The heroes and congress from Freedom Caucus in the conservative caucus, my good friend up in d. C. Still fighting the fight that were still on china today and im kind of going to go one by one, we have three panels of four u. S. Congressman, were honored to have all of you here today and lets just start off with brian from texas and brian im going to lead off, the other brothers from congress who can hear this in the back room, hello brothers back there and sisters, i hear you in the back room. There all my friends. [laughter] congressman babbitt, the first hurdle is upon which Everything Else depends is the sense of how did china send us this virus, was it intentionally in any respect, was it an accident, we know it came from the wuhan district and it was near a lab but everything hangs on this proposition, we have 40 Million People out of work, we have deaths and suffering in family breakup, bankruptcy is small businesses, disaster in this country, in some sense its caused by china, how do you articulate, how morally responsible is china for the virus coming this way . Its great to be here with you, great to see you and great to be of my colleagues. I think absolutely china is responsible for this pandemic, there is no question about it, whether they did intentionally or whether it was a mess up, that is hard to say but i will say this, they were prohibiting flights within china around here and we thank you for what you are doing and they do an awesome job as well. At the end of the day, we are not just in a cordial work, we are in a special work. Only our own country but certainly much what happening right now in china. The religious persecution is phenomenal right now. Thats in china. From the muslims to the questions. Just the last few months, tore down over 250 center spread we been heavily involved in writing letters and putting forth resolutions and trying to address it. Against their own constitution and the national law. , they have been massively talking religious liberties the extent of removing every religious symbol, raising churches to the ground. Persecuting individuals. We know theres over 80000 leaders that have now been transported to slave labor camps. It is something that has to be noticed. And has to be addressed. We have a responsibility here in the United States to bring those issues to life and to do what we can to address them. To vote your district, can they stand to look at that evil, that atrocity over there. We have the beginnings of a cultural revolution here. Chinese, get rid of the old. The religion, given the statutes and the culture. Were starting to see a little that seep in here pretty. Yes we are. Are the people ready. Can i concede that, the United States of america is changing in this direction. Ellipsis get up and fight. I think is an outstanding point. Where they are, they are much further down the road in this avenue of religious liberties than we are. But they got there by the same type of things that we are beginning to see here in the u. S. With rewriting our history. Turn down our monuments and going after. It is an elevation of the state to replace god really. And this what they have now in china. There is an outright attempt to reeducate people to acknowledge that the state in itself is god. We are not there but we are seen some of those feeds or sees the go into this type of food result. Theyve very much been planted or in process of being planted here in the United States. We cannot afford to be silent on these issues. We cannot be silent as to what is happening in china nor can we be silent as to what is happening right now in the United States. As it relates to all of our liberties and freedoms and First Amendment rights and so forth. If we do not stand firm on those issues, and result will be just as horrific as it is in china and other places of the world. We must stand for those basic principles. Thank you very much. Very good. All right over in ohio. Lauren. A business background, mba supply chain. Where is it dont want so far off track when our mba schools, but 100 percent of the supply chains for pharmaceuticals abroad and another manufacturing that you know that industry. How did we get here. China, with respect to the medical supply chain and pharmaceuticals really, a great book, solid author. Really good recommendations and a course of action to correct it. More broadly, post the cold war with the soviet union. United states really did not develop a grand strategy largely know what did happen, china was ready to insert themselves into the void for it is been great for china. And as part, the Clinton Administration upgrade the world trade organization. As part of the china got a special status as their developing economy. That was true back in the 90s. Theyve developed pretty nicely, the second largest economy in the world now. And as part of that, they agreed to be a market economy. Zero countries in the world recognize china as a market economy. Everything a trading partner was in the same thing. They subsidize, they dove, to the steel market shares. The block Market Access in violation of the commitments. And then if you do happen to put anything in there, they were to take it over and so prevent the actual Market Access from happening. They steal intellectual property, not just in china but all of the world. Have a full country approach of doing this with our entire economy and meanwhile, the wto stepped back complacent. Donald trump was calling this out before he was president pretty he called out during the campaign. Honeys work hard to deal with it in china. And frankly the Biggest Issue is that now, the rest of the world, the blinders are off. Countries like france and hey, if you want protective a coma, just agreed to use volley as your 5g provider. And there like you would do that. China would do that. Thats who would do that. Is no delusion anymore as to the nature and character of chinas approach to dominating world trade. One road you see what theyre doing to the small economies. In africa for example. They are ready to do it to the rest of the planet. So we really are justly have to either reshape the wto replace them and we need to really do that within an alliance we are more likely to multiply the enemies, we need to embrace that and deal with it. If they will come and say okay, fine but were not would be drug there again. I complicit countries. I am curious on their constituents in ohio. The manufacturing of and that lost a lot of jobs same with southern virginia where i am. And kind of a flyover country. Versus the coastal elites. Initial pushback. If you see a slight change coming back. They could be some pain on wall street, they will be screaming. And the nguyen is slower than the others. Two come fall on the decoupling from china. But in your district, how do you view the elites that is the message getting all of the way through in ohio. We got to deal china or does everybody understand it. s ohio was saying this all alone. They were being ignored whether it was obama or mccain or romney. People saying, is jobs are not coming back. And donald trump said they are coming back. And we are going to fight for them. In the message was perfectly calibrated for states like ohio, and like michigan, wisconsin western pa, the quote the rust belt. It is not rusty, were manufacturing innovators and still make more than ever in the United States of america but we put a lot of into china. Our companies can compete against any company the world but they should not have to compete against the nation state. And meanwhile is been an coming it. And he won the same is true for Energy Production in the United States. We have got congressman perry back there pretty talk a lot about the endangerment findings. And he wants, the saudis the russians, the chinese wanted. Anything to weaken our economy. And frankly, we can our currency. And so we need to work hard. The heartland of america, the message donald trump ran on, resonates with them and frankly, its time for new words in this pretty we been very pleased with those results with the trade deals. We got a long way to go. We should really accelerate this and build on the momentum while we have everyones attention about how critical of the supply chain is. Summa congressman, carolina, businessman, attorney general bar event powerful speech a week ago and he talked about businesses that are doing too much collaboration and collusion with china. As a wakeup call for American Business etc. This week pompeo ultimate International Scene give a powerful speech, actions. Were starting to take actions. Taken action, and the words in your district, are they paying attention to these key speeches. Do they see what is going on in the world stayed no one impacts them. Absolutely and i can take a story about a sizable business, multiple generations who have been in business over a hundred years. I think that this is a warning to other businesses who have not had this problem. The main pipe. You might look under your kitchen sink of your bathroom sink and you see there brandon there. Will the in china. But their logo, their schematics, their imprint was on a five. Complete intellectual theft. We had to go and assistance with arrival and look what china is doing to this domestic company. Thats a warning to other companies. So were definitely saying it. In the u. S. , there is a Freedom Alliance that is bring out there. And trump runs on this America First thing people say business going to go first. Theyre just looking at their own self interest. And it turns out now, we have india and australia and the uk and theyre all going in china now. And so on the world scene, its kind of ironic w America First. I think everyone is starting to see the deceit the way china has been treating aspirated the horn of africa. Just for content. Maybe not perfect but there our allies. You can see the predatory lending if you would. They are realizing that this nationstate would not be able to pay them back. Therefore they can take control we are seeing how hostile their intentions. First we need to go back and realize that this is not against the people china. This is against the Chinese Communist party. So we need to make a big distinction there. That is our enemy. The Chinese Communist party is not a force for good. In this last 140,000 lives and family members related to them, thats who they can blame. We can look to the Chinese Communist party for withholding information. Blaming an ongoing, very feeble attempt. But they blamed our u. S. Military for this coronavirus. That was like a lead balloon. It completely lost but the Chinese Communist party that is our enemy here. Think you guys very much. I have been looking behind my shoulder here and some of you, i little inside joke, the most dangerous pleasant easy is anywhere between the presence of freedom and andy and the camera. [laughter]. Hes itching to get up here. Thank you for cleaning your microphones and thank you for serving our country. [applause]. We are in for a treat. We have for the congressman coming up representing in parts of our great country. At this point, i just want to say a special thanks again to president falwell and charlie clark. Furlough they have done, their vision and putting this event together. Streaming across the country for those watching out there, we are streaming with cspan, americas voice, fox news, and will be doing the same all day tomorrow. Go out to the center on facebook. You will see our agenda there and you will be able to stream through your computers. If your media on your listening into multimedia friends all around the country sharing our screen. Just go out to bass lake and use that stream to throw out your network print what i think the director of the center for putting on this production and i dont think hes in the room right now, but another, just all of the support in the back to run this program today. It is just an inspiring and hearing from the leaders of our country. We are in for a fight but its a good fight. We have folks like this coming on the stage to be in that fight with. Welcome gentlemen. [applause]. [laughter]. Greetings. All right, congressman, we will just start on the end there. With the chairman you seen them on fox news every day. And he was the head of the senate and the city was from. He had this strategically mindset. The word in other words hes very smart. And so any comic us your wisdom. What is the freedom talk is doing on china and why should we be doing in the market people help in this fight against china. And are we at war with china. So people need to quit thinking of china as a peaceful economic emissary or opponent. Certainly not what they are. China has over the last sensually 25 years moved itself away from a full on communist economy to some kind of hybridization of an economy while maintaining communist authoritarian rule with a pad and going back so what we need to do in my opinion coming my estimations, and Freedom Caucus, hasnt taken a formal position on this but i think what we need you look back at some of the trade restrictions that we had in place when we were in a cold war with russia. And actually pretty generic. In the recent this is because if you look like at the Blue Water Navy with china free to give that to them. If you look at the high tech flock if the limit phrase that they have allows missiles. We give that to them. Youll me to move on. [laughter]. You are on a roll. Middleclass, we built that. The intellectual properties and they have. We have set idly by when that is happened and we have refused to engage. And the thing President Trump has been so well is actually by using unused utilizing the sanctions that is done. There has been marvelous. What controls trade better. What the economic sanctions. You want this also be personalized though ways we have done with russia and an rn presence. And i think you need to actually encourage what is going on in india. Actually have a hot war between india and china. It is in the northern border. So what you need to do is not necessarily encourage of work but the balancing structure that and i am a realist and is a real estate believe that everybody moves to balance. He then india, and indonesia, vietnam, cambodia etc. Philippians, yellow and up with taiwan and south korea and china. You can actually contain china and others in the region contain them. We need to be working on that strengthening the relationship as well. That is right in the money. In the folks on this district. Are they following the issue and do they know but the basics on what china has done and that where in some sense at war with them at least an information and technology work. The right mentor jobs and loss of jobs. Weve actually seen factory. From china had gone over there. So they are aware of that. I dont think it is a tough issue. The top issue is referring to the war on virus. And how you respond to lockdowns in the economic difficulty. In arizona were were stay so so concerned with immigration and crossborder transmission of the viruses, the Human Trafficking and Drug Trafficking as well. Thank you very much chairman pradip and think your brother. We have general scott here and he is the Foreign Relations committee in congress. He has been tracking china for a while. What he got for us general. We might not be at work with china but they been at war with us for a long time. The infection did with us in the long way produced and outlined in a book that unrestricted warfare is about. Actually dont prefer a half were. They prefer an economic war. Which they have been engaged in a long time thinking about some of the questions that chairman biggs answered, think the people in my district are starting to get a vilas basin, the United States government has lied to the American People for the balance of 40 years about the relationship that china and that they were a strategic competitor. Not what they really are. And whether its the coronavirus out of wuhan and in that regard, the theft. And i was listening to the things that and it rattled off. We have given some of the stuff that they had taken a whole lot of stuff and we opened the door. Over and over and over again. His way beyond time for the United States to shut that door and recognize that and its important i think in this discussion probably all of us would agree is important to differentiate between the Chinese Communist party and chinese people. Chinese communist party was put into power with the assistance of the United States by the way the late 40s in the 50s. As we need to recognize that and then treat them accordingly. I think really of china as a thug off proceed. A criminal organization that runs this geographically run this whole group of people which is a country. This how we need to see it. I am working on a lot of things. I think a lot of folks are. Rep. Scott perry we want to name them a transnational criminal organization, the chinese party. [applause]. That opens up the whole pan of things to not only the United States and International Courts predict that is who they are. When we look at what who what happened in germany and say never again bill of the things that are happening in western china right now. To get just a its inconvenient because we have such economic times. Everything a little town in pennsylvania and one or two industries when i was growing up in of the course of my lifetime, all of them have gone and most of them have gone to china. Theres a reason for that. We have allowed it and enabled it now, it is way beyond time to recognize who they are take the same actions you would against any other criminal organization which means tough actions. Means like the chairman says, shut sanctions also pulling people campbell. Chinese communist party is guilty of egregious things. We cant tolerate that weather happens in china or in the human United States as they believe this because no one else can. Awesome and thank you. I think i just want to follow up on that logic and ask our folks in your district that were in an economic war with china. They following this issue and are they ready to take action i still just kind of while the American People have strong notions and they have a hard time understanding with the general saying. These folks are doing some of the stuff that the have done. We have a hard time stomach came back. Our folks looking at it in texas. Happy birthday underway. [applause]. Yes give him a hand. Sunday im the one able to sit appear do things like this pretty kind of folks in texas, let me tell you. Appreciate what my colleagues said. Member way back when the islamic was decapitating christians overseas. A lot of people said the United States would get involved and he said no we dont want this. Dennis a look, theres some little boys back in my district who would volunteer to be had those terrorists let me just tell you. Youre sick of it. They are absolutely sick of it. Im so proud of our president for recognizing that. Im so proud that he took us out of the World Health Organization for example. Medway, you mentioned you in general. We need to be out of the human as far as im concerned. In the u. S. Out of the human. The anti israel most of the time. I would tell you that my district knows the Strong Manufacturing district, members of congress. We are the 13th largest extorting district in the country. Three coastal counties. Im proud the president has recognized that in talking about charles, thanks for you saw him with a lying in the spine that they are doing. You saw him closed on the consulate in houston the other day. The chinese retaliated might closing theres down. Our babies. Youre watching for chinese not only do the kinds of things the technology they are talking here, but his face. The space race going on and think of the present have the foresight to initiate the space force would pass now. Listen, make no mistake. When china is their own space station, they will recognize it. It will absolutely weapon eyes it. To where they can take down our satellites for their already in the truck right now. They have the technology. So my people might district in texas absolutely get it and know whats at stake. Actually directs the National Council to do a study on china and all of the ill effects and attempts it is trying to make on the technology as it relates to space. We are watching this in a great degree of interest. Space center while the might district. Ill finish by saying one thing. Youre right scott. Not necessarily a cold war. We dont know war with people china is the government. The peoples republic of china actually pretty radical criminals. We took them and make them accountable. I think is coming full steam. Less panel time of the four big speeches from secretary pompeo. And congressman three, when you just shared there. Get a military background. To what extent are we at war. China declares that they are at war. 1999, couple kernels in the chinese army that was, now they are at generals. The American People ready to basis. Thank you for having me here today. I think we have to look at it, to put some structure around the discussion, the way i like to look at it is use the dime paradigm. Deeper diplomatic, i for informational him for military any for economics. And we are pretty much confronted by them in every single one of those pretty diplomatically, make the way they manipulated the World Health Organization the way they refused to obey the courts the rules those islands are not theres informationally, the cyber War International property that. They hacked records. Military records. They hacked our subbasins. You look at the military side, and you become a they are massive increases in both their capability and the number of military forces intentionally set up to deny us access to parts of the world. And then economically, their it theft has destroyed billions of dollars of our gdp. In this gdp which fuels are military which allows us to provide security to the world. On every one of those categories, were being confronted and we need to be confronting back. I have three bills lecture the request. Some of the suffrage number one manufacturing fact for the bill that spends any coming hobos from china back to the United States. 100 percent of the cost move. The novellas there buying up this Distressed Companies have National Security impact. So what were doing this we have a bill, that creates basically an investment guarantee. So what if American Company buys distressed companys, there backing for. So china is a buying a company that helps them. Then i have another bill, we send a lot of money to this wuhan lab. We dont know exactly the American People dont know exactly how Many American dollars go to china. We need to transparency bill on every one of those dollars. And i think you very much but i have one more question. Andy, and you get the chance to do some bipartisan work whatever is left in that realm. Lately, the democrats in the senate, 98 zero on this semi fun thing. Your Retirement Fund. Military Retirement Fund investing at military weapons ended us. Is there any or do any word on Bipartisan Legislation to go further than that. Like the auditing of chinese firms through the ftc which are not right now. The good news coming down the pipe. I like tv goodness, hearing about goodness. We should be auditing. They should be treated like american companies. That is the advantage. I would just tell you that if i can just say, internationally, there might be some good news. That is to say, institutions are not happy with jim and from china. Very upset but the ruling became out that china had no right to ownership or title of these islands traded in South China Sea. The problem they were facing is that china, the philippines, the freighted to take them on. And the leader there, so we will go one way or the other but we dont know which way we will go gets. Then youre dealing with vietnam which is had to deal with the chinese for millions actually. But the good news is i think those states, on International Front really kind of had it with chinas i can say, their bullying bullying in the area. In this snow by financia one th, about 30 trillion in National Debt pretty soon. It is not being brought into by a lot of those in the region. The good news. But when you get back to her colleagues across the aisle, we could somehow convince them that it was not russia but it was china. It was china that was the issue instead of donald trump, we might get some action. Well time in congress, who had bills or amendments rain in china and we can get no support from the other side. Through the majority right now and they could buy the table on all of the stuff. And still, foreign affairs, were actually passing some amendments in the Transportation Committee regarding training china cant because foreign affairs. That is ridiculous. On the select committee for the coronavirus. Columbia university justin 61 percent of our casualties couldve been prevented in china alerted us just one week center. It is about 85000 denmark is because china didnt and we cannot get a select committee on the coronavirus to look at china as a potential cause. [laughter]. I think we can do is just talk to the world and get it out. I think each of them and for us today. His honor serving with you all we have great leadership and thank you for continuing thats. The rest of you guys, were all singing from the same songbook when it comes to china. I think the market people are behind us. There are a few elites in the way. I was got to the war. Thank you brothers. We have a few more guys coming up. Hang on. Are you guys ready. Welcome back. We are sponsoring that Freedom Caucus. I think we have about 14 members covering china with us. We are going start off by this panel with norman. We start off by asking you, janet we are at war. At some level. Information war. How do you characterize but the folks in your district think. When were at war but they willing to take action on it are they just curious still pretty. Norman its a combination. One, they call it what it is. This came out of china. It just was not something that came from North Carolina or virginia florida. It came from china. Secondly, its given them a better awareness of the issues that we face. That they didnt know about. Confucius institute for an example. People now, and we have one entity school at South Carolina where they are teaching taking our intellectual property under this disguise of scientific study. With giving them awareness, its given them a i guess a more morning to learn more about it. Look at what this pandemic is cost 4. 1 million lives. The Economic Impact is what is striking. It came out of nowhere. On that one. You are successful in business. You have linkages, you know everybody. If we do go forward it in the couple from china in a serious way. Bring back the supply chains quickly. What will be the feel of business. And of the chamber we will have to push back on wall street just cost main street usa, we want to be punitive but we want to bring it back. We just for that. Unit with the number one, doctor dennis, the cheap sweatshop labor was also cheap. For what they have done to this country, economically, the human toll and i think there is a willingness now and its almost an American Pride shield the supply change and to start it here in the country. We get dollars back here. There urging other countries to make products critically the carbon infection, we have the industry. Volvo. Learning how to get selfsufficient. We cannot afford to let this happen again. Thats good here. So even the banks are starting to say, we see the writing on the wall plaintiff we are starting to move toward selfsufficiency sprayed you get it. Is gotta be a groundswell. From the smallest business to the largest business. And wall street is were we going to get kicked. Wall street to stop by this. It made a lot of money. Everybody has over the years. At what cost. At this time in our history, to have this happen is unamerican it cannot happen again. With the come after the coaching supply. Theres a lot going to find out in the next coming months and years about this thing. Thank you very much. What you make, the proposition, he said the Third Quarter of 19, on the red blinking in china. The economy has multiple problems. Across all sectors pretty debt problems in the 50 trillion range and assets of this kind of thing. In the virus is launched. Boy, is quite a coincidence pledgee pain, saying its easy to catch her best in bryan ten. As a 4 percent growth for growth and some folks are saying that this may be more of a paper tiger. Then reality. As a 19 trilliondollar, and best buy the total gdp. You assess the strength of china. I know you think eric parking at all. They still full born pretty. I think we look at the control. You got to go to one road around the world where they leverage to resource. Their stronghold on critical minerals. So this one of the strongest points actually have. Most new technology, Cutting Edge Technology is dependent on these minerals. They have a supply chain like no other. Eventually sold them in japan, utilizing this and they even threw it out with us as well. From the media. They are all over the world. I was there in early 2019 and guess who was there. China on the port. So anything about the military establishment. They actually have a military that is everywhere around the world. I said, earlier that its a rhino for Queen Elisabeth right now the uk starting to ante up. And trump american first. But we with the rest of the world. Prince of the uk and the Battleship Group by the South China Sea right now, you can says that we will get some of from the rest of the world that as at china. I would hope that we do. Ive been in the region with the doctor yoho. And very learning informational aspect. But one problem. It exists dave that there is aristocracy here in america. Where we actually gave our technology to the chinese thinking they would be like us. And still goes forward even today. And what would trying to restrict things, now we do as we give them a bypass and go collect 200 humidity ticket to portugal. So china is for on us. So it is hard to have a cohesive battle plan when part of your backdrop what your leadership is fighting against you. Thank you paul for being here. Congressman mike cloud, representing texas. I did not get to serve with you but got me with you and im impressed with everything you are working on. When you look out of china, iran a cultural war. Back in the 60s, the cultural piece was get rid of all of the old confucian ethics and the religions, the old saying spread will proverbs. We have a little bit of that going on in this country right now. Maybe more than a little. So when you look across the country, you see the sunrise coming out. You see any association between china. You guys all get the chinese deli delivered in the major papers and come to your door. China is an all out aggressive push backing a lot of the unrest here. How do you do without that in neck, your district pretty. Is really hard to look at the landscape is so true. And not see chinas fingerprint and virtually every facet of were in right now. Waking up to the realization that china has not been our friends. They in turn over goodwill to undermine us. And continue to do so. The way they have exerted their influence. We talk with their economic strength. The greatest strength is how they have infiltrated the very fabric of what it means to be an american. And had what they have their way into major positions. When there is a university, media. We see how hollywood is now at their beck and call. I have talked stuff and coming out is very pro american really, they have also been a communist censorship in that. This does and progressing sadly to say for many decades. The way of looking at a country that one from the throne world country to a gratis exponential threat to freedom, and liberty in the world. After recognize that we played a big part continued to play big part in allowing that to happen. Nieman funding it. Seems like across the Freedom Caucus, and the American People. Most of the experts. I dont see any positive books out there in china. All negative. Threats, headed quote, those names of the titles. The action items. What do we need to do to get this right. Ive heard with pompeo, adr, and theres been some talk this morning that a lettuce and we want to know about the virus and the dna strand and all of the technical stuff. If you dont understand, we become strongly. Financially, not just harassment financially. What action steps and people take it was a this country. We have to remember that we the people defines us. But we the government. Certainly theres a roleplay from the policy standpoint. Its wonderful to have the administration taking that seriously. Right in the middle of our energy sector. Her medical sector. Interspace and Technology Sector right. It is so important to do that. We have to do what we can pretty know there are bills to talk about banning tiktok for example. If every american understood the threat to china is sprayed they would delete tiktok today. We dont need a government mandate to do that we need an understanding of the American People that china is not playing games with us. What is the difference between him and the soviet union and communion preleased the soviet union was honest. China has been willing to shake our hands a smile on their work in every facet to undermine our very existence. Very well put. It is very hard to get that across pretty. Thing i will follow up on congressman cloud pretty tiktok thing. Some of the folks out there, by law in china, every chinese firm has back door, all of the information has to go to china. That might flow, it will flow. To the tiktoks and the others in the issue of auditing. Folks dont know every firm in the index fund here. New York Stock Exchange or whatever. It has to be audited by the ftc. The chinese from dont have to. I think biden and clinton were in on that. How have we been so flatfooted we give chinese firms a better deal with the means, not audited, feeling stuck in a chinese company, and none chinese people, the cdp, they say, you do this. You owe nothing. Your profit zero. I responded this. How are we so naive to give them this status and what are we going to do about it pretty. Will attention to what was going on. This is been 30 40 years of ignorance and dereliction of duty. China, in a very smart and astute about what they do. And they use our laws against aspirin they claimed National Security interests pretty when you have an organization or business, understand this country, and sponsored by the Chinese Communist party. There is no separation. The board members, the chinese members. Looking dayton ohio. Those managing businesses, managers about our Chinese Communist partys. President obama did a great documentary that called american and i invite people to watch that. Shows you exactly was going on in china. To be able to deal with china hussars policies. I was a work that were with him but i think we need to wake up. When i was in business, dupree about my targeting to my competitor. I made my business better. If so if we beat them on competition which we can because we fend that in past, but if you understand with their game is, it will teach have responded that. Michael was here for his book is a wakeup call. I been in congress for eight years. Subcommittee on foreign affairs. When you understand what they are trying to do, make the decisions easier their goal number one is to be the World Economic superpower in the military superpower have complete autonomy. And they are 75 years into that now. I can 1949 out the hundred year marathon. I watch the documentary back in the 80s. Need to be cant compete with japan or americans rated for 90 your manufacturing that we can on the market metals rare earth metals. They have done that. You realize today that they have cornered the market on the agrochemicals. The same Company Controls the third of the seats that the farmers used for the on the largest hog producers in this country. They control the supply chain and the vitamins and minerals that go into her animal feed, they control the supply chain on the minerals and trace elements that go into our fertilizers and you look at api in gibsons books china rx outlines it very well. You with anything else. We are saying in congress a bipartisan wakeup doing that pretty go back to when the president was here the product that landmasses in the subtenancy. I refused to call them islands because they give simple legitimacy. We have no intention of militarizing them yet they are militarized and you can land fighter jets there. Defensive and offensive weapons pretty one of the people that we talk to out of hong kong said, hes very well in first grade he said if the Chinese Communist party says this, is a lie. Our role is not with chinese people. To the Chinese Communist party. Theres a distinction there. And then if you listen to 19 Chinese Communist Arctic Congress in 2017. He was very bold print he said that era of china has arrived. No longer will we be made to follow her interest from the roper it is time for china to take the world by the stage. They dishonor the contract from the world for you look at what they have done in the South China Sea. Came into arbitration by the philippines and 2615. They lost that. They ignored the ruling. Is anybody there. So they dont honor contracts part of what they are doing to hong kong. Your commitment. And ignored that another focusing on taiwan. Can we do about that. We have got a policy that we have written in our office we share with manufacturers only promote manufacturing abc methods. Every time we buy a product from china, and empowers the nation. Without the mongolian trade act pretty it creates 50000 jobs by allowing them to bring them to this country instead of going to try to prove china today, is still considered a developing nation in the wc oh. With that legislation this is no youre not. Given economy the size, the Blue Water Navy, space program, the second largest economy in the world. Thats what friends do not a developing nation. The Taiwan Invasion prevention act we are submitting believe this week. Nurses political and goofy in im humidity. All negotiations me peaceful. They overstate that and use force, we are ready to draw blood on taiwan. If that happens, this bill authorizes automatically, we can help one defend themselves. But is predicated on which one of those was her choice, not ours. As a fiveyear period to sunset. Those are the things we can do to send a signal and we cannot do this alone. There has to be a call to action by these other nations. As a block of ten nations millions of people, 3m dollars in trade pretty think of to stand up with us. Im informed this, Prime Minister and chairman. In the new one from been on. And he told me, he said we have a contract that we dont interfere with the politics of other nations. But that was 50 years ago the world has changed. You need to come together as a block. It wont be just you. It will be canada germany france, south korea, australia, india and he suppose that the rest of the world will say enough is enough. I had a good feeling. You until we got the smartest guys in the room. He said yoho, my cloud, ralph norman, thank you all very much for being with us. Were going to fix this problem. [applause]. No better time. [applause]. [background sounds]. Tonight on the communicators, American Economic liberties project executive director, cerebellar and Baker Donelson senior advisor, on whether big tech is too big. Are not going to be start facebooks, more amazons and more googles. Because our antitrust systems and policymakers have allowed these corporations to have an enormous amount of power in the prospective market to shut down competition and engage in self referencing a predatory behavior. When i heard from as leaders of those businesses talk with the american success story. All the things they are doing to help our current economy thrive and grow and how to make american the most competitive techie ecosystem in the world. Summa sarah miller and mara comstock tonight and eight eastern on the communicators. On cspan2. This week cspan, the indentures look at the lives of working men who ran for the presidency and lost. But change history. Boston contenders this week at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan starting tonight, 1844 president ial candidates, and

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