Georges last breath cannot be the last words. Thank you mr. President. I yield the floor. Pulleys are the indispensable guardians of the law. We honor them for the risks they assume every morning when they put on the badge and sometimes knowing they may not come home at night to take them off. But they have a sworn duty to yield their power with justice. They take the oath never to betray their character or the public trust. They must hold themselves to the highest standard and overwhelmingly do so. But in the cases where they do not, the consequences can be devastating. What happened last week to george floyd in minnesota was horrific diane at the hands of men who pledged to protect and serve their communities. Im glad justice appears to be moving swiftly in this case. The officers who participated had been terminated from the departmentl, and the criminal process is well underway. This is little consolation to many including many black americans who feel that they have experienced unjust and unequal interactions with Law Enforcement. Many have protested and in sharp contrast those that have exploited this tragedy for their own purposes we must now seek to reveal National Unity from the wreckage of broken trust and broken glass on our streets. To do this, we need to be guided by the nations noblest principles while rejecting the antiamerican suggestions of radicals who want a revolution. Every american deserves to be treated equally by their government as guaranteed by our constitution and our countrys most fundamentalri principles tt all men are created equal. There is no greater tyranny and injustice and that bold simple proposition. But we must reject the efforts to demonize all pulleys for the actions of the few and we must reject the radical proposals to dismantle the Police Departments as some have suggested that these are offered in the spirit of revenge that would lead only to more crime and lives lost in a more thorough. The communities that would be hit hardest by the disappearance of police would be the most advantaged. When the police were understaffed and under trained, therethere is greater risk of mistakes in this conduct, not to mention higher rates of crime. By contrast of the well staffed, welltrained and well respected force is a blessing to its community and scourge to criminals who threaten it. Defending the police would be deadly. An insult to good officers and a threat to thedi lawabiding citizens. Americans are not blind to injustice. We all understand the hard work that is needed to repair trust in this country. But defunding the police is not the answer. We need the rule of law andce equal justice under the law. We need them both. I urge my colleagues to join with us in passing the resolution which calls for justice for george floyd and other victims will also honoring the Law Enforcement officers to keep us safe. Therefore, mr. President , i ask unanimous consent of the senate the immediate consideration of the resolution that is at the desk calling for justice and opposing the calls to defund the police and i ask unanimous consent that the resolution be agreed to and the motions to be reconsidered and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate. Is there any objection . Reserving the right to object. Fi there are millions of people marching in the streets to reform the police practices, to ask for equality and racial justice. We have seen this with george floyd, Brianna Taylor and so many other instances that our Police Departments need real reform. There is a demand that we act. The resolution is frederick and the worry that so Many Americans have is that so many on the other side will feel rhetoric and then try to let this go away. We demand action and we demand is now a to reform our Police Departments in a fair and comprehensive way. That is what the justice and policing act does. Now. Ed it on the floor as soon as the house passes it. Very few of us believe that leader mcconnell will put it on the floor but we want him to and demand he does. Again, the resolution will do nothing to. We demand action so in a minute i will be asking unanimous consent that the pending business upon receipt of the hostice and policing act after it passes the house be that those of air force and required to debate and at that point my friend from arkansas or anyone else can do whatever they want but not in an empty field of rhetoric and no action when americans demand action we need justice and racial equality. I object. The objection is heard. The senator from new york would like to enter a colloquy i didnt hear an objection to my resolution, the single sentence or clause of the resolution to a word in the resolution which calls for justice for george floyd and other victims ofti Excessive Force and also says the senate opposes radical ideas to oppose or defined the police. If the senator from new york would like to explain to the senate was part of the resolution he opposes and why he is objecting, i would be welcome to hear his answer. I have a resolution of the desk. Reclaiming my time, i do not yield the floor. I would point out whats be clear what just happened here. We have a resolution. Its a couple pages long. The democrats have had it for 24 hours. Until just moments ago, we haved no indication that they planned to object or that they had any other contrary resolutions. We have her objections from the senator from new york, not to a single word of the resolution itself. A resolution which i will say again calls for justice for george floyd and for all victims of Excessive Force as well as opposes radical efforts to defend the police. So, i would only conclude that the minority leader is here to speak on behalf of the Democratic Party and defend the radical idea to the fund the police since he is unwilling to decide which part of the resolution he opposes. And now i will yield the floor. As the gentleman heard, we need action, not rhetoric. That is the objection because we believe too many on that side of the aisle will not want to act and therefore for them to be content with frederick will not serve any good purpose. We can debate all of these issues when we have a real bill on the floor and we are moving forward to bring justice. My resolution does just that. It says very simply that the minute the house passes the justice and policing act the pending business here in the senate is that act. We can debate and hopefully pass it and some may choose to modify it. In whatever way they choose, but the rhetoric is no substitute for action when the American People overwhelmingly in the streets,ea peacefully, proudly, strongly demand action. So i ask unanimous consent the senate proceed to the immediate consideration of a resolution at the desk that would make hr 7120 the justice and policing act depending is this upon receipt from the house. I further ask the resolution be agreed to and the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate. Is there objection . The senator from arkansas. Im at. Bit mystified by whas happening here. We had a resolution on the floor. A couple pages calling for justice for george floyd and victims of excessive use of force as well as condemning or radical ideas of defending the police. Now the minority leader wants to offer a resolution that would immediately make the pending business of p the senate at a distance speculative time in the future aps up with a solution which if i l am not mistaken hasnt even been written and filed it in the house of representatives. Now maybe its been written in the last day or two and im not aware that they filed the bill. But it certainly hasnt been debated on and voted in the house of representatives. Theres all the time in the world to decide what is going to be theba pending the when the senate acts, but we have the resolution . That condemns the unjustified killing of george floyd, calls for justice for justice and all the victims of excessive use e f force and also since the senate opposes the radical idea of defending the police. The democratic leader on behalf of his party does he object to that without citing a single word, a single sentence that he finds objectionable . I assume it is because they do want to be phoned police. And i know he keeps talking about action. The Senate Passes multiple resolutions each day. By unanimous consent. I think the democratic leader was on the floor last week trying to pass a resolution condemning the president once again. So the idea that we do not pass resolutions expressing the sense of the senate or for that matter that there is a choice between passing such a resolution and taking action is simply for them to the way the senate acts every single day. So i would just say again what we are seeing here is the democratic leader apparently objecting on behalf of thety Democratic Party in defense of the radical idea that we should they fundde the police. So, mr. President , i object. Mr. President. The democratic leader. The gentleman from arkansas has made my point. Hes talked about business as usual. This is not business as usual. The typical rhetoric, the kinds of avoiding action which has been so, so endemic in this Republican Party is showing itself again. If they want to act, they could have supported our resolution. They are trying to avoid it and we will not let that happen. I yield the floor. If the democrat leader again would like to engage in a colloquy of alaska and if the bill he wants the immediate pending business of the senate even written in the house ofus representatives . Since he has the ar departedi o. Guess the answer is no it isnt even written and filed in the house of representatives and certainly it hasnt been booted and sent it is to make the pending business, so the objection you heard again didnt object to a single word in our resolution, much less a close or sentence a resolution that calls for justice and victims of excessive use of force at the same time opposing radical democratic proposals to be phoned the police. I can only infer since i didnt hear a single objection to the language of the resolution that the rebbe of the matter is the democrats really do support defunding the police. Mr. President , i yield the floor. Frome senator