Have steve is our speaker see biden anyone to be tellings about John Burroughs who was a young man, came to capitol hill during the civil war and introduce the nation to the beauty of washington and became one of the countries leading and while no major steve dryden recounted the life of John Burroughs and i spent suspect in the wouldve appreciated the career path of our speaker and he started with the va Political Science from duke is a masters in International Affairs from columbia and those to steve to an almost 20 years as a reporter and editor leading newspapers both here and abroad and play sex these focus on the very local families of the rock creek songbirds which is the Habitat Restoration project and serving for many years is the executive director of the friends of pierce meal and while he digs deeper into the history and Natural Resources have a very area that John Burroughs new 1150 years ago theres a second reason that i am delighted to be introducing speaker and his topic, for almost 20 years now, electric group headed by john fencing of the time, has been looking for someone to give a lecture on the onetime the residentne John Burroughs, and once i asked the late steve of been owner the bookstore. Hello he would give a lecture future and figuring that anybody you named his bookstore, after burroughs book, would probably know a lot about John Burroughs, will steve then said he was an appreciator but not a lecture her. So, he stayed on is something that we wanted to do for many many years. And of us right when the washington history magazine published an article by steve dryden titled the rock creek tiny branch and within a very interesting article, was a section of began that the first street cordate explorer Accounting Branch was John Burroughs and bingo, or maybe i thought, somebody who knew that about John Burroughs, would also know a lot more and might just be willing to give a lecture or maybe might know somebody who would. So is only taken is almost 20 years to getet this lecture tonight in the old hospital, that John Burroughs just mightve seen when he was here in washington. [applause]e [applause] thank you nancy i think you for the opportunity to talk tonight and it is not on okay is not better. Maybe i should just shout. It is on and i have to get really close yes. Okay. How is that. It just so mike is better i will shout. Will it is great to be back here and capitol hill and actually here we back onto the 20 years ago on third street in pennsylvania pocket of that im sure a few of you remember that prayed the house i was living in actually had to guess lamp in the front of i it which i thougt was extremely cool 19th century and i wantoo to stay the except that i had an appointment at egypt is another story but it went away and i never came back to capitol hill but my space and longtime appear because of the witnesses for me and so im really happy tonight to have a chance to talk about John Burroughs and the streams of washingtons dc and im not nancy well not really any had an expert on burroughs but certainly, theres a lot of material available on him which is pretty easy to find and i used to work in the Audubon Society chase they also had a biography of him i got need to come up edward running a new really is the expert and he lives up in new york. So i want to start with just one clarification because i know these things get confusing highly confused all of the time by these names and so to see if we get to the next biden yes, very important distinction here right. John burroughs ishe not relatedo william s burroughs. William s burroughs, picture here is a a very famous writer n certain scenes and he was a member of thein beat generation andme more. Hereof the famous book about, probably one of the best titles book ever together. He was an International Traveler and drop hundred adventure and i want to go into that but as far as it know, he was born in st. Louis i dont think they were related in any close wife but i just to get that out of the way because sometimes it does get confusing with the same do not. So the real John Burroughs coming areas is in man and he has his flowing boxing he is forgotten today and nancy remember seven a few others that i know do but between the confusion with William Burroughs and other burroughs i just of the natureer writers, hes very much a man of the past unfortunately. However i dont think theres going to be campaign to rename the school that is named after him which is on monroe street northeast i thank you so pretty sick name for time being i dont thank you so good evening think particularly egregious. And he has no link with the drug adventure s burroughs. I think were going to the school potentially some school to for a while. Okay so now this is a big test. If you have a book by John Burroughs in your library, raise your hand. Yep, have not surprised to be embarrassed because i did not have one until about five years ago myself when i found one in a used bookstore for about 2. And you know, its curious and i mean, these writers go through periods of same notoriety in the disappear. Believe it or not, it seems that John Burroughs was actually famous than walt whitman back in the 19 century andnd early 20th century. Its kind of hard to really measure that but burroughs was very very famous. He was of the people i can report were seeking him out for his wisdom, which is kind of ironic given the disparity between their pursuits it but never nevertheless, roosevelt and all the big shots of theel turnofthecentury wanted to be photographed with John Burroughs. And he lived until 1920 but we think about it, 202012 it is 100 years w ago. Weve been on the other hand who also lived well i dont have the exact date late 19th century whitman of course grew in fame and probably americas most beloved poet. But its interesting that they were literary conference and talked a little bit l about tha. In both of them were exiled from new york who came to washington during the civil war and women came here because is looking for his brother phil he thought event wounded in battle i think in fredericksburg. Many sitting at a job, the government clerk or Something Like that and made a funny to divide. Another point we been a dirty published version of the leaves of note of intellectual class and readers but he was on the superstar 19th century nevertheless he was here people at burroughs who was 20 years younger, knewe about him. I burroughs, was morning he was raised on a farm in the catskill mountains. Even if it from that of course because he was outdoors any you know we got to love nature we think via is bringing however he was also studious and very curious young man and so pete did not want to become a farmer like his father. And he asked when he was 17, and he finishes pulling his father might give him some money so they can go to college and pursue his education his father set out, sorry i do not think i really want to support you and that and you dont need to be doing the kind of thing. So mr. Burroughs, senior say goodbye to his son left home as boys tend to went off to seek his passions. Other point i was just learning how to be a teacher maybe can earn some money and went to Seminary School for a while. He started writing this was in the late 1850s. Of course this equipment was getting it be known that sort of in the same locales and burroughs was writing actually published in the monthly, one of his first articles was sort of this amber sony and, philosophical text which i didnt read. Read so much like emerson think that he plagiarized it was originally and he was published in 1916 they gave him some energy and excitement and you dont drive i thought that he had a chance to be a writer. And then as the civil war began, he found that he burroughs, governing teaching and writing in rural new york which is where he was living a married at the age of 20. So we also have the responsibility and so he decided because he had some friends who are already in washington, the santa monica place estate without so we went down and his wife. In the fall of 1863. Any wood stork that his friend was running somewhere downtown. In who he bumped into but walt whitman. So we did not fully actually bumped into him the first time theyre encountering lewis series encounter was actuallyly capitol hill so that dues under the trees, what is fully lonely path. In burroughs came upon whitman. And whitman was on his way as he tended to do in washington when he was not working, to visit hospitals he would bring fruit, and candy and anything that he could afford to give to soldiers in the hospital in washington wounded soldier so that was his mission outside of writing. In burroughs, was of course just thrilled to meet his will frankly his hero at that point. In the two then became good friends. Anyone that point in time, Washington City is what they call it, which was the grid of washington was still the cityas was people thought of when the washington outside of the grid was Washington County which was undeveloped mostly farming land. Those are too far from anywhere you were in washington and so the two of them could take these blocks out into the wild so to speak up Washington County which is what they did. And i burroughs first got as i said you know he had to be a teacher and he was 20 writing really have no particularly walkable skills. And for chubby found the only think that he could find to measure his desperation was actually he was a member of a real detail run by the quartermasters unit of the u. S. Army and marrying bucket soldiers who would been killed in the fighting. And according to the records, which rented the biographer found, these bodies were taken to the outskirts of washington, to the border with maryland where they were burying the mass graves and as you can imagine, this was horrible, horrible working he did not last burroughs did not last long without and i actually was struck by it of course that is such a horrible and just unbelievable kind of job for somebody to come into their the age of 20, who was writing. Its hard to pin down precisely, where all of it was taking place and so thats a topic for another research to find that Burial Ground because it really doesnt seem to be anynm marked Burial Grounds on the pc for your simple springs which is where i assume it was the references to happening in thehe event burroughs to the last more than a few weeks and luckily, he had a connection and this is very washington him he had a connection back home and is able to exercise with the congressman who got him a job. Sound familiar printed in a job of this the Treasury Department, clerking and so the first year the first month 1964, burroughs is working and earning a pretty good salary. More than 1000 a year which in those days, was a nice him to have equal to what whitman was getting. So burroughs then because he had was able to move out of the back storeroom of his friends store their downtown and actually white house proven his wife which was right in the neighborhood when the Russell OfficeSenate Office building is today and he was in red brick row house there. Any movein and not only did he have a house but he had an acre of land according to the reports. We had a cow, chickens, green potatoes, and could then support is wife and also feet walt whitman. According to what they were saying about whitman, he did not really pay much attention to reading on a regular schedule and taking care of himself. And so, burroughs would invite equipment over for breakfast on sunday morning candidate to come overdi and whitman was down on m street in the navy hard to believe seeing with a sister and he was you know probably some sort of tenant or something pretty project and go over to burroughs house and he would have a big sunday breakfast. Reporter whitman and grateful burroughs left his company. Great for burroughs life, who just was not happy frankly with a lot of things is not happy with walt whitman hanging out in his sort of blase manner and all that but bowman entered women was all about it who knows but that was a point of contention between burroughs and his wife but it didid happen and that eve different. Develop deep friendship here we have met from the civil war. In the Capitol Building here near the russell with the russell building would be a little further of perhaps this actually iser a creek is actualy still there even though this bridge shows the city being built out it was not as built out as they show it in this map the states were not sure precisely where the worst race for the creek was definitely there and so this creek, which started and actually flow down and emptied into the potomac there was then channelized along the mall but it started north of here. That was one place that burroughs and whitman could take theirr walks. Here we have a very fancy portrayal and this was just painted in 2009, just came upon the white house associations website this week in front of the white house and i dont think that it looked this beautiful. [laughter] but you know, whatever, it is a lovely lovely painting. And right, i should not advance like this but i will. So whitman, pushing whitman quite in visionary writer has certain ideas about writing and was very happy to post sort of act as a father figure with burroughs and he encouraged burroughs to go beyond purely scientific observation and his nature of writing makes this with a poetic language. And burroughs of course have submitted talent to do this but evidently, it was a major influence on him one of the reasons his writing is a beautiful. And they believed that only a personal vision could do justice. The Natural History and very much in keeping with the times the writers of that time and you inject yourself into the Natural World in order to give ara compelling portrait and improve the reader and the girls actually had to tell a of an imposing women as well and according to the scholars tof study them because burroughs again designed for the scientific detail influence was meant to encourage him to pay more attention to the details of nature. These two guys were becoming quite good rents and burroughs road to another friend of his and he said i have been very much with walt i love him very much the more i see and talk with him about the greater he becomes to me and on and on and on as a flowery language wrote about. They wrote that way those days. You probably think yoking them what is going on in walt whitman was famously bisexual or gay clear exactly what all of his activities were nevertheless, definitely a man who liked men. And burroughs though, never was seen as gay or bisexual and it seems they had the platonic friendship. And burroughs in fact was chastised by whitman later used years later because burroughs marriage was very unhappy from the get go and he was a bit of a womanizer and whitman did not approve of that whitman was a single relationship guy. Kind of, acting out and whitman printed newsletters think that you know this is really not the way to do it. Youre not going to seeks to succeed and emerge by doing this. So that was the extent of the relationship they were well they were both here for ten years and at different ideas about a lot of things that they were certainly united in their appreciation and understanding of this need for the personal vision. Burroughs came back with a visit to new york in the summer of 1865 just few months after lincoln was assassinated. And whitman was devastated by lincolns death and was ready a poem about that. And burroughs, was very excited about the fact that he had seen and heard a b hermit thrush whih this back in new york and he got so carried away so excited about this bird that whitman used the bird in his famous poem, when my locks left joy are blooms and i have the relevant part of the point here is not easy to read. Solitary the thrush government withdrawn to himself avoiding drthe settlement. Sings by himself a song and a the bleeding throat. Now, is along for but i wont read more of it but the influence is very obvious and its interesting that the hermit thrush was this bird that was the inspiration for the when vicki sounds for whitman. Infective official bird of washington dc is also in thrush but is something hermit thrush does anybody know the official bird of washington dc is hemorrhage or instrumentw a woud thrush yes another bird that looks like this are respectful breast but is Margaret Bird also in anyas event, burroughs would write about thatls later. So this is a member also of the time so a period of this shows you were a burroughs move because burroughs is his head was making a good salary at theg Treasury Department and i dont know if he is money from his wife family what, they but he evidently had enough money to actually build a house. There at 3032b street, 13th and 14th streets and in the late 1860s. As you can see, he is right to the edge this is foundry street which later become florida avenue so in spite of the edge of the rice in the land there that marks the end of the floodplain of the potomac and he was wellpositioned to take walks which is what he did in this case he would be walking up into become Mount Pleasant along what was actually the seventh streetet turnpike enter Georgia Avenue and reaching rock creek in the tributary branch there and so we could do this very easily and that led to his number of essays that he wrote were published in his first major broken this is really about whitmans work nature book, is called like robin and he in this book is an essay about springtime of the capitol and is observation and he talked about finding right and this was a sort struck me and inspired me when i was doing some research into the history of pine ridge and burroughs was quite taken with the any said small noisy broke flowing through the valley and break Natural Beauty adventurousness she nearly all the way by woods of open chest on the beach and abounding in Dark Recesses and hidden retreats. Hes of the creek is where he goes every spring to hear the distinctive sound of the returning would thrush. Would thrush by the way, is a kind of a hummingbird in the bird world and those who appreciate versus starting with a Going Forward and everybody rhapsodizes about who would thrush because the song was just so extraordinary i dont know if you heard about it is there everyone itself like several wood instruments in a wind instrument and harmonizing together and somehow this bird doesnt with its throat just one of these miracles of nature and is a set him on everybody and for him, jobs were enthralled with this bird and remains today, consider one of the most beautiful songs ofod the birds n the United States and the eastern United States. And is the official bird of washington dc which came about in d 1967. A dc commissioners actually like to get appointed official bird believe it or not before then, they were confused as whether or not they have t the power to declare an official bird im not kidding you, this was in the record is 767, when homer was on the horizon, the public thought this was the time and Washington Post everlasting disgrace actually wrote an editorial consist of the nobody everr seen with russian that led to a lot of backandforth and with the other one society and luckily, they did not prevail. So burroughs is out in early seasons and is author in february, march, poking around piney branch and finding these with occult several plants which are whole group wildflowers, mostly that come up very early be for the rest of the course leaves out and they flower in the god who the reproductive cycle and taking a vantage of the that they are going the most part the rest of the summer so. Dozen of these beauties which are there the weeds and from the leaf litter and it is something that you know its available. Easy to find if you take a walk and rock creek and also burroughs wrote about this that he saw all of these and he knew where to go to see each species they would work of these frames they would walk up the sub tributaries and refined some various species including the birds by that which he said was the most beautiful joey of all of the flowers and calls for rapturous applause. And i have never seen it. And from all persons who visited the woods. So, burroughs publishes think robin with assessment and it is a and thats in 1871, and peers later, in whitman both believe that is ten years together in washingtonut and so made quite n impression of burroughs and friendship of course was lifelong with whitman and burroughs decided to move back toec new york and billy rustic cabin on an estate on a piece of land somewhere other i think and whitman had a stroke actually was living with his sister and his brother encampment, new jersey stroke in the 1870s but he did survive. And so they left in a time. From within looking at the 1870s the beginning of the hegilded age beginning of the bg money realization in the United States rather good perhaps that whitman and rose left the time because their beloved Washington County, the undeveloped part of washington mean to be no more. But first, is the cabin burroughs built and there is mrt whitman feared which he did very early and got whiter and whiter see page. As he aged. Okayhi then even if people arrie in washington who were looking at the land and thinking about them and aluminum more scientifically rather than poetically this is very important this man was actually a wild think he was born in illinois and he came to washington and he went to a law school at what was the George Washington university back the numbskull Columbia School which was actually here Mount Pleasant but pretty smart man and he ditched his legal career for cataloging and finding which was and very wise choice and he never practice law again. And ward was an amazing renaissance when everyone essay, he works with u. S. Geological Service Train himself in paleontology and then later became a sociologist and her present and professor of sociology university of was the first of the American Sociological Association but before he did all of us, he was crawling around in washington looking at plants. And he found very interesting site which he named welling into this in the second but he actually took the civil war maps anyone on public since it rambles around Washington Counties and he said he would leave them names that he made up himself and he offers no apology and so he was Walking Around piney branch and he found this wetland which he called swamp of this was named after the family that owned the land of their pointnt branch, though mes that they are still streets there. Im struck by it because of the plant variety in the soil is very different from anything that heee had ever seen before. However, he didnt pursue this as i was thinking we had a lot of other interests in life so he noticed this and its interesting that he probably small because actually they swung the wetland that is forested not clear at the time but nevertheless, i was kind of the worthy used in those days pretty wetlands. And go back to the v map here and so here you go this 14th street extended piney branch, which is coming off abruptly to the right heres that song which is a tributary which is kind of equipment which is totally on spring road near georgia between georgia and 14th street. So, those who started to study this particular site found a lot of plants that just were not in washington elsewhere and there were orchids in the rear red milkweed and grass on an umbrella that also come when common flowers like cardinal bauer. Also found sandhu which is a carnivorous plant in your it is to be familiar with that and send it was a plant that survives and John Burroughs soil such as particular site was and it provided a clue to later scientists as to what was going on at this particular place why these plants were flourishing there in the worlds. So that as he was investigating when he was writing about this was, mr. Martin the man in the midwest who came to washington started to work for the department of agriculture we actually spent his entire career new wrote about the floor washington dc in a publication he came out in 1918 which is still used by botanists. Ll and he was able to actually define this area of the home swamp the others may call them, the term of his magnolia the reason for that isan that the sweet baked magnolia which the relative of the southern ago if we know and love in the sweetbay ago it was in the this area. And heres the flower which looks magnolia like but is actually smelling even nicer magnolia. But it doesnt go anywhere else usually except in these blogs. To read this with detail because is off my laptop because this is very precise and want to blow it here is step. These blogs are sitting in the following which is wherehi the pletter must meet the coastal editing of the waterfalls and of course great falls loopholes etc. And the sand is sometimes exposed of these following areas. In Santa Barbara former substrate as i said, nutrient poor soils a certain kind of plant species to grow there so that is what is going on there the box close one their movement from the north and bring him in history are several actually in Prince Georges County in arlington which is discovered later but theyre all based on mac cheese discovery. And there was also, the magnolia blog, the swamp is over you, which is a very nice fragrance whitish pink i just included a little bit of black life and request because running the believe it is a genus name for azalea because both azaleas and rhododendrons are part of the chino so the roto is rising break in denver is tree sticky substances treated so thats where he got the name. Mcafee was living and working that time when late 19th century in the 20 century went div20 element was proceeding vey quickly and is holier piney branch and eastern part of rock creek water should. Anded he saw this and he saw the destruction is taking place and he was very upset about it but not much that he could do and he had a way of characterizing it and he talked about the getty of these little plants and if which they survived and entitle centaur respect and splintered thread upon which their continued existence depends on convince them tour most consumer cares abuse very flowery feeling about these plans were not much to done to the point usually 20 century note 20 Branch Valley near arkansas and 14th street i like to despite this is a moonscape basically, everything away expect everything away. Unburied the stream in a pipe. Mr. Place during the first couple of decades with great demand for housing so this area the piney branch watershed between was basically exciting forte Mount Pleasant up to the park in dc includes petworth and all those in inglewood that was prime territory for development and one reason that itd was so completely developing as is relatively flat bed was part of rock creek and we had a great valleys these valley, these other ravines really can be built on easily eastern side, it was not as hilly as a great demand this of the built in this was where. Boardman of the famous wortman buildings built a lot conference and objective they just built row after row of buildings. Living one of the swamp which turned into spring road. Because the basically paved over what was on was 2500 acres, of extreme valley and that meant that you know to rebel watershed is likable you know and all of the water is going to be on because of the topography and go to one place which is the storm sewer and okay so you have all of this water now coming off of the streets the roofs going into the storm sewers to come out somewhere is really come out and this is the boiling to call them the gates of or something but there like like the garage door actually know these openings people going in there and hanging out with these are the storm households perhaps 15 or 20 be by this is at the corner Piney Branch Parkway and 73 did you cannot really see that was you get out of your car and walk over looked at but is probably one of the most Public Utilities in washington and erickson is a torn apart when theres a storm and add insult to injury to combine shortfall overflow leveh means that brought sewage from the area also mixes in this water is great storm because of the way this particular storm sewer was engineered back in the day this was actually in advance believe it or not used to slipping sort ofdo you know phoe streets so to speak but it is extremely antiquated late 19th Century Technology which are finally getting around to try to do with it next we did it probably made an entirely new underground holding town for the water but here they could not to the favored working on the infrastructure in various cards and bio cards and that sort of thing watershed i think the build would that is the way going to be without. Mr. Belton first one on my side buildinghe 1930s 1950s because the water social fast and one thing is certain about. There is that it did preserve native american site which is one of the formally known parts of the Rock Creek Park financial manuals, leading up to if you dont parkway, foresight used by native american for some work much left is actually just piles of stones which workable from stone fashioning tools essentially diorama from the smithsonian when needed an exhibit on this particular discovery this was discovered in the late hundreds summer heat from his apart services not logically their functional understandably not it was preserved. And so that was that and that was in the piney branch as a real stream and all you have is about one quarter of a mile of flowing stream that goes down into rock creek along the parkway. As all very sad and very distressing that this hadpe happened in completely the water rushes out of the enormous outfalls and flows down his powers out more contribute to settlement pollution. This Ongoing Technical problem that the district is still doing with however, my work just as a footnote to this is actually centered in piney bridge and i started this project in 2013, the project to actually improve the what was left of the valley about 65 acres women planting trees and contract with casey trees out reach the community, migratory birds have a lot of students coming down watching what we do and even participating. This is a funny photograph and this is one of the wetlands still exist next to parkway look like before we begin the work. After the most part is called portland area nation fine which is covers everything and destroys every thing is found went to deal with that i also have a lot of volunteers out there is a picnic pavilion behind it which has been vandalized was really just a shadow of itself to be there was no fireplacece left. Best before judge been put there next to picnic pavilion in the water there was a spring in the vicinity which in the 1990s supposedly started to pumpp out water basically plotted the best before so i got a backhoe in the doubt and so now we have a fireplace since the wetlands people who have picnics and birthday parties which is what theyre doing and watch the wetland which is in the back of the spent was all happy and good newsom students from the sacred parts for Mount Pleasant there hoping to plant some plants in the wetlands and that was one of her projects and to conclude here, is my favorite young lady from eight verde Environmental School and ive since moved back shes holding in order red oak which shedi helped plant there n the piney branch watershed is 2d up be happy to take your questions or comments and thank you. [applause] [applause] do you know about the name of the quarries. Yes asking with the name of victorious. Theres a soapstone valley call this the home for a because there is a famous archaeologist impulse which was the guy who actually describes it in fact, described that he revolutionized the whole series about the longevity of native americans or how long it actually been there in north america from long stories had a complicated but is very important in that respect one on archaeologist dan others. Thank you. Yes. They successfully destroyed ucpiney branch trees but you sad there is still see my guess is reminiscent of a because the valley or the watershed was you know 6 miles in length in the final part of it is actually in Rock Creek Parkway could not take up theres quite a ravine or. Can you tell me more specifically barges i would to walk up energy a. Sure, its right next door north of Mount PleasantWest Columbia heights to drive down 16th street for example, and you reach thehe avenue which coe coming from the south coast vc park along the avenue there is Street Parking there in the valley there and that is one of doing it. Thank you. Wondering if you talk first of all about why girls was so famous and what happened to that segues popular than not. Well, he was a prolific writer a beautiful writer and that was a. That in the 19th century was a time of great posner full beauty resources in United States and industrialism took a toll general horrible way this will respond you have the first attempt by the government parts business on what was going on stop and smell the going exactly stop business because as i think said the business of americas business but analysis of the country so event, people across open for wonderfully describe was being lost what we need to cure we want be very appealing etiquette publisher and cracked them out and was very active with the number of celebrities saw them out and you know there are others equally but not as famous in the meantime we are who was better this year, was not available rules was truly while saudi naturally look closely all movement of one particular boroughs such a superstar but nevertheless, then no fee is 1920 so think about 1920, the beginning of the roaring 20s or beginning of the new deal of world war ii an incredible change in the United States. I think those those who read nature writers and scholars would certainly member boroughs but at that point, there was other credit audios for nature writers and writers who succeeded later on were people like Rachel Carson for example the was very focused on one prad for silent spring so she became quite famous in the respect because she had a cause is of these underwriters indeed were associated with causes of the sierra club and rosetta cause is not a counter of an organization and hee was just frankly, even those company in upstate new york and lived his life there and he faded. That is the best i can put it. Are there other questions. We had one thing, and again, you thinking of people like pro for example, wonderful writer but hes associated with some very important intellectual traditions and advocacy and is supportive disobedience in these kind of things which make them i think sort of more of a person of the age of forever that respect was boroughs again, do not have a kind of im sorry, please go ahead. I certainly know the name well neutron boroughs but not familiar with this writing to be i specifically about geographicalca areas is a just general Interest Payment think he traveled around the United States and is writing about the west and upwards river sand is a generalist. Yes. We live in the 1870s some of the washington kinda started to lose kind of the farmlands and sub surrounding the area what was the reason for that was such as the expansion of the city or window that river reach its kind of its like zenith like it seems like it extends forever now. Yes right does. And during the civilil war, a lt of people came to washington of all types, for various reasons of the population exploded and a lot of theio smoke stayed for various reasons. The government expanded so that made moment more employment and families ring started here and so the. You have t this natural growth f washington and the government that led to event for housing in the housing was built in much of this area was in a rather expensive, i mean, it was modern income row housing foras the government clerks and workers and others so that is what led to that. And then of course, the government bigger and bigger going to sound like conservative or something but justice get bigger bigger in the 20th century in the new deal in the programs and so an amount for housing gross. The lobbyists and etc. And thats a story so unfolding. I dont see any other hands. Thank you very much steve for your lecture. I hope everybody remembers he will sign up to see the film. We are just getting started. 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