Miller. How is everyone doing today. Are you having a good time at cpac. One thing im going to ask you to take out your cell phone. And do the following. Text 56479. And tax cpac. We got our events for 2020. Posted on the column outside and some of you are part of this important year. America versus socialism is our think this year and were going to present some programming here in a very interesting way i think is going to be of something to take home with you. Once you build back your communities and you are better very best to make a difference or america. The first person i want to bring out this my friend from the daily signal. Hes coming out right behind me and is the author of the work on history because conspiracy to rewrite americas past, hes also contributed to the daily signal call single in the cohost to the right side of history podcasts. The right side of history podcasts. Youre an expert in history and thats what we wanted to start this off this way. We think the left is try to rewrite history. What is the damage, it can be done when history is reinvented for contemporary political purposes. It is being written for political purposes. There is a conservative effort to change the narrative about what we are. I think is really directed at the institutions of the value and creative of the country and attack on something 76. But they started this country and we continue. I think there is an effort especially many of you have heard of the 1619 project created by the New York Times which creates this narrative of country and its values are ultimately that. Theres just you. Link as it deeply bad narrative. Ian is for the sole purpose of changing america. A nation that embraces radical ideas against the original american founders. Josh for those of you who dont know this, they created the state of america, it was not founded in 1776, and seven when the first flick slave ships over to america. Do you think that this defect of our founding about that amine slavery, is should be focused on so much that all the good things that american has done in 50 plus years. Ian look at the things that make america unexceptional. Like slavery. Through history, what is great about america as we have a system the principles of 1776, all men are created equal closet system to be gotten up. I think about this 1619 produc product,. [applause]. Feel free to clap. Thats right. I think what theyre saying especially to young black and brown americans, that their country not them. Detailed, that is what theyre saying. If your country and the founders were hypocrites and they didnt believe in those ideas, they did not believe in those principle. Let me tell you, George Washington was not a white hero. These were american heroes. [applause]. 1619 project is against that. Jarrett if we allow the undersigned the Progressive Left to wash the next generations of america, to the point that we do not look upon those special ideas that we cherish the founded the constitution. Its just on paper folks credit since this idea that makes america special. What will happen and what will our future look like without those values in the building. Ian is to attack the idea of capitalism and link it to the slavery. A lot of people would say the 1619 project, a new history of Capitalism School of thought. It kind of attacks capitalism and is linked to slavery. 1950s, theres actually a slavery radical, things were to send slavery is a form and this form of socialism. It was in the 1850s. In the ideas that capitalism and cyber are linked, is an idea. Especially at the end of the cold war, but frankly the wrong side one. It was the United States in our system the belongs in the actions of history in there trying to revise these ideas and destroyed nations. Jarrett anyone who is examined history, they dont know the history of socialism. They dont know history of these radical systems. They have left them impoverished and without hope in the future. United states about health and far future. And they have the ideas that the country is rated on. No were not perfect. We should never expect to be a perfect country. Police tried to be is a more perfect union. But Abraham Lincoln said. That is what makes America Great prayed. Ian seem like politics is a struggle between left and right, their emerging battlefield. A lot of folks think that weve lost hollywood. Doing a panel later today on sports and sports is becoming politicized between left and right. Things that are to bring us together in the past. Is the Education System lost. Is going to ask you to envision the future of what happens when the textbooks, begin to rewrite history. I think there are already beginning to do that. Ian this is not just starting today. We talk about things like things that the history of the United States, clashing across the United States. The 16th 19 itself, or getting the curriculums across the country. There in the common core curriculum. Such a bad thing. This is common core material that is really negative anti american instead of the ideas. And i think that is why when you look at the education that is not prepared especially Young Americans to understand that we have a soul system of socialism, it is no wonder that there are so many young people, millennials and people my age and younger who do not know this about it. Here this idea about socialism and even have people the now defeated people like fidel castro for communist china. This incredible thing. Unofficially, a lot of Young Americans, that is why we need to say this. It happens around the country. It is a very small thing. This is a battleground for the future of america. Its really about education. It really about culture. [applause]. Ian are you at all shocked, that in a few months, that later this year in america could tumble and become a socialist america given that over our history, i thought it was over when the berlin welcome down. We had won that fight. In vietnam, was a struggle within communism. The war in korea, obviously a great deal tension in that part of the world. Do you think that generational fight for our kids still going to be going on. What think we have a chance to actually pushed back hard enough to make socialism such a repulsive option for future generations. It. Ian opener look at this mcgregor stage. Especially when we talk about the cold war. An ideology, and 1980s, when Ronald Reagan was rightly calling the subject when it was pretty an evil empire. Like Bernie Sanders, who go to the u. S. Authorities to raise elements of their system. Element of the system. And that shes you the differences between the United States and this communist is systems. You really have to fourth through this to find anything nice to say about the soviet union or anything and the communist countries pretty and they try to highlight the things that make us that pretty and friendly, and differences between the systems could not be more stark. I think that americans are going to get an invitation what the differences are between the systems in the cold war. It matters for the next generation. Were one generation away from tyranny. We will have this debate on a grander stage. The different tens are stark. Ian i see your wife over there who will help us talk about these ideas. You guys didnt honeymooned in moscow did you print for jarrett, thanks man. Give him a hand. [applause]. In the spring out our next to panelist. Joan miller, and from the walkaway campaign, brendan. [applause]. Ian how are you. Good to see you. I think you have some fans in the house gentlemen. John your honor, it was being conservative, is the new black. John in the sense being conservative is no longer allowed anywhere. Being black, people asked me, how does it feel to be black. [laughter]. And i said yes, that means that you get more privilege than anybody else in 2020. In the world. It is still true. If you are black, you have the pick of the crop. Jobs are literally recruiting black left and right in event of people in the press, i cant get a job. Im not able to get things i want. Chances are if youre black and youre not able to get a job, its because youre not qualified for the job. Its not because of your name, because people and employers are looking to employ minorities. They have scholarships. There is a list of scholarships that are available exclusively to people of color and minorities. So i dont want to hear anymore of the stuff how minorities are oppressed and dont get there voices heard. That is absolute nonsense. As victim mentality. [applause]. And being conservative is as much more dangerous. Pending black. Josh explained for our folks here who may not be familiar with the term, what is me and you hear people talking about. I believe its going by a person in 2008 incident term that means that your generally aware of how it is to be socially and politically correct and that you are aware how to talk to people and use the right gender programs in your accepting and your tolerance and use all of these crazy words to define people. It really just generally means that you are in the know. In the way to oppressed people who speak normally. Jon thats it. [applause]. [laughter]. Jon his way to silence people to basically suppress people to live the way they want. Conservatives, who basically have a more traditionally world view, are being oppressed by people want to language, controller ideas, and we talk about, the great awoke painting, you go back to the great awakening, that was a spiritual revival the gay people a sense of spiritual, spirituality and a sense of personal needed to be redeemed and salvation from god now to salvation from the mob. To the fact that if you say the love this country and you say america is the greatest country in the world, if you say that america was not able and from its inception, you do not have a voice. And if you say you dont want to bust open the borders wide open, you do not have a voice. You do not have a voice. Theyre using it with the same kind of fervor i believe that was used back during the great actual awakening. The real great awakening. In the same way the great awakening really sparked the country. The great awoke in england actually destroy the country. Ian we cannot just a stop. We actually had to fight back and reverse all of the destruction that these people have done to the country. [applause]. Ian when i hear you talking about fighting back and talking about raising your voice and making me think of the gentleman to your left, brendan. [applause]. Discourages excess dreamily influential over the last year and half. How many of you have heard of the walkaway campaign. [applause]. Brandon, and 2016, i was outside in a hotel and i said wide open field and only send me, i dont want to tell you that is why dont you want to tell me. She said im embarrassed. And she i like, she whispered it. Ian it. Ian you have encouraged people to not whisper. Whats happening in their minds it. In each others stories. Where does that come from. How do you manage to take people, each individual. And we respect the individuals. Honey managed to bring them together amplify them with a single voice. How did you do that. Branden i dont think it is hyperbolic whatsoever to say that we are the cross roads of acclimating in this country. This election is the most important election of my lifetime. And possibly in american history. We have two candidates who exist on to kohler opposite of the spectrum. One is fighting for the traditions of america that have made America Great in a capitalist freemarket society, the other is fighting for a left socialist. Im just going to go ahead and assume its Bernie Sanders can we discern with that. So we have a think, this crossroads where when these two gentlemen here. I wanted to make sure the people in this country fought back. Maybe later in the office who was fighting back for the market people. [applause]. We should be taking our cues from people like that. I believe that everything that is happening in this country right now is not an accident. I dont think its a coincidence. I actually think that it is evidence that god has an incredible sense of humor. Because we have donald trump in the office right now and i believe it was not an accident that a formal liberal decided that he was going to start a movement to bring people away from the Democratic Party and encourage conservatives to stand up and speak up and use her voice. And i will tell you why. Ive lived in the closet before ive done it, is not right. Authentically, i hung my head in shame. When i decided when i was going to become a conservative. I dont want anybody else to have to feel ashamed and what they believe in, their authentic believing that no one should ever have to be the closet again. That is why when i created that walkaway campaign, use your voice. Everybody walked around with a video camera in their pockets at all times. And it connects directly to instagram and twitter and facebook. There is no longer an excuse to find out who you are and what it means to be a trump supporter. Our conservative or republican. They can call you a racist or a bigot but is up to you to use your voice and take the narrative back to me what it means to be a trump supporter. We are encouraging people, come back. With walkaway, and silence. I want everybody to become un silence. From now on, we are the un silent majority in this country. [applause]. Ian brandon, very quickly, conservatives generally have avoided the notion of identity politics. The afflicted unsaid. Your hosting events. With africanamericans, and lgbt communities. Brandon i think conservatives need to get on the same page with what identity politics are pretty the left is engaging identity politics, they are marketing themselves to black americans and hispanic and americans and meanwhile republican say, we are not even talking to these groups adulterated so i am doing is actually going into these communities going into College Campuses we are holding these events for the various minority groups or single, latest and what you believe and how you can been marketed to. But we are telling you there is a better way. Step out of that group and the identity politics and race your identity as an american. There is a seat at the table. For all americans despite your race gender or sexual orientation. To think quickly. Nashville tennessee, the walkaway americans womens tunnel, an event to make american women proud that women who dont feel represented by feminism, the khmer on may 1s may 1st, we have diamond, incredible. In the end silent majority march on washington on october 3rd in washington dc. I want to see everyone there. We will become and silent. Ian before we move on, used to be inappropriate in my mind and conversation killer when you say that person is crazy. In the conversation. Brandon i think it is a compliment. It. Ian the new one is that for person is racist. It just the holding thing down. Josh immediately you wont have to argue with them. Noahs nonsense with their calling people like me, racist. Brandon i become a white nationalist, and reeses, it shows that they are just full of it. The arguments are bringing nothing to the table. We are able to like you said brendan, bring people in and say at least provide you with strength and no. Jon we are the majority and we are going to fight and went and were not going to be silenced by these communist and socialist were literally trying to introduce authoritarianism to show their part. We have to fight back. We will win this fight in 2020. [applause]. Ian thank you gentlemen. I will make you both here. John, brandon. Thank you very much. That way that way. [applause]. Ian show your love ladies and gentlemen. [applause]. And for a final piece of this presentation we will bring out, epic time, Joshua Phillips and morgan from Young Americans against show socialism. Joshua is a Senior Investigative reporter at the times and host of the china reports. Morgan is the ceo of him americans against socialism. How are you guys. [laughter]. Ian to have many fans here morgan. Morgan [laughter]. Ian what is socialism. The going to the years, it is the dictatorship of a proletarian, the where the government has ceased every single part of the society and used it every single part of that society, to drive towards the goals of communism. It is meant to annihilate your moral values to know i hate your religion and culture. In the communist manifesto says that communism destroys all religion and all morality. Make a mistake of negotiating with the socialist just on the basis of economics. Within reality, its about metaphysics. It is about attacking and destroying your valleys, your culture, your ideals and foundation to your society. It is a pretty dark picture you are painting. Morgan, why are so many young folks these days infatuated with this idea of a socialist america. Morgan recent call came out that 73 percent of people my age would vote for socialist. I dont think it would like to see this but i think they are just falling for the lies of Bernie Sanders. In any americans against the educational videos about the dangers and history and failures of socialism because he sanders, hes telling the biggest lie of his democratic socialism. Denmark is capitalist. [applause]. Ian joshua, one of the conditions of any to occur, in order for to turn socialist. Joshua so in order for a country to become socialist, there are two different forms. One is violence resolution or violence means, they kill people, the sees the reins of the powers of the state and then take control of it and then use the powers of the state to drive it further among the progressive track. When they believe is social revolution and then go it is communism. On this democratic socialism which is the social democrats are the social democrats under angles. Im sorry. The ideas then, and achievement through democratic elections. People will full voting to use to implement the totalitarian regime. Do you think that elections matter anymore. There lots of cases where there often thwarted. Are we already creeping towards that type of attitude in our politics. Joshua i personally think that ulcers them as a death row. I think there are waking up and sing it for exactly what it is. [applause]. Ian morgan, gives her granddaddys fight. Our parents fight. Now it is our turn to make that struggle. We think will happen for future generations. Joshua seems to think we can do this. Perhaps we can get rid of it altogether. Morgan the polls look very negative but i feel very optimistic of the future of the country. I think my generation is one of the most creative entrepreneurial innovative generations that we have seen. But theyre just not able to make that connection that they are truly capitalist. But understand if you want programs for america, you need to have a capitalist background. What i say often as we build our kids in the classroom. We failed our veterans. We also would have a free and prosperous and fair future for generations to come. And now i think were sitting on it. [applause]. Ian what would you say morgan, to the good moms and dads out there who put in that 18 years, raising great kids the kids goes off to college and comes back with a bag of laundry in a Bernie Sanders stickers is mom and dad, emma socialist. Morgan every time i get off of the stage, ive a few moms and dads say please to talk to a child. I say and them onto instagram and i will talk to them. I did a lot of research, i found out the socialist, really manipulate language. I want everybody to Pay Attention to the language by the democratic democrats. He sanders, what to call attention to one Bernie Sanders campaign you pretty stars at saying what is freedom. And then young people can spin the say, my free fight have student loan debt. In my free if i have high healthcare costs. My free if i only work my deadend job to get healthcare insurance. Morgan yes you are very free. But the problem is that video ends by saying youre not free. Freedom comes from economic freedom. And you are not economically free unless you have x, y, and z government programs. Freedom is offering a deal. Freedom is student loan cancellation. Freedom is medicare for all. Theyve changed the meaning some basic words. And always change the words from freedom to live your own lives not be oppressed by government, to freedom of the burdens. [applause]. Ian you heard from our friend, talking about her friend, who is a supporter of student protest movement. We stand with those Freedom Fighters in hong kong. Joshua, describe for us in bringing home. How the pr socialist works and the impact that has on the citizen and doubt their individual lives. Joshua lets be clear what socialism is. Chinese rule by the Chinese Communist party. What is it better, they killed 50 million to 70 million people. To this day, they still have concentrated concentration camps. They still kill people for believing in religion. They syndicate you can or cannot believe. They still say that if you want to be a christian, you have to recognize the state first and got second. If you go into china, in the Ten Commandments on the ball pretty up to start off the first one. Because the first one is not aligned the company is Party Doctrine pretty cannot acknowledge the power hundred and the party. If you are catholic, you cannot acknowledge the pope is being ahead. And when it comes to what Chinese People are facing, there living under a regime that mass the capitalist society. She would be fine with it is a state capitalism. It all these young kids think think that socialism will freedom from these corporations when in reality, it is state capitalism free did you do get rid of the factories. And never gotten rid of the factories. They do not plan to get rid of the factories. If the state seizes control the factories and then control every single economic power in the country. He did not get rid of any single thing that people believe they are fighting against. It is a system of slavery. As one that takes control of everything a part of your life, denies you the access to the fruits of your labor and tells what you can and cannot think what you can and cannot believe. That is lebron and every single form. Down to a level beyond we have ever seen before. Now to your spiritual level in your ability to think freely. Twentyfive we began this talking about slavery and work and during this conversation talking about slavery. Morgan, when you first met you, you give us very hopeful think about how there is still hope for young people. Even if youre attracted to this socialism thing. There is so much room for Common Ground and young people, being neglected. Whether thats by the medium or political system. Thank our speak for one moment, and talk about the simple things in place for common cause im a people should think about interference to predict. Morgan i love a good political fight. But yes nonpartisan, nonprofit and i really believe that if we focus on talking about the three issues my generation is about the most, the environment, affordable healthcare and force the student loan prices. You can win them over. My goal is not to push them away, were trying to get them on her side. Personal, student loan prices, every socialist movement throughout history has to create the desire for forced government distributional predinner using the student loan crisis to do so. And theyre saying the those evil people have money they dont deserve. Its not power. Give me power and i will take the power and then given to you. So the really using the student loan crisis to train the radical idea of what the distribution. Climate change. Fairly were all dying engineers. Using Climate Change to fear mongering and forced my generation into thinking that the renewed deal, is the only way to save the planet but the chief of staff admitted the renewed deal started as an economic plan to restructure the economy. Later on, slipped a sticker on it and call it Climate Change. I am not really believing their narrative. And reject that question our generation that we love the environment and we are conservative pretty we want to protect the planet to pretty. [applause]. Ian give applause for joshua, and morgan Young Americans against socialism. Thank you both. [applause]. [applause]. [background sounds]. Seasons washington journal, live every day with news and policy issues that impact you pretty coming up saturday morning, we will discuss the latest on the South Carolina primaries. See senator, South Carolina democratic representatives crystal meth use and j inc. Anterior political editor. What she spent washington journal, live at seven eastern on saturday morning. Join the discussion. Sunday, book tv tv on u. S. President s and race. America as a superpower pretty starting at noon eastern on in depth. Light conversation. Studies for this, this is my vocation. Not knowing that i would be under fire. Just for asking questions. I have asked questions, of each present the same question except for one. Over the last 21 years, asking questions now has me fearing for my life. Latest book is under fire. Are the books include at moms knee and the presidency, and black and white. Join the conversation with your phone calls, tweets, x, and facebook messages. In a 9 00 p. M. Eastern on afterwards, in his latest book, americans expiration

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