We also invite your participation using the hashtag pmqs. Members are finishing up other business. Live to the floor of the british house of commons. We will continue to listen and take appropriate steps at the right time to protect critical supply routes wherever they are. Doctor james davis. Can the minister confirm that keeping the roots open is sustaining the supply chain of food and medical supplies that are so vitally needed on both sides of the crossing including their . Absolutely yes. It is a good example of that where they benefited from those connections to great britain. I will call the Prime Minister to answer the engagements, Prime Minister boris johnson. Thank you, mister speaker. Mister speaker, yesterday International Nurses day, the whole house thank the nurses and care staff in key workers, responding to the covid19 pandemic. 134 nhs workers and 131 social care workers deaths have been reported as involving covid19. This house learned of the tragic death, the fact that she was abused of doing her job is utterly appalling. My thoughts and i am sure the thoughts of the whole house are with her family. I had meetings with ministerial colleagues in addition to my duties to this house later today. Ruth edwards. Thank you, mister speaker. Clean investments generated the highest return in the recovery from the financial crisis. As we restart our economy will my right honorable friend commit to prioritizing investment in low carbon infrastructure such as the electric Vehicle Network and Renewable Energy production which will help the uk meet its target by 2050. Yes, mister speaker. To encourage the takeup of electric vehicles we are putting 1 billion pounds into infrastructure to prevent rage anxiety there. I call the leader of the opposition. I join the Prime Minister and all those on the front lines and sends condolences to all the families of those including the Prime Minister referenced, a ticket officer who died from covid19 in awful circumstances. In a speech on wednesday, the premise is that we needed to reverse the awful epidemic in our care homes. Earlier this year until the twelfth of march, and it remains very unlikely. 40 of orders from covid19, the government was too slow to protect people in care homes. It wasnt true the advice said that and we brought the lockdown in care homes. What we have seen is a concerted action plan to tackle what is unquestionably an appalling epidemic in care homes and testing is going, 600 Million Pounds for Infection Control in care homes and it is absolutely true the number of casualties is too high but lasts weekend this week the number of outbreaks is down and the number of fatalities in care homes is well done. There is much more to do. I am surprised the Prime Minister queries the advice, i do welcome the recorded numbers, the numbers are still very high. It carried the following quote from a cardiologist. We discharged known suspected and unknown cases into care homes which were unprepared with no warning that patients were infected. And no way to prevent transmission. We actively seated this into the population that was most vulnerable. Does the Prime Minister accepted cardiologist is right about this. The utmost respect for all medical professionals doing next ordinary job in difficult circumstances but i can tell the house the number of discharges from hospitals into care homes and we had a system of testing people going into care homes and that testing is being ramped up across all 15,000 care homes in this country. I want to probe the figures a little further. The ons recalls the average number of deaths in care homes each month. The last 5 years the average for april has been just over 8000. This year it was the staggering 26,000, three times the average, 18,000 additional deaths using the governments figures only 8000 are recorded as covid19 does, that means 10,000 additional in the next lane care home deaths this april. I know the government mustve looked into this. Prime minister give us the governments views on these unexplained deaths. Prime minister . Coronavirus is an appalling disease which afflicts some groups more than others. In particular the elderly and he is right to draw attention to the tragedy taking place in care homes. And it shows they have not been a terrible epidemic in care homes but since the care homes action plan, we are seeing an appreciable and substantial reduction not in the number of outbreaks but also the number of deaths. I want to stretch to the house, it is going to be critical, getting it done, it will be critical to my ability to move forward as a nation with a stepped program on sunday. We must fix it and we will. The Prime Minister says all the problem in care homes is crucial, the numbers are understood, the Prime Minister has an answer to the obvious question, what are those unexplained deaths. In a press conference for those who died from covid19 was 32,692, each one a tragedy. The government compared the uk number with other countries, last week i showed the Prime Minister the slide showing the uk has the highest total in europe and the second highest in the world. A version of the slide was shown at the number 10 press conference every day since the thirtieth of march. The slide is gone. Why . Mister speaker, as he knows very well the uk is going through unprecedented epidemic and he seeks to make comparisons with other countries which i am advised which i am advised are premature because the correct way of making these comparisons would be when we have all the excess death totals for all the relevant countries, im not going to try to pretend to the house when the figures are finally confirmed, other than stark and deeply horrifying. This has been an appalling epidemic. At hospital admissions coming down, the hard work of the bridge people in reducing those numbers of fatalities. To begin to come out of the restrictive measures we had. People understand what we are trying to do. As for the international comparison, they have to contain these invasions. Government slides for 7 weeks to reassure the public. It is pretty obvious for 7 weeks when we were at the highest number in europe they reduce the comparison purposes as soon as we hit that they have been dropped and last week, he quoted in defense, what the professor said was we need to think about it, we should use other countries to try to learn why our numbers are so high and dropping the comparisons means dropping the learning. I want to talk about the change is coming today. A real concern for many people is childcare. I want to quote the mother of a young child. I apologize if it is a little empty but it represents what we have been guessing. She says this. As boris said in his speech, people are encouraged to go back to work meaning my partner as he works in construction. My partner has explained this cant happen because we have no child care and i work as well but my bosses havent done it. I hope i can get some advice. Me and my partner have been so stressed all day. What advice would the Prime Minister give them . Prime minister . On these earlier points about not learning from other countries nothing could be further from the truth. We are watching what is happening in other countries and it is notable that in some other countries relaxations have been introduced and there are signs of the art going up again. Not to proceed too fast or reckless. I hope the country does understand that was the specific point he raises, about going back to work when they dont have adequate childcare i was very clear with him and the house earlier in the week that in so far as people may not be able to go back to work because they dont have the childcare they need than their employers must clearly as i said, an impediment, a barrier to your ability to go back to work. The specific case he raises if there is anything more to shed light on the matter. Im grateful for that particular case, it is one of very many. The primus series asking to support decisions that will affect millions of lives. These are not major decisions. They are very difficult balanced decisions the government has to make. Out of confusion the last few days gaining Public Confidence in the is crucial, crucial. Driven by the science, the data, the Public Health. To get the Public Confidence can the Prime Minister commit to publishing the scientific advice the decisions were based on . Sage advice is published in due course as the right honorable gentleman knows. Our scientists and medical officers preparing this strategy and i want to remind the house what we are doing, entirely conditional, the uk debate, a huge amount of progress, worked incredibly hard. We cannot go back, we cannot risk a second outbreak and we will do everything to avoid that. I think when they look at what we are advocating as the way forward the stepped process we have set out, we can see exactly what we are trying to do is a country, required to obey the social distancing rules and the british people got through the first phase of the disease. Im confident that will get us through the next as well. Philip done. The Prime Minister is well aware particularly affecting those with diseases like covid19. With the Global Climate conference to protect our people and our planet. I think my right honorable friend for what he does to champion the environment, and what is to take place in glascow at the end of this year but enthusiasm, determination to get to net 0 by 2050 remains undiminished. Ian blackburn. I think the nurses for their efforts, looking up and applauding as the International Nurses day. Mister speaker, last week the Prime Minister in response to my questioning noted the ability of the governments of all four nations to come together and deliver a clear message for our people. Events on sunday could not have been more disastrous from this government. The Prime Minister has done that. Widespread confusion among the public and total disregard from this government for worker safety, will the Prime Minister accept the clear message in scotland is stay home to protect the nhs to save lives. Prime minister, mister speaker, indeed the message throughout the country, the course that you should stay at home if you can, unless there are specific circumstances we outlined apply but i dont accept the characterization we had that the leader of the s p, has been going on for days and weeks and if you look at the totality for the country and much more that does that . Back to ian blackburn. A clear message and didnt address the point about london buses being packed this morning, the Prime Minister is threatening progress made against the spread of this virus by the general public following the advice to stay at home. The Prime Minister put workers safety at risk by calling on those who cant work at home to go to their jobs without any guidance on health and safety. Last monday the Health Secretary launched the test phase at trial. On sunday the Prime Minister appeared to leapfrog any success with that by announcing easing of restrictions. Before any lockdown using and to avoid undermining the progress the Prime Minister must make sure there are sufficient levels of Testing Available and elevated test, trace, isolated, purely in operation. Why is the Prime Minister throwing weeks of progress against this undermining the work of our outstanding nhs . Prime minister . Raising the point of london buses, quite right and i dont want to see matters of public transport in our capital and we are working actively with tfl to ensure what we do is have more capacity of going to work during the peak and the operators in particular way on particularly more trains when they are necessary throughout the day and a huge amount of work is being done. We want to see proper marshaling, to prevent crowding of trains, to get second trace is going to be a huge operation. And paid tribute to the work of all those that hundreds of thousands of people, with tracing operations. We test more than any other country, the rate of acceleration and increase have been very sharp and go to 200,000 by the end of the month. This should be the success, to move on to the third step, second and third steps of our roadmap. Julian smith. 5000, 90 of the Homeless Population in the uk are now in temporary combination as a result of actions taken by the government at the start of this crisis. Will the Prime Minister commit to providing all trends necessary action needed to ensure the positive feeling with the homelessness crisis can be made permanent and each of these individuals can be given a longterm home. It is the governments ambition by 2024, great to see the progress being made in this difficult time, 90 in accommodation, offering accommodation and we will be investing a considerable sum to make sure we build the housing, to tackle that problem for good. There edward davis. Can i think the government for listening to liberal democrats and others to protect jobs by extending yesterday, will the government do the same for the selfemployed . People like cleaners, taxi drivers and hairdressers have seen their incomes devastated and are only now able to apply millions of these families have no help in the future so surely selfemployed people must have their support extended too. I admire the right honorable gentleman taking the credit from my right honorable friend the chancellor for the extension of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme which has been one of the most extraordinary features of the response to the crisis, we are looking after to draw attention to the position of the selfemployed, making sure they get payments over three months of 7500 pounds as well. Doctor jamie wallace. Thank you, mister speaker, may i congratulate the Prime Minister on being straight with the british people and the clearance cautious roadmap in england. Unfortunately for my constituency the wills government has not set out any such plan or vision. Does he agree with me the people of wales deserve a government that is honest and clear with them of the road ahead. I agree with him, working very well to gather, all those who talk about confusion a mixed messages are overstating the position, shining through this argument. They can see where they want to go in where we need to go. Prime minister, at the end of march, thousands of our people stranded abroad in south asia and grudgingly much slower than other countries, the Foreign Office organized flights but many are still stranded. Now washing his hands of those who remain even though they may have worked here for years, husbands, wives, parents and grandparents of british citizens. Indeed, some have described this as another rush wanting to happen. The right honorable gentleman behind the speakers chair, we estimate 1. 3 million british nationals have been returned, i can tell him we put in 75 Million Pounds, what do we do to bring people back as fast as we can. The arrogant and confident and vindictive Electoral Commission suffered its final humiliation. For four long years has investigated and hounded four people from four different organizations making their lives and family lives hell. Last week the police said they were totally innocent and had done nothing wrong. For the sake of democracy will you ensure that that politically corrupt, totally biased and morally bankrupt is abolished . The Electoral Commission, for those who investigated, i hope those who drawing attention to their supposed guilt will spend as much time and energy and airtime drawing attention to genuine innocence, mister speaker. The fallacy of accommodation for social distance, hard not to enforce, not doing enough to seek refuge and for the fallacy for the council to make sure the institute locked down. The honorable dental and draws attention to an important issue, asylumseekers in this country, nobody is ill treated and i will be investigating the matter he referred to. Thank you, mister speaker. The beginning of the festival, currently closed distance, true welsh innovation by meeting the festival online. Will Prime Minister join me in thanking those tourist businesses, acted in the National Interest to protect Public Health and remind them once the wills government publishes an exit plan, welcome back again very soon. I am sorry the wonderful festival was postponed this year. I think my honorable friend for what shes doing to promote it. Turning it into hail wifi. If i may say. Stuart helvey. Both covid19 and brexit is suppressing trade, damaging jobs and the economy. If we hope covid19 ends, global trade will bounce back, there is no guarantee that will happen quickly. Will the premise to mitigate this damage by seeking an extension to the brexit transitional period. Explain to the house why he has been so negligent in not seeking the traditional extension now. Minister . One of the most markable things i said to the right honorable gentleman is the way the country has come together to deal with it and there is a spirit of unity and sharing i didnt see for a long time. A lot of people dont want to see the brexit argument reopens, they want to see it settled in done and that is what this government intends to do. Simon baines. The hospitality and Tourism Business of my constituency, vital for the health of its local economy, a good example is the steam railway. And and they see them through the Coronavirus Crisis and when the crisis is over can he please hop on board one of their steam trains . A picture at home of myself, the steam railway, and with his support. Neil gray. I have a number of cases where employers because they dont understand and follow the guidance. 17yearold edgar found himself out of a job and support and ineligible for Social Security because of his age. They are refusing to engage with my correspondence so for cases like that the common the primacy will consider an appeals process to assess employees and employers to make sure they are treated fairly according to the guidance to save unnecessary redundancy and hardship. You make an excellent deck and i would be happy if we will be happy to take up the case. Throughout the country, with nhs workers dealing with covid19. And the nhs and possible arrangements, facing that. I thank my honorable friend, i understood clearly what she was saying. It is obvious from the data that coronavirus is falling disproportionately on certain groups, not just the elderly. We need to examine exactly what is happening, protect the most vulnerable groups and take steps to ensure that nhs and others are properly protected and advised and screened. Mister lucas. Thank you, mister speaker. Last week i experts reported green economic recovery packages at a higher return than conventional stimulus spending and also warned that how we emerge from the Coronavirus Crisis mustnt be in a way that deepens the nature of the emergency. That is the premise agree and will he commit to action that will help us build back better and start by committing any airline chewing up for a taxpayer handout must meet robust climate goals . The shortest answer i can give is we totally understand aviation clearly, inadvertently, the Prime Minister, reduced sequence co2 emissions and she is absolutely right, i dont see us going back to an era of the same emissions we had in the past. Aviation like every other sector must keep its carbon lower and we are working on Technological Solutions to ensure we can do that. Will the Prime Minister join me in paying tribute to the staffers in the hospital particularly those caring for patients with covid19 and would he recognize many people have not been attending the hospital as usual so how will be assisting hospitals to ensure my constituents have access to healthcare as usual . It is one of the most important features of the way this country i think my honorable friend we this country responded to the epidemic that we protected the nhs, maintained capacity throughout. Facing in icus throughout the crisis, when too many people are not going to go to the doctor, to seek the treatment they need and would certainly encourage people with conditions that need medical treatment to get that treatment now, and thriving the crisis. We know come to the urgent questions from the secretary of state for education. On cspan2 we leave the house of commons as members move on to other business. You have been watching Prime Ministers questions on your live wednesdays at 7 am eastern when parliament is in session. A reminder that you can see this we session again sunday night at 9 00 eastern and pacific on cspan and for more information go to cspan. Org and click on series to view every program weird from the british house of commons since october of 1989 and we invite your comments about Prime Ministers questions via twitter using the hashtag pmqs. Live wednesday on the cspan networks. At 10 am on cspan the Supreme Court hears the first of two cases regarding the Electoral College and whether a lectors are required to vote for the winner of the state contest followed by the case challenging the replacement of an alexa who refused to vote for the winner of the election. At noon the National Constitution center in philadelphia reviews the days oral arguments. Later at 3 00 pm the House Oversight select subcommittee on the Coronavirus Response holds a briefing on what is needed to safely reopen the country amid the coronavirus pandemic. On cspan2 the Senate Returns to take up changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act known as fisa. At 10

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