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Most people say they have already made up their mind and even big events like the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg have not led many to say whether they should change their votes so far. A couple of Opinion Pieces leading up to tonights event, on from the university of californias Mitchell Mckinney will join us later on this morning in the program. He says this, theres argument that the debates are not substantiated and present no new information area if thats the case it makes a compelling case for eliminating them but these accusations are not based on what debate viewers believe but on what political pundits think. Viewers want debatesand the numbers prove it. In 2016 two of the three planes and trump matchups set a viewership record with the first drawn about 84 Million Viewers and the largest viewing audience in the history of the televised debates that began with john f. Kennedy and Richard Nixon in 1960. Theres another viewpoint on the New York Times. Im not looking forward to the president making a scene, telling lies. Im not looking forward to the assessment of the moderators or the height. Often learn things, we do. Those things are worth learning what is most important, policy characters, we know dont need a debate. What will it tell us that we dont already know . Today will show us how the candidates converse and clash and how they recovered were not when bruce. But none of this at this late stage should be indeterminate of one how one votes these are two viewpoints and you can add yours to the next and this first hour. The line 2027488000 for those of you who support joe biden. Harris, 2000 27441 and if youre undecided its 2027488000 two. Text us, to us and you can also post on facebook. President ial debates, do they matter . How would you answer the question 50 . I need to see the debate pointblank. I need to see the debate. I think its necessary. Ithink they still matter. And its an opportunity for me as a viewer and a voter to be able to see exactly where these guys positions are right out of their mouth. No fake news, no whatever. I need to see you today. I for one support biden simply because i cant take the dog and pony show anymore n. Host so you learn moreby what the candidate says for the clash of ideas that people bring to the table . Caller clash of ideas and what their solutions are for our problems, our many problems that we have nowadays. Host as part of as those problems whats top of the list you would like to see candidates address . Guest covid19. Thats a Health Insurance topic and although the economy matters, really just pick a topic. Theres so many ever since this gentleman became president. Imembarrassed to say really, its an embarrassment but right now , we have a pandemic and washington it is simply not taking it seriously. Chloe is in california. A supporter of President Trump on the debates. Good morning, go ahead. Julie from california, areyou there . Im here. I am just very happy to see consistency, always being transparent. I was so disgusted that whenever trump is available, interviewed by anybody, town halls or anything, one station airs it. We all know what that one is and when you hear people say you only watch one channel, rythats the only one that you to us. Andthey twist everything so i am so excited for this debate. Biden cant even read a cue card. It is just silly. Host when the debates themselves, what would you say to that . As far as the debate itself. Caller it definitely matters. You got to be able to respond in no and hold your ground so solidly that you can either one, make the executive decision and hold to it. Or admit that you are not sure and are willing to listen to other people and bend. In i think theyre flexible he is in there but i also am very supportive of a backbone. I dont want people that are pushovers. Host julie in california of the New York Times reminds us that the commission on president joby and Chris Wallace have t leased tonight topic and they will be the pandemic, the economy, Supreme Court, integrity of the election and the trump and biden records rightdoublequoteletr the rae and violence in our cities. The latter has led some democratic objections to its remainder on violence in cities the centerpiece of mr. Toms advertising over the summer rather than around Police Brutality and calls for racial justice. Again our coverage starts at 8 00 oclock in the debate starts shortly after 9 00 oclock. You can see it on cspan uninterrupted and also we will give you a chance to respond after the debate is overpaid go to our website at cspan. More org for more information. Linda in mississippi, supporter of joe biden you are next. Caller good morning. I support, race matters to me because especially this debate. We have had so much chaos and misinformation in the last, flat out lies, and when they are on stage and you hear them out of their own mouth asked the question that this country needs to hear and that trump will probably lie as he normally do but it is up to the moderators to speak. [inaudible] the caller before me said biden could not complete a sentence. That is trump he could not complete a sentence. Host linda, when it comes to the debate you talk about the moderator how much interactionon do you want to see from the moderator tonight . Caller i want him to be a fact checker. If either one of them mr. Represents truth i think he needs to come back and asks that question again because this country or we are fighting for the soul and life of this democracy. You cannot go another four years with chaos and lies and distorting the truth. We dont even know who he owes money to, who trump owes money to and whether he is already compromised or not. We need to know. Host linda, in mississippi from our facebook page, several of you posting this morning before the show saying when it comes to the debates one viewer says they dot for undecided voters or unmotivated voters but many will watch the debate with their minds india very biased view although it is good for those who take secondary sources as a source of information. Kathy collins from facebook say no, they arent debates either and its too late the debate to be over by now. Start voting has already started. John from facebook saying not as much when two other candidates are intentionally excluded. I assume youre referring to the libertarian in the Green Party Candidates who are running for the office of president of the United States but again those are some of the facebook postings and you can see more on facebook. Com. Do president debates matter . A supporter of President Trump this is pat, hello. Caller yes, good morning. I like the debates and i think it brings out a lot from the topics doesnt sound like my questions are going to be answered. For instance, i want to know if trump will do away with the payroll tax which would affect Social Security and i want to know what he will doat about healthcare. Thats another thing. If i cant vote for trump i wont vote for anybody. I cant vote for biden or harr harris. I just cant. The debates are important to me but as i said, i dont think my questions will be answered. Thank you. Host and in jamaica, new york. Supporter of joe biden. Go ahead. Caller yes, good morning. Thank you for taking my calls. I dont think the debate will be make a big difference. Ive long made up my mind from the beginning because i could never support someone like a cult leader like trump because thats what he is and the people who are following him are cults. I would never vote for him. I will watch the debate and i dont know what i will learn but i just want this whole election to be over because if trump is elected another four years democracy in america will be gone pretty we will become russia. Host if youve already made up your mind what you get from the debates then what is the value of watching . Caller i will watch it to see because its a debate so i will watch it. I was torn between wanting it but i kind of think i will watch it. I know what trump will do. I saw how he treated hilary on the debate stage he is a bully. He going to come out with his bullying tactics and its just sad that we even that america has the people in this country are so ignorant that they have the nerve to vote for someone like this crazy man. This man is totally out of his mind. Host and in jamaica, new york. When it comes to Chris Wallace which the previous caller brought up this is a quote attribute it to him when it comes to tonights debate saying that mr. Wallace we want to be as invisible as possible as a moderator and goes on to say he would be the next president of the United States ande my job s to be is an invisible as possible he said monday during fox news and im trying to get them to engage to focus on [inaudible] if ive done my job right at the end of the night people will say quote, there was great debate and who is the moderator and lets hear from jason, virginia, supporter of President Trump. Go ahead. Caller thank you for having me. Im calling because i fully support the president and i think the mediay is three, four years of gas lighting hasas not work because the American People he is not lost his base in his base has only expanded. If you look at the votes across the country for the primaries in most states where there was a primary forward public and don trump got more votes than all the democrats combined. To me there was a sign he was ahead but when it comes to the debate i think the democrats will do everything they can to try to fact check him but distortingt means the truth and its rich coming from a party that has been lying to us about russia collusion, ukraine and many other things that they just did not tell us about currently. I would love to more about hunter biden when youveen asked questions about what we would like to know moreab about and i like to hear Chris Wallace asked tough questions and i think to be honest the biggest detriment to joebi biden has been the meds duplicity and not asking tough questions. I feel bad for any journalists who calls himself a journalist who is working at any of these networks that goes out and covers joe biden and doesnt ask him a tough question or even a neutrally tough question. When he watched his press gaggle he never asks a question and they are always leading and always kind and gentle and always for him. Ive never heard him ask the tough question in the press gaggle for the lastn few weeks. Host that was jason in virginia, New York Times reporting that the president has undertaken a less formal debate prep and has been used with aids about bringing up the business dealings of mr. Bidens son hunter and the Sexual Assault allegations that have otherwise faded from the campaign adding that mr. Trump has engaged in the month of the tax on bidensn mental acuity but have lowered the bar for the democrats. Carrie is next up from wisconsin, supporter of joe biden. Go ahead. Caller yes, i dont know if i will watch the debates or not but i have been following the news and the campaign f there hs been so many things that trump has said that is not true and he has been caught up by it but always has fake news but its true for the fact that hes been lying all the time andfa i just dont host if you express those concerns why, i guess debate over whether you will watch it tonight or not y. Caller well, i might just watch a little bit of it but if he plays the way he did in 2016 against Hillary Clinton i wont watch him very much because he makes up too many stories and i just said people are getting dont trust him anymore because hes been caught up on these lies and says he will do this and do that for everybody and he will do something and we will have a Health Insurance there but hes been saying that for all time but the republicans have been in control there when he was first in office w about two years and they did not knew nothing about it and they did not come with no plan. Host how do you think mr. Biden will perform tonight . Caller well, with the help of god he does good. [laughter] host you sound a little go ahead. Caller it will be rough gohagainst President Trump becae trump, you know, you know how he treats peoplele. Host terry in wisconsin. Jennifer is up next from california, supporter of President Trump. Good morningll. Caller good morning. Let me briefly, im not watching them because its a commercial tv events. Its not informative. If Chris Wallace wants to be invisible we would have someone who is not a tv personality in the first place. Biden should not be called Vice President hes not Vice President really and thats all i had to say. Host when you say is a tv production why does that discount whether you will watch it or not . Caller because its a commercial tv, its entertainment. Thats all it is but everyone already knows what these people have to say and its not for informative value. Thats all. Host so you dont learn anything from them or get value . No, i seen them enough on television and mr. Trump for the last few years and biden before that. Theres nothing new to learn. Weve heard this stuff before. Every year they gang up on trump anyway. It there is nothing new for us to learn here. Host how do you think he will perform . Caller trump has a strong personality and great with people. I dont know, depends on if biden is acute or not before the events and how the questions would go. There is a bias against trump already by anybody including chris matthews, Chris Wallace. So what is the purpose in watching if hes commercial, tv, entertainment hes not a real ernojournalist. Host that is jennifer in california. As a matter on those that have not made a decision that when it comes to debates and whether the add value to that and there was online event sponsored by Brookings Institution yesterday and part ofit that which you cod still see on cspan, university of pencils Kathleen Jamieson spoke about those who might very well be influenced by debates. People who are more susceptible to influence are those that are arent tightly angled theyre not tightly angled to voting at all and are not as consistently voting for one party when they have not crossed and to the extent thatbo they feel ambivalent about both candidates and they are not already incurred in party and the question is will they vote at all. [audio difficulties] and then secondly, how do i increase focused issues that they ares focused on and what they want the president to do framed in a way that leads him to believe are blocked in their selfinterest and share their values. If i can communicate those two things among the pool that are on the margins. [audio difficulties] most people are already decided in most elections just out of the box but you have capacities within those arent is anchored by party and are feeling ambivalent and dont have [inaudible] that is potentially what matters and however they are less likely to be feeling debates downstream of the debates and forms the means or the clips that they search within their media spheres. Host much more of that if you go to our website cspan. Org and that is the site also to find information about the debates including tonights and how you can view it and all the information leadingebw up to te debates when it comes to campaign 2020. Again, the website cspan. Org, jane from twitter says the debates give us the opportunity to see each nominees demeanor. If the answer questions to deflect or become defensive or fuargumentative hopefully we wil hear actually plans and policies on restoring of the u. S. David ritter says they matter and they should matter. We need a president who can think fast on his feet and think logically and exhibit good reasoning and argumentation skills. We need a president with some intellectual help and our standard now is rockbottom. Juanita from twitter saying that this one matters a bunch too many folks to not Pay Attention to the government and this is why debates matter adding i plan to stay with joe biden and some of the voices on twitter and facebook available tool, including 202 7488000, supporter of joe biden this is diane in ann arbor, michigan. Go ahead. Caller yes, hello. I will be interested in hearing the debates become informative and content backed content of fact. In a way they could do this is to have a committee of experts of Balance Committee and have a fact checknd or a line going across the screen. I remember when debate where the i think the audience was being monitored and that the wait was going up and down whether i agreed with it and i would like to hear experts do the same thing so that the debates arent just a platform for them to put out there same rhetoric and if they had questions that would set out information you know that is where we get, we would get the content that we are looking for on the undecided folks because if you just throw softballs at them they will go back and forth, fake news, whatever and i think this line of fake news is not informative and is getting very, very old. I think they get a bigger audience and they would get higher marks if they would give the listeners content because this is just nothing but a show. They need to have a fact check, live back checked as they go. Is that mostly the analysis of these types of events take place in the next day in the newspapers and do you think that is offered people insight as well as what was said by the candidates and how that squares to whether it is true or not . Caller i think it has to happen in real time as the audience hears it because who will necessarily follow all the different channels in all the different media to get answers to that. I think the people if they are willing to give up their time in the audience to listen to this i think this is a very good thing they need to inform the people and i think the folks that are putting on these debates and monitor has an obligation to the audience to bring the information forward. Thats not the rhetoric throughout the whole campaign. Host that was diane in michigan. Debate is response of a for formulating the events and you go to the website for more information, including the dates and times or the dates of the debates including tonight debate starting just after 9 00 oclock in cleveland, ohio. Its october 7 it will be the Vice President of the bait the university of utah in salt lake city. On the 15th that second president ial debate at town ha hall, town hall format hosted by her own steve scully at the art center in miami, florida and then on the 22nd there will be the third and final president ial debate at Belmont University in nashville, tennessee. Debates. Org for more of the commission and the work in formulating these debates. Brenda in new jersey a supporter. F President Trump, hello caller hello, good morning america. I will be watching the debates tonight and i really feel the President Trump will get his message acrosssa. H i really feel that he is good for america and i hope he gets in another four years. He has my vote and ive always been a democrat and i want to see him debate and see what will go on. Host when you say you will get his message across what is different tonight about a message he may deliver and rally or press conference or Something Like thaty . Caller he is debating on stage to get his message to do things that he planned on doing and when it comes to hearing what biden has to say it will really sick, i hope, in thesi report that the ideas they have are so f far left. We dont want that in america. We want President Trump, i want President Trump and i really am looking forward to watching tonight on cspan and i take you for listeningd. Host 8 00 oclock is when our coverage starts and we will show you the debates. We will show you them uninterrupted and finish that and then we will give you a chance to respond on our phone line to look for all of that to happen tonight and go to our website for more information. That is the site of the debate youre looking at right now as the sun comes over there and rises in cleveland prayed ronnie, supporter of joe bidenin and two president ial debates matter . Caller yes, they do. I cannot disagree more with the last caller. We dont need President Trump and [inaudible] hopefully america will see thegh truth on the stage of the big contrast but trump will come out attacking like he always does and he never stays on point what the debate subject will be. He always veers off but it is not hillary tonight but it will be joe biden and he wont be looming behind joe bidens back and joe biden just needs to stay calm and like i said, show the contrast between the two men weird america sick of Trump America dont need trauma. Trump has sent america into of divided hotbed of racism and hate and i think america tonight is going to see the contrast between joe biden and see what a good calm leader that actually cares about the people is all about. Host that is ronnie. Lets go to indiana, supporter of President Trump, hello. Hello. I just wanted to say that i think everybody else finally will be able to see the contrast between President Trump and biden because biden has not been out there answering questions and wont taint questions. How did these people know what they will really do if they say, for instance, they would get elected. No one really knows because biden says one thing and then another and hes been in office all my life and im 62 years older hes been in there since i was a kid. I mean, you know, hes not really ever done anything that he says he was going to do and im just curious of how these people feel like President Trump is such a divider, i really dont see that and i think hes just honest and he doesnt think like these other people do. Host janice in california, supporter of President Trump. Caller i would like it is like a, it sounds like we are in a election when i was a pseudo war. Its like a war but we are trying to win the war and all is fair and just like everything is on the table so i think both sides are legitimate for putting in for doing whatever it takes to try to be victorious and try to win this. Host to what you said in the idea of debates matter what would you think . Caller absolutely because that is part of his strategy and part of like a war strategy. You must be presenting your points and you can just host its a war of ideas, so to speak. Caller yet, you have to go in there and present your ideas and like i said, its a battle, you know. These guys these gentlemen have to go in battle. Of course, thats all im sayi saying. Host that was been in california like many of you had in the first half hour. Youre welcome to do so in the next half hour and we will keep on with the topic, president do president ial debates matter . If you are supporter of joe biden and kamala harris, 2,027,488,001 that, if used for the president and mike pence, 202 7488001 or if you support other candidates you can call ppand let your thoughts be known at 202 7488002 or in texas text us at 202 7488003 and we will show you the latest ads starting with joe biden and followed up by an ad by the trump campaign. Has joe biden ever used a teleprompter during local interviews . Answer q a was supporter. What will your administration do to help [inaudible] you know, there used to be a basic part inspect joe biden possibly reading his responses from a teleprompter spirit social distancing and Wearing Masks which i never do when i cilk outside of this house. I never will on day one. Has he ever used a teleprompter during his interviews . Yes or no. You cant answer the question. You know, the rapidly rising in with the, with i dont know,. Host those are the ads by Radio Audience are apologies that it did not have words into it but you can find it online if you wish. Lets go to rob at easton, North Carolina, supporter of joe biden talking about because itll debates. If they matter. Good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. Look, i come from a long line of wealth and im in east North Carolina we been primarily democrats, blue dog or yellow dog whatever but we are across the aisle during the years we been here from the first 13 colonies and now the recent revelations about taxes and finances is finally pushed me over the line of who i will support and i would like to say that i come from a long line of people who have always used account to beat minimizers of taxes but anybody that can getua billion of dollars from china and 213 million from putins wife and the mayor of moscow and burisma and lie about it and say they did not know anything or pay taxes, hes a crook of thecr third order. Host and so all of that you said and t what it means about tonights debate and how does that relevant to tonights debate . He hung up. Lets go to david in south dakota, supporter of President Trump you helloto. Caller good morning. Thank you. Im 75 years old and i have been a union member for 55 years and i have never voted for a democrat in my life. Joe biden and the people in the endemocratic party are the reasn why i think trump has done a good job without any help from the other side of the aisle. Ome biden, when he is not on a teleprompter he cant tell the difference between his wife and his sister and he doesnt even know what state he is in. Host all of that is about tonights debates what does that mean . Caller well, joe bidens always talked about trump being a liar but joe biden lies every time he opens his mouth. When he went to Eastern Europe and got all that money from his son who is a junkie with a dishonorable discharge. Host again, to tonights debate what does that mean specifically about tonights debate . I support President Trump. I think hes done a great job and i will watch the debate because if joe biden isnt on a teleprompter he wont even be able to say his name. I think he will be a terrible choice for president. Host just after 9 00 oclock is when the debate is n supposed to start. Report elite there will be no Opening Statements but straight questions from the moderator Chris Wallace for the time of an hour and a half. Cspans coverage starts at 8 0o watch it you can watch the debate on cspan as well. Supporter of joe biden lets go to pittsburgh pennsylvania, barbara, your next. Caller thank you. Host barbara, you are on, go ahead. Caller but i think about this whole campaign is the hatred that each side of this political election has been pulled of hate and its been hate, hate like never before. Who is on, whor speaks in tonights debate, that person, the one that hates the other person for president , it isnt going to make a difference. They will think the same thing and the whole debate is over. Host including your candidate, joe biden . Caller yes, sir. Most certainly. Trump is such a trump is such a liar, such a little slippery type of person that i dont have anyone to trust that man. Host it seems to me both people involved what project hate in some way, shape, or form. Maybe im misreading what youre saying but it seems thats what you were saying tragic im sorry, sweetheart. And you repeat that . Host use both candidates will project some type of hate tonight in the debate, correct me if im wrong, i dont want to ask if thatme include your candidate joe biden . Caller yes, definitely for joe biden. Host lets go to mark in san antonio, texas, a supportive President Trump about the next debate, debate overall and if the matter. Go ahead. Caller id like to start by saying i do voting in the president ial election since 1986 when i turned 18. I. I voted for democrat and republican and i voted for myself. I got to send supporting trump thisel time because hes done everything he said he was going to do. I mean, the man has been nominated for three nobel peace prizes which is nowhere on the news for some reason. I think these debates are going to prove he should be president i think. Host how so . Caller i think hes unfortunately is going to have to crush biden, hes going to have to show that one of the main reasons im supporting trump is because biden is running. I just dont believe hes capable of being president. Host and undecided voter in new york. Caller good morning. I wanted to see both candidates was going to hit each other one of the taxes and want to see if he is going to submit a blood test. It would be actually interesting to see if one of these candidates can step up to the challenge, so to speak. If one doesnt do good, i believe that joe if joe biden doesnt do well in this make you will have opportunity to debate because of his lackluster performance going forward. Its imperative that he does well tonight because if he doesnt, its not going to go well for him. Host okay. Go ahead, color. Caller i just want to see se a good debate but it do think that trump will somehow make it entertaining nonetheless. Im in. Entertainingled it , but you also said you wanted to see a good debate. What makes a good debate . Caller i do want to see some policies being talked about. You mentioned earlier that the president ial debate counsel or whatever, they are the ones who dictate how this form is going to be conducted. The commission on president ial debates, yeah. Caller i do want to see some long form where the American Public can see some substance in the debate. Where its not a commercial break, where people have time to literally digest everything. Form, i wouldng think it would be better for the American Public to decide who is more fit for the job. I do think its going to be pretty good. Host what policy topic would you like to see most discussed . The economy. Everybody want to talk about the account the coronavirus. I saw that there is a list of debate subjects that they will be talking about. They always say its the economy, stupid . I want to see the economy. Thats sean, new york. Speaking of ohio, the wall street journal takes a look at the recent polling there. A Quinnipiac University poll showing statistical ties among likely voters, while the fox showseleased the same day joe biden leading mr. Trump along likely voters, adding that he is leading in National Polls and in several other battleground states. The New York Times and other news that could come up tonight in the debate, they follow up with a look at the president s taxes, adding in a frontpage story that the times was able to place the value on his celebrity with a return showing 100 and 70 not 197 million earned from the apprentice, they revealed an additional 200 and 30 Million Associated from the Fame Associated with it. It goes on from there. It could well come up tonight in the debate. The Washington Times highlights from yesterday, talking about covid19 with the release of rapid tests, saying that states will receive six point 5 million rapid coronavirus tests this week, the president dubbed the move a game changer. All while governors protect First Responders and reopen schools that you can find more on story in the Washington Times code endorsements, they began to make there is this morning in the paper for joe biden. Mark is in seattle, washington. A supporter of joe biden. Hello, go ahead. Thank you for cspan, pedro, good morning. Hopefully it will be entertaining. That young man made a good point for that. You know . We dont want to fall asleep and i dont think we will. I think they will come with fire in their belly. Just like, you know, the first ali frazier fight or Something Like that. Host what are you hope to gain from the debate tonight . More knowledge on how quickly the president should get out of office. I was urging that he resign and see a psychiatrist. Lie. Nt help but its his nature to lie. How does that relate to the debate . Caller 60 of what he has to say will be lies. And you know maybe biden, it might be 15 , but he wont intend to lie. I really dont think the president means to lie. Thats why i have been praying for him. I think he has done quite well in the last year and a half and it took a lot of courage for him to meet with the head of north korea. That takes courage. He walked right across the war line there to talk to the head of north korea. But you cant make up for what you didnt do earlier. I look forward to it. Thank you. South cleveland, they talk about the preparations going to tonight and it comes to security, taking the cities work for the last month and a half, the Ohio National guard and police with the Cleveland Clinic at the western reserve university organized security around the event. Secret service is the lead agency around the sampson pavilion. The vote came in on the Health Education campus, jointly owned by the clinic and located on the main campus outside the perimeter. Host california, supporter of President Trump, hello. Thank you for, you know, believe that President Trump will win the debate. Host why is that . In,er because he is good you know, speaking. Host ok. Are you planning on watching all three debates . I will, i will. I will of course watch the debate the whole night. Host ok. The rebroadcast is and plans for cspan coverage for those of you on the west coast to want to watch. Given the time differences, you get a chance to respond to questions or at least call in if you want, to give your impressions of the events of tonight. Ohio, supporter of joe biden. Go ahead. Caller high, i support joe biden. I came to this country from india in 1965. I voted in every election and primary. I have followed the career of trump. In the beginning i thought he was good. You know . When he started writing early . Doesnt event he remember what he has said. Host what do you hope to gain tonight as you watch these men go back and forth on their ideas . I dont think people have already made up their minds, believe me. I watch cspan every day, the washington journal. Look at the way they say. Host we appreciate you watching. Do you think that the people who have made up their minds should watch anyway or should they not watch tonight . Caller i might not watch it. Or i might. Most likely i would fall asleep. Old, you know . Rs so. Host well, i will invite you to watch it on our network tonight. Not only for the chance of seeing it uninterrupted, but also for the chance of hearing how people think about the performance tonight between the mending crush the mending question. All of you as well can do that, find out more information at our website. A couple of events on capitol hill, reporting about the effort to pass the Coronavirus Relief package, saying that the pared down heroes act is 1. 2 trillion less then the original bill passed by the house last spring. Host this is expected to be voted on by thursday. The president s choice to replace Justice Ruth Bader ,insburg on the Supreme Court amy coney barrett, is expected to appear on capitol hill to talk with senators leading up to the confirmation process happening early in october. Some have already said they wont meet with her. The wall street journal highlights those, including Chuck Schumer and two members of the judiciary committee. Other Committee Members are on the sky did are undecided, including cory booker and chris coons. Those lead up meetings are expected to start today. Julie is in rhode island, supporter of President Trump. Go ahead. There. Hi good morning. I think that President Trump is not only going to win the debate to win, but hes going the next two. He has made promises, hes kept them. Ive never heard one thing joe biden has said that he hasnt contradicted. Confused as to why people would believe anything he says. I havent heard any plan from him. Or from,. To me its just a nobrainer. President trump loves this country. Hes not a racist. Hes not any of the things they claim he is. Host specifically, when it comes to tonight, what constitutes a win for the president in your mind . As far as winning tonights debate. Well, it depends on how mr. Chris wallace asks the questions. The media folks, they seem to be handling joe biden with kid gloves. President trump, they come out swinging. And then they say hes a liar and hes this and hes that. Hes not. They havent given him a chance. Nobody could take the kind of crap these people have thrown at him and continue to do the right things he does for this country. Host lets hear from carrie in illinois. Supporter of joe biden. Hello, go ahead. To callyeah, i wanted in. Im rooting for biden and kamala. Any remaining Trump Supporters right now are, they are 100 fans. That silly thing it could be. This president has just come you know, trash drag to the presidency through the mud. Everything he says tonight, it wont have any substance. Its just going to be pure entertainment, highlevel vega positions on things. I hear some of these Trump Supporters saying that he has fulfilled his promises. Ever since his campaign started, he mentioned plenty of things he was going to do like building the wall. He said he was going to release his tax returns. This is the end of his first term and you know, it had to be leaked. Host when it comes to joe biden, what does he have to accomplish tonight . Do you think. Caller showing leadership, showing professionalism. Showing that he has the ability to empathize with americans who when they go through, just show human decency. Honor, integrity. Through thes been administration before. Hes been in politics for a long time. People, they say hes been there hasnt done nothing, hes done plenty of things, otherwise he wouldnt have been there as long. He knows how to get things done. Whatt would you host would you call chief accomplishment of joe biden . Which health care, trumps tried to take away during the pandemic with nothing to replace it. Which is going to affect mostly low income and people of color throughout the nation. Its a nobrainer. Biden stands on the side of. Ervicing the complete nation as much of the nation as possible. Not just democrats. Lets hear from michelle in tallahassee, florida. You are next. Areer my husband and i very much in support of the debates tonight and believe that this is the opportunity for the president to shine. We have heard nothing of the policies that biden is going to elected. He were to be it will be a chance for President Trump to push for him to say what his agenda is if you were to be elected. Host mr. Biden has had several events on things he would like to do. We have recorded those and put them on cspan if you want to watch it there. Well, i truly believe that there is nothing that biden could do that could help this caller well, i truly believe that there is nothing that biden could do that could help this country. The caller before saying that the president made all these promises and hasnt kept them and thats absolutely not true. I dont know what news channel hes watching. We try to watch its all different sources for news and form our opinion from that. And just yeah. Host as far as mr. President trump, what constitutes a win for him tonight, do you think . Caller a win for him host no, wheres the other person i was talking to . Caller this is michelle. A win for trump would mean for him to speak his continued economy growth. His continued support for prolife. His continued support for Law Enforcement and the military. The economy. Hes a brilliant man and he has proven that. Thats michelle in tallahassee. Lets go to anthony, good morning. Good morning, good morning, thank you for taking my call. Everyone has been waiting for this. When it comes to joe biden, he cant hold on any longer. Tonight hes playing with the big boys. Host you identify yourself as a supporter of joe biden, is that the case . Caller i was, but not anymore. Host im going to stop you there. We want people to respect the lines that they are calling it on. Supporter of President Trump, you are on. Caller yes, yes, i support trump. Hes done an excellent job and i believe that tonight for the debate we will see that biden has been definitely practicing, but i believe he has probably been, just like what happened with hillary, given the questions so that he can study what hes going to answer to. Just like they did for hillary with donna brazile. I dont think that trump gets treated fairly by the media and hes correct, the russians that will be asked and said to him will be different than the ones said for biden. You insinuating that Chris Wallace is going to feed him the questions directly, since hes the moderator . Caller hes already been practicing. Host thats not uncommon, but why do you specifically think they have been fed to the Vice President . Caller because they already did it with hillary for years ago when they were debating and it was brought to the attention of the American People that donna brazil fed hillary the questions. They already knew what to answer. So, he has been preparing for the last few weeks. Its, its so obvious. Its almost that i do believe trump will do an excellent job. I do believe that he has helped this country more than anybody else during this entire pandemic thing. He haslieve that definitely been a good president. Is susan in waller, texas. This is the first of the planned president ial debates, tonight. Steves cspans coverage starts tonight at 8 00. You can find out companies you can find it all the information about the nights debate and everything related to it. The Judicial Crisis Network serves as chief pulse and right to talk about the upcoming Supreme Court confirmation issue involving judge amy coney barrett. Thanks for joining us. Caller good morning. Host remind our viewers about your organization where you stand politically. Caller with committed to trying to get judges confirmed to the Supreme Court come t

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