Weekend. Congressman dog john is a democrat from new jersey rippling the first district. Congressman what is the pandemic like real live . The one right up york city that really got clobbered initially. But now in southern new jersey right across from philadelphia its coming at a rapid pace now. Its really tight and tradition families get together formi thanksgiving it certainly changes. What is been the economic toll . What jobs have been lost, industries, what is it like . Ve i living kansas city literally on the river right across from philadelphia. Its the main corridor coming over. Every day the tffic is backed up. Its down almost to not being people are now seeing the longterm effects of a pandemic. As you know the unemployment ran out quiteome time ago. We are not nearly all over the district. Food insecurity which many people thought the would never be offered is a big deal. We haveines, their food distributionsl several times a week. Suburbs are just as crowded as the ordinary. Tough outho there. Who is in those food lines that you didnt think of you food lines before this . Student people used to be on the other side of the equation. Once who would donate to thee food bank and help out on a daily basis. For most people do very little. We learned a long time ago. That made such a difference. The fact that we cannot pass the followup is unbelievable. This by any measure is the worst Economic Times for anybody whoseen live on this earth. It is bad. This goes below the 2 trillion, twopointpe to trillion that she has been advocating for to getca something done some money sent out. Sure. Something generally is good that is incredibly important. Talk about the tightening polic police. Starting to get laid off because that crash of almost nine months is taking place at the statehouse. More local towns. We have to act. And the idea of a little bit of that is along would start the conversation. So congressman, what have you been told from your leadership about prospects for getting it done before you adjourn middecember . The conversation was a new role in leadership last night. Those conversations are happening. Obviously those are not happening at the rate we would like. Remember we had the heroes act months ago. And leading up to the election there was real discussion taking place. Any time getting closer and closer and then trump said it wasnt the priority until after the election. What you heard after the election is now we will let congress do their job. But we have been doing ouraf jo. The white house took a pass on this. Obviously he is not dealing with it the way the amecan people are paid. Want to iite the viewer to join in two oh 274880. Republicanspu 20284001. Independence 2027402. And new jersey resents that lend it to 027488003. Going to my coups in new jersey. Democratic call you are up first. Caller my name is mike i am a construction worker from new jersey. I know is extremely rare for someone with your background and to be honest with it was someone of your background to be elected official. I am just curious how did she go from a construction se to make it to congress . Will thank you. It is rather rare. I like to say the to orders in congress but theres only electriciann. I went to the other for your school. But through that part of my life are my brothers. They want more Traditional College i enjoyed working with my hands. We know that one size does not fit all. My parents were openminded and what any of their kids wanted to do. With that opportunity raised, that week that i would to go to college today want to defend the college . Our country needs each of those. And we value each one of those. So the idea it was tough dropping of my kid at 7 00 oclock in the morning and rushing to the jsite. T he loved every minute of it. I truly did. I look back with great fondness among the most difficult things i i had to do was to leave that part of my life behind. But t idea of having someone reesent you that has experice. Much of the ways youre talking about,eally is an issue. Diversity educational values i feel incredibly lucky. We remember what that was like. I was hurt and on disability. Thesei are the things that are more than just names. Theyre part of my le my wife usually has a list serve me when ime go home. My older sonon is big, electrician and we are extremely proud of him also brace back jonathan new jersey as well. Where you calling from . Goahead. Thank you for taking my call good morning congressman. In the Biden Administrations critical that we support workers. Especially seeing covid 19 number surge in the pandemic going nowhere soon. What are some things you like to do to support workers . Thanks for that call. And certainly for those who off of early months of listening to both ndidates. There is a stark difference of what the reality is. Joe biden was to call him or third senator he was always one of those who pickedp the cause for working families. Hed been ere. Hed been someone whod always been part of that. That speaks volumes. We know your electrician by trade. When you talk about what people do sometimes you hear that in order to make it in america you have to go to for your college. Well that might be true and certainly there is value in tha that. 70 of aricans who do not have a fouryear degree theory electrician, carpenter, the idea of what you do, we have to remember that part of our life is so important that whether you go workith your hands or your phd from harvard, they look all the same. Want to make sure our kids are well taken care of. We are all in this together. So when we look at the biden plan it is talk about a true infrtructure plan. I had four years of this great infrastructure plan with the administration. But nothing came out. Here about clean energy structure. Its been quite a fewears since the lights have gone ou we think back in new york city and the great blackout. That infrastructure needs to be updated. We do not want to be there when the lights go out. But the most iortant thing is covid. I want to take a moment and say thank you to essential workers. Because for those who put on the uniform, with the viewer scrubs to the teacher to the transit drivers, t bus drivers did not sign up to put their life on the line. But what are they do . Each and every day they literally put their life on the line so that our country can continue to run. Weve all had a tough time which we all expect now, theyre going to work. Imagine going to work at a supermarke you are a beggar or cashier, which is my first job. Making minimumwage and sometis a little if you have a union. Thidea that you could really catch company vegetable youre doing your job, we want to say reallyou because we appreciate it. So whether its the infrastructure which is s important, covid, bringing backid manufacturing which ive been working in particularly with the Armed Services to make sure that National Security includes our Industrial Base so that those we used to keep our country safer made right here in america. Lets go to harry northcross of georgia. Democratic collar. Caller hello. Nice to talk to you sir. Very pleased to talk to a man whos been through an apprenticeship and understands how much that means. I spent six years as a princess, a machinist and has worked well for me all of my life. People are beaten up on nancy pelosi because of the amount of dollars, the amount of dollars is not what she is after. What she is after is accountability. It is the republicans are refusing to be, number one they dont want accountability they do not want oversight in the bill. The other thing they dont want, what theyy do once is for corporations to get office far as liability is concerned. If they cause harm to an employee. And i would like you to comment on that. And i appreciate very much your being where you are. And i thank you so much. Thanks harry. Thank you. You are in the middle of the firestorm. A couple elections coming up for senate they would change the direction of the country. But to go to your direct answer, those are skill sets that many cases we are losing. That our Industrial Base because they have so many have been offshore and are losing the nextgenerati worker. When the hurricanes hit the Southern Coast we need phds, we need smart people. But we need the electrician is thens carpenters to put those things back together. So thank you for what you t have done. But lets talk about standards. Right now we are finding guidelines in this country, cdc is for what you should on the jobsite. We have had a set of standards to address covid with the department of labor that is gone nowhere. The idea that each employers trying to decide what they should do, with some of the greatest science in this world. We have the standards for the idea something i belie the Biden Administration is extremely bad. As the first set of bills we put through that are still sitting there. A because theyre enforceable. Mv its incredibly. [inaudible] but the Department Later is not been doing. Lets talk about what they can do. Who has the proper ppe some emoyees are giving out nothing of use ppe. I think its incredibly important also to keep her anti employment. Every dollar of unemployment spent right here in the community. That being offshore accounts this is a pandemic, we are at war. We need to take care of the people who need it most. I think what you brought up is incredibly important. We can get this done. I got they are hurting out therhere. Those going home for thanksgiving will see firsthand. Again how hard it is while the restaurants are hurting. Business is hurting. So important in the economy also helps the supermarket and it, helps those who are trying to drive the work cost. So i put together the new labor carcass. He knows what its like to work in the morning. You are on the air the congressman and independent. Caller good morning congressman. I wanted to ask you about campaigning spending lots of money to campaign. When President Trump was on Campaign Rallies who is paying for his expenses such as air force one . That is public property which is us. Are we paying for his gas . On that airplane . All of his rallies . Is the taxpayer paying that . Okay roger, congressman do you know . Student theres a couple set of rules that go with this. To Fly Air Force one security is about 200,000 an hour. And that is a couple years old. There are res in place that provide he getsirectly for rallies that he has to reburse and there is a formula. Obously no matter who the president is, we want to make sure they are safe. But you cannot use the assets of the American Government the taxpayers for political use. There is a liner that has been drawn. We have to follow with theres no question about that. Tallahassee florida, joseph a republican. Yes thank you. I like to say everybody have a happyy thanksgiving. I am 72 years old and have had a lot of politicians since john kennedy first ran for presidenc presidency. A night one of may be a ourtion that can help country would be Something Like reenacting the Selective Service ofvi draft. As a simple plan of my own mind. All men or women 19 to 21 serves two years with no deferments. Everyone serves. For that to take affect, number when you have to have a place where they can serve and be trained. The military bases could be reopened, construction crews could go back to work. It would not be constructors workers feast and famine there be a lot of feasting. And after that the people in the communities could actually go ahead and work on the base and the people at the basis could go ahead and put money into the community. That is the way it was. And there is war going on in vietnam. So what i am just saying is could this possibly be a solution to a big problem . It would build up our defense. It would give young people a general idea of which way to go withd their lives. If they dont have any idea they may gain one. Ouand then again to each community would feel proud again. Okay joseph. Congressman your thoughts. Select thank you it reminds me, if you had an opportunity to go to some of our National Parks and my family from tennessee by Smokey Mountain uc all the work that pa did back then. It was an incredible time. It was the depression certainly that was one of the programs. You bring up a point of Public Service. And how important that is. It gives us an opportunity to say thank you to all of those who serving in our military. Who are literally the world keeping us safe. I talked about earlier whether to go to college or defend the college. Those who put their life on hold to go in defend our country, it was an incredible moment we say thank you for what they do. And they give the ultimate and never come home. But certainly for those who have a loved one, my son served there certainly knights you stay awake thinking are they safe . Weve had this discussion. There some better talk about that opportunity for Public Service to retire some of the debt for student loans. That is been talked about quite a bit. The idea that we all pitch together, think the contest there is one that has to be revisited. We look at other countries around the world that have different ways of looking at real. They all served in the military with few exceptions. That makes you look and think it things differently. When we have been were so many of our soldiers, airmen have been, but we are all in this together. The idea ofn giving back i think is incredibly important. I hope we continue to have that conversation. Because we just cant turn off those responsibilities to a few, we are all in this together. Thank you for your time this morning. I really appreciate it, thank you.

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