Decisions. Our training canadians are having the stuff can conversations about finances in the future. Lets look at the numbers. Last week, almost a Million People applied for unemployment insurance. Our truth has the people are out of work because of this crisis and worried about what comes next. So i want you to know that we will be there to help you. Our government is doing everything we can to be there for you. Speaking in native tongue. Speaking in native tongue. [speaking in native tongue]. The canada Emergency Response benefit. It will provide 2000 month for the next four months for workers who lose their incomes as a result of covid19. This will replace intended benefits that we announced last week, the Emergency Care benefit in the Emergency Support benefit in order to streamline process. Like i said from the start, we will adapt our approach wherever needed. If youve lost your job because of covid19, whether it be your fulltime contract or selfemployed, this benefit will be there for you. If youre sick or quarantined, looking after someone sick or at home taking care of your kids, it is there for you. And if you are or even still employed but not receiving income because of this crisis, the cer b, is there for you. An application we will launch as quickly as possible and people should start receiving money within ten days of applying. I know people are considered about delays. Families are worried about when they will get help and it will be hard to get food and that is frustrating. Then Public Servants are working aroundtheclock while dealing with unprecedented demands and all the same personal stress that everyone else is facing. They will get to your applications. Help is on the way. In order to speed things up, we are rapidly deploying workers from different departments to deal with claims. In the last ten days, we have listed the team by close to 13000 people to take your calls, processor claims and get you the support we need. You need. And since last monday, we have already processed and 43000 employment insurance claims. That means more money will go directly to people right across the country. We are working to get to the support you need and when you need it. And if you are doing okay, maybe you can help someone else. As an employer, a landlord argument just a friend. So you can be part of the solution. It can make all of the difference. Because it is by working together, that we will get through this. And her team knows that. We are collaborating with territories and provinces as well as with nations and the nation communities to coordinate our efforts and ensure that everyone is supported. Earlier this week, we also discussed testing covid19. We know that how long you wait for your results, very slightly. And the premiers and i know we need to address that and we are. This is something the minister and i have discussed we discuss his everyday we will continue doing what is needed is been a result for everyone. But they also want to recognize the incredible work medical professionals are doing on this front. According to the doctor, we are not tested about 10000 people a day. That is a huge increase in numbers in a very short period of time. It is because people across the country are working tirelessly to make it happen. At the same time, we are helping companies, labs and scientific institutions produce and supply what we need most. From masks and ventilators to vaccines and antiviral drugs. We are collaborating with airlines to get canadians home from abroad and instructing everyone that they must isolated home for 14 days. We are also working with our International Partners on this crisis. This morning i had called the president of synagogue and of rwanda to share strategies and keeping people safe in addressing the Economic Impact of this pandemic. Ive also spoken to Prime Minister of ethiopia and president of kenya about international coordination. And tomorrow, i will be speaking with other leaders to discuss further global coordination to our response. [speaking in native tongue]. [speaking in native tongue]. Right now it is more important than ever that the canadians have access to the latest news and information. To ensure that journalists can continue to do this by the work, our government is announcing new measures to support them. The minister will have more to say about the shortly and i want to take a moment to thank our journalist and media for everything they do. Today, and everyday printed and above a the most important way that we can Work Together is by staying apart. Social distancing is our best tool to stop people from getting sick. I know people are sing different graphs about how social distancing effectiveness can be printed in new maps of tracking the spread of the virus and every time you turn on the tv, or go online, youre probably reading something new. I know i do. And youll want to know what is coming next. Today, i will be getting the latest modeling from the Public Health agency of canada. And we will discuss how to share this information even more directly with all of you. You deserve the best information we have about what is happening today and what tomorrow might bring. Because otherwise the insurgency can be really tough. Not just for your routine, before your Mental Health two. We are facing once in a generation challenge and on top of that, you cannot do some of the things that make you feel good, getting together with friends are having dinner with your neighbor. If you need him, reach out. Reach out to your neighbor, to a sibling, to a friend, to hotline. But do it from home. Dont kill out unless you absolutely have to. If you are already following these rules, thank you for doing your part. If you are not, know that you are making a dangerous choice. Because ignoring these rules puts every single one of us, yourself included, congress. [speaking in native tongue]. [speaking in native tongue]. [speaking in native tongue]. [speaking in native tongue]. [speaking in native tongue]. [speaking in native tongue]. [speaking in native tongue]. [speaking in native tongue]. [speaking in native tongue]. Read recognize that this is an unprecedented situation with an overwhelming amount of demands. By canadians to get money as quickly as possible. We need to make sure that we are getting that money out quickly but also reliably canadians that means doing things the government has not done before and scaling up our processes extremely quickly. We need to do that in a way that is going to be both reliable and quick and that is why we are pulling together people from across government to get this done. We are hopeful that the system will be up and running by the sixth of april. And that checks of direct deposits will be flowing days after that. We recognize that is a ways off still. And then there are people of stopped working and we can have ago, two weeks ago. Theyre now receiving their last paycheck and not knowing when the next money is coming in. We recognize that and we are looking for ways to help people bridge, credit or other measures their ability to make it to the arrival of the kennedy Emergency Response benefit canada. We are working diligently and rapidly to help every canadian that we can. Before wage it subsidy in line with the uk and denmark and 72 to 80 percent much more efficient than the slow process that youre rolling out right now. And youve been asked about this for several days now the question keeps saying that these things are the table but people are laying off workers now. Now they are saying the struggling businesses could choose to simply not paint and their employees rather than laying them off and then the workers can then receive payments under this new benefit. Is that while you are urging struggling businesses to do and why not go with a higher wage subsidies printed Justin Trudeau people wouldnt have to feel like they have lost their job and they dont have a job to come back to after this crisis. So we are working with business groups and we were working with Small Businesses and hearing their concerns and looking very carefully at the model forward in other parts of the world like denmark and germany and others. In looking at how we can make that work or make the equivalent things work here in canada. We will have more to say that in the coming days. [speaking in native tongue]. [speaking in native tongue]. Reporter i know you just talked about more direct support for businesses but can you be more specific in the meantime pretty cynical coming later this week and there are many businesses that already laid out people and their people at home who cannot afford to pay the rent as those checks are due very soon. What specific age is available right now for people who are sitting at home who cannot afford any of the bills. Justin trudeau for businesses we move very quickly to make credit available for them to help them bridge through this time and help them get the liquidity date that they need at a time of crisis and significant slowdown in the economy. And for people at home we recognize the loosening up rules around credit is also a possibility and when taken certain measures on that and we know people are anxious and we know that their final paycheck from two weeks ago, last week, are starting to come in now and they do not know where the one will come in the next one looks will come in so that is why the candidate Emergency Response benefit is going to flow as a way of giving them 2000 every month for the next four months. So that we can get through this together. [speaking in native tongue]. [speaking in native tongue]. [speaking in native tongue]. Reporter good morning Prime Minister. With more than a Million People returning from overseas, especially in hospitals like europe and new york city, why are we relying on the honor system and not using the quarantine act to isolate given that we know that people have boarded flight with symptoms that are so desperate to get home. Justin trudeau and is extremely important that everyone returning to canada, isolate themselves for 14 days. This is a measure that will both keep them safe and prevent further spread of coronavirus in canada. This is something that we have required of every single canadian coming to this country. We will continue to tell people that predict we will continue to highlight that. We will continue to require that of anyone coming into canada that they isolate at home for 14 days. And thats in order to protect everyone in the country. It is required for people to stay at home for 14 days. Reporter Prime Minister, weve learned that the travelers are masking the covid19 to get through airport screening. What does canada not take people temperatures for your use of thermal screening at the airports. Should there be thermal screening and consequences those who master symptoms. Canadian Prime Minister trudeau we recognize that there are many concerns about passengers returning from canada which is why we are asking people to immediately isolate as soon as they get home. It is a requirements. We also note that there are Different Countries using various technologies and we will continue to look at what is the best way to keep canadians safe. There been a lot of discussion around thermal screening and taking temperatures and spot checks. One of the Lessons Learned from source is that it is simply not as effective as or not effective at the way the people would like it to be. I can sometimes give a false sense of assurance. This is not the best medical advice we are getting is but we are always hoping to adhering to a stronger or different sciences this different recommendations and say, but we will make sure that what we choose to do, and how we choose to pull our resources, are in the right way to actually help canadians actually stop the spread of this virus. Reporter should passengers who returned to canada, should those are should there be consequences and should they also be forced to sign a document to make sure that the self isolate. Canadian Prime Minister trudeau we know that people need to isolate and they agree to it on and that protesting when they arrive that they will self isolate for 14 days. That is an important thing. And canadians with symptoms, will not be allowed to board flights coming home. There is a difficult measure i know for many people and for many families but we need to make sure that we are doing everything we can to keep canadians safe. Reporter for some passengers are masking their symptoms that some toes printed when the consequences for that. Canadian Prime Minister trudeau we will continue to do what is necessary and explained to people what they need to do in order to keep themselves safe in the canadian safe. Reporter [speaking in native tongue]. If you have any questions please press star one on your telephone keypad. [speaking in native tongue]. The first question is from lebron international. Please go ahead. Reporter hello Prime Minister. Canada, you announced that canada, and the United Nations for 2 billion in emergency funding for covid19. Is your government secured, and his canada to countries that are very hard hit on the market. Canadian Prime Minister trudeau a billiondollar covid19 response announced last week, we had already set aside money for international efforts. We of course will work with the un to continue to work with International Partners and Financial Support to ensure that we can respond to this Global Pandemic with global resources. Candidate will be their parent to participate. I can also highlight on your second question that we are ramping up production of necessary equipment of emergency medical equipment of medications and we know that there is a positioning for much more in canada but there is certainly a need for much more around the world and canada will be part of the solution, not just to make sure that canada has all of the equipment and supplies needed for our citizens should the situation get worse but we will have hopefully equipment and supplies to share with the vulnerable parts of the world that desperately need help. [speaking in native tongue]. Reporter von jordan. [speaking in native tongue]. [speaking in native tongue]. [speaking in native tongue]. [speaking in native tongue]. [speaking in native tongue]. [speaking in native tongue]. Reporter hype Prime Minister. Last week i asked you about possibilities about reducing the spread of covid19 and since ive heard from prisoners, was an prisoners are not ready. The releases not being being compensated there is not enough soap. And the guards are being allowed even after returning from abroad, and with anything are you going to do to continue dissing the risk in canada federal institutions and the releasing inmates, non violent offenders on the table. Canadian Prime Minister trudeau we recognize that the cars thas why we are working closely with corrections in canada to make sure that we are looking at a broad range of measures to keep both those who work in our correctional facilities and also those who are residents there to make sure that we are doing things that will keep them safe. And i have sent multiple times that we are not taking anything off of the table in terms of options in order to keep canadians safe. We will continue our discussions with corrections canada to look at options and a look at ways that we will keep people safe. All across the country where the whatever they be. [speaking in native tongue]. [speaking in native tongue]. Washington journal, the federal and state right spots to the coronavirus. Join us with your questions and comments weeknights and eastern. This weekend on book tv, saturday and 8 30 p. M. Eastern. In her book, recollections of mine nonexistence, author rebecca recounts her journey to becoming a writer and feminist. I remember realizing at a certain point, white wasnt five more political when i was young. I just feel like you set up something in with other people and that you have power. I started out with neither of those things. And obviously i ended up with funding of those pretty. On sunday at nine and afterwards, journalist Eileen Zimmerman looks at whitecollar drug addition and invokes snack. I was struggling with an addiction and different conditions in my life. Mental illness that was untreated. They were, someone living under a bridge. Panhandling on the subway. And i was very wrong. Theyre also plenty of people at the top of the socioeconomic ladder struggling as well. Which would to be this weekend on cspan2 russian president Vladimir Putin delivered remarks on the coronavirus in the mckinney talked about steps the government was taking to provide Economic Relief including fostering social safety net programs. Providing direct payments to families and visiting small and medium businesses. And he also announced the country would delay voting on proposed reforms to the russian constitution. Then including a measure which could extend this conclusions term in office through 2036. Russian president Vladimir Putin thanks to the measures that will be applied, we have been banding up the spreading of the disease but we need to understand that russia due to the geographical position, cannot isolate fully from the rest of the world. In our borders and have countries to really damaged by the coronavirus