Drowned out by the daily news about the pandemic. Imagine being a family farmer in the midst of the crisis facing any number of challenges five recent years with low commodities only to face the greatest disaster we have ever experienced in our lifetime. Then when you thought nothing else could go wrong, Something Else does go wrong you have to face a severe drought. 1200 farms in california dont have to imagine this situation because they are living through it as we speak. Sometimes it is referred to as an area rich with Agricultural Resources and exceptional populations of wildlife it tracks the waterfowl and anywhere in the lower 48 states and is home to some of the most productive salmon River Systems in the country. At home to encompass 200,000 acres of farmland. For the tributaries those that are familiar with the basin will know the water is essential to the health of the lake and for the economic success of the ranchers and the farmers. There is enough water to address all of these goals this year there is not enough water to go around so when you have a dry year less water its bad for b everyone, the refuge the river the lake, and the farmers in this year 2020 is not just as difficult a year as anyone could have imagined with the bureau of reclamations climate basin area office. The Governor Kate Brown put it this way back in march. Drought conditions arrived early and have persisted including we do snowpack so in other words the perfect storm of challenges. The forecast calls for warmer than normal temperatures lower than normal precipitation and there is nothing that has reversed thatha course. The natural reservoir in providing water for irrigation was just 20 percent of normal you can get a sense how bad it is by looking at the historic numbers this is one way to present it. You can see deliveries coming to the other climate lake project and then we have the worst ever drought of 2001 and then the terrible drought of 2010 and here we are and then put in 2001 there was a water war in oregon. Some of you may remember there was a Bucket Brigade to take water out of the canal ditch protest and great anger and we ever doubt partnershipsor with competing constituencies to develop a plan for the region and then in 2010 to make National News like in 2001. We are here tonight is a part of that partnership is working with the federal government to provide assistance and funding and those water rights and to take water out of theat ground. So typically 350,000 feet of water to fully irrigate the basin and at the beginning of the Season Farmers were told erthey get a fraction of that maybe 130,000. And then to charge the canals and preparing with water that comes with summer and 100,000 of that 140,000 need. There was less than anticipated not enough snow and it melted too fast. To harvest and it took a bg hit. The workers that usually harvest are not going to have jobs to go to. Local business that supplies things like seed and fertilizer and farm equipment, they are hit hard, too mac. The farmers and the communities need our help and they need it now. The worst thing we can do is stand by and say in these times of trouble we are not here to help. Weve looked at the bureau of flexibility and ability to utilize the 10 million a year that has been previously authorized and appropriated to work with the farmers and ranching community. This money as i mentioned has already been authorized. Itspp already been appropriated so why should i need to introduce a bill x. The answer is a bureaucratic red tape in 2018 senator wyden and i worked here and on the outside of the congressman that represents this district. The bill passed and went to the oval office and have the president of trumps support for after it was enacted with the lawyers at the bureau said im sorry the language we gave you isnt quite right on further examination. Last year we were able to work again in partnership with the congressman and we passed language here in the senate to fix this. Thats great except it didnt make it through the house or to the oval office. So theres 10 million of their authorized previously appropriated but needs a technical fix to be able to help the farmers and ranchers right now. I am not saying to all of you that this would be enough help r this incredibly drought but steps could be taken right away and that is the delay will be introducing tomorrow with the full support again my partners in this effort, congressmen and senator wyden. Farmers and ranchers need help and they need it now. This is not a silver bullet, but it is something easily within our reach. What do these thing is within our reach. Money that has been authorized and appropriated or that had a Technical Glitch was fixed that and get help right now to pump water to provide a system. I think all of my colleagues is that helped so much for making to the floor under similar circumstances and we gave unanimous consent for this bill. The congressman came down the hallway to vouch for the issues that we were facing so we were hearing bipartisan representation of the challenges of addressing the challenges that our ranchers and farmers and the senate faced and that is what people do it again but we will be asking for each and every memberin support that we t this done and we get it done quickly. Thank you so much, mr. President and i will yield the floor and note the absence of a quorum. Ive just returned from being in tennessee this weekend and phone calls into seeing a lot of people out and about i will tell you this has changed a lot about how we go about our daily lives but it hasnt changed the way they work out their differences and we are still arguing about and debating the importance of federalism and how the constitution can help us determine if what they can do

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