And parents are without childcare. There are no test gets to test for coronavirus to speak of. A few but not near enough. Inadequate medical supplies, thousands are concerned about what it means for the paychecks. Seniors are worried about their health. Businesses are forced to make very, very tough choices. Millions of americans are dependent on us here in washington, d. C. To act and to act quickly. The house jumped in the action and begin negotiating with the administration on a bill to address some of those pressing and immediate concerns of the coronavirus. A deal was struck and the house passed a bill with overwhelming bipartisan majority. And what happened in the senate, well, last thursday the majority leader sent us home, business as usual. What we should have done, we shouldve stuck around and did the peoples work. But instead my friends in the majority decide we should operate as business as usual and take off fridays, take off the weekend, go home. Well, this is not business as usual. If the majority leader wouldve listened to the cdc he wouldve heard of what he did last thursday with very contrary to the recommendations that they have made. To avoid groups, to avoid airports. We did just the opposite. Millions of americans are waiting for the senate to act. We are here to consider today was shouldve considered last saturday is an important start towards providing needed relief. It provides free testing, sickly, and upon entrance of those losing their jobs through no fault of their own. And we couldve done this several days ago but instead we continued to wait. We continue to wait as we watched athletic shutdowns, the ncaa, baseball, hockey, basketball, nba, restaurants, broad ways, schools close. The list goes on and on and we continue to languish here and the Unitedd States senate, supposedly the greatest political body in the world. We do this while four in ten americans struggle to cover an unanticipated expense 40. Four in ten films are 400 bucks bucks way from financial crisis. This bill ensures a Hotel Employee in billings can stay home if she is feeling ill without sacrificing that 400 for rent, groceries, or childcare. A quarter of American Families go without medical care for fear of covering the cost. This bill will make sure no one is going, no one is going to go get health care or coronavirus test without theou fear of an expense for more than the bill would increase the amount of funding montanas Medicaid Program to cover additional medicaid expenses. Many kids the montana rely on lunch that they get at the school as a primary source of nutrition for that day. This bill will allow those kids to continue to get lunch even if the schools are closed. Seniors who are home bound rely on Services Like meals on wheels, Missoula Aging Services is preparing to use the allotment of millions of dollars in additional revenue for senior nutrition for providing more meals for seniors who are following recommendations to stay home. This pandemic has already causing significant impacts to our economy. We know that all too well. This is why this bill addresses unexpected unemployment and help smalll businesses cover page sickly for those who need it. Under this bill low income pregnant women and mothers with Young Children that lose their jobs data covid19 will be able to access food assistance. All of these are Common Sense Bipartisan Solutions that the senate has delayed for no good reason. On the farm when theres work to done, especially when its time sensitive work, you dont take a break. You get the job done. I call on my colleagues not to waste another moment to hold a vote and get the job done. With that, madam president , i yield the floor and suggest the absence of a quorum. Madam president , across our country we are seeing cities, schools, businesses and other