Compete in the world where so the concept of something we can all benefit from. In writing this book im sure in the midst of the pandemic however in my view this topic could not be more relevant especially these days when so many of us are forced to have that mentality. Help us kick off alex for the above to ask you what you found to be so important about this topic that you wanted to focus your sites on interviewing the leading ceos and what started you to read this book and how does it fit into your overall journey . I covered the tech giants and i commend the slightly different background instead of going to Journalism School i studied in Industrial Labor relations and i put that in the back of my mind but i have always focused on culture organizational behavior and how companies are run and how work is structured. Thats something i voice thought about it. My background is ive covered the news going on in the companies and so around 2017 obviously we started seeing the tech giant starting to grow and dominate in a way that was really strange for a big company. Usually Big Companies tended to fall apart. They make room for new competitors and thats the typical lifecycle of a company. Instead of doing that they just kept getting stronger and stronger and as i was spending time with these companies have began to see practices that didnt fit the traditional mold that i was taught in school. Its very different from traditional businesses. In fact their operations in the way their cultures and their technology was just so different and you can draw a line from what they do to their success. Its not like facebook and Instagram Bob instagram and now facebook is successful but i believe theres this underlying culture that is in place inside the tech giant that led them to be so dominant and it would be a shame if they cap that to themselves. There is never going to be a point in time where the tech giants say heres a manual for being successful. Why dont you take notes and figure out what we do well. They just werent going to hand that over and from my perspective as a journalist with the background that touched a little bit on Labor Relations and organizational a way to wris down and put it together in a book and give it to the rest of the commune a way that would allow a new form of working which i believe we are all headed to. But tech giants is have a head start. I found this thing going on inside of these companies and started to review it in the most impactful way possible in a way that would give the rest of us a chance to take part in the marketshare of these companies as opposed to having thank you so much for coming forward on a personal level in other half of all of our members are diving into this and interviewing everybody and distilling the key themes and sharing with us today the key learnings. Mikey my key take away from what you are saying is essentially its something that gets bigger and more bureaucratic and becomes less innovate it. Big Tech Companies arent fitting into that mold and you talk about these differently. Before we jump to calls he also mentioned that people often assume that the different Tech Companies are very different from each other but based on your research you found they are quite similar. Could you share with us what were the key themes you found in east a kuiper innovate of Tech Companies as you saw common practice . Thats what the title always day one connotes. Bezos the line comes from jeff bezos and theres this moment inside amazon were a sosa speaking to the whole company and someone gives this presubmitted questions. Bezos goes in for the whole company and reached the question and reads it and its menacing way that makes the entire Company Start laughing in seattle. You dont ask bezos what day one looks like. Day to is followed by paralysis and along painful decline followed by death. When i first heard this i was like bezos is telling amazonians two work nights and weekends and holidays and thanksgiving and christmas. Your hours now the minute you take your foot off the gas pedal it but i see it very differently. This whole idea of day one as a mentality is the companys approach each day as their first with little regard to the legacy. A lot of companies that get attached to what got them there and do nothing but focus on that. I think thats what the tech giants have done very well. Theres this one business that has gotten us advance and we appreciated and its been good announced time to disrupt their cells and invent ourselves a new so we wanted up suffering the fate of most companies which is when you are done you are done. Amazon is the number one example of this that they started out as an on line bookstore and then became a company that sold everything on the internet and became a thirdparty marketplace of Fulfillment Operation with web service provider. A hardware manufacturer, and the worlds top computing, crusher and now they have told an experimental gopro which is by the way this is something well all be using soon because we dont want to have interpersonal amazon says thats not going to take us to where we need to go. The average company on the fortune 500 would let Something Like 70 years and today its 15 years so if you are not continually betting you are done. I think its built in to amazon but it really exists and all the tech giants. Facebook they say 1 done and thats the same idea. They reinvent themselves to an on line directory and they are inventing a series of small intimate networks and is part of messaging when it all starts to click. Google is reinvented itself over and over again. We could go into this whole bit more. I will rap up in a second but people say google had this search function and thats really not the case. Its definitely not an inevitable Company Prince started out as a web site and then it became a Browser Extension with the google toolbar which people would download and use it would pop up on Internet Explorer. People with type researches in their and that accounted for more than 50 of google searches. It was people typing in this browser and then they reinvented a actual browser with chrome because they realize microsoft was going to screw them and Internet Explorer and again now with the voice assistance. Microsoft says he refreshed and they have gone from a Windows Company to a club company and apple has done it well in the past. They have gone from the manufacture of the ipod a pretty successful line of Desktop Computers and now the breadandbutter is the iphone. I think they have lost the mentality of apple and i think they are in trouble with the transformation. We will find out once the time is up on that. Thank so much alex. We are at this critical point. You feel like its just the nature of these Tech Companies that it applies to some but it doesnt apply to other nontech businesses are to believe having studied everything about and having reported on all these companies do believe this is the kind of mentality that every company could have if its leadership focused on that . Yeah i do believe that. First of all this whole the lineage and between tech company and not tech company is getting a lot more glory than it did in the past but look at the automotive industry. We have no need to read and then. We made the card has four doors and five seats in that runs on gas so why would read reinvented if its selling well . The companies have gotten ahead on things like electric vehicles and selfdriving tend to be much more successful in the future. The whole idea is not to tip it. Dont wait until its desperation time to change your business. Go ahead and invent the next thing before you are down to the court. Construction companies are using Machine Learning to get better what they build. There could be reinvention there and i think what we are seeing right now in the moment that we are in is covid is forcing companies to do more than they imagined. Heres one example. Theres a stage Building Company in ireland that wasnt going to be building stages for any stretch of time and it just transformed an reinvented itself completely and outbuilding desperate people working at home they have these skills so when i put them to use . The will probably be a second business line for them once they get back up and running and maybe more profitable than the first. Heres the deal, i think every company can definitely get used to it. Sometimes you tend to focus on their flagship product but its in the back of everyones mind people thought about the mentality and you just be much better off in the long term. Before we move to the other common themes he found in these Tech Companies that enable them to outperform and reinvent that want to ask you again when is comes to this mentality this all sounds great and it seems like yeah you should have that. I could run my company that way however im trying to understand what actually enables these companies to have that mentality continuously . Is just a matter of the ceo and the Leadership Team being those kinds of people who are in that mindset or is it Something Like obviously Leadership Matters a lot that are there other things that we can actually implement so that this mentality is more commonplace . Im really glad you asked that question because its much more than a mentality. How do you put the mentality and action . Its changing the nature of the way you see work. We have gone through a few Different Cases of work and the industrial economy, i would say it important to think of work into different buckets. One is idea work that means coming up with new things and bring them to life at an together is Everything Everything involved with supporting me can share your flagship product is working well and your preexisting products are working well. A dust real economy everything is execution were too someone would come up with an idea and everyone is in a factory making widgets. We are going to use ideas and if you think about the knowledge economy that we have today almost all of our time is spent on execution work. We have a tiny portion of her lies coming up with a new idea and almost all the rest of time supporting the existing thing. Lets say you run a manufacture. You are doing Inventory Management type billings and all these things and everything you are doing is to support the existing products. Your hair is on fire trying to support it. But the tech giants do so well is they use technology to minimize execution work and make room for ideas. It works in different ways that could be using Automation Technology to help france and some by the way that software is available off the shelf right now. People without Machine Learning skills can figure that out and learning how to collaborate better Like Technology to make sure the documents are accessible and messages get across to the company. Once they have made room for this idea work thats not enough. What they have done is they have figured out now that we have for employees working on idea work we need a system thats going to take the ideas that are doubling up and it doesnt matter if they are at the highest level are the lowest level we are going to find a way to bring those ideas to the decision may curse and turn them into reality. Mindset day one we will transform and we are going to wait until the desperate moment. How do we take their execution work to minimize it and then the pipeline. How do we get ideas to people across tyrannization to decisionmakers so we can bring them to life. By doing all three of those things that tech giants have been able to reinvent themselves. Love that. First the mentality need to be willing to constantly reinvent yourself and not get attached your legacy and then you have to make sure you minimize execution work i automating it reads Tech Companies by nature what they do they dont just do it within their products they also do it in their internal operations and he mentioned this thing about the pipeline, how do you go from an idea to output as quickly as possible. Lets spend a couple of minutes diving deeper into the initial point. When it comes to minimizing execution work you are dimensioned to elements of the someone is making collaboration easier so people are not blocked from getting their idea across the finish line. Any kind of best practices or stories youd like to share with us that could help us i guess accelerated how well we are able to do this in our respective organizations collects. I would say i do want to make it sound intimidating. Minimizing execution work can be as simple as saying how do we make people look at our process and where do we find ways to strip out execution work. Amazon may say in vent thats one of their leadership policies. Take the processes you have and simplify them. That may be Technology Enabled it but doing it while theyve been able to create these inventions like we talked about at the top. So okay lets go a couple of as examples. I will go with the highest tech example and the lowtech example. The hightech example is inside amazon theres a program called hand over the wheel. Its called together by some people in side amazon through the ideas they had these people who would work with suppliers and Fulfillment Centers. If you are interested and if you wanted to sell pies to amazon you would work with the company and figure out we need this many detergent units and as many Fulfillment Centers at this price at this time and we will pay you this much. This idea project yet inside of amazon instead of the vendor managers doing it we would use the force. We can have Machine Learning do this well in amazon they can basically tell you every zip code what they do and what their hobbies are. For instance if you have a zip code actually the stuff how does amazon get you stuff in todays or oneday . Its art in a Fulfillment Center waiting for you to be shipped to you. They have an idea demographically okay we will probably send this many units out. What amazon did was they said okay this seems to be working in the what their Machine Learning engineers on it and ended up having the software essentially take over the bulk of managers activities. Now the software will be coming out with a purchase order and software does inventory planning. They will be negotiating with the vendor so the vendor manager used to get on the phone and say we need 3500 detergent and now they log onto a computer portal and web portal on the internet in amazon tells them how many they want. It minimizes execution work inside of amazons Retail Organization. What happens when they took the machinery and technology and set it free . You can do two things. One is expire people and i think that would be stupid. You can sail right now we have what we are aiming for. We have the idea work and lets see if we can put it to use. I will give a little background and tell one story. The background is look at linkedin and where did all these managers go . A they keep Program Managers inside of amazon so its professional inventors people who are shepherding a series of projects inside the company instead of distorting products. It took execution work and put them on idea work and they went through a vast number of products within the company. Heres the common story. There is a guy who was the head of promotions inside of amazon which is the type of stuff that Machine Learning did a pretty good job on it figured out the optimal price and when do we promote them and how do we figure out a way to get them to the people in the best time. Mark does this thing where he goes and works under jeff asos as a Technical Assistant which is somebody that shadows bezos basically goes to every meeting that bezos takes and he gets a chance to learn about how he thinks and how the company runs and all these different groups in the company and he probably gets to do something cool. The first technical adviser was andy jackson who runs amazons web services. You couldnt go back to pricing and promotion produced taken over by machines. What he does as he huddles with a group of people from the Retail Organization and they have their tasks automated and said what are we going to do quick states say okay lets figure out a way to solve the most annoying part of inperson shopping with technology and they figure out the most annoying part of shopping is checking out. People hate waiting in checkout lines and you never know what type of interaction you will have went to get ready to check out and now definitely you are potentially exposing someone else. Anyway they said lets figure out a way. Okay what if we built this huge vending machine where people type their orders and can find a way to popup the item to be delivered to in the slot. It still seemed like a complex User Experience so they said okay we can use technology to figure out and let them log up without checking out. For anyone who hasnt been there recommended. Neat. You scanned in anything off the shelves in the system knows we have taken in the walkout and you say a couple minutes later they put your seat in your phone. By taking technology and having kumars main source of tasks automated amazon set the foundation for amazon go to be created. This is just such a prime example of how invention is not as much as coulter but the culture that amazon built as a framework to be invented without the wheel you would have amazon go today. I have a lowtech example of the week and get into but i will kick it back to and see there any questions you have before you go on. I think this is great. For me as i think through how this applies to me its easy to feel like oh wow Machine Learning and all these smart coders and all the resources, thats much harder for us to do. At the same time going back to what you initially said which was that its not so much that we should not access, charlie but having the framework in mind which is if you split the execution work and idea work maybe you are not going to be using Machine Learning the way amazon does but still it can be minimized or changed how its done. Its almost like a leader of that organization you have to be on some consular thinking about the organization work. I do believe keeping this framework in mind can make a transformative difference and ultimately the culture of amazon enabled these things not just something that they invented that was highly scientific. Thats right and in the book i would say dont be too afraid or think that this technology is an accessible because in the book i go into a little bit about some of the examples of the companies without Machine Learning talent that amazon has. You are finding ways to automate and you might be surprised. Theres a whole set of Automation Companies today to provide services to companies that dont have that Machine Learning power. This could have people with very limited technical capabilities to automate tasks. They call it a automation anywhere and its something thats very interesting. Excellent. Just read a quote earlier today that said Something Like we all have access to err mean several buts and it happens to be we have the access them through the cloud servers and there will be paid links to those. Awesome, all right lets go to the next point about what you referred to as the right mentality and change the easy work and minimizing execution and ability to do the idea work. Theres the pipeline and how you get out the ideas or process and to the customers. How do companies treat data and how can we learn from that . Amazon, we talk a lot about amazon but amazon has this process which im sure many people are familiar with. Amazonians write their ideas down in document and that circulates to the idea makers who can get caught up quickly and it clarifies typical, Typical Company you give your boss and idea and beg their boss tells their boss and their boss tells their boss and family it gets turned into action. Its a terrible game of telephone in politics that ends up in companies doing jack. The document helps someone clarify their ideas so the idea is unadulterated and yet it becomes circulated to the company. We can get back to that. Theres plenty to say about it but let me give another example. The first time i met Mark Zuckerberg he didnt really have a traditional briefing. Typically when you are a reporter and you go into a ceo heres what happens. You go in and the ceo talks for 25 minutes and then theres a pr person in the room monitoring your facial expressions and if they like what they feel and you ask one question and if they dont they will say thanks for coming and we will see you next time. Zuckerberg it was totally the opposite. With zuckerberg he brought me and my editor and to talk about the manifesto and the document of future on Facebook Like winches facebook step ins lives for this example some expressing they want to hurt themselves on facebook does facebook have an obligation to ask this document was zuckerberg struggling and writing this philosophy about when they have a navigation to step in. I was like all right i read it through and i was ready to ask my question and go home. Instead i walk in the walk in the room the site look i really want your feedback. Well thats different. If hes doing an interesting sales job board giga chew thing with me jujitsu thing with me. I didnt have an answer. Everyone can read the document of the story we wrote on the internet. I started asking whats up with zuckerberg and why does he asked that and it turns out feedback is embedded in to facebooks culture. There are posters on the wall and the headquarters that feedback is a gift and managers request the book. They are taught to give and receive feedback and for the book i was able to sit in on one of those trainings at the beginning of the facebook chapter and it was kind of. I would sweat a lot. I had to do something in front of the group. I said i dont think so. Even in a roleplay giving feedback is so hard. Why are they so intent on doing this and at first i might have thought they really want to let people know where they stand. If you have an organization thats good with feedback people say i want to have a feedback culture so people arent surprised in their review. If someone is doing something that i want to know and not have to learn from the first time interview or to me thats the most rudimentary form of feedback and one of the basic things you should be doing in a company. Netflix does this and i think netflix is a little misguided in terms of the way they handle feedback. I think the purpose, so what i learned about facebook and the purpose and facebook of the latest feedback culture is to make anyone in the organization feel comfortable with going up to someone and telling them what to think reagan a Training Session they say you can give feedback to your boss or your bosses boss or zuckerberg himself. How Many Organizations have that . The someone is sharing an idea with you it means that it doesnt mean they are out to get you. Means they are doing it as a service of the company. I think by building a feedback culture like that all of a sudden you get to the point where people have an idea for service and they feel free to bring it to their skip level manager or zuckerberg himself and cuts through a lot of that clutter that exists inside of organizations. Its not Rocket Science and its not super complex but doubling in a system like that ends up meaning that facebook has this pipeline for great ideas to come through inside the company. Thats actually the basic company in a number of situations. Some quick examples. People know that Facebook Zuckerberg said no more demos. We are living in a globally as and if you want to show me a product showed to me in your phone. The mythology around this whole thing about zuckerberg himself he saw the mobile revolution coming in said i need to make this change. Its totally not what happened. Zuckerberg developed a desktop mentality because you are able to make iterations throughout the day and all it takes is a refresh of the browser and you are good. On mobile you have heard about the App Development process pretty good for a lengthy review process with apple or google land you may or may not take your product. Zuckerberg was dead set on t. Keeping the desk Top Development mentality. He built up stores that were app wrappers so it looks like a nap at once used the facebook app that opened a browser to a web which allowed facebook to get around apple in vogels approval process. It sounds smart but it was ask a terrible because it created awful apps. Facebook was moving into this mobile first world with really terrible mobile apps. Zuckerberg had a eureka moment. One of his people came over and pulled him aside in a q a that he does with the entire company said listen mark i understand why youre attached to this but its not working and you have to make a change. To make this change we will have to change the way we develop a product by the company. They would actually screen ios developers and their improvement process. It actually had to be a whole new way of building a whole new way of hiring in basically if you dont do this facebook is going to be in really big trouble. Thats why he ended up doing this thing and people heard about this mythology. He was open to feedback and a change the course of the company because of that. Thats the whole thing, right . Hit refresh and 1 done and the ability to say starting at square one and two at the pipeline to bring in ideas to let you know its time to do that. Zuckerberg did that well. Alex the practical suggestions that he gave us. What amazon does and to have ideas that are clearly articulated. So that everyone can see an endall adulterated version. See what you are thinking and then make it easy for people to encourage, so they feel comfortable. So thank you. Beri thank you, i love the story. I want to actually now focus on your experiences with attack leaders. And these stories are always fascinating. Many of us dont know what these people are like behind the pr. So we would love to hear your key observations of the most renowned tech leaders. What can we learn from that. What distinguishes them and what can we specifically learn from them that maybe we can change and improve on what we do. Alex so the book, i have a pretty good sense of what the characteristics like so what if we did like a quick lightning round 12 and three and four and five. Then i can come round and do a summary and what they do very well. Beri okay. Alex the guy is pretty right let less. I think you call it amazon relentless. Com for an introduction. He is a person that has meaning. And he could take out the flaw in your project right away. So he is pretty sharp. And the dude loves to invent. This new life altering has been a big surprise for people. He gets the truth out of the work. Its like riding around on the yacht. The coasting feeling. I never got a sense of, i think jack in second command told me that they both believe in the state. They can high off of trading these things. Going back and feeling like he is creating that bookstore again. And i think with google, i think he is very soft spoken. He is a guy who will do whatever he cant to minimize his presence and make room for everybody else. Which is nobody really imagined in leader and its interesting that somebody like him is leaning and zuckerberg, very interesting guy. I think the feedback thing is real. A lot of people will go in and tell more than tell you what to do, he will ask you a bunch of questions and get inside of your mind and then make a decision. Hes very wellliked, a nice guy. And apple. Much less willing to take feedback it seems from the rest of the company. We can talk about it but i dont think apple has any of these ideas pipelines like the other companies do. Some people generally like that. But there was one story about the rankandfile that how the headquarters, is a good morning. Then jim said hes saying what is he telling me to blank off. I thought that was interesting. And then definitely like incredibly curious. Employees who are at the bottom of the company and the guy was middle manager. They would go out and he wants to think what you think so he would take them out to dinner and pick the rain. I think the leaders, leaving cook to some extent, what they do, theyre not like leaders who would get up on a picnic table and of hole company surround them. Again the megaphone and say hey this is what we are doing a will follow my vision. But what i think they do well, they bring themselves, i think their process they take the personalities out of it make room for their ideas. In the thoughts of the people who work for them. I think that is really been the key for them in terms of how they do this but is not by going out there and making big speeches and then firing employees or making them follow them. If there are saying, what do you think. How can we bring them to life. I do think it is a different take on what leadership is. I think were going to see companies in the future will value of this type of leadership. And move much further away from the person who think they need to be the source of all ingenuity and inspiration. I think that is going to be going to be extinct at a certain point. Beri and tied very closely to the point you made earlier, a knowledge economy to maximize ideas. Maybe, if youre leading troops are what have you, then perhaps you need that person who gets it done. But in a knowledge economy, you really need to get like that super diverse points of view about your people that they already have. But are you listening. When they getting stuck at middlemanagement and not getting through. Because of all of the politics there. Alex and his howard right. Its not like i got here and i got all of the good ideas on here. It makes things really difficult. But those who actually do it will turn into a superpower. Beri absolutely. Co creation, whether it is the leader who has the idea of someone else. Their ability to take that idea and bounce it off of multiple people, all of the diverse points to make a decision its an approach right. With the ideas as well. So encouraging the environment. People will feel like they can say what they want to but also the people in charge need to actually be willing to listen. Otherwise, people might know the solution but know that it would be executed. So based on your research on what you found, any differences between the individuals you mentioned and other iconic people come to mind. Elon musk and steve jobs. Anything like that how they viewed things differently. What things do they have in common with the folks that you interviewed. Alex i thought elon was going to be one of those that you would get to. So in on obviously is a visionary. But if you look at him as a leader for today i would say no. You know tesla has had a lot of struggles. And i think that the company would be in much better shape if elon would embody the leadership. The qualities of these others. If you are at tesla, your executing elons idea. This is all him. Everything comes from him. Obviously hes created a brilliant product. But you cant turn these companies into sustainable companies. Its going to take more than ideas from just one person. I think its skeptical if he has the ability to do that. Everyone can change, maybe hell change. Please quite determined with the job he is done with tesla. But i also think just imagine how much smoother it would go if he took himself a little bit out and made room for others. And steve jobs, hes an interesting anomaly. Obviously he was able to take apple to where it is largely on the basis of his ideas. And dont forget they also got fired from apple by being someone like that. There is no guarantee for him coming back. So i would say dripping in the office. Over repeated management. If got to go with the assumption that youre not steve jobs. And what you do that, youre going to have a much better chance at a successful company. And being right. But also like, is it possible that steve jobs wouldve been a better opposition if he wouldve put these practices in place. Apple put him on execution work not an idea work. It is no channel bring ideas management. In this 20 seen the company struggle with to develop these big new inventions. And they created air pods. They have earbuds for iphone users. But what happens go beyond that iphone, the reason why siri has struggled where like the echo and google assistance have done well, is because apple always use siri as a feature for the iphone as opposed to the product line. And once steve jobs died and actually had the potential to go from little virtual assistance to big platform. They still havent been able to bring the vision together in order to build it. That is a cultural thing. Think about the google system. There is android, mail, maps, youtube, music, and it can go on and on and on. The reason why Google Assistant works is because all these assistance are able to work together. You both need to know the code word so, but you cant like say the code word sages give up. Thats why siri again is culture. But the Google Assistant actually works pretty well. All of the to musk and jobs. They have done good work. But i dont think there the model for the future work in leadership looks like going forward. Beri thank you so much alex. And i think lets bring this all together in a way, the continued pain and so conversation based on everything that you are saying is that it is so easy to think that is all about the secrets as far as technology or how they came up with one set of products like finance and every thing else. But the reality ultimately the companies offered is 100 percent correlated to the people who are there and what they are able to do. The more we can emulate these tech giants and their ability to minimize execution, and have this like ability to give feedback and be open toward helps. We have great audience russians. Everybody else is listening, you should grab a question and submit it the next couple of minutes. Now we will have plenty great question here from dena she asked about hope we get from the pipeline into the next step. And ill add my twist to the question is, when something is out there and interacts with the customer, that is where it becomes an talking a lot about internal. But please share with us what is next. How do these companies treat their customers differently. Alex great question. So heres the thing. About the systems. I can describe the tech giants systems all day long. They have a full day work. But with the system, with artificial intelligence, they cant replace judgment. So i think what you gotta do is put the systems in place to make yourself successful. But you still need to make good decisions. So ultimately if you get the green light or not is going to be up to the people who are at the Decision Making powers. And the question about the customers, and trent. Beri it was more about is there a particular way in which the company treat their customers in terms of the data that i get. Because thats the ultimate feedback. Alex so heres an example for microsoft. Your customers can help you become more inventive. Anyone who works in sales, knows that you spent almost an entire day coming through the pr and customer elation check tool in order to find out who to call. And then the rest is execution work in the maybe you spent, 80 percent of the time coming through that tool and then maybe 15 percent of the remaining time writing percent, you spend selling. And sometimes that involves listening to your customer. Levitra 2 percent 2 percent of the time asked the customer, which yourself in the customers in the shoes and say what is your daily life like. I dislike what youre using but what is your daily life like at your job. What is working well and what is not working well. Then spit out ideas. Services that they need and no one is building yet. So microsoft, they put it on and they said, for ourselves and will going to instead of having todays coming around the syrian, and trying to figure out who to call, where is going to him the machine tell them who to call and what to talk about. So they put that into action. And they have much more time to focus actually and making a career in learning about the customer. In hearing what the customer needs. They have the system where salespeople can put ideas into the products inside of this pipeline in the company feels that when it makes sense to do it. So you can learn everything from your customers pretty you just have to listen to them. And what drives invention and amazon. You can be or have everybody satisfied but you can never always satisfy your customers. You always have to ask what is next. They know theres always going to be an appetite for inventions. Beri excellent and thank you so much alex. Next question, how best to open up a leader to lydia over execution culture. Alex you got to set them down and say hey do you like doing your job and do you want to do it for a long time. Its not just me, it is the numbers show. How quickly nobodies fall from the fortune 500 these days. Fifteen years is not a long time. So what happens then. I think is really like the moment of not having much of a choice. In a world where it so easy to spin up a new Service UsingSomething Like computing. The advantages just wont last for very long. So i think just having a conversation and be frank about it. And talk about opening an idea culture can lead to the success of the company. Thats actually should be pretty convincing. I would just send them a copy of this and say hey you might enjoy this. [laughter]. Beri thank you alex, that was great. Next question is from hugo and he asked, is it possible to recover from day to syndrome and quickly go back to day one mentality. Alex thank you. That is a great question and opens up a Good Opportunity for me to talk about microsoft. There is absolutely that way. So microsoft, the time when they had both the dominant desktop operating system. Windows pretty everybody thought that they were going to ride this forever. Even microsoft. But they never really thought that there could be this moment were windows would be and he did. People laughed at the iphone. No one will buy that. They refused to take themselves out of this mentality where they said our flagship product is her assets. Unrest that will take us everywhere we need to go. And instead well, my doing that, they went into the dark ages because they were so fixed on windows that they didnt go into any other ideas. They were writing this down to the ground. Totally unwilling to accept the fact the desktop operating system was going to be so important in the age of mobile computing in the cloud. There were the offset milk first, side windows down to the ground. They were two people they said we wont be able to survive ridealong with this operating system. Lets go to cloud. The operating company, maker flagship oil is important because of people can start computing and rather than they dont need a windows machine to do it. They can use an apple computer, a book. Then all of a sudden, he doing with windows. There is light a lot of resistance in microsoft. Eventually the company saw the cloud was what was going to take them into the next generation. So as a surprise that people left. Server and tools Business Inside of microsoft was all about solving things with Small Businesses. And move them into Something Else for microsoft. Toys working on the book for nine months heard mr. Wasnt Crystal Clear the thesis. So i sat in the office with the former chief economist. And she walked me through the decisions how they were being made up in microsoft in the tradeoff. In monthly limit walked out of her office, i said, this is where the book is. Is this what they have done and all of these companies have been so successful is look towards the future. And discard what is happened in the past. Hit refresh is a title of his book. I do think by doing that move from mentality today one mentality, is now the most valuable company in the world again. Beri thanks alex, focus on the future for the past. Farleys not be beholden by the past. Anything do with maybe one more. Just didnt do anything with these companies on are they humanized or not. Chris is not part of corporate america. How do these companies recognize our employees. Alex if you think about the maslow triangle, the pure merit of need. Self packet will actually is a in. When i was taking my classes, one of the synonyms was invention. And i was thought that was weird because i was thought invention was the guy in the garage to figure out how to attach to support from his batting helmet and can drink beer out of it. But actually is the most rewarding thing that you can do. As to be selfactualized. Assuming thats a pretty cool form of recognition. Beri absolutely, enabling people and create beautiful stuff. Alex, this is wonderful. I want to wrap up by asking you, those who have helped you with your endeavors. We want to be there for you as well. You have the final word of wisdom. It is the one thing that you would encourage us to do starting tomorrow. For that me. Alex i would say, will of course i have to pitch the book. I would love it if you would be my book and give me your feedback. We also have a book club that i run with a couple of other people. You can just type in day one book club to join. In the last one is that there been so many times were companies have rebounded and been resilient. Its a tough moments right now but i would you say to everybody other, will be discouraged. It can be done. I think i am excited to hear all the good stories that come out of your companies. How youve been resilient and rebounded in this moment. We will get through it. I just appreciate you all. Taking the time to listen. People who have stayed on the call, that is pretty sweet. Finding time for this. This is what i was hoping for, the spirit to come and speak with you into the years of research that went into this. So i just want to say pink you so much. Beri thank you. Definitely excited to see what ever becomes possible. Youve definitely given us frameworks that we can keep in mind to be better. In any endeavor, really appreciate it. Thank you again. Alex thank you very appreciated. Speech of thank you to everybody tuna book book tv getting 88 00 p. M. Eastern, highlights from our monthly in depth series. Followed by former Consumer Financial director, the details of the creation of the bureau. Then journalist michelle, offer some thoughts on u. S. Immigration policy. Watch book tv tonight and over the weekend, on cspan2. This memorial day weekend on book tv, saturday at 3 25 p. M. Eastern, best selling author James Patterson talks about his efforts to assist bookstores. His latest book, the house of kennedy and on sunday, at 4 00 p. M. Eastern, foundation for liberty in American Veteran president nick adams, in his book trump and churchill. Defenders of western civilization. At 430 eastern, time magazine, National Political respondent talks about her latest book. Elisabeth looks at the career is bigger of the house of representatives, nancy pelosi. In a 9 00 p. M. , on afterwards. Cofounder chris talks about his book fair shot about reducing poverty and the strength in the middle class. Then on monday, at 8 30 p. M. Eastern, selling thriller writer david talks about his writing career and books on in depth. And watch book tv, this memorial day weekend, on cspan2. So jim, you tell the story of going from being teaming up a twitter. The book you talk a lot about problems. When did you realize that Small Business payments where a