Needs to have a weapon that can fire over 304050, even up to 100 rounds. Unless you think will he liked that deer lined so much that he said it twice. There is no possible justification for having 100 rounds. Like ive said before, what do you think, the deer is wearing a vest . Will so funny, he needed to be said twice. Here is the truth though. Our crime spike isnt about us out weapons. Make up a minuscule amount. It isnt even about guns at all. If it were, why are crimes like Sexual Assault up and Motor Vehicle crimes, 9 . Guns dont cause more crime. Guns solve crime. S. Crime is going up right now as his Gun Ownership. What you expect people to do . You are defunding the police in making the neighborhood less safe. Damn right they are going to protect themselves. Gun ownership went up while for decades crime went down. Look at the chart from the American Enterprise institute. The Inverse Relationship between Gun Ownership and crime productive. Heres what its about. The american left has systematically gone about creating a culture of crime. Our laws are consistent. Not just called unfair, but Systemically Racist. Who would follow the rules of a rigged game . In san francisco, shoplifters steal anything that amounts to 950 and go free. In los angeles, the District Attorney shortened the sentence of violent murderers. Illegal immigrants go basically unenforced. Many alleged rioters and looters have gone free and have had their charges dropped. And our leaders rushed to the defense of criminals like jacob leight, who was wanted on felony Sexual Assault warrant. Instead of being arrested, Kamala Harris said she was proud of him. Fascists, pigs, and racists. You can destroy the rule of law and create a culture of crime. Did you know that in greece, almost nobody pays taxes . You are considered a rule if you do. You are a patriot if you break tax laws. They have a culture of tax crimes. Listen, would you indulge me for just a moment . Can we turn to the world of sports . Anyone who knows me knows that i love sports. I think there is a lesson from the world of baseball. Baseball right now, and going through one of its biggest Cheating Scandals in history. By some estimates, more than 90 of Major League Baseball pitchers have been doctoring the baseball. They use hair gel, sunscreen, and something called spider tack come sticky stuff, to get a better grip on the ball. Pitchers had the sticky stuff in there hat, their hair, their belt, wherever. And by getting a better grip on the ball, they can make the ball spin faster and make it harder to hit. And boy, it has been harder to hit. Batting averages have been at an alltime low. 150 year low. The lowest in the games history. Baseball doesnt just have a problem. It has a scandal. But heres the deal. There is a rule on the books that forbids pitchers from doctoring the baseball. So what gives . What gives is that for too long, baseball hasnt cared to enforce its rules until now, until they have a scandal. Now umpires are visiting the mound 23 times a night to check for sticky stuff. And pitchers, they are responding like this. This is Washington Nationals pitcher last night on his third check. He threw up his hat and his hands and took off his belt in the face of law enforcement. Local in as sergio romo, he wouldnt even start for the pure look at this. He drops his pants to his knees. After creating a culture of cheating in baseball, one that made a farce of the rules and is now making a villain of law enforcement, the umpires, they created a victims mentality and the players. Now imagine if the left were in charge of baseball here joe biden would tell us the rules were Systemically Racist. He would compare the umpires to fascists runaways flight patrol. I dont know. They described him as a hero. These people are fundamentally unserious about addressing our societys culture of crime. They will do anything to divide us and distract from the real issue at hand. They will talk about doing away with cash fails, that is for anybody but the january 6th capitol hill riders. Ignoring that in january, people were released from jail as they were released from trial committed 230 crimes including 36 burglaries, etching robbers, and 12 felonies. They will talk about the mystical concept of systemic racism while defunding the police to keep everyone safe. And after taking away our police protection, they will villain eyes the gums that lawabiding citizens buy in record numbers to protect themselves from this growing crime wave. And they will focus on the 14 unarmed black men killed by police in 2019 while ignoring the almost 7,000 black men killed in black on black crime that same year. And that honestly is the heart of the issue. While crime is exploding across our country, there is no more acute one that understands the crime waves them black and brown neighborhoods, one that the left pretend to her present. The truth is the vast majority of theserimes, they are gangrelated. The heart of the matter is that the vast majority of Crime Victims are victims of black on black crime. You know, i think we too often come i think here at fox, we sound like we are talking to people who live like us, maybe look like us, agree with us. I dont want to do that. Lets be real here if you are black and you live in the south side of chicago or the bronx, are any of these things that the left is championing, gun control, defunding the police, systemic racism doing anything to make your teenagers safer on the streets . Look around. I think you know the answer. Now im not telling you that every republican has your best interest at heart. They dont. Im telling you that those that pretend to care about you all pulling the okeydoke. They are pandering to you, distracting you, dividing us like a permissive parent hoping to be liked, to get your vote, to get their power while you die, while they create a culture of crime. Joining me now, victor, Senior Fellow at the hoover institution. Victor, so good to have you on the program as always. Why do you think it is that the left, whether or not its president obama or President Biden turns to guns whenever the subject of crime comes up . Well, i think they drove themselves into an ideological and political in other words they are unable to cite the real causes because it is contrary to their ideology. We all know why this crime wave is continuing. Do we know why its not a Question Mark is not because of guns, as you said. Because if you were going to arrest people, we have adequate laws. If you were going to arrest people who were improperly or unlawfully owning or using a gun, we would have more africanamerican minorities arrested in jail and you cant do that. And we know its not because of some kind of counter conspiracy. They are in the hands of people in blue states that are progressive. So would you blame . We know that most of the crime is committed with handguns. So you blame someone with an ar15. And you have to do that because you cannot address the real cause. People think criminals are stupid. They are not. They make a costbenefit analysis before they commit a theft, a shooting, a murder, a rape. It works like if i do this, will i be arrested . If i am arrested, will i be indicted . If i am indebted, will i be prosecuted . If im prosecuted, will i be convicted . They have come to the conclusion since last may the answer is no to all of that. There will be no repercussions of punishment. So then they commit the crime. And they are usually right. They are not stupid. So in california, san francisco, if you commit a theft or a property crime, youve got about a 2 chance of being jailed to face that. So they have made that decision. And thats whats happening. I dont think its going to change. They are going to say ar15s, we need more gun control. Or we are Systemically Racist because they cant address the real cause. Because the real causes are something that dont exist or they dont acknowledge to exist. We are never going to be out of this box. It is a paradox. Until we have one brave democrat or one brave progressive that says the problem is we have innercity criminals who are praying on the week on the vulnerable and they think they can get away with it and the police are demoralized and would got to go back dominic after the subset of criminals and we are o indict them, prosecute them, jail them, then we wouldnt have the problem. But they cant do that. Will yeah, that sounds a lot like the culture of crime. Sounds like the culture of crime that i just described. So you have identified with the problem is not. And you have laid for us out with the problem is. So how do we as a society, victory, victor, go about solving this problem . You know what is tragic, will come is that three quarters of the country who knows what you just said, and what i just said, and they have a suspicion cynically is not going to happen. That is the remedy. They dont go to chicago. They dont go to cleveland. They do not go to baltimore. They do not go to san francisco. You know what . The left has these places. They are there and they are going to do what they have to do. I dont want any part of it. Thats tragic because they are condemning a lot of people who have to suffer from that kind of governance. We have to speak out and we have to be honest. If you are afraid you are going to be called a racist or you are going to become right wing, nobody is going to speak. Its going to wait a minute, we are killing people in her own cities because of our ideological glittery. I dont see that coming from joe biden. Why is he talking about ar15s . There is only one reason. He sees a mentor and coming up and he looks at the polls peered he says oh, my god, the border is pulling back. Critical race theory is polling bad. Inflation is pulling that. And this thing, crime is really pulling bad. I got to make some kind of statement. Thats not going to solve the problem. Aoc or the black caucus would say he is a racist. So hes not going to do it. He cant. Hes emasculated. Will right now are American Cities are absolutely riddled with violence and crime. Always so enlightening. Thank you for your time tonight. Thank you. Will visit townhall. Com peer fox news contributor. Joe biden laid out today a series of Gun Control Measures for the enforcement of illegal gun laws on the books. Will any of it do anything to reduce the amount of crime in this country today . Well, President Biden today laid out a number of things that are already illegal in this country. And he talked about zerotolerance for Gun Dealers Selling guns to people who cannot buy them. Thats already illegal for them to do that. I think it would be important to start with hunter biden, who lied in 2018 on a federal it carries the weight of a felony and ten years in jail. While biden is out there talking about gun control laws for everybody else, he is just deciding to let his Son Go Under The Radar when it comes to violating federal law. But i want to go back to what you said in your monologue about this cultural crime that the left has created. You are absolutely right. Lets not forget that last summer when Vice President Kamala Harris was a senator, she posted a link to the Minnesota Freedom Fund bailout fund for rioters in minnesota. That bail fund then it just bail out rioters. It bailed out convicted rapists. People who had shot at police who were trying to apprehend them. People who had stabbed to death their friends. Very violent criminals. They have created a crisis of allowing criminals to be free on the streets. And now they are pretending they are going to solve the problem by using the crisis they created to push for more gun control. Thats exactly what they are doing. If you didnt catch it today, you had joe biden saying we are going to use money from a relief fund, federal money to basically bail out democratic mayors and City Councils that have defunded the police in order to rehire police that they have defunded. And lets not forget that joe biden nominated kristen clarke, who pushed through and declared to be part of the department of justice. She wrote an oped calling for the defunding of the police. So when it comes to actually stopping crime, its very clear that they are not serious about putting, keeping them there or enforcing laws by the books. Instead, they are interested in going after gun control for special interest groups. That is what they are focused on. Will yeah, and bailing out criminals. They are not focused on solving crime. Will i wanted to play this for you, katie. Listen to what joe biden said about the purpose of the Second Amendment. The blood of patriots and all the stuff about how we are going to have to move against the government. The tree of liberty is not water and the blood of patriots. There has never been, if you want to, think you have weapons to take on the government, you need f15s and maybe some Nuclear Weapons. Will you need f15s and Nuclear Weapons. Does he understand the Second Amendment, katie . I dont think that he does with that statement. The president of the United States threatening americans who dare to exercise their Second Amendment rights will be met with Nuclear Weapons are f15s. And the tele band who are retaking territory, when it comes to take over territory with basic firearms. I dont know what he was going for but he said that before and continues to repeat it. Will its insane. Thank you for shining a little light. Thanks. Will you bet. Up next, senator rand paul on the plan to vaccinate your 2yearold. And dont you dare. Oh are you using Liberty Mutuals Coverage Customizer tool . Sorry . Well, since you asked. It finds discounts and policy recommendations, so you only pay for what you need. Limu, youre an animal whos got the bird legs now . Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderatetosevere eczema or Atopic Dermatitis Under Control . Hide my skin . Not me. By Hitting Eczema where it counts, dupixent helps heal your skin from within, keeping you one step ahead of eczema. And that means longlasting clearer skin. And fast itch relief for adults. Hide my skin . Not me. By helping to control eczema with dupixent, you can show more with less eczema. Dont use if youre allergic to dupixent. Serious allergic reactions can occur including anaphylaxis, which is severe. 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Xfinity internet customers, switch to Xfinity Mobile and get unlimited with 5g included for 30 on the nations fastest, most reliable network. Will so, in the last few months, weve seen a massive cultural push to get vaccinated for covid19. And its coming from all angles, from politicians to doctors, to everyday americans. In fact, you cant flip on your tv without seeing an ad that says do your part, get the shot. If you question it, you get the shameful label of being an antibaxter. Listen, its one thing to subject adults to this pressure, but when you get kids involved, thats when i get ticked off and that is happening right now for teens. But soon, the age group will be even younger. It is requesting that 2yearold to be able to be injected with a vaccine that hasnt even been fda approved. You are barely allowed to ask questions. Individual Risk Assessment is selfish and info like that, which came out of a cdc panel today suggesting that there is in fact a likely link between the shot and myocarditis in the younger population are barely reported on at all. How do you make a smart decision . Why is Critical Thinking being shut down customer joining me now, kentucky senator, rand paul. Senator, thanks so much for being here. You are a senator but you are also a doctor. There is no medicine that i know of, senator, that is universally appropriate for a bit of a person in our society. But we are being told that the vaccine for covid19 is applicable, appropriate, and pushed upon. Every single one of us regardless of age. Why . This is a direct result of dr. Faucis big lie. The big lie is that we have no natural immunity. So 100 Million People in america got covid, unfortunately, but they survive. A hundred billion people survive. They have immunity. But if you dont count them, you dont think that we have reached herd immunitys they keep pushing, push and pushing. Theyve got most of the adults they think they are going to get. So they have to push this on children because they think they are not yet at herd immunity. But in reality, doctor from Johns Hopkins and others who look at the data, myself will look at the data, the daily incidents have gone almost nothing here the daily deaths is way down. If you count actual immunity, while up to 85 of the public probably now has immunity. But you have to count natural immunity. If you discount that, there is this pressure to inoculate children. And you are right, it should be individualized. A medical history is the history of the patient. You are supposed to talk to the patient and make an individualized risk. I asked the head of the ama in a hearing just to go days ago, i asked her would not be appropriate to find out whether the child has already had covid . For goodness sakes, you are going to force a 10yearold has already gotten it to be vaccinated . Why wouldnt we at least test to see who has have the disease first to see will hasnt had the disease. Will and in balancing the Risk Assessment, as you pointed out, the risk of children for covid19 versus the growing knowledge of myocarditis if a child is vaccinated. Whatever that risk might become a parent should have that information. They should have that at their hands to make a smart question. The big log, questions have been totally taken off the table. Now theres got to be realworld effects of of pushing questions off the table, senator. The thing is children are different they had over 625. Over 65, its my opinion that any risk to the vaccine are less to the risk than the disease. It has serious consequence over 65 for a significant number of people. Maybe one or 2 , maybe three or 4 have problems. Under age 25 though, the death rate is One In A Million. The standard for safety is going to have to be different for children than it is for 65yearold. We can accept some risks for 65yearold. They are taking it voluntarily of their own free will appear they see the risk and they see the disease and their friends who have died for them. They are saying im taking the vaccine. But your 5yearold who is more likely to be struck by lightning and die, they should prove and let us know what is the risk of myocarditis . If its one and 1,000, thats rare, but thats more common than One In A Million from covid. So you have to balance the risks on this pier but we dont know yet the risks other than myocarditis. And they are not letting us know. They are not studying it. They are also not studying or release and how does the vaccine do in people who already have the disease . An even greater immune response, but is there an even greater Complication Rate . Could we have lower dose of the vaccine . Would we let them have one vaccine instead of two . None of these things have been studied. All of them should be studied and a half away. But its all about submission. Dr. Fauci is an elitist like the rest of these people. You must submit. Do not think you are not an individual. You are part of the hive and the hive must obey with the common doctor says. Will in other words, the hive must obey to get to the big lie of herd immunity. Such Important Information for every parent at home that needs to make one of the most important decisions in their lives. Thank you so much, senator paul. Also here tonight, geraldo rivera, Fox News Correspondent at large. In person. Good to see you, geraldo. Here i am a father of five and big advocate of vaccines. Being an advocate of vaccines is one thing. Whether or not one individuals fear of covid. While you might be a big proponent of vaccines even for your children a five, does that mean that i should and every other parent out there should be forced to submit to the hive, as senator paul described it, to get our children vaccinated for some social pressure . I like senator paul very much and i think is a sensible person. He really believes what he believes. As a parent and as a relatively educated person, worldly person, i have studied whatever i can, because i am responsible dad come about vaccines and i have come to the conclusion that the government is absolutely right. No vaccine is perfect. But it is protecting the children on the rest of society from this horrible disease that has claimed 600,000 american lives. Come on, will. We got to protect our society. Will we cant protect our society at the risk of our children. You say youve read everything. But almost every piece of data says the risks to children of covid19 is fractional. Minuscule. Very low. And there are some growing concerns about the risk of conditions like myocarditis people who get their children vaccinated. So why is it that you think its right for everyone, therefore, individually assessing their own risks to go get their children ask and they did on an Emergency Use Vaccine . I think the side effects that myocarditis, its difficult to say. Will myocarditis. You are understating or overstating the risks. Will we are just learning about it. Think about the risks from this disease is a lot worse than the One In A Million or one in 10 million, whatever it is. But its much less than one in 100,000 as far as i can understand. You wear seat belts, right . You want your child to wear a seat belt. If your kid goes to grade school, dont you want the other kids in the class to have their Measles Vaccinations . You have to protect, you know, the children, the most vulnerable. Will i think asking you to put a seat belt on my child is vastly different than an experimental vaccine into them. They are basically under no threat of suffering from or transmitting it to anyone else. Heres what i think. I think these impassioned decisions are driven by things outside of science. I want you to look at this poll. This is the latest fox news poll not. I just came out about an hour ago. It shows the number of vaccinated people versus on vaccinated people comfortable going out today to restaurants here what you see there, geraldo, is more on vaccinated people feel comfortable going out to restaurants the end vaccinated people. We are dealing with much more than covid19. We are dealing with psychosis. People make decisions for reasons other than science. Speak about people who are unvaccinated, i agree with you. They are Making Decisions other than science. The one they are still afraid to go out. Thats insane. What is insane as the of rural southern america, where the vaccine has not yet been widely applied, where people are getting sick and dying. Come on, will. We have a miracle drug that has stopped a world pandemic in its tracks. Will if its a miracle drug, why are only 39 of vaccinated people comfortable going out to restaurants close to mexico because i think they get a lot of misinformation from senator paul and dare i say it because im a big fan of hers from you. This skepticism is malignant. You scare people away from doing what is in their best interest and the best interest of others. Will you know im a big fan of yours. Im not dealing with misinformation tonight. Im dealing in Critical Thinking and rational analysis. For individuals out there who need information on whether or not there youngsters should get the shot me just say this good if you want to get the vaccine, fine, i cant exclude you from a restaurant if i want to. I can fire you from my job if i want to. Its the same as no shoes, no service. No vaccine, no service. Will i will say if you start refusing me service [laughs] will all right, thank you, geraldo. My pleasure. Will did the president of the United States pick up the tab for rock n roll . That report is next. Birds flyin high, you know how i feel. Breeze drifting on by you know how i feel. Its a new dawn. If youve been taking copd sitting down, its time to make a stand. Start a new day with trelegy. No oncedaily Copd Medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. With three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. It also helps prevent future flareups. Trelegy wont replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Tell your doctor if you have a Heart Condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Do not take trelegy more than prescribed. Trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. 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Welcome back to that same old place that you laughed about well, the names have all changed since you hung around welcome back, america. It sure is good to see you. Introducing aleve x. Welcome back, america. Its fast, powerful longlasting relief with a revolutionary, rollerball design. Because with the right pain reliever. Life opens up. Aleve it, and see whats possible. With armor all, a little bit of this. Protects you. From a lot of that. Keep your car cleaner longer. Armor all extreme shield plus ceramic. Will well now, get this. President joe biden may have inadvertently paid for Hunter Bidens wild night of sex, drugs, and alcohol. A previously unreleased trove of texts and pictures for the president suns Debit Transfers for hookers when it work. He may have used his fathers account as a backup. He began to text hunter demanding to meet him in the lobby of a risky Hollywood Hotel name chateau armagh. He said come on, age, d. C. Is calling me. Come down. I cant help you if you dont let me, h. While it turns out he was joe bidens secret Service Code Name when he was Vice President. Now the former agent gets agitated and he texts hunter, we are at your door. Open it. The laptop does not indicate what happens next. Besides hunter biden login into an encrypted government site multiple times until 4 00 a. M. He denies ever meeting or communicating with hunter. Says hes never been to the hotel and the texts were fabricated. Joining me now, joe, fox news contributor. Joe, the tales, the details. First of all, lets see what the obvious. Why is none of this apparently relevant to most of the industrial legacy Mainstream Media . Well, w, you can call me jay. Apparently the first an issue thing as a way to go. And credible. Around hunter biden, they are all in blackandwhite from his laptop. A laptop that he doesnt even deny is his. The emails that are on there, no one from the biting camp has ever disputed. So this isnt unnamed sources or somebody close to the biden family. Its literally on the email. And again, who doesnt believe that if this was donald trump jr. Or eric trump, or any trump, that these revelations accidentally paid a russian every tablet that exists on the planet for the foreseeable future. I did a Google Search right before i came on here. Almost nowhere. Its just incredible. He is untouchable by most of the national media. Like 11th in command in journalism. Thou shalt not report anything scandalous regarding hunter biden. Will the details are amazing, joe. He is putting Debit Transfers and over and over because he believes they are not going through. He ultimately gets through to a card which is ultimately connected to joe biden. I dont know what is more salacious, that he was paying for hookers for his son or that he has a Secret Service who shows up in the middle of the night to take care of everything, joe. Great analogy. Yet, when i was i guess 21 and i went on spring break when youre in panama city, im pretty sure my dad lent me his credit card in case of an emergency and several emergencies came up during that particular trip. But the point is i didnt quite go to this extent were anywhere near it. That is when you are 21. Hunter biden and the situation and is in his late 40s. How does he still have this access to an account that is linked to his dad who happens to be the president of the United States . At a time where journalism is more sizzle than state, this has a lot of sizzle and yet nobody is talking about it. Will you know, Miranda Devine has done wonderful reporting. You can read all of the salacious details always good to talk to you. Thanks, man. Speak all right, take care. Will has woke ideology taken over your companys Human Resources apartment . What would come back, the senior hr correspondent, greg gutfeld. man ive made progress with my Mental Health. So when i started having unintentional Body Movements called tardive dyskinesia. I ignored them. But when the movements in my hands and feet started throwing me off at work. I finally had to say, its not ok. it was time to talk to my doctor about austedo. She said that austedo helps reduce td movements in adults. While i continue with most of my Mental Health medications. vo austedo can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntingtons disease. Pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have suicidal thoughts. Common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. Dont take austedo if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. Austedo may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, restlessness, movements mimicking parkinsons disease, fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, and sweating. man talk to your doctor about austedo. Its time to treat td. Td is not ok. Visit askforaustedo. Com so. I know you and george were struggling with the possibility of having to move. Hows that going . Well. We found a way to make bathing safer with a kohler walkin bath. It has the lowest stepin of any bath. It has handrails, a wide door, and textured surfaces. So it gives you peace of mind. And you would love the Heated Backrest and the Whirlpool Jets and the bubblemassage. And, it was installed quickly and conveniently by a kohlercertified installer. A kohler authorized dealer walked us through every step in the process and made us feel completely comfortable in our home. And, yes, its affordable. Looking good, george we just want to spend as much time as possible, in our home and with our grandkids. Theyre going to be here any minute for our weekly spa day. Ooh, that bubblemassage have fun stay in the home and life youve built for years to come. Call 18009865068 to receive onethousand dollars off your kohler walkin bath. And take advantage of our special offer of no payments for eighteen months. Will like Communist China in the 1960s, we are in the midst of a cultural revolution here in america. Its revolution whose battles are being fought on two fronts. The classroom and in your Hr Department. Somehow virginia has become the lexington and concord of this revolution every week. There is a new video of parents fighting back against radical transgender and race policies. [screaming] for the land of the free and the Home Of The Brave do your job do your job do your job [inaudible] please arrest this individual for trespassing. What did i do wrong . Will greg gutfeld is a host of the got filled show. He is with us tonight. Read, what is your reaction . You know its interesting . I think you are seeing the new radicals. They are like grandparents. They are the ones that have a lot to lose with critical race theory. Ive never seen an ideology burned so quickly through society. We dont even know who is behind it, where it is happening. They have a few talking heads, a few authors. The joint chief of staff, janitor mark milley is sending it to troops because he wants to understand white race pier when you now have that in the milita, this war, we are losing it. You have your own military adopting what is pretty much a racist theology. And now you are looking at all those people who are in that, they have something to lose chris to go exactly. But when once you have something to lose, thats when you have a tea party. Thats when you have occupy wall street. This is the next one. And its going to cut across all party lines. They have something to lose, its their children, their stakeholders. I mentioned before they are two Battle Fronts in this cultural revolution. Everyone watching deals with that if you work for a corporation understands that your Hr Department is the other battlefront. Because you have mandatory di training. The federal government, by the way, a lady named karen was approved to run the office of personnel. That is like the federal governments Hr Department and the g. O. P. Is pointing out that she had ties to critical race theory. Heres the thing. Heres where i was wrong my entire life. I thought all of the idiots on campuses staying in the campus. It doesnt move into the real world. But i was wrong. It has moved into the Hr Department. Everywhere. When you get the email with the language, the equity, the woke stuff, you realize, my god, its here. Why is it here . Lawyers, protection. They dont want to get sued for any kind of harassment. They want to say all the right things. They dont want to be accused of bigotry. And it provides corporations cover, right . So maybe if you are making shoes in china but you say all The Right Stuff in your Hr Department actually, they are, the left would fight corporations. Now they are okay if you use the right pronouns. They are being played for suckers. Will im the same as you. I used to think that college was this lack of realworld experience. It would put kids out in the real world and they would be shocked. No, what happened as they change the real rules. They took it over. Nothing like this ive ever seen. Its going to be those people that are want to stop it. It aint going to be us. Its going to be them. Will watch dominic watch he goes on the clock next. Thank you, great i had enough its not getting in my way. Joint pain, swelling, tenderness. Much better. My psoriasis, clearer. Cosentyx works on all of this. Four years and counting. So watch out. I got this watch me. Real people with active Psoriatic Arthritis look and feel better with cosentyx. Cosentyx works fast for results that can last. 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Just wear something not too crazy, remember its a Business Dinner not a Costume Party. On a spotty network this is what she heard. Just wear something crazy, remember its a Costume Party. A Costume Party . Yes anybody want to split a turkey leg . We wont all right come a few left in the show. Pete on the clock. 60 seconds each. Here we go. Governor ron desantis is proving once again why he is americas favor governor. This time by signing a bill that will expand Civics Curriculum in florida to include the instruction of the evils of communist government. Why isnt every governor like this . This is where we are. Communism bad in the schools may be something we should talk about. I mean, the democrats jfk was a taxcutting prolife anticommunist. Hey come with what all these cuban exiles who are in our state would do a great job of how about we do that. Will what if we really did put politicians and mayors on the clock and say will you denounce Communism Customer do you think truthfully if we had a poll, would they denounce commum customer i think most of them probably would. Because right now they can hide behind democratic socialism or Social Justice or Equity Diversity and inclusion or whatever they want to call it. Will what is behind it . Socialism . Probably have. Very scientific us. Will lets poll them now that we have you here. Rachel maddows show is not news. It is unreliable and cannot be considered a news show. You are hyperbolic but you are reliable. Will thats right. Would you consider this a new show . Is this news we are doing right now . I dont think it is. You have 38 seconds to debate whoever we would like. And they cant sue us. The entire meteorologist team. Will absolutely. Absolutely. Will with no Slander Customer we have now declared this an open opinion zone and not real news. Apparently we can say whatever. Rachel maddow said whatever she wanted. Will you need to button your shirt up, put on a tie like a responsible adult when you come read the news. Come its not a new show, i forgot. Will this is a news show. Netflix is out with a new dating show that tries to prove love really is blind. Contestants will wear masks to see if their chemistry is real. Watch. I want to get married. I want to have babies before my 25th. You have Health Insurance . Welcome to the strangest blind date ever. So what if i took you and you are not what ive made my decision. Will all right, okay, listen come on one hand, i think we are sliding into sodom and gomorrah. On the other hand, i kind of want to watch that show. I want to have a show with you called beast. I could be the name of our show. If you watch the whole video, few of them with a little test thing, i will probably watch. Will its blind dates, right . Blind date with one of my favorite you are wearing makeup. I wear it when im not even on. Will and now, lastly, there might be plenty of fish in the sea, but apparently there is none in the subway, socalled tuna fish sandwich. A lab study tested over 60 inches of tuna from the Popular Sandwich and found that the Tuna Sandwich contained no tuna fish dna. Was a fan of subway everyday. I love subway sandwiches with roast beef on them. Do you know who did a vague investigation on this . Will who customer the New York Times come as if they dont have other things they might want to look into. Will the story on the tuna fish and subway. Got to get to the bottom of it. Apparently the New York Times says there was no tuna dna in there. But subway says when you cook it, it loses the dna. So im with subway. If you dont like it, dont eat it. Will during the commercial break, he said, and i know this, he loves fast food. He said roast beef is his favorite. I said you got to go to arbys. Has one health confession is to cut out the curly fries. I get the sandwich without the curly fries. He orders and on our morning show on on fox friends. He loves subway. Pizza hut come amazing. Will but your one concession is to cut out the curly fries. It is a wonderful drug. [laughter] will all right, thanks, man. Thank you, will pierce be one thanks for watching fox news primetime. Im will cain. Dont forget to download the Will Cain Podcast. You will get all of my extended arguments appeared we can hang out together casually, get to know each other. Go get the Will Cain Podcast at spotify or wherever. Wherever you get your audio or internet. I will be back here in the seats again tomorrow night. Lets light it on fire. Lets hang out together. Until then, Tucker Carlson, hes up next. Enjoy. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. About 40 minutes ago we got a text from our friend, amy bruce who said that rose mcgowan, the actor wanted to come on the show tonight to announce something and would we be up for it . Well of course we would be up for it. What is the point of having a live tv show if you cant make lastminute tv shows to accommodate unexpected segments . So we did. You will find out exactly what

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