Obstacle after another to submit the very to summit the very pinnacle of her profession. Justice ginsburg was a fixture on our nations highest court. For more than a quarter of a century. She was not just a lawyer. No. I just a lawyer but a leader. From and jordi to passion for lifes work will not only continue to shape the furnace but also enlightened the scholars and students generations and by all accounts Justice Ginsburg loved her work because she loved a law. In a more ordinary life her courage and continued excellence in the face of multiple serious illnesses, what is self be the heroic climax rather than just one more remarkable chapter among so any. On the court, Justice Ginsburg, was universally admired colleague. Its no wonder the any americans are taken particular comfort in remembering her famous friendship. With her ideological obstacles. The main sure that the halls of justice also bar with company. They rather sound of the same side of the profile decisions but they stillog sit together opera. And most any t other time they could manage to be together. So the leader or the legal world is morning a giant. Ginsburgs fellow justices, a legion of loyal law clerks, and countless any others are morning a close friend. Or a mentor. Senate sends condolences to them all. Yet Justice Ginsburg impact on american lives with deeper still. Fridays loss it feels personal to millions of americans. Who may have never made her acquaintance. She was aer spirited powerful ad historic champion for american women. To the degree that transcends any legal or philosophical disagreement. As she climbed from the middle class and Brooklyn Jewish roots of which she was so proud, and in the most rare era of law and government. The future justice and surround one obstacle after another. And Justice Ginsburg did not only climb a mountain, she blazed a trail. Through deeds and words and simply through her example. She up to away the cobwebs of prejudice. She opened one professional door after another and made certain estate open behind her. Directly or indirectly she helped entire generations of talented women build their lives as they saw fit and enrich our society through professional work. One politics aside, no friend of equality could fail to appreciate Justice Ginsburgs determination. Finally, while she relished forceful writings and detailed arguments, she was also an important ways a uniter. In recent years, any of consider themselves her admirers, and claim her for the political side have come to politicize very structure of the court itself. When Justice Ginsburg remained unswerving in her public commitment to preserving the Natural Foundation of the institution she loved. Entire senate is united and thinking of and praying for Justice Ginsburgs family. Most especially her daughter and her son james and her grandchildren, step grandchildren, greatgranddaughter and everyone who called her their own. Mr. President , as consent the following remarks appear in a different place in the record. Without objection. President trumps nominee for this spot will receive vote. On the floor of the senate. Now already, some of the same individuals who tried every conceivable dirty trick to obstruct justice and Justice Kavanaugh are lining up to proclaim the third time will be the charm. The American People are about to witness an astonishing rate of misrepresentations about the past misstatements about the present and more threats against our institution from the same people whove already been saying for months, well before this, or even saying for months that want to. Cut the cord. Two years ago, radical event tried to use unproven accusations to run a mans life because they could not win about fair and square. Now they appear to be ready even more appalling sequel. This time, the party will not just be the presumption of innocence for one american. But her very governing institutions themselves. There will be times in the days ahead to discuss the naked threats leading democrats of long been directing of the United States senate and the Supreme Court itself. These threats have loaned and a ladder but they predate this vacancy by any months. Let me times to discuss follow personally threatened associate justices if they do not roll a certain way or illequipped to give lectures on civics. But today lets dispense with a few of the factual misrepresentations. Robert a hearing incorrect claims that there is not sufficient time to examine and confirm the nominee. We can devote this myth in about 30 seconds. As of today there for three days until november 3rd and 104 days until the end of this congress. The late iconic Justice John Paul stevens, was confirmed by the senate 90 days after this body formally received his nominations. Nineteen days from start to finish. Justice carter, another iconic juror, was confirmed 33 days after nomination. Millie Justice Ginsburg herself, it was just 42 days. In Justice Stevens entire confirmation process couldve been played out twice between now and november 3rd. With time to spare. And Justice Ginsburg herself couldve been confirmed twice between now and the end of the year with time to spare. The senate has more than sufficient time to process a nomination. History and precedents make that perfectly clear. Others want to claim the situation is exactly the passing in 2016 and so should not proceed until january. This is also completely false. On the senate floor the very first session. The day after Justice Scalia past. The senate has not filled the vacancy arising an Election Year when there was a divided government sense 1888 almost 130 years ago. Heres what i said the next day when it spoke to the press for the first time on the subject. If you go back to 1888 when cleveland was present to find a vacancy created in a president ial Election Year was approved by senate of a different party. As of then, only six prior times in American History andan supree Court Vacancy and the Election Year. And of the opposite party. The majority of those times, the outcome was exactly what happened in 2016. No confirmation. Historically normal outcome, when youve divided government. President obama was asking Senate Republicans for an unusual favor. That is lasted that it happened nearly hundred and 30 years before that. But the voters that explicitly elected are majority to Check Balance the end of his presidency. So we stuck with the basic norms. By the way, his undoing, the majority did precisely with the democrats indicated they would do themselves. In 1992. The democrats control the sena senate, opposite president bush 41. Then senator joe biden was with the judiciary committee. Unprompted. A year end a half left. And president bush, 43s term, the democratic leader declared that quote except in extraordinary circumstances, the opposite party senate should boycott any further confirmation to the Supreme Court. That is the current democratic leader a year end a half before the end of the bush administration. Soli in 2016, Senate Republicans did not only maintain the historical norm, we also ran the playbook. When voters have not chosen divided government, when the American People have voted to send majority to work closely with the sitting president. The references more overwhelmingly in favor history has arisen and president s have made nominations awe during the Election Year. Seven of the eight were confirmed. And the sole exception, justice ava was a bizarre situation including obvious personal corruption thatdi extended into financial dealings. Apart from that one strange exception, no senate has failed to confirm a nominee in the circumstances that face us right now. Aside from that one strange exception, no senate has failed to confirm a nominee in the circumstances that face us right now. The historical precedent is overwhelmingly and it runs in one direction. Her democratic colleagues want to claim they are outraged, they can only be outraged at the plain facts of American History. There is clear precedent be highly predictable outcome that came out of 2016. And theres even more overwhelminghi behind this senate will vote on this nomination this year. I was able to relax the majority in 2016, they strengthened it further in 2018 because we pledge to work with President Trump on the most Critical Issues facing our country. The federal judiciary was right at the top of the list. Ironically, l it was a democratic leader went out of his way to declare the midterm 2018 elections a referendum on the senates handling of the Supreme Court. My friends, the occupant of the chair was running that year. The democratic leader went out of his way to declare the 2018 midterms a referendum on the senates handling of the Supreme Court. In his final speech before Justice Kavanaugh was confirmed, he yelled, literally yelled over and over at the American People to go vote. He told americans, go elect senators based on they approach their advice and consent duties over these weeks. Unfortunately for him, Many Americans did just that. After watching the democrat tactics, voters grew out majority and retired for, four of our former colleagues who would gone along with the parties behavior. We gained two seats, they lost four. That was the issue. Perhaps more than any other single issue, the American People strengthen this Senate Majority to keep confirming this president s impressive nominees who respect our constitution and understand the proper role of a judge. In 2014, the voters elected our majority because we pledge to check and balance a second lame duck president. Two years later, we kept our word. In 2018, the voters a group that majority on our pledge to continue working with President Trump, mostsp especially on his outstanding judicial appointments. We are going to keep our word once again. We are going to vote on this nomination, on this floor. In the jewish tradition, only a person of great righteousness dies at the end of the year. Near rosh hashanah, because god determined that they were needed until the very end. On friday evening, shortly after the sun down eve of the jewish new year, we learned that Supreme CourtJustice Ruth Bader ginsburg, a woman