[applause] ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Nixon Library and welcome to this beautiful replica. Im Christopher Nixon a board member here at the foundation as well as the grandson of the 37th president , Richard Nixon. [applause] it is my honor and pleasure to have you here at the library today and i am so welcome to the happy to welcome you. I see a lot of new faces which makes me excited, and i see a lot of young faces in the crowd. There are a lot of younger conservatives. [cheering] so that is great to see and i encourage all of you after the event today to walk around the library. Of course one of my Favorite Places for obvious reasons but one of my Favorite Places in the world and we have just read on a lot of the exhibits in the library, so there is a lot of new stuff to see and if you come back you can visit the archives and do a Little Research into my grandfathers presidency. There is so much to do here so i am so happy to have you here today. Of course, tonight, today we will begin the program as we always do. But will you please welcome the special guests today, charlie kirk. [applause] [cheering] [applause] and ladies and gentlemen, please remain standing for the presentation of colors and the singing of the national anthem. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please give another round of applause to the High School Navy junior rotc honor guard and the High School Jazz ensemble for the beautiful tribute to the nation. [applause] there are a few moments in life when you actually realize how old you are getting. I have been coming here for decades actually and this is the first time i will be introducing someone significantly younger than i am. This is a new experience for me so im excited about that. We are happy to have charlie kirk with us tonight. Heres a great americahes a gra great thinker, author, political figure but it is an honor to have him here today. Hes the founder of turning point usa. Im sure many of you are aware of it. [applause] [cheering] the preeminent Educational Organization for our children today teaching children the values that may the United States great. [applause] that is what is so needed on the campuses today, not just at the College Level but at the High School Level and even at the Elementary School level. That is the greatest danger to the country is what is happening in the School System and we need the voice of people like charlie out there to show kids that there is another option then what is being taught in schools and that is the right way to live your life the right way to support your country and that is what is so excited to se excitie people get involved and teach our kids about how, about what is important about the conservative movement and that is why it is so great to have him here today. But i have to say that when turning point was founded in 2012, i was actually at the convention and i remember they said you should come to this meeting we had a great meeting and im interested in funding this organization with charlie kirk apt turning point usa. You should come with me. I said i have to do a couple other things. That shows why he is a successful billionaire and im where i am today. He made a good decision. We are excited to have him here and he will be talking about his book called the maga doctrine and its about the growing jobs and keeping the United States safe and President Trump will be known a as the great peacemakern the world and its a defensive but its not just a defense. It isnt just forwardlooking. This is how these United States people can defeat socialism that is growing too strong here in the United States. [applause] this is what i admire most about charlie. It isnt just policy prescription. He weaves philosophy into this. He talks about edmund burke and nicks references to one of my grandfathers favorite authors and of course my book the conservative mind. He also compares Kathy Griffin to the events in rome. That is a wonderful part of the book and then finally just on a personal level i was drawn to the parts of the book that talked about how President Trump has broken the stalemate between the republican and democratic parties in washington that has taken a sledgehammer to the elites around washington from both parties. [applause] the reason why this is so personal to me is i feel my grandfather did the same thing in the 1970s but he didnt have allies like fox news and charlie kirk to defend him from what he was doing to the events in the 1970s. That is why i am so honored and so happy to welcome charlie kirk because we need his voice and i cant wait to hear what he has to say today. We are thrilled to have been at the Nixon Library. Thank you for coming. [applause] [cheering] hello, everybody. Great beer. What an honor. Thank you to the whole leadership here it is tremendous and its been a long month this week. [laughter] weve crisscrossed the country a couple of times went from new york to dc, birmingham alabama, virginia, charlotte hill, florida a couple stops yesterday, woke up this morning and here we are. We have a country to save and weve got to act like it. Its been amazing. Thank you. [applause] i want to thank you for getting your copies of the book. Its still number one on amazon which is amazing. Very honored and overwhelmed honestly by the response. I really want to dive into what is important and what i think the media is missing. In the largest conservative organization and over 2,000 High School College campuses around the country. [applause] fighting for american exceptionalism, the constitution. Honestly it isnt always easy and we say that we play often to win the cultural war. The philosophy of turning point usa is they been winning too much the last 40 years and we are going to be conservatives and have been really losing the last couple of decades taking sizable gain. That is good to be one of the most important legacies of turning point usa is when you see the sizable change in the next generation. Generation. So, thats part of why i wrote this book because i have been so blown away by the success of the Trump Presidency and its important to recount those that focus on how he has been able to succeed but also i am equally anxious because i dont want to see the Republican Party go back to the Big Government management and endless war overseas, silly immigration policies and bowing down to china and i think President Trump has positively recalibrated the Republican Party for the generation it is important to learn from it so that our generation continues the success of the Trump Administration for the better and is the first and foremost i wrote this book partly for that reason but most importantly as i was watching cable news and the newspapers i kept coming across these leftwing prognosticators and pundits telling me what President Trump believed and i said you hate him. You ate all of us and im supposed to listen to you and they say he is doing this because he wants to and which businesses or he has no guiding philosophies. I said ive spent time with him and i seen what hes been able to deliver for the country. Why is no one articulating the doctrine of the presidency because you dont stumble accidentally into the largest ever tax cut. The embassies in jerusalem and recognized we are out of the Paris Climate Accord and weve been able to put the enemies on defense its just not an accident. Every other president in both parties would have had a track record of success. When i was talking the question is would have been doing the last 20 years because it looks like its running circles around the conventional wisdom and so thats why i went out to go write a book and people say who did you interview for this book. I talked to the president and in the book but also i went to rally after rally of people that would wait hundreds of hours just for the chance to see the president of the United States speak for 30 minutes. I went to the kickoff rally where people spend 200 hours outside through tsunami conditions and then i went to minnesota where people waited outside negative 10degree weather. And i said im sure all of you appreciate this. That isnt normal. Its not bon jovi, theres no comedian, while sometimes there is, but i think that he is so much funnier than the latenight comedians ever will be a. Do you ever notice that. [applause] you ever noticed that latenight comedy shows they are applauding the audience are not laughing because they are not funny its like a political talk show at 11 00 at night. Anyway. I said to myself i asked what is it that drives these people to wait so long to take days off work and feel as if they are a part of something and then it goes back to the federalist papers by the Founding Fathers which is citizen government and the great irony of the whole thing theyre supposed to be as disconnected as anyone and he changed american politics fundamentally for good. I felt like both parties were participating in it and i felt like the Republican Party foughd a good game and didnt do anything to fix it and i was so sick and tired of politics as usual. I wanted someone with a sledgehammer, a brooklyn golfer to google a little love and that is kind of special. I said it was kind of poetic and of course people say im going to address the somethin this one time only and here is the best way i can. America was drowning in the middle of the ocean under the decline of both Political Parties the last 20 years. And if it starts up in both parties contributed to this Big Government management and adventurism abroad. And they say i dont like your message history. Its a relevant. Like the heart surgeon finally like to thank you for the triple bypass surgery by the way im glad though that we are breathing again. Now there is the accountability measure. I think that he is hilarious. Theres a consensus in washington, d. C. I dont care if you offend a couple people here and there. I like that he punches back twice as hard because they feel they have not been fighting for the last couple of decades and they have been perfectly okay in this kind of managed decline so i hear this time and time again. Its a disaster, the courts are compromised, and this was the first 30 seconds. It was the first honest assessment i think the country has received in a very long time and thats the first part of his doctrine in the philosophy im going to tell it straight to the American People. Im not going to sugarcoat it or tell you one thing when its actually the other. Second what ideas are actually routed into the removal of the nation and to understand the historical significance of what hes done and what hes trying to do, hes trying to revitalize the decline and its improbable to do what hes doing because when you have a superpower to like stuff which were america when you are 47, 50, its hard to turn that around and one of the things that is the most amazing accomplishments that never gets mentioned is 10 Million People are now off food stamps since he got inaugurated. Its incredible. That is historic because for the first time in the countrys history weve been able to turn that around and that is something that was the demise of the empire and many others before when people could vote themselves but President Trump convinced people and convinced of the electorate there isnt dignity in voting more benefits for your self. How about we create the greatest economy and bring dignity back to the forgotten america. And so, he runs on this and the historical improbability is so amazing because you see what is happening on the democratic side and when you see this it should make everyone kissed the ground and thank god President Trump was able to defy the odds the wiki was because senator sanders will probably get screwed out of this because the establishment doesnt want him to be the nominee for good reason. He is a red wine advocate but besides that i hear that he is a really nice guy. [laughter] and joe biden, political strategist is the most puzzling political strategy that ive seen. Confuse your wife with your sister and i dont know what state you are campaigning and dont remember the preamble to the declaration. Tell people not to vote for you and then call them tony faced dog soldiers or whatever he said. Basically meander into the topics no one cares about and have rallies with only a couple of dozen people and then you will be the last person standing. It will go down as one of the most puzzling strategies in American History. And a lot of that is because of Michael Bloombergs failure to the American History and how he made 61 billion but allowed random board meetings, i dont know but essentially he reset the race and the failure of our biden to be essentially the economic equivalent or the political equivalent of the treasury bond is in the flight to safety like what is the one thing i can put my money and i dont care if it has no return is just right there. Like who has the bill, right there, joe biden. And so i actually make the argument for those that support President Trump and this is a minority opinion i would much rather run against joe biden and Bernie Sanders and i would rather run up against the corrupt and confused than authentic and free stuff. I dont want to validate or innovate a sinister marxist ideology at the highest end of the party. Id rather run up against someone thats past socialist and completely and totally corrupt and the most corrupt Vice President in history which is joe biden. I would rather have that for the country. Some people agree and some disagree but definitely with the target audience idea with senator sanders has more appeal than joe biden and i will build about. But you see what is happening there and the establishment on the left and the fact President Trump was able to be 16 republicans and the bush dynasty and the media complex and all of the attempts to try to destabilize them and i talk about this in my book. I was with Governor Walker and senator cruz and then trump supporter in that order from the midwest and have my understandable doubts that he was going to deliver from the. I spoke at the convention and traveled the country and they said there is no choice. Its over it isnt even a conversation. But from the moment, and i spent more time with him and spend more time with eric trump and you support huge deserve huge amounts of credit because it took a while for you guys to do that. And 17 minutes after he is inaugurated they say the case for impeaching donald trump now begins. [laughter] now this is so important and i talk about in the book. He very easily could have hedge to become a vanilla republican to get him off his back. The Mueller Investigation was a hoax if they were probing mueller that was a warning shot. Stop it mr. Trump or we will come after you. If you dont cancel the iran deal then maybe we will not put all of your friends in prison and maybe not investigate your son for a couple of years if you think im over exaggerating, i am from chicago i know that the way chicago mob politics work thats how they one washington dc with he says way i will not be bullied into doing whats the best for the American People easily he could have done what other past republicans refuse to do which is not we move the embassy to jerusalem or move colon heights or what it all comes to a head and i write an entire chapter on this that i think is so imported which is the Justice Kavanaugh fight he very easily could have pulled the nomination of Justice Kavanaugh and a lot of people said i get it instead trump is the first president in a lot of your lifetime since reagan to put the left on defense and actually push back against them where they are disoriented and confused we call this the trump derangement syndrome there is a lot of truth to that you can see that in the Justice Kavanaugh fight one of the most important cultural movements since anita hill especially with the Supreme Court where fabricated accusations elevated the legitimacy by the media a Sterling Record the most boring person literally the guy had his journals from high school he has his calendar to prove his innocence it was unbelievable. That should have been a nomination 100 zero that he sells journals from high school. In 1974 i was at carls house. [laughter] that was amazing and absolutely impressive. [laughter] you deserve to be on the Supreme Court for that and nothing else. [laughter] [applause] and then the gallivanting with senator harris and senator koons and jeff flake who is part of the problem i wrote the book in response to people like jeff flake i do name some names but he was pathologically and voted for him but elevated the worst aspects that we had a circus and President Trump did not waver 1 inch. He knew what the left was trying to do because hes been fighting them his entire life. They dont call themselves the left but when he tried to build trump tower in new york city and came up against corrupt bureaucrats when he tried to build the rink which was the iceskating rink delayed and delayed that was the left. He has a playbook for this is almost like hes chosen for a time like this because this is one of the few people outside of politics it has a track record to be these tactics time and time again so yes it takes a brooklyn street fighter to go after them so he wins the election and is inaugurated and then does something that confused everybody. He did what he said he was going to do. [laughter] we are not used to that at all. In fact it is bizarre where they say mr. Trump the decision is coming up whether or not we renew nafta it is a strange decisionmaking process what did i say i was going to do . And thats what im going to do. We are not used to this because both parties have never operated like this we do one thing and then just to renegotiate that alone is worthy of a parade usmca is one of the most legislative trade accomplishment is not even talked about to put china on defense to get a really good trade deal and a better one praise god if we get a second term will get an even better trade deal and put them on defense but the Washington Cartel was perfectly fine to be limitlessly rich at our expense hes the only politician to call them out so if you look at the judicial victory, just that alone Justice Kavanaugh and the Circuit Court judges but also his indifference to care about what people before him dead at a great example is the fight for life. And the fight for the unborn. [applause] i really do. If you look at president trum trump, 20 years ago the guy on the cover of playboy and a prior democrat the most prolife president in American History but yet he comes that every decision with an open mind to rationally and analytically says look at the evidence before me in the story of how he became prolife was very moving. He a woman contemplating abortion she decided not to the kid rose into a total superstar and that person would not exist if not for that abortion. So what does he do the first president in American History to speak at the march for life. Im not here to bush bash but they do not speak at the march for life. They did not they did not cut planned parenthood funding it went up steadily. That opens peoples eyes because hes not supposed to be socially conservative individual with justices and we have some questionable justices of the Supreme Court the President Trump did a bizarre thing i am going to give you a list of people i will nominate and guess what he actually picked from that list. A lot of people voted for President Trump based on that list. Because thats a third branch of government. Foreign policy which i love because there is a bigotry the binary choice in washington dc i hope everyone in the room learns this and applies it to your own life no matter the situation because this is the consensus in washington dc. Option a we will be a triggerhappy and invade a lot of Different Countries in the middle east to nation build and impose our values throughout the region. That sounded good 20 years ago with a balanced budget and we really believe we could bring liberty to the middle east. It is pretty much a consensus we will monitor libya into louisiana anytime soon. Right . The consensus is we will send our most prized possession into the region of sand and death and spend hundreds of billions of dollars to democratize a region that is not ready for it and he upended that immediately. I dont like that that is the neoconservative of interest foreignpolicy deck doctrine but then equally as bad which is we will pick the worst regimes in the region, send them billions of dollars of cash in the middle of the night, bow down to them and validate them and send them well wishes toward a Nuclear Weapon that is the other side of the extremism so that is silly. Heres what we will do is targeted and tactile strikes against americas enemies with my deterrent response but then the endless bridge building war industry in afghanistan in the region that puts our most prized possession, our young people with ptsd issues , veteran suicide issues, assimilation and issues and he said enough we will win wars not tried to democratize an entire region we owe it to our veterans to put them into a multi decade conflict with no end in sight where victory is not welldefined so what does he do . I will and the endless wars but if Qassem Soleimani goes after american citizens i will take them out with a drone strike. Zero americans died going after Qassem Soleimani. Aku bakr albaghdadi dead. [applause] it is liberating the generals on the ground isys was on the rise and President Trump took office in the destruction of isis is one of the most amazing accomplishments and he did it with minimal loss to American Life but liberating the generals to go after americas enemies on the run which is incredible ending the war in afghanistan. We will see how that brokers out but we all agree 20 years for the spirit to endlessly occupy a country that does not want western values or excepting western values when we said 5 billion a year just to the Afghan Security forces with hundreds of thousands of kids and inner cities that cant read them i think our priorities are backwards and President Trump recognizes that wants to reset our priorities for america. [applause] and then i want to summarize and get to questions. I wrote this for a sense of urgency because i dont know President Trump will be elected. I think he should win in a landslide based on his successes but what i want you to dismiss from your vocabulary with tough love he will not win in a landslide it will not be easy. I hear this everywhere i go. Even some people in this room. It is closer than you think. I have been 244 states in the last year ive talked to a lot of people there is a Misinformation Campaign against this president. There is a lot of work left to do. I go to party after party people think its in the bag they are planning the transition of the second term. I say okay president Hillary Clinton okay president mitch romney. Humble yourself and lets get to work. Because this is not over. I hear this a lot there is no way. If google wants him to lose he will lose. Voter fraud look at this state alone is the blueprint for the rest of the country. By the way they are sending the mischief that goes on in here they are teaching them in milwaukee to do that same thing with the ballot harvesting, vote by mail not to mention the media and i really believe the democrats will try to encourage and coach bad economic climate to defeat donald trump and bill marr said as much he hopes for a recession. I know he should win 1972 Richard Nixon style landslide in 1984 style but it will not happen. Whether he will been electorally i dont know that remains to be seen. But they will not be taken by surprise this time. They will not bloomberg will spend whatever he will spend the Tech Companies will do it so i want to see the animated and worried conservative base not a confident conservative base you can be quietly certain what he has done but you should be worried because they are working their tails off. I see it every single day and thats a sense of urgency i hope you all leave with because one year from today he could not be president. Realize that. It is conceivable in fact i give it a 5050 split right now. That you could be here gathering and it could be president joe biden. A lot of people laughing but it could happen. Thats why we need to offer that sense of urgency i implore with all of you i want to get to some questions and then lets do the book signing. Im honored to be here. Thank you so much. [applause] thank you charlie we have time for questions the first comes from a cadet. Thank you for your presentation. [applause] good afternoon. I am a high schooler we dont have a lot of exposure to politics so how do you suggest we can more educated politics . You deserve to be commended thank you for being here today. There are tremendous resources out there but what we are do are doing at turning point usa i think it is very helpful. Be curious and hungry it is true and high school its not always taught the way you want it taught but i would encourage you to take five minutes a day to carveout politics make sure you read the right form of news. I will stick with that but to be openminded and your patriotism should inform your politics. Thank you for being here today we deeply appreciate it. One question that i have on College Campuses that have a debate what about now . The this is my day job so a singular project but really we have a machine at turning point usa with College Campuses across the country i think im the only conservative speaker at uc berkeley and stanford and ucla that lives to tell about it. [laughter] [applause] i have spoke all across the country and to be greatest and we as conservatives need to recognize that its more about reform and less about rebellion these are multibilliondollar cartels that dont care about the students that are not interested in teaching students poor american values. A couple of thoughts for those High Schoolers ask yourself the question not where im going to school you do not need to go to a Fouryear College we need more plumbers and electricians and firefighters and veterans and entrepreneurs. Far less people go to the elite schools that prognosticate and tell us how horrible america is is a massive multibilliondollar window to be trained in the skills and that deficit needs to be filled. Parents far too often push their kids and to college unfortunately more times than not it is the parents ego not the kids future. If you are not prepared to look at your neighbor in the eye and say my kid is not going to college im perfectly okay with it then its more about your ego then your kids future. Say that with love and compassion because you see that with the Southern California admissions scandal so what world is it okay that they are not involved in any Athletic Competition not just a oneoff but a milliondollar industry to fabricate records to do moral and illegal things just to go to usc. So what . I dont mean this as though way but i see these parents that say they are an honor roll student but my kid is a good person. [laughter] just as hyper fixation so its important if you want to do certain things but i care much more about your character and work ethic than what degree you got from some institution. [applause] thank you for being here i feel like you are an ambassador for common sense. So congratulations on your book. One of the biggest shams theyre all these great ideas but they come with the cost so speak data but it does to the economy and businessmen. The Small Business is the backbone to the american economy. In california is a perfect test case how to destroy the entrepreneur. Our we need the regulation. With more Regulatory Compliance and those that put them out of business and to protect the incumbent. What President Trump has done so well we have seen increase of Small Business startups so that is a bottomup enterprise we need to get back to in our country not just the protection of the corporate status quo. There is a huge problem because Small Business people cannot find qualified labor that they need and part of that is training. But i talk to Small Business people all the time and they say people went to work for me but they dont have the skills because they have a degree in something and there is a huge market out there right now. I dont know what industry in particular but there is a huge markup that the manufacturing that would always be dead President Trump proved empirically there is a multibilliondollar manufacturing opening and then to see a huge increase in manufacturing jobs. The final point i will go back to the carl one the college argument but that we as a country to one treat those that go to college as far more intelligent and the media propagates this through public approval do you notice the Approval Rating for collegeeducated people is this the noncollege educated is this. Heres what the smart people think years of the dumb people thing. Give me 100 people who go to college or not my experience those that dont are far more wise and humbled and those that did. Im not in psychologist anti the current system. And architect engineer lawyer or doctor it is for you it should be about career preparation not ideological exploration but you will play russian roulette with their values if you send them to college they will come back somebody completely unrecognizable. I am a member of republican women thank you for being here are the great pleasure of the Republican Hispanic Assembly of california and its amazing to hear his story. I know he has been traveling the state to gain the latino vote. I think hes doing a great job. And also the africanamerican vote. So what do you see on the campuses i am the motherinlaw of a lineman in california. Thats a skilled trade so the question is what you seen on campuses and the confidence. Virginia was a deep red state and tell they allowed out of control immigration policies into their city and thats a big problem. I will say california, you see it turn the wrong direction the last 20 or 30 years so i do think the latino vote over the life issue in particular which is unfortunate and then to see something happening in the black community thats i got their start at turning point. [applause] we are very proud and we believe there is the ideological revolution happening in our country so President Trump should be a champion for School Choice. And the School Choice is a massive issue and Charter Schools to choose those options. And the black community has been so horribly treated by the Democratic Party especially named johnson and i talk about this in the book the lowest ever black poverty rate, criminal Justice Reform many of whom are in the black community he did far more than obama ever did he gets very little or no credit for it but also reaching out and showing up in there is something changing for conservative republicans are open more than ever before but thats part of the maggot doctrine maga doctrine so i am cautiously optimistic but that will have to be generational especially in the black community if republicans really went after the black church we will see gains in those communities. Thank you for being here occurred you reassure us all that you have political aspirations . [laughter] [applause] thats very kind of you. No. [laughter] i love what i do at turning point usa those that are always running for reelection that is great for a lot of people i get so much fulfillment at turning point usa and we have seen the dial move so much saying charlie you have to run for congress. No. I think the culture war is far more important than that. I think we see a gray opportunity happening in our country a lot of new candidates to get behind but im perfectly happy where i am. I want to introduce myself first because they will tell you people like myself dont exist and then as a conservative college professor. [applause] so my question for you what im passionate about is how to prevent School Shootings to make our schools safer did you have suggestions . That whole discussion comes down to would you go to a school with or without armed guards . Its that simple so the whole argument we should not armed are most prime on prize position we guard airports and banks and sporting events with machine guns but yet we dont protect our kids that way. It is silly and backwards it is a much deeper cultural issue than that look at parkland shooting there was misdiagnosis and then the investigation when it came to that there is the agenda to take the guns away but we cannot let that happen to prevent the left from coming after our constitutional liberties but we have a medication problem the pharmaceutical companies we are overmedicating our kids. [applause] and talk about chemically addictive substances that are playing games so be very careful. Just to give you an example if i was in school today i would be so drugged up so im a little bit type a and i was pushing the boundaries. [laughter] my parents to their great credit always pushed against them and said he is fine but they could be fed a cocktail of drugs but hes eight years old what do you expect . Seriously. They are correlated to School Shootings. I believe that. I get a response but i dont care is a true. So we have to rebuild the american family. We really do. [applause] i would like to wrap it up with the q a so that is interesting. So if you want to go to amazon thats greatly appreciated. Thank you so nicely my girlfriend erica and all the people that support turning point. Thank you. Socialism kills. Do something about it. I wanted to find a doctrine that treats the country a child that cares so much about thats willing to sacrifice everything i just thought it was embodied so well to hug the flag with that protective instinct he has for the country that every decision he makes that i care about this and im willing to sacrifice for this if a picture speaks a thousand words the book will articulate that. Thank you so much. [applause]