Thank you for coming, i am joined by the woman to my right the commissioner of, judy and to her right department of Health Medical director doctor ed. Good to have you with us. Into my left superintendent col. Pat callahan. Director of the Department Office of homeland security, we will get right to the numbers and we have a lot of ground to cover. So you could please bear with us. Since our briefing yesterday, we have had 1982 new positive tests bringing our statewide total to 8825. In addition, we have lost another 27 precious souls of our fellow new jersey population to covid19 related complications. We have now lost a total of 108 precious lives. We mourn with these families and indeed with our entire state every precious life that has been lost. God rest their souls and as usual, judy will be giving you more color and the details of these both positive cases as well as General Information about the lives that we have lost. My thoughts indeed our thoughts are also with the women and men in our hospitals working valiantly to save lives and i can only imagine the emotional toll on them as well when they lose a patient. In fact it is not easy on any of us. These are not abstract numbers. These are our neighbors, our family, our friends, all of us, we are in this together and we mourn together. But i reiterate that we have expected with a very heavy heart, this would take an increasing toll on our state. In terms of the lives lost there, we cannot bring them back. And that is as stark of a reality is any of us have to face the and that obviously strikes all of us, particularly those closest to the folks who have lost deeply. But we also said, and we have expected all along the testing results that we are saying. We have been preparing for this since january, literally weeks before many weeks, i think about a month almost a month and a half before we had our first positive case. Before i speak more about testing, i want to announce that i am authorized the advance payment of more than hundred and 40 million to our Healthcare Providers to ready them for covid19 related expenses including from our active efforts to significantly and immediately expand their capacity. We must ensure their viability to meet the challenge of the emergency is imposed. Now on testing. We know so much of our chances for success in ending this emergency relies on expanding testing. When the left capacity in new jersey and we have taken concrete steps to increase our specimen collection capacity. In that is not hands on deck process from the department of health, our federal partners and at least two of these signs of payment, our local health departments, county and local in our Healthcare Systems and of course, our private sector of labs. The metric that we have been focused on from day one, and that everyone must be focused on is that rate of positive tests among symptomatic individuals. Quite frankly, in a Perfect World i suppose it would do it with the express to my right, quite frankly something to test every Single Person would give us data than in the context of finding a pandemic, and particularly given limited capacity would be useless. They put it this way, we need to know we are testing the right people and not wasting tests. Testing the worried well, the sump called in the symptomatic would be an appropriate use of our testing supplies rated and unnecessary stress on our laps. And Healthcare Workers and would not provide us with Critical Data that we need to get out in front and to stay out in front. Our best metric the judy and ed will get into this shortly ours best method that they are being properly dispersed and greater medical resources are being put to the best and highest use, especially our Healthcare Workers comes from testing the right people. Those who are symptomatic. And the fact that we have mom if not the highest items Positivity Rate is a good thing. And it shows us we are using our limited resources to their highest and best use. In case anyone is wondering, whether or not with aggressively, expanded nerve testing, this is a list of where you can get tested and state. Right now in new jersey. So as you can see, there is about 20 25 different locations and options. But again, who are we testing. That is the most important variable here. And we have decided from moment one, thanks to the input from the team to my right, the testing symptomatic people is the most important compartment secondly allows the best chance to understand the dimensions of this virus and therefore what we are going to do to break the back of it. That is been a commitment from day one. Our aggressive testing of symptomatic individuals up against any other place in this country if not this world. And while i am on the issue of testing, want to remind everybody that tomorrow, and pat will correct the record here. If i get a strong and tomorrow is saturday, march 28, both the Bergen Community college site and the pnc bank, drivethrough site, will be reserved for symptomatic Healthcare Workers and First Responders. Police, fire and ems with valid credentials only and i think after judy speaks, a couple of things, i want you to address at including asking you to speak to what this means in terms of the credentials that will be accepted. These sites will open tomorrow at 8 00 a. M. And the general public will not be able to access these sites tomorrow. Starting next week these sites will reopen the general public and begun operating on a staggered schedule. So on sunday, arch 29, the day after tomorrow only the Bergen Community college site will be open and will be able to testify hundred people starting at 8 00 a. M. , 500 it symptomatic people starting at 8 00 a. M. And then on monday, march 30th only the Pnc Bank Arts Center site will be open again at 8 00 a. M. For 500 test for folks who are symptomatic. I will use these briefings to remind everybody of which site will be open on the following date and will also make this Information Available online and are all in as you can see behind me, our website covid19 nj. Gov and through that portal by the way, you can take a self test for symptoms of covid19. And only those who are exhibiting symptoms will be tested in the meantime i continue to urge everyone in the strongest possible terms to continue practicing social distancing and staying home as much as possible and i know we are coming into spring and the weather is really nice today today was beautiful because i coming in here. So in the temptation is to get outside, who could blame you for a walk or run but even as you do it is essential that you practice social distancing. Even if you are doing healthy activities you can still spread coronavirus so keeping that 6foot distance is crucial. Be mindful of that so i think to break the news here that this is not the time for a pickup game of basketball for example. If youre outside outside, stick to activities that allow you to keep that crucial distance between you and others. Today, and i will the sub is another exhibit. With your logo on here judy a minute. Were going to be providing all essential Retail Businesses with the guidance for ensuring social distancing within their stores while they remain open. I asked all essential Retail Businesses to review this guidance again on covid19. En covid19. Nj. Gov. And apply these practices in your establishments. I spoke earlier today are exchanged earlier today with mark who as i mentioned his name already, and one of sessions the leader of the u. S. Seat w union which is one of the largest if not the largest retail union in the country. And again, mark expressed an important point which was raised here before which is the Healthcare Workers and First Responders, and not terribly behind, youve got folks who were doing the essential work in supermarkets and pharmacies. In their coming into contact with folks and then just because of the limited supplies, we have nationally, have less personal protective equipment at their disposal etc. So this directive from judy follies, walks through best practices including density and keeping densities that these Retail Operations as low as possible. Keeping that 6foot distance possible but mandated. And make sure theres a hyper hunting, much more regular hygiene in terms of hand hygiene and wiping down surfaces. Etc. In addition, weather has been brought in compliance with my executive orders, is still having a few too many reports of essential businesses that are failing to implement social distancing. In fact more than a few. Too many reports. This is especially crucial for our warehouse and manufacturing personnel. My car retail brothers and sisters who are in the frontlines of our supply chains. In these businesses must do everything they can to provide protections against the spread of coronavirus. Social distancing is especially important for them and i went to be expected to go to work if they are sick printed and again if you see a non essential business which continues operating in violation of my orders, please reach out to us and again at the same general website you can see it coming, covid19. Nj. Gov violation and again you will see within that website, lots of different pages you can go to. We need everybody to do their part, to slow the spread of coronavirus. Pat, the now but if you wouldnt mind after judy finishes, would love to have you, within a largely broadly speaking good compliance with new gatherings but still had a few exceptions and he would not mind after judy going through a couple of things so a little bit of overnight data and also some of the stuff that you guys are doing to push back on that. The switching years, a couple of highlights here. Our corporate citizens have stepped up in a big way. And they continue to do so. You heard me mentioning a couple hundred thousands of masks had a great reach out from apple and they are setting up in a big way. I want to thank ceo ken frazier new jersey icon. Apple, tim cook and new jersey only, lisa jackson. Our friends at ubs, limit huge presence, their stepping up with some and 95s. Thank you to the teams. Tom and his calyx. Thank you. Johnson johnson, stepping up judy with 10000 pairs of health goggles. We desperately need. Alex and i were backandforth and again a huge iconic new Jersey Institution and a great leader. Goldman sachs has stepped up again printed mentioned them earlier. And now come across with another 80095s for hundred and 75000 masks printed and they are scouring their system to see if they can find ventilators. John, we have had no evidence of anybody in new jersey right now making ventilators not that we would like that to happen pretty south jersey industries, summing up this morning about stepping up in their case cash to both relief funds as well as directly to nonprofit hospitals hitting the Financial Support now more than ever. The one thing mike south jersey colleagues again theres a lot ready examples soon a recent list, and been since ive last night you a couple of calls in each case with judy. Among others. Yesterday i think we had hundred and 19 out of hundred and 20 legislatures on the call yesterday and both sides of the aisle. There is a good chance for judy and myself and pat and others to get our sort of bring the legislature up to speed. They have been great. Im just exchanged calls with Steve Sweeney coming in here. The signs of the aisle in the gutter really a lot of good questions and suggestions. Judy nine this morning along with Human Services commissioner Carol Johnson today call with aarp organized by their leadership. Aris my hand and sing i am a member. I was told over 15000 people that call this morning. Into her seniors were on that call when backs. And we know this is particularly anxiety provoked time for you all. Estimate really good note from kevin Simon Fontenot is not just the co st. Josephs hospital but also in the new jersey hospital chairman of the new jersey association. And some really good news from his colleagues who we mentioned a couple of weeks ago, i think two weeks ago. Jim is on the road to recovery. Hes been off of the ventilators for a few days and he gave me permission to say that. Thats really good news here. We will keep switching switching gears here. Over the past several days, were also working with a level one Hospital System in the u. S. Army corps of engineers to stand up three field medical stations at the Exposition Center in new Jersey Convention center in edison, and the Atlantic City convention center. Pat, i think this is right, state Police Personnel in the exposition staff and contractors are unloading the first 250 bed medical station onsite as we speak. We told you this would happen quickly and infected is happening quickly. Having said all of that in judy is spoken to this. This went on my way stupid we are very mindful of the need for training medical personnel to help us ensure Proper Staffing as we build out this new capacity. We are state that is blessed to have countless dedicated and committed Healthcare Workers, doctors and nurses and everybody in between the human on the place and we know we need to call for experience backup. We need to go to the bullpen is missing baseball. Today im putting my voice and putting out a call to volunteers with qualified medical training and experience who wish to join our fight against the coronavirus. This is not just for new jersey residents either. Were looking across the nation for help. Retired nurses or doctors, nursing and medical students. Emts, former members of our Armed Services medical corporate any of the above, all of the above, if you have training, we need you. If youre willing to join a fight, please go to, covid19. Nj. Gov volunteer and you can see that behind me. Covid19. Nj. Gov volunteer. Just sign up. Our office is also working directly with our Business Partners regarding possible transportation and lodging arrangements. For those coming from outside of our areas. Stay tuned for more on that. If you medical expense was to pitch in to help us get through this please sign up at covid19. Nj. Gov volunteer. I cannot thank you enough in advance. Additionally, we continued to accept personal protective equipment or ppe for prep frontline safety responders. They desperately need this. This includes the n95 masks and Everything Else in between. Please reach out to us again through our onestop portal, covid19. Nj. Gov ppe donations. Covid19. Nj. Gov ppe donations. And a reminder to all businesses and non hospital Healthcare Facilities, and possession of ppes, this is not a nasca, this is in order, if youre not using the ppe for Critical Healthcare services, you have until 5 00 p. M. Today to submit information to us regarding your inventories. This reporting was ordered and i expect full compliance. Again this is for businesses and all nonhospital Healthcare Facilities there sitting on ppes. We needed to report your inventories to us by 5 00 p. M. Today. And again you can see businesses lining up on their own voluntary compliance after that we will never forget. The Healthcare Facilities particularly those, judy has reminded us that wouldve otherwise been doing elective surgeries which has as of tonight we are suspending indefinitely. There are ppe in those locations and in additionally there are ventilators, we need all of that to be registered by today. And again this reporting should be done through our Online Platform and by going directly this case, covid19. Nj. Gov ppe report. Thank you for that. As you can see, we have a lot of information that we are trying to get out. Were also trying to get a lot of information in. And this is why we have created covid19. Nj. Gov to be a single point of reference for everyone throughout the crisis. Putting the site together has been whole of government approach and its also a lot of this to form great partnerships as i mentioned with the private sector partners as well. Quarterbacking this process has been the office of innovation. Led by chief innovation officer novak and her tremendous team. Additionally, we have received and generous and grant, from another corporate citizen, google. That will allow us to more readily and proactively push essential information out to new jersey is through googles search platform. This means we will be able to reach exponentially more people and not just those who are coming to the covid19. Nj. Gov portal. I am going to ask in fact, novak to join us in the future briefing if that is okay with you madam commissioner col. To give us a little more on how the office of innovations is working to keep in jerseyans and informed and i think her and her entire team. For their hard work. And again i urge everyone questions to go to that website to make us portal their very first stop in questions concerns comments and again and is covid19. Nj. Gov. I know there were many new jerseyans worried switching gears with way, many new jerseyans worried about being able to make their mortgage payments next week. I and my team understand and fully appreciate your concerns and women speaking directly with mortgage lenders and many others about solutions and we are working tirelessly on this and look forward to having a full announcement on this tomorrow and speaking of which, a program note for each of you here and everyone watching at home, tomorrow our briefing will be life, not on the telephone at 1 00 p. M. Here in person at the memorial. And as of now, on sunday, there will be know in person briefing but we will report out our testing results and other information to you all electronically and i commend to you, personally if we are for whatever reason there is something material that happens, between saturdays briefing and when we would otherwise give you the readout of the information on sunday that is material, i will personally likely get on the phone. But at the moment we will keep sunday june electronic distribution of the date on test results. Please god, but we do expect totalitys and that will be done electronically. We would hope to think there would be none. We would meet back here daily beginning at 1 00 p. M. So we will move assuming we would run into the president or the Vice President video calls. We will live our press briefings daily from 2 00 p. M. Until 21 0s tomorrow. Theoretically we will be here at 1 00 p. M. Tomorrow. We will also in the weekdays, moved to 1 00 p. M. Before i turned to judy, so other things that struck me particularly today. I read that if you have not read it, its fascinating piece by david brooks in the New York Times that talks about the onehit of the gravity of the severity, the futility in some respects, the loneliness of what we are facing, not just as a state but a nation right now. And all that goes with that. Mr. With the weight that is on everyones shoulders, that not in your stomach. And all of us would like to know more than we know right now. Chris is headed. How long will it last. When will it stop. Is it going to impact me directly or a Family Member or friend. Also striking, and this is emblematic of something that i have been feeling and i have said in a couple of interviews over the past 24 hours, at the same time. It also feels like this abrasive moment is reaching deep into our souls and about yourselves and we are even if it is a virtual away, even those examples in milan and singing from balconies, or the meet ups that folks arent having through social media they are having through social media, the virtual connections that we are making, it is also calling our better angels. In any way, it is beginning to make some of the big sites that we have had over the past number of years in fact decades, look trivial by comparison to the fight before us read and there is something as brave businesses, as tragic as the loss of life, is a real the knots in her stomach from the weight and her shoulders, there is something cathartic about that. There is something conflicting about that. And so i would just say that we understand that we understand both the anxiety but also the faster we are coming together like never before. And i would just say as a practical matter particular to some a you know who is literally alone. If one thing we could all do today, and maybe lets do it each day over the weekend, is to touch somebody that we have not been touching lately. Whether it is a phone call, and email, whether it is a way through a window, give the social distancing. Though we cannot violate that. But to find a way to touch somebody who is alone, and off by themselves and they said that they know that you are here for them. The second time, i mentioned this earlier, the judy and i and Carol Johnson spoke and i am told with 15000 members of aarp of which i am a member, dont readily admit that the name true it is true. I mentioned at the end of my remarks, so this work. He said, we all know the ingredients are doing a war. And referred to world war ii and struck me as i was saying that to this particular group and i think i acknowledged it, we are speaking to folks if they work any five years old, or older and we have a lot of them in new jersey thank god, they lived. It mightve been on the inside than the date. I was born at 57. I know this from my grandparents my death my uncles, but we have a lot of folks in the state, they were there and he saw with her in the eyes what it takes to win a war. It does not take panic. It is the last thing we need. Just as equally so, is not business as usual. When a war footing. If it takes being smart and aggressive and proactive, lots of courage, and incredible work ethic. Stick to aloofness and understanding that world war ii was on the spread, neither is this war. We will be at this for a while. They know because they lived it and we all know by reflection from their experience, we also have to stick together. Cannot ever turn on each other. We rise involves one as i have said here before, new jersey is the most extraordinary say because on one level with the most diverse state in america and at the same time, where as together as any of the state in america as one family. In the may conclude by saying what i have said before, not just for this lesson seniors before everybody, unequivocably we will get through this. I will be tomorrow, i wish it were. I wont be unscathed. Weve already seen over a hundred lives lost. Im sure will make mistakes. But we will come together and never before assuming each one of us, all 9 million of us does apart. We will come through this unequivocably as one family, stronger than ever before. With that, please help me welcome, the commissioner of the department of hope. Judy. Judy thank you government, good afternoon. As part of our Planning Department is the modeling the peak of covid19 cases with interstate. This type of modeling is a projection period is based on available data at the time and from some assumptions, such as the percentage of population and hearing to the social distancing strategies that we have been stressing. It helps us plan for bid capacity distribution and use of resources such as ventilators. Predictive modeling, several assumptions and actually change daily. The impact of social distancing implemented in stages across the state. Number of positive cases reported daily. Number of cases in our hospitals and the length of stay my Critical Care and medical surgical beds along with the number of positive cases in the hospital and cases under investigation. So what do we know right now. We know today and in the state we have run 24843 tests. With 8296 tests reported as positive. Our overall Positivity Rate of 33. 4 percent and we also know, that as of yesterday, 1080 patients in our hospital have tested positive for coronavirus. And an additional 1872 patients are awaiting results. Backlog of testing, due to the overwhelming volume of request to test, is being reported as high as seven days. That is the time between having the test, specimens collected in getting a result written as a result, we are giving positive test right now from individuals tested almost a week ago. So it has not taken into account, our social distancing interventions. So therefore any projection at this point in time, is suffering from the lack of fan information. Right now we are really relying on those at the bedside. To help us understand the needs of the patients. At this point, we are to working with hospitals understand Critical Care fors capacity especially in the northern part of the state. Given the limited information that we have, our expectation by mid april we will be seeing an increasing demand and Critical Care beds. We looked at what effect social distancing and have flattening the card. We are still looking at that. When we look at projections if we do nothing, versus taking aggressive social distancing steps the governor has implemented, we can see a real difference in the need for hospital beds and equipment. Social distancing, the only till we have in our toolkit reduces the transmission of the disease and it reduces the rising cases and flattens out the number of hospitalizations and any one time. Flattening the cart will protect vital health resources, personal protective equipment, beds and medical devices. No will also reduce the impact overall of covid19 on our residents. It the governor mentioned, today we are reporting 1982 new cases. For a total of 8825 cases in the state. And sadly, 27 cases for deaths have been reported to the department. There in the following counties. Seven debts, from bergen county. Four from middlesex, three from somerset, three from essex, three promotion, two for morris county, when hudson, and one death was associated with lawn care care facility. Fiftyfive longterm care facilities reporting at least one covid19 positive case. We offer our thoughts and prayers and condolences to the families who lost loved ones. Nanny breakdowns, overall new cases is as follows. And 95, bergen 265, burlington 24, hampton 21, the main one, cumberland five, essex, 181, seven, hudson, 140, hundred and 11, mercer, 18, middlesex, 127, 126, march, 44, ocean, 81, passaic, 88, salem one, sussex ten, union 48. I still gathering more detail on about 739 of these cases. As a reminder, the governor shared that the suspension of all elective surgeries and invasive procedures performed on adults, goes into effect at 5 0. Given the shortfall in personal protective equipment, is imperative that we work with our partners in healthcare to strategically pervert supplies and equipment for emergency purposes only. We notice concerning the cases arising interstate but as we have said repeatedly this was expected. Our goal is to slow this increase. Again, we need all of your help. Please follow social distancing guidelines. This is what you can do. This is your contribution, your donation sorta speak to actually saving lives. I cannot think of a better calling for it is vital that we Work Together now to lessen the impact on our state. Thank you. Gov. Phil murphy judy thank you. Im sure we will hear a lot more from you. May i make a couple of observations and tell me where i got this wrong. And it feel free to come in. It got about one third positive, two thirds negatives, the door overwhelmingly, symptomatic individuals. That is the most valuable cohort right now for obvious reasons and one level because theyre sick. And another level gives these folks in the epidemiologist the weapons that they need to do everything we can to get our arms around this. Secondly is that no one make sure everyone heres a because of the delays now, and the Testing Laboratories even the commercials that are scaled up and have high speed and skill, these are just there were reporting today that could be from as much as a week ago. And while we have been resting on social distancing probably is aggressive as anything, we really shut the garage door six days ago so he went from 250 and then 250 and zero. I would think non medical expert, a week from today will will be interesting and marble window and what happens. And just as you i usually give you, total cases, bergen continues to be the top of the heap of 1505, essex second 826 and middlesex 40, and hudson at five or 594. Judy, you mentioned a positive cases and 55 longterm care facilities. The nominators 375. In a couple of days ago that was in the high teens and went to the 40s yesterday and now 55. That is something we are particularly, where are particularly focused on that. Because weve seen in other states, Washington State in particular, that was a source for an enormous amount of illness and death. And lastly, completely unrelated. I think i left off ralph lauren, and patrice their ceo reach out, ralph made it move in new jersey, they open up their offices, several months no thinking to me today were tracking the stand, theyre prepared to step up in a big way. So list of corporate citizens who have been doing the share, pending comments on anyone at the pnc inverted community tomorrow, Healthcare Worker and First Responder chain proper id and secondly anything in your Field Hospital and thirdly anything on the overnight compliance. Ed with regard to the sites, Bergen Community college and bmc tomorrow, that is for symptomatic and i stress that again, i spoke with over 760 Police Officers on a Conference Call today and stress that again to them the Union Leadership is aware of that pretty symptomatic Healthcare Workers and First Responders, please fire in the u. S. With valid credentials of the proof that your jersey residence and any identification that indicates you are and what hospital you work out any employee id which i think is standard now and has been the best ten or 20 years quite frankly. And the same for any police fire ems part of this personal are properly credentialed i would be sufficient enough to get to it and i stress that symptomatic pieces will as you always do and is commissioner kelly always does. With regards again, as his book a few days ago, that entire Hospital Capacity relief team, were big on acronyms. That is underway and we use the words in short order. I think within a week or so, there about we will see that foresight in the meadowlands, erected and as far as of the overnight goes, weve had over the course or throughout whole counties weve had to it we referred to 26 compliance checks resulting in five actual charges ranging from creating false public alarm, criminal mischief is well as obstruction. As the governor also stated, the vast majority of everybody in the state is doing their part as it pertains to the aspects of what is outlined in the executive orders in any distress of your mind about the phone call that had earlier today. I think the questions probably come up a few times with regard to ocean county in particular liquid, the attorney general myself got on with the Community Leaders including the deputy mayor, rabbi cutler, few of the votes in the attorney general nine stress to them, and we also agree to report to you knowing the 99. 9 percent of the residence in lakewood and throughout new jersey are complying to the aspects of this. Hundred 10000 more the chief of police since as was the ocean county prosecutor is most malleable 45 minutes respect is not only to ensure them in today that we would talk about how compliant they are, the incident that happened the night was one not a someone of complete disregard, education thinking that he was able to spread and wedding across three backyards trying to keep it tenant under is an education. Obsolescence was on the call today that we gotta make sure where the messaging care. Lastly i also assured them that will not be tolerated at anything that is whether it is liquid or any community for anyone, anybody really that is to discriminate against murrays bias, harassment, it just feels any type of anti somatic behavior thats on social media graffiti or verbal harassment, that will be not be tolerated. And if god those people would be prosecuted to the fullest extent by law. Gov. Phil murphy thank you col. Fred that last point, some people are willfully flaunting the rules of the road but there are not many of them in the number has to go to zero. And we will be an pat has been explicit about this. As was the attorney general, we will be an wavering and enforcing that. There is some amount of education i have that also goes to zero quickly. The lastly, this last point that pat brings up, we can not tolerate one iota, when spec of blaming this community are that community for this or that. Just completely unacceptable, will not be tolerated and will be enforced aggressively whether online or in person. Thank you for that and thank you judy union. Reporter someone is there any update on how many people of been hospitalized or have recovered more info on age range or specific locations also why isnt testing have two other other states have been doing in three if the business is not complying, and charges would face. And have you given out any charges for that. Gov. Phil murphy not up to snuff other states, is that your way of testing, and figure out where we are. That is not the case. Next verse to my right is the most important data point we can get our positives among symptomatic individuals we have stressed every single step of the way. Im going to guess 99 ish percent of the tests weve done in the state, few exceptions but not many folks were symptomatic. Opener testing of projected anybodys but this notion, per capita, lets get everyone tested, i guess that we had unlimited supplies, i would be signed up for that but we dont tend in addition to the fact that thats the most important data point, these folks need. We also do not have unlimited supplies. I think you addressed the hospitalization journey but never seem to you. But that will come back to you as someone does online at covid19. Nj. Gov is my business or business tax is not compliance, what happens at that point. So judy could you in hospitalizations again. Judy yeah talked about it currently and i think youre asking overtime. Reporter so how many people have been possible over time having recovered. Judy i can probably figured out that all have to reply that to you on monday. His only of the appointed time. I get it at the end of every week but starting monday, and 11 00 a. M. , everyday the human center will begin updated information so we will have a better picture of what it looks like. You have to make an assumption and absence of death, everyone else is recovering. Or on the road to recovery. Gov. Phil murphy judy you had a thousand and 80. Judy yes positive cases. There were are in hospital kit that. But additionally, many more in our. Gov. Phil murphy this is an important point. For this most of the stuff printed thousand 80 persons who have tested positive are in a hospital bed as of last night or yesterday afternoon. Thats out of a total, this is not a perfect relationship but just keep in mind and again and again from judy and ed, each data point that is relevant in sort of you are feeling and a piece of the puzzle and if that werent enough, its iterative as what they will know tomorrow will allow them to project in a different way they know today. But i will compare two data points. 180,080 persons in a hospital bed as of yesterday afternoon. In the total number of total cases that have been tasted, 8825. So thats a comparison with attitude numbers i think that art worth at least acknowledging read and when somebody goes and, this is the point we were doing them. Reporter the fact that we didnt realize the volume that we are going to get when we set up that phone number, and what people need to realize that now when the file this complaint that it is not a 91 date one dispatch center so depending upon the nature of that, that would be either may require a Law Enforcement response, the between the office of the attorney general of the Consumer Affairs function is built into there. Pat that either one or both responses depending upon the nature of it, is how quickly we are out there to inspect that. Want to verify and take the appropriate action then charge them for violating the terms of the executive order. Reporter on the main charged with certain crimes. Pat the crimes im reporting at this juncture is the gatherings that are intentionally disregarding it. As in the Disorderly Conduct creating false public alarm and obstruction of justice. That is that guided some of the attorney general put out in the Law Enforcement it i gave you the menu in concert with the concert designated depending on the nature of that crime. Reporter any charges yet for businesses. Are you aware of any charges. Pat no. [inaudible]. Gov. Phil murphy one suggestion, im not sure what the everyday is maybe early to mid may, lets give voltaire, amount of complaints, nature complaints etc. That have come through the website if that is okay. Let me say in the strongest possible terms month not sure with the action will be in each case but there will be action if folks do not comply this from part from home as well as social distancing within the workplace. Thank you. Reporter more questions from our viewers specifically one of our viewers is a lawyer and some and the licenses suspended now would like to seek testing for the coronavirus. Is there any way they can get the license restored even though we up the offices are closed to the public. Then we have a couple of other questions, viewers asking the normal treatment for stay at home, vitamin c and zinc is effective against covid19. Some articles suggest taking advil makes the virus worse, do we have any further data that not everyone has the luxury of having a primary care physician. They are in the physician or position. What is the plan of action. Shes just got another question. What number of patients that predict any Critical Care beds like mid april. Gov. Phil murphy if your lawyer enter drivers licenses suspended or your practice law. Reporter suspended by the court. She has no answers for her clients besides the mec Office Drivers license. Gov. Phil murphy i am going to go out on a limb and say lets just make sure, repeat what has been sent. The more important question is are they symptomatic. Something that he symptomatic or all bets are off assuming that they are symptomatically, going to say they can show up and explain your situation and god willing they will let them through. I dont think i will be the majority of folks were doing with my advice is if you are symptomatically, located test. I have nothing to add on vitamin c zinc, advil, and amendment of minimumanticminimum. Ed people get colds every year, please every year, and for most people, this is treated essentially in the same way where we call symptomatic or Supportive Care printed and really means stay home, many people just dont want you affecting other people. Stay away from other people. This most important thing. Take care of yourself, all the times of general things that if youre sick you should be doing that your mother probably told you to do years ago. Rest, fluids, those sorts of things printed lengthy zinc or vitamin c have any effect, we have studies that show that may be the possibly do in low quantities are unlikely to harm and certainly people wanted to try them, i would be fine with that. The question came up about advil which is ibuprofen, and the class of medications known as antiinflammatory drugs which include other medicines such names as aleve, is in there as well. There have been some suggestions that these medicines can conceivably worsen the course of covid19 and his is no misprint at this point i would say is way too early to say this for sure and if anything the effect is slightly mild. I would not be particularly concerned, but if they are concerned, they can change to tylenol instead. Reporter i dont have a primary care physician what would i do. Judy collier local qualified health center. Reporter how about tough Critical Care beds. Judy we are asking all of her hospitals to look at their current capacity and try to increase it by hundred percent printed shift and Critical Care beds, we are asking you to have 20. And we are guiding them through that process. Arnett was three of the leaders of our major systems, they shared that all of their hospitals have, completed the processor started it. So our hospitals as i said in the past, are resilient in that regard and i think we will meet the demand. Gov. Phil murphy thank you will go to the back and then to the front. We will keep each one of you. Reporter governor, we have received calls from landlords who are trying to do right by their residence but yet they have mortgage payments on those properties and is there any sort of relief for those landlords who are trying to do the right thing. Gov. Phil murphy i mentioned this earlier. I believe that will be in a position tomorrow to talk to you about explicit plans as it relates to mortgage really and we want to make sure i applaud the landlords im trying do the right thing and we will make sure that it is symmetric. If you get relief over here, and you prepared and able to provide relief over there. I spoke to sheila oliver. She is doing an incredible job bought job and under her leadership. Another slug of hud money for vouchers for low income renters. Renters are more complicated and we wont have a grasp of an answer on that. But we will on the mortgage side is a big piece of this because most folks theyre renting, renting from someone who has mortgage. I dont has to have mortgage, and in relief arm renting from somebody who has mortgage. Barnett tomorrow. Reporter last week i asked you whether the board of education members term should be extended in the case where you delay the election and still waiting to hear back. Ive been told to circle back. Then another question the same main, mj dse, made recommendations to the party chairs to delay Accounting Committee elections by an entire year. Its hard of logic behind that was silly given your changes you make to relax the petition requirements. Now the democrats have taken advantage of this epidemic and are canceling the elections entirely. Theyre telling voters they wont get to vote for this office until 2022. We take a stand against this is in french might jasmine credit. Gov. Phil murphy if i promised you i would have something by next week and i apologize if i did it. And i thought of the county committees we would leave that up to the county for that freedom and not right about that. It is a county party election. It is up to the county sprinted. Gov. Phil murphy so is their jurisdiction. Im not sure that i will be to answer that. Reporter is your party come as my parties will be of a position on delaying the elections or even canceling them entirely. Gov. Phil murphy im not running a particular county. This is accounting jurisdiction question. I think we have shown the decisions weve made with loosening the petition requirements going to vote by mail, and then living the march and april elections intimate. They were both acknowledging the reality of what is before us. As well as making sure democracy proceeds. And thats where i would be and i will stay with it. We will come back if you have more. Reporter what is the progress at the fema hospital site in my understanding correctly that the meadowlands will open first. When you expect to have patience and beds there and will they be related patients only. None ventilators that you have asked for, what is common and whats outstanding and you have any expected delivery dates on any outstanding ventilators. Third, what is the timeline on the release of the ohio ethics guidelines and finally, can you explain the changes in the testing sites operating hours. Thats the fema run testing sites. Was the plan all along as other sites were opening that you will [applause] and home or is it more of a matter of limited test kits available in limited capacity. Gov. Phil murphy on a couple of these, some of my colleagues, you will hear from them. I think its a matter of a week that they will be up and running. And i will leave it to judy to address the patients there. Ventilators, defensively my said toy five, them and 2300. In four and half million n95. There were other items in that and weve had no assurances yet. Nothing back on that ask. Although we are not as you probably heard from the corporate donations and other things that were doing including flat out buying them, which is another option, we have not spent a lot of time talking about, not waiting just for the feds although we do need them, and jenny can address that but let me just repeat what i said yesterday. We are, all of us in all of the teams committed to saving every single life. So this is an example of something where we would be aggregating a responsibility not, to prepare for that awful potentiality but the fact of the matter is we will do everything to save every life that we can and in terms of changes on the site, we have always thought privately and felt strongly and tell me if you all disagree with this but the Healthcare Workers and First Responders by the very nature of their jobs and responsibilities in the heroism, deserve a window into this. Right when the Community College site was opening up that we are going to commit to that. Look to be a little bit longer but we are committed to that. And in terms of the one day when off, and that is somewhat of an acknowledgment of the Raw Materials that we have from the feds. If there is no question about it. Both of the specimen collection fees as well as the ppe as well as julia spoken on an articulated about only so many Healthcare Workers which is why me my plate today to expand and as i said this already, will meet have a fork in the road, a huge influx of workers and array equipment or some great innovations that come to fruition. We will have that balance between going testing, to going care. But if you heard what i say, i believe i said that each of the sites when they are open will be in about 500 tests per day. And that is basically going one day off, when they on. Being smarter about manpower but accomplishing the same amount of test pretty right now they are at about 250 or 300 today and were going to do 500, same amount but we will be able to do it in one location in a different one of the tuesday and that is a lot easier for us on both manpower and Raw Materials. Anything you want to add on patients and the Field Hospitals judy, and or bioethics. Judy meadowlands Field Hospital will be a general hospital. It will not be covid19 only. And the edison hospitals will be put up as a covid19 only. And then at bioethics, i guess the beginning of this week, doctor eddie, as some of you know, formally the state epidemiologist, is coming out of retirement to step up with this and put together a medical professional advisory committee. Members of the committee, will have a number of guidances to review and one will be the ethical decisionmaking for value based model the subcommittee from the medical society has put together. In the other we will look at overall standards of care. We have to with the influx of patients, the hospitals are telling me their concerns of the quality of care and the standards of care and we want to make sure no matter what we do, we give safe care. So there will be helping us with all of that. Gov. Phil murphy thank you judy. Reporter today, the fema testing sites have been up in some of those folks driving two plus hours and that is eight days in a row of some of 18 hour days to soak to the governors point, the relief on the staff, and the commissioner mike both agree, we need to keep those folks protected. Into the site as i am sitting here, at the meadowlands just texted me and said that they expect that to be open next friday. Barring any issues. You are hearing it right from them. Gov. Phil murphy john. Can we talk about this april search. Is that the peak of cases in mid april. Will you have enough intensive care beds available in then in april. It is not the peak, when you expect the peak to hit, how long will this last point in new york city, talking about moving some of its covid19 patients to other hospitals in the region. Will any of them could be coming to new jersey. And at some point, the number of ventilators, senator menendez said that you guys requested 2500. And weve got four. Invite mid april we have enough ventilators on hand. Have a question about construction. Is it excepted the businesses right now. It is allowed to continue. Is there any thought to changing that. As a permitted to use. Gov. Phil murphy i guarantee you Hospital Construction will remain essential. Judy did you want to address is pretty. Judy certain peak is two different things. The search is an influx, at a point in time, and the peak is when they expect to see the peak of all cases in the positives of covid19. We believe we will be fine handling the Critical Care search as i shared three of our ceos largest systems are prepared for that. And that hopefully in a couple of weeks so we can deal with it and see how all of her plans are working. We believe they will be fine. Ventilators are another story. As we discussed yesterday, with a right now that we have enough ventilators. If the search, results hand more individuals needing ventilators than our projections, we certainly need to get ventilators in reserve. So that is what we are working on with the 2300. Those requests. And we will push that raid that is what we need. We have 2000 icu beds. We suggested that we need one ventilator for bed. Im suggested that we increase our Critical Care beds fight 10. So i need 2000 ventilators, 300 as a standby. Gov. Phil murphy i would at least add to that, nothing new, has and i were just talking john about whether or not we will do a check in an fema administrator today. We are also not only are we trying to encumber, and trying to buy them. I forget how much they cost is 20000 so ventilator is a 20000 present right now. Its about 20000 per ventilator. Some were also looking at that pretty construction, nothing to report at this time. I know in new york, treated their construction. We are constantly looking and as you can imagine whether or not there are holes here that we need to fill. We will continue to evaluate that. That theres anything new to report we will come back to you. I will get you and i will have something to say. Anything else john are you good. Health care testing, are there any other specific size new jersey for healthcare symptomatic Healthcare Workers. Gov. Phil murphy dino many. Ed i know it First Responders and symptomatic that again checked on that list of 20 or so sites. Gov. Phil murphy can we let folks know other than what we are doing, and both bringing community and being see, is there any of the priorities given to Healthcare Workers and or First Responders regarding testing. Reporter an employment website, also reports about that crashing, great difficulty registering and finding complaints. With an appointment. Any update on that or ability to be that the system. Gov. Phil murphy i dont and that is the last thing what happening right now because what folks were desperate hours to get. Can we come back to that one. I make sense to move forward with both president ial in u. S. Primaries but to cancel these small, low level elections, strikes me as a dangerous precedent, do you agree customer so i really have nothing to add are you good . One more thing with the landlords were trying to do right by their tenants. You alluded to mortgage forgiveness. What about property tax forgiveness will buy at least be able to postpone their property taxes . Looking at that i will just say this, the dca is looking at that with our teams. We are bleeding money as you can imagine by the boatload right now. I also have to be careful, and a Perfect World i would be telling everyone listen, holidays for this holidays for that, ive got to make sure we keep the lights on so nothing to report there. Hold on all non. Reporter following up on modeling and projection, do we have a firm number of what we expect the peak of people will need Critical Care beds to be . I dont have that today. After a little more experience with our testing and a positive rate, and or hospital utilization, we expect to have that. I dont have it today. There are too many we need a little bit more time. And weve had a more reports casinos are doing online gambling, dealers are not doing social distancing on the clock what you say about those who are being to work but not been given the specter to social distancing customer so phishing on that side and make note of it. There is no one who should be going to work right now where theres not a both work at home policy as well as social distancing that is enforced. Reporter the former mayor of West New York says he has a database of International Medical graduates of willing to step in right away at hospitals. But need to fasttrack their licenses. Do you know if that something youd be willing to do or look into . So felix has reached out to me personally on this. I think is going to depend on the specifics of the situation. Judy, im not sure i have an expertise in this area. You use the word safe, we want to make sure, we have waived in my right . We have waived for the other states in the United States to come in. I would suspect we did that on a casebycase basement basis for nonus. So yes, we will take all the help we can get as long as we can identify the safe care. Thank you. Did you some things are . Reporter student i have nothing new down the gun stores, cyclic, your brothers here have made no you are not properly credentialed member of the press. I have no issue with the second amendment, i have no issue with your advocacy with as the press issue. Brim also gonna say im a good guy had a minute give your chance ask the question. So the press association ive been working with for the last three years, your personal office declined my press credentials peers me back thats not less not in dispute. I am from the new jersey second memo society we noticed not a critical issue for you at this time as dealers strolling to buy guns in new jersey. On monday the attorney general told us in this room that closing new jersey gun stores is consistent with federal guidelines and the guidelines of other states. And new jersey is acting in compliance with federal guidelines. We are hearing that it may be imminent directive from the department of homeland security, labeling gun stores and manufacturers as essential businesses. Are you in the attorney general going to be consistent and comply with federal directives . Or will you defy them customer so i have nothing to add. I want to thank everybody for being here today, particularly the folks up here with me, the commissioner of health and doctor ed, thank you both for extraordinary leadership. Colonel pat callahan for your exceptional leadership. And to everybody out there watching, it is a friday, did you even know its a friday . One day turns into the next, i just want to say this, we get it. We are all in this together. It is not fun, i am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt, that what we are doing will work. It wont be as fast as wed like, it wont be without a price that we will pay, weve already lost 107 precious lives in the state. But we will succeed and we believe with all of our hearts, since january within making every decision based on data, science, facts, medical and Health Inputs and everything we see tells us we break the back of the coronavirus together, largely through social distancing and bolstering our extraordinary Healthcare System in our Healthcare Workers. I wish it were tomorrow or next week, its likely i dont see any scenario where this does not bleed meaningfully into maid. I hope im wrong about that. If i am right i will be the happiest guy new jersey if not america. I note just as much certainty, we will win this. We will break the back of that curve, but will break the back of that virus, and then we can responsibly begin to open up our economy and our society, get back on our feet again, and get back to being ourselves as one new jersey family. We are all in this together, god bless you all, thank you. If you miss any of the live coverage of the governors response to the coronavirus outbreak watch it anytime cspan. Org coronavirus. From daily briefings by the president and White House Task force. Updates from governors, its all there. Use the charts and maps to track the viruses global spread and confirmed cases in the u. S. County by county. Our coronavirus webpages your fast and easy way to watch cspans unfiltered coverage of this pandemic. Cspans washington journal, live everyday with news and policy issues, coming up saturday morning, brian with yahoo financial be on to discuss the coronavirus pandemics impact on jobs of the u. S. Economy and then politico education record reporter talks about k12 education is changing amid the coronavirus pandemic. Watch c s