Statement from their each have 90 seconds to answer questions and if necessary i will allow for a 62nd rebuttal they drew starting order when they arrived congressman cunningham we start with you. Thank you for joining us here tonight and for congress because if l the one was willing to put the country over party or people politics. But the fact is the first day of my campaign that i was not support the speaker of the house and the very first one was for pelosi for speaker just like i said i would i pass the bill like i said they would have worked across the aisle like is that i would. Voters on november 3rd have a clear choice if you want politics to be more partisan and toxic and divisive then nancy mays is probably a candidate but to achieve results im asking you to stand with us am Joe Cunningham and im asking for your vote then nancy mays is probably a candidate but to achieve results im asking you to stand with us am Joe Cunningham and im asking for your vote to the posting career im a state lawmaker been in business 21 years not bad for a kid who dropped out of high school at the age of 17 and once a waitress at the waffle house to become the first woman to graduate from the citadel my life is a series of Second Chances that is what the American Dream is all about. Like democrat Joe Cunningham i like a cold beer i spent some substance to go with it the country does or someone who will not vote with 91 nancy pelosi 90 percent of the time and not say one thing and do another thing they are against the Green New Deal and then put 1 billion dillard dollars of the bandaid we want someone to send for safety and law and order them on enforcement in our community and not stand quietly by is our communities are attacked and your party aides and beds and out of control bob. Cunningham one. Host the first question of charleston was classified as a major flooding event its only happen six times but yet is happened eight times in the past two years alone according to the National Weather service to agree with scientist to say Climate Change is happening due to manmade greenhouse emissions waiting to an increase of extreme weather events and what you believe and to support Climate Change . Mace i grew up in charleston i have seen the city change over the last few decades. Has a state lawmaker one of the first things i did was join at the sea life goals levels are raising in the charleston area over the last three decades or so with that development i have a 100 percent lifetime record for South Carolina. Very proud of my record on Flooding Issues as a state lawmaker and i grew up here these are things i have worked on as well they will say i am a climate denier that the science is settled with sciences levels one never settled i look at the issue member and go to find a solution. These things are evolving as well. We do have higher sea levels in our area we have to fix this i been part of the solution over the last three years as a state lawmaker are very proud of my record. Thank you. Cunningham i will say what teethree doesnt say i believe in science then she goes on record to say she rejects the science of Climate Change in fact we have an idea she may try to distort her record so we have a website to hear her in her own words mays backstock, it was bleeding Climate Change we have seen this happen and we are in the low country it is a direct but. A colleague of mine last week as we were in the harbor as it came time it was flooding over the boat launch area it is inyourface and it is obviou obvious, very obvious the climate is changing. What can we do about it . An opportunity to get away from Energy Resources and clean and renewable Energy Resources. I liked she likes to spout off the Green New Deal and then to endorse my campaign. And then to create to this challenge. It was a lot of things today that are simply not true now with those Green New Deal mandate socialism at its best for the hardworking american so that was a deal cut with nancy lucy those democrats running for reelection because she knows they are on a losing streak. And cunningham told you early he voted for someone else for speaker rather than Speaker Pelosi that someone else voted nancy pelosi he plays games with your vote. Even when we disagree you always know where i stand on issues and i will be honest. Host the next question there are recent moves to prevent offshore drilling infrastructure along the South Carolina coast. The president recently switched his position including the carolinas and neighboring states until 2032. We know you are both opposed to offshore drilling for what you want to see happen at the federal level to further prevent that from happening in South Carolina . Cunningham something is better than nothing even a temporary plan is better than nothing. We need a full and final solution. That can only come through permanent legislation signed into law. I promise voters that would be an offshore drilling and thats exactly what i did. And i got broad bipartisan support and approval. We had democrats and republicans standing together. Look my opponent wants to say she doesnt support federal action but i would like to know tonight what is in my bill she doesnt support . There are a lot of things we can disagree on all the way down to hilton head. I take my son out to the beach on saturday morning that is the reason we live here and we want to protect for future generations. While most politicians may talk about it i introduced a bill that god it done and representative teethree will not support that. Mace are bought on a bill that will never become a lot in your lifetime. This issue is near and dear to my heart growing up in the low country. The very first bill i ever filed was against offshore drilling the very first bill was offshore against that i stood shoulder to shoulder with cunningham a few weeks after he was elected in 2018 this is an issue republicans and democrats can come together on and to do a remarkable job to be on offshore drilling temporarily. Just a few weeks ago when the president did the ten year ban democrat Joe Cunningham was attacking our president for the moratorium instead of coming on board wanted to see this happen but he will not tell you about his bill it was not bipartisan even the other delegation voted for he cannot even get members of your state on your team on this legislation it will never become law never pass the u. S. Senate never find its way on the president s desk. I want to see a permanent ban but we cannot do that without true bipartisan measures. Democrat Joe Cunningham talks country over party but as party over low country since the day he was elected. Cunningham first of all she said nobody in the delegation supported she knows the majority whip supported the bill and she knows the majority whip voted on the bill because he was caring for his ailing wife thats what he cannot vote on that. That is principle the others support offshore drilling and what you didnt hear why she doesnt support the bill. I will tell you why. Politics. My name is on the bill. Should just want to she doesnt want to give credit to anyone it can hurt her politically. Thats a people hate when you cannot acknowledge something is good because it could hurt you politically. I care who gets the credit as long as the low country is better but my opponent doesnt share those values. Host next question with social inequity. This is been a very difficult year for Race Relations in the death of george floyd do you believe black lives matter do you support nonviolent protest against Police Brutality and racially motivated violence . Have you attended a rally or spoke with organizers or held roundtables and how do you envision making the first Congressional District more equitable to people of color . Mace great question this is a difficult time for people across the country right now. Was a something that is personal for me. I grew up in the low country. I have seen the difference between rich and poor are literally blackandwhite in many communities. Is a state lawmaker im part of the record to try to achieve some progress on many of these issues we are facing today. A few months ago my Prison Reform bill was signed into law. And then we just talked about not a single democrat or republican the past out of the house to be signed into law. And then just to be someone instead of doing Something Like after mother many will those coming from a in the communities we were peaceful and united its important to hear those stories those different events in downtown charleston that is something we all need to work on together right or left. Host you support her black lives matter do black lives matter . Of course Prison Reform criminal Justice Reform africanamerican issues criminal justice is something ive worked on as a state lawmaker and i have a record. Cunningham we need to acknowledge the Racial Disparities of this country black lives matter look at this pandemic and then to account for half of the deaths in our state. And then to have proper access to healthcare there are some Racial Disparities going on Law Enforcement so lets make no mistake when acknowledging the Racial Disparities there is no room for violence. And how social change has been made. And with congressman john lewis and then to march across the Edmund Pettis bridge with him just months ago. Was social and racial change through nonviolent protest yes we can do that simultaneously while supporting law enforcemen enforcement. Talk about supporting First Responders if my current opponent really supported First Responders should been there on a vote on the bill last week but she missed 55 votes just last week if she cannot show up to do her job in columbia she will not do her job in dc. Host i need you to clarify a couple of things. Have you gone to any rallies are spoken with leaders or held any roundtables recently . Cunningham i speak to leaders every single day as far as rallies. We been very selective to the Group Meetings we attend. I know my opponent has not one has attacked me for not having inperson events during a pandemic which i think is bizarre. Mace been a state lawmaker fears and proud of my record of accomplishments during that time. A democrat Joe Cunningham will not tell you is very similar in office. You should be ashamed of yourself this attack. In every working mother and father and family and the district during this unprecedented time right now , i missed a few votes last week because im a single working mom, homeschooling her children. You have no idea what a working family, what problems are challenging on challenges we are facing today you should be ashamed of yourself disqualified based on personal attacks. I have 15 seconds left it on to be interrupted. Working families are making tough choices this year and i will not apologize for being there for my kids when they needed me. Host we have a lot of issues we need to cover tonight a lot of the focus has been broad racial inequalities and those are not warrants or chokehold and ending cash bail for some activist Defunding Police departments. And what measures do you oppose to reform . Cunningham i do not support defining the police the contrary is alive. I cosponsored a bill to defend the cities that they tried to understand the police. They took up to the proper resources. And sometimes it does disproportionately Impact Communities of color. We seem is on the news and on camera but going back to make sure we provide Law Enforcement with the resources they need, we just want some transparency. And while i have been fighting for those types of changes in congress, my opponent has an you heard the recent tirade she lost 55 votes last week but she told the reporter just last week she said she missed them because they didnt matter i know she was lying then or tonight. But this year alone she has missed 30 percent of the votes. You are at home one of your employees calls and to work 30 percent of the time. Then they ask you for promotion. You left their face that is how ridiculous this is. She is already on the record why she missed the vote she says it doesnt matter i think they do matter. Mace votes do matter and it is reprehensible and shameful that you are attacking me for making the decision to be with my children i made votes that were critical these people that im a single mom homeschooling my children i have to make tough decisions i missed a few days earlier this year i had a child it was severely ill with a debilitating illness and cannot finish the school year fighting for teachers and South Carolina and then for my child to understand year this is unprecedented time to watch another fellow single working mom and then to make a decision to be there for her child do you know thats called under the er for those specialist trying to figure out what is wrong with your wrong one with your child. You support any changes to the Police Reform . As a state lawmaker in a bipartisan manner im part of that specifically training in the Law Enforcement training bill to give those resources necessary. I was endorsed by the fraternal order of police. The first time they endorsed a congressional hearing because they know that nancy mace will be there are not Joe Cunningham. He is just a companion bill in the house. Cunningham just one third of the votes missed just this year go to mace facts. Com we are telling you the bills not important enough to show up. Those bills addressing floodin flooding, especially the low country. A bill directing tax dollars for Flooding Issues. Another bill world broadband in the state. Another bill to support First Responders. I think those words are important. And contrary to what you may here tonight, that is the opposite a bipartisan she said i am as pro trump as they come. That is her in her own words. Schumer for trump and her campaign was to go to dc to continue to work for him. I want to work for you. Cunningham 26 percent of respondents believe there was enough Affordable Housing in the tricounty area. Was 70 percent said economic pressures one of the causes black residents have to move out of neighborhoods. What programs you support for Affordable Housing in the first Congressional District . Mace growing up in charleston at the state level to see the families pushed out of the communities that they grew up and, there are ways federal state and local level can provide incentives to have Affordable Housing as a percentage that works for both communities and for the folks. The difference between rich and poor is black and white we have to do a better job to give the resources for education is not enough for the quality but equity in the schools to have access to get the best education that they can. Im very passionate this is so shameful to see you attack a single mom who has to make some tough decisions i voted on flooding in the state of South Carolina. Broadband issues. I drafted bills to help First Responders. As a single working mom i faced incredible challenges. Even so i missed a few votes the same number of days my opponent has missed. I can get things done outside the governors im a Prison Reform bill into law just a few months ago. Of my work is disingenuous to attack a problem mom when they are taking care of their children when they need it the most. Cunningham we need to invest in these areas and also make it for people to live forever they are in Rural Communities and expand broadband access. To put the Health Centers out there. Thats who voted on with various infrastructure bills. Bipartisan bills. But we need to make it easier in a very singleminded. And then increasing your taxes by 23 percent. You pay 30 percent on groceries or 30 percent at walgreens for Prescription Drugs. That doesnt make it more affordable but a lot more difficult for families to pay for groceries and Prescription Drugs. Thats a tax plan she supports and raising your taxes that would be one of the 70 percent she would vote for. She has been very clear and honest on the front and that is raising your taxes. Mace. I want to raise taxes in 2019 and refused the taxpayer he will award in South Carolina because i voted to reduce taxes we have a real problem in this country i want a fair tax consumption based tax that businesses use to avoid paying taxes and their spending the money to pay their fair share as well i am shocked i continued to be attack its incredible youre Still Standing up here you should be disqualified to talk about raising taxes democrat Joe Cunningham voting 200 billion in mandates make no mistake is a tax increase to support the 2 trilliondollar tax planner joe biden will all pay higher tax. Host when we entered today we are all distanced in Wearing Masks this is an in person event because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic South Carolina has one of the worst covid19 rates in the country the positive race rate is more than 3000 South Carolina have died right now 172 fighting for their lives across the state. Will get to the Economic Impacts but just from a Public Health perspective do you think we should have done anything differently as a country and state to address the pandemic and what measures should we take moving forward . Cunningham its a great question. We are in the middle of an unprecedented crisis of a lifetime perfectly over 200,000 people in this country have died of covid wrenching stories they can be filled with politics or bipartisanship. And then to come together. Went out to be a part of that. And Francis Jackie who once a photography market that her business was on the verge of collapsing but we got her the ppe but the teacher in hilton head to get her unemployment we called and got it done those of the results when you are politics aside when you can actually make a difference. And then specifically in South Carolina. And then to have a statemandated earlier. Just on the Public Health perspective what should we do moving forward . This isnt just affect South Carolina with United States it is a Global Pandemic started by china with countries all around the world. With widespread Rapid Testing to quickly identify the hotspots affecting our communities. We also have one during an emergency and then to enact those mandates where the things we have been advocating for at the federal level is to improve our response to the crisis to repeal those burdens and regulations at the federal state and local level. And then to point out during the crisis Joe Cunningham voted for a measure with the medicaid funding for the federal government by 10 percent they also tried to give china a free rider a hall pass trying to reward the bad actors from this crisis in the first place he votes with nancy pelosi 90 percent of the time that is not bipartisan that is very disingenuous when you have a voting record that is what happens when you follow nancy pelosi. Cunningham product with voting record. When the cameras rolling four days ago she said the votes not important enough to show up. I think they are. And my opponent was to attack doctor fauci and she called him a liar. My opponent put a super spreader at her event with no masks, no social distancing and showing leadership. We need true leadership for the science. And moving and the right direction. In. That the 86000 more were in march before the pandemic it. It was sure that look like. Theres 130 billion of money out there that people need help accessing right now. And then a. 4 percent it was 7 percent so we are doing to reopen the economy the South Carolina Unemployment Rate was six. 7 percent we continue to allow companies to slowly to expand and open in a safe manner it is a serious illness and in my primary in South Carolina and in covid19 we were up 1000 cases per day so we had a huge spike covid19 is a serious illness we need to take seriously. Joe cunningham sense, 19 started. And then 10 miles from here that was on the chopping block and 800 million from that economy right here we dont need that leadership here in the country. The short answer is a lot more working tirelessly with my colleagues across the aisle im a member of the problem solvers and have republicans with those Bipartisan Solutions a couple short weeks ago to unveil a plan near the middle of democrats and republicans on what we should do you think people should be making more money on unemployment and when they were working way too many Small Business owners and Restaurant Owners cannot get back to work making more money on unemployment. But during the middle of a pandemic we should not raise peoples taxes and under that plan you will be paying 30 percent on groceries and Prescription Drugs and she cannot deny that. Dont think we need to be raising those taxes. And then to rip away from those with existing conditions there is a case right now going to the United States Supreme Court to do exactly that. She sides with them. Mace i said earlier tonight i guess you are not listening that i dont want to raise taxes. I pledge not to i have one acolytes for levels to lower taxes for every hardworking selfcare money and for those who make tough decisions and what my opponent will not tell you and to have a plan existing condition with healthcare coverage because of it i understand firsthand no Single Person not plan out there that i have supported wants to get rid of existing conditions nobody wants to right now it is our ally they say i do. This is personal and i have experience with to protect those individuals who are most valuable including those with existing conditions. And in 219,121,000 South Carolina residents enrolled in a Health Insurance plan through the public marketplace known as obama care do you support upholding the Affordable Care act . And if not what should replace that . Cunningham great question. This is personal to each and one of us. You will have your own story i stayed overnight in the hospital with my young son children with cancer this is a heart wrenching decision the last thing they need right now is to be critical we have too many officials who tried to politicize this event. And to keep it works and then come together to fix everything else. But we cannot do that as long as they are in the drivers seat. We cannot make Prescription Drugs more expensive by raising the taxes up to 30 percent my opponent has not denied that. She wants you to pay 30 percent taxes on Prescription Drugs all groceries. Each one of us have a story to tell and the fact is those that are will bring healthcare away from preexisting conditions with a case in front of the United States Supreme Court to do that my opponent is against the case ask her to tell you she does not support and asked the president to withdraw the case. Host do support the Affordable Care act . Mace i do not i ever to repeal the regulations impeding the Healthcare Industry with the free market and competition and freedom of the marketplace access to Higher Quality care and prices go down. And then to take away money from South Carolina by 10 percent. In our major taxes for 200 million of Green New Deal mandates. That is something i worked on a year ago and her mother called me who lived in my district i dont know the political affiliation her daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer. The Insurance Company would not cover the procedure because it was a very aggressive form. Is that i can make promises but let me make a phone call. I knew someone there. Three hours later the Insurance Company called me back and said the medical team reviewed the file now cover the procedure 100 percent. This is the passionate bipartisanship we bring to the table in congress. To call me to help i will be there every single day. Cunningham im proud of the legislation we passed in congress wonders and bipartisan bills dropping the cost another bill encouraging states South Carolina is dead last with healthcare it is embarrassing with the failure of leadership just like representative mace people play politics with their healthcare but we shouldnt expect much from someone who has been in politics their entire life and has made a living off the political system and running for every Single Office u. S. Senate, statehouse, congress, senate, statehouse, congress, me one or two more for the last thing we need to do is play politics with healthcare im proud to be working with democrats and republicans to drive down the cost of Prescription Drugs and healthcare. Host now on Prescription Drugs many people especially seniors are making life and death decisions every month and then on a monthly basis what plans would you put in place to lower Prescription Drug prices . Mace healthcare is a very important issue because with obama care was socialized medicine and those that continue to go up one of the things we can do for our seniors is transparency in the market. And then to let patients know the cost of the pharmaceutical prescriptions while they are in the office before they go to the pharmacy a very small measure that can make a difference in somebodys life for what we have noted with covid19 of the regulations there is a reason why 85 percent is the cost of doing business to make those ingredients is just too costly that is the policy i could support i have led on an issue to appeal regulations across the state that is what i have been working on to permanently repeal and South Carolina. Particularly medicaid dollars during a pandemic and that is wrong. And those thoughts on Prescription Drug prices . It is heartbreaking when you hear the stories from our seniors the most most vulnerable in the healthcare system. And they have to break their pills in half you expect more from elected officials i have passed at least a dozen bipartisan bills to lower the cost of Prescription Drugs and i am proud to pass a bill for medicare to negotiate the price of Prescription Drugs but make no mistake representative mace he will work longer and pay more in taxes. And then to say no i will not pay the 30 percent tax i think we need Common Sense Solutions and those that are accountable to big pharma we will not get things done, somebody works together. And raising taxes at 30 percent either way we are proud to stand with Small Businesses and workingclass americans. Mace for the third time tonight i have pledge not to in my record 100 percent voting to lower taxes is accurate. My opponent talks about being a dependable you cannot be independent when you vote with pelosi 90 percent of the time and talks about the accolades from the chamber to be the most independent person that is the most independent member of congress. It is unfortunate what is heartbreaking tonight that you sit here and attack women in business. You want to discredit me for being in business 21 years. I have worked with remarkable human beings including us senator scott who was a Great American and works hard for people in the low country. We want to encourage people to be successful. Host moving on to the National Debt the federal deficit is to reach a record of three three. 3 trillion that has been exacerbated and those that were long before the pandemic is mandatory Program Social Security medicare and medicaid and military spending how do you propose to address and growing National Debt . And then out of control for quite some time and then to pass on to the next generation and its just not right they expect the same thing from their own business or personal finances to balance the budget. I cosponsored a balanced Budget Amendment to do exactly that. When they tried to pass a new budget deal adding 1 trillion was a try to raise the room a at 435 members and the fourth most bipartisan member in congress thats why they have endorsed me and why republican mayors are interesting my campaign because you put people over politics. That is what should be done what they expect the legislator and thats what you will get from m me. 34 trillion in a deficit and a spending problem is not one side or the other and with that spending thats out of control right now and on social welfare programs and also greater defense spending. So one of the things i believe the federal government should do is im every dollar the federal government it one penny would be saved it doesnt touch Social Security and those that could get on board. And then balance the budget and five years. And with that slightly longer timeframe post covid. And then with all the bipartisanship it will never become like the offshore drilling because its not partisan and will never pass. Are the things to focus on is to make the tough decisions and as the South Carolina house of representatives im proud of those steps taken to reduce taxes for every south carolinia carolinian. Cunningham she wont tell you her plan word take millions of dollars of aid to israel cutting aid from Social Security but it wouldnt be solvent anyways according to her tax plan. With the economy and the budget looking no further than the endorsement across the aisle and again because she was to raise taxes at 30 percent and while my opponent has only attended 70 percent this year every single day and then to continue to work for you. Host troops were caught off guard and the comments for the marine corps commandant so do you believe they should be saved and how do you think it should be saved . On the daughter someone who served 20 years of military my father is retired army general the most decorated graduate from the said adele. So these issues and then to navigate the system for decades the two tours of vietnam we seen the sacrifices. Congressman, on cunningham and voted to put Parris Island on the chopping block i dont know if that is because of the bills with nancy pelosi reads them for you ever since you been in office the Democratic Party over the low country has is 6000 jobs a hundred Million Dollars in our economy that is at stake we should do everything we can do to save Parris Island. That was specifically mentioned in the bill is still voted to close it down with a vote i hope we can save it and we fight every single day to do just tha that. Cunningham my opponent can answer question without any and all river for nancy pelosi viewer so hellbent running against her i guess you buy yourself a plane ticket to california but in this country you need to run against me. Parris island is the heart of low country and to be such a pivotal place one of the very first trips i took as a member of congress was down to Parris Island i met with people and talk to people and asked them what you need from me in dc . They said theres a lot of work that needs to be done. And then we need that for that region. Someone who can for politics aside and get things done its also being threatened by Climate Change by 2050 is expected to be underwater one third of the year of any major infrastructure and that cannot happen and then you accept the science of Climate Change. If you dont believe that but if you believe in science that the climate is changing and sea level is rising. There many more pressing issues facing the country right now it was your colleague in california that put Parris Island in the adult you did not read nancy pelosi read it for you instead thats what happens 90 percent of the time you put silent 800 million in the economy on the chopping block you follow her in congress anything you can for her friends in california so i find that a bit ironic. As a lawmaker work on Veterans Issues and when the federal government fails them and can catch them when they fail them. And to do so much for the community on of my lifetime to serve them in congress it is deeply personal. Host we have a last question. What is the First Priority . What is your top beauty for the district of reelected. First and foremost we need to put ourselves in the pandemic and get to the other side. We will be stronger as a community and the country but we have to make smart decisions. Democrats as part of the Problem Solvers Congress being the fourth most bipartisan member that is a badge of honor for me. Is something a very proud of them from President Trump is already signed numerous bills of mine into law and there will be more to follow as well those are the results you can get from people in the low country when you Work Together when you cross the aisle with republican mayors endorsing like i do right now the us chamber of commerce endorses me. We also have a lot of other needs and care for veterans to make sure they have access to health care they deserve and benefits they deserve thats why when President Trump sign the modernization act into law along with the Great American outdoors act a signature p7 fundamental legislation one of the biggest wins and half a century. Those kinds of winds you can get when you Work Together thats what i will continue to do and that is my promise. Mace rate the fourth most bipartisan member means you for 90 percent with of the time with. Nancy pelosi it with low country 0 percent of the time that is a low bar for the independent. Dont be fooled my vote on opponent has voted to raise tactics one taxes his does not partisan year and a half ago ellie came to me and said i am question i need you to take me to church a few days later i found myself in church with my kids i do not spontaneously combust and i live to see another day but the sermon was jeremiah 616 and being at a crossroad. I know is her mother will look around and that we do so much for children sometimes they dont stop and pause to see how much they really do for us. This is the election of the lifetime with freedom and socialism and the government to be responsible for all safety and security for a violent mob. Want you to consider this we are at the same exact crossroads we want to stand together it is the honor of my lifetime to serve the low country and my hometown in congress thank you. Numbers will tell you anything grateful to them in of my opponent is a numbers to whatever she was to say mace fact. Com hear us in her own words the chamber of commerce would not have endorsed it i want to excuse me excuse me excuse me and punishing i want endorsement by the chamber of commerce and republican mayors but dc is broken we have too many career politicians. And then a Small Business with political consultant someone who ran on gossip and became a website that does not represent well country. Host attended the debate we will leave it there thank you to both candidates and thank you to my colleague of the post and courier join us on octobe this is just under one hour. Live from downtown Salt Lake City the Utah Debate Commission welcomes you to the gubernatorial candidates debate. Good evening. I am with k sl radio and television. Its my privilege to moderate tonights debate at the invitation of the commission. This event held live as a part of the mission to educate voters and to encourage the Civil Exchange of ideas. If you are watching or listening live, we encourage your reactions and questions on social media using the hashtag debates and listen and learn vote. We are also broadcasting live from the studios where we will hear from two candidates vying for the office of governor, republican Lieutenant Governor spencer cox and democrat chris peterson. For the safety of all involved in the debate process, we are adhering to social distancing guidelines, and there is no studud

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