Chuck schumer and Senate Majority leader, mitchde mcconnell. Rose to my friends and colleagues, the senior senator from minnesota, eloquence passionate words that tells a story of how she has done so much good it is working so hard to heal the wounds of minnesota. We all appreciate it. Thank you. Now, mr. President , last night, citizens exercise their Constitutional Rights of protest in Lafayette Park across from the white house. Federal Law Enforcement officers were ordered to clear out the crowd with tear gas, and rubber bullets. So that President Trump could walk from the white house to a nearby church for a photo off. He did not answer the church, he did not enter it, he did not offer words of prayer. The grounds were dispersed with force. So that he could get his picture taken with the bible that was not his, heldd upside down in front of the church that he never asked to visit. I spoke at length about these events this morning. This abusive law, the force, on law abiding protesters was appalling. It was an abuse off president ial power. It may have been illegal. And it was certainly a violation of the Constitutional Rights of american citizens. The protesters, some of them chosen and many of them families, their in a public peacefully protesting and they were met with rubber bullets and tear gas. This has no place in American Society or any democracy. The president , must cease his behavior. The images from last night, she disturbed all of us. And must be condemned by the United States senate. This cannot go unanswered. The images from last night should disturb all of us and must be condemned by the United States senate. They cannot go unanswered in the president be encouraged to take her to even greater abuse because he has no self restraint. So in a few minutes, i will ask the senates consent to pass a simple resolution the says three things. First that the Constitutional Rights of americans must be respected. Second, the violence it and. [cheering and applauding]. Are unlawful and unacceptable. Third, that Congress Condemns the orders of federal officers use gas and rubber bullets on Peaceful Protesters. This resolution is not a substitute for Racial Justice reforms that are badly needed. But this unconstitutional action in the smallest president s, requires a response from this body. I hope all senators will support this resolution. Es democrats are out, republicans should be outraged as well. It for my friends on the other side to claim they have not seen the events of last night, i suggest you find a moment and turn on the television. Our republican colleagues cannot be objecting to our resolutions on the faults grounds that it does not reject violence. It does. Let me read you the words again. In the resolution, violence and. [cheering and applauding]. Are unlawful and contrary to the purpose of the peaceful protest. So its right there in the epresolution. And so whatever reason, with any republican senator object to the things that are in this resolution. If a senator object, they should be asked, which of these things that they disagree with. Do they believe that americans do not have the Constitutional Rights to exercise the freedom of speech. The freedom of assembly, and the right to petition theirt government. They believe that americans do not have the right to peacefully protest. Into the disagree with the statements of violence and are unacceptable. Or do they support the president s use of tear gas. Against people including families who are peacefully protesting in a public park. Which is it. Any objector should explain why the simple resolution i offered today is so unacceptable to them. And so mr. President , i ask unanimous consent the senate proceeded to the immediate consideration of a resolution expressing the congress that the constitutional right of americans must be respected, then violence are unlawful and except unacceptable and the Congress Condemns the president for ordering federal officers to use gas and rubber bullets against Peaceful Protesters in Lafayette Square in washington dc on june 1st of 2020. The concurrent resolution be agreed to, preamble be a great to an emotion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate. Is there objection. Reserving the right to reject. First and foremost, on a First Amendment absolutist. The right to peaceful protest is absolutely right. It is a core american liberty. And when Peaceful Demonstrations occur, leadership and every level has an obligation to respect and honor them. Our nation must not turn a deaf ear to the anger, pain or frustration of a black americans, and our nation needs to hear them. Theres no question the killing of george floyd was horrific. In my view and appears to be a heinous act of criminal violence. Itct is total under acceptable that george floyd is dead. There is no doubt the residual racism and continues to be a stain on our country. We need to do more to address it. Over the last few days, we have seen peaceful protests, hijacked on a a nightly basis and rolling series of riots that involve Great American cities and destruction and violent crimes. These are the two issues the American People are focusedhe o. Justice for black americans in the face of unjust violence, and peace for our country the face of looting and domestic terror. Those are the two issues that americans want to address. Racial justice and rights. This resolution from the democratic leader does not address either one of them. Instead indulges in the concession with President Trump has come to define the democratic side. They pay more attention to the precise ways the federal Law Enforcement protectsha president ial movements around the white house than to the fact that Great American cities including my colleagues beloved in new york, have been consumed to a writing. And looting and violence against police for several nights in a row with no end in sight outside of washington dc. And there is no universe were americans with condemning President Trump is more urgent priority than ending the riots or advancing Racial Justice. There is no universe in which the Lafayette Park, before the president s stand white house, the more Urgent National priority in the shattered glass destroyed businesses and brutal attacks on Law Enforcement that are happening nationwide in places like lafayette street, in new york city. So i will object for my distinguished colleagues resolution and will offer something more full in his place. My resolution r would condemn lg pattern of unjust p Police Violence for black americans. The champion of First Amendment price of peaceful protest that follows. Mr. George floyd death. Clearly condemn the violent rioting that is paralyzed places like new york city and says that local authorities finally get serious about protecting the innocent. So i hope might distinguish colleagues will not object. America is united and outraged at the death of mr. George floyd i hope we can unite to condemn these senseless riots and move Forward Together as one nation. Therefore mr. President , i object. Objection is heard. I ask unanimous can sent that they consider six oh one, submitted earlier today i ask unanimous consent the resolution be agreed to, preamble be r agrd to thee motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening it action or debate. Is there objection pretty. Observing the right to object. Very simple. Why the republican leader objected to our resolution and altered this one instead. It is because they do not want to condemn with the president did read fairminded americans of any Political Party would. We certainly should condemn violence them and repeat, is resolution condemns violence. But it is insufficient the light of what happened yesterday, and not condemn what the president did as well. So i will object to my colleagues resolution. Last monday george floyd died at the hands of the Police Officer rated senseless death left americans really must all because there has been too many george floyd sprayed it and breanna taylors. As a nation we need to work to ensure would have enough money in minneapolis never happens again. And the perpetrators of crimes like this one are held accountable, and brought justice we also need to acknowledge how deeply many of our federal citizens are suffering the o wae of george floyd senseless death. A lot of our fellow americans are afraid right now. Shaken by another d