Our moderators, jim broudy and margery eagan. At evening and welcome to our audience here at wgbh and those watching at home for the first debate in the senate race being closely watched, not just here but all across the country. With the incumbent serving about the house of the senate the challenges for seven years under his belt and the house [inaudible] they will weigh their differences and their worldviews and ask for the rules there are no rules. The opening statements, no closings, no time limits although we will be keeping track of speaking time to keep things relatively even and we want to cover a lot of ground so brevity is appreciated. The free to talk to each other as well. In fact, we encourage it, gentlemen paid since we asked our studio audience not to applaud during the debate we want to take a moment to give senator ed markey and congressman joe kennedy a hand. [applause] gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us tonight. Marjorie, it is all yours. Some of markeys supporters have criticized you with an opportunist in this race so what are you running to see a man whos championed so many of the same policies you support . Jim and marjorie, thank you for having us but thank you for the audience and for those jeanine in around the country. Look, this election, this time around, so much of what we care about, everything we care about is on the line. What is at stake for us for our parties, commonwealth and country this one counts. For this moment we have to make sure that the United States senator is getting everything you possibly half to make sure the guide our party and commonwealth good at this moment massachusetts is not a swing state or a swing seat. There is a special opportunity and obligation that comes with it because voting in the right way, Mitch Mcconnell does not care. This is about making sure that you are a constant presence in massachusetts we can sure the people across the state note that youre fighting for them and know when you care about. Two, the folks victimized most by this president , those vulnerable and suffering, immigrants and different know the average champion for you there everything will day. Three, even the challenges we face that you have two bring everything you possibly can to restore power to a Democratic Party so we can advance the causes we care about and protect the people we care about. Has he been a good senator . Absolutely, but jim this is about whether senator markey made an important contribution because of course he has but the issue is at this moment he beat wanted stick with headlines we saw with president trumps pardons and what hes done for vulcanizing ice and this is not about voting for the rights bill or the right way but we have to do every weekend to restore power to a Democratic Party across the entire country, flip the house, flip the fed, flipped the presidency and that, i think, is a type of leadership i can bring to the seat and that is what massachusetts deserves. We will return but some of the critics of your talent note that you been in congress more than 40 years and in fact, he first served before he was born, as i am sure you noted but partisanship in the senate is dead and the democratic agenda is going absolutely nowhere and some believe a fresh face with a different approach is exactly what is needed to change the namic so why are they wrong, senator . Thank you, jim, thank you marjorie, thank you wgbh. I thank you two the audience, especially the young people, this debate should be about the features and that is why i fight for. I fight for the future everything the day for these young people. When i interest the Green New Deal with alexandria ocasiocortez one year ago it transformed the way which Climate Change is being debated in the United States and across the planet. It made a huge difference and based on laws are passed, fuel economy standards we live under is my lot in 2007, supply and [inaudible] it reduces the amount of oil the Koch Brothers can sell and thats the coal industry and on guns i passed legislation to just in december 25 million spent at the centers for Disease Control to begin the research on the causes of gun violence in our society. This is built on law passed earlier that bans timely and chinese assault weapons from coming to the streets of the United States and i might add in december again, seven weeks ago my law passed, three to 50 lien or dollars to find the cure for alzheimers before 2025. Listen to this number. Unbelievable. 50 million baby boomers will have all timers if you dont find the cure. On the big issues of today the challenges that say have not only believing but deliberating with legislation which passes and protects the people of massachusetts and the whole country. [inaudible conversations] could you respond senator . As i said, the center has made an important contribution to our commonwealth and country but the fact remains that on a number of the challenges we confront today many of us just celebrated valentines day and it was the twoyear anniversary of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman douglas but the factor Means Congress has not in the federal government has not passed meaningful gun violence legislation in decades. When it comes to the environment we have not, senator markey has been a leader on this but the last transformative law that was signed into the bill was signed into law to transform the way the federal government protects the environment was signed by Richard Nixon for the clean air act. Bottom line is when it comes to the moments of today and the challenges with Mitch Mcconnell saint look, this is about maintenance and access to power and he will hold onto it with everything hes got. Let me interrupt, thats not accurate. The last meaningful gun safety legislation passed in the last week of december 2019 when my bill was signed donald trump to Begin Research at the cdc that had been blocked for 25 years by the nra. My bill makes an array not relevant in american politics when you can have a victory like that. The end i might say the last environmental law, the big one that was my law is wellpaid it was the 2007 law that doubled the fuel economy standards of the vehicles which we drive 70 of all oil goes into gas tanks and is the single largest reduction of Greenhouse Gases of any law ever passed in any country of the law so i have been meeting and delivering industry i beat the gun lobby just in december but beat them in the law is on the books. One thing about the Green New Deal is you know many of your democratic colleagues including congresswoman nancy pelosi, house speaker, does not say that the Green New Deal can pass but there is no carbon tax in the Green New Deal and that is something that a lot of businesses in your gop establishment leaders have supported so why not put that in there and maybe have increased chance that we could get it through in a bipartisan way . Look, the Green New Deal since we introduced it, alexandria ocasiocortez and i one year ago transformed the debate on this issue but we deal with the fact that our own Scientists Say the planet can one by 20 degrees in the next 80 years and that our sea levels will go up 80 feet. The magnitude of the problem is clear but what we say is we have to solve this problem but with millions of new jobs created in to do it with justice big frontline communities, minority communities we do it with intersection. We have to make sure no matter what we do and it doesnt leak for dramatic price increase for our society and we have to have a debate but we have to be absolutely nonnegotiable comes to the we seyfried we can encompasses goal the many different pathways and in order to a compasses goal we have to say we have to transform our society into one 100 clean energy and we can do it with a number of different pathways including fuel economy standards, appliance official standards. You said recently i would put up your environment record against anybody. Please do. Look, big picture too small. This issue is important to me. Im 39 years old and of a four yearold and a two yearold and my goal as a parent is to make sure that they have a planet that will be there for them in the same planet i was able to inherit and the fact is that while i believe the senator is right that there are now plenty of different policies ideas out there to try to address the warming climate that what we lack is in fact the political will to get there. I support the Green New Deal. I think it does frame the debate the right way and Carbon Neutral emissions and net zero emissions and carbonization, the approach ive taken is to ensure the communities that have borne the brunt of environmental degradation and Climate Change are put in the forefront like amenities like and specifically if you look at what ive done it is filed a bill last week to make sure communities are targeted for petrochemical that they have a greater ability to push back again. Weve worked with the communities to transform that economy for offshore wind and worked on that with senator markey. Weve been dedicated to the issues like combined sewage overflow so the ways that it impacts frontline communities and gateway cities spirit both of you have been supportive of those opposing citing the natural gas but one thing i dont quite understand youve taken money from blackrock which is a major investor in the compressor and you have according to dacian magazine close to 2 million in your portfolio of stocks and fossil fuels and does that not at least leave the appearance of some sort of conflict even if you say it will not affect why dont you divest in those and return that contribution starting with you, senator. Look, i went down to weymouth and stood with those citizens. I told them in the citizens of braintree and quincy that its a small piece of land where a Natural Gas Company wants like a straw that compressor station should not be there so they can ultimately move it up to maine to export that oil or natural gas most likely to china. What i have done is i have lead on that issue but i will tell you why. But youre taking money from the investor in the project. Look, i vote for my convictions. From my perspective what ive done is taken on that company. That company that wants to go to weymouth and im told absolutely not and i led the effort on that issue as well. Absolutely guaranteed there is no dispute which i will not be the leader and i will tell you, i lead on it because when i was a boy and i was in malden my mother told me not to swim in the malden river because of the Chemical Companies in the Coal Companies that were polluting the river and she said to me it would be unsafe to swim so wherever i see these Environmental Justice issues i stand up and i fight for those communities. I have done so for weymouth and i have taken on that company and i have told him absolutely under all circumstances right from the beginning that it should not happen. Why dont you divest of the Stock Holdings . There is not a single vote that anybody can point to that shows an Investment Holdings or have long held influenced by vote just once. If you look at my record with the fossil fuel companies its a strong is anyone else in congress. You cant find it. One less thing about Campaign Finance and then we turn you over to what we were intending. The charisma and his challenge you repeatedly, senator, to support a peoples pledge originated by, as you know, Elizabeth Warren years ago and virtually the same peoples pledge that you embraced in 2013 and 2014 and that it was good enough for your races then so why is it not good enough for this race in 2020 . Ive introduced a progressive peoples pledge 42020 so that we deal with the era of donald trump. Yet, we should have a pledge the keeps money and keeps out negative voices but we should welcome positive voices and we should welcome disclosed contributions so that environmentalists, womens groups, labor groups, lgbtq groups can speak in massachusetts. Its 2020. Donald trump is president did we need to have a new modern peoples, one for the trump era, its time for positive voices to speak. That is an exception that follows the rule but what we have asked and if it was good enough for senator markey back in 2013 and goodenough in 2014 and when massachusetts set the standard for kicking dark money out it is the same pledge now. You start making people adding voices we like who gets to decide which voices those are and who gets to say that the voices we are lack . Dark money, jim, is dark money. Massachusetts walk the walk when it comes to progressive values and we need to do it now. You open this door to this and you open the door to absolute lamplight of money coming in to electoral framework that we would be so proud. Very quick, who does decide what is positive and progressives and what is not . We need the voices to be positive. Who decides it . You will decide with the media will decide what we should have positive [inaudible conversations] no dark money. If it is not disclosed it should not be allowed in our space. It should be disclosed. Why wouldnt we [inaudible conversations] the media will come in and say its not so fox news could say it is but wgbh could say it is not . There is no rationale to this whatsoever. Jim, brought a point on this is a cant gain finance or form is one of the core issues for a democrat and for progressive values to try to make sure that you leveled the Playing Field so you can in fact empower the people that are hurting today across our country but you do not do this so how will you ever pass a Green New Deal if you allow also fuel industry to open up the spigot and flood the airwaves that is what this is about. We should not silence these progressive groups. We should not we should encourage them but we should celebrate their desire in the era of donald trump, in the white house, trying to destroy every one of our values that if they want to come into the space speak positively, disclose their Funding Sources and we should welcome and celebrate it but keep out the dark money and keep out the negative [inaudible conversations] the Koch Brothers, the number one opponent of Environmental Protection and environmental regulation can craft things in a positive way. That is what the senator is advocating for. There is no way this works, none. Lets talk about a couple Current Issues starting with immigration but you both condemned the customs and Border Patrol division to come into boston but what are you propose to do . A couple points on this. One, the way in which this administration has gone about targeting and vilifying the committee is one of the most opponent things i have seen certainly over the course of my time in office and i think the senator would agree. We have to ensure we continue to speak up and pushed back good has a proud history of integration in our country my own family are is an immigrant family and im proud of it. What we need to do is ensure that we are as not just elected officials but as members of our communities standing up, speeding up and rejecting the trump administrations efforts but more than that going to a place where we can in fact pass completions of immigration laws. The first fathers day with my son i spent on the border outside texas protesting the family separation policy as this administration ripped children from their parents and there is no way that is ever an answer for immigration. That is what this administration will do and that is what they will continue to do is scare and vilify and to tear this country apart and it means you have to go at this with everything youve got. That is the leadership i hope to bring. Yep, thank you. This is part of the donald trump policy of trying to make America Great again by making america hates again the swat teams the common are meant to terrorize immigrants. He has tried to take mexican immigrants, women of color an and when i announced for the senate six years ago i went up where my father grew up to knock on the door where the five markey brothers and sisters grew up. Who lives there now . A mexican family for the exits were different but the aspiration is the same for that family as the markey family. Donald trump is trying to terrorize those families in boston. Hes trying to make them afraid to answer the door and make sure the parents are separated from the children and to make it much less likely that they will cooperate with law foresman officials. I agree with the mayor of boston and i agree with rachel the District Attorney of suffolk county. We have to make boston a beacon on the hill and we have to make it stand for the freedom which it always has stood for and we have to fight donald trump every single step of the way and taken to court, not to operate but this is fundamentally a challenge to who we are as bostonians. But that is no way to stop them right now. I have to take them to court. We have to stop them in court but we have to introduce legislation so that we debated on the floor of the house and senate and try to move it as far as we can and as fast as we can to let them know he is accountable. I will let you know when tom announced that he would take kids who were and hospitals in massachusetts and deport them even though they had cancer i stood up and i bought them along with congresswoman presley and in two weeks we got trump to back down. You cant deport kids with cancer. I want in august on that issue and we have to do the same thing that is who we are. As you know interred 700,000 recipients brought to this country by the families and its relatively short order with the disposition of them is to be maybe three years ago Democratic Leaders in the senate went to the white house and said we will give you all 25 billion for your wall, president trump, if you return we get protection for the dreamers. Two quick questions. One, would you support the same deal meaning giving all the money for the wall and two, if you wouldnt what would you be willing to trade for the president and rob begins to protect the dreamers . Quickly. Here is what i would trade for it i would trade president s. Lets get rid of trump. Hes out of here. Okay . Lets get rid of this guy and get rid of Mitch Mcconnell and that is what this next eight months is about, about a referendum on this issue and about who we are as a country but he goes to the soul of who we are and that is what the president is doing. It is our response fully to make sure that this man is a footnote in history. [inaudible] democrats are willing to do that. I am not willing and we need the pathway for all 11 Million Immigrants in our country and we need to make sure that we protect the temporarily protected status of citizens or residents who are here from haiti and other countries but by the way, ive introduced legislation to lift up 95000 year number of refugees in our country and the president is only accepting 13000 this year and this is an absolute disgrace for each and every one of these issues weve got to get rid of trump, change the agenda for our country and put out the match for immigrants which is what has made America Great. You cannot make America Great by pulling people down. Make America Great spite lifting people up. Before we get or you get rid of donald trump what we do for the dreamers congressman . Jim, i went back and forth between Republican Leadership and our leadership a year ago when the house, we had the votes to pass a conditional piece of legislation to protect dreamers and tbs recipients and deported veterans. I got pretty strong relationships with republicans and some folks came to me and said can you negotiate and could you transfer methods to help which i did. Every time the response was the same. We hear this from the president all the time. By the time we make it from the capital to the white house he changes his mind. You cannot negotiate with a ghost. You cannot you are anticipating that the president says this is the deal, take it or leave it. Every time we engage in those conversations he changes. Every time. And so, we can get into hypotheticals as to what it would take but i went through those conversations relating those messages and every time when it came back to the rebellions to say have that address they balked. They know they can never [inaudible] we moved to another current event. There was a recent possible breakthrough between the u. S. And tell a man and could mean the end for the longest war in American History and the reduction of violence could have a drawdown from 13 states with american troops there starting with you, cumbersome and, should the president stop at 8000 or should all u. S. Troops be out of afghanistan or should we leave a multithousand Counterterrorism Force for the foreseeable futu future . Which is the preferred route . We need to bring our troops home. All of them . As many as we possibly can to ensure the safety of our country. Lets be clear, we have the ability to deploy rapidly if we need to and the president maintains broad conditional party to maintain our interests but lets be clear, we have been at war in afghanistan for the longest Armed Conflict in American History but two, we still have an extraordinary investigation done by the Washington Post that came out on the afghanistan and we still have no clear idea after 20 years what our mission is, what success looks like, how long it will take or the burden we put our men and women through. How long will we ask soldiers and our armed forces to go deploy overseas . To bring them home. The fact not even a small number there to protect what we have gained . Not everybody but a very small number . When i visited afghanistan i can see the incredible tensions still on the streets of that country and from my perspective i think that it is absolutely imperative that we remove troops. That we try to resolve this issue, negotiate a resolution of it. The taliban, u. S. Government, pakistan, they will all have to be involved if this will work and if we are going to protect this country from descending into chaos, which it did the last time the taliban had any kind of power in that country but it still has power but to completely remove the United States immediately it could jeopardize 50 of their population paid women in that country were living in terror in the taliban had total control but we cannot allow that to happen again. We should drawdown as many of the troops as we can, test any agreement to make sure that the protections which are put in place are working but until we are sure that that is the case we could, in fact, jeopardize once again, the lives of 50 of their population who will descend once again back into evil conditions medieval conditions which is how the child that was treating that population in that country. Do as much as you can while you guarantee that any agreement is in fact working. The senator has a long history in Foreign Policy areas so anything you would have done to family than what he is done . Yes, with response to this question first. The recent attack were servicemembers in afghanistan were killed was a green on blue attack killed by our allies. I visited troops in walter reed for injured for the rest of their lives by our allies but yes, we need to know we are protecting innocent civilians in afghanistan but we been doing it for 20 years at great cost. We are in the longest conflict in our nations history that was in afghanistan after 2001 and in 2002 we went to war with iraq. We are in iraq today still in that authorization to use military force in iraq was used to justify the elimination of the general, iranian general, offsite completely separate nation off of that had nothing to do with iraqs quest for weapons of mass destruction completely separate rationale for going to work. Yet that authorization was used to do so and keeps us in the middle east even today spirit that authorization was used by president obama to do drone strikes in yemen that killed 21 and you did not call for elimination then. Absolutely, jim britt ive been outspoken about the repealing authorization for the use of military force in 2001, 2002 for years. He is much more experience in foreignpolicy. And he voted [inaudible conversations] without a sense of provision to say a certain point you have to come back and justify it. Without a definition for success or what burden we put on the men and women in uniform and that is being used 20 years later but i met with a bunch of return veterans recently and heard from them as they talked about their mission overseas or in the middle east and one said that was my mission five years before. We still have no clarity as to what we are doing and that is a result of that vote. When he voted for you were in the minority of house of democrats and the authorized action and do you regret that vote, senator . Donald rumsfeld lied, dick cheney lied to the record people the presence of Nuclear Weapons in iraq. It was a false pretense to start a war. Im still angry about that lie to the american people. I regret that vote. It was a mistake but that is why everyday i work to make sure that donald trump cannot start a war on a false pretense with iran. That is why i lead with my legislation to make sure donald trump cannot start a nuclear war with north korea without prior authorization of the house and senate and that is why i lead on the Nuclear Weapons that donald trump wants to deploy which makes it more likely that we will actually have a viable, winnable war in the mind of donald trump. It is why the major peace groups, peace now, peace action, counsel for livable world but the peace groups have a better chance to look at both our records and they have endorsed me in this race because i am fighting donald trump and his reckless military policy every single day. Very simply, it was a rush to judgment. There was an attempt to have a vote that was forced, without complete information being given to the committee. So i protested that we werent being given the information, and i said im waiting until i get everything i need to know whether or not we should be bombing syria, we should be bombing assad for 60 days. And when i got all the information dish understood the consequences. I announced would vote no, not gift the authorization before that vote tame to the senate floor. So i made sure that i was not going to be put in a position where there would be a rush to judgment. You have two minutes more time so a little extra to you. Do you want to responsible to what the senator said. The lesson of iraq, one are many. Do goo into another country without knowing how you get out and weapon won fronted with the question, roughly ten years after that vote, the senator voted present. Not no, not yes. On a matter of war and peace, but present. And i think that record speaks for itself. Look it. 30 second. When you government does not give you all the information you need, and one senator says, im going to demand that all the other senators get the information they need, that was justen n the committee. Before we bring it out on the senate floor lets understand what the consequences are if we bomb in syria. But our young men and women at risk. So i led the evident to get the information led he effort to get the information and they then withdrew that resolution. So it was the disineffect tenant of that information which then made it impossible for them to get the vote to we have to move on. Not a disi infectant. Let him finish. A present vote. Its hard to for me to understand when a present vote is 15 second, senator. When youre hiding facts, when youre lying, without giving all the information to the american people, then somebody has to stand up. Then vote no. I did in order to ensure that on the issue we would not be pulled into another conflict in the middle east. Why not vote no as the congressman just suggested. Want ted give them the opportunity to present all the intelligence. They had not done so wasnt going to be a vote on the senate floor for another week. So i was demanding information be put out in the public so it could be understood by other senators. We have to move on. 2017 exploration of racism in boston found that black americans rated boston the least welcoming of eight major american cities. The wealth disparitiy figures but the wealth of white bostonons at 250,000 and only 8 for black bostonians. Nationally the number is much smaller. For latinos the wealth disparitiy is morning 100 to one here and 8 to one family. What specifically have you done, would you do, congressman, to change the situation for people of color here in boston. So, i a number of things. One, the statistic you cite indicate a terrible legacy from our commonwealth and the federal government at Racial Discrimination that persists to this day and the fact is that the desparity in the numbers, 247,000 for median net worth for a white household in greater boston, 8 for a familiar from and zero for dominican household, the result of intentional choices made by government, federal, state and local, and its not going to be resolved without intentional choices made by government, federal state and local, or to try to address it. One. Housing. The biggest reflection of that is the fact that after ten years of economic growth, a segment of the population wasntable to access the housing mark. Have to be deliberate and intentional thats federal government will make investment in and access to adorable housing and communitieses that have been redlined directly affected by housing policy. Look at the legacy of fha, the g. I. Bill, the way in which the federal government has systematically over years prejudiced films and minorities. Two zoning laws. Have to make sure you clear then zoning law that a prohibition but the ways people can actually build Housing Stock and actually accumulate wealth. Three, the issues around transportation. If youre trying to look at ways to actually get to work to get home, care nor a child, the 11 bus in chelsea takes you an hour to go three miles. Africanamericans spend 60 plus hours more per year on a bus that white people do in boston to get to work. 60 hours a year more. Just to get to work. These are the results of deliberate discrimination that have to be addressed and the federal government can do an awful lot about and we need too. A couple of things the federal government should be doing, senator. Well, i introduced legislation with Elizabeth Warren to construct 3 million Affordable Homes in our country. That will reduce the overall price of homes by 10 if we do that. To introduce a bill, 75 billioe number of Public Housing units in our country, so that its there its affordable and its modern. We have preCollege Tuition that we have Free Community College Tuition for people of color, for low income citizens in our country of, and that ultimately we change our transportation system. My father, when he drove a truck, used to go d get oat n bus get into solryline station and go over to the company to drive a truck. Thats how people live today. When transportation stilts dont two, the t doesnt work, dope have the bus lines into the communities which need it, then we have a big problem. I lived in my own house mitchell father got up to get on that bus every single day. So we have to make sure that we provide that kind of programs, and moreover, so much of this goes back to the original sin in our society, slavery. Thats why its so important that we have a debate on reparations. By the way the other debate we wave a debate how we have trited minorities in the country, especially those descended from slaves. They have a legacy of mistreatment that then manifests in imprisonment, lack of programs to help them to be able to achieve, and discrimination that still deeply built into our society. If we dont deal with reparations issue, dont deal with the massive incarceration of africanamerican and other minorities in our society, and then aftermath of that which results in these kind of income and wealth ditch spirities were not going disparity were not going to get to the core of the issue. You are theres been a local push to term to some form of rent control which would limit the amount of increases landlords can have. What do you think of that. I think anywhere i go across the state, housing costs, and access to housing is number one issue, whether in pitsfield, springfield, worcester, boston, anyplace in between so we have do do more to make sure housing is affordable. Spent as you know, a couple years as a legal aide volunteer in the housing courts in boston, trying to keep people in their homes and in the mit of the foreclosure crisis. You see the impact every day of a system that actually has fairly Robust Tenant protections but the challenge if people dont know or have access should we go back to rental control. Rent stages stabilization needs to be on the table. Rent control can be part of the debate it if youre looking for the statewide and systemic reforms necessary, investment in Affordable Housing and reforms to our infrastructure and public trends to make sure theres more housing that is affordable as well, and then the last piece, you have to address the other economic challenges in boston. Health care costs, cost of child karr, costs more to raise a child from birth to five than to send the kid to college at boston university. Rent control, yes or no senator. I would support any community that wants to impose rent control. If they believe local option. Local option. If they believe in their community that the housing costs have just spiraled, so far out of control, that its leading to an exodus of the poorest and the most vulnerable, that community should have a right to impose rent control and in order to stable is the communication. Were seen a gentrification across the state and across the country as well. We just have to deal with this as the dep epidemic chit is because housing, education, transportation, and breaking down of the discriminatory barriers that exist are actually at the heart of the issue. We have to make sure were giving the opportunities to every family but especially those who are black and brown. Grew up white. Now there are much higher areas than black lets clear. Very conscious of it and very conscious of the discriminatory barriers i did not have to deal with. Lets move on to health care. We have one of the lowestest uninsured rates in the country in massachusetts. You both i believe you are both supporting of medicare for all. Cogs that mean you support getting rid of the private insurance that 160 million americans have through their bosses, employers, including those people in unions that have negotiated these great Health Benefits and in their contracts . Lets start with you. We still have a Health Care Crisis in america. A sick care system, not a Health Care System. 30 million americans do not have health insurance. Health care bills are still the number one cause of bankruptcy in the United States. We spent twice as much money in the United States as other industrialized nations and we have the worst outcome for health. So were paying twice as much and not getting the answer. Thats why we need no deductibles no prescription bills. Why we need to ensure that transform the system so everybody gets the health care they need. Eliminate private insurance. Have to move towards a pathway in society. Debate it and do it correctly and do it in a way that causes the least disruption but we have to move towards that system. Thats a system that will keep costs low. But eliminating private insurance. Over time we have to move in that direction. The reason we have to move in that direction i have to hold you because the time is way out of whack. Congressman, get rid of private insurance. Lets start big in get there first off, the Health Care System for the richest most powerful nation on earth should be able to insure that every Single Person gets access to the care they need and the fact its that today, even in our country and even in our state, we dont. A couple statistics for you. 17 million insured patients in the country. Still ration access to medication. 26 of patients that depend on insulin, ration their insulin. 88 billion, the amount of medical debt last year alone. 812 billion, the amount of Health Care Dollars that go to administrative costs and not a dime of which actually makes your healthier. 252 billion. Investment that it made from our dollars into insurance companieses that nor turn back around into care. Heres the kicker, 12,000, the average amount every American Family spends for health care. Premiums, deduct ables, copays, 12,000 already. So, die think weeing can do bet . Absolutely. My uncle introduced a single pair bill on the floor of the United States senate in 1971. When you look at that speech, the factors, maternal more tate, infant mortality, life and expet tan si, when you look at theyre compared to other countries we have gotten worse. When you adjust them for income you fall through the floor. Die think that 50 more years of process is going to ensure that i will get access to great health care. That le mom, probably not. I think 50 years is long enough to say the process we have taken is leaving far too many folks behind. Bit bud care for a all scares people because they like the insurance despite problems and union people love their insurance. So would you favor taking that away . Two things. One, the debate has ended up in this odd litmus test whether you would allow private insurance or not. At the entire point of the bill is people get access to Better Health care at lower cost. We can do that lets try to actually do. That two theres no singer pair system in the world that has poly abowlished private insurance bait it is reflective of we better try to make sure that people do in fact get access to care. I have to be clear. Ow bought supported medicare for and all other than the buttigiegs of the world that say medicare for all who want it, youre not saying that. You do or do not support the essential elimination of private insurance over time. You said, yes, over time. Your your answer to that congressman. We need to make sure we provide access to care that we need, and i think we can try to do that without access to private insurance. Without access. Yes. Look it, we have a Health Care System that needs to be fixed. My mother contracted alzheimers, going to become senior class president , my grandmother died, my mother had to be the caregiver for the family greg up. My father a milkman and married my movement when she contracted alzheimers, my father said, it was an honor that your mother natured me. She was a brill want woman you have to help me to keep her in the living room here. And the right arm of the milkman is the strongest arm in the world. So, 82, 8 4 , 86, 88, 90, we kept her in the living room. Well, 15 million babyboomers will have alzheimers, medicare and medicaid bills will be equal to the Defense Budget that will bust the entire Health Care System in our country. Thats why ive led on the effort to fully Fund Research to find the cure for alzheimers bit the year 2025. Thats my legislation. Thats the law. We must find a cure by 2025, and if we dont, that issue alone will bankrupt the system. So, we have to look ahead, lead the way. Thats my legs on the books right now and its up to 2. 8 billion just this year in funding to find the cure. Was able to add 350 million more dollars in december to accomplish the goal. We have to give hope to every family that they have alzheimers solution that is on the way. Otherwise almost every babyboomer family will know someone with that disease. Talk about the president , your favorite person here. 25 them amendment determines that would dive a president is deemed either physically or mentally unit in to serve. That if became an issue really in the president s term and then Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein talked about getting cabinet members together to remove the president and then there was a 27 psychiatrists and psychologies who wrote a book talking about the president s malignant narcissism they thought these medical professionals made him unfit to serve. Senator, do you think the president is mentally unfit to serve . First of all, therapies not a chance in the world that the president s cabinet will remove him. Its sad to say that there are tens of millions of americans who agree with. The president on everything he does. Just saw that. On the senate floor. I sat there for two weeks, i heard everwhelming evidence that he had committed a high crime against the country, i looked over at the republican side, there was irrefutable evidence he had done so, and then we cast the vote, i stood twice and voted guilty to each one of the counts and the republicans, they acquitted him. So, to the extent to which we think that donald trump is wrong for the country, look, in the United States senate, in his cabinet, he has willing supine allies. Do you think he is mentally unfit. I think he has crazy ideas. Think this view of the world is absolutely a Rearview Mirror view of the world. For a country that never existed but i dont think nip my wife is a psychiatrist can evaluate anyone at a distance without examining them. I say his ideas or crazy. You know hat a colleague of yours from maryland has a bill together to compose a body authorized the composition of body who could make these kinds of determinationser in the 25th amendment. Do you think he is mentally fit for office, congressman . I dont think im not a doctor and i dont think im qualified to make that determination and ill leave that to at the professionals. What i will say is his actions alone disqualify him from office because the mueller report, is a clear indication of the fact he actually obstructed justice on multiple occasions and i i was a prosecutor. I had cases where people didnt have any evidence or witnesses, they were called pleas. That is what that should have been, and thats essentially what that was. So i the part here, i think is critical to understand the bigger picture, is that this president violates his oath of office to protect every single citizen in this country literally on a daily basis. What its incumbent for uses to ensheer youre doing everything you possibly can. We ended up in those impeachment proceed little with the oversight from the house of representatives because we were able to flip the house. We need ensheer were doing everything we can to hold if republicans are not going to abide by their oath as impartial jurors and you hold them to it and flip the senate. We have very little time so we need quick answers. A lot of people, democrats, think that and a lot 0 others think attorney general barr vie rate is leg oath of office he a woman youre supporting for president who says if he doesnt resign, he should be inpeople. Quickly should be be imheld. Yes. Should be impeached . I call for his rigs nation. Impeopled. I would actual live say that impeachment is the only way we can will do man who responds to a tweet from the president of the United States and changes the sentencing. The answer is yes. The department is in crisis. In the judicial statement. Two justices, consecutive supreme court, tilt to the right. The two are the oldest justices are liberals so the president could potentially affect the tilt for a generation or beyond. There are some president ial candidates who propose enlarging the size of the court. Quickly congressman, would you support such a move. I think the better alternative there is term limit Ford Supreme Court justices. The term climate us might need a constitutional amendment. Enlarging the size of the court could be done by a statute. I think term names is bess better way to go. Do you support enlarging the side of the court. We need a debate on changingg the supreme court. Term limits, away larging it. Im glad that Ruth Bader Ginsburg was not termlimited. Would you support enlarging the size . You said we should have a debate should democrats lead the charge for enlarging the size of the supreme court. Heres what i think we should do. I think that we should make sure that donald trump does not get reelected and have the next democratic president , after she is sworn in, name all the justices in 2021, 22, 23, 24, and that should be our republican near term ol to make sure he is out and we control the senate and can confirm the justices of the next president of the United States. Which will be a drop. You both support relief for student debt and some tuitionfree college should that be means tested or available to everybody whether theyre reality request or not. I believe. The bill ive supported and look, the premise is every single the commitment our country has made to every generation is you get a pathway to an education that gets you to a good quality job for free. And the reality of the circumstances at the moment we dont. So, i the pathway that i believe in is that we should eliminate student debt for 59 of all students, families of means, i dont think your taxpayer dollars should necessarily pay for my childrens education. The first in my family to go tocome. I had to be a commuter to d. C. , and i had to drive an Ice Cream Truck to earn my tuition. Without federal student loan is couldnt have gone to college. So, i identify with all these kids that have a backpack of debt they have to take out of the college they graduate from. So i do believe we should make it debtfree. I do believe we should have free commune college, Free Public University inside mas. For everybody or means tested. I would limit it. I dont think rich people should be getting flee tuition. Dont think that they should be qualified but i think we have to make sure we have a pathway for everybody else because for just about arch else it is so onerous that it becomes a way in which it changes the whole direction of an individuals life. I know that because i lived it. Without the loans i could not have made it. I was paying back my Student Loans in my third term in congress, thats how dependent i was on the program. Were out of time. Last question and this time is time enforced. End where we began, after having been informed by an hour or debate can you sum up, starting with you, senator, how you describe the differences between the two of you 45, seconds. Why you should be reexplored i would he should be fired and you should be hired in his place. 45 seconds, senator. I have led and delivered for the people of matthew stafford. If aisle of massachusetts. I would lead on a Green New Deal and get it passed in the next congress. Lead on the strongest possible Gun Legislation that can pass and make it the law of the land. Will lead and win legislation that fully funds and fining the cure for alzheimers so the plague is stopped before 15 million babyboomers have it. I will lead on the is and have been successful pass little legislation in this areas and will continue the effort to ensure that in the future children have to look to the history books to find there if was such a thing as alzheimers or Climate Change or a gun safety epidemic. Thank you. Congressman. Thank you for having us tonight and the opportunity to engage. We are at moment of crisis for our country, or Democratic Party and our commonwealth so many issues andesy,es, filing legislation and advocate the right way is a critical part of. The job but if theyre one lesson from todays washington, dc this is all about power and if you are serious but putting the people and the causes we care about first you have to take it. You have too have candidates going to and senators going to leverage every ounce of power that comes with a Massachusetts Senate seat to go out there and rebuild the bench to deliver on the structural changes necessary, ending the filibuster, the electoral college. Ten second. Campaign finance reform, keeping dark money. We can actually deliver on the ideals of a Green New Deal, of college, the voting right act and gerrymandering. All of the parts we need too address. Thank you, gentleman thank you for watching and listen. Thanks again to the candidates. Now you have an opportunity to thank. The yourselves, everybody in the room. [applause] primary election day is september 1st. Thank you so much for joining us. Good night. From an article in the hill today the latest poll neglect Massachusetts Senate democratic primary race shows that senator Edward Markey and congressman joe kennedy are in a virtual tie. 2 of the polled said they were undecided. Read more about this in the hill at the hill. Com. This week were featuring booktv programs. Tonight starting at 8 a. M. , terra westover recalls growing up in the idaho mountains and introduction to formal education at age 1. Then holocaust survivor reflects on his life and imprisonment at auschwitz. Followed by cassy chambers who looks back another their grandmother, aunt and mother who all grew up in poverty in appalachian. Enjoy book tv this week and every weekend on cspan2. Join us saturday at 6 00 p. M. Eastern for the results of the nevada caucuses. Precinct results, candidate speeches from joe biden, senators bernie sanders, Elizabeth Warren and amy klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg and tom steyer and your calls about campaign 2020. Live coverage on cspan, on demand at cspan. Org or listen live on the free cspan radio app. Next, a conversation with cindy mccain and Vicky Kennedy on their late husbands careers. Legacies and work in Public Service. Former massachusetts Lieutenant Governor kerry healy moderated the event from the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of politic. Its an hour. This afternoon were fortunate to have mrs. Cindy mccain and mrs. Vicki kennedy in conversation about Public Service and the legacy of Public Service, and of course, mrs. Mccain has dedicated her life to improving those who are less fortunate globally, doing significant global work in trafficking and other issues. The chair of the board or of the Mccain Institute for International Leadership at Arizona State university where she oversees the organizations focus on character driven

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