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No trust in really a coming together to work on behalf of our constituents. And i think its time we focus on what needs to be done in the best interest of our country then focusing on political gain or gamesmanship. The reason i i say that is i dont know about you mr. President but i know every single senator comes from they state and the care about their constituents. They get emails from the constituents and letters from the constituents, when we go home we claim to be in a recess, its a recess. We are t working talking to our constituents the businesses and individuals that are there and if were really listening to our constituents particularly at a time now when this pandemic has created the worst Health Crisis weve seen not just in this country but around the world and have contributed to an economic crisis then we are hearing from our constituents that they are struggling right now. And the reason why their struggle is because we have asked them to stay at home and shelter in place to stem the spread of this virus. We set listen, we dont have vaccine, we are working on it but we dont have it right away. And we need to ramp up our tests so that we can make sure that you can get it quickly to determine whether you have this virus or the antibody so we can then quarantine you and shelter you. Until we even get to the point with asked everybody to stay home. And they have done it. I know in my state nevada, we have a highspeed upon rate in the country right now 25 . Diseases had shattered. People have stayed home to help us to stem the spread ofru this virus. And what weha told them much ago is that if d you do this, we will be there our federal government we will be there to work with you. We will help you. We will make sure that you have money in your pocket so that you can afford healthcare, so that you can pay your bills so that you can pay your rent. You can pay for your food, so that you do not have any economic insecurity. We made that commitment to them. What we promised them, and i have h to say we still have to follow that obligation, mr. President. They are doinghe their part, so why are we not doing ours . At the end of the day you and i both know, and all of our colleagues know, there is more economic insecurity in this country right now than we have ever seenth before because of this pandemic. Food insecurity, housing insecurity job insecurity, education insecurity. Theres a homework gap. We know it. It is happening. So it really is time now for us to stop the posturing stop the political gamesmanship and really do what we committed when we swore an oath to this office, when we were sworn in that we are going to do right by people across this country looking out for their interest of our interests but the best interests of this country. And so iay come to the floor today to really askol my colleagues lets try and do what is right for the best interests of this country now more than ever. You know, i know you get them. I get letters. Iav have letters from constituents right now and they cant tell you, ive been inundated with it are a constituent beta. I urge you to extend the federal Eviction Moratorium at include at least 100 billion in funding for emergency rental assistance in the next release package. This will enable households including those with lost jobs or the already were struggling to pay rent before the pandemic to remain stable and housed and defer the devastating and longlasting harms eviction. Thats a constituent. I didnt write that. They send it to my office. And in this letter, this constituent from nevada goes on to say it is important to be kind and compassionate especially during this time. We have the opportunity to learn and to do better always. No one should be forced out of their home during a global pandemic. Those are some of the letters i receive. I know you received it. I know our colleagues received them and thats why today it is important for us to focus on so much that is happening including the Economic Security here right now i want to focus on one piece of it that we need to address that should be part of a a global peace which is this idea that right now millions of americans are a concerned about being evicted from their homes. In the middle of the pandemic where people need a safe place to call home, they are concerned that they dont have the money to pay their rent because weve asked them to stay home. Now, i have said this before on the floor of the senate. I will say it again. In the middle of the pandemic, housing is healthcare. Security in your own home is healthcare. And yet we have millions of people across the country on the brinkf of eviction. In midjuly, a quarter of adults reported that they were housing insecure. Thats one in four. And in more than half of the states in america eviction bands have expired. That means across the nation more and more families will have to pack up everything that they can carry in the space of hours. There could be 40 million infections nationwide by the end of the year. And what we have seen amongst the data that comes into all of our offices is that families of color are likely to be the hardest hit. In my home state of nevada experts believe that nearly half 1 Million People are at risk of eviction. Perhaps as many as 300,000 of them in nevada by september. Among renters up to 47 base that risk. Now, staving off in nevada evictions could cost no beta 850 billion in rental assistance over the next year. Thats just one state. But you know what . Estates, the local governments everyone has been impacted by this pandemic and they are rightly lookingad to congress to address it. They are desperate for us to pass meaningful legislation to get the money to pay their bills to an enact protections that let them stay in their homes and apartments. And, mr. President we need to help them now. We cant turn our backs. We cannot turn our backs on americans now more than ever. They need our help. And we need the administration. We need leadership, Republican Leadership coming to the negotiating table to get real relief passed, not hollow political gestures. We need a package that will include rental and Housing Assistance to prevent an epidemic of homelessness and stabilize the housing markets. Because if we dont the consequences are going to haunt families and our economy for years. Now i know this. Take it from me. In nevada we saw 200,000 200,000 families lose their homes because of the 2008 housing prices. That foreclosure crisis hit nevada so hard, and it has been a long, long road back for so many nevadans, and im determined not to ever see that happen again and to bring the release, if im in a position, like we all are here in congress to bring that relief. Why are we not in a room negotiating it . Why are we not talking regularly. We did it with the cares act immediately. We saw the need and we did something about it. Nevadans are always already struggling to find work to afford food, to stay healthy during this pandemic, plus they are helping their children learn as schoolly start to reopen. They cannot effectively do that, none of this, without a state place to stay, a roof overhead. Housing is get any sense of stability in our chaotic world right now. Its time to end the political games. Americans expect it. They need a roof over their heads. And that is why it is so vital we passed legislation not just to help nevadans but people all over the country pay the rent and utility bills when they cannot safely go to work because of his health pandemic. And we all would have legislation that is out there we know it. The house months ago espouse the heroes act which addresses this issue. Our colleagues have introduced legislation. Senator brown and urgency rental assistance and market stabilization act is out there that can do the job. We can talk about how we bring this bill forward that helps so many families. And its not just rental stabilization to help families keep a a roof over their heads. Remember theres a lot of Small Businesses that are landlords. There are many businesses that are landlords that are shouldering the missed opportunities, and they are struggling. Landlords have bills to pay m as well. They have mortgages taxes and insurance. Let alone their families have to take care of without assistance many of them will go a corrupt or can be forced to sell the properties. So lets focus on the essentials the basic need for things like shelter. Lets keep people safe and off the streets. Lets pass there rental assistance come senator reed has a fund to help homeowners avoid foreclosure. Senator bennet is housingen counseling bill. Theres so many others. They are in front of us. Have an opportunity to do the right thing here. The senate just needs to do its part by making sure those homes are safe and stable. Passing legislation that will have aiv positive impact on so Many Americans across this country. So mr. President thank you for listening. Thank you to my colleagues for at least having the ability and the will to try to do something. Through the legislation that was introduced. But now more needs to be done. We cant just introduce legislation. Now it is time to do our job as senators to come to the floor of the senate, bring the legislation to the fore and debate it. Let the American Public actually see us work and do our jobs that we promised them we would be doing. Come forth with Good Government and good policy thats going to lift all of us up. Thats what the senate should be doing. And thats what i look forward to for my colleagues. Weeknights this month we are featuring book tv programs as a preview of whats available every weekend on cspan2. Tonight starting at the eastern the theme is world war ii. First eric larson looks at Prime Minister Winston Churchills leadership during the london blitz and catherine sharp landing provides a history of the female pilot who served in the u. S. Army air forces during the war. And later journalist Jack Merriweather recounts the efforts of vito polasky, a member of the polish resistance volunteered to be sent to auschwitz to sabotage not the operations and report on the atrocities in the. Enjoy book tv on cspan2. Next the senate and Foreign Relations Committee Hearing on the president s day for several ambassadorial relations including james story to be us at ambassador to venezuela and William Douglas to be ambassador to the bahamas. I want to thank each of our nominees today for their willingness to serve in these important roles and to my colleagues for joining this hearing. One of this committees most important tasks ive discovered is to review and evaluate the president s nominees to serve in critical posts around the globe like those you aim to serve in. These nominees serve as the worlds window into america and to our universal values. Though willingness of talented, qualified individuals to serve as never been more valuable than it is today. As American Leadership it is crucial in bringing the world of the shadow of

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