elephant in the room. How many times a day people asked if youre running for president . More than one usually. Its humbling, you can only imagine. I grew up in a normal house with ups and downs and moments where my father twice when i was growing up, it was something i could never have imagined growing up but to have people throw my name around is somebody who could potentially be the most respected office in the world is usually humbling. My focus appropriately and partly on elections and thats where i am. To virginia elections will be over when . [laughter] they start now and we have another 41 days and gets us to final election day. November, november 8 your have accomplished or not accomplished here change over. Will you then focus on whether you want to run for president . You know me well, i think its one reason you championed me, i am very focused person and tend to focus on objectives. My objective is to for our senate and i think more importantly to the country, not just virginia, to demonstrate you and bring a conservative philosophy with Commonsense Solutions and make a material difference in the direction of the state. Virginia was really headed in the wrong direction when i came in and we were falling behind in so many categories and its important for folks to see we can change and in a way that is consistent with suzanne. When i asked my lovely wife on a saturday, support me in quitting my job and running for governor, when she stopped crying, she looked at me and said i am so for us during this together but we have to commit to do it away that will represent our values and people will be proud to support us. This is equally important that we can make huge progress with commonsense conservative leadership and policies and can in a way ive made my mistakes and my wife points them out routinely to me but this is a chance lets presume donald trump will be the nominee of the party today. If you were the nominee, would you like to be Vice President with me . You would say the first thing i would tell you is i often dream about being a basketball star and i would think about that. There are great hypotheticals in the world. My job is to be the best governor i can and have never gotten promotion without doing the job. Have you ever met donald trump . Never in person. Really . Enough no. I guess you could call him up and say i want to meet you but you havent. But suppose he says i dont want to be the nominee or has legal problems. [laughter] would you then consider running or you are not sure yet . You have such great insight, do you think thats something thats going to happen . I think in politics you can never predict whats going to happen and i would say you need to be repaired so you never know but you are always well prepared but well see. If theres a lot of people calling you around the world thank you should come in, the Republican Party is not so wonderful and they tell you this, what you tell them . The first thing i say is thank you for believing in what we are doing and it is exciting to see folks not just in virginia but outside virginia was here in the United States and around the world excited about what we are doing and thats the first thing. Usually i say so great youre supporting us, would you help us when in virginia . Lets say you serve out your term and then for four years, there are no senate seats that i know of, would you do if you are not Vice President or president , would you consider thing in politics or returning to private equity . I was excited about the fact that we are positioned to make even more progress but our cabinet makes fun of me because as soon as we reach any milestone, i. Have time and i think we can accelerate in virginia thats what i hope to do. At the end of the day i think we can over the course of the next two years with the house and senate work with us in a constructive way, i think we can do amazing things. Virginia has a primary . Do you expect to endorse anybody if youre not a candidate or do you expect it to go . I dont expect him to endorse anyone, i voters should choose this. One of the great things that happened are election in 2021, record turnout and continue to have strong for engagement. I think it is so healthy. One reason i fully embraced early voting and we can remind everybody your child could get sick or something could happen at work or the could be storm. Its a great representation of engagement for people to vote. You can governor since joe biden has been president and you said you thought he was legitimately elected more or less . I did. Lets talk about virginia issues or it doesnt . He hasnt done that. He did come to virginia two weeks ago and claimed the elections were so important he personally would be engaged in defeating our agenda and points to how important the races are this year. I do think joe biden has done a good job as president , our economy has suffered and the reality even Larry Summers told them when you unleash bridled funding it will drive inflation and every family in America Today is struggling, 50 of americans are living paycheck to paycheck. The average family today has to spend 700 more just to buy gas and groceries and clothes for their kids than two years ago and we see on the National Stage america has suffered internationally and personally i am worried about our relationship with china. We show weakness in the reason we have a war in ukraine is driven fundamentally by joe biden. Do support the efforts by ukraine joe biden has been so far . I support the engagement in ukraine, i dont think we would have this problem if joe biden was stronger upfront but now its critical putin doesnt win and we need to rally europe and make sure we are supporting this. Vladimir putin is a really bad guy, we know that. What hes doing is every ounce of democratic fiber in my body and with got to win this. Some republicans on the house side appear to have of you we should reduce support and donald trump has said he would eliminate support for ukraine if elected. I think the big challenges highlighted, there has not been good oversight for the money has gone and we must have europe fully engaged in the separate which has Global Implications but most important europe is that risk. There are ways we should do this much better but we must continue to support. Where are you on the age issue . Do think people im not old enough yet. [laughter] seventyseven, 78, running . The key thing is if they can do the job. These are demanding jobs. Im governor of virginia, i go early to very late every single day. Fiftysix . And 56. I understand how joe biden does what he does because i think he is challenged and he demonstrates it everyday. When you have a president struggling to keep up the schedule, it shows. America should be leading the nation and the world in so many aspects and we have to protect strength from the global stage and give comfort that we have things under control in our economy and we need to make sure we are strong on key issues like our border because every state is a border state. There unbelievably challenging issues that need salt and they are complicated and require complicated solutions and when you have a president that doesnt object to the ability, it weakens america. Why not run for president yourself and fix that problem . [laughter] youre getting even more creative. So you are not going to give an answer here. Im not sure presidency, right . I when i was in carlisle, my friend here who worked with me, we had the great privilege of being part of this group and participating in what you built so thank you because it brings people together who really care about washington d. C. And Northern Virginia and maryland so thank you all for participating. Its an important moment for us. We have a few owners here. This thought they are likely to build a new stadium, the current stadium is in maryland. They have a chance of maybe going back to rfk. What about virginia . Would virginia be able to provide sentence or are you interested in building a football stadium there for them . I have frequently reminded everyone that virginia will be the best place to live and work and raise a family. I think its a great place to have a professional football team. My job as governor is to represent taxpayers. If we can represent taxpayers well, thats a negotiation i would look forward to having. So you might consider it . Ive been clear, i would like to engage in offering an opportunity for the commanders to come to virginia but my job as governor is to make sure we do the deal and thus the most important thing. A used to be said virginia is for lovers. Is it still . Its one of the most iconic statements in america and people know it all over the country and world. If somebody watching here on cspan or someplace else and they havent visited virginia, was a great tourist site in virginia . If you love history, go to williamsburg, yorktown where the revolutionary war was one. You come to richmond. If you like the outdoors, go to the mountains and explore the shenandoah valley. You can go on skyline drive which is one of the most visited highways in the world. You can go to the beach and the great oceanfront. We have Fabulous Hotels and our wine country is as good as it gets. Virginia is in the top five in one production in the United States and one of our vineyards was named by an inspector about one of the best in america. There are wine trails all over and i guess i cant wait out distillers on craft beer folks so finally, i know there folks in here, you can visit or season and raising and corneal downs which a horse britain virginia one the secretary of state will you can come to Northern Virginia area and joined gold cup and the races we have so how about that for coming to virginia . [applause] virginia is one of the leading states in the United States cybersecurity and the pentagon being in virginia helps, i assume but is that one of the biggest growth areas in the state, related to spending . It is and regina is the largest market for data centers in the world and what comes with that are the cybersecurity jobs needed to support it and the software development, we got movement in Northern Virginia because of the great work going on at the Virginia Tech innovation cap leading the world in Quantum Research and a. I. And Machine Learning and of course that draws capital and talent for entrepreneurs and Education Collaboration and i would highlight that one of the areas ive been most proud of. It is catered folks. Might as well go ahead and move and send your kids. What is it like living in the governors manchin . Is in a nice house . Its a fabulous privilege. Ive never been in the governors manchin or as a kid growing up so the first time suzanne and i never had a chance to see the governors manchin was the day after we were elected. We went and had lunch with the previous governor and his wife and it is a spectacular privilege, a home contracted to be built by monroe and was built in 1810 13 at governors have their sins, the oldest governors manchin in america and filled with amazing artifacts and given your love of history, you should come visit. I have not been there yet. Has the internet . [laughter] we have Carrier Pigeons on the roof that go back and forth so there was a governor of virginia named Thomas Jefferson became president , what you think of Virginia Governors becoming president . Is it a good tradition . First governor was Patrick Henry and i am reminded of the shoulders i get to stand on everyday, i walked down the stairs and i see our state capital designed by Thomas Jefferson and i take a right and work in the Patrick Henry building. This week has not been a good workout and stay active. One of the realities everyday is we are moving so in addition to scheduling workouts, we covered a lot of ground. We covered about 100,000 minus but this is why the job is so encouraging and gives me a chance to travel around virginia and listen to virginians and hear from them how im doing but issues most important to them and there are moments that bring you to your knees. If you decide to run for president , will you come back in let us interview you. I think you said earlier i can come back anytime so i think that covers all. Congrats on being elected governor of the commonwealth, why is commonwealth not a state . Virginia is pretty particular, we want to be unique, theres not a difference between commonwealth interstate. We are unique and that means all of you should move to virginia commodification on your next vacation and send your child to our schools. Are taxes lower . They are. Are you going to keep them lower . We are working on bringing them down. Weve had 5 billion of tax raised leave, on average, about average. The most remarkable reality, there were certain folks in the other side that were shocked that we had 4 billion tax relief in the first budget we got through and ran another record the plus and its great how it works, reduced taxes and more people who get jobs and pay in that allows you to run a surplus to reduce taxes again and found education and Law Enforcement and behavior and you can do both. Some states proposed special interest tax, youre not doing the are you . State taxes, youre not thinking of eliminating them, are you . I want to congratulate you on getting elected and come back again. [applause] we had a gift for you. I guess you will give it to the state treasury or something. An audible conversation. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]

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