Good morning to you. Start dialing in. The New York Times that this story posted yesterday online, coronavirus cases spike across sun belt as economy lurches into motion. Arizona, texas, florida, reporting the highest case numbers yet as Assembly Coronavirus cases were climbing in 22 states amid reopening. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo yesterday democrat held a News Conference and he warned bars and restaurants of the consequences of not following state law on social distancing, masks and other guidelines. Were getting reports from all across the state that there are large gatherings, social distancing is being violated, people are not Wearing Masks. We have gotten 25,000 complaints to the state of businesses that are in violation of the reopening plan. 25,000 complaints. We have never received more complaints in a shorter period of time. P 25,000. Just think about that. Whats alarming about the 25,000 is the volume, but it also shows how smart people are and how offended people are that they are calling and complaining. Registering the complaint. Gov. Andrew cuomo because of thinking of a themselves. They feed the businesses they see them violating the rules. And they are think that might help is jeopardized. Thats when they areco complaing pretty 25000 of. Especially as bars and restaurants. This is the situation and these are the facts. Theyre not being ethical, theyre not being moral, not being good new yorkers. Great, there also violating the law. This is a question of violating the law. Not just feel guilty. Violating the law. If this is a very serious situation i will make sure that Everybody Knows the consequences here. A bar or restaurant that is violating these rules can lose their liquor license. Greta the headline in the new york post, New York Daily News this morning, Governor Cuomo threatens to reverse reopening in manhattan and hampton and the rampant coronavirus social distancing violations. Support or oppose another shut sdown. Do you support the idea why. What is happening wherere you live. Guest good morning and thank you againwh for cspan. It is all over the news that florida and Palm Beach County is on the rise in effect, just said to my neighbors, yesterday, all of the people that we have to be even more cautious now that the numbers are rising as we have been cautious all along. Thats compared to say a mother to ago went to be even more vigilant, taking care to do all of a the cautions precaution, Wearing Masks and washing hands. It just occurred to me by the way, out of the way that you moderate. If you an excellent job. So thank you for that. We have to take even more precautions. I was going to say that this covid19 virus is the perfect thing for this president is to use to us. It sounds strange but here we have another thing, controversy where there should be no controversy. And the president is able to make this silliestt controversy out of it. Whether or not to use a mask. In these types of issues when anything to distract us, from who he is, from his incompetence from his inability to discuss issues. In a detailed intelligence matter, he distracts us constantly kobe is. I was thinking over the weekend, is a, guy, this business where e could not function at the west point ruse using his secondhand, this is a man with extreme nervousness. This money cannot lift the glass. Greta tie this back to what we are talking about here. Support or oppose another shut down. Guest this is a man who is so ashamed of himself, that he uses things like the covid19 virus to distract us from who he is. Greta heres a headlight for you and others pretty 2581 new coronavirus cases, florida in a record high for the third day in a row. Lets go to todd and brentwood, california. Hi todd you oppose shutting down again. What he say that. Guest because we should not have shut down in the first place. Watching cspan, is like watching cnn every morning. You started by reading the new york c times pretty you do that everyday pretty New York Times and Washington Post. Dean of the New York Times hates donald trump. Are not objective. How can you stand before all of your viewers here and saying things like objectiveot news. To balance the New York Times, you have got to go to Something Like the daily columns or summing pretty when you resort to the New York Times daily. Greta what we read a myriad of papers, wall street journal also in Washington Times. Two papers that are perceived as conservative. The new yorkie times and Washington Post, those are national newspapers. Would rated them to show you what folks in washington, the decisionmakers are reading. So that you know how they are getting their information. You can disagree print were not promoting these newspapers. Whatletting you know others are reading. And you can disagree with it and call up and voice your opinion. The Washington Post this morning on the economy. Penn everything hobble the economy for years. Saying he disagrees that the shut down in the first place, as downturn will dramatically affect businesses big and small. Million oklahoma, you support shutting down again. Why, what is happening. Guest 411 uncl four where i lin oklahoma, on saturday we had an increase of like 2200. In 25 cases or something, where i live, no one wears masks or gloves. Everyone pretty much just acts like it is normal. I dont know. There always people coming in because its a tourist attraction where i live. Theyre not Wearing Masks or gloves. Ca too many videos on youtube of people coming here from texas and louisiana and people that live here, locals. The like, no one is wearing any ofwe that stuff. Greta somebody think about the president holding a rally in oklahoma. His first in person rally in months. Guest i think donald trump is psychotic. Greta this is the headline. Health Department Director wishes the president would not he postpone his meeting today. Greta todd share your thoughts with us. Guest thank you for taking my call. I just want to say first of all, the color that complained about cspan not being fair. That is uncalled for. There should been no economic shutdowns to begin with because the people out of work, that and the homeless in the start. In the night and plus, it will turn into a world wide recession. They should remain open. And the employees where the face coverings,ng gloves. Test the customers temperatures they come in the door. If theres a large event like a concert from the same thing just have them spaced out. Greta would you pay more for that ticket to attend a sporting event if they have to sell less tickets to spaced people out. Guest i personally would not because i like to watch football at home. Industry and clear. I personally wouldnt but semite greta mike and south carolina. Good morning and what is happening in south carolina. Guest i think we have straight daysve of the sevenday averages of new cases increasing. I obviously wouldve support continuation or increase in shut down. To me, it is a Public Health issue, not a political issue. And i think the more it gets turned into a political issue, i dont want my politicians managing Public Health. I want the Public Health officials managing it. And in south carolina, our Public Health official says that we are headed towards and increases in both hospitalizations and in potential will the deaths. So i dont think with the increase in tourists that are coming here to the hilton head area and that, then we really are smart and insane, continued the shut down. Because businesses are operating safely. Greta what about the economic arguments. Take a look at the Washington Post thist morning. Than 6. 5 trillion in wealth, vanished during the first three months of this year as the pandemic tightened. Well punch a hole that will 800 billion in the Second Quarter alone. This according to the congressional office. The shortfalls reflecting tens of millions of newly unemployed workers cutting back. Guest i dont think we manage the financial issue in the financial destruction by sort of damaging the Public Health. I understand the financial issue very strongly. And at the same time, i dont see that we can let the Public Health concerns go by the way side so that potential willie, we can get the financial aspects into the shape. It will take a long time for that to f occur. Greta take a listen to the chief economic advisor. Heres what he had to say. In his prediction for the economy. Guest i think that the economy is in recovery mode right now. I think the bottom of the recession, really was a pandemic contraction, this is like an act of nature. A bad hurricane or terrible snow snow storm. Theres hardship and heartbreak as it is. But when it passes, you get it recovery. I think thats what we are headed for. Recall the jobs numbers plus 3m last friday. Two fridays ago. And also, Unemployment Insurance down ten straight weeks. Anna knows the column in the wall street journal reminding us how strong retail sales are going to be when theyre published on tuesday. General Merchandise Department stores, groceries, and so forth. A lot of those indicators maria going to be above a year ago levels. So i think with a rescue package and reopening of the economy, as we transition, 80 percent of Small Businesses are going through the chamber of congress on reopening. Business applications are roaring. Tremendous demand is for housin. In homes. I think we will be a very strong d shape recovery. Larry kudlow with his interpretation of the economy. Now it is your turn john. You pose another shut down. Guest listen, i was for the shut down initially. I have not left my house number three months. My 70s. I did not like the way the use that us something against trump every day. And every night. It was his fault. It was his fault. And down, after the protest, its okay to mask people everywhere. No incentive think about how, dont worry about it. That turned me off. I understand is purely political. And i do oppose new shut down because it is only used to bang trump. Greta johns thoughts there. Robert and indiana. Would you think this morning. Guest i am for keeping it open. And when theyre out here in looting and burning down the street, question because nano predict they did not worry about it then. And theyre trying to defend in the police. I wish the cops would take off her about the month the city is now how much we need them. In his stupidity that we have people out here that to get mr. Trump is trying to get this country straightened out, everything is his fault. Hisum peoples fault for people not getting out of paying attention what is going on. Greta cbs new reporting that texas, records his highest number of covid19 hospitalizations so far in this outbreak. Graphing if you support or oppose another shut down where you live. New york times a story this morning they say that overall daily cases are essentially steady stuck on a plateau. One and 2 Million People enough contracted the virus in the country. According to the New York Times database part of everyday about 21100 new known cases are reported. No much lower than the numbers from a month ago. About 800 people died from it each day. Those figures have both dropped significantly is peaking in april. But as of saturday, the name the number of new coronavirus cases was climbing and 22 states. What had been downward trajectories and many of those places. Madison illinois, glenn, you support another shut down. Why. What is happening there. Guest good morning. I think we need another one. This thing is like playing with dynamite. And youre not getting rid of it. And people in the trump when his white castle with 8foot fence around it. Un all it did was give us some big Bulletin Board to hang on. But we definitely need to do something and not let this thing get out of hand. Greta glenn in illinois. Eric in pennsylvania. Eric you oppose the idea of another shut down. Guest good morning greta. Im extremely concerned about the spread. Im selfemployed, have no health insurance. I will be 50 in a couple of months. I certainly dont want to get sick theres a lot that would not going to note about this in a long time in terms of longerterm effects on the human body and health. But i favor a series of sanctions for individuals. Put in place, strict requirements as a matter of law. For masks and distancing. And with behavioral step. In Holding Individuals Accountable to the tune of serious consequence if they violate t is. A complete shutdown at this point, is quite possibly the bridge and civil war. Greta who would do that type of policing that you arend talking about. Tracking and following people inviting them or putting them in jail. I do know whatfi youre proposig but what city or town but have the do that. Guest it would be something less official and more communitybased. I personally would like to see some of our american police, when there is a bad apple, would like for the other apples to let us know as the community rather than us having to find out the hard way far too late in the goings. So coworkers, neighbors, theyre going to have to be willing to look at people they care about in the eye and say listen, it is for your own good and mine and everyone elses that you behave appropriately because youre not, im going to sniff you out. Well have the ability to take photographs and instant these days. So to document that rate of the social contract should not be too difficult. Some people argue. But the reality is Something Like a Public Health crisis does require everyone that if they are truly patriotic, to act in the best interest of the country. In the greater good of the society itself. Having to wear a mask, putting that with tierney and showing up at that capitals withh dense. That is just absurd thats the place with those kind of People Choose to let the flag. Child safety speech and motorcycle helmets. There are always other restraints against individual liberties. Mask during mobile health crisis,l. The county i am in, here in pennsylvania, our case count and hospitalization count got to just a little over about a hundred in the first 12 weeks since the early march. In the last six weeks, with quadruple the number. All of the businesses, there the governor to issue eric county a green while is still yellow. I am looking at the numbers skyrocketing and wondering how they explain that to us as the republic. At the rules are as they are, for how we go about well going into yellow and then read in the coming out. And everyone is just like ignoring the governor. So i think the best thing that we can do is hold individuals accountable. Greta i ask that question because in the headline in the wall street journal, more aid push for cities and states, some lawmakers from both parties state and rest heightens bolster public safety. From that article, the wall street journal reports that it drop in sales taxes and other revenues nearly 90 percent of cities expect revenue shortfalls rain according to a survey, the National League of cities in the u. S. Conference of mayors. National league of cities report estimated that as many as 1 million publicsector employees including police, could face a layoff due to falling revenue. And goes on to say the states are expected to lose more than 200 billion in tax revenue compared with budget expectations before the pandemic. In new york, you support shutting down again. Good morning. Guest yes, i do. We still need some doctors and things like that so just a partial. And the reason why is because enough people, over hundred thousand people have died. What i would like to know is trump, he has enough care for anyones rights. He tried to arrange things. Greta we go on to dave in seattle. You support shutting down. Guest yes, i support shut down. Mr. Trump is jumping the gun and getting in trouble. Here in washington state, think a great job of keeping a shut down. We are improving here. And were getting better. So something easy. Greta sunday, what has the governor done. What are the restrictions in place. Guest you can go places but you cannot go to the restaurants. You can go get groceries, go to erthe park. But you just cant go to the restaurant for a bark or anything likee that. Greta and you think that is working. Guest yes, the death rate iss going down. Greta what about gatherings right. Guest no churches, you can do it by video whatever. But no church gatherings. A lot of the parks are shut down for big gatherings. We are gaining. Greta damon seattle. Good morning to you. Guest good morning greta. Beautiful as ever. I love you all. I faced the first one. We live out here in the country. There are only three in this county back in march and april. They are better. I would like to see all you somebody in the program who asked people how they can do things to increase their immune system. Personal responsibility here i think for everybody. Make sure your immune system so you dont have to worry about this stuff. In the fall into the sphere. But numbers so far have not been steady or whatever. Theyre just all over the place. One thing you hear, the experts say this and the next thing they say thats pretty it is just back and forth and back and forth. None of the experts agree anyhow. You have them on your program here. Ive heard one guy say, theres no such thing as the immune system with supplements. He was a doctor. More drugs into the system. That helps the pharmaceutical organizations. President trump remember when he had that roundtable. As the pharmaceutical experts, are you working on a better vaccine for the regular flu. Not one of them said a word. That is why, if they ever come up with a vaccine for this theyre going to require everybody to get it. It will be unproven and they wont know the side effects from it for yearsnd to come. And that had the flu since i was a child. I was raised to take care of my immune system. Personally responsible for yourself. Greta matalin and wayne, pennsylvania. Good morning. What is happening there that you would support another shuts down. Guest two things. Im very concerned about, society in general is very stressed rightht now. With not only what occurred in pennsylvania with the pandemic but wayne, is just outside of philadelphia. A very hot zone for quite some time. We did successfully do the mitigation. I wish that we can organize ourselves. Unfortunate enough, i am older and american healthcare. I worked every day through this. As young families, how are they supposed to just jump back in and pay daycare bills, and their healthcare costs, and the possibility of restrictionil again. I just wish the government would kind of. Karen bass the larger employees about money for the daycare, and an organized fashion. Modify their schedules. I think the pandemic as bad as it is, its true but watching the people dont have to sit on the expressway for hours at a time try to get here and there. I just worry about those things. I wish that thatth larger employers would come together what we are going to ease you back into the workplace. And protected them. And then the second thing is, i really think also that universities and colleges also need to come together. Take away that stress from the parisen essay everybody will hae a gap year. Everybody here is trying to make up their own rules of coming back to the college campuses. Universities. I think its too unknown. These are kids, some of them go to school as minors. If there kids in his supposed to supervise all of these activities. And again, monitor what is going on. There is no vaccine but yet all of the schools are telling them, they will come back. I think that is a lot of stress on the american families. I think those two things were my main concerns. Greta you bring up returning to work. Was asked about Unemployment Benefits, the boost that was given by congress earlys on in thises pandemic, and expires at the end of july. Heres what he had to say. Goodloe. Guest it willl not stop in august, for they may in this reform is necessary. Almost all businesses frankly on both sides of the aisle, i understand that the 600dollar plus above the state Unemployment Benefits as they will continue to receive. As a disincentive. Were paying people not to work. It is better than their salaries would get. And that mightve worked for the first couple of months. It will end in late july. I think the returning for unemployment, the administration and the president is looking at a reform measure. And will still provide some kind of bonus for returning to work. But it will not be as large and it will create an incentive to work. That goes along with the other incentives we have generated. The tax rebates and most particularly, the ppe, the payroll protection program, which i think was a huge success, 500 billion of forgivable loans. That is what the may job reports show. 3m people should surprise everybody. So we want people to go back to work. Temporary layoffs and furloughs, can go back to work. That was in the job figures. Unemployment insurance, the weekly numbers, falling ten consecutive weeks. So think were on our way. We are reopening. Businesses are coming back. There for the jobs are coming back. Greta Larry Doris Kearns kudloh headlines trump and Senate Republicans delay the push on coronavirus relief. Youll recall that the democrats in the house passed a 3. 5 trillion bill that would spend about 1 trillion to direct aid and other provisions. The Washington Times piece, republicans are reluctant to spend more at this point. Then they argue that we just had a massive surprise on the upside from friday. Another massive oxygen were there was hiring me, we will have a much different demand for stimulus efficacy of the way. We are preparing a plan for upside surprises and downsides of prizes will pursue aggressively in july. Two other factors are slo

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