January in order to stockpile medical supplies. Furthermore, the Chinese Communist Party Government tried to hide its actions by denying there were any export restrictions. They even tried to obscure and delay their trade data so they wouldnt get caught. These acts are outrageous. Even worse the c. I. A. Informs intelligence agencies have found evidence that china threatened the World Health Organization to stop cooperating on efforts to combat covid19 if the organization declared a Global Health emergency early on. So it was declared and hence valuable time lost to fight the virus. This is simply unacceptable behavior. Behavior. To fight the virus. This is simply unacceptable behavior. The Chinese Communist party ought to be held accountable for the countless lives lost around the globe due to the nontransparent aggressive and inhuman behavior. The World Health Organization is comprised of many honorable and dedicate gated medical professionals who believe in the whos mission. If any of them were privy to what was going on, by the Chinese Communist party they are to step forward. Any misdeeds by the organization leadership. Preventing corruption within the institution which is why i have a longstanding reputation of protecting the whistleblowers. The world deserves to know what the World Health Organization leadersit know and when they knw it. The evidence is quickly becoming crystal clear. China is t responsible for the suffering worldwide. And active cover up and telling the truth about the Chinese Communist party does not, some have suggested on any bearing on how we analyze our domestic response. We should learn from that democratic countries who have been successful and during convening outbreaks like taiwan and kept south korea. W however going forward, everyone around the world should have their eyes open about the true nature of the chinese regimes. Highyield. The coronavirus pandemic continues to challenge our nation in the senate is here working for the American People. Our committee; leaders like powell to discuss the cares act and a path towards reopening. We are tracking the effects of the largest rescue package ever. And are considering the next steps like strong Legal Protections of the doctors and small businesses, schoolteachers and universities do not face a second epidemic of frivolous lawsuits. In the senate is also on top of other threats, predated covid19. The meddling of russia. The brutal communist party. Rogue states like iran and north korea. Foreign terrorists such as isis. Two weeks ago we overwhelmingly confirmed and impressivelyel Different National counterintelligence and security center. And acting as renounced will play a central role in briefing candidates and campaigns on foreign threats against our elections. Today our callings on the Intelligence Committee now led by acting chairman rubio, will report out the nominee to be the next director of national intelligence. And last week have essential tools that we need to defend our homeland, track our enemies and protect americans. But we did not stop there. Over the last several years, we have been painfully reminded that our nation and our liberties are not only threatened, without the fabric of our fabric of our country and tools and are meant to keep us safe, are abused. W in ways that are at best reckless, sloppy, unaccountable or worst, diluted by political bias. In 2016, the fbi for martin and counterintelligence the investigation against Donald Trump Campaign for the presidency. Federal Law Enforcement and used taxpayer money to scrutinize the Political Campaign in the middle of a democratic election. He knew you wouldve thought such a radical step must have sprung from an airtight justification. Certainly, youhi would think tht the Outgoing Obama Administration should only abuse the awesome power of the federal government to pry into their political rivals if they had a slam dunk basis for doing so. But that is not with a hat. In one instance the fbi got permission to survey off the trump associate by telling halftruths, gloried evidence and sketchy sources as part of an Opposition Research that had been funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign. Also the d c. Heres how even the New York Times explained the recent findings the justice departments Inspector General. Heres what the New York Times said. The fbi and terry picked and evidence about the trump advisor. When seeking permission for wiretapping. That madam president , was from the New York Times. Some american Citizens Campaign for the american presidency was treated like a hostile foreign power. And by their own Law Enforcement in part because the democratic executive branch, headed contrary evidence and made a d c dossier of foreign investigation. Inspector general, seven significant inaccuracies and omissions. Heres his report. We identified multiple instancei in which factual assertions relied upon in the fbi applications were inaccurate and incomplete or unsupported by appropriate documentation based upon information fbi had in his possession. That the time that the application was filed. Did you catch that last part. Based upon information the fbi had in its possession at the time the application was filed. So weve been talking about gross incompetence or intentional bias. Does any senator think its acceptable for any application to include seven significant inaccuracies and omissions. But this was not just the runofthemillis warrant. It was if i supported to snoop on a president ial campaign. This is just one of the realities that President Trumps democratic critics spent years calling conspiracy theories of the president. Yet here it is in black and white on exactly the kind of independent Inspector General that they embraced, when convenient. Sadly this was no isolated incident. Just recently attorney general has had to take the incredible step of unwinding the prosecution of another former trump advisor because the governments case against him was unfair and distorted as well. It was largely in the basis of these proceedings the democrats and the media spent years exciting on wild theories of russian collision. Sen. Mitch mcconnell went on investigation, the mueller investigation, remember that one. It is the wild allegations along with the credibility of several of these investigations that help create the clouds sufficiency in the first place. In the words of our senators attorney general, the proper investigative and prosecutorial standards, of the department of justice were abused. We saw two different signs of injustice emerge. One from the President Trump and his associates, the other than apply to everybody else. We cannot allow this to ever happen again. Thats from the attorney general. Oh and by the way, as if this was more shocking behavior, i understand the federal judge may try to continue prosecuting even though the prosecution itself was to drop it. The judge has taken upon himself to go browsing for other hostile parties. Obviously the Constitutional Order in which the executive alone decides whether to prop prosecute. So what better president , with whom he try to claim, youre not crazy or conspiracy theorist, you see a pattern of institutional unfairness towards this president. You have to be blind not to see one. You have to be blind not to see one. All of this is why the Senate Passed important fights and reforms of last weeks bill. To help bring accountability and transparency into that process. And we are nearly finished. The full senate will vote on mrd will have a senate confirmed. And then we can pursue the Vital National Security Work of our Intelligence Community. Also ensuring that the they stay out of but politics and out of the papers. I just yesterday, chairman graham announced the Judiciary Committee will vote on a serious note set of subpoenas so the senate can hear directly from key players, andrew mccabe, Loretta Lynch and many others to m continue getting to the bottom of this. Uesalome say that again, Senate Republicans are taking steps to issue new subpoenas to a wide variety of Obama Administration officials with some relationship to the abuses i have just laid out. The American People deserve answers about how these abuses could happen and we intend to get those answers. Ive been a strong supporter of Law Enforcement and the Intelligence Community during my career. The American People sleep safer because dedicated people are protecting our country and bringing our and those two just as pretty as precisely because i support these missions that i feel so strongly this malpractice cannot be tolerated and must never be repeated. Now in another matter, is my honor to help bid farewell to us man who has given more than 30 years this body has functioned more safely and smoothly because mike was director of the office of Senate Security. He did the job that is tough to describe. It is partially because allstars like mike have a way of carving out their own niche. But its mostly because his work is literally classified. Hes been in charge of the senates security almost as lonn as i have been in the senate. He came on board as acting orrector in 1987, he took over a brandnew office with incredibly important and sensitive functions and the details are not for public consumption but lets say there were two main missions. First, mike has managed modernized and expanded to secure facilities and systemsnd that provide classified information in the capital. The senators and committees as we govern the country. He simultaneously benefited and the liaison to the who has advocated for the senates prerogative. And skillful manager of people and logistics and has make sure their sacred state secret once they arrived here. And second, mike has been one of our top leaders on the security of the sentence itself. He helped plan for a contingency and guard every facet of our institution. , his people in and systems from and badactors intentions. So madam president , these are tall orders even for a fellow graduate of the university of louisville. Consider how much it has changed in the 37 years since my first came to the senate. And in the 32 years he has held this job. Major wars, terrorist strikes in the homeland, anthrax in the heart building and countless that havecal advances invaded radically more complex. Imagine guarding some of the nations most held secrets, planning for possible attacks on the institution, bending unanimously described by your colleagues, as calm, cool and even killed. And eight is a chief people pleaser, his duties dont permit it. When you see him outside of the secured facility and heading our way, it does mean or does not mean a social call. It means bad news. And you Better Believe what he has to say l no a lot more thana yes. Just doing the job have is reliably reassuringly as mike, is a Herculean Task by itself. In effect from the fact that hes also one of the most personally wellliked and respected holy among considerable of those who he has worked with. Mikes reputation extends far outside a senate. I have it on Good Authority and secretary of defense served as the advisory to a former majority leader, it comes to the Senate Security to previous members pretty doesnt consider his visit complete until he stopped in mikes office to checkou on his colleague. But ironically while cited select circle, most people in senate and south could not pick him up outue of a lineup. I guess when everything he forked on a strictly need to know, you end up on a need to know basis yourself. Even mikes own teammates describe his approach is somewhat still flight. In short, even to his blood senate, mike has remained somewhat mysterious. It is definitely good sign for all of this that is never become a household name. Over some careful intelligent work on heres zone history of clues about mike his next assignment. His retirement will bring more long runs, lumber golf, and more time with family that he treasures. He may missus colleagues in the importance of his job, but nothing tears will be shed for those long commutes unidentified which took place at all hours day and night whenever duty called. I can offer mike or i cannot atfer him a higher price than repeat what he actually already knows. The senate has been safe and secure more than a generation. This is because of you. Decades of senators have gotten information we need because of you. Some people spend their whole careers wondering if they have ee difference. You have not needed to ask that for almost 40 years. And you will never need to ask is again. So mike, we will miss you. But old habits die hard and we simply arent willing to sever all ties so this morning, the senate will officially designate mike Senate Securities director. The office first ever director will become his first ever director americans. Dont worry mike, your new Job Description will just be a little bit lighter. If i have the biggest mystery they have to tackle for a while is whether to play nine holes on saturday rfid and 18. Ne holes on the senate and your country thank you for everything you

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