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Board together from floyd county to basically rescan all the early votes back out of the Election Night reporting system and election Management System and then put it back in after the rescan it. Also looks like they mismanaged their provisional votes as well. So walter, can you take care of the allowing reporting for this right now . Im not sure how to do that on my appear with making a recording of this, too. They will be doing that hopefully today and another very get the board together to handle the logistics of that end up with those expecting things back into what we call the rcr, the results and tally reporting which was into the election in that reporting. Thats with that stance right knee. I mentioned yesterday which was getting lost unless we did open two investigations into Fulton County. With that we are going to lets see. We are going to be putting in new results in which will be aggregated into the results you see on the actual sos site and that will hopefully happen today. So real quick, on the chat side, are you all alone recording . Have you already accomplished that . No, not yet. We are recording on our end though. Your host. Let me do something. Doesnt look like have the ability to do that. Miles, maybe he knows about and bush. Miles, you can unmute now. At have you got . I feel very special, thank you very much. Go to your list and you have to individually allow recording for each of the participants. Theres a little series of dots you can pull and it will give you allow recording to each of us and we can all record, okay . Ari, walter the host has to do this by the way. I can do it. Sure, i will go to your window and allow you to record. Lets just let everybody on. We all want to record, thats a given. There are 80 of you right now so it will take a bit. I will start over again and i apologize, trying to get through and the nextel press conference is the kind of annoying. We get that. But think of it heads up on had to do that, miles. Us guys with gray hair do know how to do things sometimes. Let me renew myself because on under our executive assistance name right now. How do i do that next i get it yesterday before hand. A little wary for people to see her name under my name. The room, i did something technological. Good. Where are we with of you would on the recording stuff . Does anybody have it yet . Not yet. It is taking a bit. Okay. I apologize. We are all getting through these things and yesterday really had like 15 of the author we have 85 today so its a lot more but i will sort over over once we get to the process, okay . In the meantime you can be thinking of really penetrating questions you want to get to. I did take some again is running an old episode of in the heat of the night which i was worried theyre trying to bomb our thing, i couldnt tell. Not sure who that was. Ari come how are we coming . Slowly but surely. Again, we apologize. Our goal is to make elections board again. Right now it is not obviously. Hopefully we get to see the dogs play this weekend. Whereas it could cause some problems. This weekend is South Carolina and my fiance is for the gamecocks. Last year they beat us in a surprise upset. All right. Lets see. Ari, up . If you want to start through these. They move around a bit so i might miss some here and there. Its like a game of whackamole. Basically. Mute yourself up for a second or i will start over again and basically any mh more cleanly explain the situation in floyd county is being addressed. Working to pull their election board together to allow for the rescan of all of the early votes. Back out they will back up the results they had an election reporting and interrtr whi is the results tally reporting and put the new result income at that to election venturesome, pull that out and that will even out those numbers. What will happen since we have seen the raw numbers, unofficl obviously, was 14,156 was the deficit that president was facing against former Vice President biden, and there was a net pickup of 778 votes it appears on this one. Of the new defic will be ,378. It does not affect the runoff. Its the number of vot or similar withenator perdue as to what they need to avoid a runoff for when the election of four. They are tracked very close together so is about the sink differential nowhat senator perdue would have to get to meet that issue. So that is that particular in floyd county, it is being addressed, the audit work to compound the issue they were very troubled on these things. There was an additional issue with how they scanned the provisional ballots and looks likehey had two batch issues and the scant three bches which means a third more provisional ballots we porting the bishopric we dont, but those also be rescanned. I dont think a digesting it was overshadowed by the floyd county issue wasn Fulton County we are openingp specific investigations,ne was how it handled the toilet the, water liquid if you want to call it at state farm arena. What that how tt was handled. A lot of confusion around that. Secondarily how they would use with monitors and people on those lines. Its one of the specific issues whe the dissent degree within and monitors has some issues they wanted to pnt out. There were some chain of custody issues around the absentee ballots. Lets see it. They were bounced around rooms and generally bad management. Things you saw in flo were bad management we see som of things in fulton. We are investigating it. The hour and a half and looks like we wil debate of farm arena to see if theres actually a time when their scanning and ocessing when the monitor had either been told to leaver understood they were supposed to leave. We are investigating that as we. Looks like theyre violating Consent Order we entered in within a n cause more confusn on election day and prior to election day. So fulton count will continue to investigate for those anthony potentl violations Consent Order we entered into was after the june election prior to the november election. I want to go over some statistics again we saw ncerning absentee ballot and signature matching. Georgia entered a Consent Decree that essentially did o thing and one thing only. It allowed for 11 days from election instead of giving three days to inform a a voter theres an issue with her blot. Its down to 24 hours. In your within 1 days of election that is the one and only thing that Consent Order address. In any real way. Just to give you some context about this, in 2016 there were 580 that were missing or had an inaccurate posting with signature basically out of 246,000. In 2,018,000. In 2018 to were 454 out of 284,000, and in 2020, 2011 out of 1. 3 billion. They all bounced around about about. 15 so pretty consistent the numbers you are seeing some 3 rejection rat versus 5 rejection rate but they are comparing apples to oranges. The biggest chunks of ballots rejected account as rejected showed up after the 7 p. M. Deadline. That is where the majority of rejections come from. Fo signature matches always runnground. 5. 15, 2. 2 . That is a normal thing weve seen in george and also a situation where republicans and democrats alike get these lists of people who have absentee ballot secure and they send people around toelp them with the bowsprit weaw that because of his concernsuddenly showed up they had a photo id, photocopie of the photo ids, matched up so saw a lot of that cheering occurred. But it is unfortunate. We are still seen management sues. They did better but still have major issues that a ver big concerns for us. Another thing we wanted to make sure we have been talking about them working of certifying this election and then move into, we ve to do this so we can geto the ballots on saturday to follow the federal law to be 45 days up from the january 5 election. Weve got to get this thing certified. We feel we a on a good schedule now with the audit. They are following the law, following the pross and this is what i been saying from the beginning as the sector has instructed us to follow the law and it is process process process. Is is a very well defin i think we are going through. The audit was in the law. Where following that. It allows us to do handount. Let me again o the hand count, there people out there conspicy there is cities tour codis ipping. The whole point is you look at whats on the ballot. The hand marked ballot and 1. 3 million of those for the 3. 7 million from dmv. Youre looking at the name. Those are theeffen names, handing it to the person next to them and they are physically counting them as human beings to assure what was scanned is actually correct. So far we are seeing that in the vast majority of the counties. Some of them are off by one or two which you expect when human beings do the trick the audit is going well. We are at 4. 7 going at a little over 5illion votes cast. So to say, midnight into wednesday. The first step is this physical counting process. They had to get to that process and then we have a Quality Control process to make sure did you put your data entry and correct . Are your tally sheets correct . Eres a lot of moving parts but voting works if youre on the ground. We have a lot of people and helping to make sure type process, many of the counties come back spot did on that the more no more votes, no less vote and the counts counter cof the same other counties come when financing for a lot of these eleions they are perfectionistic if theyre off by three to want to forget why fear off by three. It could be a simple as if you have absentee ballots and two of them stuck together within wite machine together one time and you will never be able to know the difference on thatut those are the kinds of things use in an election. Another thing i want to make clear, there will have been illegal votes cast. We know that. In every scene election in history of mankind the would be illegal votes cast. We he not seen any evidencef 13,378 of those cast. We know there are some double voters. We dug int some of that and realized that. It was in creor by counties with the tag peoplehe wrong way. Another thing weve seen is potential ellen vote up the some of those people might be in a position where the rights are fully restored to vote. We have investigators physically trking though stanford understand w have these things as an example without a double voters in the june and august elections. We sent investigators in. We have 24 investigators, two, o specifically test for just election stuff in the state eltion board. Its going to take some time to get through all of this but again we see nothing that indicates there is a hh peentage of such a High Percentage that wld change the outcome of the vote. Our goal is that the claims ssible election and if anybody has any reports of actual regularities irregularities are investigators will investigate. Another thing iant to picture the sector islear on what everybody is we have again seen more democrats even in calirnia talk that coming to georgia and voting in our elections. Derstand if your goal is to, just to put an election, then go back to your residcy. You are violating state law. Secondarily, this is another potentl case i know may come up, its somebody moves from one stateith a cast a vote for for sin into another state to tryo cast another vote for the same body that would be seated, that would potentially violent trendy constitution because you can get two dferent sets of votes to seat body that would be seated in january. There will potentially be issue along that front as well. Our gl is to the cleaners and fairest election we cant and give people the undstanding of faith that the outcome is actually the ocome, that the winner is the winner in the person who came in second pce came in second pce. To get head at some of the other questions this and audit were doing is for the stateo move certification. Under our state law the secondplace finisher if they are within. 5 or lower percent of the vote of the firstplace finisher, may ask for a recount. That recount would follow our state election board rules and essentially weve already procured a a highspeed highcapacity central scanner for every single county because we did a pretty good job of negotiating and getting the prices down the region will do we get get our new system, bring paper to georgia. What they would do is theyould create a test deck if you would say you would have 50 trump 44 biden and ten for jo jorgeen. You a mix ofarked and hand out you run through the scanner can get the report, verifying the scan is done improperly and it will be 50 trump, 40 biden, ten for jorgenson a your clear that out. You put your tally back to zero and then you scan every single ballot again through those things. A large counts of multiples of these and one of the family to go back we are sending additial highspeed scanners to fluid can of the can get through the process of scaing were quickly than doing it all on the same scanner. Wee getting logistical part of that than to help them get t results more quickly. We want to get these things done. We feel we are on a good path. The audit is moving at face and by t fact were down t the last 300,000 or so of the hand counting we feel very good we can look for in iues can look for any anomalies, find where they mighte, correct them on the day the second corct them on a counting site and have full audit available by our deadline is wednesday at midght. Then move to the certification face going into friday. With that i will open up at your questions and the way were going t do this is walter and ari wl go through your chat, let you, unmute people one at a time but we dont want people talking over each other. Lets start off with that, okay . What have got, ari or walter . Actually its quicker if people raise their hand, use the hand. I see miles is a good raising his hand. So maybe you can unmute him. Steve come here first. He got it. Unmute stephen. I got miles. You have to unmute yourself. I just did. Can you . Yes. Excellent, excellent. Gabe, just clarify a point for me. The risklimiting audit, which became, its been called a recap really is a recount, et cetera. Youre still calling it an audit, quick . I hand audit, yes. Will the numbers you get to buy midnight tomorrow, will te anyway impact or change the numbers you certify on the 20 . The intent as you know an audit is there to verify the results that were reported to the election Management Systems. Knowing that human beings on the flawed part of this process the intent would be we would say the numbers and also state will require we go by precinct is the way to get precinct level out of the tool. We are not changing the results based on the hand count that it is verifying the results that have been recorded. That is the intent were following to follow state law and keeps us in in a clean waye to the precinct results as our final certified results. So it wont change the actual certified number . Was correct. People are still doing the floyd county thing we will do that, they have the ability to go through make sure they have all their provisional kind of thing isnt right for the most part we will see changes mood for other than the floyd county thing more than likely. Youre good at explaining this and i think the thing i heard most recently is iranian to observers as it was around the three or four counties was why are not safe verifying signatures . I tried to explain to people given my limited knowledge that that happened a long time ago and no signatures on bowels. Could you just explain and clear this up . This seems to be a lot of confusion on the secrecy of ballots and where the ballots have identification on them. Thanks for the question, miles. Essentially the process is of this. You make a request. Theres basically to make signature verifications or identification verification that happens. Thats step one and thats when the request dies. Theother item is this , you need your drivers license number and a unique pin identifier that allows us to say this is a person, this is who they are, their drivers license matches their registration form. Thats another way you can get the county to send. You make your choices, you folded up,put it in the sleeve and you put that paper sleeve and a secret envelope in the actual return envelope and on that retard envelope , it says i uphold the law and that gets sent back to the county so the county then has the new request form plus all the other signatures to compare that to and that is what the verification at that time and then they go into the other treasury systems to say this is a match, we have now accepted this ballot. They then remove the secrecy envelope from the ballot, that in the Georgia State constitution requires ballot secrecy. The actual ballot goes back to that arrest original signature because georgia law does not allow for that. They then keep those envelopes on record for two weeks. They keep those requests on record for two weeks and then to go back and look if theres anything on discovery if you look at those things, theres nothing stopping them from doing that if they show any evidence to do that. Right now its for the counties to go back and recertify signatures they already certified so i think thats an explanation of where we stand on this and one of the things we did this year with representatives of the Georgia Bureau of investigations is the county had additional training to explore signature match but one of the things the secretary wants to look at as a less subjective way to identify voters. We like the portal because you know the firm has this number, its a really good way to potentially tighten up activity of this in the long term so thank you for that question. Jean scanlon, i think this is the questionthat many others are having as well. Im pretty positive the state has been saying that the audit, the result of the audit is what would be certified so is it different now that the that going to be theoriginal . There are people in the law trying to understand the best way to follow the law and make sure weve got the results in that would be here and follow the law. Theres not really a way to have a specific thing saying the outcome will need to be certified results,we dont have that in georgia right now. We have a recount or handoff like this and it may be the final number but right now audit is going to verify the results and especially just logistically, theres no way to get those results and its at the precinct level. Going back and forth with lawyers, this is the first time weve done this in 20 years so its not like were going to go down the path and we rethought it and said theres a morse legally stable way. One quick followup, just i think based on what you said previously, i dont know if i understand correctly but sending more ballots before the county because they are not hound hand counting all the early voted ballots there. Theyre audit right now, weve discovered issues so were scanning those ballots. All the early ballots back and it looks like all of the provisnal ballots back in. Those two things at the election Management System and we put these results in as the final results because obviously they need to be correct. We audited, solved this issue and they should be able to do it today but they have to have their elections board say yes, do that so basically weve got that right now, i understand the timing. By early voted ballots you mean in person once. Understand once the early votes are absent in person, the ballots done on the ballot marking device is. [inaudible] whos next . Cnn, heyday. You eventually the vast majority of counties are basically reporting minor to no discrepancies in a hand recount. Will you, will the secretary of state be seeing the numbers to say the overall number, the discrepancy is 600votes or 600 margins. [inaudible] the transparency of so many counties Live Streaming it, putting it on Facebook Live and flooding in as many monitors to work while having the still room function so there will be a county by county level and theres two things to be off on, the number of ballots and also intentionally off within thecounty itself for the president ial race. Those are two separate numbers and they will both be recorded at the end of the process. Thecounty today was uploading the data entry , when do you anticipate they finish . Theyre going throh the Quality Control procesof the audit, we are probably pushing for march but maybe we will be done by then. Theres lot of counties, a lot of ballots. Like i said theyre good to go but there are going to be somediscrepancies. Most when you see these kind of ings you will see as an example theres one county right now i think they undercounted by 394 which happens to be two batches, thats the exact number of th. Theyre going to hand count those and add them to the total so thats the kind of thing you see after ud to your data entry. [inaudible] takes time, its just a process and we will continue to follow the process, follow the rules, follow the law and once we get that final number we will release all that data. Could you say that right now the majority or 50 percent have come back on no differences at all . I dont know if i can pull up the number, i will have the tool and see where we are but i dont know if i can answer that but might be maybe byfour or 5 00 i will get that to you. And you. Ronald valley has his hand up. Dave, technical question. Right now on the website the counties had to certify the results by last friday. There are still 10 counties, isnt that is the matter of it not being in the juliet or did you have10 counties that were not certified by friday. 10 counties didnt get their stuff done, yesterday a lot of them are all doing a lot of things. So you can say all 159 counties are certified. I cant say, we tried to talk to them tomake sure that they have before we say that. So youre saying theyre going to pull their numbers back, reload so when number, that rtified 159 pops up with floyd on those will be the results for the state that you willcertify. I got a quick question, where you in quarantine . Ive got two virtual classrooms me. And then my conscience too. So risk limiting audits are supposed to prove that the correct winner one, not look at the exact margins so that is unclear, the rationale for why the original certification totals were bad because roa doesnt examine the markets that work on the correctwinner. What you just said, hopefully its an audit to improve the,. Two, our law requires that we report by precinct which cannot be a tool and its logistically more sensible under our law and physically easier to do because the rcr which is the returns reporting system and our bnr which is the election are supposed to give that precinct level data we everybody follow our law so that the rationale behind. Those are the three main things. Whos next . Debbie brewer. Thanks so much, i appreciate. Regarding what secretary of state roth whispered or said yesterdayregarding his conversation with senator graham about invalidating absentee ballots , staffers were on the call with him. Were you or anybody else at the meeting . It was a phone call. The backandforth had beengoing on and i wasnt a part of this. We did an interview with dana. So there were discussions about absentee ballots and a potentially, there was a present of signatures that works really truly matching but at some point where you get to it and you say will sort out all these ballots because we have no way of knowing because the balance are separated area that was partially what was going on. Senator graham viewed itone way and roethlisberger unit another way. Our job in this state is to follow the law and the process which we continue to do. Theres no ability for this office to go along those lines but if somebody want to go thatroute. They could. How would you characterize it as a request, was that something was in the process for you say you still have another way . Im not going to get into senator grahams time. They are discussing i can see how both sides of that could potentially be correct supporters continue to fight, i will continue to follow up. Thats what we were doingon call. Thank you. Next is to tester. My question is have any of the republicans either inside it within georgia or outside the state reached out to secretary rack was further to confirm privately in support of actions taken in florida . I dont keep up with the secretarys correspondence. I know many republicans were staying true to the process and following the law because we are a nation oflaws, not a nation of men and we will continue to do so. Its time where emotions are high. The president is obviously fired up and he has the due process under our constitution and under state law and federallaw. I anticipate we will see lawsuits. I know one was justdismissed in the Southern District of georgia yesterday i believe. It will go through the process. I dont believe theres necessarily we will learn anything but im not a lawyer and we will allow the courts to do their business and continue to follow state law until the court says we can deviate, our plan right now is certify the results, get the ballots mailed out for january 5 and then really look out for anybody coming from california or new york or florida or anywhere else. Thats the next big step will be what weve seen social media and other people trying to do those kinds of things and as i said before, its a 10 Year Prison Sentence potentially and 100,000 fine and thats a big one so i would recommend risking it. But i think once we talked about that , moving to georgia, obviously we campaign in georgia, and like i said, if you were moving to the number one state in georgia, where happy to have you, if you want to rent a house,start a business, my home. Thats fine. But dont come here to try to game our system. Kate coburn has h his hand up for a while. Can you hear me. Excellent. Just want to make sure i understand the county and the state certification rules here. The florida certified their results last friday. Now we have turned up these additional ballots. So theres an established process for them to amend their certification. With new numbers. Georgia is going to certifyon friday. Is there also a process in place for you to manage your numbers. And other county turns out to follow investigations to yield something, you can update your numbers as of friday . As i understand it once we certified and get the ballots out, i dont know the path that allows for that but im not a lawyer there might be better suited to general counsel but our plan is to follow the rules which is everybodys to be done, everybody ought to have their stuff certified and we will certify numbers. I dont foresee a situation that would simply chge things for he us not certified by friday. Rollinga court telling is still certified by friday that is the intent. So under normal circumstances, these certifications once you certify that did you throw the word normal out . Not in these circumstances but in the past when they certified you certify that. Thank you. In the market. Good morning gave. Question regarding senator grahams claims. Wouldnt a higher rejection rate mean that the system of signature verification is actually working . One would potentiallythink that, yes. What we saw as they have a higher rejection rate individually and we saw on the original signed asimilar thing. So its an indication the systemis working as intended. And it potentially maybe a lower rejection rates compared to what might have been necessary. So yes, thats backwards math on that, i think youre right a higher rejection rate which of the system is working and alone one which shares there might be a problem but its incredibly low in general because most people are using the system and the counties are doing countsproperly. Sing theres no specific instance of people saying whats being doneproperly at this point. That does come up, we will obviously go after that and try to bring it to the state election board. The whole point of this is we want evidence. Not on twitter, not on facebook, they can claim but its not providing evidence under a nation directed bylaws. Theres a process and if what people want to go through the discovery process and they have evidence they can file a suit. The president has every right to follow all of his due process to come to a point where he can say hes exhausted his efforts on this front. Thank you. Nicole car. Either. I think the active investigations into election harassment or intimidation in these counties . I can that directly. I know one particular one in fulton again, that goes to the morelocal level at the sheriffs fice providing secuty on those fronts. When we investigate around e state election board role and our election law, harassments and intimition is really more a law enrcementscenario. I think most of those questions would be directed to the local sheriffs and security for the actions themselves or the Police Departments where the ople are referenced. Nick rubin. A game, how to process question for you. So you mentioned this audit is not going to change the actual vote tally or a vote count. Were going tocertify what has come down. They found ballots that were sort of left whats the threshold for what county has. [inaudible] the whole point is to find issues and what theyre doing is theyre going to go through and recertified this because theyre missing those ballots fromhe totals. If you get to a point, i dont have a thing, its kind of like what ill know it when i seeit. This particular one was obvious obviously we have to get the election reporting so we can still go to the precinct and follow state law area i dont foresee anything along thoslines but as reports one or two, the things we are pursuing theyre not tied back to those things. That kind of the issue youre aft right now. So again, we know it when we see it. Its obvious and we will work wi the florida county to get three certifications done so those final tallies will be in certification on state results. Thank you, perfect. Damon johnson is up next. Just to be very clear about these fulton investigations, can you describe if there is any evidence of significant wrongdoing . There are so many conspiracy theories out there so iwanted to be clear about what youre seeing. What were seeing in fulton right now is managerial sloppiness which opened the door for potential problems. If youre not doing your chain of custody property properly that is the kind of thing that can lead to issues with somebody saying these ballots were left alone and who knows what happened with the balance. Certainly with the issue around the state farm toilet leak, water leak, whatever you want to call it , that was handled from the chain of custody side. We knew about it 5 30 that morning so that combined the water leak story with the leak story which i think were 17 hours apart. But managerial sloppiness, attention to detail, those are thgs that opened the door to issues. One of the things in the consent degree was there were voting accounts by not doing so that opened traditional votes and we dont know whether those ballots were received or not so that leads to, thats where its coming from and thats what were specifically investigating. You and i were talking about it that night when you were saying your people were there and were watching. We had a motor there but the way state farm was set up there were multiple rooms for things in some cases and our investigator went there once we heard , we had an investigator left and ere may be a time period where not everything was looked at and thats what were trying to get down , thats why were looking at the video for state farm trying to get down to what e timeline was making sure therwas a server there and if there wasnt we have to account for why that was and saying its time for you people to go but thats what were trying to get to now is the truth is that because as you said theres a lot of supplies on facebook that isconscious fact but it doesnt necessarily have all the facts. Nicole car. I had a quick followup to a question about election sources. If harassment or threats tied back to observers, does that fall within your office . I dont know, were trying to follow up with you. Thank you. Go on. We just got a little update, how can the secretary of state respond. [inaudible] i didnt hear what it was. I responded to this earlier on that point, basically i was on the call as well and there were process questions that looked like they were going down the path to say theres a county that has an out of proportion amount of ballots left or canceled or whatever. You can question the entire count because they also played, thats the process conversation we were having and i was involved in all of them partway through because i was getting ready for another remedy but secretary birder , thats the way he perceived that when we talked about that and im sure senator grahams proceeding in his way but going down the path of potentially saying counties need to be redone, there is no path for this office to do that. There is a path within a court of law how to do that. So i think that was kind of the discussion that was had on that front but its not something we would feel good or rational way to do administration after the fact because these counties apparently from our point of view from what we have seen have done their job appropriately , signature match has been enhanced by this office with extra tools and having the online portal, it makes it an objective identification versus subject identification. Joshua asked a question. Thank you guyfor doing this. Do you know how if in floyd coty if you had not had this unprecedented hand recounof every single vote in the state, if and how this problem would have been detected and how you would have resulted . Im not sure right now because they had several things happened to them. Their number one director is on the covid19 quarantine. Their number two person fell and broke her hip on election day. Number two people running that office right now. I dont have a good answer to that right now and its one of the things were looking at in our own process which is most counties they keep track of everything and october 24, that scanner had issues, they replaced the scanner and the plan was to rescan those ballots and it looks like they were segregated or put to the side or shielded in a box. They got a number on them and apparently they may not have done and we are trying to investigate because in talking to our vendor, due to the best information on the ground is there was a mismatch and it no longer function properly and when thathappens is they powered it off. They held it down, because theres two memory cards. They powered down, held it too long and basically it writes on one card so when you turn it back on, its hard to match and sadies cards dont match, something is weird and thats why they had to rescanbecause it looks like its powered down wrong. [inaudible] that happened october 4 and we took those ballots and rescan them on a central scanner. I pointed out in our conversation, this county had some issues in the august runoff where they did not follow the rules of having 10 percent ofemergency ballots in place. It did move to the normal which was used ballot informationcodes. So theres probably a problem in the office white which is why the secretarywas asking for the director to step down. They had managerial issuesare just too great. Followup. Do you have anyindication of whether hes going to receive that call to step down . Wwere trying to get in touch wi him for two days so he did not respond to our calls for about two days. We were left to figure it out and have people on the ground with the election board to get those results. One followup questionfrom ed walker. This is a tough followup regarding floyd county. You said that all of those votes will be rescan and it will not be a hand recount. Correct, its already been done with the ballotsthey had. And do you expect the Trump Campaign to request a recount because you have obviously procured machines to all the counties . We procure these months ago before that came up because we said there will be a pointin the future. [inaudible] it is their right to do so. The hand audits are unprecedented area scanners put out results that are based on their human portions of the ballots which helps to quell some of those wild claims that machines are flipping votes and they were counting those properly right now theyre saying the machines counted those absolutely as they were tabulated by voters. It is their right to ask for this recount and i explained at the beginning of the call that recount would work. Is not in the consent degree because President Trump has been tweeting a lot about claims signature verification isnt happening because of the Consent Decree, it has nothing to do with the verification happening at the audit level, it only has to do with the time that a voter has two cure his or her submission. Its the time of notificaon from the counts, that the main thing that was changed based on that Consent Decree area potentiay historically the way the law works is you have three days to notify people and that is consistent all the way through area you can basically say its 11 days before an election, you have to notify within 24 hours cause the election obviously we have up to three days after the election to hear about it so if you do it early you have less than three days but if you close the election, they let people know more quickly so they can get them logistically done so that was the thing that came in the Consent Decree, they did not have signature match, they did nota we can go back to the orinal signature , the signature on the request is alrdy matched back tothe original signatures you have on file so if the canard is its a radical, and i know people want to find a way to help the president win because their strong supporters and hes a fighter tohe end, i know they want to follow the law and all the due process to get to that point so this particular issue has zero to do with how the body works, zero to do with signature tch other than we did extra training to give themore time for verification to give them more time to cure the ballots. And those absentee ballots, there is no way to identify who the voter is, there is noid number. All you e is what votes. Literally, we had the outer envelope had that sugar signature inside. You take the ballots, put it over here and stack the secrecy envelope over there and its never a way to go back and find the individl voter casting that but that would be in e state constitution of geora which protects the right to privacy of every vote. If there was some mechanism which we would geto the point of buying again. The reason you cant take a cture inside a polling location. So that is the reason theyv done that with, theres no way to tie about back to the original signedenvelope. Next we have any garner. Hey gabe, i have a couple of small questions. First of all how many ballots were affected by this chain of custody issue that you talk about. No idea. Is there an upper limit that it could be based on what was there . Absentee ballots in Fulton County, i dont know off the top of my head but those are the ones youd be talking about with chain of custody right now and the other side of it,its not just absentee, theres two Different Things that happened. Theres also the ballots, early ballots and im not sure if thats included in the same thing. This is from our monitor position tracking a lot of these issues. He has several pages of reports on some of this stuff so thats part of the concerns we have coming out of that. And you said earlier that you are hoping to have exact numbers of how many counties had perfect audit numbers compared to original counts. Do you know now how fulton did . I do not, i think theyre still going through their Quality Control process because that will likely be tomorrow. And then following up on the question i think that miles asked about what would change, would it change in the numbers based on theaudit . So i just want to try to understand correctly, youre not going to change numbers of one or two votes because you cant segregate it by precinct, is that correct . Thats part of the rationale, the law will allow for in some states the audit laws may become the final results and in our state law itdoesnt contemplate that. At this point it does not. Thats one. Two it does reports and a lot of us do not have precinct level data so we wouldnt be able to certify so it would make more sense to have the audit do its job just to verify the winners of the contest. What do you do about the number that you do want to change . Theyre going to recertify in our systems. But theyre not breathing. Theyre going to rescanall their stuff. And then theyre going to back out in rtr and put it back inwith the new result. They will certify that. But can they do that by precinctlevel . Yes, because when you have early votes done on the ballot marking device so theres a balance, we know it from whence the ballots come. All the early vote is done that way. Theres a code inside of the qr code of theballot style , and those feed into the election Management System which then feed it back outto the reporting system. Does that track for you . We got time for one last question and kelly myers. Thank you. [inaudible] i want to ask should this conversation even be happening with the senator in South Carolina, in georgia and election affairs. [inaudible] i think in the United States there is freedom of speech and if susan werent called i think we take the call. We we asked the question about our process happeningin georgia. Theres no need, everybody on the call would agree probably but i answered questions from democrats all the time and i dont see anything materially wrong with that. Senators i believe represent their people they are trying to understand the process here and questions of mine have gone a little to the edge of something people might say why are they asking those kinds of questions read im sorry if they heard it that way and they were process questions, we suggest there was nothing out law that happened but they can go in their process and go to the court to answer those and the president has everyone to go to court to figure out what is the best path to make sure his voters, that their votes are protected. And theres nothing wrong with going to court. So we havent seen that kind of evidence that would require anything to be done to not certify ourelections , to follow state law, to get it done on time and certifying results, to get the receipt of ballots out the door onfriday. [inaudible] i dont get that alarmed. Right now answering our process questions, the whole point is weve been saying since really tuesday night or wednesday day theres a process, were going to follow the law and be transparent and if theres a question were trying to answer it and thats true for senator brainard and its true for you. Where trying to do ourjob as transparently as we can. My First Press Conference i went to basically said he said ill punch you all out so were answering every question. Are trying to do that still and i want to thank everybody for being on the call today area if you have any followups please follow up with walterand we will try to get you the answers. We will do our best to get those answers together and any, i saw you raising your hand and well try to get back with you thank you for what you do and please keep your questions ready for another exciting Georgia Election update. Stay strong, guys. Senate and a break while numbers folder meet weekly policy meetings but they will return to 15 eastern reporting on a debate over President Trumps Economic Advisor weve been nominated to the Federal Reserve for the governors. Republicans have already announced they will approve the confirmation with a narrow vote to advance the nomination this afternoon. Live coverage when centers return on cspan2. House Democratic Caucus leaders talked to reporters about their goals during the current lameduck session in preparation for the next congress in january. Good morning everyone, thank you for your patience. Good to be back here in the United States capital. Weve had our first caucus meeting this morning, we did it virtually. Subsequent to the november elections, everyone was in good spirits. We welcomed our new members. Were excited about them

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