Speaker nancy pelosi announcing the formation of a select committee to investigate. This morning with great solemnity and sadness im announcing that the house will be establishing a select committee on the january 6 insurrection. Again, january 6th was one of the darkest days in our nations history. Ive said it now three times. It is imperative that we establish the truth of that day and ensure that an attack of that kind cannot happen and that we root out the causes of it all. Speaker pelosis announcement follows months now of public and brazen obstruction by Senate Republicans including voting against the establishment of an independent bipartisan commission. Last month only six gop senators voted alongside all of the democrats in favor of it falling short of the 60vote threshold. The select committee follows months of White Washing of the horrors of january 6 by republicans including calling it a peaceful protest and likening the insurrectionists to everyday tourists. Pelosi today noting she still holds out hope that a 9 11style committee could be formed in the future but says in the meantime she sees a select committee as complementary not instead of. As the Washington Post notes, quote, a select committee is all but guaranteed tore a more partisan forum than an independent commission would have been meaning the parties may come no closer to a consensus about why january 6th happened and who was to blame for it at the end of the probe than they are at the present moment. The gop white Wash Campaign was rebuked yesterday in court. U. S. District court judge during the sentencing of one of the Capitol Insurrection defendants spoke out. Lloyd, a 49yearold from indiana, the first to be sentenced for her role. And during her hearing the judge chastised republican efforts to rewrite what happened. The judge said this, quote, this wasnt a peaceful demonstration. The way it turned out. It was not an accident that it turned violent. It was intended to and brought to a halt the very functioning of our government. Im especially troubled by the accounts of some members of congress that january 6th was just a day of tourists walking through the capitol. I dont know what planet they were on, but there are millions of people in this country that saw what happened on january 6th and that saw what you saw and what you just described, a disgrace to our country. The judges words backed up by brandnew Body Cam Footage released from the justice department. This video is disturbing. It depicts the violence experienced and endured by capitol and d. C. Police at the hands of Trump Supporters. Clearly not a normal tourist visit. And yesterday marked another important step in the dojs capitol riot investigation, a second alleged member of the oath keepers pleading guilty to conspiracy and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors and testify before a grand jury. The Washington Post includes this reporting, quote, in plea papers young admitted to a minimally necessary statement of facts to support his Plea Prosecutors said and suggested he would testify that coconspirators forced open capitol doors believing they were obstructing Congress Election certification by intimidating and coercing government personnel. Some signs of progress in uncovering what happened january 6th and holding those responsible to account is where we start this hour with some of our favorite reporters and friends. Eugene daniels is here, White House Reporter for politico, coauthor of playbook. And lucky for us an msnbc contributor. Also joining us msnbc contributor and former republican congressman david jolly is here plus National Security analyst clint watts who worked as a consultant to the fbis Counterterrorism Division is also here. Eugene, first, share with us what youre hearing about what was behind todays announcement. There was some it felt like there was growing pressure on the speaker from democrats and republicans to do something, to get the subpoenas flying, to get some records preserved, to begin any kind of investigation. But she seemed very mixed, to be holding out hope for something more bipartisan. And she seemed disappointed, right . Something we hear from democrats because they were really hoping they could get something that had the gravitas and validation and something without lawmakers truly bipartisan to look at what happened here. And so thats exactly what were hearing. And they are Still Holding out hope surprisingly despite everything that weve seen that at some point a real committee, a real 9 11style commission could be formed. And until that point theres going to be all these other investigations. The issue with that, just like with the benghazi select committee, each side will take what they want from that. It is not above reproach in the 9 11style commission. You look back and everyone kind of accepted the findings. But you have the Republican Former president leading this. Rightwing media, like you said, nicolle, over and over again for months what happened. Weve seen, not just the videos you showed but over months and months and months of what happened. And so this idea that it was, you know, just a peaceful protest, it wasnt as bad. They werent armed. I will say that is something youre hearing from democrats, that theyre hoping at some point the Republican Party will see that to find out and have a real conversation about what happened on january 6th and, most importantly, make sure it doesnt happen again, they have to get onboard with a commission thats above reproach. David jolly, who should tell them . Theyre not going to come to their senses and the history of the benghazi investigation, the most important point is being overlooked. I think it was the 11th probe into the benghazi attack. This will be the first into the insurrection. Yeah, and understand the greater republican footprint here, which is you have a president of the United States whose greatest legacy may be that he escapes prison while sending his followers to it. He has a number of followers who are engaged in the january 6th events he precipitated who now are facing criminal penalty and rightfully so but are all part of this big lie. We should expect the big lie to permeate any special Committee Speaker Pelosi puts together. I think there are two questions about the special committee put together. This is not a criticism. She had no other choice because republicans failed to cooperate. The first is who populates their side of the committee, if you will . Is it going to be the Matt Gates Type . Will mccarthy put the lead minority member as somebody to try to draw a little bit of bipartisan compromise . The second question, and i think this is most important and will be most interesting, if the Committee Calls members of congress, do they invoke privileges of the house and refuse to testify . Or do they cooperate . I think it will be the former. And you could see a scenario Kevin Mccarthy himself is called to testify before a house special committee, his communications with the president of the United States, and you can see mccarthy refuse to participate. It will be a shadow, an unfortunate moment for democracy but it might be exactly what republicans want politically going into 2022. You know, clin, i dont want to be overly rosy but i think the disappointment is misplaced. A majority of republicans think donald trump will be reinstated and well talk about the threat that poses to the homeland because theres a new warning from dhs today. I think the fact a Bipartisan Committee will start sending out subpoenas and if Kevin Mccarthy refuses to help his own body investigate an attack on his own body with the Mission Statement of hang mike pence, again, that speaks for itself. I want to point out the big lie is crumbling in the most dramatic way this week. You have the republicans in the Michigan State house putting out a report saying there was no fraud here. You have the defamers in court, Sydney Powell and all the people who lied about voting machines, Rudy Giuliani without a law license. He better rely on foreign lobbying. They are crumbling by the hour. Kevin mccarthy wants to go against a bipartisan commission. Im not sure the politics will hold him up for long. I agree. This is a trap by doubling down on this idea it was peaceful protesters. You see the judge putting this in court statements, right, in sentencings hes going to continue to bring that up as will others that this was not a peaceful protest. It was clearly an insurrection, stopping the democratic processes, trying to inflict political change through violence. If that continues, and this will be drips and drabs with the court cases cycling through, each of these will start, as they start to plead out, will reveal another piece of the puzzle. In the beginning the connections we see in the militiastyle groups like the oath keepers were seeing creep up. Over time they will come out so its a little confusing why they continue to play this game. It forces, i think, the democrats in some places like nancy pelosi did today to start these committees and its going to create a cyclical effect over the next six months. Let me ask you i imagine testimony from the victims, the people who were on the front lines fighting handtohand combat that some describe as the most vicious to be fact witnesses. I know ads with those fact witnesses have been banned from fox news. Here is the Officer Fanone on the relationship between them has become, how hollow. Ive been pretty apolitical. I think in the, i would say, the last four years during the Previous Administration there were a lot of things that got me pretty worked up. Most having to do with what i saw as the politicalization of Law Enforcement. So i became susceptible to a lot of republican pandering regarding support for Law Enforcement. But, you know, not to say the Republican Party doesnt support Law Enforcement, but i believe that Police Officers should make each individual member earn that vote and not just assume one party or another supports police. I mean, these are going to be devastating fact witnesses, the most Objective Analyst of our politics is saying i was swept away by republican efforts to lift me up. It has to be casebycase. He hasnt been able to set up a meeting with ken mccarthy. You think about Officer Fanone, the family of officer sicknick and trying to get them to at one point vote for this commission and the senate and that is what were hearing. And hurt by the idea sicknick gave his life, died because of what happened. You have fanone who has a traumatic brain injury for the rest of his life who looks at this and says these are the things that happened to me. We have video of many of the Police Officers being hit in the head with flagpoles, beat up over and over and over and thats going to, like you said, when this testimony starts thats going to be huge and emotional. We saw all of those videos we hadnt seen at that point and all of that will feed into it. The problem still is, like weve been saying, its all wrapped up in politics. That is unfortunate that fanone is talking about. For someone who wasnt very political to have to realize now the politics in washington, d. C. , and on capitol hill are making it at this point pretty impossible for this country to get to the bottom of an insurrection that happened on sxwran 6th. Its troubling. And what it means, it could mean when you talk to experts what they say it makes it hard for us to make sure this doesnt happen again. Ive said that before when i talked to you, nicolle. Experts, people on the hill, if we cant figure out what happened, the failures, all of the access that was given, how much people knew and what people didnt know, then maybe this could happen again. That is the concern because the temperature is not going down in washington, d. C. , or around the country around all of these issues that fed into what happened on january 6th. So, clint, i was going to save this for last but you set this up perfectly. Let me go there. Dhs is now concerned about a new Conspiracy Theory, a new trumpinspired, incited kind of rage, white rage to use the words of General Mills yesterday, and its this. Theyre concerned about the Trump Reinstatement Conspiracy Theory. It came in a members only briefing john cohen gave telling lawmakers dhs is not aware of any specific Credible Threats of violence linked to the Conspiracy Theory about trump being reinstated but added dhs is following discussion of the topic online. He said Department Officials are highly concerned because it fuels the false narrative that the election was rigged and thats a narrative that may trigger a violent response. Utterances are a National Security threat on an hourly, daily basis. It is remarkable it continues on. Think if youre a believer in this conspiracy and have seen everything from qanon to january 6th, the inauguration, the Ballot Recounts and are still pursuing this fantasy. How would it not lead to it and they keep committing to this over and over again. Its troubling and i think one advantage that we do have is the president is not on twitter, facebook and much of social media. His website was not particularly successful. It has muted his ability to rally the base and hes been at a limited number of public appearances. That Dhs Assessment is right on target. It is actually articulating clear risk, the biggest risk to the country isnt actually from outside the country. Its not even necessarily from inside the country but from the last person that was inside the white house. Its just amazing. David jolly, i want to talk about the exposure and the risk any sort of committee with Subpoena Power Poses to the twice impeached expresident whose words now pose a National Security threat from the new york times. Congressman jamie raskin who led the Impeachment Case against trump over a charge of inciting the January 6th Riot said his team was not able to follow many leads about the president S Organization and mobilization of different groups to participate in the events of that day. He hoped the select committee could pick up that work. We know that Campaign Money funded the event that was the rally for the insurrection, the pregame tailgate, if you will. We know his speech, his words, were repeated by insurrectionists at the capitol and now theyre popping up in their pleas, in court filings. What do you think an investigation should follow . Should it follow the money, the words . Are there more things . Look, an investigation has to follow the facts. We know donald trump laid the predicate and the big lie, the invitation to come to Washington On January 6th and to go to the capitol. It will determine whether or not his political infrastructure helped finance or organize the events of january 6th, but understand this is not a criminal court. This will be a factfinding legislative branch jurisdiction. And at the end of the day what we hopefully will get to, and this is very important, the facts, nicolle, are different than the politics. The facts are that we know, yes, there were moms and dads who bought their 20 tshirts, engaged in criminal behavior and are facing jail time, theres a domestic terror cell affiliated with the oath keepers and other organizations that tried to topple our democracy through a grand conspiracy. Whether or not trumpS Organization had a hand in that, a factfinding investigation by the legislative branch will help determine that. The politics, though, are interesting. For the politics of 22 and 24 i dont think republicans are worried. Neither the republicans nor donald trump nor the democrats ran on that, you. I dont think they think this is a political, you for 2022. It doesnt really matter because at the end of the day the American People deserve to know the first part of this conversation which is the facts and then assess what that means for us as a nation, what the threat is to our nation and to the extent it has political implications let the voters exercise their judgment based upon that. Let me challenge you humbly, david jolly, i think the last time the homeland was threatened was 2002, in the years after 9 11 after an unprecedented attack on the homeland. Im not saying anyone turned it into a political cogil, that had in It Everything they set out to get, but i think the politics are unknown, and i think if people understand, people still trust most Law Enforcement and Security Officials and if the Security Officials spend two years warning people about trump conspiracies, about reinstatements which is crazy and we spend two years on edge, his supporters are going to go nuts and become violent because theyre chatting in some dark corner of the web about a Reinstatement Rally that doesnt come to pass because it never will, i dont think the politics in the midterm are unknown. I think theyre making a stupid political bet. I dont disagree with you, nicolle. It informs my judgment, what led me to break with the Republican Party even before the events of january 6th. I agree with you on that. On the republican side of the aisle they are embarked on a full fledged war, this notion of Litmus Testing on college campuses, immigration and violence. It comes down to an agenda based on race. And so their Turnout Model has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not democrats want to get to the bottom of the event of january 6th. Democrats will have to come up with the smoking gun that says you cannot trust republicans or democrats will have to decide to run on infrastructure and health care and immigration and other issues. One of my greatest disappointments in serving is how much we live in the high Information Space and how much politics is in the low Information Space. About 15 Million People follow the news with great intent and interest. 150 Million People voted. Republicans are gambling that only the 15 Million People care about what happened. I hope its a gamble they get wrong and youre right, nicolle. This is the gamble they are willing to take going into this select committee. The smoking gun will have to sit on the shelf next to the smoking gun that he extorted zelensky and put it next to the smoking gun he incited the insurrection. I, too, hope the democrats find a third smoking gun on the twice impeached president. Such a remarkable news day. When we come back finally punishing Rudy Giuliani for his lies, months of his lies have caught up to the now exlawyer to the expresident with his law license suspended in the state of new york. What is next for him and everyone else responsible for peddling the lies that led to the insurrection . Plus, you can call it a victory. President joe biden is. Today he agreed to a deal on infrastructure with the backing of fellow democrats and republicans. White House Press Secretary jen psaki will join us and the breaking news weve been following all day long, the tragedy in south florida. A Rescue Effort is still under way there after an Apartment Building literally collapsed. First responders are hoping to reach more survivors. Were waiting for an update from florida officials. All those stories and more after a quick break. A quick break. New projects means new project managers. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. When you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. Visit indeed. Com hire and get started today. What happens when we Welcome Change . Whose resumes on indeed we can make Emergency Medicine possible at 40,000 feet. Instead of burning our past for power, we can harness the energy of the tiny electron. We can create new ways to connect. Rethinking how we communicate to be more inclusive than ever. With app, cloud and anywhere workspace solutions, vmware helps Companies Navigate change. Faster. Vmware. Welcome change. [sfx kids laughing] [sfx bikes passing] [sfx fire truck siren] onstar, we see them. Okay. Mother and child in vehicle. Mother is unable to exit the vehicle. Injuries are unknown. Thank you, onstar. My son, is he okay . Your sons fine. Thank you. There was something in the road. Its okay. Youre safe now. With speaker Nancy Pelosis announcement she will take a major step forward in trying to hold the january 6 insurrectionists accountable and those who incited it accountable, not unrelated new york state is now holding Rudy Giuliani accountable for his sham and shameful Election Fraud claims. A Court Of Appeals suspended Rudy Giulianis law license citing evidence that giuliani made, quote, demonstrable false claims about the 2020 election while serving as a personal attorney to donald trump. The court concluded giulianis conducted, quote, immediately threatens the public interest. Its ruling effectively bans giuliani temporarily from practicing law in the state and he now faces permanent disbarment. Congressman eric swalwell, democrat from california, served as an Impeachment Manager for the second Impeachment Trial of the expresident. Speaker pelosi, good idea . We wanted an independent bipartisan commission, but its what we need to do when republican senators are not willing to really show unity as an antidote to what happened on the 6th. So were going to find out who financed all of these outreach to the insurrectionists showed up, what was donald trump doing, why wasnt the guard there . Well find out all of that now. It didnt have to be this way. Right now you see the Republican Party that is rolling with the cop killers and not standing on the cops. It will be incumbent on this committee to find out what happened. You are standing with Officer Fanone in his efforts to get a facetoface meeting with Kevin Mccarthy. Where does that stand . I was just texting with Officer Fanone. He put in another scheduling request. Hes put in so many requests now and he told me he sent that again this morning and he said it feels like Ground Hog Day because he just wants to meet with Kevin Mccarthy. He thinks it would be easier to meet with him than the 21 individual meetings he would have to take with the people who voted against giving police a gold medal. He thought mccarthy is the leader of the party. If he could convey to him what happened that day maybe mccarthy could talk every member into supporting a gold medal to honor those officers. This is not about politics. Officer fanone and so many others put their lives in front of ours so Kevin Mccarthy could go to a secure, safe location. We owe it to them to look them in the eye and give them our thanks. What do you think Kevin Mccarthy will do if subpoenaed by the select committee . Be a weasel, thats what he always does, nicolle. We considered this during impeachment. We learned that mccarthy had a sense of what Donald Trumps State Of Mind was on january 6 when he was complaining that mccarthy done do enough to defend him when mccarthy wanted trump to call off the mob but he wasnt waving his hands saying im going to come in and help you understand. He flipped from what he said in the days after condemning donald trump to going down to hanging out with donald trump at maralago. Yeah, hes going to be a weasel. And so its important to really find out from other witnesses around him who may be more forthcoming exactly what Kevin Mccarthy and donald trump knew. Well, to turn this into a serious line of questioning with you, have you learned from impeaching the expresident twice how to deal with evasion . Will you do things differently . Don mcgahn was on the hill at a point when his findings didnt have any ramifications to hold the expresident accountable. What will you do . What have you learned from donald trump evading justice and accountability . What will you do if Kevin Mccarthy refuses to cooperate . We cant do enough. We would regret not doing too much but as we learn more as he was out of office we would regret we never did enough. Thats, in part, why i have filed a lawsuit against donald trump and others to make sure we have accountability and that in a lawsuit i wouldnt have the pressures that the Senate Impeachment trial had as far as timing and subpoenas. I am personally going to be relentless. I know Speaker Pelosi will get to the bottom of this. Were not going to let them put us in a situation where this could happen again. Speaking of consequences the wheels of justice take a long time to get going but they seem to be rolling some of the biggest purveyors of the big lie. Rudy giuliani no longer lawfully permitted to practice law in the state of new york. Is it too late to try to reach those radicalized by the big lie or what is the strategy to make sure people know once these lies ended up in a court or among people that could do something about it the expresident s case, his side, had no bearing . The president s former lawyer, michael cohen, is now out of prison and has, you know, come to jesus and is being truthful about what happened. His former lawyer is now no longer a lawyer. I hope people who follow donald trump recognize theres no good ending to this. Theres been no good ending for anyone who has been around him. Theres no good ending for america if the leaders in Congress Like Kevin Mccarthy continue to defend him. I hope thats the message they see in Rudy Giuliani losing his law license. You point out a good one. Thank you for spending some time. Let us know if Officer Fanone is able to schedule that meeting with Kevin Mccarthy. I will. Up next, President Biden declaring we have a deal on billions of dollars toward infrastructure. And announcing hell be going around the Country Advocaing for Voting Rights legislation with jen psaki next. With jen psaki next. Tonight. Ill be eating a falafel wrap with sweet potato fries. Doorbell Rings thanks splitsies . Oooh. You meant the food, didnt you . So, you have diabetes, here are some easy rules to follow. No. You know what you want . No fettuccine. No fries with that. No foods you love. No added salt. No added sugar. In a can . You cannot. No pizza. Have that salad. Unless theres dressing. Then, no. Remember, no skipping meals. But no latenight snacking. And no sleepless nights is this stressing you out . no stress stress. Is bad exercise. But no overdoing it and no days off easy, no . No. No. No. No. No. Or. You can know. with freestyle libre 14 day, know your Glucose Levels and take the mystery out of your diabetes. Now you know. Sir, do you know what you want to order . 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President biden today promising action on what he describes as the most consequential fight of his presidency, the battle over Voting Rights in america. With comments coming after the u. S. Senate gop block the democrats sweeping Voting Rights, contemplating next steps. Amid the steady march of Voter Suppression bills in 48 states across this country. Joining our conversation white House Press Secretary jen psaki. Hi there, jen. Hi, nicolle. Nothing happening here. Nothing to see here. Well get to infrastructure, well get to covid, i know the president is on the road. I want to ask you about those comments. I interview folks on the frontline of trying to protect not just Voting Rights but avoid Voter Nullification which a lot of people feel is the most ominous and haunting parts of these Voter Suppression bills. 389 of them speeding through 48 legislatures, 22 of them already signed into law. You could argue that President Biden might not have won states like georgia if that law had been in place then if you look at the numbers and the restrictions. I want to know if he sides like people like orourke and benson who say it is long overdue to reform the filibuster when it comes to Voting Rights legislation . First, i would say, nicolle, youll hear a lot more from the president next week on Voting Rights. He will deliver remarks to the American People and he alluded to talking about it around the country. He wants to use every lever at his disposal. He wants to provide resources to make sure people understand their rights is a part of it and making sure we fight alongside these legislators and activists to make sure Voting Rights and access to voting is something people have access to across the country. We certainly know theres been a lot of talk and conversation about the filibuster. The president s position on that hasnt changed. He believes, also, theres a way there should be a way to Work Together to make voting more accessible to people. Its a basic right. I guess its already out there there is no bipartisan working alongside folks in the states would not be necessary if there was federal legislation. Has he abandoned federal legislation . No, he certainly has not, and this legislation just failed to move forward just two days ago and the president will work with leader schumer, Speaker Pelosi, others on what we can do next on a federal level. Theres also additional Voting Rights, additional pieces of legislation to make sure were protecting Voting Rights across the country. Thats something hes going to continue to advocate for. Its not easy. Were not suggesting that. All im conveying is theres also work that needs to be done out in states with activists empowering, engaging and standing by their sides and hes going to do that. He is very popular not just in the Democratic Party but i know he and you all point out with republicans in the country who supported the covid Relief Package overwhelmingly, whose support likely contributed to republicans coming to the table on infrastructure. Would he play a similar role in bringing republicans to the white house to work on a bipartisan compromise on Voting Rights . If there was a path forward, absolutely he would. Hes a believer we have to find ways to Work Together and find common ground. Today was evidence of that. Well see if Voting Rights is evidence of that. I know youve talked a lot about this on your show. It is insane. The American People think its insane, and they should, that were not making it easier for people to vote. What are people so afraid of . And so, yes, of course he would be open to that and engaging and playing a role in bringing democrats and republicans together. The question now is for the republicans. What are they afraid of . Why wont they have a conversation about where we can find agreement on making it easier and more accessible . We expect i know you asked me about the filibuster earlier thats a question for democrats in congress, members of the senate, to see if theres 50 votes to move forward on changes. I dont think though exist right now. Does the failure this week of this legislation to move forward change the conversation . It may. Well see. Did he see General Milleys comments . He did. What did he think . One, i thought they were hugely powerful and hugely powerful from him. And as a white woman myself, i think its important to be selfreflective about what were teaching our children and how were engaging with the next generation and acknowledge that we have some dark history in our country. Racism still exists. Theres a dark history of slavery in our country and its important our kids know about that. Thats something the president also feels. I think the general made a really compelling case its important for us to be selfreflective even as were saying the right thing. We have to do more than that and not allow this to be a political issue. Its outrageous that its become a political issue. I think about what i want my kids to learn, my 5yearold, my 3yearold, and i want them to know the history including the dark and challenging and difficult parts of our history, too. Do you know if the president saw those comments or spoke to the general afterwards . I dont know that he spoke to General Milley. We were talking about his comments yesterday. Im sure hes aware of them and agrees this should be something kids learn about our history, the good, the bad, the ugly, all of it. Thats what can prepare the next generation. I know some republican senators, it was hard to have watched that, and not thought it was powerful, and really struck through what is an absurd political argument happening right now. I know we get to talk to you today because of infrastructure. Tell me how this came to be and the president s will to make sure it was big and bipartisan and grumbling on both sides. I think thats right. This is exactly who he is and exactly what he ran on which is im going to work to bring the country to go, bring democrats and republicans together. Hes somebody who came down, came down by a lot about the investments in infrastructure. Dethat because he felt there was an opportunity to Work Together and thats sending a powerful message to the American People. At the same time they got a really good deal here. A historic investment bigger than it has in 100 years in infrastructure, in public transit, the biggest investment in rail since the creation of amtrak and will make sure kids have access to clean drinking water. There are so many good components of the bill. He wants to see this and the budget reconciliation bill, a package that requires 51 votes and not 60 that will have the americas family plan in it. That these should move in tandem and he wants to see them on his desk together. Ive walked in similar shoes you walk in together probably 23 1 2 hours a day. How do you feel its going . You get such high marks from the vast majority of the people in the room. You spar a little bit with some of the president s detrackers. Im sure privately they give you grudging respect. How do you feel its going . My role and youve walked in my shoes so you know almost better than anyone is to rebuild trust with the public and that sounds big and broad and hard to reach. I think what that means is having that back and forth engagement. Its the job of reporters and members of the media to push me and push us when we need to give more information, when something doesnt make sense and thats part of democracy working in my view. Some days i leave the Briefing Room and i think i wasnt quite clear. I wish i would have said that differently. I hope at the end of this the public or people who Pay Attention to the briefing will feel i provided information and i peeled back the curtains of whats happening in government and help them think it was working for them and that reporters even when we spar will think i treated them with respect and even when we have a back and forth. They would yell at me and i would say when i walk back through those doors im the only one who cares if you get a call back. So theres that. You stand your ground as often as you can but, hey, listen, its also a place i have to answer tough questions and thats what i signed up for. Jen psaki, its a pleasure to talk to you on a day theres so much going on. Thank you for spending time with us. Thank you, nicolle. Up next for us, officials in florida are updating on the horrific and stunning Building Collapse near miami, florida. 102 people have been accounted for. 99 remain unaccounted for. A live report on the Rescue Effort under way right now. Nhtw finding new routes to reach your customers, and new ways for them to reach you. Is what business is all about. Its what the United States Postal Service has always been about. So as your business changes, were changing with it. With ecommerce that runs at the speed of now. Next day and twoday shipping nationwide. Same day shipping across town. Returns right from the doorstep, and deliveries seven days a week. Its a whole new world out there. Lets not keep it waiting. Im norm. Im szasz. Its a whole new world out there. [norm] and we live in columbia, missouri. We do consulting, but we also write. [szasz] we take care of ourselves constantly; its important. We walk three to five times a week, a couple miles at a time. 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Exploring the world in comfort. Once again. Fire and smoke are now hampering the massive operation near miami beach. The cause of the collapsed building issen known. Now video from the moment it happened caught on a Security Camera from across the street. It is disturbing. Well warn you. You can see the building breaks apart falling to the ground. One person died and at least ten more injured. 99 people are unaccounted for. Teams have pulled at least 35 people from the structure and 2 pulled from the rubble including this young 10yearold boy this morning. Miamidades mayor said President Biden reached out and offered the full support of the federal government on the operation expected to last for days. Joining us from the site is the colleague nbc news correspondent vaughn hillyard. What is the latest . Reporter yeah. I want everybody to take a look at the footage that the Drone Operator Shot in the last hour. This is the first time to see it here of the scene that officials are trying 0 deal with. Firefighters have been on the scene for now 15 hours here as rubble continues to smoke. You see some earlier images from this afternoon and smoke billowing out. This is tough conditions. Humid out here. Theres been rain that stopped and started throughout the day which stopped for a period of time because of thunderstorms the search operation. But the new number we have here in the last few minutes from the mayor of miamidade county, she just held a Press Conference behind us and she said theres still 99 unaccounted for individuals. We are hoping that that number is actually going to be less than 99 because what that number is essentially Esch Livering in the units and could have been there overnight when that tower collapsed. Theres a situation in florida where a large number of snow birds move and the hope is that some units are empty and take a look at a family. I talked to a Family Member of this family from colombia and you can see the father, a mother and a daughter. You have valerie 14 out here with this Family Member in colombia telling me for a tennis lesson. The father luis, the more catalina. This Family Member in colombia said they spoke last night at 8 00 while they were here in the miami area among the three that are unaccounted for. Just a mile from where we are at theres the Reunification Center where folks show up with photos of Family Members desperate. There are folks around the country, here and colombia and there are six individuals from paraguay. This is an international incident. This is Collins Avenue Running Parallel to the Atlantic Ocean beach. This is an area where folks come, tourists come to eat and dine and shop. The search is hampered here throughout the day with dogs on the scene and same time you have seen in past situations folks survive for days under rubble but what you saw the reasons here in miami were particularly tough between the rain, the smoke and that Drone Footage to see just the pancake situation. A 12layer facility that just crumpled overnight. There were 55 units made up about 40 . You can see it. That Brown Building behind us is the part thats Still Standing and structural deficient. We dont know what brought the building don. Theres a Florida University International Study showing in 1990s that the ground sank under this particular tower by one to three millimeters every year over the 90s that individual that conducted that study said that was not enough. So theres questions. Rust. Cement deter ration. Cracks on the outside wall. There are a lot of questions. Could it have been a Gas Explosion . We saw in that Surveillance Footage of the buildings coming down that there were flashes, sparks. Thats why we are quite a way away shutting down the gas lines and the water and the electric lines with concern for the potential of what could come here and even in the next hours. Vaughn, i cannot imagine the horror of being an anxious Family Member. Thank you. Well stay in course with you. The next hour of deadline white house starts after a quick break. 4 s after a quick break. Sighs Wearily here, ill take that excited yell woohoo ensure max protein. With thirty grams of protein, onegram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health abbot sonic at pnc bank, we believe in the power of the watch out. Thats why we created low cash mode, the financial watch out that gives you the options and extra time needed to help you avoid an overdraft fee. Its one way were making a difference. Low cash mode on virtual wallet from pnc bank. 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I find it permly offensive we accuse the military, the commissioned, Noncommissioned Officers of being woke studying a theory out there. Its 5 00 in the east. Jn mark milley. One day later the right crossed once unimaginable red line, fox news proving itself to be the Media Run State jumped the Shark Calling for congress to defund the military for the crimes of intellectual curiosity, antiracist views and understanding white rage. Milleys rebuke might have in another time broken the fever of insanity on the right but these are not normal times and this is how the right reacted. The idea that we are sending our tax dollars to this military to in an attempt to weed out socalled extremists which means conservative evangelicals as far as i can tell and we pay for that . Why doesnt congress say we wont give you a penny . Nothing. This is the aufr to you, nothing. Thats what i would say. There you have it. Right . The right breaking up with longstanding proLaw Enforcement views in the wake of the insurrection and now staking the ground as you saw there brazenly, bravely, proudly antimilitary and thats not an outlier. The right is flirting with this war against the military for months. We are seeing democratic politicians and the woke lefty brats and Lefty Media Reporters trying to destroy the military turning it into a bunch of pansies. They say your stand down did not help the military but hurt. I want to share that perspective that it caused Service Members to otherwise one another, it Impaired Group cohersion. How does sex changes in the military make the country safer . It is not a trick question. It is the only question that matters. No one can remember why the u. S. Military exists. Before this there are no known examples of one of the two Major Political parties in the United States calling for defunding the u. S. Military over a simple desire to understand what was behind an attack against the United States capitol and constitution. As milley made clear or defunding the military over intellectual curiosity but here we are. The accused child sex trafficker didnt back down but attacked the general after the hearing. With generals like this its no wonder we fought more wars than we won. Mark hertzling said, hey, see the stripes on the sleeve . Each one represents six months in combat. You want to do this . It appears they do. The war of words between generals and the gop is where we start this hour with some of the faifrtd reporters and friends. Paul reichoff is here. The newest episode of his podcast with my dear friend rosy perez and also with us the executive director karen barren. Congressman rokan is here and kimberly atkinsstore writer for the boston globe. Congressman, your reaction . Anything to add to the understanding of what went on yesterday . I was so proud of General Milley and Secretary Austin. I believe in americas exceptionalism. I was born in philadelphia in 19767. We have leaders well read, leaders to understand that race and gender are issues and dont hide that and actually want america to be better. I thought they conducted themselves with dignity. Paul, your reaction to what you saw not just from the general but from the republicans . The Culture War Led by members of the gop has now fully bled into the military. Our troops, military leaders under political attack not by isis but by radical extremist antiamerican elected officials, pundits and other blowhards putting themselves and the personal agenda ahead of our country. Our enemies are celebrated. Attacking a respected Combat Leader with integrity and honor by matt gaetz who is a coward and probably should be in jail. This is how far its gotten and political suicide for the republicans and drivers independents and moderates running from the Republican Party. This is defund the police and it will have the same reaction from the middle of the country. Say a word, paul, what the men and women of the military seeing the general attacked like that. He is the Senior Leader for the military while we are at combat. Troops watch in afghanistan, Around The World and thats their boss and they see this whining guy in a suit who probably should be in jail questioning his integrity, his honor, his patriotism. Something you expect from enemies not elected leaders in congress. This goes back to the agenda of trump and attacked john mccain, the khan family, took money from the pentagon to pay for the wall. This is not just a one off but an escalation and could get worse. Kevin, i came on the air in this hour yesterday and just getting this video in and i said that there were no new known newspapers but i meant on the major but you had written this up. Youre forgiven. It was caught the exchange as did lots of other people and did the best to put it out and i just wrote a column about this. Piggybacking off what you were saying and this is like the sixth example in the last six months of the right going directly at the military more and more. Initially they avoided attacking milley and saying this is a liberal conspiracy taking on the military, turning the military into something it shouldnt be and the same argument i have heard about women in combat, about transgender troops, gays in the military back to integration of gays in the military in the 40s. The idea to directly attack the joint chiefs is new and is different. I think theres a little bit of nuance to say we all know the Critical Race Theory story is in part a charade for racism. All right . It is a lot of the pushback of a year by White Americans who feel im not all the horrible things. Why do you teach this thing . What happened yesterday was a sxampl where its not gaetz but another representative who is a green beret and is the only one in congress is a veteran who just said, look, this is being taught at west point and the exchange is benign. Not like fireworks but milley said it should be. Im a green beret, too. I want to know why white rage is where it is in this country and why people felt they would attack this building and the congress and the constitution im sworn to defend and they are. So pauls right. Theres a lot of troops who are seeing the boss be attacked by a partisan firebrand and troops are saying we dont want to do this or why are we being put through this . It seems to me like gaetz is on kind of a wrong side of history to these similar examples in the past with the politicians. General milley says, kevin, i want to understand white rage, is that an opinion shared by a lot of his peers . Hes talking about understanding it in the context of the attack on the United States capitol and he used the word the constitution and didnt say is why dont you . What isnt being talked about is that he is before republicans who didnt want to have an investigation. What is sort of the mood in the military that there isnt a bipartisan depoliticized investigation . He did say whats wrong with wanting to understand this . He didnt get an answer to it. His language about the constitution goes back to the Previous Year with trump. His story starts in this issue with that walk through Lafayette Park at trumps side with other officials and immediately lots of liberals said you should resign. Since then hes given a series of speeches and say i wouldnt say apologized but was contrite and wrong thing to do. Given speeches and comments saying he such supporters of confederacy is treason. He went to Howard University with the speech to the Graduating Rotc Class saying the things you expect a leader to say about equality in the military and merit base and rank and all that so whats happened since is the joint chiefs have come out with supportive statements with finding out why theres extreme. In the ranks and rooting it out. You played the clip of extremism in the ranks . Thats code for white conservatives. She doesnt have to guess. Theres studies and the military is doing them. Of course they have been doing them more a decade i have been covering them but all about actually finding extremism and rooting it out, versus this claim that its a purge of conservative free speech. I guarantee you if the military said they wanted to purge muslim extremism from the ranks you wouldnt hear a peep from the republicans complaining about it. Kim atkins, theres so much here. You have all made the smartest points i have heard but i want to focus in on something that the general said. He said if you read mao and lenin you are not a communist. You should want to understand the history of blacks being 3 5 of a person. Its maybe five years too late because the republicans are so far down the rabbit hole of antiintellectualism, history, knowledge but it was an important i think sort of marker in terms of all the heat and emotion around the study of our history. Of course we should understand our history. That is an important point. I want to make that one and another one that gets to what kevin was talking about. The fact that a lot of people who are confronted with the realities of racism in the country do pull back and say thats not me. Dont call me a racist. That is fomented by design and what members of the Republican Party is doing because when they foment that kind of discourse, when people fight with each other about racism that is what helps them hold on to the power they have especially being not having the majority of the American People and trying to wield more power. Donald trump was an expert at that. Thats happening here. This fight over Critical Race Theory is disengeneral wous. We acknowledge history for what it is which is not a bad thing and of course a very good and important thing and one thing that i was really struck by all of this besides General Milleys oneminute 400year history of racism in america in a nutshell is laura ingram claimed that troops wont want to fight for a country if theyre taught that the country that are racist. People that volunteered are people like my dad a marine. My threetime great grandfather born a slave and fought in the union in the civil war for his freedom. There are black and brown people, immigrants who have proudly volunteered to put on that uniform even when they knew they were not receiving the full benefits of the freedom that the country stands for so thats who the people in the military that the general is talking about and that is who people if theyre genuine to understand whats going on and should be having the conversations about race, those are the folks that americans should think about when they hear exchanges like that. Kim, thats so powerful. You made me think of people not yet citizens in this country who fight for it and rewarded with citizenship after tours. In some ways that he did, the fact that the right reacted with horror says more about the right than the military. Seems that milley is folks like your dad have always been. Yes. And i would hope so. You know . The military itself is going through as we pointed out its own examination of its ranks and why not just now but over the course of history some of these extremist elements drawn to the military, why they have that affinity in trying to root it out so the general and the other chiefs have a big and important job ahead of them without this excess outside noise coming in for political purposes so i do really hope that theyre able to do that work. And try to get to the bottom of what happened not just on january 6 but what can be happening within its own ranks. Congressman, can you speak to any efforts behind the scenes to depoliticize the hearings, to stop them from becoming fodder for fox news, to try to present to military a united front . I thought General Milley and Secretary Austin did that. Heres whats remarkable. They didnt launch attacks on the republican congresspeople. They showed the openness by engaging them in good faith. They didnt have ad Homonym Attacks but said well take you seriously because you represent a constituency. We dont care if you criticize us. Thats a job of a democracy. We will be strong as a nation. This doesnt hurt the defense to have a vigorous defense. The Secretary Austin said ill look into that and well stop it if its not appropriate but the visual of the world to see of an africanamerican Secretary Of Defense and a Joint Chiefs Of Staff white report to him answering and asking questions with humility is a symbol of the democracy we are and so much more powerful than anything someone says on fox news or a single republicans question. If i could just respectfully follow up, congressman. I think what we have learned over the last six months is that half the country sees something very different so i think you are right. The vast majority saw this incredibly hopeful sign that finally a line was reefed even for the top Military Official in our country and the Secretary Of Defense but what they saw on the other side of the divide thinking that the expresident will be reinstated in midaugust was a campaign to defund the American Military right now. How do you know that doesnt take hold and other propaganda pushed out there from that very powerful media outlet . You win. I agree with paul that i dont think this is winning politics to talk about not funding the military who make the biggest sacrifices. Americans dont agree with must have. One thing is that we respect the military in this country. So i think that is horrible politics for them and i think we win in the ballot box in 2022. But we also need to actually investigate and this is why the speaker announced the select committee but my view is that the radicalization of the Republican Party is going to backfire them on them electorally especially in suburban districts. Paul, lets come to you on this question of the politics of this. I think the phenomenon of the last five years is they can think of it they do it. There is no shame, no floor. I started this show i think four years ago saying the bottom is calling and they want to know if were there yet. I was so wrong. Theres no bottom and it will never call. Where do you think this is heading on that side . Because there are a lot of viewers on bases and active duty that watch that channel. Headed lower. They continue to drive the stake through any American Institution that they can. This is no longer the party of veterans like bob dole and john warner but dangerous, something that sees no limits. In the past i called trump a political Suicide Bomber to blow up anything in the path no matter what it was and now that strategy has been adopted by many other leaders across the Republican Party and really important part of the story. They came very hard at Secretary Of Defense lloyd austin. The first black Secretary Of Defense in american history. He was not in uniform but he was a year ago. Had stars on the sleeve and questioned his integrity and character and try to undermine him. And it furthers the agenda at the detriment to the National Security. Our enemies are celebrating. Putin and north korea loves this. Isis loves to see america rip ourselves apart. They celebrate and america is weaker. Paul, how do we make sure that doesnt happen . Milley is like the new fauci. Like the new dr. Fauci. Right . Stayed on from the Trump Administration and now the republicans have finally turned the guns on him. I was a folk that argue that maybe he should have resigned after Lafayette Park but now he is trying to fight back and he wants to understand white rage because thats the enemy. Right . The Secretary Of Defense and the pentagon and the president have identified White Nationalism is a number one threat to the nation. I hope theyre understanding the enemy. Some suit. Know your enemy. Thats a leader trying to keep america safe. Paul, let me ask you one more question. How do we cover this a way to strengthen the ability to do that . Amplify him. Turn down gaetz and laura ingram. Elevate the light and remove the heat. Thats what we need right now in america across the board but especially around issues of National Issue because it is not cyber threats. Not talking about russian incursions in europe or the arctic. Make National Security the priority and the real fights and not the antiamerican damaging people like they want us to do. It is like a bait and ambush. Amplify them and the words we fuel the fire and hurting ourselves. Point taken. By this house. Thank you all so much for starts us off this hour. It is a baddy for Rudy Giuliani. The law license is suspended. Giulianis attorney and others are in court today part of the billiondollar Defamation Lawsuits brought by dominion voting systems. Are the biggest lies biggest purrers being held accountable . An official in georgia that refused to go along with the lie of Election Fraud and spoke out about the Voter Suppression law and losing his job and sounding the alarm about being replaced by what he called dangerous demagogues. President biden making a push for vaccines in a state where they lag. We continue after a quick break. [john legends i can see clearly now] make your reunion happen with vrbo. Your together awaits. Oh yeah, we gotta take off. You downloaded the Td Ameritrade your mobile app . Aits. Yeah, actually im taking One Last Look at my dashboard before we board. 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All of this innovation could lead to some inspiration and you might be the next one to represent our nation this summer on your tv, tablet, or any Screen Xfinity is here to inspire your biggest dreams at least six months after a deadly insurrection fueled by the lie of voter fraud in the 2020 election there are consequences, some of them for the biggest proto innocents. A panel of judges said that Rudy Giuliani made false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large, false statements sbepded to foment a loss of confidence in the election and government. In an interview with nbc news giuliani blasted the decision and pledged to fight back. It comes as attorneys for him and two fellow travelers in the lies Sidney Powell and the my pillow guy are in court to defend themselves against a suit from dominion. All three are asking the judge to dismiss the lawsuit. According to post, powells attorneys argue no reasonable person would have believed that the statements were truly statements of fact. Joining the conversation is legal analyst Andrew Weissman and Donny Deutsch is here. So i know that she was full of, you know, rhymes with hits, starts with sh but millions of Trump Supporters do and we are still at risk, the homeland at risk from people that believe the conspiracies, Andrew Weissman. I have to say following on your last segment where you posited wheres the bottom, wheres the floor . Yeah. One thing here is the brilliance of dominion bringing this lawsuit. Because this is something that we have seen which is the courts have actually done a good job at Holding People to account. This is a lawsuit and the court by all accounts the arguments still going on. This is a Trump Appointed District Court judge giving a very hard time to the Defense Arguments to dismiss the case correctly saying these are statements that are not opinion. Theyre not political speech. These are alleged to be false statements and it looks like he is going to decide that this is something that should go to a jury. So there is a limit to what people can say if they say it maliciously and falsely and it is just ironic that you have Rudy Giuliani the same time the argument is happened suspended for making the false statements. Let me just follow up with you. Youre right. The wheels of Justice Grind so much more slowly than the news cycles crave but i think you are hitting on something, that not that theres a bottom but some people you cant lie about why the expresident lied i think more than 35,000 by the time the Washington Post stopped counting but intentionally false claims about a company in this case dominion and may have a consequence. Do you think they will be successful . I do. But one point to your point is that this is so anomalous because whether the law is willing to hold people to account for making false statements, i think the public is getting a lesson on this because here the question is defamation by people of a company with real consequences and that looks like it will go forward. And there would be severe consequences to the people as there should be but on the other hand you have the former president of the United States making false statements and denigrating a woman that claimed she was raped and that is something that even this department of justice is saying is protected speech. I disagree with that. He didnt just say i didnt do that but defamed her. The law is somewhat inconsistent as to when it will hold people to account and when it wont. I know from the special counsels office it is a crime to lie to the fbi and congress and people were held to account there but for the then president pardoning people but a jury held them to account. All of this, Donny Deutsch, Andrew Weissman is speaking to is pentup appetite to see the expresident s allies do something other than appear houdinilike. I think it is frustrating to people that the Garland Justice Department is defending the twice impeached expresident. I think it is frustrating that those 35,000 lies he told culminated in a campaign to sow doubt about his his loss, lost in the most secure election in history. I want to show you something that might end up in front of the jurors if this goes to trial. We now have reams and reams of actual documents from smartmatic and dominion including evidence they planned and executed all of this. We have evidence of how they flipped the votes, designed to flip the votes. Founded as a company to fix elections. They have a terrible record. And they are extremely hackable. They had to scramble and back fill votes into the machines. I look at algorithms every day. The Big Spikes Is look at michigan. Thats the impossible. A couple hundred thousand votes put in A Machine For Biden and zero for trump . Thats crazy. The defense of powell is nobody thought she was serious there. It is laughable to us but in that world those are serious news segments. Serious as a heart attack. Latest monmouth poll one third of the country believes the election is not legitimate and two thirds of republicans. A lot of educated people in there believe the election was not legitimate so this is real damage. I just want to step back for a second and just the previous segment and the cast of characters of gaetz and ingram and lindell and giuliani and powell. Whats wrong with these people . We cover it every day and sometimes you lose sight of the basic lack of humanity and basic human decency. We cover these people and we dont step back and say what is wrong with these people . Do they are they just not well . I know its not our job to do that but watching the previous segment and it is easy to get lost and talking about the issues with the complete, complete lack of humanity and decency and integrity and that still two thirds of republicans will go, okay with this. One third of the country. It just is so sobering. So sobering. Yeah. Look. Ill try to answer part of it. What makes the news isnt the depravity personal or political. It is that of course not. The statements and actions threaten all of us. I think about this, too. Theres a lot of a lot behind the scenes where we have to look at what they do and what is worthy of the air time . Paul said lift up milley and turn the likts down on the lunatics and ill endeavor to do that but the problem to build on your point is they now represent the gravest domestic violent extremism threat to the country. What do you do about that . Thats exactly my point. That this depravity translates into real situations with two third of people dont believe it. The only thing to do is continue to give sane arguments and the other thing to do and a discussion for other people is heighten the social media accountability. Thats the big problem no matter what we do on these shows and the new york times. It is nothing compared to facebook. Until we can put some of the tooth paste back in the tube there the answer is we are up against it. I do think the best news is that the ballot box will speak and i think at the end of the day the cast of characters add a stench to the party and even the 22 midterms will defy history. Theres got to be another cycle of losing before the lunacy given facebook and other social media out there before this lunacy settles down. I think you are right unless they succeed in the Voter Nullification efforts in too many states. Two of my favorite humans. Thank you so much for spending sometime with us. To be continued. The republican election official in georgia who didnt go along with lies about Election Fraud and losing the job because of it. His warning about the future of elections is next. When technology is easier to use. Barriers dont stand a chance. Thats why well stop at nothing to deliver our technology asaservice. We made usaa insurance for members like martin. An air force veteran made of doing whats right, not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa for people who are a little intense about hydration. Neutrogena® hydro boost. Lightweight. Fragrancefree. 48 hour hydration. For that healthy skin glow. Neutrogena®. For people with skin. Nthe light. It comes from within. 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Started back in february in georgia when the vice chair of the Election Board Beokyvu signed on to a letter and the party censured him and did not renominate him for the post after 12 years of serving on the elections board. At the final meeting according to the Atlanta Journal constitution he thanked staffers and the colleagues on the board and used a twist on an old proverb for a thinly veiled shot at the members of the party. Time flies when it seems like democracy is under assault. Joining us now the vice chair. Thank you so much for spending time with us and speaking out. Thank you for having me on and im a big fan of yours and i have a pref ledge to serve under the same president you did and the role was much smaller than yours and i dont think any point in time under president george w. Bush or Vice President dick cheney did we ever feel like the institutions and rule of law would be under attack. Well, you know, its a conversation that i think needs to be had. We have more responsibility for whats happened because theres one of the two parties actively and pretty brazenly with all the political cover they need moving to weaken the democracy. How do we undo that . I believe that the voices that are speaking out whether the elected officials like senator romney and congresswoman cheney down to the grassroots, we all collectively have a responsibility here. 45 years ago my family fled saigon and i was taught never to take our freedom for granted and so this cause is very personal for me. We have to do the best to carry on the message that the Republican Party under this former president is not is actually harming our american democracy and so we have to make sure that we put our american democracy first and let the Policy Differences figure itself out. But right now it is a never did i think in my 50odd years of being on the earth that i would be speaking out about democracy in this country. We have had numerous discussions about democracy and never in this country like this and so it means gravely to me to continue and make sure that we support the elections workers, the poll workers, the folks doing the job under the threat of physical harm and the past year of health care risks. They went out and did the jobs and the folks at georgia like obviously Secretary Raffensberger and the governors and the Election Officials did the darnedest to make sure that we get back on the right track here. What is interesting is the fact that the socalled Elections Integrity Legislation is all premised on the big lie and in politics to me perception is reality and so i basically did it because i thought it was extremely bad optics and harmful and would undermine our democracy. Youre in a very, very small group because youre right. People like cheney and romney have spoken out against the lie of voter fraud. There was none. As have Brad Raffensberger and others. The other damage is to push through Voter Suppression laws and i havent heard liz cheney to speak out about the laws. You have. Why . I go back to My Upbringing In Saigon in vietnam. Democracy and the right to vote was a fundamental right which obviously coming over here we were afforded that as citizens but i think more importantly in this day and age when you have so many bad actors in the globe trying to spread chaos then we have to somehow give the American People a right to vote. In my perspective voter access and elections integrity are the fundamental pillars of the democracy. Without that we are no different than russia and china and venezuela. Unfortunately the rule of law is also important and that is my biggest fear is that the rule of law is breaking down in this country and without that, then we are at risk of devolving into chaos and anarchy. Have you felt endangered . Has your life been threatened . Do you feel safe now . Well, you know, certainly a number of trolls here and i actually five years ago i was a president ial elector nominee in georgia and i expressed publicly a reservations against the republican nominee back then and certainly theres always going to be that risk of the threat of physical harm the way that Secretary Raffensberger and many Elections Officials have gone through. Im hoping that we can have an honest discussion, honest debate about this, but i dont want to stay silent when our democracy is under assault. As the rare republican also speaking out against the Voter Suppression law you have a welcome invitation to be part of the conversations any day you like. Thank you so much for spending time with us today. It is a privilege to talk to you, sir. Thank you. When we return, President Biden is in North Carolina right now at this hour looking to lift that states flagging Vaccination Rate in the face of new fear that is the coronavirus will surge again in places where people arent getting vaccinated. That story is next. Tory is next as your business changes, the United States Postal Service is changing with it. With ecommerce that runs at the speed of now. Next day and twoday shipping nationwide, and returns right from the doorstep. Its a whole new world out there. Lets not keep it waiting. Tonight, ill be eating fried avocado tacos. [Doorbell Rings] [Doorbell Rings] thank you. Ooo. You gonna eat that at lesliepalooza . What . Whos coming to that . Everyones coming, everybody. You, her, me, all of us. Everyones coming, everybody. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis. Or psoriatic arthritis, little things, can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. 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In North Carolina, 55 of adults received the first dose. There are still four states where that number is less than 50 . Entirely preventable, the vaccines. The Associated Press analysis provered their point calculating 99. 2 of all covid deaths vaccinated in america. Founding and director of columbia university, Natural Disaster and preparedness. The first lady and the Vice President and the president are all out there doing this work everyday. It does feel like an important moment for the Delta Variant proven so lethal to remind people that there are Americans Still dying of covid everyday. Right, nicole, and the numbers are down of cases and deaths and so on. We are getting between 11 and 12,000 new cases. Yesterday we had over 300 deaths in the United States from covid. We are far from done with this. The big problem is we have these hot spots of continuing really serious worry about covid especially of the Delta Variant and the places where the Vaccine Rates are low. We are getting high rates of infection including more children with infection especially with the new Delta Variant we are talking about and in fact, unfortunately, we heard news report this morning of something called Delta Plus Variant thats coming up in india now. We are far out of the woods, i am hoping people take this as seriously as possibly can and get themselves vaccinated for themselves and the kids sake. It is up to people in the united at communities by getting vaccinated. We talk about how the country is split in vaccinated or unvaccinated. It is also different six or eight months ago where people dont want to talk about it or hear about it anymore. I wonder how you breakthrough. It is still an Urgent Public Health crisis of the spread through unvaccinated pockets of children and no child under 12 is vaccinated. How do you keep the Energy Behind the urgency of Public Health messaging . First of all, it is very true that we have a lot of people who are just needing to move on. We all appreciate that. But, i think what we have to understand too nicole is there are people who are hesitant. They are worried about side effects of the vaccines and waiting to get more reassurance thats it is okay. Those people we have to convince to get other people from their own peer group to talk to them. Younger people talking to younger people and people in different communities being addressed from those communities. We have the 20 unfortunately of not the vaccine hesitant but the vaccine resistance. These are the people that are believing all the crazy conspiracy theories. I dont know how we are going to make progress with them. We have people, somebody told me they believe that if vaccinated, you become magnetic or somebody injecting a microchip in your body. That kind of stuff, it is really tough to breakthrough to those people. The president and the first lady and Vice President still at it. Thank you so much for spending some time with us. We have to sneak in a quick break. Well be right back. In a quick break. Well be right back. An air force veteran made of doing whats right, not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. At pnc bank, we believe in the power of the watch out. 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