They needed a dance. They grew up in bolivia. They didnt know. My mother got raised in west mondale and every sunday without any changes, everybody went over to the house. Host this is your whole life you went on sunday. Guest every sunday, third floor, kids running around, people screaming and yelling which is a conversation. They are all arguing about politics. Everybody is yelling and screaming. He would bang on the table when he wanted to be heard and that was his voice. Host what about that piece that you would make something of yourself . Guest part of that host the famous agent. Guest i would not recommend a bedside manner but i dont want to get too close, my parents to their credit raised us with a sense of responsibility to keep up with their life and not going to just pass through. Host were they saying that to you . Guest there was nothing no inflicted it was explicit. I was a total slacker. When you walked into our house you walked in to the refrigerator side. What is on that side. Your report card. It stayed up until the next report card. That goes down and that one comes up. You would see it was in my report card. That was it. My parents, you could not miss dinner. You participated in sports, had to be home on the sabbath by friday night at 6 00. We had guests, family members and dinner, we discovered usc fighting at our dinner table. You had to participate and grandpa he retires, grandma is very sick. Even though he lived his whole life in chicago he wants to die in his he had to wait to get his papers. He is living with us, he would get up every morning at 4 30, make us breakfast, boxer underwear, tank top. Host in the newspaper. Guest he didnt get a fourthgrade education and he would hit you. That was his way of saying i love you. He would yell at you and it was a weird thing. The hitting and the yelling was an expression of affection. Host what i dont understand was the big missing piece. Host is this covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield . Guest host i get the grandfather, the shorts, a visual. But then you say it would surprise us all that you were quiet child. Were you just observing this melee . I cant believe that. Guest im not making it up. I was a very quiet child. Guest host up until guest they took me for tests because i was not talking. I was a very quiet child. Now i wont shut up. The change in my life occurs later when i am 17. Host you lost a finger. Guest yes. I lost a finger and i get special parking. I lost my finger, didnt go to the hospital, gangrene spot. Host in the arm. There was a chance you are going to lose guest a nurse saved my life. I was in the hospital several weeks. It is not like the sun comes through, beethovens ninth starts playing but you do in those twee 7 weeks i walk out 20 pounds lighter but i am a changed person. My mom and dad will tell you host you came out fighting. Guest to make every day count and i was going to do some with my life. Host your voice was louder . Guest i wanted to find a purpose for my life. Originally i was going to do ballet. I thought about childhood psychology, childhood education. By hook or by crook i worked on a campaign and said this is what i want to do with my life. Host you are political director of Democratic Congressional committee, you join the clinton campaign, a lot happens, you work for mayor daley. I just love the city of chicago. It is like home. Where did you get those shoes . I cant believe this. Host so scary. A little crazy. Stopped. Host guest you get yelled at 8 years straight you can imitate pretty good. Host what did you know . Guest i could do is get your backpacks, i could speak for eight days. Bill clinton is one of the most incredible talents and he had a capacity like i have never seen to look at something and through politics, policy, communication. I will give you a funny story. He is sitting across in the cabinet room, the president s back is to the window. The chinese premier is a. We have our cabinet. We are trying to work something out. If you know anything with the chinese and the ministers you read, they respond, everything is typed out for the entire hour. There is 0 creativity. They are having trouble, he doesnt know, the chinese premier, how to handle something and clinton goes let me tell you how to do this and he sits there and walks the chinese premier through how to settle this back to china and here is how you would handle it. The chinese premier, literally choreographed down to the final no spring moment, starts laughing hysterically. When youre done with this presidency i want you to come in as an advisor to me. Clinton had a capacity to walk through anybody elses shoes politically, understand the difficulty, thing about the policies. Host if he was gifted and talented beyond that, what could you apply in some way that would make you better . Guest up until him i was always doing politics. Bill clinton it is relevant to the book and relevant to this, bill clinton always said the biggest thing that is underappreciated in politics is ideas and if you understood ideas you could make politics and i take away this. I used to say this to my kids and the sister of everybody but very true for mayors, governors and chief executives. You have to be idealistic enough to know why you are doing what you are doing it ruthless enough to get it done. [applause] i added the ruthless part but if you go back and think of our great president s. Host which you write about. Guest kennedy, lincoln, reagan, roosevelt, lincoln does not start as an abolitionist. The abolitionists think he is too moderate, always compromising. He always knew how far he could get ahead and not out run public opinion. He is constantly doing the politics but he knew slavery was wrong. He didnt deal with the emancipation proclamation until 1802. He wait until there is a battle because if he announces it before and he will be seen as a loser that goes to ending slavery as a way to win the war. You have to know why you are doing what you are doing and be tough enough to see it through and clinton, and i think all chief executives are capable. Clinton taught me to have i immersed myself in policy from him. Which is why this book and the book i wrote are all about policy. You have to have ideas to illuminate what you are going to do and then you have to be really tough enough to see those ideas all the way through. There are things i talked about about chicago, very influential kind of mentor he was for me. Host it is interesting that you say as a mayor you actually have to have ideas. You have to get things done. There is nowhere to hide. People are there every minute. They will come to your home and find you. Host and they did. So you think the future of society right now, around the world is mayors of cities. Explain to everyone how important mayors are. Guest the basic premise of the book is why iran. I believe my whole career until this moment is about president clinton, congress and president obama and the national government. When the mayorship open than mayor daley decides not to seek reelection, if you grow up in chicago, the mayor hits the office. I was on one trajectory in congress so i wanted to come home and run for mayor. Host did anyone in dc think that was odd . From the Carlyle Group . Guest he called me and asked about the most powerful position in government you have unbelievable platform. Why would you become mayor . He is like mayor of chicago, you dont get it, you dont understand. It was a premonition of a shift. A third of the book is about center of gravity of politics, moving out of washington, out of brussels, out of london. Host because of this dysfunction . Guest part of it is dysfunctional. All of the weaknesses you see etc. Distance, dysfunction. Matchup against all the strengths you see local. Intimate, immediate and impactful. We have been here before. What is interesting about this moment, not only are things returning but local governments are picking up more real estate. Host are they doing the job . Guest local governments are leading the charge. Local governments are leading the charge on immigration. From the welcoming city to libraries having immigration quarters to deal with it, local governments are taking on the leadership on inclusive growth or inclement he quality. I will give you one example on research, which used to be the federal government. Michael bloomberg comes up with a brilliant idea of putting Cornell University on roosevelt avenue and ten years later new york is rivaling the west coast, we are doing it with the discovery system. Research center was never, the mayor would come up with an idea for Research Center so while local government has always existed and played an important role, it is taking on more things the federal government steps back. I would like to answer your first third question and then get to that one. One quick thing. A third is political science, a third is urban politics which we talk about into third, you know the famous Winston Churchill probe when he lost the election toward the end, how do you think history will treat you . Very well. As you know . He says i plan on writing it. That is what it is. Two things, is it good or bad . It is both and it is both simultaneously. When you think about where you work, where you live, where you play, how do you get from home to work, what are the amenities in your community like, all of that. None of it comes from the national government, it is disneyland on the potomac, not part of your life. That is number one. Number 2, i have been to thousands of conferences that high school is no longer enough. We have to have two years. We came up, the cabinet members that are here, came up with the chicago star scholarship, Community College is free. First city to do it, 8000 kids. Boston, denver, louisville, san francisco, and other cities are all replicated. We have 8000 kids and growing in chicago that have used it. Do you think betsy devos has called . Do you think she said forget chicago . All the mayors and governors doing it . Come out to washington. I want to hear about it. That is awful. Not saying it is free Community College is the most important education policy but my mother thinks it is the top three in the United States of america. If you think three quarters of jobs require something precise and twee 7 cities in the United States have started something equivalent to this era, what High School Education was for the twentieth century, Neither Congress or the secretary of education assessed the data and you have not one city but multiple cities in the state. I did research for this book and i was shocked. This does tell you going into world war ii which country have the highest education of armed forces . The United States of america. 90 of the men and women in the armed forces had a High School Education, better than any other army in world war ii. Before the war is over, 44, roosevelt announces the g. I. Bill. I know a lot happens but High School Education at the beginning of the century, the g. I. Bill in the middle of the country, the rest is the american century. We havent done anything. Im proud in this city, if you keep the be average in Community College, everyone gives you 20 , 50 off of tuition. I would like the federal government if the federal government says i dont think they will ever do it, if they said any city or state that does this will do double the pell grant. Then you can really take an idea and make it universal. I knew this was happening in chicago. Youve got to wait. Host it is obviously political season. Guest rumor has it. Host bernie says wipe out all the debt. Guest i am not not to attack bernie but since you asked. [laughter] guest i dont think taxpayers should pay for kids to go to college. It is crazy. We can afford it. Income inequality, i write in the book, is masquerading as a diploma divide. That is what has happened. If you have a diploma divide in this country, one of the things i am proud of. Of the 8000 kids who did the chicago scholarship, 81 of them were the first in their family to go to college. There retention rate and Completion Rate are double and triple the normal Community College function. In tennessee you go to high school, you get it. Chicago you get a bf. Dont know if im right or wrong but host you debated that. Guest we debated that and it came down to money and other issues. One thing we do that is different, not only do we do tuition the transportation, to make a real difference in a childs life and i highlight the kids that have gone to cornell. Host was education your northstar . Guest it is why iran. 400 people outside your house every morning, this gets back to one of the things, idealistic enough to know why you are doing what you are doing and dumb enough to get it done. One anecdote, we all lived through it, the strikes. I made a pledge. Host how long was it . Guest twee 7 days we had an agreement, 9 days. Think about it this way. You are a mayor. Put yourself in this chair. My life was made easier by the shortest school dance shortest school year in the United States. I come in and say this is tougher than i thought. My life would be a lot easier. My familys life, less stress on the city. I thought it was a mistake if you wanted to break the cycle of poverty to throw in the towel on this because 86 of the kids are poor. If you want to break the circle of poverty you dont come up with shortest school dance shortest were in the United States of america, 40 of kids dont have full day kindergarten. The question in 20032007 to get this done. Do you decide to endorse a strike to get it . To me, i thought it was not only to play something and violate but on the other hand i thought it was the linchpin the we were going to change the trajectory of education and change the trajectory of these children. To have a full school day. To go back to 9 11, the children got the equivalent of three more years of class time than children in chicago who had a few hours a day. When i gave up student ballet i was going to be an early child educated, not that i recommend your child come to my home. That and my interest in education i knew i achieved what i had achieved and i then thought it was important. That to me was an example and there was a lot of pressure without naming names of people who are dear and close to me in politics. Who thought i should not take it. Host did you ever waiver on the strategy . Guest it was a pledge i made, not a pledge, it was the pledge. I thought it was a cornerstone to the report. Number 3, i didnt want to have a strike. I was willing to have a strike to get it done. Not what i wanted. In the area of nothing i achieved i did not do without and the mistake i made was six months before hand we had no money. The mayor has the authority or had, you could unilaterally cancel pay increases. Never an exercise but it was on paper. We were in 2011 going into 2012, the last year of the last contract, mayor daley was 4 and the finances were in fifth position, a budget before we locked in. We have a corporate account. I was a punk. That was not a name then, you dont have to do that. I unilaterally canceled that. I put karens back to the wall and i own that. That is mine. My mistake. Host if you were to do it over you wouldnt do that. Guest i own this. I should have called karen and said we dont have the money. She would have said that your problem. You ran for the office, fix it. I am not doing anything to help you here. And prior to that i go to springfield, change the law and take the time of day out of the contract. She cooperated and her members are like what . Then i take the 4 and corner her and there are things she did, the trust we had and disagreements we had. I set up there would always be a strike regardless. I made it worse, i should have said give her a chance to sit at the table and i didnt do it. I own that. Host no regrets on that issue. You got it done. Guest i also think i got it done, no regrets getting it done. It is foundational. Host the level benefit for the city. Guest the other thing to remember on this, everybody talks about strikes. In 2015, teachers went a year without a contract. They didnt want to strike. They were done and it was over. The issue of the pension. Karen and i caught a work in place, we texted with each other, my chief of staff is probably flipping out right about now. We had a great relationship and we tried to get the contributions dating back to what washington did and she couldnt get it but they worked an entire year, no contract. We figured out a compromise, president obama and president clinton working on it so the teachers dating back to 83, 2 or tps would get all the other 18 or 16. In the 83 deal in washington, had a budget problem and give you a one year, 2 pension. That one year started in 83 and never changed. Karen and i tried to get it all the new teachers, all old teachers. They work, i reach out to her, negotiations and i am fast forwarding a lot of information but we come to the agreement, teachers do the 9 . All legacy teachers, weve got a contract and there are other issues involved but that was the big issue and we worked our way through a good working relationship when i decided not to run, the first communication i got. Host why did this happen . Guest i could sit here and do this thing. There is a couple things. I love the job and i love the people and what you can do. If it wasnt for the fact i did i was exhausted. I get elected to congress in 2002, two years later, i want you to take over the deed ccc and if we take back the house, she said i want you to be chairman of the dcc see and talk us chair caucus chair, we do that from 20062008. Then president obama says i want you to be chief of staff. That was a slight turn around. Host financial crisis. Guest Auto Industry about to follow, economy in the worst recession, two of the longest wars. Then i run for mayor and we made a lot of changes in eight years. The last ten years, the president and the city, two major turnarounds and i was exhausted and i know one thing. Chicago is not albuquerque. It is not a city we do one year of work and going to cruise and the other thing i know, as a student of politics, third terms are sneaky terms. Mayor bloombergs third term was not great. Mayor kochs third term was not a greater. Governor cuomo, if you look at the mistakes roosevelt makes in the third term. One of the things, the big bang up. Somebody asked me this. At the end of the day you never bring disrespect to the name. I spent 25 years in public life. The one thing i have never done, i never hired a lawyer and i dont think through president clinton, i got close a couple times but never hire a lawyer. I was not delayed. That was selfevident. I had realized there was enough political history and science, i knew enough about myself at my energy level and the truth is in the third term you are not as smart or as good as you think you are, your staff is as tired as you are. I gotten to a place, accomplished a lot of what i wanted to do and had to come through the hard conversation and have a hard conversation with myself. I love this we, the people, the job but ten years, time to put the jersey up for a while. Host did your family want you to stop or did they think you should you going . Guest it was a divided court. How did you manage stress on the family . You mentioned more than one protester at your house. Guest 90 goes to amy, i get 5, the kids get 5 . Amy kept the house, the family and the kids the sense that they were in a place of love and warmth. It is interesting. [applause] we set up a rule when i got elected to congress which was we had friday nights for dinner, sunday night, two dinners a night during the week, travel times, even though press would criticize me for being out during holidays, traveling overseas with the kids, we do things as a family. Host you continued the tradition. Guest mark twains quote, by 12 i know my father was a full, by 18 i was shocked to what i learned in 6 years, everything i said i would never do as a parent i replicated what i do as a parent with my father and mother. It is interesting. When i look at the time from congress to mayor, i look at my kids today and i look at being mayor, being chief of staff, things i have been exposed to, i always believed in family. I have become a bigger zealot of the family. I dont mean iv and harriet. I dont. I think when i look at my kids and the love that we provided i also look at their cousins, their grandparents that they have been fortunate enough to have and friends who are like family and i think the family is under assault in america, not because people are against it but things pooling at it and i have come to the conclusion i am a big believer in the mentoring program and after School Summer jobs and i fought hard to expand those, to grow them. Have them do different things. I am a believer in government, a Government Program cant love a child. It can help and provide but cant love the child. My dad always said you never saw a child spoiled by too many kisses or too many hugs. [applause i look at my time and come away from public life thinking more and more about how do we support . I want to be clear, im not talking about highs ozzie and harriet because it never existed. How do you support family . When you think about what i think, why i actually think mayors are running, you have a mayor of london who is prime minister, three mayors running for office. I think one of the Biggest Challenges is alienation, what leads to the death of despair, alcohol, suicide at unprecedented levels. Only a mayor knows how to find places of faith, community groups, notforprofit, create a place of belonging and belief in your self. I think those are the hardest thing, family plays a central role in giving a young adult that sense of belonging. Host you are not talking about blood relatives but community. Guest i think it is family in the sense of family, but im talking and uncles, grandparents, family, friends, that can provide for the growth and maturation of the child. Host how do you put that back together in the Current Society . We have broken homes, kids that dont grow up. They are desperate for that. Guest here is what is interesting. We are asking more, take school and education. We are asking a place that was only about education to become a community school, afterschool, nutritional program, asking it to do more things than it used to do. Therefore youve got to give it more resources and i think it is the right thing to do because children and families need that type of support. Not every child only through places of worship, through our schools which you give all children, which is why prek programs are so exciting because without it not every child can have that chance. There are other things i would talk about. There to get into president of politics, i am a political consultant in our Economic System, written in conflict. Within the political system, within the Economic System are conflicts. We have had periods of time those conflicts have erupted but when they have erupted you had a president who advocated we killed 600,000 fellow citizens in the second inaugural, lincoln talk about malice toward none. In the worst depression roosevelt talked about nothing to fear but fear itself. This is the only time in the last hundred years we have had a president in a time of division trying to figure out how to stoke them. That is really different and that is why the opportunity, when you think about it, that is a real problem and people are trying to create locally a place of community and place of belonging which is enhancing the role of mayors in cities. Host has that stoking changed us forever and change our politics forever . Can we recover . Guest yes. It will require all of us filling the role. Not just the president. But yes. Host when you think about who is not expressing it but how hard is that to pull off, whoever the leader is to be that kind of idealist and visionary, fighting for the ideals in a way that restores the civility you are talking about. How hard is that . Guest very hard. President obama, a lot of people said this, we should always reach out i actually thought his civility, whether it was the bear summits or other things was unbelievable strength of our politics you could see, his graciousness was a real asset, not a liability. It was an incredible political and cultural asset. If you think of it from a policy standpoint, i advocated this going back to 2006. What this country needs is National Service. Every person has to experience it. I dont know everybodys politics. We all go around saying diverse city is our strength. You cant have that be a strength if you dont have a Common Foundation. It is a liability if you dont agree on something. Here in chicago even though some root for the cubs and some root for the sox, you have 147 languages spoken in public schools, thats a lot of faith, a lot of culture, a lot of background but every parent has the same aspiration regardless of language so you can weave this but one of the things we lost is the common experience and creating a National Service where everybody serves alongside each other and im not saying armed services. It could be americorps, 6 months minimum. Host you think that could ever happen . Guest you know america has done americorps, 6000 kids in the city of chicago. Okay, there goes americorps. Absolutely. I actually think the country needs it. We have to create a generation that whether it is our kids from different backgrounds and other parts of the country having one shared experience. Wide to libraries, parks, transportation workers, regardless of race or where you are you have a shared experience that only a city or Public Entity can create and i think that is very valuable especially in a time we all migrate to our own news, communities, race, education, income etc. Backgrounds. Having the Common Foundation will allow diverse city, the russians cant use it against it. That is a political jab. Host what is the afterlife of a mayor like . What is it like walking on the street, you wake up with i would imagine you woke up every day with something super pressing. Guest you dont have a complete this is the first time, im not good at it now, starting from clinton forward or obama forward, you would be waking up multiple times a night. Host because of blackberries, thoughts . Cell phones . Guest or above the age of 50 the bachelor. A lot of them. Im getting the hairy eyeball and there is a lot of things. As mayor anything happens of significance youve got to be notified. Host what is it like when that doesnt exist . Guest you have a lot of you go through funny incidents, somebody if im going through the airport, you are an actor, arent you . Like this. Host that fast they forget you . Guest you are in new york. I know you. I will give you one funny story about adjustment and this the kids and i like to go to spinal cord and as mayor you go through the back or whatever. Higginbothams daughter, we go to phoenix and the doors havent open but you go through security and we are in a big line. I dont see any security. Massive lines, 85 degrees and 25,000 people waiting and we are waiting in length. And i am like what the hell . I didnt say that. What are people doing . That is what people do, you should run for another term. You are not ready. Host to surround and wave. Now you have to wait in line. Guest the whole adjustment, the weird thing, heres the hardest part, you are mayor, Community College or Public Safety, your project is chicago. I have banking stuff, tv stuff, i was in st. Louis meeting with a client and get a text from the washington post, this is a piece on impeachment, youre walking out of a meeting on mergers and acquisitions and it is left and right brain, a bit frantic in that sense but i prefer frantic and chaos. Host if you look back and you could do any do over. Give three of them. Host i would not have done the 4 . I wouldnt have changed my commitment. Karen and i had an agreement of something. I own my 4 . The other side was not kept. I still would go through the full school day because it was foundational. Closings. This to me is about Public Policy and stuff like that. I want to put you in the chair of mayor. You had the worst funding of education of any state in illinois for a kid in poverty. We change that, the budget was so bad it was not done. You have kids trapped in schools year in and year out, not one year, not two years, a decade. You are about to upset peoples lives in a way you wouldnt want to do to anybody. I didnt run for office then you get a report that says 110 so you have finances are a mess, mess up with peoples lives, kids are trapped in schools and you should shut 110 of the menu have a responsibility to do one, youve got to make sure these kids are safe. How do you see through all of this . Some people advocated ten a year but then ten over five years is just extending the pain and i will give one example about learning. Four years later when we consolidated three high schools into one we built a New High School and the screaming for three was no less on the volumes and screaming for 39. That to me, all i do know is 95 of all the children in inglewood leave inglewood to go to high school. It is oversubscribed and doing a new building, new facility, the same at the level, was in my view probably slightly better but i dont think you could change it. I use to pop into schools and it was better up north, a receiving school. I was Walking Around seeing what was going on. The mayor is coming, clean it up. I would pop in. I was there in an eighth grade class and this young kid says to me, i think it was swift, said i went to swift and you moved to me. I was really upset. I wanted you to know that, but im really glad i came here mentioning what icicle he was going to go to. I really want to thank you. He said i was not happy and my parents werent happy, will you give our commencement . I said i only do high school but if you introduce me and tell me that story. That the schools, dont shut the schools, kids are trapped in horrible schools that are not performing and we dont have the money, and here is the one thing i will say all the mayors have. Host that is the president ial. You have a mistake and thats the only way to succeed. I know it is true. If you go through the bay of pigs and cuban missile crisis. We are lucky kennedy failed at the bay of pigs. If you had reversed the order, kennedy learned the joint chiefs are full of and they dont know what they are talking about and the bay of pigs, bombed the hell out of havana and he understands only he knows how to do this, what are the judgments and he took responsibility and learned and applied, thank god, before the cuban missile crisis we had the bay of pigs. You make failures all the time and the real judgment about our president , i used to say to clinton, if we knew in the first term what we know by the second term we would be geniuses. If you fail and apply it going forward, no legislator and i am a former legislator has that like a mayor. If you look at it like me, mayor bloomberg, they have all had failures, issues of Public Safety between police and community, they own those failures and applied it going forward. That is not the tricks. The legislative and get. Host i want to do a superfast speed round. I want to ask a couple questions superfast. Host i have a line im going to wait on. Guest to have a hobby . Guest im crazy about exercise. We 9 favorite hobby . Guest reading books. Host last great book you read. Guest two of them. In the shadow of half a. Jack goldman was george bushs office legal counsel. The godson of Chucky Obrien who was the irishman of jimmy hoffa. Craft said it is the legal document that he worked and then susan nieman wrote this book was we can learn from the holocaust, the study of what the germans did to integrate the holocaust into their culture and what we can do and havent done. When it is good it is phenomenal. It is a great book. Host leader you most admire . Guest in history. Host anyone. Guest i love clinton. My mother said i hate you all equally. I love president clinton and president obama. The greatest president we ever had is president lincoln. Not even close in my view. The greatest leader i would probably have to say Martin Luther king. When you think about it if you read all the biographies, he was 35 years old and going mono mono with president s against culture, doing it with the civility, and only the power of his mind and his word. It is an incredible accomplishment and he changed the country. Host best advice from overseas . Guest best advice was my fathers. I want to say you learn all the things you never do and repeat it. He would say rabbi hillwell, who are you if you are not for yourself . What are you if youre only for yourself . If not now then when . Now that you have become an adult, answer that question. Host worst advice . Guest worst advice i ever received . I dont well. My father. [laughter] speech is what are you going doing down to the rock little rock . This guy is a schmuck. Host that is good. Guest i cant believe youre going to little rock. Host a motto you live by. Guest a motto . This also comes from my family. If you believe in something you cant leave anything in the pocket. It all goes down. If you believe something, you are all in, not 90 . Host ladies and gentlemen, rahm emanuel. [applause] host we have a surprise for you. There is someone here that you know and his name is darkareas, someone you mentor who is here to say hi. Where is he . Where is he . Is he coming out . [applause] host have a great night, thank you so much. [applause] [inaudible conversations] san antonio is a bike cultural community, it is the san antonio story. Host the cspan cities tour is on the road exploring the american story. We take you to san antonio, texas. San antonio is here because of these missions. This is the central part of airpower central. Host saturday at noon on booktv we learn about the city from some of its authors. Sunday at 2 00 pm on American History tv we travel to museums and Historic Sites as we learn about the history of the city and surrounding areas. The cspan cities tour take you on the road to explore the american story. Television has changed but our mission continues, to provide an unfiltered view of government. Already this year we brought you primary election coverage, the president ial impeachment process andow

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