Communicated demon false statements for former President Trump and the Trump Campaign in connection with trumps failed effort at reelection in 2020. They concluded what he did is a threat to the Public Interest which is why he has been suspended from the practice of law. It is not easy to have your license suspended this way. This all came about after the bar received multiple complaints conducted investigation and came to this result. But were actually expected to see mr. Giuliani in a few hours. He is due to appear in Federal Court here In Washington d. C. To defend against a Defamation Suit brought by dominion voting systems. We may have the chance to ask him to react. He first joined the bar in 1969. Hes had a lengthy legal career. He was in the Justice Department for a while. He was the mayor of new york. And then he has been representing former President Trump in various legal for various legal issues. This is really a pretty stunning way to cap off what historically has been a pretty glittering career. Over the past several years, he has increasingly had more and more legal issues in addition to the Defamation Suit, the suspension, and also an ongoing federal investigation in new york. Paula, thank you so much for that report. I want to bring in my panel who is here with me, and i want to start with abbey and read Something Else in the do you mean. This is about rudy giuliani, but its even more so about the big lie. So this document says one only has to look at the ongoing present public discord over the 2020 election which erupted into violence insurrection and death on january 6th, 2021, at the u. S. Capitol to understand the extent of the damage that can be done when the public is misled by false information about the elections. That is pretty damning and very accurate. 100 accurate. There are consequences to the lies. For so many months the president and his allies among chief among them, giuliani, have been lying with impunity about all kinds of things and doing so in legal proceedings, you have to wonder is there any sort of recourse for that . I mean, can someone say theyre a lawyer, practice law in this country, while also doing something that is provably false . I think this court ruling makes that clear that there are consequences for giuliani and probably for others as well. Theres there are Defamation Cases and real damage that was done. Not just to lives but also to livelihoods for the companies that were slandered, frankly, by a web of conspiracies and lies that were made up by out of whole cloth by the president and his allies. I think for trumps allies especially, you have to wonder whether theyre sitting there now thinking how far am i willing to go to push trumps lies about the election. Especially the guys running in higher office. Are you willing to lose your license, your twitter account In The Name Of the lies the president , the former president has spread . Maybe theyll be thinking twice now seeing there are rep ur cushions. And there are Federal Courts that are starting to sentence some of these in the january 6th riot. And a judge appointed by Ronald Reagan was a real pain in the butt to bill clintons administration, yesterday singled out the Congressional Republicans who are trying to rewrite the january 6th history. He said, i dont know what planet they were on, the republicans who are trying to defend this. And he said that that attack was, quote, intended to halt the functioning of government. The whole legal system is starting to shift. I think whats stunning is when you cover trump and as a lot of us have, you realize that people around him think that theyre untoechable. They start to think that more and more. The more theyre in his inner circle. Its something that happens with people in the white house, on capitol hill. His attorneys, think they can do or say whatever they want and there are no consequences for what they say and what they do. This is showing thats not true. But also, just to step back, there are so many crazy things that happened. Its easy to not be surprise bid Something Like this happening. This is incredible. Rudy giuliani has been a barred attorney for decades. He was the mayor of new york through 9 11 who helped steer the city out of that. To see the rise in that way and the fall in this way is amazing that the former president s, former attorney, no longer can represent his clients in a court of law, now doesnt have his law license is incredible. Yeah. Its incredible, but lets be honest. This is kind of like the straw that broke the camels back. Rudy giuliani has been doing unethical things on behalf of client donald trump for a long time. So much so that trump was impeached twice over these kinds of shenanigans. I also want to say to your point, pk, about republicans on capitol hill, i think that theres a sentiment among some republicans, people like ted cruz and rand paul and others, who kind of, like, flirt you know, congressmen who flirt on the line and say there were irregularities. We dont think that Election Officials should have been able to chaj the rules. Those are all euphemisms for the broader lie framework that all of this is sitting on top of. Its not okay to just say oh, well, there were irregularities and we have questions. The questions are all based on the lie that giuliani just got disbarred for. And the most important thing is, well, one of the most important things is the legal realm were talking about. But then its the political realm. You guys walked the halls of Congress Every day. Do you think that the members who are propagating the big lie are going to care that there is a real life consequence if you are someone like giuliani . Will that trickle down to people who rely on voters and not the court of law . Yeah. I think theyre probably going to look at this, dana, and just say well, thats because he was playing a lawyer. He was playing the role of lawyer. Were over here in politics, and we get to do lies and distortions for a living, and theres no legal bar that says youve crossed a line. You only have your voters who are youre responsive to. I mean, well see. The House Republican conference continues to be very much in the former president s camp. They are the Senate Republican conference is different. They are there are 11 of them down at the white house right now meeting with President Biden. Theyre talking about bipartisanship. The House Republicans, theyre still right there with the former president. Okay. Everybody stand by. We want to get down to florida in miami this hour, a Human Tragedy happening in realtime. Surf side florida, that is specifically where this happened. A Condo Building disend grated. We saw grainy Surveillance Cameras capture the moment of collapse on video. We want the warn the footage is disturbing. It is silence, but it is kind of hard to believe that this is actually happening. And that it was an accident, not something that we see when buildings are intentionally brought down. Its just hard to wrap your mind around. One area official says 51 people are unaccounted for. We want to underscore there is more unknown at this hour than known about the human toll, and why this building folded on itself in the first place. The collapse killed at least one and rescuers are racing to pull people in the wreckage. Already teams have pulled 35 people from under the concrete, and were hearing remarkable stories from the rubble. I could hear somebody yelling, and screaming. It was a little boy. Couldnt have been more than his preteens. So then i saw an arm sticking out of the wreckage, and he was scream can go you see me . He was screaming dont leave me. Dont leave me. Also accounts of near misses from inside the building. One resident says the collapse almost came for him. When we walked out of our apartment and we were going to see how we were going to get out of the apartment, i looked down the hallway, and its a very long hallway, probably 100 yards, 75 yards. And there was nothing there. It was just a pile of dust and rubble. I want to bring in gregg, the fema director for eight years through joplin and tornadoes across the country, Hurricane Sandy and more before that. Craig, you were emergency and management director in florida for eight years. Thank you so much for coming on. The first question is when you see this, particularly the graphic video that i just showed, the Surveillance Video of the collapse, what does it tell you at first blush . This is going to be a very complex rescue and recovery operation. Fortunately, Miami Dade County has one of femas Urban Search And Rescue teams. This is one of our premier rescue teams that are designed and build for these types of rescues. And in this event they are activated locally. So as tragic as this is, you have some of the besttrained teams in the world operating there on that site right now. Well, that is good news. More than 80 fire and medical units are aiding the search. So describe to us as somebody who has led efforts like this and larger than this, what an organization like this entails. This is going to be a long response recovery. Because the building is not stable, and a lot of people say why arent they in there digging in there, getting people out. You have to understand the building itself is no longer safe and more of the building can collapse. Part of what the responders are having to do is secure and stabilize the building from the inside while they look for survivors or using dogs, drones and technology, and then they have to have a plan of how to get to the folks to do that. This is not going to be over in hours. This will take days, and its an extremely dangerous operation. Thats why the teams are so critical to be trained and equipped for just this type of rescue. Miami dade county commissioner said that 51 people still remain unaccounted for. Talk about the survival that is possible in the kind of rubble we are looking at in the pictures right now. Well, i think we cant give people false hope. First, one of the 51 people in the building thats still being searched. People could be on vacation. They could be out of the area. What we have seen in these types of collapses is if there are spaces and voids that are created as the structure comes down, they have found survivors. We saw this in the hurricanes of in florida. We saw this during the haiti response. So those types of survivals, theyre still possible. When does it go from search and rescue to recovery . You know, ive always said we keep looking. And that theres a point where once weve established theres no possible survivors, theyll start bringing in more equipment, trying to remove the layers to get to the deceased. But its not a bright line you paint, because you just dont want to give up hope. But there wont be a point where it will be necessary to bring in heavier equipment to start removing debris. Thats generally when the acknowledgment is. Theres not likely any more chance of survival. So theres less risk if theres a disturbance in the pile that a survivor may be injured, and theyll move toward trying to locate and remove the people that weve lost. So the surf said mayor said hes worried about the Safety Concerns right now. Hes worried about the other part of the building. The other tower collapsing. So what is the danger right now for those trying to go in and rescue anybody they can possibly find . This is a very high risk rescue operation. Thats why the teams are trained. They have Structural Engineers that are part of the team that are assessing the building. Making determinations one area. What needs to be done to make the rest of the building safe. Weve had to in cases build all kinds of supporting mechanisms just to allow the teams to operate safely. Any time you have this happen, the Structural Integrity of the building is in question. We still dont know why this happened. And so theyll be in there with the engineers and do the assessments. Theyre pushing as hard as they can to get to people. And its the rainy season. Were going to get Lightning Storms and heavy rains. All these things are going to compound the response efforts. Yeah. Sure is. In fact c theyre worried a storm is come right now. We saw rain earlier. Craig, thank you. We want you to stick around in case we get more information around the hour. Thank you for your expertise. Well many more on the horror on surf side ahead. Senators are heading to the white house to pitch the president on a bipartisan Infrastructure Deal. Were going to get more on that. Stay with us. ListerineĀ® cleans virtually 100 . Helping to prevent gum disease and bad breath. Never settle for 25 . Always go for 100. Bring out the boldā„¢ keeping your Oyster Business Growing has you swamped. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. When you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. Visit indeed. Com hire and get started today. You love rich, delicious ice cream. But your stomach doesnt. That disagreement ends right now. Lactaid ice cream is the creamy, real ice cream you love that will never mess with your stomach. Lactaid ice cream. So, you have diabetes, here are some easy rules to follow. 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Far less than President Biden had wanted, and far less even more so than progressives say they are willing to accept. Back with our panel to give a little more meat on the bone. As i said, overall, the cost is 959 billion new spending which is a key. 559 billion. And what were talking about is traditional infrastructure. Were talking about roads. Were talking about broadband internet. Were talking about electric utilities, bridges, things of that nature. So the question is what is going to happen out of this meeting . You know, as we were talking about in the break, kaitlyn, the president likely wouldnt call them down at this stage in the game unless he was poised to bless this barring anything unexpected. Thats the you sunderstandin. He doesnt typically emplblow u meetings in a way you dont expect. It was like were not going to invite them for a meeting that doesnt turn into anything. Well wait until what looks like a breakthrough agreement. They are meeting with President Biden. We saw the lawmakers leaving. The question is not just are they going to get the explicit endorsement of the white house. The white house knows whats in this. They were in the meetings all day yesterday on capitol hill. This idea that biden is not on the same team as or same page as his team is not the case. The question is what happens after this . And what does this look like when it comes to timing once they have the finalization of how theyre paying for this and what it looks like. We dont yet know the exact mechanisms. We just have a general idea. And then, of course, whether or not, how the rest of the caucus responds. Not only do they have to go to the more conservative members but the progressive faction going against what its shaping up to look like. A lot of questions. This is a big deal. It is. And you mentioned the progressives. So for people who are not completely immersed in the minutia of this. I cant imagine why youre not. Whats going on right now is progressives are saying okay, well go for this bipartisan deal as long as you give us an ironclad promise there will later be a likely democrats only deal which will go much further and go to some of their really key priorities, Human Infrastructure as the president likes to call it. Child care, elderly care. Chuck schumer yesterday said one has to go with the other. But heres what joe manchin said about the pairing these two together. Say one is being held hostage, the other doesnt seem to be fair to me, but theyll make the decisions. We have to see whats in the plan before i can say oh, yes, you vote for this and ill vote for that. Thats not what i have signed up for. I want to sign up for whats in the plan that makes sense. Is this just the dance that we see play out that plays out before there is a final deal . Or meaning is it posturing or do we think this is on the cusp of not happening . There will be bumps in the road. It will get dicey in the house. It is really significant if joe biden goes before the cameras and says this is the deal i want. For weeks and weeks and months really, weve just had a bunch of different people sort of running around doing their own thing like, Bernie Sanders is trying to do a 6 trillion budget. Another is talking about this for a house budget. Finally, biden is calling if play, saying look, this is what were going to do. Were going to do a bipartisan bill and do this partisan Reconciliation Bill also. Thats the track. But ultimately, the House Of Representatives has a lot more almost as narrow a margin. It has fewer republicans in the house that are going to be willing to vote for this bill. So every aoc squad member, the progressives who vote against this bill, you have to back fill with House Republicans. Thats going to be really hard to do. And thats why the sequencing is so important here. Thats what you heard today. Speaker pelosi said were not going to pass this bipartisan bill in the house until we see what the Reconciliation Package is until they pass that. Those progressives want the ironclad commitments that cinema and manchin arent going to vote for the bipartisan deal and not the other. The details matter. It determines whether or not theyre going to get done. The fact that you have 10 smarts, five republicans, five democrats on the cusp of a bipartisan deal in this climate is i dont want to quote directly to the then Vice President , a Big You Know What deal. Everybody saying, stand by. We are standing by for the governor of florida to give a News Conference on whats happening there with the deadly Building Collapse. That is coming up in moments. Dont go away. Talk to me. What do we got . When you have xfinity xfi, with blazing speed. [ screaming ] a powerful connection. Thats another level. And ultimate control. Power us up. You can do more than you ever thought possible. Yes hold on. Get a powerful and secure connection you can count on. Only with xfinity xfi. And see f9 only in theaters. More out of miami and a life or death scramble to save people from the wreckage. Any minute florida officials including the governor will give us more details on the deadly condo Building Collapse. Right now at least 51 people are unaccounted for. The miami dade mayor tweeting minutes ago, just got off the phone with potus he offered full support of the federal government to offer our Community Help during this difficult time. We continue to work with local, state and federal agencies as we respond to this tragedy and do everything we can to support the impacted families. Lets go back to surf side and leyla. What more do we know at this hour . Reporter lets go over the numbers as if the 51 that you mentioned is not horrifying enough. That, by the way, is based off of reports made to a hotline the county set up for people who may not be able to get in touch with someone they believe was inside. But we also know that 35 people were rescued and at least two people have been pulled from the rubble. So what do we know about this building . What caused this . What that is still a very big question in the investigation. One i suspect will not be answered soon. I can tell you this was a building with roof work being done. Part of updates and an inspection that takes place for a 40year standard. That comes from one of the commissioners who told us about that. That said, you have a very large, massive effort underway right now trying to get to anyone who could be underneath the debris that was left behind. The part of the building that is Still Standing according to the mayor has been cleared. Right next to it where all the debris still is, that is where search and rescue efforts are really focussed. Theyve got 9k9 units. Medical teams and the attorneys office. A very big effort right now as officials come and go, trying to get to the bottom of what happened and who they could possibly save. We expect the governor to take a tour of the area and then speak to the media any minute now. Leyla, thank you so much. I want you to stand by. I want to bring in congressman jiminez. Congressman, you were the mayor of Miami Dade County and also the former chief of Miami Dade Fire and rescue. Given your deep knowledge of what is happening right now and of the area, what can you tell us . What are you hearing from your friends and family on the ground . Well, ive heard from some of my former colleagues there on the ground that are there right now trying to save any of the victims that they can save. I can tell you that miami dade is very fortunate to have two female Urban Search And Rescue teams, one thats operated by Miami Dade Fire and rescue, the other by the city of miami. They have all the resources they need to conduct the search. I know they also need to make sure that the rest of the building, the other parts of the building, arent going to somehow put firefighters and Rescue Workers in danger. I understand there were about 55 units that collapsed. And when they collapsed early in the morning so we would expect the majority of them to be occupied, and so the numbers, would not surprise me the numbers of casualties rose from the 51 unaccounted for. But i can tell you that as a former mayor of miami dade and as a former fire chief of the city of miami, i can tell you that you have no finer personnel working on that around the country than those that are working on the scene right now. Absolutely. And thats pretty clear from watching some of the unbelievable heroic efforts going on right now. You mentioned 55 units which we know, and obviously this happened in the middle of the night. You said that you believe that they were largely occupied. Is that based on information youre getting from down there . Or just based on the fact that this particular building we have heard doesnt have that many snow birds, meaning that many wouldnt necessarily have that many vacancies of people who are retired and there in the winter and come north in the summer. I didnt mean they were all occupied. I mean there was 55 units that are there now. Of the units that are occupied, you would expect them that the people would be there sleeping, because it was in the middle of the night. And so i dont have a number of how many of those units were occupied, but i would expect of the occupied one, the inhabitants were in there. So i could see this toll rising higher than the 51 or so that are unaccounted for right now. And thats a very unfortunate event. Again, theyre in Search And Rescue Mode right now with the personnel that are part of the two Fire Departments. And again, they do magnificent work around the country and around the world. And so unfortunately now theyre being called onto save their own neighbors here in Miami Dade County. They are, and as the mayor down there, as the head of fire and rescue, the chief, we dealt with so many natural disasters from mother nature, from hurricanes and beyond. But looking at the wreckage, at the rubble, at the pictures that its almost hard to believe were seeing, this was a Condo Building. Or at least the tower of a Condo Building not that long ago. What is going through your mind from the perspective of somebody who is has expertise in this . I mean, obviously the first thing is what caused the building to go down. It doesnt appear to be since its been up for about 40 years, that its a design problem. Theres got to be some kind of Corrosion Issue here that weakened the structure to the point where it collapsed, and where that weakening came from, why it was caused, needs to be investigated. It could be there was a roof work being done. Maybe there was a lot of leakage in the roof, and it allowed that water to get into some of the columns and some of the seal and weaken the structure to the point where it collapsed. That takes a lot of time. Thats not something that happens overnight. So you got to have a Building Engineers go in and determine what happened here and learn from this, and make sure that this doesnt happen in any of the other buildings, not only here but around the country so we never from this so it never happens again. Congressman, im so sorry. Im going to interrupt you. Were going to the white house. President biden is speaking. One of the things that ive made clear, ive signed on and im going to let them give you the detail, because and you can ask them. I will talk to you all later, next hour or two, but i promise you im not going away. One of the things that we agreed on, infrastructure, we made serious compromise on both ends. There is theyll give you the numbers. But we did not they did not and i understand their position republicans and this group did not want to go along with my family plan issues, the job care tax credits, the Human Infrastructure i talk about. And that well see what happens in Reconciliation Bill in the budget process. If we get some compromise there, if we can. See if i can attract all the democrats to a position, if theyll move in the dual track. And thats what ill say. I want to thank each and every one of them. A lot of us go back a long way. Were used to doing one thing. Give each other our word and thats the end. Nobody questions it. They have my word. Ill stick with what they proposed. And theyve given me their word as well. Where i come from, thats good enough for me. Im going to turn it over to the two chairs here, and ill talk to you all a little bit later. Have you heard about the Building Collapse in miami . I have. Ill have more to say about that as well. Are you committed to the twotrack system, mr. President . There is going to be a twotrack system. Reporter are you confident youll have all the democrats in the senate . Im not reporter there will be Reconciliation Bill . Okay. Im not going to answer that one. Okay . I have a different view on that one. Listen, i appreciate the fact that the president came out today to express what we all believe which is we didnt get everything we wanted, but we came up with a good compromise thats going to help the American People. This is about infrastructure. Every president over the past four or five president s has talked about Infrastructure Packages. You may recall that President Trump proposing 2 trillion Infrastructure Package. Today we are announcing the framework for an historic investment in infrastructure. This is roads and bridges but also lots of other kind of infrastructure including broad system and the water system and rail system. Its all good for the economy. More efficiency in the economy, more economic growth. This is about the longterm. And its something that traditionally has been bipartisan. Im pleased to see us come together on a Core Infrastructure package. This is not noninfrastructure items. Without new taxes. And with the commitment from republicans and democrats alike that were going to get this across the finish line. So i appreciate my colleagues behind me. This is a team effort. Everybody was equally involved. Kiersten cinema did a great job leading the effort. I want to ask her to say a few words. Thank you. There are many who say that bipartisanship is dead In Washington d. C. And across this country. But this historic agreement today between republicans and democrats in the senate and with the president of the United States shows that when a group of people who are committed with shared values to solving the problems and challenges our country faces, we can use bipartisanship to fix the problems. No one got everything they wanted in the package. We all gave some to get some. Because what we did was put first the needs of our country. This does represent a historic investment in our countrys infrastructure. And it meets the needs of folks who live from virginia out to arizona. It invests in green energy and climate recognizing the changing nature of our country and future. It invests in broad band and our power grid and structures. And we are delighted to go back to the hill and begin earning more support from both republicans and democrats to get this bill across the finish line. There are other members of our group who would like to say a few words. Im going to scoot over and let other folks step up. And then well take questions after we finish. Well, first i want to thank our two leaders kiersten and rob, and every Single Member of this group. Everyone contributed to what is the largest Infrastructure Package in history. This is important. Weve agreed on the price tag, the scope, and how to pay for it. It was not easy to get agreement on all three, but it was essential. It was essential to show the American People that the senate can function, that we can work in a bipartisan way, and it sends an Important Message to the world as well, that america can function, can get things done, and particularly on an issue that as rob mentioned, weve been talking about the need for a large Infrastructure Package for decades. Today we are delivering. Let me say quickly, im proud to be part of a Bipartisan Group which i have always been there, always can be there and always will be there for the Work Together like we did. We have an Infrastructure Package that meets the needs of the country for the 21st century. And i think its a tremendous opportunity for us to show the rest of the world that we can still get big things done in a bipartisan way and lead the rest of the world. I want to comment a little bit further. Weve talked about infrastructure meaning roads and bridges. In louisiana, but i think i speak for every coastal state and river state. Theres been an incredible problem with loss of coastline. Theres 47 billion for resiliency. When i called the white house initially to expolore this, i mean do you mean River Systems flooding and maybe we can do something to make them more resilient or wildfires to tamp it down . They said thats what were speaking about. I think as we focus on the roads and bridges which is so important, we need to also think about how were making a beginning investment in the resiliency that will be essential as we address our changing environment. No one knows that better than someone from louisiana. One thing ill add, and in this process, well create the jobs that help rebuild the coast liven or to build the pipelines to sequester off the carbon dioxide. I think its important to send the message. This is going to be a lot of jobs that come out of this. Thank you. I want toed a two quick points. One, when we announced the framework last week after 579 billion, it took a lot of work to get there, and to maintain that. And i commend all my colleagues. I mentioned to the president and susan and i, a number of us, joe and others yesterday, were at the funeral of my friend john warner, and my hope is when this framework becomes law, that we do it in the spirit of john warner, and i would hope that i could convince any colleagues that we name this legislation after them. We commended his ability to work with people across party lines. The fact that he put country first, and i think my colleagues demonstrated that. I think its important to recognize that when we say a bipartisan bill, what that really means, not just to those of us in the senate, in the Congress Working with the white house, but the signal it sends to the country. Again, that we actually can work and actually can perform, that we can do something not for republicans or for democrats but for we have been listening to history being made at the white house. And that is the president of the United States coming out to the driveway of right outside the west wing there. Standing with five democrats, five republicans. You see theyre still taking questions from the White House Press corps, announcing they have a deal. They have a deal on a very large Infrastructure Package, both democrats and republicans coming out, making very clear nobody got everything they wanted. Bob portman, the lead republican saying, its a good compromise. We didnt get everything we wanted. Another line that sums it up. We all gave some to get some. Lets talk about this with our panel. We are as we are listening to them talk about the fact that they have this deal, were getting some of the specifics that they have been negotiating Behind Closed Doors for weeks and weeks about how theyre going to pay for this. Before we get to that, though, i want to kind of mark the moment. This is something in these very, very bipartisan times. And every single one of these members, especially those who are from purply states are saying look, it can work if we just get together. It can work. It it meaning your government. Thats why the grins are so bigging as they stand outside the west wing. This was worked out yesterday. They only met for 30 minutes with President Biden. He already knew the substance of this deal, and you dont normally see the president come out to where they were. I should note. Thats outside the west wing. Thats what i meant by history. Obviously the substance. I think it speaks to the level of enthusiasm in the white house that they have been the most patient with President Biden hearing the criticisms from some democrats saying its time to move on. Stop putting the talks and drag on. They are feeling good about this. Manchin you heard several other republicans talking about this. They feel good. Theyve been hearing the voices. And its often the progressive voices or the ones that are on the far ends of each side that are the loudest about what they believe should be happening. This is the group quietly working behind the scenes, confident they could get to an agreement. Not everyone is getting what they wanted as theyre all clearly acknowledging. But i do think it speaks to this is the group thats been saying we actually can get something bipartisan done. And so theyre clearly feeling good. We have a long way to go on this, and to get it passed through both chambers. Theres a high level of optimism to see them come out and speak. Typically infrastructure is the thing that should be relatively easy In Washington. You get to bring something home to your constituents, roads, bridges, whatever, broadband. But for years in this town, it has been very, very difficult to get to, because of the rancor and partisanship. When you think about it, take a step back, joe biden has said there will be a moment when people come back to the table, when people are willing to come back to reality and to sanity. And i think joe biden probably is thinking to himself, this is that moment. Were able to get an Infrastructure Deal done, and what you heard, i think from senator collins, i believe, was that this is the largest Infrastructure Package in a very long time. But one thing to keep in mind is that joe biden, if this is passed, will be responsible for two of the largest bills, Spending Bills in also over a decade. Probably even more than that. Two of the largest Spending Bills will be happening under his watch. That is a huge, huge deal in this kind of political climate. One on infrastructure, one on covid if theyre able to get this deal. And to add two bills with direct impact on people, that you can see the changes in the covid19 relief bill, we all saw that. The Child Tax Credit going out. The stimulus checks. This is going to because it is physical infrastructure, things people can see happening in their communities. Stand by for one second. I want to bring you in. Senator chris coons is with us from capitol hill. Senator, thank you for joining us. You were not at the white house. That was the ten senators. You were a part of the larger group of 20 bipartisan senators who have been meeting on this. Tell us your thoughts about the impact and the import about what we just heard from the president and your colleagues at the white house. Dana, this is a great day for President Biden, for the determined group of ten democrats and republicans who you just heard from. They have been hammering away at this for days and days. And now the work begins to build it out. To make sure that beyond the 21 of us who have publicly been supporting it and urging them along, we get more supporters in both caucuses. Over the next eight years, this represents 1 . 2 trillion in investment and infrastructure. That really is a big deal. And this framework has 559 billion in new spending. To get an agreement on that, on a bipartisan basis took a lot of very hard work. So i just want to congratulate the folks who were just over at the white house with President Biden. This is a significant accomplishment. Something that should not go unremarked is that the senate of the United States also just passed in the last hour and a half a bold bipartisan bill on Climate Change in the agriculture sector. There are good bipartisan things happening here in the senate. I do think for us to accomplish most of President Bidens boldest agenda in the american jobs plan and family plan, we will still have to proceed by reconciliation which i support. But as you just heard, a republican senator from louisiana celebrated the white house. This package has 47 billion to go Climate Resiliency work. It is great to hear democrats and republicans legislating together around something as urgent as combatting Climate Change and as significant as creating great highpaying jobs, Building American infrastructure for this century. Senator, thank you so much for joining me. Im sorry to cut you short. We have to go to florida to the governor talking about the Building Collapse. It is really, really traumatic to see the collapse of a mass like that. Right now we have the fire rescue. They are in Search And Rescue Mode. They are trying to identify survivors. They have made contact with some. And they are doing everything they can to save lives. And that is ongoing. Theyre not going to rest. So thank you for what theyre doing. We were over there and got to thank some of the folks who had a change of shift. Theyve really stepped up. Were also making sure that the people that have been displaced have a place to go. Were going to be visiting the center north on Collins Avenue after this. But we are happy to report that through the help of the red cross, we have shortterm hotels set up for these folks. And obviously were going to work with the city and the county, state, to make sure that theres any longer term needs, that we can be helpful in any way we can. This is not necessarily going to be immediate in terms of what ended up happening, but i know they are going to have engineers looking at this to try to identify what happened and what was the problem occurrence. So that probably you arent going to have the answers immediately, but i know they are dill jebtly going to be working to be able to do that. So its a tragic day. Some of those folks who were able to go from safety, we thank the fire and rescue for what they did to be able to put themselves on the line to help other folks. Theyre still hard at work. We still have hope to be able to identify additional survivors, and the state of florida, were offering any assistance we can. Weve done some with the Florida Department of transportation. Miami dade has a great team. Theyve got a lot of resources theyre bringing to bear, but were standing by to help in any way we can. Im going to introduce our director of Emergency Management kevin guthrie. Hes going to say a few words. Were also going to hear from the mayor, and i think youre going to hear from the mayor of surfside as well. Good afternoon. To give you an update on whats going on with state resources. We have members of the state Emergency Response team that have been activated and are working this event. They include members from obviously the chief Financial Officers office with the state Fire Marshall and e f16. That includes Law Enforcement from es f16 and our esf8 health and medical as well as our d. O. T. Partners. Our director is here as well with deo. We have five different State Agencies involved, assisting local county and City Government on responding to this event. Right now the biggest asset asked for is Traffic Control devices from d. O. T. , and d. O. T. Is filling the resources. Well be here as long as we need to be to continue to assist the local county and municipal government with the needs they have with us. Thank you. So this is the incredible, unimaginable situation that none of us could have predicted, but we have the right people on the job. Our team at Miami Dade Fire and rescue has dealt with collapse situations before. Their dogs are trained. They have been on the scene since they got the call at 1 38 this morning. And they are doing a fantastic job. They were able to rescue so many from the buildings, the intact building, the collapsed building, and really incredible that at this time weve only identified one person as having passed. So we are very, very hopeful. Well continue to search and rescue. Weve also evacuated the two side buildings and were working with red cross, with our own social service agency, our police and Fire Departments to make sure that those people are properly situated. The leadership here of the city mayor has been phenomenal. Hes been on the scene since early this morning as well as neighboring mayors. Theyve all come to help with their police departments, with their own moral support and presence. Also this is a predominantly jewish community. Weve had the rabbis and chaplains on hand. The operation that well be visiting shortly, the community center, people are getting the support they need. Not only are they Getting Hotel rooms. Theyre getting help with their medicines. With blankets, with clothing, because, of course, there they are with nothing. They were evacuated in the night. Anyone who is looking for a missing loved one, anyone with information, we have a hotline, 3056141819. This is how we are going about continuing this operation with the support of family members. We are also going to be receiving family members. Were going to accommodate them. So stay tuned as well for that. [ speaking spanish ] as we continue to watch the press conference, i want to bring in our experts. Craig, tell us your reaction to what youve heard so far with this update. Julia is here. Obviously. Were in search and rescue, and identification of the survivors and also the dead. So we just need to focus on that. Theres going to be lots of questions about why this happened. The governor was clear as was the mayor. Right now this is still going to focus on the victims and, of course, their members. In this way, it doesnt look that different than a lot of the emergencies you and i have covered before. Secondly, theres this question about how many. I just want to tell viewers to be careful here. Weve been hearing about a number about 50 or 55 people may still be missing. It looked to me like the state and the locals were walking away from that. That that might just be rumors. They said they have only found one body. It may be this is a miracle. These things just happen. And we dont have as high of a fatality rate. It may be that this is also a greater tragedy. Well be careful with what the numbers are telling us. Still, its only one dead. And so thats basically the take away. Thank you. Lets go back to miami. Thanks. And mayor sent the cavalry as did the governor. Thats made all the difference in the world. Theyve got resources like you cant believe here. Weve got the dogs, the equipment, and were going to do our very best to save as many people in that pile of rubble as we possibly can. Thank you, mayor. Thank you, governor. Thank you very much. [ speaking spanish ] hello. We continue to follow Breaking News this hour out of surf side florida. Right now it is a race to find survivors. A massive search and rescue effort is now entering its 12th hour after this catastrophic Building Collapse. We are told at least 51 people are still unaccounted for after a huge

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