Host among the speakers and activities you can see as part of this coverage tonight is former president bill clinton and there will be a roll call of america among the states as part of the nomination process for joe biden represented Alexander Ocasio cortez the democrat from newve york and rounding up this former second lady jill biden. Our coverage will start on the platforms where you can follow along as well. S when it comes to last nights coverage in the speakers the Washington Post highlights photographs of some of the highlights of the speakers heard senator sanders, Bernie Sanders of vermont and a former Ohio RepublicanGovernor John Kasich but it was Michelle Obama getting a lot of the attention last night to the Washington Post story saying its a centerpiece speech of the night a searing indictment of her husband Barack ObamasMichelle Obama declared the president has mishandled the pandemic in this failed, to respond over the death of black americans she warned that they may should would suffer more if elected his second term could you can see the full speech on their web site atsp cspan. Org t heres a portion from Michelle Obama last night. C so what do we do now . What is our strategy . Over the past four years a lot of people have asked me when others are going solo is going high still really work . My answer, going high is the only thing that works because when we go low, when we use those same tack ticks of degrading and dehumanizing others we just become part of the ugly noise thats drowningug out everything else. We degrade ourselves. We degrade the very causes for which we fight rave so lets be clear, going high does not mean putting on a smile and saying nice things when confronted additions this and cruelty. Going high into taking the harder path. It means clawing our way to that mountain top. Going high it means standing fears against hatred while remembering that these are one nation under god and if we want to we have got to find a way to live together and Work Together across our differences. And going high means unlocking the shackles of lies and mistrust which is the only thing that can truly set us free. The cold hard truth. So let me be honest and clear as i possibly can. Donald trump is the wrong president for our country. He has had more than enough time to prove that he can do the job but he is clearly in over his head that he cannot meet this moment. He simply cannot be who we need him to be for us. It is what it is. Host the back from last night and well will show you other portions of the speeches from last night. Again you can comment on it and watch tonights coverage at 9 00 on cspan, cspan. Org and you can follow along and are cspan radio app. If you support joe biden 2027488000 and if you support President Trump 2027488001 and call us at 2027488002 and tell us what you think of the first night of the Democratic National conviction. Michael lighthizer said was one giant Campaign Anthem bilking on twitter saying i like the new format a lot more than the oldstyle convention but this move seamlessly from speaker to speaker with and this is the future of legal conventions. You can let us know about the new format as we go along in the morning. Show starts us off arm carolina supporter of President Trump. Good morning. Caller good morning. I am glad you are the commentator today. What democrats are saying on the convention and everybody else about the social security, in 2019 you have to . 9 trillion in the reserve assets. At the end of 2019 you had 1 trillion in assets. The total income was 1 trillion. The was out of reserve money in 2034. Disability will be out in 2065. Host how does that relate to last nights activities at the convention . Caller is a bunch of rhetoric, a bunch of hoopla. You get Michelle Obama on their and yes shes going to stand by her husband. Obama did do some good things but he really didnt. Bernie sanders wants to push it so far to the left and he got widened to slide in there because the man had two aneurysms in the brain that were operated on. Did o you people know that and after that the medical science says he will go ahead and become delusional sometimes, maybe not. Host okay, some of the comments last night lets go to mitchell in new jersey. Go ahead create caller good morning. I missed most of the Convention Last night and i think it was good messaging by an car. I dont think it moves the needle for anybody. I dont know of any the conventions will this year because most of us have gone into our respective corners and we are fairly well entrenched. I think our main minds are made up. We are waiting for the elections to occur so i dont know that its going to change most of us. I thought already sanders was probably the most effective speaker last night and of course Michelle Obama was also. I dont know how this changes us. I just dont think there is much of a middle to capture with people and decided in terms of the elections and i know a lot of the people on either side need to be coaxed more. Host when it comes to Bernie Sanders then do you think he did an effective job in supporting joe biden to win over those supporters who supported him initially and would be hesitant about joe biden . Caller i think a lot of his supporters, i mean thats really the party. I dont understand some of the more militant supporters sometimes and that they really cannot walk away from all of this. I think his communication was effective. Host okay. Jessica in maryland a supporter of joe biden. You are next up, hi. Caller hi. Just listening to Michelle Obamas speech i think i personally have not been extremely involved in politics but i have been very disheartened seeing the division in our country and i just want to bring everybody back together and to be more positive in this world and listening to her talk about that really made a difference for me. Host do you plan to watch all four nights . Caller yes. Host of aside from job biden is their particular person you are interested in hearing from . Caller again im finding that its becoming more important to listen more and be more proactive in politics and im going to try to do that. I think i would encourage other people to do that. Host thank you caller. From bob in texas who is undecided talking about last nights first night of the Democratic National convention. Good morning, go ahead. Caller good morning everybody. They didnt show anything about the riots and the killing of the police and this, that in the other. They talked eloquently yes but to me what i am seeing is a bunch of salesmen trying to sell heaters to someone in and im telling you what they are doing a pretty good job of it read people need to wake up and start looking at these riots and all the stuff thats going on in this country that trump wants to fix. I dont know, dont know if i could stand another night of this. It looks like it was created by hollywood. Host you classify yourself as undecided they but you sound like you are decided this point. Caller i havent come to anything at this point. I cant get any truth out of anybody you know, whats going on. I hope people wake up and see this because a lot of people dont see whats going on in this country and its really heartbreaking to see our country go down the drain. Lets go lets go to jane in brooklyn, new york a supporter of joe biden. Go ahead. Caller good morning. I just wanted to say that i thought it was a great night. I also am excited that i think joe biden is the person for our country. I hear a lot of smear campaigns from that narcissistic days. Im excited for young people. Please vote and we can do better than the sour grapes that im listening to so far this morning to ask. Host when you say last night was a great night what specifically do you mean . Caller i thought Michelle Obama obviously. I thought everybody that was one was important and poignant. Speaking to america. We need jobs, we need more family. We need the racism to go away and we also need to grow. We are also the pandemic or they think they touched on it. Host caller, go ahead. Caller i think we have the stop art narcissistic ways and learn to love each other no matter what our differences are. Host besides Michelle Obama what other speakers are most effective . Caller Bernie Sanders did a good job and you know who else i liked . The young lady whose father had passed away from the virus three she touched my heart and im sure she touched a lot of other peoples. Host thats jane in brooklyn, new york or the caller referenced the woman whose father died of covid19 and one of its one of the speakers at the Democratic National convention on the convention that first night. Heres a portion of what she had to say. Im one of the many who have lost a loved one to covid. My dad marc anthony should be here today that he isnt. He had faith in donald trump. He voted for him, listened to him, believed him and when he said coronavirus was under control and was going to disappear, but it was okay to end social distancing before was saved and if you had no Underlying Health conditions youd probably be fine. So in late may after the stay at home order was lifted in arizona my dad went to karaoke bar with his friends. A few weeks later he was put on the ventilator hand after five agonizing days he died alone in the icu with a nurse holding his hand. My dad was a healthy 65yearold his only. Existing condition was trusting donald trump and for that he paid with his life. I am not alone. Once i told my story a lot of people reached out to me to share theirs. They asked me to help them keep their communities safe especially communities of color that have been disproportionately affected. They asked me, a normal person, to help because donald trump wont. The coronavirus has made it clear that there are two americas, the america the donald trump lives in and the america that my father died in. Enough is enough. Donald trump may not have caused coronavirus but his irresponsible actions made it so much worse. We need a leader who has a National Coordinating datadriven response to stop this pandemic from claiming more lives and to safely reopen the country. We need a leader who will step in on day one and do his job, take care. One of the last things that my father said to me was that he felt betrayed by the likes of donald trump and so when i cast my vote for joe biden i will do it for my dad. Host this is deborah and canton new jersey, good morning. Caller hey a dry havent talked to in a long time. Host thanks for calling. Caller i thought last night was extremely boring. They didnt say one thing about the platform and all that was was a party which is become incredibly boring to me. Host do you think that bashing the tech laced at these types of conventions regardless of what side . Caller i think they do. Im an independent so i see both sides and im not happy with republicans either but they are at least, donald trump is at least making positive changes in the country and biden doesnt have a leg to stand on for any of that. Its just not there. He cant talk about it because theres nothing there. Host i suspect you plan to watch next week for the republicans. What are you hoping to see from that we . Caller some plans for the future. I will watch part of the democratic to as much as i can take it was just like a hollywood production to me. Host deborah and canton georgia for President Trump three she spoke about Jonathan Niese lake Cristina Marcos and john miller to go to the hill web site they have a story by things to know on the democratic platform. Just to give you some of the highlights point number when they make is not every democrat is back in the platform. Were she to toledo of michigan publicly announced they would vote against their platform saying it doesnt go far enough in overhauling the u. S. Health care system with a goal of achieving universal coverage. They also say the platform papers over some differences adding democrats tried to strike a balance for convention to feature both a former republican Governor John Kasich and an