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Sherrod, the whole liberty team. Its been fantastic. We had a great production. I just want to say another word of special thanks to. If you havent done the math on this that is it. We have tom coffin coming up momentarily but we had an issue because the latest date for the great leader in politics, soap will be here momentarily. I just want to key up a little bit on the steve bannon has always said action, action and e have four speeches coming out, attorney general barr, secretary pompeo, steve bannon has outlined all those folks but i want to get his perspective on its remarkable to me cnn isnt covering china and you know more about the Media Business than anyone. Why is that . Spinnaker goes against their narrative and the Mainstream Media is one of the central aspects of the decline of the entire judeochristian United States. Theyve done a terrible job. This story has been in peoples faces for so long and let me give you an aspect of it. On the third week of january, 2017 there were two speeches given. One was at the World Economic forum with the general secretary of the Chinese Communist party. He gave a speech and a couple days later he was followed by the address of donald trump. At the conference, it was all of the Top Hedge Fund founders, Top Investment advisors, banks, marketing firms, communications and all of Mainstream Media. He talked w about the biggest problem in the little dust rising populism and the globalization was the future that have done so well. Remember the time he gave that speech because these are people whatever aspect of payroll and information business. They knew at the time the concentration camps, they knew about the house christians being persecuted and the suppression of the catholic church. They knew of every aspect of the Tiananmen Square movement, all of it and it didnt matter. Donald trump three days later gives whats is known as the american courage of speech. He goes through a litany of the delete and what theyve done according to the american crisis. Now comes the hourhe of action. He disrupted the system. They praised him and condemned to trump. He was a defender of the system and the nationstate and how sovereignty in the collection of the alliance of liberty and thef the sovereign nations will defeat this and of course the Mainstream Media is saying what a visionary and man of the moment, she understands globalization. See this from the deplorable etc. The Mainstream Media has been inextricably linked and here is the reason for the reason al off the American Finance corporations is part of the business model. Our Capital Technology now its amazing if you go around the globe, australia, europe, the uk, brazil. Take us out of the little and let us know what the mainstream is refusing to cover. They are refusing to cover the world. We need an awakening of the American People. When you get the facts out, people will naturally come to your site. Here is what is happening. Its about this alliance of liberty from india for australia, japan, taiwan, the people of hong kong, the United States as the leaders, even the british now talking about before deploying the hns, Queen Elizabeth in singapore with that entire battle group. With you are seeing is on the landmass is the totalitarian dictatorships led by the party with their partners. North korea, pakistan, iran, turkey and russia. And now venezuela. Those nations between one dot one road is trying to consolidate the land mass of into the purpose of me to controls the land as with all f its resources and marketing people into thela totalitarian dictatorship. It shouldnt be lost on the human rights council. Our great allies, the saudis voted with the chinese. And yo the result was 53 votes. All 53 have very limited. This is about, and this is what was so powerful in his interview with fox last week it is about the Chinese People not just understanding that theyve notid understanding that the tainalienable rights. But they continue we are all looking forward to the the kickoff session for the panel this afternoon we cannot wait for you please go out to the center for the agenda tuesday with coming. Its my pleasure to introduce you to one of my personal and heroes in the senate. He served the country and military for years and has an intellect at harvard law but most importantly the figures that emerge in history have a strong moral backbone and center for our colleague speaking procession. Thank you all for being patient. Steve bannon did the war room pandemic show and one of the centerpieces of this is trying to get the leaders action conference. How doo you phrase how the virus made its way here . Was ther very an active intent . Where are you at all and hes . China unleashed this and it was a combination of negligence which is typical of the communist party. So the negligence comes from the earliest days seeking out the cause into the break from early december with the local authorities were creating a system that discouraged those to be honest and again to suppress. The. He refused to come clean early in the World Health Organization and continue to allow International Scientists and medical expert in and they began to intimidate on sharing some of the early lessons since it has handled this better than any other land in the world. Then it had the effect of these cases in places like italy or new york that unleashed a candidate in ththepandemic in t. In my opinion there is no doubt the Chinese Communist party is responsible for talking about what could have been a bad Global Health challenge into the worst pandemic in the last century. There is some level of intent and then 40 million americans dislocated from their jobs, kids out of school, Small Businesses shutt down, bankruptcy, half a year ago we are watching football and kids were going to school. Not just the us but global damage. How do you assess the total damage done and how will we hold china accountable for the damag damage . It does go back to the Chinese Communist party. And anyone affected by the virus who is pretty much everyone losing loved ones , falling ill or been ill or lost their job or their business closed in their savings, schools closed, no one in our country around the world that has not suffered because of the Chinese Communist party to be so deeply indifferent too human life and the Chinese People were the first and worst victims. Some people say it is too cynical to suggest president xi and the leaders were intentionally inflict the virus on the world. I would respond the Chinese Communist party has killed 65 million of their own people. So if you dont think they would sacrifice if you hundred lives of foreigners to maintain their power in the world that they were not the only one that suffered a virus induced recession and you are being very naive. They should be held accountable. There are some ways to hold them directly accountable. I have introduced legislation to sanction officials who lied about this virus or to do so in the future. Have introduced legislation to amend the foreign sovereign immunity act to allow americans to sue chinese officials who are responsible to inflict this harm on them. There could be a couple of exceptions under the current law but why beat around the bush . Lets just state clearly what we did for the 9 11 victims we should do the victims of this virus asfois well. Thats a couple of ways you can make them pay directly but there is a whole host of things to make them pay indirectly and things we should have done a long time ago but this virus has open the eyesll. So over the last 20 years as Congress Gave china most favored nation status and then admitted into the World Trade Organization we have lost millions and millions of manufacturing jobs in critical industry. Not childrens toys or cheap plastic lawn furniture but medical equipment. Pharmaceuticals. Hightech telecom. We have to get the manufacturing out of china for those critical goods i think most americans were learned earlier how dependent we are on china for lifesavingng items. To introduce legislation to provide the incentive necessary to get those manufacturing jobs back in the United States whether accelerated subsidies or direct support like Semi Conductor industry to provide an assured source of demands medicare. , medicaid the v. A. If a by those drugs and then you say they cant buy them if made in china than the domestic manufacturing capacity that we need we will need trade with our partners and japan or denmark or austria that are already source sources. Other things we can do ass well. We can we build the military to deter china from ever thinking they should take a shot at the Unitede States or our allies and partners in the western pacific. We have to crackdown on College Campuses china has confucius institutes little more than a propaganda or espionage centers at worst crackdown on the practice to support american researchers as a way to get them to oblige the support of the Chinese Communist party its a scandal is not illegal itself people who are charged with these crimes are a failure to disclose also department of defense and the head of the Chemistry Department at harvard. Ra that engineering professor in arkansas a couple of months ago we should make it a practice to be funded or to be affiliated or supported those are not direct ways to make them pay the enter go to the Chinese Communist power and the way they build their economy to take our jobspeta so they will feel the pain severely. I appreciate all of that you just prior at one brought up Higher Education president Jerry Falwell and Charlie Kirks vision and we are dedicated obviously know confucius aspect here. But you spent time at harvard and for me its amazing how the elite. I know the answer will be money. But are they chosen to bypass all economic logic who said you put all supply chain is to diversify . How do we ever get to this point and just ignore the monopolies that have arisen that can be abused by china . So how in the world with a shortterm economics . Going back 30 years to the aftermath of the Tiananmen Squaretian massacre we made the mistake of largely overlooking that massacre. There was modest steps taken but that was the moment as the soviet union was crumbling the Chinese Communist party show the true face and it is still a communist country maybe president xi doesnt stand on stay up at night but it has all the hallmarks of a communistalry country. One Party Governance that is authoritarian it denies the free flow of capital and goods and is a state threat to the economy and it brutally oppresses christians and other minorities and now violates International Commitments on a weekly basis whether cracking down on hong kg kong for invadg india and killing troops we largely overlook all that in the 19 nineties. We should have known better hide your strength and by your time they were hiding their strength as it accumulated and biding their time. At best a flawed experiment more likely a terrible mistake to give them the most favored nation status. So that meant American Companies would not invest billions of dollars in supply chains in china if the next congress or president might say we wont continue that but once we made it permanent than the American Companies rushed into the chinese market. First it was for cheap labor. They take manufacturing jobs to getme cheap labor and then continuing Market Access you hear from Hollywood Studios we cant wear maverick where the taiwan patch on his jacket because we cannot access the chinese market. When was the last time you saw a movie in recent years that had the chinese as a villain . It used to be that all the time with the soviet union. Now you dont see it because hollywood is beholden not only to chinese money coming into the studios and the movies but also for access into the market of one. 3 billion people. Too many Business Leaders are willing to focus on shortterm profit profitability or to access the market without thinking through the longerterm implications those businesses are shaken down by Chinese Communist officials through tougher regulations for the force Technology Transfer and losing access to the market thats why the Chinese Business model has been robbed and replicate and replace they rob of technology and jobs and innovation they replicated and they replace it and for too long Business Leaders did not recognize it they were focusing on quarterly profit statements and shortterm s gains i commend the president to open eyes to washington. Im not sure everybodys eyes are open but the American Peoples eyes are. I want to offer some hope that is dire. Then you get the ten papers on the floor in the morning and the chinese inserts are in their having a profound impact on our culture. But china sent us the virus. The pandemic is Global People know it is from wuhan and china but in the suburbs when you see political polling it doesnt seem to have synced in you because the political choices of President Trump has been aggressive for the last four years on china. That is significant. Do you see any hope coming our way that folks are starting to see the culture revolution from china in the sixties . They got rid of the old leadership and old habits and old culture and now we have a little many culture revolution in the states get rid of education and history. I am shocked that clearly its over the top so what is your assessment . With my travels around the country that voters long have concerns about china that were not reflected in washington for many years. Theres a lot of reason will be for the virus in the factory workers that lost their job in the factory closed to move to china with the troopers and family members were stationed in south korea or japan on ships in the western i pacific think about christians or human rights activist in general that were appalled on human rights on freedom of religion and forced abortion and sterilizationan that we can now staying in the province of northwest china. There is no concern they may have had before the pandemic that now that china has unleashed the virus the American People have seen the truth. The ccp could be ahead in tiger. And all the red lights are blinking on china. And with that consumption economy and now president xi is getting concerned. What is the latest assessment and now with the floods and now the mandate of confucius imagination and president xi is on very shaky ground when youre on the intelligence side. First off never believe anything the chinesed r communt party is growing at ever slower rates than before the pandemic. They are probably contracting because they consistently and routinely lie to make their performancee better to their people because they have in their system we will provide stability in return for growth to help bring hundreds of millions of chinese citizens out ofns poverty. As that economic engine slows down that puts more pressure on the regime. And allied of dissatisfaction and dont forget they been the victims of the Chinese Communist party for over 70 years now. And the way that chinese officials live. And then the ability to keep control over power because they are with us communist. And then on the late eighties and early nineties we see communist regimes that appeared to be in power one day and out of power the next. T. And sometimes may seem inequitable. And not per capita but total going around the world and you want to fight with them strategically 33 of the worldclass authors coming up and a fight on asymmetric e terms. If you do that to us we would do it to you when they say we dont care. We dont care about he people. But now with the world tour australia, brazil in subsaharan president s are screaming right now they have strategic allies but do you see that Freedom Alliance even though its a misunderstanding with the America First policy. That makes us more friends globally. How dvr status in the world . E it is strong they have used this pandemic for longstanding goals like depriving hong kong undercover of the pandemic and then from this pandemic they didnt see this right away because many nations were beholden to china for basic protective equipment and they were hesitant in february and march to criticize china openly and directly as all countries focus more on the needed protected equipment that they have. They dont have immediateve shortages dependent onia china. And then to speak in ways and even then publicly those that are small and cannot stand up to china on their own have said we need to change the model how we do business and the Freedom Alliance is the strongest like japan and south korea and australia and taiwan and india is not just advanced liberal democracies but others that are not democratic take vietnam for instance there is a large and growing coalition prepared to followo americas lead on all fronts military economic diplomatic and political thats it they should be doing and what we want them to do. Thank you. Is there a senator in the house . [laughter] spent a great senator from tennessee was sneaking by. [laughter] lets wrap up senator cotton. When he introduced you moral integrity a strong moral compass is rare in dc but somehow we look at your upbringing you couldve cashed in easy early on then you go to the military to make negative pay to serve the country and then you serve now. Where you get the meaning in the spiritual resolve to say someone has to stand up to take some arrows on behalf of this great country . Certainly i get that from my faith and god. My wife is very much kind of woman in looking at her two young boys that the future we want them to have Abraham Lincoln called them the last best hope on earth and its not perfect because no human being is perfect but we remain the last best hope on earth that stands for the godgiven right of all men and women to live three because we are all created equal in godsqu image to stand up to foreign threats like the Chinese Communist party and also our fellow citizens that denied we are a great and noble nation that america is worth fighting for and if we dont no one else will w and we will because of human freedom and dignity on earth. Thank you senator cotton for your dedication and commitment to our country and to serve the next generation. That phrase is not a phrase no longer. So the action item if your senator is not signed on to the senator cotton bill, then they should be. If you want a votin scorecard there is your scorecard sitting right there. Senator its a pleasure to have you with us god bless you and everything you do thank you for being with us. [applause] we have superheroes in the house as a leader in the house and leader to everyone in the house now to the president of the United States. She has since moved up it is no surprise everybody in the press there are people that fight and people that really fight and stick to their principles and it is an honor to have a senator marsha blackburn. Lets welcome her. [applause] thank you so much. I appreciate being with you all today. And then i published a white paper on what to do about china. With more than 120 specific recommendations of what we need to be doing as we work to unravel this relationship with china. Itse of you have not seen n i would encourage you to take a look its not that big and its not that heavy but it is a good guideline for what we should do because when i am out and about in tennessee people say china is the problem. And then they say somebody needs to hold them to account and then what will we do about china . At the time and resources into creating this guide because of what we are seeing right now. The same marxist philosophy used by the Chinese Communist party filling the streets of portland and chicago and even a few blocks away from where we are right now here in washington dc. These rioters claim they are fighting for criminal justice reform, that consider the tactics the destruction of cultural symbols, devalue the Nuclear Family and complete rejection of history. They bring modernday mind control via social media and Digital Entertainment and jazz it up with music and dancing but at the end of the day its part of a larger effort to normalize ideological conformity and younger generations. While its true not every Police Reform protester wants to destroy those institutions that keep a safe then it is just a distraction from the philosophies from the movement. To make sure we dont let all the chaos distract us that they pose to our safety and sovereignty. The goal of the popculture socialism is to completely whitewash the danger from the ideological conformity and totalov government control. This is the kind of system that allow the Chinese Communist party to spend 51 days muzzling doctors and lawyers and journalists who tried to warn the world about cover 19. Between the lifeanddeath for millionsmi of people the ccp has nothing because the illusion oftr control was more important to them than saving lives. Our relationship with china there is no sense in denying it but it is so important to i remember there is no single shot strategy or bill we can count on to sever the ties to regain control we will have to unravel this relationship with china. The paper i put out last week has 120 specific recommendations that run the policy gamut from Higher Education to manufacturing to military strategy. I went to go through a few but the broader problem of the stranglehold on the Global Economy most if not all of you know that beijing had to use the belkin Road Initiative to stretch their influence across asia and africa and europe to be carefully place investments into a good greatness when the financing model is so opaque we can only estimate the growing economic influences one out of 8 trillion with every economic background and organizations like the United Nations and the Un General Assembly has profoundly has 100 resolutions condemning israel and exactly zero condemningly china. One hundred zero. Think about that ratio. To ensure that our continued economic and technological leadership and other emerging technologies do notol fall behi. If we fail to do so favorites for standard setting bodies that will define globally. Wglobally. The old enougwe also have two se information about threat since risks with our allies which is a lot more complicated than it sounds. But this isnt the only place we are vulnerable. The shutdowns caused a major disruption in the Global Supply chains. Because we are in the middle of a pandemic, most of the Media Attention when we could get some attention focused on of that attention focused on prescription drugs and medical supplies. They securing the activist currently pending in the senate and it the first step to ending our overdependence on china for the active pharmaceutical ingredients and delete code medication. A bill that is bipartisan but incentivize companies to bring their manufacturing operations back to the u. S. And also fun partnerships between the universities and pharmaceutical companies so they can train a workforce that we need in order to decouple the supply chain from china. And of course we need to inventory all of our critical medicines we depend on which are supplied to us or manufactured, many exclusively in china. And we have to develop a Surge Capacity for ppe and we need to eliminate all of the regulatory red tape standing in the way of innovation. That is just one portion of the economy. But look at how much has to be done to unravel that relationship that exists in pharmaceuticals. Ivid also recommend if we prioritized for medical devices, Natural Resources like the rare earth elements that make your phones work and unmanned aerial systems. Its going to take a lot of focus and collaboration. If we are going to invest in all of this new technology, we need to invest in some serious security updates to protect it. The ccp uses a variety of tactics to infiltrate our Research Community which means we have to cut off their connection to our colleges and universities grant making agencies and think tanks. Leaving a multipart effort to get confucius institutes all off american College Campuses. S. Right now we have two separate bills targeting the propaganda. [applause] and im also maintaining a constant dialogue with secretary betsy devine as we seek to get theseuc confucius institutes and also the 500 classrooms that are in our schools. China admits this is part of their soft power. Its time for them to exit. They are also working on additional prohibitions against visas for chinese nationals who want to come to the states four graduate or postgraduate work in stem fields. So these are just a handful of the recommendations. We know this is an uphill battle because right now even in the face of so much evidence that officials in beijing are doing all they can to replace western ideals with their own version, we are getting a lot of resistance from Global Leaders of our absolutely terrified of angering the ccp. They are allowing these communists to hold their economies hostage, ignoring the impunity with which officials in beijing violate the human rights of their own people, stealing intellectual property and commit acts p of espionage. It feels like it is an us versus them. You can expect that they will push against what we are doing and you could expect them to accelerate their activity to escalate their hostility. They will move the embassies and keep trying to escalate the conflict. The good news is we know what to expect. We have decades of history at h our disposal, so we know what the curriculum looks like. I tell you if my colleagues on the left and the protesters in the streets really look at what it is that they are defending, i think that they would be shocked and appalled. It falls on each and every one of us to be champions of freedom and standing between communist china and our fellow countrymen even if they do not yet understand what it is that we are defending and they are fighting. Thank you so very much. [applause] no excuses. Look it up, pick it up, get educated. Thank you. Absolutely. One of the premises of this conference is that Everything Else hangs on one proposition and that is the economic carnage, all of it. The sports o, the schools, the bankruptcies. How do you position yourself on that issue, was it intentional, what do we know now . The way that i started it goes back into the mid90s and i was the head of the Film Entertainment and music commission. Part of our governors cabinet routine. One of the things we began to see is how china was pirating music and tv shows and movies, so i brought that with me to congress and in 2003 started the songwriters caucus to work on intellectual property, and you were a big supporter of that effort when you were in the house. As they continued we started to see not only did they affect our creative community, but our innovative community,ve our auto engineers and people that were doing aftermarket auto parts they would have patents infringed on a lake gibson guitars, they would be knocked off and then we started seeing it in the pharmaceuticals said this is something ive been working on now since 2003. [applause] the thing that has happened is now people have brought this into their home. Its personally affected them. I was talking yesterday with someone in tennessee. She said i needed to buy some new women so in my Search Engine i put in made in the usa sheets and towels and because she didnt want to buy anything that had been made in china. When it comes to consumer goods, so many people are saying that. When it comes to furniture or flooring and using even some of the hardwood and pine people are saying i want a device made. I dont want to buy anything made from china into this carries over to the Semi Conductors and our critical supply chains whether it is pharmaceuticals, you see it with our military complex and people are saying lets return our manufacturing stateside. Make america manufacture again and maybe we turned the rust belt into the pharmaceuticals of. Absolutely, thank you. When you look around the world in the senate, you have a really small club there. I was glad to see him at first savings plan peace and now around the world use the japan very strong with us now Subsaharan Africa and a bunch of countries getting a look but now after the virus he looks a little more wobbly. A year or two ago i would have said we are in trouble, yoerybody wake up if no one was awake. Now whats your assessment and hohow do you assess our new friends coming onboard . You are saying it exactly right. Right now they feel like since people are beginning too say wat a minute they have to hit the accelerator and what they want to do is double down on their efforts w. China wanted the 21st century to be the dominant century. That is their goal. If you go back and look at the time and the way that he approached the Chinese People coming to see a good bit of this repeated. You look at what is happening in the efforts against hong kong, you look at what is happening in the concentration camps, china has pushed back against taiwan and try to minimize their impact. You look at what they are doing with their aggression and from there you look at this diplomacy. The horn of africa. What they are doing at the port and you see they are trying to set up a long game and for us we have to unravel this relationship and i will tell you we have two be a role model to show how they can unravel this relationship so that they dont feel like they are alone. They feel they are going to help them with this. But that relationship that we have with our allies like japan over inr that region so they are standing with us is going to be vitally important. Plus when you look at the senate and house, we need people that understand and appreciate that relationship and realized that we have to have our allies with us as we push back on china and keep them from having further aggressive action. That is a great model going forward. We will have a f few offers with us on the stage and youve read all the books weve talked about, a couple of colonels, 1999 and other generals they said we are at war with you and then general rob spalding, sstealth war, all the same, deceiving him. The American People, you grew up representing the heartland. They arepe all good people, the judeochristian tradition is strong. Or your folks able to take in some of the things china is showing us like candy absorb this. We want to free people so they can have faitho in freedom. Can they see that other people can do evil to us . Are we at war or not . With china it isnt a stretch to use the term that this is a cold war because of how we are going to have to break away from some of our relationship with them and some of our allies, bous johnson with his decision to not allow. That was a huge win for us but one of the things that has happened is the confluence of events that they have seen this before and the destruction and what you are seeing on the street. You have some of these riots the groups will say we are trying to marxist. Thats causing people to wake up and say wait a minute, we dont like that. Peaceful protest isl, wonderful. We should protect peaceful protests and we should honor and protect free speech. But rioting, vandalism, destruction, loss of life, that is not okay. People are beginning to look at the linkages. Y i told you all you had a fighter here. Your remarks earlier, on the threets earlier the activists proclaimed themselves and said we are trained in the marxist ideology and for those who dont know what that is, its simple, the American People are voters. Weme construct things. We built the rule of law, the constitution, businesses, the freemarket system and they are deconstructionists tearing down the statute, creating violence. They promised utopia around the corner. Give us everything and we will give you back what you need. Its so refreshing to hear. Politicians usually will not go there, but you do. Are your constituents starting to see this link and that they are saying we like this . What they have talked to me about it is watching the hong kong protests and fight for freedom andnd then hearing Great Britain and pakistan since a weve got your back if they wont let you be free, we will allow you here. People started to Pay Attention to that and so many of my friends from church, our church we are very invested in Mission Programs and we know the impact of a socialistic or communist regime and how it limits free speech and free thought and practice of religion and freedom of expression. Youve seen that give that givet because they want to help peop people. Thats one of the things i had a great conversation with a Bible Study Group by name and they have just realized this we never go in and control land. We free people. Believe, we help you withyo your freedom. The marxist they come in and control and dominate and take the bounty unto themselves into the sea. Gave thi. Jose go forward, be pr. Dream your dreams and make them come true and thats the difference between the communist control system and the difference in freedom. Its also one of the reasons ive been pushing u. S. Companies like the nba. The nba is so deeply tied to the Chinese Communist party with some of their business relationships. China tv and those things. Keep pushing them. Fortunately they ended the Training Facility and had confirmed that to me in a letter i got last week. But heres the thing, the nba should take every penny of profit that they are makingro of china and they shouldve put it into a fund to help these Hong Kong Freedom fighters for the oppression that they got to their. And the persecution that theyve suffered. They shouldnt use that profit from a violation of human rights to themselves. I will ask you a twopart. When i was in congress, the democrats are charming individuals, but theres been a shift. They wentar from liberals and ud to respect a dialogue and a debate. Have you seen a shift just in general in the house and senate are they leaving and have the left is taken over and how do you characterize that transition . Guest theres more of a tendency to tilt left. They would call themselves democrats. You will hear some refer to themselves as leftists and it is of concern to me. We are the beacon of liberty and freedom to the world. We retain that because we have robust respectful bipartisan debate. I have friends that are classic liberals and democrats and a i enjoyed conversations with them to the impact of the canceled culture has made it difficult for so many people to step forward andnd say what they believe. I talked especially to women who are independent or conservative. They say i just dont see anything anymore. Im totally quiet. I dont put anything on social media. I just stayed away from all conversations and to me that is very sad because we want people to havehe these debates and have this counterpoint and dialogue and learn from one another to live in a time it gets very sad that right now that is frowned upon and isnt encouraged. I want to thank you for being with us today. Before we close i want to do some housekeeping. Do i hear some of the barbarians at the gate, or any of my house numbers back there . We have some traffic delays. I just want to thank senator marsha blackburn. Youve just heard wisdom that we need in the leadership and in the senate and i think shes going to be leadership in the senate if not for the peak of the country in the nottoodistant future. Not too distant future. Keep your eyes open. Youve heard the track record shes not a newcomer. Dedicated to faith and freedom as a champion a if my good frie, god bless you and thank you for being with us. The Constitution Center held an event from the 100th anniversary of the edification o ratificatih amendment guaranteed with the right to vote and 1965 Voting Rights act. They also took the contributions of congressman john lewis and access to voting during the corona virus pandemic. Im the president of this wonderful institution and by reciting together the Constitution Center is the weekend preparers also the learning ahead. So

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