We been an unbiased resource to advance knowledge and understanding and an important part of our work is to serve as a resource for reporters and journalists. Today i am honored to welcome back our special guest doctor Anthony Fauci who as Everybody Knows has been at the epicenter of solving every Infectious Disease challenge of the lasttwo decades. Doctor fauci the last time we spoke it was 2018 and we were recognizing 100 years since the 1918 pandemic with the past two vaccinesand today where and another precipitous moment in history. Were glad science has evolved since 1918 standards and could not be more honored you are here to explain the latest science and the path to hopefully a Coronavirus Vaccine and to be here to answer the questions from the reporters so thank you so much. Im going to turn it over for your opening remarks now. Thank you sarah and its a great pleasure to be with you today to address the breakfast healthcare reporters by the alliance and health policy. It was good to see you and bill again. Im going to be talking today about the obvious topic that is essentially gripped the entire planet and that is covid19 and im going to talk about what the research responses. In january soon after it became clear that we were dealing with a brandnew pathogen that was a coronavirus i wrote a perspective in the journal of the American Medical Association and i entitle it Coronavirus Infections more than just the common cold and it wasnt meant to be tongueincheek but i wanted to get the reader to appreciate that the coronavirus phylogenetic tree if you look at it over for historical classic coronavirus is that are highlighted in yellow that are responsible literally for the common cold as we see 15 to 30 percent of all the recurring common colds are caused by those for coronavirus is highlighted in yellow. However in 2002, in 2012 we had our First Encounter with a coronavirus pandemic potential and actually pandemic capabilities and that was a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome he saw in 2002 which was the first pandemic coronavirus in the middle east respiratory system which occurred in 2000. I dont want to go into any amount of discussion about that. Most of you remember that as we had outbreaks that were able to be brought under control by predominantly Public Health measures. And then we fastforward to the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 when what emerged again the same sort of pattern as far as jumping species from a bat to an intermediate host to human, we had the third pandemic potential and as we know in reality the true pandemic of a new coronavirus that emerged out of wuhan in china again from a situation where we had a zoo not a jump from an animal to a human and here again in the vital genetic tree highlighted in yellow is what were dealing with today as far as coronavirus too. Just to get everyone on the same page, the disease is called covid19 for its appearance in late 2019. The virus itself is referred to as sars covid2 because of its proximity to the original sars v. 2. Almost 19 million cases throughout the world and over 700,000 deaths. The United States has been hit harder than any other country in the world with close to 5 million cases and 156 thousand deaths. The patterns of what has happened in our country compared to the European Union is very telling. As you can see in blue the European Union countries peaked and came down to a relatively manageable baseline. Whereas in the United States we peaked but we never fully came down to a baseline which hovered around 20,000 until the surges that we saw in the Southern States of florida, texas, arizona and california led to daily peaks of cases as high as 70,000, the most recent of which is approximately 50,000 and the reason is we never really fully as it were shut down in a uniform way throughout the country although some states and cities did very well in that regard. Again, look at the disparity and whats going on in different regions of the country. Why its very dangerous and sometimes misleading to be able to talk about the country and eight united mention away. The northeast particularly when the pandemic was driven by the new york metropolitan area had a peek and came right down to baseline. Midwest hovered around a lower level whereas what youre seeing in south and the west now is you can see the peaking of cases both in the Southern States and some midwest and other states. Lets quickly look at the virology. As i mentioned this is a beta coronavirus that has a number of structural proteins. The one thats important is the spike protein. Actually those spikes that come out of the outer covering of the virus is the reason why when you look at it under electron microscopes looks like a crown with the spokes that come out of a crown and hence the word coronavirus which stands for crown. The receptor refers to receptors on the body cells and these are distributed widely throughout the body including the upper and lower respiratory tracts. The transmission is very clear. Its a respiratory virus with transmission among people in close contact, particles that remain in the air over time and in Effective Services no less so than persontoperson and the virus is found in multiple body fluids. However there role in transmission is unknown. Animals including domesticated ones can be infected but they are not subject at all to be a source of human infection. One of the most perplexing things about this virus is good news bad news is that about 40 to 45 percent of the infections are without symptoms. Thats good. The bad part about that is most people can actually spread infection so you have insidious spread in the community by individuals who are not even aware there infected. The clinical presentation resembles a flulike syndrome which shows the percentage of signs and symptoms on this slide. There is an unusual situation that we rarely see and other diseases which is a loss of smell and taste which actually precedes the onset of respiratory syndromes. Again one of the things about this disease, this pathogen that is so unique is the extraordinary Broad Spectrum of diseases whereas the percentage of 40, 45 people have no symptoms atall , confusing the picture because others can have mild illness, moderate illness requiring staying at home for days to weeks with some following the clearing of the virus. Some requiring hospitalizations and some even intensive care, intubation, ventilation and even death so it is a Broad Spectrum ofmanifestations. If you look at the relative proportion of those, more than 80 percent have very mild to moderate symptoms. Whereas about 15 to 20 percent have severe symptoms and depending upon the age and the underlying condition, the fatality rate really varies from a few percent to well above 15, 20 percent but as a whole, when you count everyone including those who are asymptomatic, the fatality rate relatively speaking is quite low. However if you are in the risk group for progression it is relatively high. The manifestations of the disease are mostly respiratory with acute respiratory syndrome but were starting to see a number of other organ systems that are involved and were learning more about that literally every day and every week such as cardiac, kidney, neurological, hyper coagulant and emboli leading to strokes and otherwise relatively Healthy People and an unusual syndrome in children of inflammation that resembles a syndrome called kawasaki disease, again for just starting to learn more about that. Nonpulmonarycomplications as i mentioned in the previous slide are shown here. The people at risk for severe illness are older individuals and those with underlying diseases. What about those underlying diseases . What are they often mark those associated with absolute strong increased risk our heart conditions, kidney, pulmonary, obesity, sicklecell disease and immunocompromised for a number of conditionsincluding transplantation. Those that may confer an increased risk are things like asthma, type i diabetes , hypertension and a variety of other syndromes that are shown here on this slide. Another thing that weve noticed that is very clear is the racial and ethnic disparity with the pervasive disparity among minorities including African Americans or american and native indians. Here we show the relative rate of hospitalizations among our example black nonhispanics is about five times greater than what we see with whites so not only do they have a greater chance of getting infected, they clearly have a greater chance of getting a serious outcome and as shown here when you look at death above and beyond hospitalization take a look at the dark bar on the top, africanamericans at 71, 2. 5 times in white which is 28 when youre looking at the deaths per 100,000. The test for sars covid2 and antigen test for the proteins as well as anybody antimoney test which does not detect the virus that tells you you have been exposed and infected and likely to recover. The nih has put together a Guidelines Panel which is a living online document that you can access through covid19 guidelines nih. Gov and give you the uptodate Clinical Data on where we are with therapy and in that regard , to therapies, remdesivir have been shown to be effective and ill get to that. There are other examples of things that we are investigating such as direct antiviral, convalescent plasma, monoclonal antibodies, twos studies which doctor francis collins, Janet Woodcock and i announced yesterday and then other Companies Like regeneron have already been in Clinical Trial. Their immunomodulators look at lets look at remdesivir, the first drug that shows in a placebocontrolled trial to diminish significantly the time it takes to recover theres a trial in over 1000 patients not only in the United States but europe and asia. Another study from the uk showed that the common steroid dexamethasone is given to hospitalized patients with advanced disease including a ventilator and requiring oxygen, diminish the death rate significantly when compared to control. There were personal things that one can do to prevent acquisition and transmission. Handwashing, avoiding close contact, avoiding crowds , covering mouth with sneezes and coughing and regular cleaning and disinfecting of touched objects. When you talk about broad Public Health measures theres the social and physical distancing, the stayathome orders, modification of school schedule, handson public gathering, closing bars, travel restrictions as well as Contact Tracing and quarantine area and it has shown that the physical distancing including facemasks has dramatically decreased both the acquisition and the transmission of this infection. And in fact if you look at the number of deaths that could have been saved and decrease in number of new cases that social distancing and acted nationally in multiple countries throughout theworld show the same things consistently , finally with regard to vaccines we are taking a strategic approach because multiple vaccine candidates are in the queue to go into advanced testing. Two of them just last week july 27, the pfizer product and motor not product went into Clinical Trial in the phase 3 and hopefully the next several months we will know whether or not they are safeand effective. These are the entire risk of vaccine candidates that the federal government is supporting. Others are being done independently in other countries including the uk, china and russia. There are nucleic acids like viral vectors like dsp, and as i had spoken about the one we mentioned moments ago is in a phase 3 trial of 30,000 individuals and again to repeat, hopefully we will get an answer in a reasonable period of time measured by the end of this coming year and the beginning of calendar year 2021. For those who have any interest in getting involved in any of the studies of the prevention studies, you can dial into on your web coronavirus prevention network. Org and in this group there are already over 300,000 people expressed interest in being part of some of the prevention trials including vaccines. I like to stop there and id be happy to entertain questions about anything that ive said so far or any other issues that youd like to bring up. Thank you. Thank you so much doctor fauci so we already have questions from our audience and this is really their time so i want to give them the chance to answer. If you have a question these even use the raise hand feature and i will allow you to talk and you will unmute yourself and ask your question. Please identify your name and your affiliation before answering, asking a question and unfortunately we will only have time for one question per person to try to get to as many as we can. Genevieve, please goahead. Go add doctor fauci, i just want to know if you remember on january 3, 1992 at the nih. Yes, of course. I doremember it well. I hope that you are well and welcome to the program. I appreciate your continued work. Did you want to ask question for doctor fauci about thecontent . We will go to rick daly next. Rich, go ahead please unmute yourself. Can you hear me. Which daily with healthcare financial magazine. I wanted to check doctor fauci if you or the task force is looking or have looked at the possibility that some researchers tell me the coronavirus is not going away , that its going to be with us for decades and that any vaccines that are approved they only protect half the population and the Society Needs to prepare for that possibility. I want to know if thats something thats been looked at. If you have any thoughts on that and if its affecting whatwere doing now all. I think we need to be careful when you say its not going to go away. Remember theres only been one virus in the history of the planet that has been eradicated and that smallpox so people get a little bit confused. You can very well control and essentially eliminate from any given country a virus. We hope we can do that, you may adequately control it with a combination of public measures and a safe and effective vaccine. We dont know how effective vaccine is going to be. We hope its quite effective to the tune of 70, 80 or more percent effective but we dont know that until you do the randomized was evil controlled trials. So i think when you talk about 50 to percent, thats an assumption that based on the statistical projection of the number of people you need in the trial to prove or disprove efficacy so be careful about that number. We shouldnt be saying its only going to be 50percent effective. Does it very well be much more effective than a fee to 60 percent again, we dont know. Regarding what we need to do and how long this is going to be around we hope as a pandemic threat that we are really on the cusp of seeing the end it as we do Public Health measures and a vaccine. You may have some lingering of infection around that might come back in a seasonal way but hopefully with the technologies and vaccines and getting much much better at our Public Health measures that we will be able to control it in a way that is not a pandemic or an epidemic threat. But i want to mention that is up to us as a society. If we do the fundamental things that weve been talking about or so long. Masks, physical separation , avoiding crowds. Outdoor things better than indoor. You can get the level download enough that you can then control it much better with or without a vaccine. So on the one hand we are dealing with a serious situation but we shouldnt be in despair that it is within our powerwhich it is to control this. Thank you doctor fauci. Normally leave your next. Caller can you hear me . Thanks for speaking with us doctor fauci. I know there are an enormous number of variables with the vaccine but assuming that a vaccine is found to be 70 percent effective can you give us a sense of how widely vaccinations would have to be done in the United States in order to get to a point in which the more extreme measures such as widespread mask wearing and no indoor mixing and so forth could reasonably be back to capacity. We do not know yet what the precise level of protection you need in the community to get what we call herd immunity and as you know for those of you not familiar , herd immunity is a certain percentage of the people who are protected, even though it isnt 100 percent. When you get to a certain level that are protected you have whats called an umbrella protection of the entire community because so many people are immune that the virus doesnt have any way to really generate any momentum. Thats called herd immunity. We dont know what that number is. Theres some estimates anywhere 50 percent, 20 percent, 75 percent, we dont know what we want to do is have a combination of people who are immune to cause they recover and there are many of those i can tell you, plus the amount of protection we can get with a virus, excuse me a vaccine which could be 50, 60, 90 percent. I believe we can do that and thats the reason why even though were having a very difficult situationright now , i believe that together with a vaccine we could get to that percentage so i wouldnt want to put the number down because i dont have scientific firm data. I believe its probably somewhere between 50 and 75 percent i dont know for sure. Thank you doctor fauci and we have another question so ill ask it now read can you lay out the Distribution Plan for a vaccine whether it be for small or wider use, if its going to be high risk groups first. Can you comment a little bit about the current thinking about who gets first and maybe also if you could comment on some of the racial and ethnic disparities you alluded to when it comes to what aDistribution Plan for a vaccine might look like . Lets assume the scenario that i believe we will be able to reach that within a reasonable period of time as we are into 2021, if we get a safe and effective vaccine which im cautiously optimistic that we will that we will have enough vaccine to the tune of hundreds of millions of doses that what you would like to see is to ultimately get everybody vaccinated because if you want to control a pandemic, if you really want as many people as possible so i would see something similar to what we see with influenza where you really recommend that everybody can get a vaccine and should be vaccinated but having said that theres a precise question of the person who asked that question. That is that when you start off doing vaccinations, are not going to have hundreds of millions of doses on day one. So you will likely have to do some sort of prioritization. Both for the number of doses as well as for the logistics of just getting the vaccination done. Traditionally, when you ask that question the Advisory Committee on immunization practice which is a committee that advises the cdc would come out with a prioritization. This time, that process is being complemented by a group put together by the National Academy of medicine which was solicited by the nih and the cdc to complement that decisionmaking process and thats when you get together the group of ethicists, backs and apologists, scientists, Community People to try and figure out what the type of priority generally, though were not going to speak for them yet. Generally the priority is to get Healthcare Providers who are going to be putting themselves at risk to take care of people. Namely the First Responders as well as those at high risk for complications like the elderly and those who have underlying conditions. Regarding the Racial Disparity we are putting a lot of attention and work into making sure we have equitable distribution both in the vaccine trial itself as well as in the distribution so that we dont have a disparity with those who are in the racial and ethnic minorities do not have what i call equitable and fair representation both in the trial and in the distribution. Going to be trying very hard on unity outreach and education to get those people involved in the trials. Thank you doctor fauci. Shannon first, you can go next. Go ahead and unmute yourself. Caller hello . Host all set. I wanted to ask you on vaccine and if africanamericans and people in the black community are 2 and a half more times likely to become sicker than what people should they be given priority and is this your discussion on this already can you say anymore about what we should be doing to ensure strong access to care given that that patient who are more likely to get to the hospital of Academic Centers for may receive better treatment. Is a very good question. Im going to need the prioritization. I dont want to jump ahead. Of the group thats going to recommend it. But as i said, its likely going to be those who are at higher risk and sincerely when you look at the ethnic and racial minorities, they in fact in many respects are at higher risk so letstalk about those risks. Theres two types of risks. And i have called it kind of like a double whammy of a disparity. One, the risk of getting infected. And the other two are the risks of getting a serious outcome if you are infected. Racial and ethnic minorities including as i mentioned black american, African Americans, left index or native americans have a higher riskof getting infected because you look at the Demographic Group , so you dont like to generalize, and heres where generalization makes sense because as a group , on the nature of the kinds of jobs they have, it is less likely that they can protect themselves by being in a position where they can do things virtually. Theyre usually out in the community but the essential jobs that require contact. Contact with people who might be infected. So we do know they have a high risk of getting infected. The other thing is that they have a high risk of getting competitions. But the one about risk of infection, thats something you can do nothing about right now. You can be sure that resources for testing, the return of the results for testing, the access to healthcare, you can concentrate resources now in areas that you have demographic concentration of populations at risk. Thats something that would require mobilization of resources like testing and access to clinics. Longerterm one, the social determinants of health which allow minorities to have a higher incident of diabetes, hypertension, Heart Disease , obesity are things that we require a decades long commitment to change those determinants so that over time you wont have people who have such a higher incidence of those underlying conditions. Not something you can change overnight but itssomething you could start doing something about right now. Thank you doctor. We have a question from Patrick Martin of nbc and im going to let him go ahead and ask life. Caller thank you for taking the time. The biggest thing of what were seeing lately is the spread of a younger population so im just wondering what is the strategy to reach this younger population and you know, have them know how dangerous the spread is in the younger population. Thats a great question and that is what i spend most of my outreach efforts in the press talking to people like yourself who can get the word out. And thats the reason why i enthusiastically do this. Because if you look at whats going on right now as i said in my formal presentation, theres good news bad news the percentage of people we dont have symptoms, it is much more likely that a person will have a serious consequence of infection. Namely, they could go without symptoms of. When the symptoms might be minor and my. Which means that the general understandable feeling in an innocent, inadvertent way is that if i get infected, the likelihood is that im not going to have any problem so why worry about changing my behavior if im not going to have any problem with it . That assumes that you are in a vacuum and you are getting infected has nothing to do with anybody else. That is incorrect and the message is even though as a young, healthy vibrant person who likes to go out and do the kind of fun things we all like to do, being in a crowd, why wear a mask, go to a bar, do those kinds of things, what you dont realize is if you get infected even if you have no symptoms you are part of the propagation of the pandemic. Because youre getting infected even though you are without symptoms means its likely youre going to innocently and inadvertently affect someone else who will then infect someone else who may wind up having a serious consequence so youre not in a vacuum. You can be part of the problem of getting the outbreak or you can be part of the solution of protecting yourself because if we want to get those numbers down and we want to open up the economy and open up the country so that you can actually ultimately get back to some form of normality, you are part of the process of getting us there and so dont be a weak link in the chain. Be a very strong part of the chain of ultimately getting us down. Thats the message got to get the young people because obviously theyre not doing anything deliberately or maliciously but what theyre doing is inadvertently they are propagating the outbreak. Host doctor fauci if i could follow up on that speaking of the Risk Communication we know people with underlying conditions are at high risk but weve also read tragic stories about younger people who do get sick and who do even die and weve also been hearing that even those who recover, its not necessarily a complete and total bounce back. Can you that a little bit and how do we communicate that . This is not a scare tactic. Look at the science and go by the data. Yes, the chances of you getting a serious outcome is much much less than an individual who goes on because of an underlying condition but what were seeing more and more of now are two things. Young people who actually get a serious outcome of the disease itself before they even recover and clear the virus. I mean, i have seen situations, one close to home where a very close friend of a member of my family was a 32yearold fibrins, healthy, wonderful young man got covid and died of complications involving his heart so it can occur. Also we are seeing a much larger number of people who get covid, have to stay in bed for a while, get some symptoms but then when they think they recover they come back and find their energy level is low, they cant do some of the things they want to do. They have chronic fatigue, they just dont get back to normal very quickly. In fact the studies showed that a substantial portion of people even after theyve cleared the virus can go anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks or more not feeling normal and i personally know colleagues, scientific and Public Health colleagues whove gotten ill and months later have still not got back tonormal so this is not a trivial infection. Though most people do really really well but you dont want to be one of the smaller percentage that get into trouble. Thank you so much. We have questions from Christine Lehman and i would say we have 20 minutes left so were going to try to keep them moving. Christine, go ahead. Caller im representing web m. D. And i want to ask a little bit more about the science section from covid and you may have said something about wearinggoggles. The one to repeat the question that question was about my protection and wearing goggles to what is about and what can you say about it. It isnt a new guidance. It isnt a formal recommendation but we know that the virus can enter through mucosal surfaces and mucosal surfaces on the upper face and ear, mouth, nose and eyes. So that came about because when i was speaking to a group of teachers, one of the teachers who asked the question in the q and a similar to the q a were doing now said in the classroom many of us cause we get such close contact with the children and children often, they dont cover their sneeze when they cough, we want to add an extra degree of protection so many of us wear either goggles or face shields and face shields, Something Like this which is a face shield. Some of the teachers are doing that so the question is if you have the availability and capability of wearing goggles, its not a form or a recommendation yet because buddies have not been done as together with masks, you could do it if i were in a situation where i were in the classroom and a lot of children with sniffles and things i might very well do it. It certainly cant hurt and if you can do it it might help. Host thank you and since you mentioned schools we have a chat question from stephanie, are you concerned doctor fauci that the media and public are putting too much emphasis on a possible vaccine and as were seeing schools reopen and rallies, are there other things that point to create a false sense of security or that are there other things that we ought to be focused on . I dont think were putting an emphasis on a vaccine, dont have it yet so let me make it clear about emphasis. What were saying is were trying very ultimately get a vaccine that might be available bythe end of the year or the beginning of 2021. That everyone should be doing avoiding crowds, outdoor better than indoor. Washing your hands with soap and water all alcohol based type of sanitizer. And if you are in a particular region any type of person who would do that, stay away from bars. In regards to schools, it is important that the general default position, we should try as best as we possibly can to bring the children back to school. For a number of reasons, the two most important a common port for their psychological help. Find in some sections, regions, counties, the School Provides a source of nourishment for the children because they get their breakfast, and lunch there. Also, the secondary downstream unintended ripple effects on families must dramatically modify their Work Schedules the children are not in school. Having said that, there is a big however or but there. And the however is primary and paramount consideration is the safety, the health, and the welfare of the children and the teachers. So when you look at the United States is a big country. With certain areas we prefer to green states and regions with a level of infection is solo he should have no trouble getting the children back to school. There are others with levels of infection that is modest kind of yellow states as it were would have modification alternating hybrid come in person by virtua virtual, some physical distancing may be some outside classes, we leave that to the locals to figure out how to safeguard the children and still do that. And then there are some areas like we have seen over the past weeks to months of very significant viral activity. Under those circumstances youve got to use common sense. You look at the cdc guidelines and you look at the common sense that it may not be prudent to get the children back to school in those areas. So youve got to say try as best as you can to get the children back to school but one size does not fit all. I refer you to local Health Authorities but also the cdc guidelines and opening schools and what one can do to mitigate against infection in schools. Thank you dr. Fauci. We have questions but i want to ask theres a question about the fall. Meg tyrell do you want to go ahead and ask your question . Unmute yourself please. Sure hi dr. Fauci. I am just wondering on your fall flu season. How are you looking at that . How that might coincide with covid19. We know the flu shot makers are increasing their supply the season. Isnt possible we could have a milder flu season if were doing physical distancing a better hygiene . Thanks meg, its nice to hear from you. Yes thats a great question. There are couple scenarios. Someway can guarantee and some that we have to wait and see. So first of all as we get to the fall and the flu season that we experience every year we want to make sure as many people get vaccinated as influenza as can possibly get vaccinated. I think we did 170 something Million People last year. We want to do even more than that this year. And you know the recommendation for flu shots is that anyone sixmonth of age or older should get vaccinated. Now, what we are going to see . A couple scenarios. It might be that the mask wearing, the physical separation the avoiding crowds, the handwashing, that we are doing now for covid might really, really blunt the flu season. And we hope that is the case in the sense of less flu infections. The other thing that is interesting is there are things called niches for respiratory viruses. Re member in 2009 in the spring when we had the cases of h1n1 swine flu that came in the spring, disappeared in the summer. And then as we got into the fal fall, we were expecting a typical flu season. The respiratory infection of h1n1 completely bumped off the map h3 and two. And you had a flu season that was predominately h1n1. So it is conceivable that this niche type of approach would be that if you have covid of any extent, you might have two reasons to have left less flu. One is you are doing the kinds of things of Public Health, masks et cetera. And two, it might get bumped out by covid. My hope is that both of those would be down. That fox nation for flu Public Health measures flu and covid would have us in a situation where both the flu season is blunted and we have very little covid. That is the goal that we should aspire to because i think its possible. Dr. Fauci. We havent talked much about the business commuting the private sector here. What is their role in communicating the risk and facilitating some of these Public Health measures . What would you say to the Business Community . I think the Business Community is absolutely critical both in propagating the message and operationalizing the message. Because i can see, i mean in stores i go in you see signs no entry without a mask. Stay 6 feet apart. That is the private sector that is not a government side. So we have Government Health officials, scientists and physicians like myself and dr. Deborah birx, doctor redfield and others talking about these things, those are government officials. There is so much out there in the private sector not only to talk about it my role as absolute critical. Great, thank you fauci. Never getting close to our time onto type some of the questions as we look at the respective roles back to developing the vaccine, back to developing the treatment kind of the Unprecedented Research collaboration has the scale of this pandemic change your views at all on how they worked with her . Why do you say about the Research Collaboration and what we can learn from that Going Forward . Well it has been spectacular, i have to say, sarah. I have seen collaborations to a graver drag greater extent paid by the publicprivate partnerships, they collaboration within government of different Government AgenciesLike Operation warp speed is the Dod Department of defense and hhs. The health and human services. Working together in a way that really, really is gratifying to see. Scientists working together, exchanging ideas exchanging dat data. Publications coming out rapidly. Can see something it takes seven months comes out in a week or two. So we are really getting a lot of synergy and cooperation and collaboration which is really good to see. I never getting close to time and we want to respect your time. You are very much in demand in the world right now. Is there anything else you would like to teach with the audience with the general public anything else we didnt cover . No i didnt. But i always like to leave a message is that it is up to us if we pull together. We can control this, we can get it down to a level that is not a pandemic or not epidemic. We get it to a way that we can open the country and get back to some form of normality. We can do it. Sometimes when you really almost fatigued with this, you get despair and say no if everyone pulls together with no weak links in the chain i absently certain it has been shown to happen we get this under control without necessarily needing to lock down. We need to do it by prudent opening up by the guidelines. It should not be locked down or let it fly. There is a way in the middle where we can open up the country and get the economy back. We can do it by prudent following of the guidelines. Thank you so much, on that note we are so grateful for your time and for your incredible expertise, thank you so much for your service and for joining us today our audience didnt get to all of our questions i go to the policy later and for your evaluation, one that you will receive in the email. Dr. Fauci it has been a true honor. Thank you sarah, thank you bill, thank you for having me. Texas Governor Greg Abbott urging local residents get their flu shots early this year due to the coronavirus pandemic pretty made the suggestion along sign Public Health officials in dallas we talked about precautions for slowing the spread of the virus. Want to thank everyone for being here in the medical school for hosting this event