Please welcome Debbie Wasserman schultz. Bring me your higher love bring me your higher love good afternoon, barrett county. Welcome to the southwest senior center, i have been waiting 32 years to be able to welcome someone wholl be our next president of the United States, joe biden. [applause] i say 32 years, when i was a student at the university of florida i was a member of students from biden in 1988, i wore my button on my backpack all over campus. The thrill in the opportunity to thank you for joining us and welcome our next president , joe biden to our district is just absolutely amazing. The stakes in this election are so high. It is all about family, health, safety, and survival. We witnessed an epic failure by donald trump to confront and manage this pandemic. Look at our lives, look at the gathering we are in the midst of. Grandparents cant safely see or hug their kids or grandkids. We had 15,000 needless funerals here in the state of florida. Funerals which by the way we cant fully attend as families because the virus isnt truly under control. Our economy, travel and leisure is being ravaged. From the beginning trump has failed to take it seriously leaving a record of death, defeat and denial, he left seniors to fend for themselves with no plans to contain this deadly virus. Even when trump manages to respond to the crisis he has put seniors in more danger, one in 3 floridians, older floridians rely on Social Security as the sole source of their income and 4 and a half million count on medicare. Donald trumps executive orders threaten the survival and stability of these programs. Make no mistake, neither of these men will walk into the white house without the blessing of floridas seniors. Am i right . No question about that. Much it is resonant residents or 65 and older who defied elections in the sunshine state, no doubt about that. The road to the white house travels through florida and 3 quarters of our seniors turn up at the polls every single election. Trump voted down the pandemic strikeforce, pushes another flask your. For the longterm security of our seniors, joe biden has a plan to strengthen Social Security compared to a few weeks ago when shockingly donald trump made it clear he would shred the funding mechanism, just cant make this up. This man wants to try to win florida and he will shred that vital safety net. Joe biden rightly says this is a battle for the soul of our nation. And there is no question about that and in that battle joe biden will not allow vital programs like Social Security to fall victim to this violence. It is the lifesaving program for millions of american senior citizens. Let me be very clear, joe biden wont sacrifice Social Security or threaten the future of medicare, joe biden will protect Social Security with all the political muscle he can muster, the inadequate response of the coronavirus pandemic is a crisis in our Nursing Homes and longterm care facilities which has trump continues to sit on his hands, to increase safety, oversight and transparency, dignity they deserve. And and done it all his life. And he dropped out for cameras, moves on from the next day. Protecting seniors is who joe biden is, who he is always been. From villages in Central Florida in Broward County in their heart of hearts, seniors know they can count on joe biden to protect Social Security, serve medicare and make their medication less expensive and more affordable. And deep down seniors know they can count on joe biden to take on this virus and safely with their friends, children and grandchildren. Florida seniors know they have a friend and ally in joe biden because he has always stood by them and even a crisis like this one, will never leave their side and that trust will show itself on election day, 21 days, my friend, on to victory to florida, florida seniors and all of america. Thank you very much. [applause] please welcome city commissioner toby for your. Hello, Broward County. My name is toby feuer. I grew up in new york city. I got married and had two wonderful children. I worked 25 years at an administration, in 1998 who were allegedly retired. It wasnt much of her retirement to me. I became involved with my local community, i served eight years on the western city commission. I would like to call myself a professional volunteer. I work with the western music society, friends of the library and the American Association of University Women to name just a few. Always say this is the most important election of our lifetime but for florida seniors this is the most important election we will ever vote in. Like so many seniors i paid into Social Security for my entire life and plans my retirement around that income but now donald trump is threatening to defund Social Security, neighbors depend on Social Security as possible source of income and for a president to break his promise to us is unconscionable. Before covid19, social gatherings and so much more but everything changed. Covid19 turned my life upside down, trying to keep in touch with friends over the phone but it is simply not the same. I am fortunate to be living with my daughter who works from home but i dont ever leave my house unless it is to purchase groceries and essentials every two weeks. The simple truth, it didnt have to be this bad. None of us want to live a life at home in front of the computer screen and if donald trump hadnt lied to us and decided to take this virus seriously things might be different for florida seniors. This administration has written seniors off as expendable. Guess what . We arent and we wont. The president has been a disaster for seniors. We deserve better, we deserve a leader who cares about us. I know joe biden will look after us, he will strengthen Social Security and i know he has a real plan to beat covid19, we could see them again. Our kids, our grandkids, and get life back to normal as soon as possible. Joe biden will always fight for seniors and that is why i encourage you and ask you to please get out and vote by mail or in person for joe biden and Kamala Harris to be our next president and Vice President of the United States. Thank you so much. [applause] make me want to holler living living living nono baby the saint living. Welcome the next president of the United States, joe biden. Hello, hello, hello. Take your seat if you have one, thank you very much. Good to be back in florida and i want to thank my good friend Debbie Wasserman schultz, a tireless friend, thank you. You have been a friend a long time, thank you for all the encouragement. I think you, toby moved from a high rent district, the highest one in america. Good to see you. I want to thank you for that kind introduction. To hear stories, talk about how we are going to get through these difficult times. Todays story is a familiar one in south florida. We are all living some version of it right now, the most important parts of our lives have been put on hold. The same story being lived by people like carl who many of you know well calls here today. How are you . Good to see you. I apologize. Carl is 39 years old, 93 years old, actually 99 years old. The pillar of this community. So much so the two years back he decided to rename his Community Center in his honor, looking forward to saying hello to you privately. I had the pleasure of meeting carl in 2012, you may not remember it but his story is what the community is all about. Carl is the son of an immigrant, serve the nation honorably in the second world war, met his sweetheart, married for 67 years, four children, 7 grandchildren, more than 30 years they made home here with all the local issues holding local office, catching sunday matinees and performances at the arts center, and several times a week going out. It has been interrupted this year. They havent been to a restaurant in 7 months, groceries, they spend most of their time in their apartment like so many people do. It is hard to spend time with people you love other than on zoom or a computer connection. We felt that sense of interruption in our lives and we know this isnt normal. They didnt have to be this bad. A lot of folks are worried about making the next rent payments or mortgage payment, whether they can purchase Prescription Drugs and put it on the table. A lot of people at the top doing better than they have ever done and wonder, a lot of us, who is looking out for me. Who is looking out for me . That has been the story of Donald Trumps presidency. The fact that he has never been focused on what matters. He has never been focused on you. s handling of this pandemic has been erratic just like his presidency. It prevented florida seniors and people across the country from getting the relief they need. Donald trump hasnt just been willing to do the work, i am not sure he cares. People say hes not willing to do the work. I dont think he cares much about it. While you are losing precious time with your loved ones he has been suck in a sand trap in one of his golf courses and when he does decide to lift a finger isnt to help you. It is the pros new tax cuts from billionaires. That is not hyperbole. The 100 wealthiest billionaires in america are expected to get another 30 billion tax cut. The last time a tax cut was passed in 2019 after 2017. Then they turned around, what they rely on to stay healthy and still doing it. It is unconscionable. Trump doesnt care about lowering the healthcare costs, he is beholden to Health Insurance companies and asking the Supreme Court as i speak to strike down the Affordable Care act which would eliminating years ability, most of you on medicare. That asked we passed, was able to put in place was Preventative Services and checkups and mammograms for free under medicare. If you get struck down that gets wiped out as well. The rise in Prescription Drug prices, put Medicare Trust fund at risk. We used to talk about the Medicare Trust fund, but remember, debbie will remember, the former speaker of the house, what did they do . Half 1 million cut from the start right off the bat. This president is debbie pointed out, to financing Social Security, a newspaper. And bankrupt Social Security in a few years putting monthly checks for tens of millions of seniors, and and walking away from negotiations. And additional relief for american families. And pieces of legislation earlier to provide, people being picked out of their homes. And firefighters and Police Officers and first responders. They are being broken it have to be balanced. And and he was managing itself. With state and local authorities to balance the budgets, not fire Police Officers. Local governments are strained to the breaking point. Standing in the way of support, and he turned his back on every worker, whose job hasnt come back. He is tweeting the relief package is too big, the next day too small. He thinks hes on his game show. He act that way for real. It is a political game, his latest gimmick he wants to mail seniors at 200 prescription cash card with his name on it. He is going to raid Medicare Trust fund to pay for that 200. Which seniors spend by paying money into. He thinks he could take the money out of your pocket with one hand and put it back with his name stamped on it on the other hand. It is dishonest, reckless and doesnt help anybody. On those is undermine the Medicare Trust fund and increase the cost for seniors. Lets be clear about this. Donald trump has tried for four years to lower drug prices. The house of representatives passed the bill bringing down Prescription Drug costs. In washington, to negotiate, negotiate the drug company, and making this up, rolling and pay a penny and aspirin. They have to do it. Fighting to do this for years and what did donald trump do . He said if it passes he will veto it. Folks, Donald Trumps chaotic and divisive leadership has cost us far too much. 215,000 us from covid19 and rising. Expert say we will save we will list hundred thousand lives in the next two mentality fundamentally changes course. I prayed for his recovery, i hoped that he would come out with some perspective. He double down on the misinformation he did before and making it worse. So many lives a been lost unnecessarily because this president cares more about the stock market than he does about the wellbeing of seniors. Nobody, think about that. Who is he talking about when he said it infects virtually nobody . Hes talking about americas seniors. He was talking about you, talking about your family. You have worked hard your whole life contributing to society, building a family, building a country, serving america. You deserve security. You deserve respect and peace of mind. You are not getting it. By the way, if this wasnt so bizarre you would think, now, if i tried to make a movie talking about Something Like this pen america you would think i was making it up. Because donald trump is simple, not a joke. You are expendable. You are forgettable. Youre virtually nobody. Thats how he sees this. Thats how he sees you. Its no surprise, this is the same man who looks at americans who put your lives on the line like you did, many others and from come for nation. Calls them losers that suckers. I carry this card with me everyday for the last 15 years, the back, its my schedule. The back of the schedule i have a black box that says daily troop update. The number of troops who have died in iraq and afghanistan, 609,024. Not roughly 6900. 924 because every 124 because every one of these fallen angels left the family behind, deserve to be remembered. Every one. U. S. Troops wounded in iraq and afghanistan, 53,000 as of today, 194. Everyone. With only one sacred obligation in america, to care for those we sent to war and equip them when they come home, take care of them and their families. And what did he say . Losers. My son volunteered to go to iraq for a year, and before that he had been in kosovo for eight months. Best of my knowledge the only foreigner who has a war monument and a major highway in that country named after him for his contributions to helping them set up the criminal justice system. Then he faltered to go to iraq as attorney general for a year. My son was not a loser, and all those who left behind, he is past way but all those left behind, they are heroes. They are patriots. Imagine thats what are the reason why six 4star generals and whole lot of others have endorsed me he is to work for him because they know where his heart isnt. Thats how receives us. That the of duties brought towards this whole crisis. This is the same man, you may remember, when he was told we were averaging 1000 lives lost per day, remember what he said . He said it is what it is. Such concern and empathy. It is what it is. It is what it is because he is who he is. Thats why it is what it is. This president as debbie referenced, back in january when he was being briefed by the Intelligence Community said i never read the briefing, didnt know whats know what was in it, didnt have time. Well, his ego moved in to try to convince a famous journalist to write something good about him. What happened . Bob woodward interviewed him. He acknowledged that he knew it was a dangerous and highly communicable disease, but he did nothing. He didnt do a thing. He didnt tell you, he didnt tell any american. Why . He told woodward on tape, told bob ward he didnt want to panic the american public. Americans dont panic. Trump panics. His reckless personal conduct since his diagnosis is unconscionable. The longer donald trump is president , the more reckless he seems to get. Thank god we only have three weeks left to go. Dr. Fauci, most respected dock in the country on this disease, you know, refer to the president s announcement on the Supreme Court in the rose garden using the white house as a backdrop for political events. He said it was a super spreader event. And how was trump responding . Hes running a national and quoting dr. Fauci out of context. Fauci had said way back in march, referring to Public Health officials across the nation, he said, quote, i cant imagine anybody could be doing more, in the quote, meaning Public Health officials. At the Trump Campaign, which is not unusual because i got a piece of it, the Trump Campaign is deliberately lied. They had put dr. Fauci in their ad asserting that fauci was talking about trump when he said couldnt have done anymore. But fauci is a man of integrity. After that ad came out saying, he said i did not give permission to use that quote and i wasnt referring to the president. Even after fauci said that come he didnt say that about the president , the Trump Ad Campaign said they were going to continue to use the add, knowing knowing it was a lie. Can any of you ever remember it having like that a president s campaign with a mainstream candidate . And as a consequence the months of line and misleading and responsible action on the part of donald trump, how many empty chairs are around the dining room table tonight because of his negligence . How many peoples hearts are broken . How many people have trouble going to sleep at night, because they cant just reach over and touch . They cant hear their son or daughter voice on the phone. While he throws super spreader parties at the white house, republicans hug each other without concern of the consequences. How many of you have been unable to hug your grandkids in the last several months . Ive got six of them. Two my deceased sons of boys, children, a boy and a girl, live not far for me. They can walk through the woods. The only way i can see them, i stand on the back porch, they stand down and i bribe them with haagendazs bars. But every single day i contacted them. I cant hug them. I cant embrace them. And im luckier than most because they are nearby, those two of the six. My grandkids, your grandkids, well, hope will group and could grow up to treat us with kindest antipathy, qualities the president has never ever shown. Its become painfully clear as this careless arrogant code would reckless response has caused one of the worst tragedies in american history. The only senior that Donald Trumpcares about, the only senior is senior donald trump. And by the way, you know, minority communities are getting particularly hit by this. We realize as of about a month ago, on a percentage basis, one in 1000 africanamericans in all america have died. And the estimate is by the end of this year, one in 500 africanamericans in america will die. One in 500. If he doesnt do something quickly and we had 400,000, that is more people, the same number of people, that died in the war you fought or all four years, 400,000 dead, then world war ii. In less than a year if he doesnt move. The only one donald trump is doing anything for is donald trump. Look, folks, you all know, we are so much better than this. We can contain this virus. We can fully reopen our economy. We can Bring Congress together to pass real relief and then input a comprehensive agenda to build back better. My economic proposal, and by the way, its not a liberal think tank or democratic think tank that says this, and independent analysis put out my booties, a wall street firm, projects that my economic plan mood is will create 18. 6 million good paying jobs between now and the end of the first term. 7 million more jobs than the president s land come and create 1 trillion more dollars in Economic Growth in the president s plan. Its solid, its real. Heres how my plan works. Im not going to raise taxes on a single solitary american mikula sent 400,000 a year. Wont pay a up anymore, its a guarantee. Im going to ask the corporations and the wealthy to begin to pay their fair share to straighten out the tax structure. That money will allow us to invest in working people. I carry with me, i dont know if i have it with me now, i dont, a card that lists all of what is in the tax code we went ahead, the president s tax plan, barack and i was suggesting we reduce Corporate Tax from 35 to 28. That was the consensus. He reduced it to 21. Do you know how much that cost . 1. 3 trillion. We just take it back up to 28 and will generate 1. 3 trillion more. 91 of the fortune 500 500 comps dont pay a penny attacks. Not a single solitary sets. Minimum tax of 15 , that would at another 400 billion. We are going to take this money and were going to invest in the working people and growing middle class make sure everyone is included in the deal. I want tax reform in the text of because were spending our tax dollars on the wrong things. As i said, donald trump cut the tax from 35 to 21, costing the treasury a fortune. If we raise it back to 20 and 1. 3 trillion will come into the treasury over the next decade instead of giving big corporations hundreds of billions to pay for, buying back their own stock, moving jobs overseas. We should invested in careers finding cures for cancer, diabetes and all sums. Thats why propose giving National Institute of health 50 billion over the next four years to go after cancer, diabetes and alzheimers and parkinsons. If we do not and note drug company has a capacity to do, if we do not find an answer to alzheimers within the next 19 years, every single solitary bed that exist in the United States of america now will be occupied by alzheimers patients. Look, i dad used to have an expression. He was a joey, if everything is equally important to you, nothing is important to you. You have to have priorities. What are our priorities . Our priorities is to make sure that everybody in america has an equal shot. This is about you, its about whats fair, its about what our priorities should be. We can get with the scourge of cancer in these other diseases but donald trump has no interest. In fact, he wants to do the opposite. He proposes more tax cuts for the super wealthy. Like donald trump were going to ease the burden on major costs in your life, unlike him, couldnt the financial burden of caregiving, so many families out kerry. Right now as you probably know, it your friends, 800,000 americans are eligible for Home Community care through medicaid. Signed up for, have been waiting an average of five years. They are waiting for a phone call back. For some, for some, five years. My plane makes the bold investments so that states conclude the waiting list. Also take the pharmaceutical companies will allow medicaid to again use its enormous Bargaining Power to negotiate prices and bring the costs down for everyone, not just injures. Give all americans access to lower prices, and what he also hates my doing, and so do the drug companies, were going to establish a board like other countries of outside experts to set limits on the prices new specialty drugs that are lifesaving drugs that cost an arm and a leg figuratively and literally. That have no competition. This board is going to set up and say this is how much you can charge a somewhat youve invested, you can make a healthy profit but shall not be able to raise the price of the drug without proof that you taken other action that has required you to improve the drug. So it can only be raised with the cost of medical inflation. Independent analysis found that my plan will slash the cost of Prescription Drugs by 60 . How many of you know somebody who is sad to sell things just to get the drugs that are gone exponentially . We are going to protect Social Security and increase benefit for millions of seniors and i will fight to protect your pensions including fixing employer functions. So many floridians earned and deserve. Folks, i guess i will end with this. I am confident. I know as bad as things are, oh my god, how can it get better . I am absolutely confident we can do this and more. We just have to come together im running as a proud democrat but im going to govern as an american president. I am going to work as hard for those who vote against me as those who voted for me. Thats the job of a president , a duty to care, to care for everyone. And after all we have been through, all of america has accomplished, all the years weve stood as a beacon to the world, we cannot let her cells remain divided. But we have to vote. Go to i will vote. Com fl. You can still request your vote by mail ballot. The deadline is october 24. Request your ballot if you havent already, mail it or drop it in one of the drop boxes today. Look, i am tired of us are Walking Around with our heads down as if theres nothing we can do. This is the United States of america. Theres not a single thing beyond our capacity, nothing we have ever decided to do we have not accomplished when we have done it together. Remember when we were kids, you had to learn about the famous speech john kennedy made about going to the moon. Remember, everyone removes the different pieces of it. The part i blew and the part of my used to keep me innocent when i was there, answering the unasked question, why was he doing it . He said because we refused to postpone. We refused to postpone one more day what is within our capacity americans to do. Theres nothing be on our capacity. Theres no limit to our future. We have got to stand accomplished our heads up. The only thing the content america part is america itself. He is well on his way trying to do that. Everybody knows who donald trump is. They know who we are, we are. We choose hope over fear, unity over division, science over fiction. And yes, truths over wise. We can do this, folks. Lies. I promise you. But you got to vote. I bless you all, and may god protect our troops. Thank you for listening. You are a very patient audience. Thank you. Appreciate it, thanks. [applause] i wish i could shake all your hands. Every time you thought out of my grandpas house in scranton, pennsylvania, he would yell joey, keep the faith. My grandma when she was alive she would say no, joey, spread it. Lets go spread the faith, everyone. [applause] happy birthday. Got to make the world go around heres a look at our live coverage wednesday. Booktv on cspan2 desktop nonfiction books and authors every weekend. Watch booktv this weekend on cspan2. You are watching cspan2, your unfiltered view of government. Created by americas cabletelevision companies as a Public Service and brought you today by your television provider. Next, the missouri governors debate, incumbent republican mike parson took part in the debate with his challengers state auditor nicole galloway, libertarian rik combs and Green Party Candidate jerome bauer. The event originally scheduled in late september was postponed after Governor Parson tested positive for covid19. This is an hour 25 minutes. Lie from the missouri miserr in columbia, this is the 2020 misery gubernatorial forum. Resident by the misery association and komu8. Right now youre taking a look outside of the historic missouri theater on this friday afternoon when we are hosting todays missouri

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